LAK>COUNTY INJDIPBNJDENT. FRIDAY, JULY 2lO' DEERFIED. The Ladiee' Misionerv Soeiety met Thureday afteruoon witb Mrm. F. E. ab~~ ' Mise Maude Redmond, ot Iowa, !0 ii.J'iitiug with Mrm J. L. Gibeon. 1 A numnber fromhber@ took the boat ride te Michigan City, Saturday. b&W to a P. Beckman and famlly entertaiued &a lia.i.msra" number of rieuds and relatives fr',m lâr Orly e at Chcago, Sunday.E mfdi 1V as nac. R. L. l3askins teok a tuie@s trili te Sat J:.. Benton Harbor, Saturday. par The St. Pauls Sunday sclieci will give B their aunual picuic Monday aterucen, tire July 5, in Mr. WVllm %nS grove. Every- wi one 18 cordially invitéd te be pre9ent. N PRAIRIE VIEW Knedler-Ray. A very pretty wedding teck place inu the Grace Erangelîcal ehureh, et Prairiei Vlew, JuDe 23, 19011, wben Miss Ethel Knedier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M&xion Kuedler, was united inu marriage1 wltb àMr. Will Ray, son et Mr. and Mr. 0. M. Ray. The service wae epened at 8 o'ctock In the eveninR Uv a wedding match played by Mise Olive Rjîzethaler, &cousin ofthie bride. The ushers, Jehn Rougesand Jean Ray, ceusins et the groom, stretched the ribbene ater whichi tIse tshere marcbed te the front lllewed b miese Susje Masot, maid of houer and ie, Tfllie Mitchell, brides maid. The bride then caume ln withbher father and wau met at the altar by the groem and hie brother, Lloyd Ray, be8t man. Tb@ ».. Koeneke theu stepped lorward and p.rfortned th@ marmlage ceremeny. The bride wore a gewn cf Perelan lawn, ber full Tulle veil wae caught witb ]files of the vallev; ehe carried a shower Ybouquet et white sweet peu@ and lilliem of thse valley. The uîaid cf houer and brides maid wore whte lawn. .tlter the. ceremeny the bridaI party and Invited guests went to the boeneoe the brides@ parents where a reception wae held. The h19U8e was beautitull.v decorated with roses and caruationd and thse happy couple received their gueste under a large fleral horse ehoe whicb w&@ ereeted lu eue corner cof the parlor. Âfter cengratulatieus the paty returned to the lawn where a large teut wae ,rfcted, a bofutiful repat wae laid en tii. long aud eautiiully decrated tables lor the 200 gueste. The Prairie View band reudered several electiens duriug thse eveulug. The bride ie widely knewn and very popular. The groom a youug m» o f sterling qualities, bas but rwmeutly bought the store at Diamend Li...sud ail wish them mucbh appinoes »ud succeSuthrough .lie', jeurney. -'Many beautiful and very useful presete were reeived. The happy couple lef s for a shbort weddiug trip thatevening. Tbey wIiIb. at home te their nsany friends atr July 15 at Diamefid Lake. TIer. *ere gueste from Ravenswoed, Park Rdge, Waukegan, Cicago, High- * l"ld Park, Blghwood and Lberty vile IMrsJunsLIIand dsughter, Ethel, î svbI$ed relatives at ths place &éît week. Chartes Towner and grad-daughter. Mis Isabel Bisîertadt viited at boe over Sunday. Miss Ruth Reicbelt entertained a number oet irl ftieuds' rem Chicage Satnrday. .Mr. aud Mrsq. C. Allart, cf Indiana, were tue gueste of tbe Reommel tamily Meuday. Abont twenty actes paseed threugb Deerteld, Mouday atterneen advertieing Waukegan Day whlrh will be beld J015 1, 6, 7. Mrs. Ed Bleiniebl and daugbter viited lu Waukegan, Weduesday. miss Irene Hutchisen le spendiug twe weeks' wth relatives in Waukegan. r ZIDWOZZH Miss Ethel Dletmeyer bas returned frem DeKalb Normal, where she grad- uated. She will teacb lu Waukegan next year. Misses TeFsie Cunninghani aînd NelI Welch vlsited Monday and Tuesday at MeCýanus. Tbe dance given in Brewes baIl Mou- day eveuîrlg for St. l'atric-k*e eburcli was well attended. Miss Etta Caruey, of Lihertyvile, visit- ed a few daye the pet week witb Mrs. Caehusere,. A great mauy Royal Niglîbors at- euded the banquet at 0 urDee, Saturday A tr@t-clase musical preg'rani will be given at the Reckefeller cliapelen Friday eveniug, July 1), by Evanten talent. The fllowing will partici pate: Mis Ailes Ries, vieliniet; Miss Cummings, soprano and Mr. Atemue. pianiet. Thev are almuelcians Io unusual abili- ty aud au excellent pregram, i. expecced. An admi.sien tee of 25 cents will be cbsrged. Notice.' Tht Lancaster farru at Reudeut wbich milI b ho slS St-tht Conty Conrt-Houes, Tueeday, July 6, et- one o'ctock wiii ho solS. lu parcels et 20 acres anS upwards in tract-s to suit tht purchaser. This is s deslirabteoepportuty forgetttug smuait larme at reasouable terrus. ue: ai fat WAUCONDA H. E. MAIMAN, C«oçspndent and Agtnt Hurrah fer t-be Feumth. Tht Saturday night dance@ are being argely attended. Eanl MeAndrewe, et McHenny, @peut l turday and Suday' wit-h hie grand- îrtnte, Mn. sud Mrs. Patrick Cennt-uey. B. H. Sodt, ot Barringion, spet t-h. [tot ft-ht week lu our village visithug ith H. E. Maiman. Mn. sud tirs. Reury WVerden wili leste ut Monday for a t-rip nbrough t-beteat id will visit t-hein son, Dr. Werden and mily lu Vermont. Mn. and Mr@. H. E. Malman ment Chicago visIters Tueeday. Mr"s. James Murray spent Moiîday and Tuesday sisiting mit-h relatives in tht city. She returned betue Tuesday even- iug accempauied by ber dsughter, Mises Net-t-le, mhc closeS ber ochool lu tht cit-y ast- eek anS milI speud ber sommer vacatien at home. Au automobile part-y et Libetyvilie 4tb of Juiy boomers weme e ntemulest Saturday spreading adventiiug posters for tht big celebratien they are te hbave at- Lake Eara, ou July 5th. Tht pre- muter s base iertrily arrasegeS a fine prognar for tht day and net-ing is being leIt- undouetot maire t-hie tht big eveut of tht season. Obitusmy of Mns. Griswold. liteS at ber home lu cor village fiat-un- day memniug, Jue Ot-h at 4 e'cloek at- the advanced age et 76 years, 2 menthe and 1 day. Crdelia Hill Oisweld mae humn April 17, 1833, at Aebt-ôbuln, . anS mhen nine years et age camne mit-h parente t-o Wayne C., aud Int-er te Lake Hlm Translation. A dlgnified eIder of au Auntrallan chtircb mù peidlng et a charitable concert A Msa Brown mas to elug "Oms Pro Noble," but at tht lest m- ment abe cbanged hem mlud, sud sanet was passtd te the chairman lntimatlng that she wouhd give "The Song That Reacbed My Hteart" He tberefome umade tht following au- nuccment: "Mise Brown wili nov mfng 'Ora Pro Nobis,' wblcb, belns' translateS, menus 'Tht Song That Rtached My Heat'"-London Chron- No Hurry. Ht-Thon youobave decldtd t-o accept the proffer of my beunt sud band? Set-Yes, Star. He-Tbankst You bave made use the bappiest cf men, but-w me ot bave orne regard for the ld maxtus sud nat be naftned ine haute. Sbs-Don't worry about t-bat. 1 arn pefectly mllling te vait thil uext 'wek-Los Angeles Times. Ce. wbere shne orew te mornanhood udwhen t-wenty-two yepirset age mas nulted u muarn wllmî-h Charlos Gniewod, w~o prsd rd on te hobettor home esvente.n years ago, sInce whlcb Mnm..Grlswatd bhs heen the foudont et mot-hrs to s lange tsmils et oue and dsugrhtors vbe ote ber hadl never reachesi the ago wbene usther's attention anS asivice and cans emenonelanger nectsssry; sud oeeof t-be last acte et her closiug lite was te arrange for thein moitant as tbougb tbey were yet chldreu. Tho sans art Calvin, Henry, Clton, Capit-tua sud Clîfford sud t-be daughters are Mms. Set-b Turner, et rsystake; Mms. Wm, Ebuluger and Airs. DerYef thie place, the latter being a widow badl toud swehcomo lun the mother's home wbere ail thbe sous exoept Clifford bave aise rededo. Clitterd i8 a resident et St. Paul sud hadl coeeere te sec is methen only lest meek whlch ne doubt prevesi a source et cefrutr in lier ]est days. Mes. Oriewold was a woian (if quiet- cententes ind fiudiug hi-m grerteet pleasure lu t-ho tact vinat so mxny otber cildreu mtmained îînden t-le parental roof. She mas ct rich iu land îor mouey but hasi about ail hem simple tasies desired. fier sous and danghters were gond te, ber aud who atter ail is icher t-bau she mas for mhat le hetter t-bsn kinS sons, leving daughtems and trieudiy neighhore aud good heait-litbrcîugh al t-be yesrs et eîd age. Hen futraI was held trîîm t-be Met-ho- diet chuncb Meuday attemnoon lue 21, ut 1:810 e'click, Rev. Pierr-e, of Bevidere, officiating sud delii-ered a sermon fulcil feeling. tîtiai mas made lu t-bs tamily let- lu tire Vauconda crieter'. A Sweli Affair. A New Yorkem mhio made a vîsît te thet Cobalt district lu Canada mas dee-. ly Impressed by tht report he bernSoe a fasblouabie meddlng lu tht back eount-ny. Tmo habitants met on thbe train aud teek thtesett udt te bis. "Ah, Antoine," oeeof theus excîstsesi, "tel ycu 'ave bonly heem ai Seets mesi ding of Pierre Coubertin a' Emîlle La Roche ye shail nevatre fonget item. Se gentil! Se mooch luxtiry! fH'evtry oeego 'appy au' so grand an' fluet Titenk of est, Antonlu-h'tvery oe wean de Prince h'Aibert pants su' dmeuk de real ginger aie!" Feleys EHney and Tam ucit- cuitstops chrenie coughs that weaken tht cou- et-tution sud devel,,p itteceneump. tien, but beals and etreugt-hens tht longs, lt-attends cemlîrt- sud relief lu tht werst caseof choic bronchitie, aastbms, bay fever sud long trouble. FRÂNx B. LoIvELL. gllu= Cof.. SDoane and Arithriatio. Tint t-be efforts of teachers te do Weil by t-heIn sehelans are otten rmis- uuderstoed by parents la lllustrated by su àrnuelug Incideut w.hlh occarnesi Ln one of the achool.. A Ilttte girl Who boit juat been promoted t-e the second grade woa havlng groat dimfculty wlth the. simple sumo alu arthmtlc whlcb ber t-cacher gave ber. tii. latter teck the, girl solde and trled te explain ta ber hav addition. mubtractloo, etc.. abould b. dous. 8h. mbowed t-he girl bow ta, do these uma by taklng smre lit-Us objecta and making the actuai pbyotcaichanges lndlcatod, se secur- ing tihe destIred renaît Ten she calS. "Tell yoon mot-ber ta give yen tweut7 coffae beans and toits them sncb avec- Iug when yon nit davu ta do your te'- sano." Tht next day t-be litte girl camte te achool sud at once acugbit eut bier tenchen. "Mausma wauts te know Whiher 1 am ta take the ccffee beans xed wltb waier or ta, ssallow t-hem virole."1 she sald. A vIit sud persenal explanathen te tbe mother were need- ed befone tbe matier mas finalty .tralgbteued eutand now the littie girl le Improved greatly In her alts- mette witbcnt any Internat aId of ce!- tee beana.-Pbulsdelphla Record. Stll Serîsys Un Wltchcnsft. A belle! ln wltcbcraft stII prevails lu parts of Lanc 'ashme, Eugland; ale lu the Iole cf bMan sud stIlI use strongly lu thet Hebrldes. A wrlier lu Chambers' Journal gtves noeeInter- estlng anecdotes et tht superstitions -wblcb pensslt amoug tht Hebrldeans. Bellef lu mltchcrnft te sald te have a "lstroug sud living bolS" on semaeto the people of these enter tales. An In- stance ha given of a case heard before thbe Stornoway ab-emtff's court net mauy years ago. lu wbirh mttesses depeered te there bcbng severiti -iitches lu the township,.oeeof wbom wns charged witb se bewltcblng coma itint thtesuh- stanece of thet-r mtlk prmnard Inito the mlti ef the wttcb's cem. The hîmehand of the alleged wîtcb stated tlncecu-t that mien bc beard tht rumorn about bis mite bc got ibreae ofthe coustablee of the township te corne aud examitne his cow's stl te ste If It eme nay richer t-haotnousI, as wculd be the case LIf the substance of 4.s cem's mlk wene prescut lu hi. Other trI- deure of this remarksble trausubstan- tdation was given. Tht sheri1f mIdI- culed t-be netion of wttchcnat. but the St-orueweglans stuck te It wtth mise- luto falth. Mns. Oreene--Charles.I m, asstlon- labed ut the way yoD des-onmed that asalad tonigbL You know yeu ulways .ald yOD detested salad. Mr. Gr-cene--Tes. love, but 1 I Sdut kmmew thnt thtre was another way ef rnakug Ut t-hon yours.-Boston Tran- script. Weddhug tatlonery doue aSthtei INDPENDENT orntes la correct. aureou Dan druif Why? Because it is annoying, untidy. And mostlY, becauste it mimost invariably leads to baldness. Cure ic, and scve your hair. Get more, tofi, 2t the same time. Ailleasily donc with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Iniproved formula. Stop this formation of dandruif D8'E . MILLR. Attorney. NOTICE OF THE PRO POSE 0 CHANGE OF THE NAME 0F "VILLAGE OF ROCKEFELLER" TO 'VH..LAGE 0F AREA.-' Public notice i. hereby given that- a change of t-ho Dame et the-h'Village et Rockefeler" t-o "Village of Area basl been pra id for by a petition sfMed hy the quaifled electoe-ofeteaid vllage cf Rockefeler, eqoal lu number te eue-hall ot those who veted for the officers tlere. in an the at eletlon, and than the saisi petition bas hotu preeented t j)tihe cerperste authomittes et the V'ilage et Rockefeller, accompanled by a cent-i cane et the Secretamy of fit-te stttug foten thatouccliDame "Village et Ares' bas non been adopted ehsewhereshn thie et-ste. Funt-her notice i. hereby giron ibat thte cerperate onthoritiee cf said Village of Rockefeller have thxed Mouday the 12th dayeof July, A. D. 11>09, eat elght 18) oelock p. ms. at thbe village board reome ever Mecliides hardware store, in said Village cf RikLetelter. as the lime sud place wben action ou said petiticu mili be badl. at whlrh tiare remoustrauces. fl auy will ho heard. fiated at ltcckpteller, Illinois, this 22nd day et J une, A. D. 19109. S. L. Teter', President of the Village of hlockefeller. .ttek§t Tý .Frr , Village Clerk. fCorporatel ISeal 1 39-3 The ncs' ?.r m'a ll:ir'iîgr"1rtiairlY do i s wr-,becaiîsc, be t ofail, Il de- lstroy-, the germes whieh arc tht original caus" utdandrvff. Having gli* ý;s aid, na ture com -le l ie cur--, T..;-os lp il -M LI iy 155J. C. ',L.. .M. Adjudication Notice. __________________________________ Gr.,er. deceaird e Il ttted tihe Ciuît ycour' ot Lake Cnuity as teu.threutAte teehoiden at A suscrptin phl n avane 1the Court tsuae lu Wauk*gAu. leealdc,,unty1 on A~~~~~~~~~ "u rpln Iai l dac e OCth@ irMotday of Septereher test. t-ti',wiieu ltke the glaîîce et a pretty girl. It aud ihere &li persoine at claire, arzalut ceets no mere sud niakes yeu feelet 'id Estate aeen.tifleSd aeet.ed t) pr"enet geod. Try it once-te ibHe crIptlon ' eÀMe MECL StWAy ER, Àdminidtrator tn adivance. Wa,keg&su Jone 21.1900 391 HERTEIJS PARK Hall Day, 111. DAN CI N G. SATURDAY AND MONDAY JULY 3AND 5 DANCING FLOOR REBUILT 70xl00 feet, and ils covered with a manimoth tent. EVERY ACCOMMODATION for the Comafort of Our Patrons. lbrotber aud famlly, Mr. and Mr&.SOSSSSB~SSBO pred Trowuer. B aa.aaaeas Robrt Roues visited ai Wankegau , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchingsen and Chîldren s uday with Mir.and Mr@. Joihn Jr.spn Sna>ut- ~RAD4TH 0F JULY CELEBRATION relatives at Palatine. Mr. and Mrs. (leore Mitchell sud d gheLuelts, are v itinug relatives Ob~ Mire. Geo. Ot. S. is vstîug ber daughter lu the City. O. a k e Vl a ,I l ni l'ae Foeot, s tsa day lat wesk os t-h ' twer brother , re.d Tewuer J, the. BineraI et their friend, Mre 'I elle at .' Ivanhoe. Tue#day. " Roy Wilson aud family bave taken up ~ their residence lu Lake Zumich tom the i i summer. Iwu M .iss etraudbis brother-in-VU O N D A Y J. Wiliams, of Racine, recetly. M A Mie@Berta Togleri@ reevering reus:7 ber eevere illuess and wlll soen le able J. Aeon. Brigas setrauu I Under the A uspices of the Lake Villa Business Men__ siter romus enecticun. b7. Mr. and Mm. Win. Schnîtzer aud aw" Such as frindsin ew hthgolad AM USEM ENTS . 0F ALL KI NDS Sack Races, Running Races, Etc. Etc. ~ Mise Frances Allen leteàn ew weeks witb f riende lu waucîînda. 1 - y g % ,N Mme. Brooks. erganizer of the Royal Neigbboms mîlI Le in ton n to )ganze a AI U iI S local camp thie meek .. Ivv BI>1 1 1. Mm. Heise ane, Missesa Fran -e Allen, *w- Grace VauH,,rmuand Pearl Smith sang in inb Chiago Fetvcu otu ud^ rîm Two Gamles of Bail Be teen Some of the Strongest Teams of this Part of the CountryJ, One in the rorenoon ~ and One in the Afternoon, will be a feature of the Dayp's Entertainment. Auttion Sale. Br6ving eold uy lain i etute I u Warrent-eu uear Warrrî t i tatioer 4 O - mil.. weet Wauke a l eIat 1uT-E FORT DEARBORN BAND WILL FURNJSH MUSJC mLrbi ution en Wcdu edayiýJýuly 7 «r a09. Cmmenciug at I1 I L camp i- th fisevyeing pQe 3 4gilinchi.,;gasDuring the Entire Day tise&v oleipriperty mivng l:k h ,n'o boree, - yeare aId; Srbuettler tartei ,ý. nwithbox sud ack, epmîeg ii oD rab r tire, double sete I surret y; o . .J.C rbn[o .A.Kfle ir . double haraffl, heavv stug!e h aresm jf.J .Co bnS EKR Slo .A K tan- Isay rake,,herse cultîvator, ban *às- ChEK ESicagokga ,,tor, arden geeder, cern grînder. '- n becuttr. 300umewbr, oshller, i':;- And Other Prominent Sekeswill Address the Gathering esznspar5tor 200egg incubator and f> 150 C. icO h kensi, parler suite, w-LA E Mû-si.rocerrockng chair, wambh ,- bnevinacampsauet, M DANCING AFTERNOON AND EVEI~NNG LOOK FOR PROGRAMSLA R oa e = otte I e, mpeanl sd Ow iid rebo mil autesno e li eri wt... Tar o AL-il om -ei$0 u e t on n acumeftua t-omention. cfn»Usr ol b. Ufl a rediodbtk IRE WO:RKS IN THEB EVENIN~ able matté brng 6 ver cet luterest. * P. pr smr A uti tiedfor.. reinS e~ i - ~i. i 'e ce S LÂLJ4~I~ lice .t il. -t - e 1 b 5-