CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1909, p. 8

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I O!ELECTRIc ROA Op)ning of Indian eservations I ~If Prot Rctlver. Ne.d Cinchn r N e w gument That Thelr Road Shouid b. Regitratios, JoIy 15 te Augusi 5, l>. Drawimg, Aagst , 1"9 W aukegan ENeened teParl Hors i e is m Temper of People Along Sheridan É I RA ONfr1 0 ce emsith AUATCS N TROUBLE cent tlimes of samal po oiate yR NA A A St o CityisExtremsîy Favorable lYla$lseud 2*tservstost (650,000 ocre) - . .a isuu ot fa.a aucce ftul aci ctd per 500 S ARTIED B OYS forLExtensions Thora. Coeur d'Ais e Regvation(200,000 OCCOSi -aitCoeur acloue53, lIB. WITl I10DOCTOR *Il oIdecil frtnae tat Wall - poksnO e ieqervation (50,000) e - t Spokane iS oh -kegansb ud bav ualpxofa hasBti eisscesu Arn e Liti Gil acfidnsPr t m ue ae a pae n M shlef m aking boy* Monday A iaton for a spur of the FrOt Any qualfied applcant cau register for a 6c-acre fallu on ail three of these reseratona l fhel ucea ^of tted rld byApoS edlauPton-'abi b e greaetesai patentsmor ng tarted a Chicago à Mil- elecrie ine t0th icCty Park took a in the dawing o a faret on ne reservation, lie canan file au application for laud o the otle'ecau nouee e d of Z o t ut ysnb e metoS wauke Electric Raîîroad ConP&- new angle of diffusion Saturday whec0 19) clans lnd Lfîttî Gi ny, u t s e n have d I onh ay f fly car whiCh w us standing un- aie ot the reidents rof Sheridan IO M ESEEKERS' RO UJND-TRIP rA RE . Julu 20, 1 0 clan in d Ledtle GFl acture Oerove apae slton ne t e guarded on the Washington *tract ruad, as fat up nurîl asa a"Ille fronTvla h Pai an Rduc Factre.Oter e aila boc. %e outl cnfne ie tracks idway betwoonEfl Lctrir te park, caume alung wth a Melig Rpilddiseaseesl. HalneRpre.Thi 8tesusac f an Intel Park and the culvert, on a mad souggestion tbat if the Frost electrie vhis the -icw with HlýIt Coflii lojI career enstwuid, and lyvsa might jcones f0te eark tibis' iilaý dîire hiag kiiapg romn the hlstory of Kîgîo i>an11pxstao. have been toat had tl net been for * fîrtbeir ,111 past thth bonitesand Zion City two Years agO reads the ________ the tiimîly bravery of Motorman MoZo Cî.R ilw t a ukeeI S t.0P aul account of the meeting@ of the d P N Blly Wlliams of a wiest bound Th t e t proîlîle ant argumenictt v V ~ i '~ -Gf fTnussect nowbeing LIMIT DiGGAGE ON Tlcar. for th e ilro t u10exteîd, or, Inîwa coert forInOvio.MONTHILY TICKETS -'case la od drcsîîot dese 10t XýR il "Aposies"of Uc Tht cal tha Uic ots tar ig ilnd oth.- Chicago, \Xaîîkcgan and hmand the Greenhalgh and history of the Northwstern road Ilrackiitittugelbuy ndMissoul Kalip4il Coeur d'Altt sSpokanut hsm I , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trcslasI nlgt lîcar nine, nîacolng nonIoga etoelhîyndd R.urmd(tus d Rtu adeur Thocnpson cases are holding big in Waukegan ha& ]uet bien Issued Daîloh Brotherbood peknîckers for ,,,rtè'ife plans toi buildinîg north la_____________and_________________________ m e e t in g s a t A ll ia n c e a d m a y t o ta k e e ff e c t l t . ib r e t o r o u r bh u r . a l o n g t h e l a k e slio . C h c g o . . . . . . . . . . . . .I I I I *# a 1 i ii * ii l r o1>$ 5 7 , 5 0 are snld te be getting th. sanme oid The car hlld been letf unguaî'ded Tht- favorable talk (iffile Shîeridan Freturf ........i. 31,7ii3.755 M, 6. I"gift" 'whlch la consldered go If limite the number of bgBu tr trIcýit Sre n ago os rn epeotiete i iec m ................ -)i 5 0- crude adpa nZo IYnw. cîcig ncmuaiandndPau Idi t0 have oldw h o-Sattirday morniiig as a surprise as ho- RC slnî..... althouhh sometimonacommhtationmonnhle icketsd vathttthelcou-111 monhlyticet$and la n rule of à Iroler unti1)tbe car started, vitenockIslafore..ibis....e..lave althoug sema imO &gothe pe- Il saeckets foretiisfocethaeetnt-fivieuteil Ticket pe of Zion are sald ta have gîven rait Iron nature thai witl meet hoppd offand lied. he oic3nd>1 50 O_____siInfll iecin.àgoi frt *9Ow te Parham ftobieu. handkoer- probabiy wth disapprovai. railrtîsîmnlare nov' Seeking them . The original lplait was 1tuhîîiid a Lw-areecUsons10N rl aii os 'iIts ilî siop-Ov11cr riilirgte, arc adilatllefor trips 10 aliove chlfs hlh h ws t sed ati Te sops tkenfolowfl an \'hil luaca areî lid andl sîur along Northi avenue tuf0Grecn- registrationlpotgf. chiefs whih ha was t senti bac The @top a takenrf aowiigtanonal carforuîatiow Foaaiiuîinfarnfsrmaniofabort uaas (in traindaervictrnroutesce r iutes, ec , isec th reittrfîtkicketagenn frore the Holy Lnd where h- visas unheeded threat made some tnie wiihoilt any'onue 0o il towards th1e wood aventue, lrîiucl lus c Greeiiwofd of the Chicago, Milwauakee & ai. Paul Melway, "c write Ici W INO gohng te ilnd the ark of the Cove- tg 1 the efleci thai people whO tast, a car In charge ofl Motoî n an 1111- andî a hîrîvale rit-lt iof way, nov. glyW.W.WI1O nahe ck.iod baggege on ihir commru- yWîinscm bSfoiîe'aet îtev a suca il ndstop - . ILR, o.numl J.'sesienger Ageni, Chicago, or )iviérioi asanger Agent Alliance, 0., iline 29. Tht- continu- tation ticet nd"*nfald e crossed the Colvert, amind liiig bi-aaw îOellsgirianra DacahdifOdrff uns excîl-emeili aI flic Gifi of nuethe tlckîte, taking the ciectri t uîasrîs Edison Courit.Officer Lyon wxants flic fini! cýtt-iiic'd iorilî, mut-fi- Tongbes-5 camp was greatîs inreased radmmd "nted, would be cut off ihooiiîd aheqd îhe waruing 1hat a wl nite-Is, and If tut'. Frot iecccl',rs nccd' toilay wben fwo surgeons offiltehistys froith:e privilege- car Wasl comîîîg and iii.' roturilSO cd a clincher Ini îiî iNo if ficle, iînd ciasbed with fbc secf leaders oItr the ,Ils"""ordertattake cffcct JulY gpli the meîssage-, alith e resul irita, aulur, ei, it lis,---- .. ---- efficacy of the stct trt-atuiicit on a lit latiltht-number ot fret- baggage check- whblie Officer Lytîns coul nul catch_________ tgirl wtbo bruike ber ari while play- Inga un commrutation aîîd conthîs h- aNilra Witllams jîimped Professionai Corde i The cbild, a daungter ot Rt-v.W. ralroad la strictis' iited andl action 10 the front i cu, andl broîigbt1the car NltlikllltS ici Juli rE. Harrison or Toronto, stho is said le faken te pretvent Xaikgsil and tf0astop.Brombeck, a weiitiiy saloon keepel' W.5H. 3IULDLI *RJ. ,ja101 Ie not tuelic abtlit-ver In tht- faifh, Io otber peopîle on the fine of the road Had if rashel oic,in1îlerccivt-d Ifof(Chilcago IHeigîta, us sdiouvned to- Si-tiîiiy n attending hemetnsiulîedhomîorigide opay e fe uihthvetuîisvra iîienth Far Wie aeBrmei nd MliV nga,]Fr rkWir mother. unn accusa the- grounds baggage and tht-n talOnS the- tltddt west going car, as th-rt- wcrc paion- J. 1 h noun noftiicaeil were cr0ss- tisnaffernoun thec uttle girl telI, frac- cars to Chicago snd other points. es bnP e taeadtedn ng thet aise ro a iowîboaItoeBroni LlL[iTY\ ILI.E, ILLII 'IIs ti~ U turing two boellesofbt-r arto. Bbc Tht- orders In substance affect Walu- gir vss vers' rt-si heck's sunnier hiîii, liait a miles< I ILI 1 wun taken te tht- îcct's mot-r rooni kegan andl stations south to Chiciago, Tht- excting chapter of Incidenta norfh o!ftBien NiaeDjulil, wben the-sas- D.O UTRIL, OK i 'N N>I113 ~ sLl lh- flic th failli vas applit-i. "Apos- Barringtun and stations soutb tu Chi- îook place near nîne tIlefs. lon keeper nîlseîi a stroke wlth the R ,F t-EFED iyrN N)IAE vhere ~ ~~~~~~~~VETEBINAPêY SURGEON. 0 <IîA! \I )li >X)~l'u< fies" Lupton suoo announceil lu the- cage and \West Chicago and Stations _________oe sad felI overboaid. Johnonuiltrill((KILN AD1,I )DR valtlng crovil Ibat thec cbld vas eut lu Chicago, cd tht- boat around, btuîBronîhtck 5J5I5TÂ1T 8TATB VET&5JMAIÂ5. 0 )h OI ~ ItII -' , txii! i heeleil. but a frien t-ni th e Harrisuna, Tht-y provide ïbat beecatter tickets Swnlr ia Git.s then tl-nyards a4asy snd sank be- ~ Lihertyvihs. Ilîlinois. <0 doubling, calleil bIn to sungeuns. The- shali eal for a limiteil number of bag- Thomas Grant uf Chicago ple'îded fort- Johnîson uîuld i esîb filmi ___SE__ICIOliNSu Iii!I d G A ii!>, pbysiciaiis pronouneccilthbearm Inbail gage bt-cldngs oniy sud thet- abula' guilts' af Kankalit--Satiîcdîiy te a Bromheck vass 55 eaîaoni. Ht-NVSlilAR condition,. vithout more ale applied ion of ticettsandolcheckingi tht-y charge of conspirses' t0 swlndie Iwo was knuwn f0 be a pour swlnînivl DR. A. IH. CHIURCHILL an aoeathdtic and worked lu reduct- cali for bt-iniOZJuls' 1sfteaas fol' Kankakeet- ounts' -rui-laLy Dit-ans 3Hans' resorteris jtnî-d the- lt- sav- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON b< thse fracture. t owa; of a "faite' wrt-tliflg match. Grant Ing crew hn dragglîîg for the- body, but Ohecetir Butler Uitct, coer isiti &iDtuas mvsit-e< LET US FIGURE WITH YOU .__.______-_tise Eye. Esc, No. andMmluat I M bdbienncg11edcramember ef tht- cuit îtaled later that ttofIlniCuyofLka:F O thée chUli suffered great pain alter In tht- Circuit Couret of Lake Counîty LBRY L LIOSS c lia i ic theegla ciers let-f, andl th af a secondGereH ot v.J h D.Nln taMi trelmeu va appicil A icalnlug, John H. ls,>ning as Adîîiîis- IA. K.( STEARN>S < artist vette1 thet rounds fe skttch L U S rator o!f1e citait- of James E. N7150 LAWYER bI'I< 4 NO t»e-girl, m an foldile W"h e vltoning, deceaseil, James P. Johnson, 218 WashingtOn Stret(IO I.JL o tisere, Dot)isy' Johnison and William Ayllng Oancga Otht-r taes of wundrous hcaliflg sdJh yEn prnràs yigLIBERTYVILLE, ILL vere lqday cec,îlated about tht- camp. iTmH E O P T IC IA NBr-otihers, Gel Ko 3762. PonO76 Ont- voulanChalasbllevos acarce- Publicnotice i4 ht-rt-bs' gît-hal '"- ly able lu walk vht-n s11e rt-ached te by v cîne of au order and decret- t-si DR, C. R, GALLOWAY, @ @ O b b O b b b b b b b b b b growe, ut eclxes be as nstntt-rt- i tht- ahove etiiIted ceste rPrICS ovER LOVLLI O DUI> TORE. grobid. b terealea nt Thl-oeliruinut 4ourt at tht- Marcb A. D, ous-froni 1 tu 8 and 6 tu 8 p. m. "____________wu]____net_ _a____________________________ 1109 fittrt-e Il-oderigiiel Master Lb~vls îion suite have hteun secuireil fronm the Min- List cf Checkhnge. I va sentt-oted lueServe fit-e days In fin e s t icourt will, on Tut-s locations ln thse 'upper roomi of tht- 10 ride tickets- h5 baggage check- jand olte lsy a fine ut $25. Ht- Io las'tht- IcI day of August A. I. 191>'9, at miainhmbtlithe mlV bers conIi5 g2ý ielckt-' bgug ce anted ai Streator Ihi., on a simitar 1te bouu of îoiie-o'clock in the-latter- DR. EDW. V. SMITH1 P E C IA L N O uT I C E veseamngthraIvs ih n ir 25rie iccts-l) agag cec-charge"'prnial n uh ooi of raid day, at tht- East Main En-Generol Practic of.mystei7 about tht- privat- doingsia nga hekîgsGrant, one of tt îioasi t ht-titfr ou i-thCourt Houne 11 ileityt ît'-To Users of North Shore Electric Co. Service cf thie'-power. sbotl-0Cbeig.alegt-d affempt f0 vie-luire Bruce of Wauluegsil, li sait Couits'ofl habit-(ov- Lc &i1uuîuysi1u TIe meutlitrain ta beinuing lu 25 ride îiyidual-1'> cheeklngs. Franklin aud Deck Barnett, Chebanat- sud Statt- of Illinois St-l af publice'OfficeN hav pot-hsLucelOuu&EIcefi'i Fat rou, wiîcl wehav t-lopon matif about theCcamp. Hans Tht-]iraithba aways lt-tn 150 1 lamiers-, In s confidence gale, clalto vendue tii ahinîuband tWitht- high- 'q %,A'rNTI)Nar aveîl o ljaî fouca îf lrersjila tii11-oli, îuicirw i ai.t , . pomeraa*ho attendeil the- met-Itipuxdg tlgagfrîte thh-rds. te bl a gol nt-ual as a ightwehghit est sud b-b ilir tt- iiius.ilgdc-(,bu'N '4 îitI IlE u tta 'ir Jat evenianom 530letf, se heartre-xdtog This ms nvbe rakeu inî ont- fightcr aud wrestler of British ('oluni' scu Led and sud r-aI est-aie stoatel IE i ueyFEN)rrtlIiru vas the sct-ne enacted by thofe about checking or aIl at une, at-condiS to 'lis, tht-plan of Ely', lig companlon, l iiIilr'u ae Sfl ttae te' bsiloucutme '-siîgItk aautg.hti5fY, tht-atter. Todas' a large Ilte7uuhan Uit -11i1 of tht- indvidulalathough sud Grant bcbng, it la sutîliosi-i, tuIInteCo uity ofLaeanHtl ) sJlucudse of oai. oiierc esli-iiig'o tatk >c'iaterî t iim 21h., ata-ect car woetyd 14fW a spetu-r i uevaries, have t-lit-er Franklin or barnett, pue- l HE VE houd apt- sooth t-astr îjosrit-i utiet, plilit Louisville, where t-Apostlt-' Luptoul iHave Places for Punches, eis'y both, bat-k binoiIn a fake fight or sectioni fuuricu 1n14) ut Tu'ownhIlu LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS omtductet s baptismal service aI a On the- bat-liao! tht- ticketsnaeiwrstig ath 0 cure Grant Forts' Six î4i,î Northu, Range NiSi ____ UA,éA £lA9AZ araisrtiTlimtet-npt-mous vert tgning Jais' 1sftsuIia1îpear spacer wouid loge anl the m0iit-y sould go Fatclti-iujdpicpl7trda D.GLIGf@ t o r ~ ~ iu ~ O fPn placed under thc watt-r. Whle tefiealor rides.Tht-se arc for tht- bag tuo sosie pal, aftterwaads tu le Split aî i'ilcla fîlw:leiiigD- - - --T1Ilor N (asot-c .u Wac oma nyII Immersion vas golng on Uioaeabutgage checkilge that tht- ticket t-lils ht-tv -catht- gng andiS a I ltt-iod, iuts fit-Idws:Blchîinii ETS tise bank conIducted a song sol supî,.'for sud esis.c imettht- baggagt- lae ________ 1ii >îcilsdstvus I ii Houres8 tu12 a.uu 1 ttuf p.m. aiibonservice.ch1 cHospsiBal Quncbmark lemalt- l, t usîsu ,od three-huiodre-iasudtoui J., liiTrîggLBiiildiu>g >fjy ashut the- cani fellof Set-r'f by hyfe Iagagt miniu opî Qaatel, etl lu t> tt-ortb of t-e South tast cuii' wifh îleJ. i. Ta3iîr-Piilir i violons sol seîing t-e Savlor.Tht- M'hen the- laggageliant-ber- artex 1Jae'lcI.seîoptll -hO l o Ii raid Section fourteen (i4>; Rt-S PhIîîe 10912 @bb<<<<O<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Obbb fred ta clli m as' l i t -u oss'c it- hausteil Uic ticket "Ish - e o om ore det- eic an ot quaralutine aud w ite ttil t rc su till sev nty'f ur and oîe L it-rt vvibie lli ist -It th inted o ou fi ecb id asbe irepatients tony Le lruugbtitet-, one-lii Penteost of! Uie dys of tht- Lord. If nule iof the- haitgagt- bulches iat-u ttn b u g f S u a iîpoi- n ta f0 e te tat-h u'it- tyl-tot- 4 552)gr eeta lt o u e t-I < tui uîiil, îtnty-nInt- (29) degrees DR, STISTR1.0 <0bK Retv. lcDu5t-t-bIof!Pittuburg preacblt-Ahase l-ti et- u d dtht-r- at-fisc ailIjured on the Btlt Lieue, su utir a )gD.E. IL SMITH. a s e r m o n c iii t h e "l a t e e R e i g l ' s l L re le t f f o u iih - t i c k e t t h e- h o ld r b a s " " la s l - v e . 5 Qpi e)fd e a d f r y , h e 1 3 )D N I T pla.n. Ainosf tai mu-t-r uplon 1the urt downi the- lin, utt litiket île esuNfMoudt-y mornduS statel fialet-iead ntliat it.(th%)nde noeetheft s' um&ls,ÂKi3 t-STaM. ndtu 5p. . 0y, sAnS <bens n grounds aba ndistinct ils-a ut a fal, fintahuud, whieîauitomaiwaliî tht- bag- util ail patients are vaccInat-I tht-e 0 nldt ai 50s tSte -atma- a 2a n.sd1t if uWc Ceau Meetyor qti Ianwhi ot t-bita Ht asost fee'l en Iîu leg ')sd twg ente h e 229) DA ilY. Iliois < matter hiow large or snal1theci may be. but 9aIl at-rt-t-UPcIu.tht- rtsi eclikitt Of!'gage 1,iilegc 5Ot-5 tIO W il efccitd H ie ttd t doitil it-5and tendt- Ii tht-2) It-rYvi. - 0i tise lord Lupton iu, bapps' us r what , Causes of Actiw « '1f ilt- phiysiclai iane n etul natd ei. -fAvneo Frrc Sb betretegetFýr-ëo fi al rt-tant-I favaccinatt- bis patients, ttuticdAtneutFrrc Sli bThe Prepared Roofing we seilite < Thmaueofteetinal, h ct egc heqarn s.Te hsiin ision. ît-nuie northeris' alonig tht-e .L, TAYLOR, <b lit l-risUit 5e1 tocttof i! t he Tcemause !ftI, loticie i yact , ete iqa ratine.Tt hs ceWI -tiiiiuit- ut saidAvenuoe ta tht-ine <0 ohir cutomers by the roll is the beSt o! e etlyb i, ticcnnit h Iu1'titdI' ie r-to î-'"i ouetry-tour (44) anI torts' - OE J LIi. TsIGOO BLDG. 'fr enttoe ic t b hi oad that Orteil holîcd ti, ocoilu' e0ootemre, n ols cmlt iugconuctd aau'OuIcriip tatioii or other ticke-ru Noul uidt-r 'i-fic , cilof said Subdivision; tht-nde muc:-7Itu 10 a.-ni. 2 lu 4 and uouternôe, n ore omlt cn odce bu h-cm Id rules get tht-jr baggage euieukel tii Fatal te the Babaies. iicui t t 'ii'urandtlree--toorlhs 8 P. M. 0 with nails and ierneuit ready te Iay, lat Many fitrons hase \IIt-cicuiut'icd t ii' tue ot 150 poundes' ydîr-îia),irig Uctsisannoal and terribleIliai vii.:-' t4 ýk tIdI-gu-es t-ast ta tht-waters iteaidence ou Broadway, opposite Park. 0 go to thelt-Mission fiel t-i cti it-i, "unt-atou Other uit-i-like o!ftit hblles utWairkegau is on anid ftilt cut l'at-uMarie: tht-ut-t-northcrbs'bryile lios.. h igtpie jne-v doctrine anil %ca uic bi t-ablI tubticsiiaoîcd. sud thet-n f'ci .tht-vet-s t-m butlas' e tsrai desthns ot tii 0- ecii i îf the point: tht-uc norfb- __________________< '(ift IIutiiutrus' edc, g0ohi)tue bil I lanth reporte-Ist fileuderit-L:ers "L i' îsel ho aef h- MRI .DCE talli eUcic feld ofur lbe r MTeouiwt ARI C osE tier-at-thtle it-Ilut ao o ttilt-he ietrie te Ciclago or tri rcuciunmo!f the City.Tlebo esfi-it t iee Iift tiio.utiet; tlb esoutheris 5 > '% el[ o fng o ï p n "Açot-It' Lptan nnoic'd it-ii r ciitsr a!tee ssockiuîg ttw Iti, tii.t- iriiilc cause, utIiodl ith ignor- ~iiiI eniioer of saId ouflet asi;t 0 miacilouary *îsinIng t e.LI i' -'l'i' " owliooin cop n teru icaill 'ci the lunit ni cciofmotlîtrs sud uusaiiAtarh' cor-l' ,'uuil ru a polot one f1100550d UtIle ipp. lefli St. Eleitc-Stationi < cehu 7 dos: alosprsu tt is i l11 î (1076)f)l-tt wt-st of tht- office Phone -53314 lies Plouc 36031 i7S InseS V IKO N< Tiîa abotI hst- 'lu-' iiuT sait-t-ction; t-nct- sentit NORTE CHICAGO. - -1-NU e - '- - o! Bk Te M( at Th Ot th( va cat kng sbc pai ht-s jus pis of val par jual and la abo the Tm nPark Celebration, JuIly 59,6 and 7, 19019 r z

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