MM BVIEW .SC-,anger sud mon, Warren, uti UybWls,@peut Tueday with ber dater,1 Mc.8 .Kuedier. Miss Myrtie Richards returneif home -Ikq g& ek's viilt ihb ler relativet at qýsvw. Ste waa acceompanleif home Ibs r cousin, 1mic@ Vera Richards. Mr. and Mr@. Frank Borilgame and tie »a0», oi Waukasba, Wl., ar" riait- th tb th latter@ parants. Mfr. and B. Z. Loanlis and atber rlativee. Mv. sud lire. W. A. Ray, oi Diamond Laie. epeni Supday wtb the lattr's pamensta Mr. and Mis. M. W. Kuadier. Ghtîndua Koaneke bac returned sitar &.VWt ai caverai mon thé, snd ce again ~aIng vith ber son, Rer. Koeneke sud &gpt many rotu this .vcinity $Pent tb 5tb se Lake Esa. Al scemed ta .bBýq a acet enjoyable Urne. is. WillIam Coon sud littie son, *"Leba, vho have beau victiug with e7sai Mr. H. B. Coon, ieft Wednesday 1« or agnoue ln Milwaukee. Mr. an M@. J. A.bliacon entertained tuaitdaughter, tir@. Schafer and Dr. guoldfer, aver tice Fouîth. Mr. M. A. Wagner aud ebjîdren. ai Gr&yishe, vicltad caverai dayc wth ber oister, Un. A. . Maether. Mis. Oe. Wnkiaman, ai Chicago. ia am 1 mMwalcb es eks witic ber cousin, Leur4"sSpvague. %FaM Maths Dodgkinm e! c Tueday for au Clendedtipgu hé r objetive pçMbelg obieAabama. 5In *1M itell spt caveraidays Of I&MVewssk with ber dater, Mire. J., ~>nm.,of LObertyvIll. jusmetings atGraca ~~~slebveiare being contlnned. ILWieaer. theen.asgshsât. la ."émeim*egompel lu a fore"nimad tient metisg il bea tiing of M ý Why mot usk.anu is eOp- -M s ti Ibm ialeofa Mai Ils thym.Sandose rv- « aoK .m, 2:0 ad8 o'clack IL Canaâ, pro nasa alfoifta oMiss eeaq;l* W@ "Caeïf ve nenleet Do prank Ciahn %f bcga, la sued- Ing ~ ~ ~ i aso eesa hmammer vacationi wlth his uncle and nt, Mr. and Mir@. John sennott. Mlica Jeunie Sanait came home from tics city laét Thureday ta cpend #ho sommer but wiii go to the citY each w,'ek ta take treameuot for ber arm vhieh is ehowlng clans ofiimpravement. Freank Baer and sister tAnle,. seft Sonday vlth reltives Bt Libertyville. lîr. and Mir@. B. L. lmlth, of Desoinesu, lab. MId and Mir@. Wm. Oct, oi Palatins anâ aies Florence Kublank. ai Chicago, =et Suday and Monday with Mr. and Mc. Go. Straker. John Ileardon vent ta the city Wed- needay ta undarga an aperation for a cancer on the incide ai bis rigitci ceek. le yull bc aeins peratIOn but we trust itWiin be sucefflful and that he vii returu home coon entiroly cured. lie wau accompanled ta the hoapital by 11ev. Father Waulfe, wha bad prevlously Made arrangements with Dr. Murphy for the aparatian and i@ care whilOeat the, hoepital. An auto party fram the city paëced thraugh bere Sondai aiternoon on tûeir way tu the lake and viceu about hall way ta Mellenry just beyond the Given's fartn thé driver lost contrai ai the machine and it swerved from the coad and ian headlong luta the swamP an the aide oi the raad sud tippad aver an Ita @ide lu about lifur lest of wâter. The pascerei made a vild scramlble ta get utandînalir succeaded slter gettng tharoaghly drencbed, boitng in vater aaynpt teir *rmig, aud retnrned ta au ilg.After caverai bouni wark aud with 1h. belP af tva tfflns the auto 'Wac lnally hanled ont onc thé rand again when it waa also, brangbt back ta aur village for overhauling. Lnckily thé machine did flactaiun turtle or ail ,nlgit have been drownad as they waaid have been unahle ta bave rah.aced thein- selves but a"ide rom the fright Sud the ducking thére were noa carions resaIt. and thce party returned. ta their home lu thé city Tuesdav maruing. Henry aud Herbeit Werden lof t Mon- day moruing for a tnpl thraugb tic. moet. 'hey expsct ta ha gane fur a rmanth or six wve anad amre oing ta e te4luam&l thé algicta alang the route. L.àard Geary snd cisiers, Micm Edith and laabelle sud Grace FoIler spent Saturday and taday with relatives Bt t Mr. and Mnr. C. b. Pratt entertained .Dr. and Mms Drake and son ancd Charie 1 emdrirka. of Chicaga, tic. firet of the 1week. C. A. Golding retuned ta thé City 1Mondayer ealn sitea puding a few dffl hmbicsvl ibis vifeS ad faauily. Mr. a"am Gn. ea. CoUnan ad sont, of oelemgu. wve sths gumu af Mr. aud Mms.WM. i.ainplcre dia firet of thé l'h. Fourth pamd offrsîher quistly ln aur 'villas ebui ins no celebration thst (f$lig bair la cauad by g 0m*e teroofs of the flair.. Thrfres to stop funghar, you mu«ermra completoly de- a'oy h«e germa. A ces'Hair VgRedutdlcoeimes lssa ic. rovd di drui erma eretdomatsAYdi95H41 leVe orthe gîete mairnslesddtsl Dom mi. MlLEA.*ttmcsy P.dulctcedlabrebgvn that ap chane of ,tuhe ne of the . "Vigi bainoprayeu for by a petrtioncige d*h llockfcer. HmaL tm er oe-H4# cororatige thore saisthdî éilem Rokeee. acmal yacetfct Publier notice la hreby given that ah carpeoate nho the "uaiVillage 01 Rockeeller" ha Vlag Aeday th 2 denay forly, a D. 1909, igne(8 thelock p. m. torehf. v d iag erofm avce eBrid eu ardwamr to e u ald in t te aiIloceleer. nad eh. thne s.5 petito he eauon oned pt thewl 8. Lrat Tautp, riteldfthé tcsVillage a1 Rockefeller.cmaue yacetfct coprt uhrT. F.swof »,Village lr1 Rockelr bae fxdIodyte}t city people thsa even belore, anl tbm *..aiMis Pfi.Me'er~id .,ho" ensd privats basmdlng hbuc àe m Um r. L 111.« Md bdag liaitu berfiovIR& som , ahi Ibmary gmmUbh~i5Pdmi t 15575 ><~Tic s my fim&deci Mrs. Villa Dema =&c@s[, o get mocSgr vailh ehs des R*dN, bberhma w«M . »sud mibotb vms. vmS attlcadi. Tlias hîg sudhW a *~vrthe Foueil. a lathe tium Tubes.o ji os Jua. m. he u saca s si bes l ~ee islg.fU stOiiis yUl &a rhe ocu a ermm s iuber ______ af9 &= 71firha W0o240,hmtenier w mailolg smels Mas.,aioeeaa.7111 aC O 9-180 aWi Mample a- vers suaintod by ber pautar,Mev. KE. ~~ 11* uçdatiui.~m e xi ireu thm athmDoa oK1 qD...alsOsuio. m vbr Wusoia itulmivi L gMoY .. ethe gai o . m aunas. Eavy u. ppabtos sauli'1 a flitvOf ciy 00,T rsaa 1 - S tbeiamtisunass ete as. tu I v îbswCeimstevr .-i~AmuKamu the oml s Vr. suaiMms.ELi.P. Homlsud, 0ai vbcon asolsy, a humge mbr aU ~9~h~srv 15. ~ lgso, SUdsy s"d Moaiayfraoé ds aig&tWsrsitu psy ber tUnir JÉsIMit UOm s, ith and ixmil a ur village lite&tbutes af lova asu m&sse. 11» tuea b. veevk ith y 7*7& m kàt. uWSrvioem voeecome by Ber. Mdmg -Mm UOcmConveil reteraed to Buses.Mach "lov ail ymp wu'vva leàm"*a behstook la Wakepau flishlmaiPark. Tcaciay bavine alPeut shown hi the Ivanbas choir inacsg. the ourh e be hom inourvuuge. Mm .Villa. Wellm vas the dacgtrteao î ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]di Diiy b oria brhme~ ii . Dea (demmsi H A. geMlt,iMrF- Oo. Za-, ai Chiago-. M d MMm.Juama ai soaiDean. Si.vms bor aou Jeu. 281h, vWi«with te.Zain f.ual. ch"sgo, cMe out from cth Cty Isatur- 1884. at Ivanbos, II. ic ab@W"a grsd. F~ ".vu.- - oecrai Ils dith af day Io spcndte .ourch wit.hthelater'mnage of Valporshmo University Sept. 10, fs.Peêadc 7L. et ai»l.of i ptet, Mr. sad Ma. C. L. Pratt. Mr. 1883.aid vmi autedinlamarrlsge tg = .r ltra. c. rai ormbulr, Judam.sretaunai te lie tj'lMonday Ur. Horace D. Wells, of Waeoa4a L »s yUO &d mAiade ber bhome for svsslag but Mm nd ssnvil 8h. llscdinlaLske Ca.atif Ove jeatrs â»ltWU gia7maa. Sas vsconasi nua"sfor a tva vcak'e viit. &go, vben shé ,aoved to Obenllu, 0hio, tu Wi bi jose»moach, but bai beau ra resir i bcç,euudta eduete ber clldreu At te. scly leimu zallfflaheca oadf vmcgnau ~itheemue.No i axen ean ,s. s , as eoaverwe toi W= evb1b be vas a mem- aiaday sud Mouday viauiactivei cicurcif P astil= _ relatives tu aur village sud vkinity. thé W. C. T. U. sud aima ai a vamma ,»MUBoriai latihe iser- Pir. Ortas Hubberd retained ta club of Obsilin. *Mêumt?'? haves ta 'aDoraber Partoumts, ouMon dWay ater oead- Su vas a vama ai unueusi ex loisoensd fourdangiters. tmg s iva vcak's vacation at bis home lene oi charactan sud ber ie vas Fuinaur village. embauiment oai'the goad, thé truas sd Wills Pwer reroedhom Frdaythé heautlul." A ansof ber friens WTlgl. Pavera ,utrnme oe rdayforsaid lit is ri icer for lier Iffé." LAMY0'Coanor le home forithecgucuier apendiireoveai aihie oaraet iothfor 'leaves ta mouru ber loa, iber vtion. . cnîityiai apaboutit. ol e dre nt il thébuaband, Mr.Hoaces D. Weile, a son, Foest luit 8u"" cje M E.ADana Frank Crami, o Kewvane cd.CiylaWC Dan hlm brother, Abert hais nat loago. Rev. John P. Srwshughsan vin"Ier chilidisu arise up and call ber Bls cousi.aRi.card and Fran eak, attic.BackeflIer sud Dismonit iauss; ber huabani aima, sud hé prote- vcaionnrena Lakecrntaj churbes net Sunudan d conduct etihér." vacatin ber.the.communion suif quarterly couter Bain, June hith ta1Ur. ad Mrs. cce. B Eld Rnul noe n t h Frauk oie a girl sud June 22d1 ta rlhein fmymre n t bi sud mms. Win. MeRugb a¶JILTbepeuosti sermon naît Suuday cottage lest wek. Phi ii make tice- a il n o l v in i t e ir a u ar n il y a n a J o s C a n v . Bi s , ie t é îr li 0 f J a 1 0 s d b a y C l s r y , o f C h ic la g a , O~hoa~spvesk*aeo. h waW li Frnk Per ButdL. et &hicgo oculgt.Cummnînge, satmo; 111cmIL A; Riute ever snd hi attendlngt thsteseberse ..Jhn ornergr hws Lý)t cmpjteioliffiat; 1fr. .tmina. pisuit andIlimconvention st cht dty. aruseuefor the fletofuthi% farta tt B. R"e, resier. If yeu v-1-14 bear s Mr». J. A. &ayl visitai platives lu L. IF. B- t.Couideat', 225veil hanmci prvgrambtaç laet BuudYan sd Sien calisi vico bas hi-n alti-s a atrip campafyta ci.a ThéEverett Jr'. deleta the. Mous- ifenulé Kennedy, amiebasebck aiterd. "ltthcou'.k aiait Sds au ienlattar'mhomec 1»gschool ai Davenport, oNa, the- puét 0-1 îe l aua Ithe baSi toa n ugaae Lvec ldai pffl bu msretuined borne. utgn îîa, leyepr a1'acr u i. awrence Redm1.nais- kàsadenthé auPeilaon of Alec KeIIev aîch isytina Lycau ueunî 'raacaIjr I advn iee vork on tice uew macadam roa!. ,uiucR. it'eeIr la faruauste ta' Tewr nten rcuc epo by M. Armour sud ext.nlîîg c'ecure theu îlcr,,uglcOunr îesUr, wtwj Tivitajhénwch*hlapo Xhcrpth Ava. south as tar ah tic'- lxu..lîc.,.manager o! théir tria. He aroli giauig ulwIy sad aetas.ameeting faiti la beiug ruhbed it ih ail trkbiciiacom hin f b i atSma îasdcddt rc «Peed. v acîmi -W hm e vee nthe churcli Propt t» 1t w1i b 4f(SOfiel, viccl Recuo of eKal, @put a t.E.ryori..%% ouP'ILw beelted by tait.1 miii Kir, ample routa for thc e ci vpasl oanidth h r rat er, i Dura<oa laxativt for #tarna vri. pntcsa ffl »dsuf et@rWlmet, *aesfeompuledby hr citer, iveu! tri- ,ouble.sud hbit" i cU-4whýbWIN 1,lein during tue comlug ~arLancaster bath oi wlouî tjat,î it uaes h tunc si lii î h fl cou rea. tratic. îontiî ,tiuàâlstc tihe firer and________ 4u~ Sala.reguiat.-c thei.t,'uI«sand le mah uel #&*. oel al.m o ta li..aud ,rdiiiary lazatiew, Thistie Notice. vili oi ai public Whynut îry l O.. iîuip, lsîavtiv p. N'i',6 te .rygivé tu bluhway vasi amle i 8tOfday? I ti %à.1B. Loi. tLL. 'cjliiwiec.cces adpcpst7ovuec la O y 0ai 2 tc. tiîvuelgî of direct tO o b hgh- hay iand, Part An exclîange .tkil i i ai Who, 0l Kfrssd oI= " i Ca peit up bebinl lit,.wl. mad kiciai ber, tbljletwk bli, they go to miii 55 thé 0ms'atime vil b. vblcb Po vtaried b,-r chat ocect lm lav "ilI... iuletiy soeSi. 5*Ote& hesrlng vlîh a knife mf.hbadin luber bondJs 'DIE 2er cnt ion Cah x( o% VCoaz, Pop. There a amoral luii Iblut e0tt v O;60anada hjukmtie c lo" c tb tn avaaoraut' A c)myekim»O Iieavy Rteductions on the -B4est -Styles in Foot-Wear WomeW;s$2.50 Oxfords t $1.93. Attractive summer styles made of tan -.Russia caif leather, lace or button, alsc> patent colt with tan uppers, regu!arly L95 fo Children's Oxfords. Made of a fine grade of tan or black leather, of durable quality lace and bluoher, substania.lly consructd, szes9 to Il*, $1.25 values, at pair..8«7L Boys Oxford s, $169 Tan and aILso black gun metal, vici kid, box caîf and p a ten t lenthers, U2.00 and S2.50 values, sizes bito 2,solid leathtir through .ar...........1.69 A Very Important Offer of Wash Suits and Dresses WMh SuMie. 3.9S. Two and three piece mnodela, handsomely made ina atractive Iles of inen flnlshed s'uiing and Popin, full gored skirt, large pock- ets, corne in whit, pOnk, blue, lavender, and natural lnen color VerySpecial ffer of Lingerie Dresses You '11 agree that these are decidedly stunning dresse@, made of fine lingerie and French gingham, plain or stri pes and checks, ail desirable colors, .49 priced at....... .......................49 Pongee Cousa, $795 AhagnDese19 branin infant's dresse@ that will 52-incli silk Pdngee coats, beautifully inake parents look surprised, made of 1 mgde of splendid quality trinmmed with ginghani ank percale, stripes and checks k, atin, Bengaline braid anà in varios colorngs, ages 1l to 4 , buttons, very low priced ...... 7.95 only ........... . ......1C A Noteworthy Sale of Beautiful Suif Waists is Now On A big assemblage of s&l waists that possess rare beauty, elegantly tadlored from splendfid qualitiea of mnui"=n and taffta silk, made in vartous pleasing styles, - and daintfly trlirned. lu this collection of Waists are garments made of net also; they range in values up to $4.00; 1 9 Chfldrea's Dresus, $1.98 Made of white lawn and organdy, in a variety of becoing styles ani trimmed with lace and ernbroideîry sizes 6 to 14, values to $4.0 some slightly aoiled, price.. 09 Parasols. A lot of slightly Soiled parasols conBisting of silk and linon, white andaol- ors, some embroldered, values up to F3.009 for qlllck olearance,9 Underwear Wonien's fanoy lisle and meroerizedveàis,lae trim-, med pink & bine included, 500 vaines, ail 39cbd Bizes............,W Chldrens Play Suita, 39c The best suit made for rough and tumble wear, made frorn a good firm quality of plain colored gingham, re- inforoed ana regular 50e 9 values, priced at ....... 9 Nuslil Petticoats, 69c Made from fine and closely woven quality of muslil, one style trtmmied with val lace, lnserting and tucks, another style has two embroidery rufflesand' and $1.25 values Dutch Collars A beautiftil of the newest effects in Dutch collars, fine lawn, lace or embroidery trim- med, special. val -0 ues at choice ..5 Sun-bonnets Fine quality of white per- catle with black dots, trim- med wi±h a ruffle, a great bargain at. 1 Oc Buya Bol!toRead on Your Summer Vacation ~Iï,* e're offrlag a big col(ictiori of the best standard works at a . Ivery speclal price, books of fiction by the most noted authors, Isplendid cloth bindlng and very beautilly illustrated, your choice I for a qulck clearanceI - '. - Womens Oxfords ai $2.48 In this lot arte mcluded theAmerican Lady, tan and patent colt leathers button or lace, blucher, extra dur- able stock, ail sizes, 24 pair ...... ...........24