LAK OU14TY LNDBPMNDF4Y, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909 TAYLOR GROVL -R------~~I _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ Mr. and Unrs. 0. Osborne and family MA f EP R M NT '_ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ apent Snnday wlth relatives et hume. A S A E D E A T T Lmr. NormaniAae thcg an Sta~ r llg iCS Rihard She astil nntter thedoctor'a F. J. DRIICE. Editor Phone No. DriYnnivsielr. and lin. R.orter,1*MrO. Sta er Bufi e cas.Dr.Yngta i i ed Ma n M r. R.e Miss RnisEddy *pont Tbnrsday and Orders Taken for Job WorIc Advertising Rates On Application Pae.nsgare nèes ot Mrs. Ptanl., O ý Frlday wlth her mut, Mms. L. Eddy, of M.Yugaeneè flr.Pnal justrecved caloadof he Wukeau.Hal and Bob. Lewis, o! waukegan, famlly réunion wai Mde .B.Me hlsKrsmv#WeD a un an uncie, the I have at my home several styles of the Baldwin Piano. Celebrai.d Stayer Buggies Brewer's, Bunday. Was the tuant o, Miss Daiey Doolitlé Springer loft hors Tuesday 10 joina Mrr.aTayor,@o.Santanoonlaré îit- ivite on toeaUth@ ec Pnîandwitiu th mcliofet ALL THE 1.ATIEST STYLES M.adMs oUonaerjilgai té4had5h .In9 party at Libertiville énronte t mTyoo atao a. ev4t nieYUt aiad8e rcgwti h ec ovér a luttin danabter. Mies Ruby Smth le visltlng ber cousin, MfOqWi., where they wlll epend (n;LM,.. Bater onl her way to Lake Pis Right Mien M ar Duncan &pmnt the latter Mi Bere Torrence, t ebron, 1I o i' lID 8ihng and a geeneva.FGE 1G .SRNUdetkradUmn part of the wek wltb ber parents. Gog tagtasce uiesi good tigie. Mr. and Mlr@. W. G. Thom and children GEREE fAG ndrae n it u bh A number fr. bers attendait the Chicago Wednesday. A griat many celebrated on JuIy 5tb »Pont Bunda1' and Mlonday with Ilisir GRAYSLAKf * - - , W. alwvays c0"r a full lins of banquet at RusellWédday".vM -drdDlyo onus >~ by Roing to Lake Eure, Waukégan andl parents et Liberty ville. GA 0 0 0 ~WA~E OOODS Mli. L A. Stanr vielteal relatives hmts rned homei Tuesday, alter spendln Lait. vila. Alilreport a fine time. .anlr.Gs.You visiteal thein HAR A RE GOODS last . sévirai days wftb friends andl relatives Mr. andl lre. John ýlason moved luto naé".i" Gerrlîy at Waukegan, Wv e s l v a n r t l i d a . è e .I ï r p r t t y D o w o mn e t h io w e k . S n s a d M n . A. PA DOCK ngt>iplilifispetSalnday Mr. and Mn Lu Melan, ol Austin, Mies Ada Sprlng, of Foi Lake, wa r- -d lMm-e.Chope andl famly aen. * @ <@ *@ @ @ @ @ .I. 'PA DOC 8Put ereal ayswit M@. etolistb&guet 0 M l Iah Loituetus aO le t Russell, SaturdY R ud ak, illinoiS at Rua"elha d ylflu -kff. Parents, 1Mr. and Mrs. John Wlcks.,, Tbrd hieLofflis and Jamnes Gerrlty, or union mms.'.r. K oumabai ts. vun Mine Louise Emînons la visitlng, ber .8 . L3- 1,0 Ok v rekr lwth <rOve, are vihting Bt fi. B. Towers j lndien front Cblio boardlng vitlle. irandiparenti Bt La Crossé, Wls. six 1les 1 Waukegan and solal hlm for a lira. Taylor, of Wankegan, visiteal Mas Frnk ols a Iéb' ~<>.ge iss Nora ëhurveil recurned ta Wan- good sum,. svirai days with ber aunte, thé MieeU eW n hre&bs, lit wée. kegan Bunday evenlng. ilter sponding Louis Garwood, o! Chicago Kélgti, MCDn*0asHBtthéione Mihbr sacbepstunaateno The F. D.BattesreaUldepartmnt store Mr.aad Mrs. Ed Wagner andchlildren Ivo nepheva, thé Eueston boys !rom 0 No r son iâvM M a .in- liinga c a ofpeint. a Bliecisal b : Miss Aida Loftunsuapnt lo v the peat eek. (Irayslake Cam rwo rnatdbuies Wlim eb Sa hemrotn unday at Geneva. M- lune Pollokof Chicago, sie0 DEERING MOWERS DEERING BAKERY AND vt o uvll eéty na i thé VanD'Wond @tales, Drue Lke Lotui,ofWilot, wi.., spenit Monday vilS borne tolkn. 0 DEERING TEDDERS in LaYerne NeweulsetMna Mr. sMd Mns. Jerd vWsiesi t W ads the Lotes home. uin AileJamueson, of Chicago, viélteal 0 KEYSTONE AND THOMAS SIDE RÂKES vità ber matthors. ortb Tuesday. Nexti damcest thé opera house viii hé over thé Foun tb be hr parents. O RES AP AN C«.lAintgbopig isbrthron Sstgrdiy iveniug, Juiy l7tb. Dan't Min Mâamis Trotter, of Evaneton, je * ROCK ISLAND AND DAIN LOADEIRS R ST LIRA T buts.hautlumhbelpni bohr Clément Whtmore epent Snnday at forget lb. date. vigltlng witb ber ulster, Mrs. A. K. Bain. 0 FORKS ROPES PULLEYS CARRIM~g Williared baul laynHor.eRogers Park. Frihl3ea êer dyHoi Fred Lesbie @pont Sunday at home. Mins Zta Maisy, of Chicago, waa th Miss "ae Myere, o! Chicago, h. thé Dr. a. E. Jamigan bas a néw auto- PaittCa.eLunPies and OMel *th pstwek pIof WM LJabne and al mly. nmobilisand wîîî nov hé able la mate 0 SECTIONS OIL hUARDS Psr.LnhsadMseVOLO. guet 0ofRbehrt& Harvey severai l Pé Saaysl n Ms E~ qnlck tripe ta bis patients. tha ononee.oter Sateai ndolo wer E mlat M.Ca.Tyoo ikrfuKIE EA oerved t al houri. George Hronians attendeal thé celé- Mn. Rose Turner speut Tnesday t Sansbturd f Venn, ly 3erd by Jd e dosn th ceTlar, ta i ckd rtoit ber OREPI CANDY CG S bration et Wankegau, the 4th. Chicago. Fltub a ei é office ot thé Judge OWnhe Oa san adbok e Mis Mnd Wlln am <utfrm . eaeJr, of Round Lake, spen t eztsnd congratulations. W. J. Whte left thé firet of the wéek 0 [ET US FIGURE VITH YOU E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. WaUkegaii tu celebrate the 4tb wlth ber Sunday with lins. E. J. Whitmore and j oghuhtnsce uiesfrSI aeCtUat ii i F I' Teiephss. gparents hère. famhly. Jea Chic agUeed rncedbai sonrn eity, o iiiiththé ecalti0IF I S ORAYSLAKE. ILLINI'0S Jo. Rosing. of Chcago, ws a vielton Mise Roberts, Harvey gave a pérty toinChéragoAlle ad é as @oea nch l ever. woi l it h cre hère thé at of thé week. sevenal ai ber iiende on Thnreday &fir Cdo lu alsba l ai e an aever. loIretrana e ltradoF Wef(ve aFInéune of etatUonery and B. J. Russell vas calleal toWea n c h a n c k e earueot.Aoi ow oLeFr 't ekadw@ lr.Foie netie br@ rad0F O We H ve -ovérPst Cadeeannm efr e eprneonh mn prepared ta, show thé people thé lake in othér friende f rom Chicago over thé hy the serions iasnesof his fatber. those présent were Misses Hoffmne$, fine ebape dnring thein ddst there thé Fourth. c ak 2ick Frost la sponding a iéw dv Miorris, Hansoni, Rackclifle and Jerd.A b.Tébawilnauteéduig M.adM.G.JmisnvitlO Kenosha. very enjoyable aitarnoun was spent. thé Chantaqua. trom Tuésday until Frhday with Mire. 0 IT'S O R I E CR A 1 M. anal lire. C. G. Bueon anal daugli- lire. Lohaleil spent 8aturday at Foi Thé dunes Bt the opera houes Monday Belen Buse ai Rochester, Win. teMarion, ai Lhbertyviiie, calleal . Lake. evening vas a great su(-ct4s. 0ver 100 Mfr. anud Mn@. Oeo. SaBford, of Chicago, (O D OU CE C E M friends boe, Saturday. Mn. anal. Mm. Charles Hookof Chcago, tickets vers solal. lraudtettens mulnl M. n Es.Rlp Wé>oaa spont Sunday anal Monday hrbrhetaons.ha eclln mse andaio.Wan r. RIII., visitéandfrom hall, Rom ettin ond Lakg teuntesat rda vn. OblttriuritJ xeletmui adsno wotnfl. iidfrnLIBERTY ILLE, ILL ha llond Ltarethénx aurAm avu biua.a fine napper va, sérved at Laitue' café. Satnrday untit Tuesday with théirO ing. 89.11 William Thompoon vas thoao t Fort Lovai and Ruth Whitanoré, of Han- Parente, Mr. anal Mn. SaBor. It é nsalhy Il hé eadng oal Mr. anal Mm.sC. Dllar, af Waukegan. Hill, Jan. 80, 1842, andl aledai atGrays- Cork, Wi., ane spending their vacation In thé stortu last Fiday night Ibrée vater places 5along thé uée- wee guet ofMn. anal lins Wm. Dillon taire JuIY 3, 1909, agéal 67 years. 5 "thtbeir granlmothen, Ms. Whitmore. boanses were killed on the A. 0. Nelson Orayislake Phanmacay, Round over thé 4th. meonthe anal 8 alays. Heé vas uniteal lu Jaé Turner luft Tuesday for Seattle, ianm. Two hélongéal ta thé hireal belp Laite DrugStore, Druee Lake andl Mn. and lira. Wm. Hironimus andl marriagé la Alesé Lnk Nov. 19, 1863. white hé vili attend the gréat exposi- anal one ta Arthur Nelson, aitpont érrunin Fo Lke so Cesercelbrte a Wukga ' Hé leavete monta bis loge a loving tian. Roht. Bonner, o! Chicago, @peut thé andI ont"e nrron reing F ina Mr.sondCh Mmer.ceebraéa a Wukéan. Deswiié anal four sans, George, Channcey. Miss Winilrted Woodtord, o! Oak Park, Fourth with home folks. analIngeeld. V areputhn Plain.eanl re. ges . Kof ber. o! ésAlbert anal Chanls, aai v ham réside vioiteal tienda bare ou thé 4th anal Sth. Thé Ladies' Aid Society will holal their* ont uch iggn snpJothn Pliawrd soeo!lrnlire.i Ii vlag.Héaéaiavsthe e. liM Gratbla ententaining bercniées monthly meeting in théerh.lire. lait year Once used i aways néi on ibaasn vn inia. tors, ies. Agnon Torrents, ai Béron. 111. tram Chicago. Nelson, Mmr. Stephens and al.Per Mir. anal lira. Alfred Nieholle, af Chica. Mm. Sophia Kapple, of Chicago, anal lire Gealdée serCeicag o f (i k gIpetSaudy, Sunday anal Mon- lire Belle Rathborc, of Piainfiélal Hée n.Mm . O o bi o, lte ue nt ot1Hnangviiiserv supp0. r. 0tr K, day vith M. anal lire arry Ncholîs. "resi tFart Hill on the farmon r.canalrs Ot Waldmana&nalfamily. Thé C. E. Society business meeting will Uri. Carf Atterhury andl son Corlis,hé wae borenautif abont twelve years Miss Brt"a Booka anal brother Ervinh behldal i thé home ofi Miss Mabél O _________________ of___ iWaukegan, visiteal relatives hère Sain-ago. fincesthat timé hehé airetieslalin of Foi Lua, spent Tuesday with %IiiesBonnet, Jniy il. A full attendane les day. Gaylake, éxcept about four years that Annahél Whtanore. deoireal. 0 We can meet your reqUirernentg no bits. Hanson and al lagtero lowa héb, bis wiié anal son Chanles apent in lire. Fred Book, o! Lake Villa, watt YORK HOUSE NEWS. 0 hl H[jil ï R are viiting at the Jas. Kirwan homïe. Denver, Colo. Hé wai a lovlng buébanai thé guet o! lire. G. E. Stnang Tuésday. Miss Eaith Banchard le hack fnom O matter how large or amail they rnay be. hilE JELIRI lIIUb li. anal lre. Cburch anal dangter, ai anal fathén, aivavs réaay ta ado for bl@ MaNiM. A. Wagnér vas a Prairie View ber vacation. O~Peae ofn esit UIR a akaa n n llnsPaulAvnyamily; pléasant anal congenial, anal bad vi@ito"r thé first af thé wéék. Mn.George Gonla lehébacla in aur0Th rp edRoigw silt Oak akilantr.nday. ýA vryt a hast o!f iéndé. Hé wai a member oai% ci ak ýilaspntBuda a Rt*Grayelaké Camp M. W. A. Thé fanerai Summer Resonters Oua. neihborboad again. Ait r l a dt WdlI c W kiws.e r RCeluw Paddock home, vas hélda aithé home Tuealay mornlng, Evér sincesthe clase of echoola in Chi. seshm vath ns again. taOur oUStorers by the roll le the best Aul Woek Ouswateed LOON LAM ReBs. Toli oiiciating. Interment aIFort caga sommer mmarters have Ieen ssek. Mable Schuman anal Minois Giliaral of! nteOakt'adcmé ope Bill cémeteny. 'Wbat hi aur los@ a hieing thé country. iuialssome evén eanlier Waàukegal,'vléitéal hère aven Sunday' OO h akt n onscm lt Mn. anal lins. Ettingen anal family. ai gain.", than this. Bt1a te atwsek they Mn. J. B. Adams visiteal with relative. e 0na n cretred oIY, at SPECIAL Ol~DER~ FOR JEWELI« Cbicag~, isiteal Sunday anal linday Cnlo hîk aé benéautý re usl a t ail aven thé 4th. wiîhv .M n. nllrJ.Idantin. thé stations alone é ue in--anal Grays- lire. George Truesall, ai Winthrop * the rigl4 priceo. ProefP tol d Miss ClaraGan, ai Chicago, apont a Through thé coumué a!fIisepape r ve laké statian in a blgoenrai point. Binnes Harbar, anal lire. Pearson, of Atebléon, O ~~. ~~ M ORE ~few days witb ber sister, Mmr. JE. fibée- wléh ta express aur eincere thanka ta hundrede a!f peoplebave heen coming Kajs vitali.H..Wlsnbs W. H. MWRE han. aur kinal friandls vho no kindly rendereal hére t'ae tast vs.k unthith a nssei week.H.L.Wiso.ti Me n itlehmfoth u-théin assistance lu aur sarrQw Bt thé anal batelé at aur ava lait analthe sur.- Orssike . M Un Mnt i hme orth m-foie ai aur hélovéal hushanalanal faîhér. rounding lakes vers packal a té t Estélaâ Bacon anal Vnire OGesvisîtéallu »iwg0 If~ mer br eholhavngclsel. anal esppially to M. anal lre. Burge for m ast, anal dnring thé weék's eualanal théeCheagPlatevll. a s.u infg C~O lin. anal Mre. C. Doolitîle anal daugh. théir inging. Miss. AiACE Tïaompa Fou th Ibère wai icaroiely roornifon one One O! Mn. George 'Wels' cows was 0 ter, Eva vsitd Sunday witb E. Cunning- AN5D kIMILY. mors. @truck by lightuhng lait vsek. 0 97 S. GeOM ..St. WAUKEnAM DSpO harn andl altére. ________________________________ Misé Auna Guhr, a1 Chicago, hd vieil.-O THE FIRST PANR 0F GLASSES Warren Hook anal family took lu thé relatives bere. Sboud beCarl uly Fited celebration at Laite Eara thée onrth.0 Shola Cre nlyFitél tirs. Roy Denntion ententaineal ber ROSER A S Thére vii hée no services at thé * hiL- chobrch Snnday marninig, hélng finnday Mateér, iss Bégan, over the Founth. scboal conventian aI North Prairie. Hore the Pltlila sSclentlfic James Doa wai tabotent thé Wesley WiII Lane andl family, o! Chicagoa Frank Meyer andl vifse, o! Chicag:s, are Mr. anal lin. John l'amil anal tamily,_____________________________ DI:)R.qjým JOU..EY baspital ien an operation for appendici- spent thé Faurtb wlth W. J. Oiver. ataying lu one o! Hosfî'e cottages. o! Kenoiba, visiteal relatives anal friandsa--- li suana a preaent le ddhug nlcely. I va Taylor vas home oýer Suualay. C. Landelmus and alily, ot Chicago, a féw dayf tibis wesk, aftr nalhng sovoral montbs with Ms Unaa rf .G a iare ataying in oui ai Chas. Wilét hétetr oia a enps OIVOE éarAlrtnaoer. hm h;rér Bîé aia'oeviteastthé 0 cotha g nes. rm es tén l Th cMetugusalamévsilalluLcklin poh l n h@hmeo p boner-OgN e I s isèie ce 12 i i r. H . f ee h a n , ) is slM a y C a ro y i i @ A l n a nl d P ro f.' o c tt g s.P .é l fo a 0d.n a e ti é reundt e oei ietre 'Chicagoa GrtueNorthnp o 1:d ora .deiattie Fil. ugberfonbl rge t eheB a rmn OFF i W IE v a us R S.FREMONT homne onen Suoday. clbration atifihldouburel. lionday. part, Indiana, for a téw days ibis week. luU b the home sfior 9-.30to 1 a. M 2 % 4 P.M. 7to 8 . m.Jack utthl le umJacakaTeutahil le nnnsinbuggta aareabu etanal. rehollQat Ga.Hertel @pont thé Fourtb aI Big 8 Highland Park anal vilcarry bis hotel Fan isuraalOOtLAni, petone a.nd muw JI OFFICE Hxo.sns h orh uest@ hack anal fortS tramt Banington. Sunday hn Libertyvillé. oe nda -. tful [ 18th and étaté StreeU. Opinite the Banik Mué Wagner anal iamiy spet Sun- Lait Friday eveninq lightulug kiliéd a AIl thé sunimér cottage@ es BSéfler Arthur Nerhlich anal aléten, label, ai In the Hottest Weather with pensie of leu. than Ol ~4~gsj~ CJ~g<~. ~ day st Round Laits, fine Young horme on the Evans farta anal thé nommer menthe sand. Laits Zurich le Rockefeller, @pont Sunday afieruon tteAiofacntnhor North________Chicago_.Wer ae ou ong"yun an?" léaeplinteréal Theu Fraziere barn. a ltvély placé again. Jack Rouées. b Alofacetuhur sal ea re é. ,I'm ngtomun, Mn Bllai auega, bs oan Thé church picuit théel'aurth aea lins. E. J. Dietz, af Grayehakée, visiteal fatuda iht, ' sllh.'h tketéVnig!r.grand succes in évéry vay. Théré weréSuoday at Henry Tlkampes. C me," sayhal hé. eople l tTwnntan verhétore. T ffarta Cmplet. luneeOftlm me"mi h. 3-fTeewa osriea h brhmore pol ntw hnee eoe Bernice Ullicie, ai Chicago, epent thée ~LIIIMay b. oe at 280 SBEE Auguat Wjrtz entertaineal compaoy Sunday eveniug on accaunt Qi thé nain. wtMbei êer@a auSc na esety thé f th wevs home tram thé city aven Sunday. Qieag<dmnyta hssc i 'th rwidterap aen @pet the W. J. Diétc sentainéal compauy E E DLF N eeseS., Wtuk* RUSS LL ui.t a ood anyfro thi setionFouth ith er aren hos.trormChicago aven thé Fonrth. RUSSEIL Wi Steionihiér anal ister, Maymé, wené lu W aukegan the fore part ai. the Cha. MiIIlé undér thé ductor1's cars nu lrcbaa aiy netîlgain. spent.Sunday and Monday at the J. week. "Il experta go ta the Elgin. optlcFakUlihadfml netie Veif l E1odrick home. a té Mn. anal lin. Haldeman. ai Dcorab, ta have an opération penformel. company from Elgin a iéw day. lasI lA III li. anal lins. John Roue hspent l-,aevstn brbohr .A Thé hall game tait Sunday betwéén wesk. Hofitmao. Zurich boys anal Rondunt vas won h tins. Mat Lange, oîf Chicago, hi spefial. ibbr Ya d te l'onrtit wib ber parents, Mn. anald ing aiew weeks with ber parents, Mn. Or s W lirs. J. Wayne. Tom Edwands is entertalning finsa thé Zurichs, thé score hing 12 ta 0. nllr raeils l'or Figureo aaTtu pu ua londy ram Chicago. Net funday thé! vilI play thé Cary adM.J rdrce "sm anal a good gante l.xpecteal. lin.anallire ----L-hsa-----n-ans-__-------------_______ BUILDING MATERIAL vith ber braISer Jo. anal sie.____________ Wm. Tonne was a Barrngtuu viétor day ast week ln Halneevllié. Quité a fév boys blew thsmseives onrG R Tuesday. GAGES LAKE Miy picés are nlght anal grades ne w buggies. M. Fanyo Ie vatlug relatives hore. Louis Geary, ans oftour niait prarnîn--------- o* irod.Whehe yu by r ohnDrer ntrtire ho intr heeut business men wai marriedlny 1, Will O'Neil léft for nonthero Wisconsin, *.OS SO S Doo te yofigu r orh r nél es i inté Mn. anal lre. Patter are entértaiuing ta Miss Olive L.émpker, of Grand Rapide, Wednésday to huy catîhe. rt O H EMTi ual gt my igura. Fanth.théir daughter iront Méîropolie, Ill. Michigan. Mis Lmpker l. véhi known Evan Lawérence, Jr. entertainedal R D iClll __________________WEST FREMlONT. LuciDe liutaw le steaalilyi mprovlng bore having livéal wllbhémuucle, P. Long party ai tour baya tram Chicago aven PREPARED WHITEWASH: Frank Erbari ana l shter, lins. Mary in héalth. the pait two Yeats. Théir many friéndé JuIy 4th. Tékeampe vére Libertyvhie caions ast Most of thé péople luib tisvieiulty wish theria abappy: anal prospérons Mr. anal lins. Keller analdlir. Phélpa SPECIAL ATTENTION week. attéodeal thé celébatioo ho Waukégan îanunéy through flet. weré ho Wankégan Manday. A I I.S r [. ro. Mise Rosé Hertel la vény fil with tetrto h ek Dick Abbott anal iamily, ai Chicago, andmir«t Mtypholal ever. A traiuéal nurse le attend- M re.'il&le i entértaiaing ber siîter are visitirsg Bt Almonal brother.. ing ber. Wé hope th, héar ai ber quick anal iamily. ~Mn. Sean anal daugbten. Sylvia, havé aoto onOresIietil recovery. Dr. anal lre. L. B. Jolley, of North lire. Van Horn anal Misé Grâce vielteal returnealftram a weéks' vieitin lu inue- Jo. ftaffe speu a 1e days l hiag, e re èe everal alays hest vith frisads ln Grayelke recéntly. apols. ___________ Wisconsin hst wesk. week buigerawhérriés. Misses Vabti, Lambert ana .l lél Mn. anal lir. Dolph Charal anal famihy, Abert Haler had thé mifartuné ta T héeliCulloughi, McCure anal French Smith are éjoying thél, vacation, o! Chicago, vielteal relativeséhère sever&l P A Lbs a cow recéuthy. familles cesibrateal louday at John Adlla Smith visitéal friénds in Normal days o! aset weék. And Shipping Trade OiSADRTIESBP E. H. &foyers bas baugbt the John licClure'.. Park thé past wsek. Ms.Payne 8pént sevenal daye af lait HTL N EALR UPJ b-à2M Mullen farm. lir. Mille entertaineal the Ladies' George F. Ilatthefla s penallng bis wéék with relatives lu Lihértyville WE.DELIVER TO ADJACENirTOWN' __________ ociéty, Thureday. Thére wai a large vacation with horné trisude. Arthur Le, ai Chicago, vas an aven zts ns isfepr 'cvnn rmbrSunday visiternat WilIO'Neii's. uaImB:ss5*pg pp ppu.., up, ~~~ A t~~~~~ aliug tiny nervs-aio langfer tb" thé Thé yauugeelt ciidrsn ai Mr. anal lre. ,erse hliésé. lir. George Hawkins, ai Libertyvihle, ______________________________ ~~ fo~~~et ike br -taitée ftramthé Haines bave bheu slck wltb the mumpi. lins. C. 13. Allen anal tm4 l itîThons- vsta eltvshreJi sk bétan1eimpulsi,idipaver, iteflar Thé Gurnéé bail te.u, vas défeatesi b,'day ta spenal thé somamer witb ber lins. Janueanal H. Mog intertalneal 1"Mt or lihalde nérvé. Il vas Dr. Sboo vIa aou 28boarés aen hélanîa tas firet tqlal useR vas Our néwsoctan fia oettlug a large Henry fichrage v et tM. Howardal anal HsroldA m eanal M i ~va o alig tnic, t oKal- ac At.ceanl e bsy -AbtAna a. aa ir.HrlisEaavnCaucyDtéw- a aéHn._ --