CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1909, p. 5

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LAECOUNTY iIDEPENDPENT, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909 ]EANUT BUTTER isleused in many way--f or sand- wiches, candy, flavor- ing, salade, etc. Beech - Nut Peanut U Butter le a blend of JF09 A the finest hand-morted DEJIOS varieties o pns SADWCH and Vîrginia peanute W. IE the addition o! a IEAHN JI U ND ltl CH-t > îTK itiesait, put In the Beech-Nut (vacuum) jar la always fresh and sweet. I'BEECH-N1JT BRAND. Three sizes, lO<ç, 15e and 95e. Order a trial jar. J, ELI TRIGGS Headquarters for TEAS and COFFEES We Have 'Em SMITH & DAVIS Libertyilefl.t FllrlisliigsI We dlaim that for* good value ini hlgh c lamd P'rnâAhng@ we cannot b. boat. That we eue- ceed in pleasing the most exacting in point of the Iquality of the goods and that Our prices are right Js proved by tho:>fncreasing number of Our matisfied customers. Join them V 4j. B, MOjýR$E &- Co.o Everytltlug for len ILIBERTYHILLE BRIEFS I- L.OOAL AND PERSOWAL- MENTrION Thé FQ9rth ln Libertyvîlle wes '&&ne" and théré were no arrests. Obert ifalvoreen opént the Fourth wlth bis parenté ln EnClaire, Wle. Mr. and Mr@. Wm. Wgham @pent neveral days thid week with relative@sin Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. Koon spent the Fourth at the home of ber parents ln Rankakee. John Butler and Missefisolce Fuler, of Chlcago, #petit thé Fourth wltb relativsehors. Mr. and Mr@. 6eo. Finch and ebildren. of Cicago, wsrs viaitors &t the home of 0. E. Werner, Bundey and Monday. Miss Betb Hackiey, of Wankegan, @petit several day the pat wk wth frisade and relative, l ibý,eryls. Mr@. Robert Tbomas and @on, Charies, and Misses Merv& and Florence McCnlg, of Chicago, are vislting et the Folistt faim. Mr. and Mrs. Pope, of Chicago. are spending the summer in Libertyville and occuvy the fit of Rei. Van de Erre on South Park Ave. The W. C. T. U. wiilméet at the home of M ré. Sarah Meson, Tueeday, Jnly 13, at 2:30. Subjet, "Why SpeciTemper. auce lu thé Sanday School?" Mrs. J. a. Panuaki, aelsster of is. A. C. Murray, and Mis. John Klmo, of Belvidere, Ill., have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Murray the past week. Thé Tila Chapter of Westminster (iuild wil meét et the home of Miss Berthe Maeon next Tueeday evening. Ail membérs are reqneéted to lie présent. Thé Ladies' Aid Society of the Presby. terian cburch will meet nt the home ot Mr". E. Wells, Tbursday etternoon, Juiy 15. Mitchell's Mlitary Band will gi vsea dance et the tawn hall on Friday evening, July 9. Music by Hapke's orchestre and plenty o! fans to keep you cool if the nlgbt is bot. The many friénd@ o! Mrs, C. N. Durand who deligbt Inaering her piano sele. tions will hé leaaed to know that a new Ieonu & Hamiin Grand piano bas recently been placed ln her home. *lour park look@ ver3' nice," was thé compliment of a visitor in the village not long azo, "but it reminde rie of e man caught in e barber obop during e lire who came eut with just hait of bis head sbaréd.' Rer. J. Van de Erre and famiiy lftt tbis week for Hollend, Mich.,wbere they will spend the sunimer wth relatives. Rer. % an de Erre will bé in Lii,rtyviile tram timé to time but will @pend the week euds with bis family. There lés ai 4 tu have beeu somé objec- tions miade tu tha change in thé name of the village of Rockefeller and a remon- 'trance le no4v hing circuieted wbich bas eecuN'(d a number of signers. The matter cornes before thé board there next Mondey évening. %drs. E. E. Ellsworth lef i Wednesday morning for Boston, Mass.. and Cape Cod where shé wuil make an extended visit wltb relatives. Her sons, Mark and Luelan,1sf t thé semé day for Wilmette and Bertlett, Ill., where they yull etay with relatives durinig ber absence. H. S. Hurîhutt viii more the store building on thé coruer of Milwauke avenue and Orehard streét to a lot further back on Orchard siréet whére it willilhé remodéisd aud made into a dvelling. This la one of thé héét corners on Milwauýe avenue and willéeventually hé occupied by e businesblock. The village board hoa décided ou a new method su fores thé building of cernent vaik@. Rebates yl uot lhe turue teV property owuérswbo do noV uid their walks withiu thé timé speci- lied hy the hoard whén orderéd to make sncb improvérnent. As thé rehete ia qalte an item this will vîthout doubt hurry thé work on rnany new welks. Whlle driving home tram church lest Banday morning a éurrey tram ths Follett faim ocenpied by Mr@. Roht. Thomas, Miss Dell Thomas, Mrs. H. W. Faliett and Rtay Thompéan broke dovu en Milwakee avenus user thé park. Thé bah broké ont cf one vb.él aver- turning thé vehicié and f ightsnlng the téam aof clts attached. Thé party vers dragged for a considérable distance before thshe rsés braké awey carryiDg wltb thsm thé ranning geer. Thé part.v vere ail badly bruiod nebaken ap, Mn@. Thomas perbaps thé most serlously. The Lihértyvillé Chorel Society rsndered the cantate "The Pllgrim Fathérs" betore a fair sized audienceil et thé Union cburch ia8tTbursday evénlng. It vas the firét musical entertelument given by thsm and a Irot crediltable performance. Thé choruées vere vili drllled and gave much evidence o! patient reheeréal and training. The sala vark vas also good and thé parts hsudled Most conscisnciouely. Thé ladies vers ver.v fetching .and eimplityIeUl their Paritan costumes sud thé miten li kén shedes of Peter tuyveeaut idéal cherecters !rom thé historie Mayflover. Thé Indien chorus o! braves sang welU aud vers attrectively cotnnîéd. Tbsy voe encored. Thé scenic arrangements ve Qodadthé plot of he play crldextrementiy veil. Thé produc- tien vith ail its good points vas unfortunae. Only oneperformanceas given as hs second night hed ho hé pastpoued ou aceount of thé stonni sud the proceeds o! thé single performance vas fer fromn enough ta psy expenses. Iý vili probably hé given egain ans.m tlne this faim sas 1V lé déerving o! sucoés la every vay. Mr. and ise. Pal Warnecke spent thé Fonrth vIth relatives lu Mebanicsburg, Thé 24tb of Jane ths W. C. T. 1'. sent to thé Philippine soldiers 12.840 pages of lterature. Mrs. "Pied (Jioker le! t Mouday for Franklin, Ps&, where Abe wiii @pend ééveral won"e vlelting relativeès. Mr@. E. A. BIsbop and daugbter rstonend froxu Frankfort, Ind., vhérs they have beu vsiting relatives. Ur. and MW .Dem H. Miller, son Roland and Miss Kabel 1131h atteuded thé borne show ln Lake Foréet lest Saturday and énîoyed an automobile tour of the uortb sbore. A ?athétlc éenfft on Park avenue lest we aswo thé dsath of ' Bo@sy " Gallo - way wbo dIéd frgm an overdose of paris green aftér a nueful and mont exemplary carnier. Shé vaagood eev. Julins ud John Tceptowanad @ister, Mise Dora and Bd Seller w hho have besu sojournlng lu TafIt, Tex., fo r the peint fév mocthe returned home la,'t Tbursday. Théy ire Tez.a but fiudIlîlinois mach pleanutér durlng thé squlmer montlle. Miss Enmma Bàshmbason display lu thé wiudow o! thé Young & Lynch Brothers furnturé store an if1paiDting which lé tu, hé sold and the proiseds given to thé arimprovemént fond. It bas ao b92néuggested tbat a dance and supper bestirsu in hehaif o! the aboyé named improvement. Thé gênerai îpublie bas taklera very kindly to the % ork that bas already been beétowed upon that plot of ground thisyear by the village and many vonid lîke to ses more donc. Thé baud oucéris neyer fail to bring thé crewds and witb betteravioriîuodatious they would hé étuIllarger. Straugers .Iaiaétallenotice oftheirplaie and many stop to welk about or drink et the tountain. Thé barber @bop of Clereroe Fiagg bas been ciosed thé pent veek and thé proý- pri.tor departed for parts unkown. Hes had been servéd with a notice to vecats thé firet of Jaly and aise sued hy Mmé. M. A. Protine for 860 cent. Thrangh bad management ie lbas bé- corne idebted to severai firme about tovu and bas beén anable to ineet bis bille. He vas a gond workuîan and a young man of gond habite and bis îneny friends regret t he unheppy turu ot bis business affaira.Thé pertoerwith whom lie was to open a barber @hop ini thé Lib- ertyville hotel dlssppeered a week ugo and thé pool tables and other fixtures whieh nad beeu éhlpped lroui Chicago~ were retaued. ThéeItamblers bave secured a sériée e! three gaines with ths Wet Ends of Wankegan and theé Ont wiii hé pieyed ai thé f air grounda next Sunday alter- lnoan. Thé next gamnewill hée played lu Waukegan, Sunday. thé l8th and thé third game thé followîug Suuday with a tonsé p to décide et vbich tavu thé final game wl ha playéd. This le a championship senisé for thé champion. shlp of Lake County and thé winlng team is scbeduled toplay witb Highland P$rk. There bas alwae beauén mch rivalry htve Lihértyville and Wauke- gan bail toura néed it vasiulier a flag of trace thât thésée gamu er oe secured. Tbey promiseeévsrythfng In thé lins of fest play and éxcitment and a cernivai for t hé rooters. Thé Remblers are play- ing oeil this year and It launp tu thém in this séries to show thé admiring publc thas they are made. of the rmal staff. The rock-sure methode of th.i Waakégeu teame haveébsén badly dented lu Lihértyvilie et varions Urnes and it le up to thé Ramblers lnuibissérie. Vo give tbem e bump they wil réxnember. Fine Musical Prolgvarn. Thé Lihérlyvilié publie will again hé nffemsd thseunuai pléaure of hering three of Chicgo@ moteelebrated artiste lu e musicale aet thé Union charch, Wednesdey éréning, July 14. Adolph Rosenbecker. Gertradé (irosscup Perkins and Mr. Perkins. ail of thé Chicago Cousrvatory of Musgceaas mont finished and accom pished manie"%n and are heade o! diffrent departments of that &chool. They appeered boeslast vinter and loyers o!fimusic will hé more thun pléaséd to kniow that théy viii have the opportunity a!f listeming ta themi aigalu. They wiliih é eletd by Mms. Flore E. 1)rnd. Thé folloving program viii Liereudereil: Violu Solo-'Sonate . --Ednsrd Griég. op Mr. Roaeobeî2keï Vocal Solo LeBalser..............*"Thomas Welieléd ............. Brahms Vin, danme,.Marquise. . Lé,matre Cértrude Orosocup Psrkins PIano SoloRlzoletto . .......... (Verdi> Lisat Flora, E. Durand Vlollu 8olo-Scene de Czardas. ......Hubay Mr. Rofeobeceér Piano Solo-Polonialm. Op. 40 lN. 1. .Chopin sNoturieOp. 87 N. 1...Chopin Recitative aud Eomansairumn Taii', . ...Werer-Linot Pa,aélaoe. Fym Duichmnan- ..... ..Waner-Perklus inPerblnn INTERMISSION Vocal Solo-The Coi ért ............. Loché............ ...Pekin. Lho deine Wang an moine Wang., Ocrr.d -ode rosoolirklbs VIollu Solo-Audate and _siiale (b yrequst)- MrRogeobecker Piano SoI-Barcarolle. G. Mjr.'... -Rubinstein Milnoct Dt) . ............. Perkiffl Pialla Walu ............ Per]hios Parallhraoe (OlTrov)............ lysidI> Gottschalk Viollu Solo-BridiiSong . . .. Vogrirh Trio-"MS ieait avec Falvhfur ........Bach Olertrde orosscop Poekina Adolh YRe.eekér Fierm E urad The entertainmeut ih undér thé auspices ot the Ladies' Aid Socety of thé Prebytorien cbarch. Bats ars on salé et Loveils drag store. Berved seats, 85 cents. VOUR SAVINGS Deposited with our bank on or before July 10, draw fuil six month' interesi. on Jan. 1, 1910. One dollar 6peus an account. Deposit so lehn today for use in time of future uéed. m H uA NK 0F usB~V~ Barry Duonîili and Theodore -Oleson, o! Fox Lae, vere visitons hère Tues- Miss Melba Permise, o! Chicago, bas beén visiting Mies Ruth Hault thé peet week. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wiliams and son, Wiiiard, spent Sunday and Manday lu Chicago. Wm. Laycock vas ans o! e party thet léft Tuésday fora fIshing tri po! tvo wéeks near Monocqua, Wis. T hé othére vere ail tram (inayelaké. FOR SALE-Ice créam couse, Byve cents ecb, et thé band concert lu thé park nsxt Thuéday evénuing Epworth Leagu o! thé M. E. cbur. Coolsd refreshing. YVeau liké théns. A perty of "stcolllng players" etruck tavu fast Seturday !urnlshing mach amusement sud diverson ta thé thildrén and athers. Theré vers monkéys. grind-argaus, bag.pipeé andl severai sons o! eunny Itaiy te manipulats théesame. The Germen Luthéren Bt. John's con- grégation, of Lihértyvîllé. vHIii elebrete its annuel mission festival on Bunday, juiy Imth. Thé forenoon services, wbich hégin et 10:80, viii hé condncted by-Prot. J. Kodbler. o! thé Luthéran seémlnary et Wauvatoéa, Wle. In the afiérnoan services, béginnlng et 2:30 Rer. F. Zariing, o! CndabyW..,iii preach thé sermn. AU frleudé o! our mionary vork are inviteil to attend. 14EW *ALIKS ORDÈED 1BY VILLAGE BOARD New Cernent Walks Ordéred Along Sprague Street which lé a Much Usd T'horoughfare. ^Il Dogs Found Run- 15ih wili hé Shot by thé Marsal. Thé regalar monthly meeting of thé v= agbardvas héldidnluthé villa baildIngon Tueedey évrennJuly 6, '0 wîth Président B. B. Eger lu thé chair. Thé roll vas calied by thé clerk end thé folaowlng ansvsred présent: Eger, Cor. lett, Davis, Fanlkner, Lynch, &huaehéle and Wells. Thé minutes of thé prérlous meeting yers «and on motion o! Lynch and Davis vhieb carriéd eecepted as réed. Thé reporte of thé village treasurer and cérk wér alaie reail "d roerred ta thé financé conmlittsé,foraditing sas eli as the unonthlygilot of bille. Moved by Wells sud Lynch tbat thé re- potso=téClark sud treaéurer hé ac- cetdnplaced on filé. Motion carriéd. on motion of Wells ail thé bille éespi that of Brumm Brothers vere allowed andl warrants ordered drawn on trend- Dry. Motion vea sscondéil hy Corlett &nd carrléd. Thé follovlng bille wéré pei: Standard 01,1Ca., ga&olîne.....821!50 LaeC.Idpendént, printiug 5 60 Lake Conntyrvé 148 50 Fay Wslle, o 1odiane.. i50 North Shore -Eléc gro., llghtsoe.150 27 Frank nSith, sldevelk rebts . 8600 D. Limberry, " " 9 (00 a. Hennlng, " " 6 (00 Paul BIts, " 6 60 F. P. Dymond, ' 22 56 Uhéertyvillé Lamber Co., tus ... 4 96 D. Linihérry, salary ............65 00 E. C. Youg, aalary .............. 65 00 John Brixon, policé dufy......... 3 00 (i"a. McDonaid, labor ...._......i1 50 Dr. Taylor, disinfectiug ........... 5 00 Ed Quentin, stréet work....16 50 W. L. Attridge, street work ... 18 00 E. J. Brown, Street work....... 2 25 Wankegan Petroieam Go., gaoo- "_liné ............................. 19 20 J. T. Davis, burying dog ...... 50 H. B. Eger, mde................. 43 87 Thé annuel appropriation ordinanre was presentéd by Wélio! thé finance cornmittee and reai by thé clerk. On motion o! Lynch and Corlett vhicb car- rled the appropriation passed as reed. Ou motion o! Lynch a uév croseing was ordered put lu on thé north aide of Park arenue et Stewart avenue cronsing in addition ta thé uev aneordsred et thé prerieus meeting. The motion was séuonded by Weil@ and carried. Thé folowlng résolution was presented by Corlett o! thé Street eommittee: Resolred, that a six (6) fout cernent ireik hé ordered hut on thé uortb side o! Spregae street tram Miwaaké avenue to Firét Street; and hé It furîhér reeolved thet a tour (4) foot cernent welk hé hut on thée outh sîde o! Lake Street trom Mil- waukee avenue to thé west hune o! Dan McCormick's preperty; aise e four (4) foot weik la front of thé property of Mre. W. Taylor on Division Street. Maved by i'orlett and Schnebele that thé résolution hé acceptéd. Motion carried . A ptition from Fred Jochhiem vas board asking for thé rigbt toextend bis celiar under thé sidewalk ln trout o! bis property au Milwaukee avenue. Moved by Lynch and Faulkner that thé matter hé létt ta the Street committee vitb pawer te act. Motion carried. Lynch of thé lire and vater commite réportéd that e vindiase had héen or- dered te hé pleced under thé water tover for the parposeot hoistiuig hase tu dry after béing uaed. An old ordinance relating to dogs that was eriginally passed lu 1902 vas reed and coaidered by thé hoard sud atter mach discussion thé following motion vas préented by Faulkner: Movsd that thé président af thé board hé lnstrinctéd ta issuesa proclamation ordérlng ail do'Ie muled htveu thé fiftsenth day of and théefIftsenth day o! Béptember sud theisil doge found withont mulsi ii hé immediately ébat hy thé marebal. &éconded hy Schnaehéîe, Corlett, Davis Faulkner, Schnaéhéle and Welle votéà yea sud Lynch uay. Thé bonds of A. W. Lltchfiéld sud L. H. Schanck for thér lcnssas plambens vaas pieented ta the board. Movd by Schnatele sud Faulkner %bat thé bonde bc accepted. Carried. The cierk vas instructed te charge ail shows comiug ta, thé village sud show. ing under canvase a license o! not lésé than $5. Meved by Davis and Schnashéle that the board adjouru la meet Monday. JuIY 12. Motion carrled. EARL H. CoHLErT, Village Cierk. Thistle Notice. Notice is hereby gIven te ighvey comiuîiesiauers et Xthéwanship o! Lihértyville ta dlean up their districts, highweys, raliroae, fermée and lots o! canada tiitie héloré tbéy go to éeéd as éial Sahethat the 1ev ia fully oheerv- éd. Diacres Limnaéan, Canada Thietie Commissioner a! the tonnof Liberty ville, Lake County, Ill. 40-t! o o *o o o o o o o o o o O o o o C1e~ o o o o o oo Dre o O o o g o o o We are o o inthep * DressC o o o O o o O NC o o o o o O o * a' O O o o * o emak-ing, a big reduction. rice of A iLght Weight Goods. CaIl and sec them )W IS THE TIME s, IN EVERY DEPARIMENT 0F BANIN< We are prepared Vo serve thé people lu an acceptable way. The Business of this Bank Haa been under one 0u thé samé oonservative, progressive aud responsîble managein.. for thé past sixteén yéars, and thiseaxperienee imeures to dépoaltt .evory possible saféguerd for moneys entrnsted t'O ité cape. Capital and lSurplus, $75,OOO.OO LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK ing ofyour hanme I. s necssry as houee-ckteszg. If you intcnd maltig repsirs or Installhng Swcix turcs. ve shall bc glad ta figure for you. provmd4n a guaranice of prompt sud pcm*ect work ai yeaSý- able price. We oeil and insall the fatuow S tmbàwe Porcelain Enazucicd plumbing fixtures. «Pmw Ware bring. a weaith of hcaJdh, ta yu home and increausses i éling Vaine'«é I vng r. u*" boo&ki th.. fiALBERT W. LITCIiFELD, Uibertyviflo Asiseob*. .Osueffl oems Men's Odd Veste A Sunday Vest et an Évengdag PriS. A fortunate purchase of four dozen odd veste at about bal.! prie. enablem us to give you unusual baréraizw. O85 They are made from black serge and Ô allé clay woreted, well tallored, good enough in quality and appearance toe 1 U wear Sundays, but at our price eheap enouigl to wear to work. $1.50) ta $2.25 vese at ................... About fifty Meula Sample H&a, moutly f ur bats, a little preaed ont of shape, will .mû. aa dandy' .veryday bat that wMl keep ý shape. À& t1.50 value for .......... TMLw ZF irance Sale Summer :I.SS Goods 9

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