CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1909, p. 4

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LAKECOUFtTI ?ND~, FIDAY, JULy 3,6, L190s COUNTY IDENfPfNF'N&" amr"1 t~ OFICAL APE 0F AIC CONTYW. W. Carroll and iamily are spend- Edtto1lirs Resiese e epne No. 1141.lbertyUe Exchange iug thse weeksot tRound Lake. j, »W5* bi lb. pommoUe a& LpoetyriIe . I 5se@000" Ciao.Mats? in the absence of 5P". Van de &,rIlSf1 4 O wn Afl"5aTEqtrNO LkT KAOS KN0WB on AppLIATION 5 lev. J. B. MacGifn willl prescli aisthe 1 12fI SO'~TIN PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRtCTL.Y IN ADVANCE Preabyterlan churcli next 5undair morn- __ _lng. JUST Eitor rtown, N. Y., have heer viitorl at the XVLEY....... ......................................................... Cty Edtor homeeci Mr. auBd Mre. G. A. Wright thse ____________________________________________________putiweek. FRIDA.Y, JULY 16, 1909. Mluwaukee avenue for about three lie reofa mi rant of thse John- STIJOINTS IN FACTORIES. to prevelt duat. hsbe lioe-- Piqie l edpt an lntteresting .xpsrinient, whlch will be wiatclied On Wedpesday 0f uext weqkcoin- ý = M'2t iter n citiée where there are ,Wuiitôihs fa~t*&ea.The plan neences tbe animal sesion o, heDes 0 &ew hé tudntsln he chol t wok i th fatorseet h* ibbecmp meeting whleh viii be thse ~ e iis tie eudets n tt ehoOlta orlin he actrie et~i.jutjilyess. 8everai Libert;5viie Meho- dieue are planning en, attend, smie for a 4>drtlil schéme twe boys wlll take up a certain wor l n the fao- day or tvo a l and a lew for the entire Am ianS -'tffl'f tise0 wil I wrk a week inbile thé otiser attend@ mhol. On ton day meeting. mrcn 1 ilteroon tifs tweboys utl scompare notes end tii. on who fianslMr. and Uns. C. N. flurand entertained For Wllhelm e O ufateywlii eiçpain tg the otiser how fer hie worl h» s ono touirteauofidontammer sehoolifitors W M nM O Mrin tonemvenngrconty.Moeby lre. Dur- on esieymcringitmay b. talion up wthout Interruption. tub, Msses is"h liCyretie and lite ua wy, It le oiimed, many boys wli be *nabled a1ttn "iso 'Mhos »lagu»md a reedin by C. M. é. assîte net etiiereele. bec»u» they can ern money white in the foc. 1Fkanevof Betimove filied t ivening illy Puttiuqis lt. practicel operetion thte asons Iarned ln echool, es*frvte. «. IL Coe, o f eeb$ ityensr 00%»y là gi*nual teuling. le antother argument aodlIn lie aer. aid fauhoned lave songe and ravivai A illifflacosrera, ducetone and business mon of Freeport are bohind the hymne. a" Ut it md ilîlbe trled this 13e1, Thor* sre ton meny Issues enter> An automnobile beloag. to George ~tethe proposliti te determine t once whetiuer the - echeme la a Wbtosl,oaiLake Bluff,9hCta rear end ese or not.lies application for n time certaunly cen do no grtat collisfon with tihe treet #%prinkier lent Thorsday alternoon sud put said vater- wagon out of business for saverai dmy@. ___________Tise wagon wàà standing on Cook Ave- DEFENDS MILITIAMEN. nue being reiilimd and beinrc unabie to avoid thse ganoline buggy gaI a bad *prtng1leld Journal: Elgin looks with fear nnd trembling upon soidiert bump wiicb puttis qitngapparatfls ý lle Militia uho vent Into camp rear that city yesterday. Prose disatches On the hum. 46unces tist sevral bodies have jolned in à reelution, &&king motiiere of Thse regniar manthiy meeting af tbe » City' te koep their girls off th streets et nistit durlng the encempment. drectore of thse Fould@ Miling Ç.ompany MIl of viioh Indicate that Elgin ha& torne thIngs eta ear. For many vas beld nt tiseir plant bere lest Tues- da7'. Thie meeting ie ueualiy beid lu tise îsro *prlnold han beon entertalnlngfflmmbers of thse National guard and Chcg office but deiring ta iâspeet the bea. nover knawn a situation where precautione advieed by the Elgin re- fdctory thse usual routine busginees vas de« oWbé regarded sas neceenry. On the otiior hand, respect ofr the trannected bere. Tse businems eprasper- celeld osuad the naine Foulddeil synanimoug waiieei for young womsn ha* been notable and worthy of favorable com- wxîh a goad praduct that la knoovotise M&1* warid aide. It la trtae tist nome enoarnpmeuita f tiie National guard ln this city have L. J. Webb let Tnesday for bis home min msrks$ by conduct unbecomlng the uniforrn, but this Conduct hs. neyer iu Tyvan, Saok. Prov, Canada, after dma. thé form4i i ndignitieu toward womnnhood. Uaually it lise been orne making a short visit witis Mrs. Harrison outura cfmarielspiiteuprinucs byvl~te a aneihbningBrown and other Irienda sud relatives a ouburt o rnrti1 siri, sperndued y vsit toa nighoriqhere. He bas been away main Liberty- ait"% mand epending lte emergy ln healthy fiatîcufs. Borne Ot the awful ville for over three years and see8 quite fifigt.oif thie soliers have been rothlng more than harmleas demon- a chang n tise village. He bas 500 tletigne cf iscyis michief. arsluganon hje frm lu Canada - Afér a hn hd eperence Elifiwil fid tat sldir bys re uchfroin whieh h leisexpecting promising * AleshahashndexprieceElgli lilfln tht slde bos ae mctireturne. He was calied haine by the se- lMo etis boys. They may commit indiàeretions and engage in unseemiy noiue iline, ai bià littie cî tetrfylusg frolice, but the me nt likely to do anything whlch wlil brins Tise change lu naine ai Rockefeler ta *ies diegrace upon themeielves or the guard. Area was joyfulv celerated at Rtocke- Elgln young wcmen are In no serlous danger. feler ist Monday eveninog by the tudents aitiseSheidan sumnier sbaal wlsamade tise eikin ring witb a yel -SUBSIDIZED COURTS. apprapriate ta tise occasion. Many Coller% Wookly han been pouring hot *hot lto some of the courta ln the aentrs ai tie uatoteanenba er %r à et for ào"e time, but about the warmest volley le fired thiie week. Th*e naine ai thse postoffice and a number ai ntWMtlesipctured in il» two or three edtoriale on the subject are shocking prateets and petitians wiii ta sent ta tise iAhé te cause honet men te aek wth blsnched faces, "Wlithei sue WCe ofc eaten eoetenm Celliter'.pinta out with rlghtneas that e puroised decislon cf a court The inany friende ai Jabn 01k, visa far Internai uany years lived ln this village, vilii t la a ntaci more seriotis thing than à purchsed law paed itb>' a legislature. pained ta learu tisat le suddeni pagéed mflo court fftakea a decision there la tit a sort of flnlity about the met-awyath home ai is daugliter. Mrs. Ueauty. g Th& docîsiosi le quoted ln future nsesetaliisiiug m procedant.. The iaws e Meei Austin, June lusti, having by lsioéturs my b reptald b futre essin, ut lawwritenbeen atricken witli apaplezy a week ta- odl ~ bylegulaaire my h repais byfutre eeson, ut ie wrtteiflre. He waswelandifavorably knavn ~ a o0»4seil tint le, a iew given n couts approvai hence<orth ritsa et every t 0oubuttin viclity audmn te poa0ss the w5 of the people, If l ha contrary ta eound public poicy. beautiful lawne ware the landiwork af c4OUICS ,~.<hp'Weitl roed te telle of a deoisilcn handed dom i*bout e year ago bis 8lili. being a lover of Nature, lie w~ au ren. tc h Uoe «hnen gîe h rn a-iiu chose gardeninfg as bis profession, styles ti bëgqý lu Threulmthe attorney' for thse cempany t po- Mir and Ilira. Francia L. (lumin have 1 . lueaois he1Po reto,:nel home from trieir weddingtrip "ê prepcftd an opinion te ha eubetft~is for that handed clown by -t-« &peuttuînnartsern Wisconsin and aue liv- eýîMMtr e ftii.appuyai of thse ciief Cournsotof tise ralroed and then got inin tbeirnew ihonorthsetothioE ____ s ita1. 55.0<, ho hmd uritten thse Original Opinion, ta substitut& kttin vllg. v ere married le St. 1saýqwMte0nt.Coilee og& te jdgesuliffuenly dmiteddoig tls.Veronicas church. Avondale, Jans. itth. ~tsuctsperd ColIrs aystie Jdu euequiiiy dmite dong T he -e bride veasMis Catherine Gibbons, Schancl Yluemaslm gs on te e»y tint this ia but an episode and that sîmilsi ai Chiscao.Tisy eroe attmnded by Mr. eqpgm of thm coeurtm$etftihe uset by bis corporations le not uncommon. Rul-Joseph Gibbons, ofi Wank«ga, ane Misa b e es.arduiking It Imposible for thse employes lnjured in thse servie Anna Gueiu, ut LÀItvi.J1 &M vsddlng vas veiy quiet, only imeilite « *a , omupafir t. olioct damages, according to tise generally acceptd anid relatives b.ig pressent. im epier »Wandther thinsn are dons tisat appear repreisenelble. A grand picule viii be givec loi thse ýý 5 -aoagote sheutslha the efqiunid ofthe. nationa libertin end thet d- tanelit 01 St. Joeepl'sCatholicebcurcis IWàoet, f evan Justice. Sic conditions sas are haro pitured are n the lest veek in joiy. Tise exact date 1 4§pwW1 .4 th whle udiieryof he ounry, lthutifi robaly ut am li as flot beau slected but it wl rohb- on &0i00 hele juciary cfrthe t fcontr ithogh i@uly ut ernaîl7ye thse latter Sort of thse wvs& The a cur eflealspakfarmeriy keove as the Copeiand Gl fai ,,ut aciosa the river froin Liberty- Ptay Guod Saiot BMon on second, visn h ie gioundvil.Tsvaonfetrsiitam t ruleb vsrrfeÜiy sale; but Le gavvilTe vaios e re iii be m n ».lnb:pAudb»chut ot tise West End olîhtviîmti. awodoennt1aiae inteieeting. r wl e a anu to 1 MofWakegsn lan of aithe hestater, viseisalegd Rugen out, aitisangh diui Hpe rhs onet Iketsehaval.e ad am tio ranshe i viiibe pi.nty ai entertain- ob gmleveplýmtundty flteetelder hdBtee oeamto et a utdoor sport& ai every des- t itrgoue ltevt uiuid y ltttuch bin. Lirtyviiians, vho like criptian. Tisemepicoles; are aways veil YeE ~ot n. ! tse vsitis verfair play and vant thse gaines van ar attendest and the beautlîui site chasen tise hogue Plats tisaugli theî baotan tiseir mnitse epreemd satisiac- li holding tiisone viliimake il 0one af Outbuildi -moni anmi bold srd enougis. tion on this eveniag-ilp p es. th igpeion af the year.thtwl ,*"*M sup mou Vos Viven-i"119ln, As to thet ta 10lmias is ici thletiebgpu *bie. s %011107 ale a bit suid rembeid scribe oi the Sun vitis bis etiabismic htwl e hhm X ero e'ayeight and varped Iudgainent vanld onrteLad .5 of er re'oater,. bave nie beleve vent fuir, It ia dilSeuilt Tise Coreatoe hLare uid no sot arnanM" on thirt Mditone tbhat foi aDy umire ta judge thons the Sheidon Universty vas laid at Lake ='»auscsila tise nintis but the ydedan kind of baous vhiie stending back ai tise Eara lest Saturday atterusoon at tiree *a, botessand tise gmeCI=,e ithaut itcher. Th vriter stood vitsin Ivent! a'clock. Smple exercifme vere heid. thia M iolg a silaierue. leet o tihe catcherln tise hat pomiinBifyts snor Itteueievî osfoie amlvlng t'esores tise wakbtames thora and ta can say falaly and ai Mr, Sieidon yen tald as veli an an <l i a b er s t s c o e b i n sitivlY t ia I viile t is m y ta rte d f ir ou tlini a t ie p la n a fo r the b u ild in g ai 7. gMUE: th"e ouried so0iruclithut tht evetuallY the varions buildings at Lake Earsa t Y a. ~s'a Â.E. droped on foui ground. Perhae tise vii compose tihe libldon University. H- -0 A E BB'Sun&a authoriti hum the samnenotion sas Tise sxercisssboe vitis the sinfflng 0 1 0 0.OO tt 0O thtiseWauksganite, visa argnedvitlitise ai 'Bock 01 Age e' folawedliy thse invo-F R .1 0 î I w riter that as the bull vas feir, vhon cation of Ur. Foglemn. Tht isltory ai .1b..... 0t 7 ieoItpl otbird base, It mut ho cled tise Sisldan Institution» vas told isy 13ove. el..-. 0 1 7 t0t0 ta hra i'norane le his, itla15 ollylire. A. F. Shtldon. Aev ramankivere .i 0 0 0 0 0 to a nbn edumýNîre. niadebyC.N.Durand. Song ."Americ.' t.. .. 1 10 t 0 1 c) 00~ o o Next SudayvO i mieet the lion lau M. Sheldon thon modo a' short t.aik 11*01e, ..... 0t 1 1i041Oie îlar, andeaiwe have thettrtrain teUling olthéeplans and fututre af tise Chea - - -- - viii mate hlm crawl into hie baie anâ intitution. A box cont.a.rg Staidon Tii t4 27 s 2 1 Pultthehoistualter hlm. Weisape ouri lleratnr rwac filled and emlmd ovipare- 00 00 00t 00t t 01t i0txo- ltavnsmen wvilIaasta" froinbettlng, it tory tapiang iitise atDn. Thse exer- Ti. Mamlera w lt lay th Waukegan l eticaliy vrang and le thils case ton clamwe isthen adjouismd nnâli Sunday . .. tommAWst End Pr htct munis like teklng cn front a baby vhen alfi a sermon b y Mr. Fogiman______ gusxSqadegaltrnoo i thai tise yand thse hovIing itse dspolled in- si a taik by M. Siseldon the atone vas ameoftise enes e eo ng t nceta grate On car sensitive-nervos. placed.Tis séae te s.~lene andle tain o W e agionra airdeui, a easonably Ntie sisrt beiouieild ya=n l rod ofir audience and no (avare for oui boys oiieslaners t ý11 onmmeu y covd fand vs viii sov you even If yon are Notice. cmiso > "Tat" not Misorians. The partnership of Decker & LagiJ.LLbertyvlliergta As thse obltnelme say: Waukegan pontersanmd -cocorators, lnhm sneau IKsays ralies papers pieau copy. IL . loved sinces M" 20, 1909. A Latter of Couidotieco. 4"7 C. A. EXoAL. CAaad thiaties he *Mduc isbtof tl aleto bt on a a__________ s 1 shah 55metiat ipaelMa& UIp5OtbSta doubla Auj lady eue net a slter "No-Drip' I eoi 0ts yplm o lds .o :17W IW om l a OIeeStruiner by vnlting Dr. Sboop, baderwob oooldmalis t "rlj Canada Tisistie jut our ia r eod Be Racine, Win..Bond n aney. simpi, ge îa 'kiey oldwtf t me Cmy. tovn of Libertyvi 13is tii. otise falo'à sk foi tise "No-Drip" Coupon prislg, Thissgreai re*mW te t, polo ad ~. o. ouIte iOse-glvlag Y.our.naine ad adsuse.B1rthe irregularllls, dslte.»m sibuds lios, just 50 pair. ninas littie heir. PoiAaiar. People trade where the good goods are. Partieu- lar people corne to us. Certalnly! Why? Becausle our line of caninot b. equalled elsewhere. One try wilI show why. 1 HU Ss WATÇHAE LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Prsfty? WII Rathor? That's what you'l 8ay when you see the new and attractive "ALL WOOL» tional Fabrics. Every yone's a .Drop in and get a line on the >oks ofINTERNATIONAL s. Prioes that arc popular, and iat wiil stay popuar. -: W. PARKHURST àBlock LBERTVÎLLE, ILL. -Are YOU NG TO PAINT?'l This Year s, we want to paint the lionse, Barn and ngs with a No. 1 absolutely pure paint stand the test of years. Reinember that these painti eau bitbouglit of ing& Lynch Bros. NITIIRE STORE 0F QUALITY WALL P'AP!ER aper Than (Jhicago Mail Order buses li Oti FFI !W B jb givon ta blghvaj Of tise tovinshup ai dlean np tissir districts, >ie larme and lots ai bdore tlsey go ta o-d tis ia la i elly ab.srv- le Consnsssisnei of the lle, Lake o=stY, Ill- matis b D. Shaop, tou boe Paintruta &eu.imic B.niedj ior e esflerola "or vicie. Isuisho lu =eilgo M r IoIin t se d.s t Clybourne Livey &fW eed StabIe Llbewtyvllle, Ill - Wili meet trains St a&H luconneelion wlth h"ur when moillic. LIbeltyvIfe Hoisi. Buu'eW md HaMm ail New, RI*bt hmt"e Factery..AIi Up-to- Date Turueuta Adjudiction Notice. Publie NOUCO la hereb&giron tat tihe Ob. scieàdmbdieteOof &estate ot George W. St. desed IU Stemd lbe ou ourt014of Lake mi aenusithersoi to te holdS at 1.Mdbome ce ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g r..sii y ae ei,15,we ir LAWN"w MOWERASi Uoo your lawn need mowlBgî If o, eaUl ad site our 'Genutue Philadeiphia Lawn Mower. " Every one guaranteed to give perfect satiutacti on. 16 Inch eut $6.50 18 inch eut S7.00 FLUES ARE GOMN oële4.tM& ueendors are neceueary to yonr happine.. this summ«. You know iii wiU b. hot this summer and a GASLIE STÔVE would add greatly to your eomlort durlng the hot weather. One Burner 52.00 Two Burner $2.50 Thrte Burner 53.50 (>vens 52.00 Extra ~ ~t . B.EGER, Libertyville, lite Poultry Laws Iras Supplies If Yotg are Going to Friie PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN YOUR LAND SOW SEED 0F ANY KIND WHLTEWASH YOUR BUILDING PUT UP NEW FENCES We want to figure on your wantst Libertyville Lumber Company_ C.aI's Telephone No 47 FiiUp Ckeap New your Big In making clothes we aim to please. A satis- fied customer means a steady customer. Others seil clothes, the tailor makes theme Let us help you select your new suit. FRED CROKER Tallor and Draper Libertyville HMorses lori'Sale. Mountain Meadow Stock Farin, onc and one-lial miles north of Waucouda, Illinoi, lias contantly on iand and for sale, at lowest market price, a stock of ail classes of liorse, suitable for the rond and ail fanm work, exprs and draft, useful and serviccable, froin xxoo ta îfapounds. Priccas S.oo ta 52oo.00. No pluga'O Conte to Mountain Meadow and sec the lianes .:r cnte farin. Ait acclimated and avoid riak of sickoess. Ail guaranteed on deliver as reprcscntcd. COL. f.J. BfRRY LAII5IDECU EI Iwo ELINI Lakeside Butter lé made -of pure eéeam, from se- lected daines lin the Elgin district. Purlty and welght guaranteed.-Badger Butter Co., Bast Troy, Ws.. CORLETT & uFREDERItC"deSL UBEIRTY VILLE, ILL si ne - ". " 10

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