CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jul 1909, p. 1

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au INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVII. NO. 48 LBRYILLAKE COUNTY, ILINOIS, FRIbAY, JULY 2,'f 1909-8 Pages $1. 50 PER YIEAR IN ADV&NCI ONE MAN DRQl WNED ray had been unable to keep hie grilt NIAR';'ZION CITY mlles off Zion landi had swks aprey to thet on greal strain on hie endur- Tivo Men Startsd trom Boat Houa. anca. in i4.avy Bts le Endeavor te Lift lie muet have ciung b Lthe boat for Nets tha Mad Boom Set for Fish. at lesat two or titree heurs andi then One 8whins Two Miles in Effort glven up benause of crampe sud lacin te $av*> Brother. of strengtit. Long Swlm cof BOY. Ont of the most spectacufar ai- Basides tite dsriug fot of thea hardy tempts ai a rescue of dtressani sea- Waukegan party ln facing the sea t0 .ien- on the lake waa that of Tues- go tu the rescue. the greatest deed of day viten ln rksponse Lo an siearm the day was that or Andrew Murray that titree front ZDon City were lu n swimming two miles to thte shore danger of loslug their lves n the ln a terrifie sea te, bring aid te bis heavy saes off te gravel pit the Ke- brother. hosha ilfe saving crew aud te tug Three Brotherset. Watikegau. mande speedto t he scene whle bandsetQ BRIDE CAME I!ROM Volunteers fromt Waukegan and i Zon ACROSS TII! SEAS City walked along the beach 10 lthe &pot When Goodlng, a Fermer One Mile These simultaneous actions were frcrm Grayaleke, LefI Scotland Five procedeni hy te ensattonai trip of Vear* Ag0, He Promlsed te Send eue rtuoorcyclilt. John Fuller.,sud for Swe.the...t. Telegramn fromn Boa- tvo bicycliats, Clyde Hotchkiss snd ton Tellae! Girls Arrivai but Gvet Frank Walace, from Zion Cty tu Groom's Name Wrongly. Waukegau 10 give the warning wlch hati precedeti thero over te long dis- tance taiephone wres. Geoorge Coodlng, a farmer a mile Boy rovs Hro.from Grayslaine, rante to Waukegan Theogea fPtres Ho rfte .lest week andi get a mariage licence atepgdretfsu astheertof A-lntewhlcit iasrtcu iasue and titat of draw Murray, aged sixteen, who t is1 telMn0 -ne ee ie save theflfe f his brother swaartwoaste str ttlngpies.i f h c miles ftroma an overturued boat andT hei oyta lsbc ftele throgh errfIcllyheay ss$ o t enc,, le one o! interest as whle tite Ztbugh lrlaly uh ay stoc ateresidence of Loth ls given aa at Grays- Zio bech ud roghtaid to laelaite.I watt only less titan a week se bis brother Leon drowned. ago tai Miss Flnch came t10 Grays- * One Life Lest in fair. laine from Boton, whitlier site had ar- One lfe ws lbai dunng te affair, rivenl a few tisys previously from that of Léon Murray, aged 20, a fisit- London, Englanti. erman and one of the supports of a lu a tlegram receîved hy thte SUN widowed mother n Zion City. from Boston aItlite time of thte girls Otiters reached thte beach near te arrivai t As atated titiber name s gravel pit n safety. Frentch andt lt of te groom tu be Twe Faced Drewning. William tmt, but the facis are as At savan Sunday mornlng Leon andi staied nl d te confusion muet ite laId Audraw lMurray. te former 20, lbe np to Boston. latter 16, who purcb.sed te A. A, The romance as related As a pratty W.lker beach andi bathlug bouses et oua. Mima Fncit la Goodngs boyboonl Zon City laine front snd who fiait sweetiteart over n Scotland, andt wtt nes additionally, tarted for wheu ho let lte landcocakes for their net lu s smsli row boat. bounteous AmerAca ho pletigedth ie The ses wasa esvy but lise two damure 1111e mad thai he would ce- men persistedtu Ate attempt I0 go luru sand caIm ber or send foc hec. out tulift the nets and managed to After Oive years he sent for ber a reach te buoys lu safety. Thare te montb ago, te packeat up ber belong- beavy wava, swapt u thlie boat lie nga andi camne, and tae marriage lie- ant egg sheil sud fOally a comrrber ence lasuani la te resuli. owept over Il sud capsltzed t. / The two fshernien inanagedte bgai a grlP on te boat andt itn Andrew, IENDED LIME WITII the yonuger, volunteeredte t go lu and AS OL S-O elt ald, IT LS One Siezed With Crampe. The oter. Leon, would bave fol- Beieving that wherevcr he loweti im, helng au expert siImnrar, wett and whtever he undertook bati not te waîar givan hlm crampe a hoodea lied cast is $poil upon Bc tatI le fet unailti1 do auything him, Joseph Yopp commtted sui- but hang on. cide Baturday mornung at Ttevor, Autirew, terefore. swarm tbe two Wisconsin. mile t0 te Mon beach, arriving titere- et about ten-tiirty, gatberad iwo Tite fact Ls lent an undue interest heipers, got int anuter row ioat, dite 1 lite fact titut Yopp s an ex sud started ioward te scene agaîn 10 policepran of lligbwood. lia lef t ta rascite bis haîpless broter. cty whan te mile atîd an elgitti law Bas Prove Toa Much. waul lto affect. Aller tiis ite want Tite seasproved too mach itow- hlo thltasaloon busntesa at Camp ILake ever sud te second 'boat, contain- antt latar at Trevor, Ht coulti net ing Andrew Murray, Harry Hrasiett make t go at Camup Laine aoite went snd anoîbel man, was sour iteiesa 10 a better towu, Trevor. aud swepl toward te point near te Thora lataly te talk of nakiîg te beach wilb lite titrea n ceai sud dan- terlory dry came îtp andtit la ha garons ditress cllnglng 10 cite cap- ileve t hat titis causedth ie ex Higit- szeti boat. wootI policemtan, rememherlog the In the meantînte te conditions be- mile aud an aigitti law. tuitaleve camie known - lnithlitact thai a itoodoo followed hlm ZMon City ptolice telepboned to Ilar- anti endad ail wit s pisiol sit. itormater Larso at Waukegau and lits wdow was Miss MGinty of on s motorcycla and two on bicycles a brirgit yonng man and was wll ik- foc tiis city îo gîta thé dalailati newa and eashi te local alhorAtAec 10 Delay ln Getting Boat. Hachormaster Larson vas unaitia ta get a tng thalt ati mtam up or taI tati thé oviters ah the lainé front 10 go o the scene for some tima, the t-i liH leaves ivo ciiltiren. Hic wifo taugitt hare untier Superinlenti aul of Scitoola Marvin, Yopp was not daspoutieul by lent- tutrament, but jolly anti open naturati. However te faci Ibat thé dry wve followed im soama 10 have diarourag- a.i hlm munit. IIORTICULTURAL SHIOW THIIS WEEI< Millionaire Population Has Ils Fada cf Gardening Also and Carter Flîz Hugh't Melons and E. H. Martin'& Teanatces and Potatees Are Con- sldered Among Seat ln Illinois. Notes cf a Good Attraction. Tiis weak will ha gardeners waek ai Laine Forest, bitlbprofessional anud amatau1-: The horticultural show, 10 bc helt n te [luranti Art Insitute on Weduasday, Juiy 21, As titis yeur miore titan over a source o!fiean riv- ais-y. Heratofore the prize wiooiog exhibts have beau the producl of te professlonal gardenars sinil: titis year several amateurs enter tae fieldi wtt s fair prospect tat one o!ftemr may be awardeti the golti medal. Among tbe amateur gardanars wito wli exhibi. ilîrs. Samuel Chaoe s uudoubtedly te most entitusalastic. ber admirable flower anti vegetable garden havbng been plîlsuet entirely biy hersai!. 1lier rival as -garteietr asa' la ira. Walter L Brewster, ai- though iis latter s nt trlctly ama- teur.,itaving beaui coacitet n ber du- ies by te wel known Laine Geneva gardeuer, Mr, Ciarles L Hutchinson. Thte wnmen have 00 t eamanateur fieldte to emsalves. Messrs H.H. Miartin anti Carter H. FAîz Httghbeh- ing valiant amaeurs wbo tbu an hour vilh raine anti boa each mnorulng be- foraete igiti oclocin trains leave Laine Forest. Mr. FAz Hugits spe- cially s melons. Mr. Martins pts- tues sud lomatnes are considereti hy experts te hast raised Ali testate o! Illinois. Mrs. James Viles. wbolAs admilleti by prnfessiouais 10 hé their superlor lu te dacoration of fancy btaskets andi vasas, will exhibAi ber skll. Hec ri- val nIhs fieldilas Mrs. James C. Heo vort, Mrs. Joohu T. Pîrla. Jr., As se- inowledged champion raiser o! svaat pesa. Thase sud oiher Lakea Forest amateurs have entaredth ie itorticul- buraI filditiwththe hope o! vrestlilug te honors o! the show f rom the pro- fessAonal gardeners. Nor are thé amnaleur exhibAlors con- Ouned bo Lake Foreat, Messrs. Charles L. Hutchînson sud R. T. Crane o! Laine Genieva anti Mr. Francis J. Wool- lay o! Glaucoe baviug each entereti ex- hiit As. Amoug the mare owuara o! gardena as tilalinguisheti from the amateurs wko tu itentselves, are many wito will axbitbit notable dlsplays te prod- uci of professional akili: Mrs. A, B. Dick, follage anti dacorative plant. fancy leafeti Caladilums, anti fruit. Mrs. i-i R. MtcCttlough, geasuma: Mtrs. Cyrus H. MeCormAcin, hardy per- ennial at)d blenniai flowrs; Mrs. Er- nest HamilI, vegtablas; Hrs. L. F, Swift, vegetablea anti fruits; Mrs. H. C. ChatilitiTaylor,. owarsansd vage- tables; ',ra. Byron L Smt, hardy plants, Irees anti cirîtis: Mrs. E. A. Russell, annuals; Mcs. E. L. Ryerson. peT-anlials anti egetailes, Mrs. R. H. 3lcElwee. ferns, taima anti foiage plants. Otter prospective exhitîhtors are Messrs. Charles B,. PAne, A. A. t'arpenter, Jr. E. Buckinîgham, J. V. FarwellI. Heurt Mytrs.lDavid H. Raid- lt-r anti Arthur ',eeker- Lest tese Oot-ers of gardens ha gi-ton îtnîue creuitl, ilaitoulti hac e- memiteredt iat te reai exhîbilors are te gardetters o! Lakte Forest, who are actirt- menhera o!ftaheIorticultural Sociely, 10 'niose wocklas due the suc- ceso!ftai organizalion. Among tt-se may bic mentionetiE. Bolingar, Il. C. Pelarson, George L. Hoppauho- fer, E. J. Sampsou, E. L. karsaii, Carl Geppert, James R. Paul, John New- bore, John Lotiug, William Gansberg, Joe Greulecit, Mociiz Zschau, Fred Jackson anti J. W. Scharfanharg. ownet, uvus awai - StMI-ANNUAL REPOR T Thie 15v t la sald givés thte right io Pat Crowe Wili Lecture.O!TlW OD N seine a boat for auy lune émergancy, o rS w [m - but mait as bhis point vas reacitet Pat Crowe began a lactre tour o!f andt he tug Eria vas about to hé thé counntry Jîly 19 at MaJétîc Thea- Headi Consutl A.R. Talbot o! the siezati anti commandaeréd for te tnp tra, Springfildlt, spesiing ou thé toplc Mlodemn Wood men bas JustIissueti an Louis Gam&as anti thé tu g Titrée Iutetnporance, its Revenue anti Its înîereatîng communication 10 te Brothters came to thé rescue antia Relief." members o!fte ortier. Tiis la the ce- gallant baud o! rescuars încîudîng He a Asiting wll recaiveti ln sprnug- port of the octier for thhé rst six John Jilson, Irving Hayes. ClInton field., Ha la cotipolng thé lecture aI mon tha of the yesc anti shows that Spoor, Clarence Mann anti a bal! doz- bis Evanston home. hus fur 87,508 certlficalas vare la- an othara mannedth Ie lug, sud iu Il Suutiay lgiwood çît4led" thé suoti fortae parioti anti shoving a breast itae treacitarous Béas clear alegeti bliu i pg 1Booser Club, gel- gain o! 8S14 over te samé parloti o! 10 te scane o!te dîsastertiig tae barleuîter, Pýtrattou, but not 1908. June was a retord hreaklng Ttreatilg ls way wiit utmost dl!-- th>.owners, one o! witom la saldt matît anti 13,291 application, vere ficulty la Beach, titere thé tug ran lnu he "Jo a Jcohs3.' Attorney E. V. Or- recelveti and ti! is uumber 12098 as near shore as possible hoping 10vi o auinegan represeula Straten. were acceptait by tae order anti cér- pick up te boats ant i Oally found tlicrates issueti, Others yull undoubt- tva boats, botov boats. heacitati Samuel Kr, velerun lumberman edly follow, butt they couidti nl h car- wbIle tire men veré seau on shore. sud héati of the 0crm o! George Kirk éd for ln te course o! the monlh aud This shovati tete tireZMon anti Son, lumber. Salurday evenln so do not appear lu thé total, MAY rscuera tati coma ot asU right tell from s stop latider vbilé putt g 1 While the- order bas beau ncres- -PTo rov iboat taItriflti lu a fevw up a vorcit ahade aI bs residence on ing rapIdly thé average age o! mém- -Miàuteç Ater mitovedt ltILolsu]ter- Watet aImaI sud broine his arm. ibers ha, beanutiécreasiug, vitici shows that thé new memhiera bieng MAISSIONARIES 11AVE taken n are of the young'-r t las. The average age of te uew nietobers bas TROUBLE IN CHINA been twenty-elgbt years an-i Ihis has reduced the average of ail nietubers Eider C. F. Viking and party, one ionth s»d fiffeen da s anti niakes Zion misalonaries, recently escap- the vitole average tbirî tY-e -r years ed mobbing near Kashing, prov- aud flve montha.- It has r-îiuend te ince cf Che-Ki-Ang. China, and average age of members fmtai r-ar- after a Weres of haptisms thriii- aud seven motits fronti l, irst an- ingly carried on before the mob nual report. but acrose the rit'er abandoned The Woodmen are orit fi .' o the. city and went back to Kash- new inembers Iis seasotiiandtihie' h itryl tinig crful pare set n the fral six tm shows Thi lrnsgdiia aeul hits will he accompIlsheti h, Rn,,,- veiied manner in a letter to Wil, ford titere s-a movement 'ui foot 10 hur Glenn Voliva, penned by get to big camp bo 2.500 ottlit and Viking and distributed to Zion the thers are workiag toi-1i1teir people yesterday. numbers. The letter reado binaar%,aller tell- lng how a Taoistprieat iteeame ~rean- ANONYM US LET ER ye baptized, itow 100 idols have beett ANON MOUSLET ER trned andi how tht.eider and i bt WRIT1R AT WORK party had escaped Infection wiih(o lagious diseasea: Send Miasives te Prominent Waukagan At thte iaptisnlitheld mat outqall Men Written in a Heathe,, Tongue thei sottth it de of the ciîî wall in but the Contents of Every One tht- lov.log rNer. the devti v.aarty Translaled Hat Revealeti Nothing ro'l. We hati, beside mnv ov.n bioat, Serious. hiredt 'no bouts for the occaston. one foi, tht n-t- iseote norneti, and Ottt Promnirtent politicianz, oih- tiedrs for thpe n. So mttich imoflte hitd ani Putblic men have for a wn <k or gathereil on, the- athrsteel) bank so past been troubied ilai b iii.- k that t ery ltte txctenient would ofantanonymouns lablar 'n r-tnid almot evt-ry mau of impo(rtuine,- local- y itas receiveti oue sncb lettr of latt- Thte queer fact about the lellers s taI bhey are aIl wrtten n Lthuanian, are ,nerled wth reti sisull and coss bonea, and when lranulaled do net emeunl lu any more or give aony more meanung titan they do untrqnelatcd Au a man who does net read the Ian- guage. Among Ihose taidto bhave et-i-ted te lttera ara Chie! of Police C'on- nolly. R. NI. Ingalls, Mayor Burin, itherlif <4clffln. William F. Weiss,î antI about a bal! dosen more. The Ilers al ma th Ie came andt translaleul are about as followc, se- cocding tlu a Ulhuantn Dear Sir-Good morning. Good a!- ternoon. Gooti nigbt. Pleasant day wheu the 8unushitea. My name s Strumplîles MalasoX,&Ui I have to worin 51 a job t ltt pya me ouly $40 a montit Gant you get itusy sud do sometiting for me? I could drasa up anti kaep my face dlean for a ceaI gooti Job. Witdo yott Say sud why' R. A. Sozdanos. Tite recipleuits of tetters line this not ieng able to inderstand itittran- Ian anti reudlng onir lhetn ovo name ai te top. tht-$41binte mitdle of te bIterarnti set-lng a @kali anti cross hon0,es aî,îltt-endti titinot know of course wvitthI,-leller badt 10 ar anti tioughtitt I 's an attampt ai blacinnail. Tht- cItera are typewril- ion. WILL CHANGE TII! ASS!SSED VALUATION As Work as Deemned hy State Audîlur McCullough Nul 10 b. Heavy Let- lers Are Sent Out Drectlng County Cîcrina and Aides 10 Make the Need- cd Changes. Perplexing Mater Stratghtened Out. The coîrint-Iî-lrkn office yl Ibis yetarrchantge îù--esseti vaiuaiions ton iroperif froi i otilfth tu one thirt to comply wv ltheinew jaw o! thte state. Says t- Rockford Regîter Gazelle: Coiînty(Cle-tk Na ortnislaIn receipl o! a communication fror, Ithe staie andi- itor, James S. Me (îillougb9, COuveYing officiai noticeofo tht- facl that tite law chsuglng te methioti o! aamesling the taxable valuatioti of property !com oue-tflb to otte-thitti o! the fair mar- ket value la applicableO 10titis yeoLrs aase8ssrnii anti explalning that it la up 10 ithe board of r-dayw to bear Ibis factIn mnci The change Is uiti a very complcal- eti oua anti tht- work of changing the valuation for Ihis sear vill hé doua by the coiinty cterk, anti aides under tAs supervision. Il la nol expectedti iat lte change vili maire auy partîcutiar ncrasse An the taxes 10 bc palîl hy thé genaral tax payera as tht- rais- viii be cbangeti 10 conform to tho change lu valuation. Big Tas Sale. Aftar havîng narie btée record o! haviug badtihIe largesl uumber o! huy- ers iyeara ltae Lainé county daImn- quent tax sales crme to an anti lest veain anti are now adjoucuati from day 10 day to provitie for the coutingancy that fuirtber busineass discovecati. Thare was no speclal excîlémént during ltée sales o! thé specials ex- cept possihly Wauinegan'mline up o! delinqueut speclais, vAt ravine sever t secialss aad tb te An the leati. hat * c(uîei tIia ste i A 3 otî e fl. Io,. ai tniof ouir irty - waiiîed 10gel oahord t e tns bhast, but te boat- mnIt 001a Christian) inderet imn, 'nit thlie resîItt Iat he feli into te w.aler, As Il was oui- t wo fat-t deti, rigitt there, ie sooni fourni hic lieut- iug, but begun eursiîîg n the loiîlstl s ite ipossible. Tita t cone-titrois Oc 'nus begtun, and a tai bouc wouuid cerlalnly baiv- corne, tee rnyda hear- itte doistioui thore n front, yeliing, etc., anti bat we not. by Gotis bicz me. putt off from sitore, no one inows witlwould havaeitappeneti. The îtree bouts acre soon out nf range, anti a beauttîti bapîisin wus ielti near,-r te otiter shore, tae boaLa forrnlng so as t0 gi-te siteller !rom titrea ides, isa faclttg the crnwtia on tte batin. .Many amatit-r hoata ware soon Ouled wiitipeople andt bay came out 10 us, anti paople from tite opposite shtore, both men sud boys, came ouI vaisl. dieep, standing lu the waler -Ouring lte iaptism. Tita baptiani vas peae-, fully performati, aund va ejoiceti. Afler the baptism. we wenl bacin loto thte cily anti ieiti a service n te Tabernacle, aller aiticit we saiti face- we tuthe lie îoptle anti left thé ctty foi, places tîcarar home. SOMETIIING ABOUT THUE COMING CENSUS Police Chiefas Acceptance o! Federal job Mgit Mean Resîgnation from Present Post. Where Frienda ln- srsîed He Be Placcd. Ames Spoken of as Bing in Lune for Junior Sen- alors Favor Hace Alao, lhit-f of Police Riobert Connoliy iaft foit (illtiMonîiay afternoon on lau-,tetîihul may couicerut bis report- cd alî,litniert tu a federai position. t fuît of 5silti Unitedi States Mar- -hi, ils h-,frietîtîs niat- Il- hai ltong been bli ne fotr surit t ition, lits record as republican eout, ii central couuîittce chaîrman -nttîtiiîg lit nitirefermntt, whichIt titi nid, t irotîgli Senuior siýr- tier, tite-new senator elecl frontIl- lillist . andl i jtteui or cenalor. t it toi sate th iat te post of nuaralîtîl s tht- onet 0bt- gîven to te Wtîngnchiai, if any 14to he givett, huit thl: ,;a aiuzard trude. The chief 'notuitiof course reIcgo uilitte avent of hi,, apîioii tietIni- te irsi placi- lie tock teposlitno! chie! as a couitu uslotuî friands. iî i-t ruuîîretl about te étreetin Ihal Coituutt Treasutrer Amas la laleti for a ftdtral a1pontment as ct-natta eîum- eater, This rannol ho vacifieti. ln regardt 1 te Connolly appoint- meut aiI of tht- chiaI's friontis sny ltaI he Is linoti up for aomethlng but1 wluat itesadtlthey do 001 kîîow. Whil,- te, name of Fred E, Amas,t county trî-asurer, ha-tbat-n suggeatéti - au lue future censuis enumeralor for1 te diqtrict, a hgitly Important antif lucrative 1postion, this is regardeti se unlikeis bt-cuurso t- lie ataepresént cotuitv13 t rî-l-ur rtr. Eîrls n tht- roîning yeur te pao- île ofr Wmutiegau, te stala o! Illinois andi o! the aboie IUitedi States, vli hae coufrontti <i wlh certain perfsoO1 who io'nl ud a lot o! questions aboutl ti->mstlae,Ibeir fainilliessund tair business. Tht-se men caunot haePt off wi-tout anayer, for thoy wyul. tiei te accretilîtt rpesnal so!fte Unitedi States goveruméntwho itave thé ciht 10 Aluow whal lhey are ask- ing for. Tbey yl hé, n tact,.theit ceusus lainera. Titey wyul begln vork 1 lte lEtitof April Dcxl yaar atdti'll continue tht-Ar work untl I t lstont- plieleil Notiody wyul escape for te enumi-ralors wlll lie everywitere. How ft Wull Be Donc. <otîgîest.nian Fos as seul a cotx of te law go-i rîng the taking of te (tmsunil. aîi t itîiailof ls tirovis- ions'nulli1- f gent-rali Atieret andi 'nAîl pre-cpre te peopile for te ce- celîlbon nf tht- liîjlitlîu- agenîts aho trîll Nt .11I --to tilspring, Follows- iîîg a7,- te iiutil-a] iii iii <ons of te lais What Inquiries Wuil Cuver, Thtelîî i-tll eîîssshahli e re- Iol iti 0litii-,relatng 1totiiîîu lalion, 10 ugritultiuraI.10iniaitiac-i POSSIBILITIIES Oft A MYSTERIQUS !IND Paul Sîhuiz of Northwestern sa Find- er e! Wh at May be Gruesome Re- lice of Possible Tragedy andi Result la H. saAppoînteti Speclal Police- man te Ferret Out the Mystery and Report. Recause ha fouuîd îwo coats anti a pair o! boys aioas neur the nortit sida sewcr outiet onthlit laine front sond be- causge tera la mystery attachadti 1 tem Paul Scituz of the Norttwesleru coud bas béen appolutteti a spacial po- liceman 10 ferrettot thé mysbéry anti SUICIDE iA VICTIM Or M«LANCIIOI44 Fisherman Fintis Bath Robe and th>I Pers on Edge e! bock snd 0OIVe Warnung, Later Huaband Telle CO~ Misimung Woman and When Harbor- 's Dragged hy Harboruneeter Lare. Titis Morninig Body la Feund. T)espondent ht-cause of a dises»ê whicb left ber ltai way, Mrs. Emma Goodillle, lte wife of George tlood- tîllîte of ('itcago, sud a vilstor at h. rt-ýliieice of ber sster, Mis. George (). Hopie o! 463 nortit Sheridan rooti. Tîîesîlavnlgitt aroee wben ail ilspt, going 10 lite clly dock le Waukeaen baritor îhrey iterseif Ato lte vater witere site drowned. Fisitermen pîee îîp a bath robe and a pair of slpiters vorn by te v.onianat a two next morhng aud turn- cd temn ovar 10 lite polAce. That niorning near six taeitushaud r.- porlcd lte woman méisslng from the Hope residauce and Harbormaaler Larsen draggeti the barbor off lthe cite dock, grapplAng books brluging tip te body ln a ashort lAme, Had Been Melanchoiy. - The laie Mrs. Goowvlîlle itan been mailancitoly for many mouths. due to lte effect of sunlîlnes.sud relaivs bave bean forceti te watch hec for soma lime 1e prevaut rasation. Site was uneasy 51 lite realdeuce of one siler In Chicago snd vas ftnally Inducedto,10coma to Watkega lan bopes titat a change o! scens would benefit ber. The family ceides on Hazel ave- ntte. Thte dead woman As about 34 anti la ciiltiless. Sitecame haro faut Saturday and Ai vas heli4eedber condltiou vaas m1 ovgwhon lte tragedy occured, t Areee From Bed. Iudicatlous are tisat Mrs. GoodwilllR. arome from ber beti Au the middle «~ lte uight and puttiug on s bath rb over ber nghi clothea, snd deantsg a pair o! slippers, thp tleeti et oft" resideuce on Shteridan road, vent Io- ltae lake sud tisrew herse!! n. George Goodwillite.the e wad. 19. the manager fto an automoble aW1tt - lac manufacturing eomPanY sad, tb womasVm falter las Ieati of s fual oompany, bot anChicago. A4 verdict of suiCidal death bY drownlng vas relurned et the Inqisqei, Tuasday morulug. The hunbanti*kW'- thal bis vife itatibeen Al and as5a resuit hati beau suffering frMW-., - sucboly. Ha bold of miselng ber thla- mocning sud o! reporting the mter 0, ltae police. Assistant Police ChW*t- 'Pyreil bold of searching for lhb-le 4. andtininlgfit. Harbormster NMie Larsen, Chie! Tyrrell andi Asch U-" Arthur found ltae body.- Nigb.l alob-- man MeMausman aetlite 1HM1 vie-. bouse tlid of fiuding the bath ro"i anti sllppers on lte docks titi, mes'- ulng andi o! reporliug b lite Polge i - on1ce. Il proveti impossible t10dx te lIme of te drownlng of Mr. 000oWI1110t as, wbile itaeCitIy ofMarquette l5kea on cargo aI the ily dock at mtdinUh anti men o! the dock ara iherafore et w.ork outil an eaaly itour Alte mei- ning, nol a mans notiedthelté ottàà comae10 lita dock sud ltera are no witoesas wbatevar 10 lite tragedy. Site bat not beau lli te vaer long witeo ltaebody watt recovarad. Thea bath robe sud sllppera wVO» fouti rigitl near lte run way leeding- loto ltae clty vare ibouse. RAILROAD MEN AT LAKE !QOREST Prealdent of IlilIois Central SA4ug Three Automiobles andi Oocpêoe Momne of Charles D. Nortor, Amsiat. ant Secrotary of Treasssry. Mars-- han, Just Over Oporation, LAves aet- Onwentsla Club., Moday ulght J. T. Marabais, n- tional figure ln railroads as presidont o! te Rock Isd Ues, arrtved As.- Lake Ftorentln s private car andi la- making bis hom..e t Cwntula eluh. Onti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Reeie rtti u u a asjust recovering from teeffects tirowneti ai-not. o! an operation. Thé finti vas Ars I matie thîsimou- hlie saine lima A. B. Wencbell, uing hy Pchutlz. Oute coat is Ibat Ct! a presideut o! lie t. llots Central, be- grawn man. lb bears the name Of gan tAs accupaucy of!tlb. maldeuce 0 William Jerreýms on thelitnside. Jer- Chasrlea i. Norton, assistant aecet5rY ems s a Chiicago talnor anti géntli- o! the traasury, vite i lna WitinItoiS mn's fîtmbther. lu one pocketlaImasWenchall brought thhree autOmObfl leiler bea rinig the adtiress "Fred De- anti Inlantis ta buy,anti bulti n là"s vine, Ruaci-eCollega.' oet lyearý-.- Thar, was btsItes a pa> -o! boy', Ouao!hie sutaooi*a cout $15,00« hioes anti a boys coat, nagé tva raliroad boeit il WU, M Scituin ceporledti 10Chie! Counolly Northwestern officiais Who ueaA4 ta' ot! bAu floti. 'I'ert vre tvo rafts Lake Forent.andi t.e 't. PW,*e onu téelaine fronhandtihIe theory islais, uho rasAde n iBt sitetha btéecoanteiteloug 10 Wsu- erlyvil, matorialiY trOlitRak kegan boys coming 10 thé laite front, counyl rairoaticlOy 1 1 1 ture-a. anto mtutneos and quarrles. Thec a-bt-dole.-, eluîlng t10poutlation, shahl ittelîtte for erîteinhabitanl ontusitane, relationsilito10heatite fatoAiy, color, sex. age. conjugal condtion, place of birlt, place of birt of parents, nuni ber or ' eitrs ln te United tiSates, cdli- at-liciip. ocucîîatiotî wbeîter or 001 etttiloYeror trenttitse, andtIif ampioye. ishelter or not emlolt-d ut the data o! entiniiralbotî antite nuinber o! itotîtha entllWed turing te preced- log caleîîdaî yaur. whetittr or flot en- gageu ini agrliultutre. sc-iool attend- arîre. itt-rary antt tenure of home anti 'nitet or ttot a survdror of te un- loti of corîleder aIe arniy or navy, sud titi nanie antiatidreas of encit blînti or deaf anti dutobi person: anti for tite-etumerullon of Institutions, shahl inclutie patipers. luiIsoflers, luvenile delinuenls. insane. feeble-nîlnded. bilnti. deuf anti bnnb. ant iInnates of bentevolentl Institutions. Compensation of Enumeraters. Thteconîpensation of enumeralors shaîl be delerminaîl i the director o! te canaitas follows: lu subivA- sions 'niere ha shall daem such ce- numeration attfficieut, an sllowance o! flot les han two or more ltan four cents for eacit Inhaiitant; not less tan lwenly nor more titan thicly cents for each farta reportent; tan cents for aach baru anti incIosure con- talning Ilve stock flot on fartas anti nor less than lwenty nor more Ihan Ihrly cents for each establishtment of productive lnduslry reporteti. In ot- er subdivisions tae direclor o! cen- sus may Oix a mlxeti rate o! not les titan ona nor more Ihan lwo dollars par du3 and. lu addition. an allovauce o! not les, tan one non more than tlîrea cents foc each inhabitaul euum- eraîtid, anti tot lesa titan Oiftaen nor nmore thant wanly cents for eaah farta anti eacitestablishment o! productive industcy reporteti. Iu other subdivis- tons ter tient ratas shalî be Oixeti by te direclor arcording to the diculty o! enurieratlon, bavlng spacial rafer- ettce la te ragions 10 ha canvaasat andthie spacsily o! setlement or oth- er conditions pertinent therelo. The compensation ailowed to an anrumer- alor n any sncb district shah he o fo less titan $3 nor more Ihan $6 par day of elght hours actual fieldi worin, sud no payment shah b"niade for lima ln axcess o! eight tours fm- any ona day. No claint for oileage or lraveiing ex- leuses ahaîl bie alloweti any enumaca- lorAn iter elass o! subdivisions, ex- cetpi At extrenue casas, andti itn oniy ishet authoriîy bas becît pcevbously gruntd by the. dircttor o! the cousus antîlthe tiecision o!flte director as 10 lte arnount tit- anii-enuieralor sital lie tnuai

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