LAKE (IOUNTY LNDEPENDENT,. ËR1DAY. JULY 23, 190() f ANT ADSÏ jFive cents par lin* .aeh insrtion. Nonerecbvedfor les$ tisan 25 Ce.. L REM efSTATE FOR SALE OR AENT-iMy boule and lot on the coner 0f ilaue Ave. and Pair Street. Ai. IAtcber. 41-tf FOR SALE-ýE«bt roo2] bouse on llrainerd Court ail modern conveniences. Inqulre CIA. ÏLEI'PE]i, Libertyville. 111. Phone 1144 344tf FOR SALE-Lots in the DymondI and Austin subdivision, ;',Oz]40; $100 ecd;1 $5l down, $5lper tuonth. lïrttosu )& AUSTIN. , 40-tf LOT& FOR SALE-lu the B. J. Grimes, - eub-dveon of b bertyvîlle, mouth of .-ectrlc road on Milwaukee avenue. fi. J. UnmEs. owner. in, t! FOR SALE-Farm of 107 acres, ail fine black gei arge bous,-, fine elade trees, barns, orchard, two wellii; une-fhail mile to station, t wo mil(-@ north irayolake. Wii. Eans Waukegan, 111. 42-2 FOR SALE-Acre lots on Dymonde% subdivision, close to town and eletrie MMr. Prîce8300.00. DTMONI>& AUSTI1 FOR SALE-Property known as Father "cnlan'srepeideDce; neariy acre o! ground on corner with fruit asd ti trees and two à4tory building wltb Iatsst împrove- meute. Three additioni teidences can lie filit on thus corner; mgbt conoider dividing. &Ses MOo0- ooCook Ave., or P. 0. Box 71), Llbert) ville. 18-tf FOR SALE-Choice lota. lu C. Frank Wright'a addition, 50zO150, for $200 <0 $25000&ami$800.00.-v,o~ iiTt 40-tf FOR SALE-360O acre improved fermi Eled Lake County. Minn, good bildinUgs; might divide. If. 0. Joil.NMo.,, Cook Ave, or P. () Box 79. Libîrttvîl)e 17 if FARMS-W,- bave a large lit of Lake eouuty farme to self, ais,, bouses and lots lu village. IyiNi&AUSTIs. 40-tf FOR RENTj FOR RENT-Eight room bouse on Diviion st. luquire PÂrtI iiUtev lfbertyvillie. 43-2 FOR RENT-Seven ootu cottage ou Vral Streetliquire of L.HI-. WHITNEY,- Lbertyrilie, Ii.i,42-21 FOR RENT-Planos, Playere, Organe, $2 00 up, ret allowed if purrIhased. Kimali Agency, Luc-e Purniture Stars, Tsi. 27. If7-tf FOR RENT-We have a few irood mod- eru bousesand flats ta rent. D)eîoND & AVeTia, 40-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE-MOur stave ilo (100 tzins rapaclty) aud our bfizzard cuilage rut- ter, bath as grood asi ne w. Apply 10 Mc- Coumîr'seFAssi, Lake Bluff.Ilii. 42-4 FOR SALE-Baby go-cart eiti heavy uer tir,s aud paraso)l, complet for $6, It cost $15. fuquire at tues office or write Box 273, Llberty ville. 1 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN-On improved farms aet 5 Per Cent. DYMiOND & AUSTIN, 40-tf I LOST and FOUND I LOST-Corner Cook aud Ave. Ladies'ha"ud îag cotaiuing two cheeo aiso $5 in bille. A reward will Ill paid for returu w10 Mas. L E. RAY, LOST-Cbild's dark grcy coat witfi reil velvet rollar; hetween Libertyville and Lake luff Finder will t,,- rewarded. Mrs. JAIs Dat-t, Lîbertyville. Adjudication Notice. Public Notice la liret,,- ive,, that thc tut, scriber Executrix of tttc ast lviiianîd Tctaent of Rober E. Clville.,tvceaecd eii cteod thi- =ouyCourt ci tek,, Coufiy, t a te,-,,thercof tteile,, «t te Court .oule In au.ege.. .LCoumty o,, thcet MIJîonds,- ciNoemeur next. 1909, wbe., and wbee sil Deone 05,10 cair-s atîingt eatd estate aree otiiivd aut cequslea 1.0 preeet teame to sid court tor adjludcation,. BARBARA C. COLVILLE. Execti.. Waukega,,, Juiy 12. 1909. 424 MWARTIN C. DECKER, Attonsy. Adjudication Notice. Public Notice lsatiereby fie-eu tInt the Sut,- aciber Exector 0ftc at WtIia,,d Tetaet u John, seile. Br,-deceaed. wlt attend ttc Cou,,ty Cort of La~ke a terre tiereof tu, te boitte,, t the Court Houes In Watukega. Isald Couty s0. thttstMootay u1 eptember uet, 1909. wteo and ,het-e aittocrions tavinctelms agaluet .nId etle Are ,tlfed Mdit rqueted tW preett te cL.e to cuIt Coukfor adjudication. 'HARLE$ A. 8ELIO. ilascutor. Wauegan. Joivy 12. 1909 424 -C. T. IIEYDECKER & SON,. Attys fer Bste. Adjudication Notice. publie Not]vi,-,- e teet,- ive,, at te Sot- ceriber Eacc,tor ofthttcstWlii Ld Tettauto of Ad,-ew Piiter. dlc.ens-ed. seul attend thee County Court ofLatkue Ctcuty. t a ternetheero 110 te tOtdcn aet he,-Co,,t Bouse i. waeleae. iu Rý sIddCooteon te lict Moodet ,,i septetoter e et, 110. uhein ard o h-eeit reont,,hai9 la ..agait t..Id EFstearc,,tIie d m osted 1tuirevt te gult. S10 id Court for ladicatie,,. .GOEIi(ltPISTFR, Eceutte. *mWfana. tuiy 1.190c9.2 -PWe«stiog-thnse Candy Coid Cure Ip-will m"Iv yand quiî-kty cbëec ,oWmaandth Gri p. Try them ntOcO CReaEstate Transiers .f'umithed ByssuSoî6 d' Lake Gouuqxy Titie & Trust Co. Abstractso! Titie. Tities tiuarauteed Mdaoonie Temple Bldg. Waukegan, 111. 1Loi'W~j. GRaNIE, Secy. Mary E Mead (wldow) to Ida M Rire and Aice ef Cheever. Lot on Ge-eSt ot of Wasttlngton St., Waukegan. Q C D $200<)O0. IVî Il Nlohrmann and wlfe to Char- les Wetzel. Lot 5, Wetzels Subdu, & part bk , McleKays 2nd Addn, Wati- kegan. W D $2500.00. Emma Mohrmann (wldow) ta Char- les Wetzel. Lots 8 andi 21, Wetzeli, Subiu and part block 2, McKay's 2nd Adn, Waukegan. W D $1.00 etc. Celetltie S Stref ad ut isband to Charles IVetzet1. Lot. 16. 17 undt2.3, Wetzel's Snb and pt block 2, %cKaý s 2Ind Addn, Waukegan. W D $1.4oi &c. Chiarles Wetzel. 0f Wctzeli..Sutiî of block -,.%IcKays lnd Addii, \Woui Itegan. Vacation. Charle WetzeI and wife t,, \\auke- gan Twp Hlgh Sciul Disetrict. 111k 4 and part bfocs 2, N of N li-lt idert- St., ln McKays 2tid Addn, Waukegan. W D $9000j00. Chas L Allen ani wîfe to Etumia A Haine.. îîdlvld(-d 4-5 of N E 1-4 N w 14 Sec I1" Watikegan Twp Q C D $1 1,0ý Hart-y I-tSmiltOuand n If, et ai ru Mary P Sauundere, ILut iiiSmlths Sîîtîîa. C'htnnelI Lake. Qc t) hit John Foikii aindî tee Ethel Hiiihiird Jeiuîstoi. Part lut if,,Wi-s- tein Aiu t'y Lot, iFuotei-t \Vi $1ft' MIary E Paduliik Extrxt lu guet Mi Va' aut tii, 197 5-8 acres ti Sec 28. Ajtioch Twçi. dico lt lnliilXliat'e ut Anihoci W t> $1.0oii&c. h3îîsIl Thotmas Hic-ci-r tri Mary A C'artwright. :: lots lu Ziuîî City.-lu Sorts 16. 21 andti28. --d$ &c. (lus 1.)TTomas Rer-Ici-r Io Lau, metij-vtutder \let-t Lot t4. iiock 75. Ziuîî (it) - Siton2-1. i-cd $300. .Mtra Coi-r anîd husionti to James fiartry. Oui- ocre ltu Sec t16, Village' uf lîbi-rîs cliii- W B $35i0.0f) Etîca E %Wr-nn I sidon'> et aIluojý ('bat-IeJ S-i-iib.- Lot 8, block 3. G3 1, Wtenns Adl, tu l-ighland Park. W D $10(iî0. Et-nest 1IlNMeyert-and wtftoluW'm C I - LOUIS J. THE JE' Nordme er, 120 acres lu Sec 13, Wau- couda Twp. W D $420000. Mary C Allen and bueband ta 'Me Home for Aged and Diaabted Rulroad Employee o! Amerîca. Parte of Lot 4, 5. 6 and 7 block 78, Hghland Park. QC D $100 &c. Surali A.Higglns ildov.> te Frank B llathews. Block 1. Exmor Addn te Highland Pet-k. W 1D 1400.00. Chicago i itit- & Trut-nCo. Tr, t-oj WM B N Moore. Lot 27, Southih- laund Atd u taHighlandi Park. Bei- Jacob Goltichiidt and wteeto Louis anti Nartha Koilet- Lot un South tiini-tee Ft_ lWauikcgati W B $8750.00.1 Clarncue W ier han>h et ai t-o Gi-orge %WaluIie. Lot 6, block 2, Ward fi Dvers Suidu. Northi lCrai-o. W B Giorge' Bell Iseldoner) tu Geortgia A B-ll. tut 5 block 3 EffIi- L Brttaliio Stibtiui \Vukgan. W B $1500.00. IIEAD Of BIG COAL MINING COMPANY Chatles M. Warrser, one of the principal stock hoffiers lu lhe Corn Products Reflning Comçany, a former Waukeganlte anti a mrt whocc every touch lu business af- faire seeme b omean renney, Iha& nuis lurned hie attention to coaf min ing. Headinq tie Black Mountain Corpuration, he la president of a concern capitalized ai seven anti a hal! millions o! dollars anti han already pent $2,000,00 ta sc- quIme coal landis, wth a view of gettlng 30,000 actes o! lhee Ouest coal fielda lu Virghnla. C. M. Warner sures years ago owned the Waukegan plant o! lie Corn Products Comepany anti with hi* ous aperaleti Il. He la now luleresteti lu 1heMaltzyme Core- pany of New York City, bai stock ln Corn Producla, iaaî at une lime astocîstedt lrougi a son wlth tihe New Yo-k Berreutez Asphaît Compauy, anti la tellevati to owu stock ln thse American Sugar Re- flnlng Company, kuosen famillar- Iy se thcesuper trust One o! lie mont important deveiop- mela ts 110 e 9e atytlmin te vomijla. 0teno f a nuni-t- of Waehtng- I II _ _ F il ton, New York, andiChictago captl- II U1 los In Alexandt-iu. Va,, and tie Incor -____ or ViglniThe Best Chancein A merle a te Buy po aifon 1nd.rth la,'. otine S tet , Overcamne the Scheming of e oati a-ilaiiiitiot ,of $î,- Seifish Sister.l d i s 1la N w ,O e ' d t 500,000 . sud tih,- takitg river -of thied es P ai"i en a fo valuablp cool tîtopet-I-ly t iBom fy ARABELLA NASMYTH MILNR O TE AEO Slcmp, lun Lce cotitî,a, s.ud 14at- [Copyright, 1909, by Ass , ItraFlo.e,. 80W et 50v dsrON fan -rounty, Ky. The pri(e ,- id wautIrce, ih. asenCiGono $2,000.000. Tte indisputabie tact tI a oi 2Cvmsd,. It Io the ojec-ofut ir -- te,, ,oriot-.Ofen sadly surpriseded o-,jets W] 3t"l drn o n tion to acquiro l'th tlaneyr 'oalrt- aud two wlDot makerolh-d ic ' otguî 0tc I -saya fe tie a s star-ehît bal.e25 H gloî. nou a îh- tiai ~î,ntou ng the Ansfem girls ini tii ae.deieatale 0.i, Slettp tutopcttitr tirt- fouabote father. anddmlni evasion,,at ltig f4,th_2.76 -Near PoSt offirre, iwaukegan Of$îs, tbfale 77 naniedt-ouintlie, ani teôpeite ns off oftt.the fatul day bt, ,fie fot andturilsh ou]to iffret sctin"the knowledge tiat ttlcy ("tt tîooio. oif Itic countîry. The copration w1lil ger affordte t keep ni, 1-i jttinlliy lti i1,tvat-it utf31,00f, octj-s of the hume anti. moreoter. Iuet i ue inot vluale otadoland tbing tu add te their lIi tift in in- tlîl, section. nie Warner ead ofCompan. "In eeway." sald Itegitia. ioîkiug Chtat-le M. W'r,r pr-eoiltut ofîthii1- up ratier wearily frutu i1 r 'cliii antd Wartc-t-Sugar Rt'ltirng (oiiatît - of paper-"Iu some way sec p gt )t', it- \1ýwYor., nd aproiiiiýnt muuein Y. We,e got tu goto tý , 'rk" - \,-wYotk. nd , trnil titn ii fekina n-as twefltY-six. %ttit-ibei. -- (Ai îresidcnt ofth e )ioain ay mzdpplu tic drî,,rupl, Chares l. ehndr. f tl EjultbleÏbe dIgovered laIl- ecer n wn Waukegan's history has a sale pt-aven so successful. No one wiII ques-f i.fc Assurance Societ%,. utNi,, TYt-k, une n-to always did ihigs ttri theiais f4ct who sces the extent and character of these 'Stocks ai-d the littieneao wue chosen tt-ceuier. Otier ufficcri, Ily. Nobody bai ever lae i ret the prices. We are offering in addition ta the tremrendous bargains quoted ai 'Our. seere electeti, but welîl art onîY untîlril be eaty 8 b mcirculai- somne wonderful values in skirts as follows qulte realizeti the tart fiti secm te uot nmeeting outheticncorput-aturo, very close t,, belug one an s l e seheti tic list ot permunenut officer-, vote ber leisure te accomîlsrrýut, a u a tu e s u l t S l n S elîl hi- romîîtcted. Of course wlth Esthebc wa fr i rot Pt-unirent uîiing lie dircctot-s o! eut, ltrom te ime ber fistffM Over 500 skirts, entire surplus stock of somne of the highest class manufacturers tr- lu opnyadulIkoni local golden tait isti made te i9Iý cluding same fine madels, 'Wooltex wil be included in this prridpt o theAniricn Ntionl àl)ellugy e buanIy Ilhikil eentremendous mnanufacturers' Outiet Sale. decidedttalt er ws n-es o .an batik unI tic Vnited St-tes Trust the etcrision ibard cîung t erlruAGI N.2 (uîîîtani-ofut tilt cii-i. and Benjamin lire, tiîonght amturity it . ,,b iBARGAIN NO- 1. Bas krCs a de p uNO. 2.NO 3 t. Dulaner of Bristol. Teni. tMt- Du- if sic noulti have teen i gh mreWash skirt, monde up fa flue $Oftfiniah lapiS ea td ties' walklug akirta, made lotiey Is a btotir-lu tan- o! Sieator tien an ordinartly good loingfe* fast coter an sd gslstea clotb ln stripea up lu gooti qusllity Taylor undi lea diret-ert iti t 'nitcd youug girl tati net toe aondhmaterlelssu. .....5 C ,ad other novel ef- panama,thuasa"le _ae - bRî Stittes Trustlot ittlau, the Ariciican hiee 8 edurated lu th t o fe. tcts. sale price-...79C National iaîk. aîud leisutctrtetd lu ut as s beauty Esther hd9ýY seetti oie- oetenctîh ies bei-n nlfed on anti put Sklrtà til euit lna &Ilwool ma- One lot conastlag of over 200 111gb close woofen akirts, Iscis. seerl thr ocl nirries eenwhn inewent ou nd ci oh frlil, lcludiag mauy of lbe beautifuf akîrts, mmdcUp in ding aome early fait modela.' Tihe tond t i t - mo b thle ni-w pe1tultnre anti fckienesî ndcprc nwplalîeti styles, sunes Worth Frencb voile, siso ImIxtures, Im- moetoildg%Ïy corporiotu ttjoc s tielieut oftfiront- degencrated into pettistunese and self- mmc u 3Oporteti panamas, sic., akl.ts, mfti$1to00,Ifr thllm'al7y liotuionfOillle. ciu traetiunlailuonldeaines uîxciyetr e ~ muh 8 .986 f Worth nt ieast ff ,fo f r$jforo5.00 ....7 poraton aclites bengloate o lorIncnsdeateewnot)d evr x- outilet ale price ...... 2 7.> this man'rs Outlet aej.J sale ........ thi- main liues o! tietLouîisville and d tdEsther te do anylhiig but ex- _________________________________________________ Nathilite anîd tii- Soticru tail,, yt. lot. Tii,,, feuture, lu conlunctiou ii t-uxox Anti non- aie n-as tity, for lu spîte Handsemely Made finesimporteetiHngrienaïf dala- Shoes I Shoe iuiity of tiecoral ilds tu al casterui of bciledom tic men n-bu tati noued t anao awieCflevl he markets, niakes it possible to coi,,- ber serounsiy hati issu fen-anti, tit WlssGeal dcd ortit tenttta al . 9 5 teto l elr t u h tee otral Wt tcgz- fi er aspirations, ieneath ber ronsitiera-____ " drteaol nsy *la leti e a cIl llt aoalWt eadt h ion. At ber siters fiatEsther drcw foriiagrat Tee2:98 ume U : bn- nut-ket,, o! tii-souticet iihe location lber brun-s togetter fretfutly. Over 5C0 white wsista, bougtht Sis tTrmadu ra"eu s ellewak ro les of thc lande are considcred t.0 0e mut-c Wurk!" s saiti. 'Yen are ridten- 501c ou the dollar, effored Reductions. sudSI.73 h oski, udvautugeoune tan auy oi-t- lunlthe loua! is ail very well for yuu totfolk. for tis greatasait, Saturtiayanti ModaM9 counitry, but tow rouid I work? Wiat ruuld 1I W Ail $i waists go during thia 0woezsi& a To Make Big Purchase. do? Regna- W g-eat maufacturera' fac hO w o uEt saeBysbiàg-l $ d$i Oîî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ti uac rut-v nw s Se tctated a UtIle, for Ibere n-as otil sale ....utctuer9ou2.9sal $boy'ig a def$A 1 ud Sle: OnteDlnypoetk ena omettiug lu lbe strslIglIt browed faes Bgslcino beautiful walots $155 WOOSea sults, or. Try a pair wbflle they este were seen for the Onat lime tiai -W $ 1.50, outlet sale ....69C $23 woolon aui t&, melttiet sreyngbe a tugh inenei o el fr sale pi - ....1 .75 Aispeadal horrifaisa wt Lbe .14 bld lber pause. "ReClsWa-4f Ynn woutd dreltmie up wltb Imported laaOueAPge"e. -il wonli b. very eir for you 1te frot. w=81 worth $3, ri laadsomely talloreti wasb cenash fc 101111 ~* pitre botb of ns beyonti àU moneY .tiasl fte il g o for1e049 autamai.Upla whl. ts -I *vm U I camres forever. lIi ure"-Ornelot of besetîful walts1Ul tc mpstaiFnc .- îe~ YE M N Tbe vile ida li6Mte SPIr1- ~Most of tbem lunteffl95Crepp mats ilal, a o, 1 I i ol- Ib kle of langer lu lhe dark face arrosa te oeil for $2, oultmsae llIY for $75», mu-, the table, Regina bit ber lhp hefore $3.30 waists: for tIi r J ez ymdews utetird 17-TU Ra Ma008b"$0 sellespoke ln a represeetivoice. "I sale go al ...95. ... uko sa:bllainbwite,85.79W . Thoia a hlo ueta$3 0f wof't preteuti to miunudèrftanti Yeu, talf,spmclafor Iismm-r *a lbitrgrade la evrf se- 7) fering som etibig else t an yourse f! ha ndom ly m ade w al sia ila uf ctu r ' utlet à s . e ' p r, a r r Understauti once for rail that S'li neyer __________________________________________________ 2mamry Dr. Bngtrlghtl!He la selfiet. __________________________ e bas a cruel anti vindlctive nature C E I A ticBlrkMoînai col liid ten n-lal hir surface aud poUah, ant iteS P C l& - teBak outi olfed h ronlnitry pierin. 0cgodquality fchnieci are at present elgittriing operta- "Aisete ,,wus the ostaguîfireuî SOC corset cuvera 'Sale .......13 ior .b...............fa toldere. six uf wbum at-e nown- tiilgmlloar breatbed Easter as ber Ladies' SIcevlegs saLaieicbo.$23 b ath uit aud siipplng coot.- lt he ttc Intentions ater stopped. ,Rlliy, Regina, for ea 5Vaal ........ ai f bl 40 or............ oif the ni-w cotporation 1.0 take uc-et grownup person you ore disreslgY SOC corsets, outiet c0a ~1s ae price0 .f.r.....- Ibsic~e-t iinabbtttm tsilty! l'm sure Dr. Brlghtrighttla nu taie prîce .....----.s.2 c---.hue. es aibis potiuated c s ort nie 400. o ateilf !mead bu 1,0cSaU c dketcblet (~ Ololt black pettlcoata a d simate osdrtnno 400-boaeton ltsbave n an " k $100al e ts, - -0 C for ........ ..... c Worth ail of $2. Ibis saw79e ' 00.Wbrt yun.bvr sl r ... .... 9 Ladiles'a l braeil em- Ladino' washu bots, bach,îctdi'p--- ~ W1>salti Regina eoîdîy. Uer face bcok On $2leO coet.........125 aîm et megtii qush -c'L ad fies ui Jlhtoi haeise ti thecrritut-.said 5fr. an Immobile expresIlon as aie looketi - ic e , fo mua lîwOr........... 4C wLadiesocMdaîl 7 g5C ous Lvinugstone- yeserdayv \' b ave one don-n et ber sîster. BIldertaanti Il .adis..c.bte8c frIl sl tb sc d sale.... ru o! ie -stcol fi-Iitin ounry.neer srr bm. ii int wr~ u d ~ sale prîce ...... Ladiesl dark percale drassing h5 ae The ruais are ot various qualities, "le' Neuf iituxwell!' the older girl IW$i.00 wbiî akîrta aqus tireum goodcoking 1.0 lrtst crissedomnes- fiaseetiangrily. "louti b. glati o!f . for319c frtisal......2 c ur............5 é tic and stam rtut-i-kTic locution tiechaonce if you n-erct't eatiug your ~a ut regards tieniat-ket, lit cannot 0e ieart out. for a maun-who tiren- yot, [di deni-i. e ic -qoi t nv ou hiIdover anti neyer cared anytbIug for n i - ta h eulon nyag eldccyon! Von"lt itiat t-i-ion. h ong e ce But IRegina bati enepl front the« Is as higi as auy lu Vit-i-mia. Ilu om, ber b-ad lu tic air, ber bauds aie scIer roulti expert. Tic weaIk- As 3ee nalked îowarti ber asiste r -e- C.alîs i i Buff. soie lunes uofruitie quahly la of clutrblug meccbnicaiiy tic Papens cov oes. the, sî,loutesscu.tiat %ee ber ghna tut-ic n art e leulle Ayun knna satnl u tie igiesi. and ait]ut-e guoci, nîtierec it- t ieir ruas of disrouraghng sst-- eore torî-iig tbcuieîves on ber lttera lu ber outstrelcieti paim, 1e-ilog beauti--prealiot at one of tUn econotu of îprodtuction equaIlueont figures. --- o agaluit ii-r o-I. Witi a Uitie gasp ater ian-, rrum- gal tisn a Parts ctarlty bàaauý il-hie -Scwas burt as ouiy a Proeti persun if 'iivlsýli 1,r iaci bei-n o! a differ- pied Ittua chair anti began 10 cmi- lu a Among lie amal crurti wtlh pr'ee __________ - au be burt. andtihle sure kuon-tetge enitîî,i Ihur it-ituatiotin ,ulti s'n rtgitcned wuy. round ttc fairTvender Wall aLyOI" diep ila ber teurt tual Neal Maxn-ciltl', le castly iîî,îrovetl Eticourage- " ýI dld 11.for your ounngooti," Eitter mon O! muriasamUr$ns, -horite 3 The Man, ln the Rain. tad incieti, bcyoud ail douit, rarcd ni"vt i,î,,,l i uit-ri ulier elhow would waîleti, "Neuf nover n-it b. rrb, sud upon ttc girl wifh freetin io ux fectu ".Men.'salti a fashiouable Isiior, "arc for ber, lu sptc ufthticopinion volced lnist gtalî-ulthilestîrengt ffut i en. -ent-eneid-so muchtî1 tioughtt cd ladmire lie varions fancj artlS. muet mure partIrular about temr by bier sister anti siured, ai Reginaîlî-tiitii,ri. are bitti-rues, cou, -I tougit you'd sec ton- muet boîter cIi-s exposed for sale. but bousht -oth- dlot-s thon n-umeu.tougi ten- peu kuen-, by ni-arty al ber acqualutancep-ut wd cilgii dibng ter a Position Dr. Brlgbtnigbt rouiti gîte tng. pic eaize ibIs fart.Toike a mon ln a lu thetcownn diti not tclp mueth In - rio'Iut.ju t ail the- olci long- yon-îIogtyut o-ttnmt Wa -uio Os.h uat tîgil gray suit raugbi ln ashsower. bearlng the taunit Ilui- rNitue burt wunticr tiat te Neal you n-cri- goîni- te marry tie duc-eimdmfsl lha iuat Ducs te go bllihely on, tcedless o! tic t n-as oa3-ar tioce Niai md gone c,,uiît 111%- foililr! rlomanti iadn'l courage hoteu telhm amUe, siementsl No,.Uleseks ttc neareet airoati as foreigu rcpresentatit'e for. Sii.lunlier thiutgits, abseulmItideti- 'yourself ant iit yeu didti an t -nhl " repliai th. Young dandy. n-itb cieller anti remaluis tiere HP tie bis fit-m sud eleven motis sînce ts iv ,ikiîig i'-patatiou for tie iil.tta hi-ar from bIs aatei. 1-I gr. a languiabing lok, "n-bat moet n-a down-pour bus stupped absolutely. But lera ted etopped nbrnptlY, n-tbout Rgn i> if, eea iue sa-vu etr ohlmsb a-g hmt u aUhPU e e l. It la bilstran- bat tint n man aItes n-aniug. Hà,tn-o hi-tems Of inquit-y lui-atit Iit -iii' haci uneuvered a e t e slip Into tic drop waille t niked 71 y Tomuha o -ai h mont rare lu preaerve. 1 bave seen brIuglug nu respunsu, pritie tad tieç- ,tt,i,,i,'long-utillly box ou ber lu geL etoampe or cardes lihe n-ndow- sefontied men lu pouring torrents bnrrylng ped ln sud site tati matie nu furtier dresser w lîkoit a complets reatizalfoD do you emember? I-1 til tl becanse "Oh. nu; I1tdare net tieclare My- wiah- aloni- barehetlded, licir sîran-btlaeffort to hear fromhitm beyonti icu- r u u t lirte sîscovery menaut. 1t toughî ye ou -onîtihtappier, Re- Ce.'Nvrhl«]t eko ht carefuliy csceatcd beneati Iielr bllg from tistirit-m e n-as lite ant i Fbst I itdiwriicton ber ben-iltiemed in lus"'eetees1. eko bt coats. Bld ton ever sec a n-,man go ~Weal m hthcbxna leitaiu t at 1r -. sadn lk swlah to'iny," peralotedth le fals aies- te liose icugts? Oficu a manu mught And wn e lefItheY tati becu enu piuk. as if sinulti have been. Tlten If' svenglng gocdees, looking dow ewil OUI -Wa, n , ic oedmn.i lu a sîower cariesbils bal sort ot gageti,sfieconîti tardiy remember itceere hlue tt belouffet lu lie next ttc tysîcri'cat, seenIt soman budffetiabouiti Hire a rlngiel of i-aUr glu0s casnalty at arm Icugt ant bis aide, as when ste anti Neal huit not lutenied t-nom ou Esthlradresser. The -omnn luthe riair, dli nut spcak for nom inerck tait, if te n-as doiu if unrouecfoslytidou't te marry une anulier. se many bai who ial su cpi and ciesued for tem minutes. Ote manîfesteti no embarrasaient ah yon kuon-. Anti bon- uten do n-e ses@ beulie i-cors uf their mure tounthauda,,had ptrobabli- mîxedtiIteml. "oWty dîdn'l yu dcstroy themn-be» tise boitirequest.but nils aair u f tem hotdiîng uen-spapers over tîcir frientistip. lu spite o! ber Indgnation Ant i sfii,,- î,ttottt o!fte bine box, nu-you geltitheu?" ebeaseketi abrptly. scissure immedlateli- Clppeti off ane ot bats. Ever sec a n-oman do thtit anti bm rsecret grief, luip fite o! bts cdcr il thi,- aloiercblefs aud rlhbons 'l dîdul îlot-e," n-cpi Esther. "I ber besutiful iovka anti bandait Ilt1 No. Somebon- n-meu seem te b. able mysterlona neglect, Re-gina stilI ciung wiîcî t îîvcî,îîhastmectantcalty tisar- nns atrali ti nas crîminal or nmre-.lise astouimtcd Youth, rem&rklug liat b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t goe truisso-rstinma-blefeeling fitat. wberever te n-as. raiIgî-tî îfulluir scarci for a partICUlar tîng"Iltie prire n-as on!- 500 francs. t go rproufgre sof I wteotMale, nte-ver tai bsppcucd. Nent stili riblion. iiy. ý ttia muer baud fhirai- Tb',*faillifît-Item o! tumor whlv Ber audaclous admirer wa tindea'- Thgc are In-ns fegrenfenee l-,must cotre for ber mot as day muet Iglue îî-î. tic ast fn-o lettera se aitwp eiasfc vn nhrM-grc ibth ead u ae o blei antr e wy neyereem fe ols- foilo nui-ti. rttetitfN,111Maxwecl inqulrIug amncpif ignas a eve lu er cdsmuloasn-iti l tieati, u t 11194ne bldÂsdutinee s t sta Adge n-as o ou1sterotig n nature to bshiu,--ant icblee ati, o!f etolicu -ah pet ohmteuasi bslm ro n-lasmn it"L aosAa-es 1men 0 oerbr îtlgbysrel eitseLcvt a-wee. eleos iOttcoJctdanin-i tseno 1 h