CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1909, p. 1

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LAKE COuNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGANWEKYSUN VOL. XVI.I. "NO. 44 Iwo Parts LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRLDAY, JULY 30, 1909-1- Pages Part One $1.50 PER YIEAR IN ADVkNOE. IDOCICAGO Ter;nimal For clectrcq Road ta b. El- .voted Station at Clark and Norths Water Streée and After Arrange. mnitrms Made Waukeganltes Can Reacis Shopping District of City witholat Change of Ca. Tise Mllvautqe trainsenoutise C. & M. electir arc le run tu Chiscago oser tise tird tract etftise Nortiswestern 'V" as soon as the inset eleratian ls completeal an] as soon as tise addl- tional track la laid. Evauston wîlI tisentnn longer be the terminal sta- tion for traine front Milvautee. but other trains an tise rnaal l hase tiseir termnusu et Churcis street as iseretof are. $tubs not Populan iln Evanston. Tise terminal for tise 'Milwauke traîne aili Se tise station at Clark aud Noth Water streeta. Wben Ibis1 station wase ulît s yesr &go l vas( givetu out Sy tise roai tisatIitwvsei erecte] for tise purpose of relIcrbngi congestion o! traflic on tise lbp. sud, a few trains are Seing run into tise1 station snd tarted front h as s ter- minai. But Il lias neyer Set-n pepu- lar vît>i passengers, meet of diorn vant te go Bonme piea-e on tise loop. an] people isave net Seen slow te express their opinion tisai the station la uselees for trafic purpeses an] tisaIlise rosi] dispîsayci pour busineýss judgi".".' ;m erectltg tgl. Real Purpose of Terminal Leunned t But tor ressens o! tiseir own tisa iuildera di] net annaunce tise real purpose for ercctiug lise terminal. As scoot as thte Nortbvest.ern -L' trarte are rouspiete] for Uic accommodation o! tise trains fronJMilwaukee Uiey vilI rua Ibrougistw Chiscago an] peo- pIeecau ride between tise turo cItlet vitiseut chsanga of cana. Tise SUN made tise predlction tisatr tise electir vouli] have a Chicago ter-f minai vitisin a year sud oullined 1 visatIt vould ha, stating tise thirdM rail plan sud poltIng out possibe trolley Ulne developmentu loeJly, GET 1A BLNDt MIG OP[RATOR Highwood Misses Case o. F.11 Guy but Wins on Real Ownen of Pig. Skipping eut vseui aie porter vasL made tise faîl guy for hie blind i] pJ and arreateal, Joe Jacote a! Higsvoei]Î returneai after tise poter, Frank Strat- tan,.lisat een release] f remttise changeo ouI» te Se arested snd Saturday nlgbt ifned 1100 an] rosIs for runulng aa blini] pig. Strattan vas tise eperater1 of tise Boosens Club blIni] pIg, vicio tise Highvood officiais have staîked for soea Ime.1 A !ev ]sys ago Strattan, formerly a teamter ai tise post, v-as arnested fer runnIng a blini] pig. 'Attorney E. Y. Orvia ]efeudcd hlm an] he vas acquItte]. It vas at bis trial tisat Or- vis and ('nove ha] a ,es-to, Jacoba atippe] eut wisen Strattan vas an- reste] but retunneil vuen tise rase fell tisrougis, ouly te Se arresteil ai- moat as soon as be rearbe] Higis- wae]. He pes] guilty, pal] bis ime aud vas giren tveuty four heurs lu 'wich te leave Higbvood for good ort he preserute] on otiser eounts. He e3tater! be veule leave. *CIIILD ILS ReIusED f MÉDICAL AID1 Genhaigh and Thompson Cases,1 Both Instance* o! Fanaticai Devo- tion ta Medinevai Beliefs, Recaiied( by Case o! Ad& Gili, Who Siowiy1 Oying ln Change of Funatios Until( Doctor sa Forced Upon Parents. 9 Tise grita sperter o! tise unpuulseer murderers o!f >rs. Ltitia Green- jialhiso! Zion City arises in Lake Co. lu counetirln vils a rase lu 0hio, visere parents et Ada GiII, 12 refusa te rail a pisysiciSi a tiathr dauigiteres aide, SeIng follevens eOftisa "Gift O! - Tangues" sect. sud prefer te isovl auh pray about lier beit ida luatear! et sasiug ber Sy proesi attandanca. 0hio, different frein Illinois, visicis loJt tise Greenbalgh munderare valit out frese, la taklng active charge of sBach cases as wrlîl be sean by tisa -fllowing diapatch;~ Alliance, Ohie, July 26.-Ada, lise tvelve-year-old daugiter o! Edurard 'V. OUI,,& afrmner near Marlboro la lu the e o*y sopital hans suffering wvus att kOt tuberoular trouble. but 18 tisere only because of court indIu-ad ece, as ber parents are folowers of tise 'Gîtt of Tongues" creed. Last AprIl ber father vas attacked wiîis pneumnonia, and Dr. L. B. San- tee o!f aarlboro treated Nl. Tise littIe girl became ill sud Dr. Sautee told tise parents tise girl needed at- tention. Tise Piysicisn Was told hie servicesvers not requirsi] as tise "Lord was looking aflar tise child." Apostie Lupton, bead o! tise sert, was then et tise Gili home and later made several visite. The chili] con- tinuer! to graw vorse. and finallY tise attention of Humasse Offier Richards sud tise clty officiaIs bers vas calîci] tw tise case hy tise naigihon sund tise probate court ln (Canton vas asked te Investigate. Probation Officer Yuizey o! Canton vas sent te tise GilI homne bo Investi- gate. Tise utile girl. slowly dyiug, urss fourndiln charge of a nurse of the "gift', faltis. Tise parents acre et uort luntise elf .Tise officer told tise parents they muits rail a lihysi- clan ani Ihey reftIsedý He informe] thern they ninast do so or he urouf] rernove tise chlldý A prayer service wais leld lu tise rooni v iere tise chu]d iay sud laler tise parents conaeuti'd tc rail Dr. C, %Liover orf 'isx nec Dir, Hoo-r ert once ordered tise c5lll ccmo e the tiecty hoalutal. i\ber.'lier condition la sî<gitly mi- piolani se niar recox er.Tise tir- aatt enîlcII thse gi ft' caîi ut.etltiî'ajîîst cloaei] andl sîlidareul te ha' zealrotu andl eniuýlsisîc folowers of thei' lth. The ' camtîî 10iîs sei tiin coic tutu-ago froni isýecast. MILK SIIIPPERS WANT CONTRACT On WXeduesi]ay evenlng seventy niembers of tise NIlik Producers Pro- tective Association hled an open air mieeting St tise Loon Laike uilk plat- ferma, sud It. vas decideal to mate de- manda upon tise rails dealers lu Chica- go lu tise nature of a contract. Tise agreemnts uricli Uic dealers are oompelled te ign lu order te ne- celve titshîmîmenta vers dlstnlb- uted te ail tise shisPPers ln tise coue- ty tis mornnng. and] cvery farmer Io expecte4i te art et once. Tise Chica- go dealers yl Se azked te agi-e te jîay tise followlng pices for mîlit for tbree months eniing Octoiser 1, sud after tise expiration o! tisese con- tracta a >ew pice scfledule wyul meet likely be made. The price asted for July la $1.10. for August $1.20 sud for September $1.20. Paymcnts are te be rnade th irs Ian sd fifteenth day o! eacb montis. Tise fariners derlare Ibat If ti agreemnents are not signe] an] lived np to they wlîl ai once discontinuej sipping thelr mutk, sud tisey havei Secome firiinlutiseir stand for fairi prices. RAILROADS FEAR CoAL SIIORTAGE Raifnoads Begin Eanly te Avent Coal Shortage Th!@ Vear. Altisougis there arc at prescut 260,- 00>0 idle frelgist cane ln Uic United States, Canada, sud Mexico sccordiug to tise reports o! tise Ameican Rail- urar association, traffic tonnage bas been incrcasing se rapldly of late that railroad officIaIs are taldng stepa te prnct possible car ehortage Ibis faiî. Especlal attention la being de- voted te tise ceai traffic. Itenemberlug tise rosI famine of tise winter of 1906-1907 ln tise nothwest, tise (Great Nortiseru and Northern Ps- cific rallways urge dealers ta lay in fuel supplies now, before tise, fali crop morernent begins. Tise foiiowlng circular bas ieen issueS by the Great Nurthern: "We desire to Impress upon ail con- cerned Uic importances0f placiug ord- ens for and securiiig moveenent Of craIi during tishen1tis' Of JUIysud August. urben rallwsy equiffment le avallable, flu order te prevent sa isart- age o! transporfation facilities this fal, "Tise Indications point te au excep- tionaliy heavy grain sud other tramle movement, and shîppers, dealers, and cousumners o! ceai should give tii subjact of prompt plaoing of their orderesud filllug 10 full capacity avsill abie apace careful consideration, au transportation facilities wili doubles. ha iseavlly tsxed an] car shortage creatad unlus ausermuch coal as puasi- bla ia movet! frou tise doku b0for tise iayy Wfil busfi ass11901%ous," t- BANDIT BILL MATES AUTOMOBILES "Maniourlst" at Sheldon Stables, Enemy of Motor Car Bocau« it Threustens Hia Trade, Baysai&llAuto- mobiles Near Sheldonhurst Muat Wear Tunupaulins Palnted Colon of Scenery. Gives Othen Rules. Bandit Bill urio la tise dalnty mani- curîst at tise Sieldonisursl stables urss once a bold, bar! man lu tise wcsî,8asys 'Thse Business Pilosopis- er* a, magazine publlahed at Liberty- sîlâe by A. F. Siseldon, note] educator. To tise vîsitors ie insIstes on tellIug tales Mst bloed curdling of bissex- penlence as a train robiser and attaIle rusfler. To tisose visoi he likes he shows a young poctet cannon upon wvicismsny nicta have been filed. These stand for tise men 1 have shot, asys Bihlu a terrible voire. Automoiohles shoot pasltishe stables ilily, the drIvers flot knowing tisai a lerocions banisut aijo hatee benzine buIggie-s it near at hauîi. But Bill ksaya sometiîg sad i, golug to bap- peu utî1la-su tisa stofi. He savs tisere art munjta Io his patIence E'-n brib- es of inuieut aînd ' illi-s won t save sonie frets> a bot r-ibntle fate. Te suofid trouble ',Ir. Risedon bad a couferetîce wiuiî BibI sud an agrec- meut has tîcn eîîieredi into wbeneby Bill agrce-. tîî,t to shoot any suro- rnobilists for fixe years provide] lbeyý ail agrî- tbofîey tise folIos îug rales lsaI-riia led îy Illie Farinera Anti- Autîo Protecîf'., Society: 1. On discuîxeriug an approachitig teani. tise autoniobilist musat stop oýff_ aide sud rover bis machine uitis a tarplîîn painte] te correspond with tise scenery. 2. Tise spen] lbruit on country moadaibsIs year ailîl e secret, sud tise penalty for violatiug wahi be $16 for erery mile an offender la caugist golug lu excesa o! it. Inl case an automobile mates s teani nn avsy. tise penalty ahIlSe $50 for tise iraI mlle. $100 for tise second mile, $200 for tise tisiri] mile, etc., Ibat tise beau> mus;lu addition 10o tise ustial damages. 4. On approacing s corner visere be raunot command s sieur ! tise rosi], tise aulemobiliat muat stop not lees tissu 100 yards frorn tise turn, tout is hem,. ring a bell, ire a revol- ver, isalloo, sud sen] up tisree bomba at Intervals o! ire minutes. 5. Automobiles must again Se seas- onaisîr paintei-that le, Bo tbey yl mergat uiti tise pastoral ensemble, and] not Se startling.'i'iey must Se green in apriug. golden ln summer, red lu suturnu, anî whiste lu wluter. 6. Automobiles runulug on tise ccuntry noada at nigist must senti up a red rocket euery mile, sud vait ten minutes for tise rosi] te clear. Tbey may tisen procecil carefully, lovlug thefr r orna and sisootlng Romani can- dies. Disasinous Horse Race. A littIe horse race ast Sunday more- lng juat outalde o! tise village limite o! Xauconda camie near resulting very serioueiy for onuenf tise particl- îîanîa. Chyde ('arc and Arthsur Daley, aiso botis isse good riding herses got îîîio ais argument as 10 whlrb urss tise Setter sud to decide tise mal- ter nmade saurager o! $15 for a one- fourlis mile running race.Tise nortis rosi] runniug frorn M'm. Davis' soutis te Henry Davis' urss scIerIe] fer the race. Wltis Sut a littIe advctleing qulte a large rous] follourcîltise rcr- crs ont to sec tise exciternu The siarî urss made an] tiseisorsecean] rIdera acre cenulng at top spesai vien reachlug tise cross rea] running east an]durest mast nontis o! Heury Davis', Dalcys horse attempte] ta turn, leas- ing tise rosi] an] plungeal beadlong lu- to a ureren aire fence tunning a complele summersault su] lsuing an ita Ssct on s pile o! rails soi] thnow- ing Its rider fully turent» feet furtiser lu tise grass. Tise moud russed te tise erene cxpectlug ta in] bath the rider sud herse serloual» inpursd but a!- ter a feur minutes recesering frou tise sBock botis uere up again altisongi urelsisaken uit and somevisat bruis- e] neither urs s eeniusly hurt but Arthsur asys tIs bas been enougis naclng for hlm. Two KiII.d in Auto. Two boys were kiiled and îao men Injured eariy Saturdayniojinr gnear Munster, Ind., when thç- LoulavIlie fat mil train of thse Motion Raiiroad struck thse automobile Inu aicistise party wasý returning to \fl.-hawaka. nd, trous Lake Forest Thse owner of the car. a w eaithy manufacturer, and his cha(]ffeur es- caped by jumping. Ilis son, for whorn thse trIp was made, died fi, a hoiital at Harnnond and thse boy s(hlimisad guest was killied Instantly. Dead and injured. Thse dead: Eberhardt Haries, 1laI ears old. son of E. G. Eberhardt vice pr,.ideut and generai manager of thse Wo<le Nianu- facturing Company of ýflshawaka, Imd.; dled at St. Margaret-lfHosit,lî Flagg, Richard. 16 yeai aobid His- dale. Micb.. scisoolmate of lIai ries Eb- erhsardt; killed instatly, The injured: Carlson. Arthsur, T, ypar.. old .haut- feur 0fir Eberhardt; brui-cil bv Icajî trous automobile. Eberhardt, E. BG., bruii--i ,d 1,ulap frorn automobile. POLICE SIEER A MURDERER Racine, Wls., July 25.-Thel, olive and depaut>* sieriffs are scouring the court tmy in searcis o! a man who stabbed aind kllled James Suli'.an. a lalmircr, ar Lakeslde, tiree tuiles moti of tise c-tý Sullivan was stabbed in th, ah- iloiiien and dled wltisin a feu mniutes alter the affray, but the assaliant niadi- bis escape. One ni Williani KeiIex, is iseld by the police as Rdl Ic claii to bie an eye w itness ot the afray, altisongi bis st0ry lu de- nieîi hy Poles wbo are patrons of ise '-aIoon. Keliey clalmas tbat Sullivan and an unknown muan quarrelled about tise attention bcbng paid tiseni by Nrs. .Nary Seblosgal. wife of tise saloon keciier and who was in charge of thse bar aItihe tirne. Men isoarding at the place dlaim that Kefley's story is untrue sud tisat Sullivan had bis quar- rel outside the saloodnild after bcbng sabbe,d waiked m t 'te place sud died a few minutes later. GEORGE K. ADAMS MEES DÉATII Son of Daniel Adams, wsiikegan Pl- oneer, ies at Age of Siy-three. George K. Adamis, for many yeair a resident of Waukegan, died at thse Cook county isosliuiîl aitfour twenty Friday rnorulng fromn tie effects o! in- juries sustalned Satunday prevlous when lie slipped suid fell t the pave- ment ai State and Washington atr-ects. nient at State and W,ýahington strecîs, Chicago, fracturiug his skuil. -ils condition chcen then had been precarlous Vi hile an inquest wil Lel uecessary tis-' tiok county coroners office gave pernmision to remeve I-e Jiody and the Inîîuest will probably not take plu" util a week or en bas elapsed, ait the îOriîenlcnce of Inter- ested parties. Tise laie Nîr, Adamss wau about 63 years old, and was boru lu Grosse Point, tise son of Daniel and Mary Adams. Hîs father and mother were ploneers, MIr. Adains- keeping one of thse first hotels Intise city, the old Hy- land bouse on CounlY street, and lie- Ing au esrly town butcher. Mr. Adams was a wldower, Mirs. Adams hsvlng precedcd hlm In'deatbt tour years ago. Sise was Miss Lîllian Woodin of Manitowoc, Wis. There are two childrcn sîîrviving, James ',,. Adams, ernployed by an ussele, Joel Adamns a conmmnission merchant of South Water street, Chicago, and <leorgia K. Adamis, who la viaiting a -liend, Miss Miorrow, at Steubenvîlle, Ohio. One child, an cilder daugiter, Mrs. Sidney Pincy, was a vidtim of thc Iroquois theater lire in Chicago. The laie Mr. Adîîirs bagau bis os- reer here In thc împloy of George Kirk and Sou, lunîber marchants, and sfterwards served as clerk lu tise of- floe of M. B. Ragan, former C:2culL 1 clark. as abstract aIenkt ithe tsaake1 Counîr Tille and Tr-uset Company, if people antis symptome af tidnsy or and fiuùliy as store keepar at Elgla blad]ar trouble ceauld realiza tisir dan- Insane hoapital, amies pealtion ha le- ger tisey wuli] itiston t lo ima coni-igne aiJily 10. manca takiug Foeay's Kiduoy ' " Ta se eog Autsvi :! This great rauedy stops tise pain, and Teu], ereAam & f lb. Irregularles, astmaglisen anMdltdu imembar of Waukegau 1.odge, No. 7&, u tisas ergane and tiser. le ne dan~ A. Y. an] A. M., sn u e t-one tine CI Bnlghs ISe .or oahhtour55loi .,r secretary a! tise loalge. Qf. Do nt diarqged iksêq«lly s u&B nEk TELLS OF GAD'S 1 MILL GOOD WORK Instance AftqFr Instance Supplied Showing th. Spirit o! Heipfuinesa and Cheer tisat Penvades Workera. One Noble Woman wlth Heurt Seared Means o! Estahfushlng Val- subie Institution for the Needy. Gad's HIII, Lake 1Bluff, 111,i - ieal Letter to tise SI>, -"Their gond deedassalluxIe after tisen.- Tise Inspiration o! th ises c of tiiose aise are goeesometîica beconi sas tremeudoust force for good. From Ibis Iuspiration large' iua'ltu- tiens are erecter! as memorlals, whiris hclp tisousauda o! people mora]ly sud pbyalcaliy; aur! stnengtbcua nationis, Sy training tise boys sud girls te bie- corne Setter citizena, Gad's HilIl Association Is eue o! tisese Institutions wici bas grouru (roui a simili beginlng. siarted by One itle soman wainluber bouc o! great serrous. lurucil to tise(Great Master for belli an] comfort. He opene] Ibis avenue o! uFeful- 'legs for ber.,aisere sise coul] not for- cci. but case iser sorrour Ii inister- ig 10 utiers sud "nt o! tisalias grovu tise greater orgaiîization.«s tilfl Encanilment. sitiste sanie lit- lie rOnman lu charge. Others the lo-rd bsas dIrecte] luib YIs saine way to bis assistait(,.Oua' noble usoman (ii'iug iiu-iso! bieruie. bei-nîouey, andt besi o! ail, ber bcsîîtlfîî. ch-c-ny lace sud îrcua-uce te tise association 's uu--erushe cari.Tisera' arc hiu dreuix o! other noble Vien anîl wouîcn w ho are- gix îng o! tiscir timfnid dmuon- ex 10 thfx greai urori, Tiesepiurit of belîîfnîness ihat lier- saules the- camp la Mouderful. itla not to ha' anueu-ed at. eiîh'-n Xtrs. .Xlatitn, the able superintendant, bas tise happîy taculty o! sîtracîing to lier assistance only lisose of liseiigist type. Hen urorters are ahl men an] vornen o! untusual cisaracter an] sSiI- lty-People o! education au] culture. aise are lu deep syMpathy altis lie wort. One o! tise uorliers sai]. 'I cant ielp it; 1I bat feelas If 1 vant- er! everyoue btukow tise great nec] e! this vert. Wby. ve often have te furnisi es-en tise clotises tiey urean so lbat Ibey rau crnieout here." Soule Instsuce:s au] tisere arc on many e!tishe'sanie kin] One urman urbose hisbani] deserte] lier leftliser aitis four asail chilrren; se rss sinîply worn out an] on tise verge o! a comptlete breatîlour antis four lit- lie helidesa childnen Tbey brougist lier eut isere wntislber ciili]ren for reat sud recuperaîlon, tept tbe chul- drent thee ureets au] then sent tisein to the home for chisldrcn, an]duilI teep lier until se la aSIe to go bsct sud battle aitb lite agaîn lu order to support bier cblîdren. Auolber case ils that nf s motiser whs bou ssani] deserte] bier, an] aise seultlienrbildren. She coul] tnt couic wiîb tisein 51tise lime because bier niotiser urss 111andlse bai] te rare for theni. Her fatiser and] broth- er draut and abuse]liser untîl asle feul sick. Dad's HIilCeter again ranie 1tiste rescute, sent bier te tise 'Holidua-ytoîtse aI Lake- GencuNa te reccaîerale iber strngîis, an] sent the rhildien i t t-ehome foc tise frien]- les: onue of tise uorters, MlIss Shes- bau, tookfithc youugest chl] te hier ownl honie te isave it rare] forutil tise notiscu gol hackto w ort. Gads Hill (culter alao senît tise totiser te tise hoalifîsl au] afterursrds 10 tise cotnvalescent home. Nous-tise motiser o! tise hilldrcn la hene et tise En- camnoîdo Auotisu-î case, a wudour, 100 fraîl for tise rougi> laisor o!flfe, eupporîing ber lisree faiberlesa rhlldren by in' lshlu'g trousers at aix cents a pair; Il tateabier jua onue bour. aockiug as isard as she rau, l hiis anc fair. She rau scsrcely keep Sbody an] seul togetiser. oftentlmes havlng noting to cal fir s day as] alursys beblu] In ber reîtî. Wisen tise vîsitor for Gada JHil ('entier weut to sec bOn se sal]. -I aoui] lose nîy whisre wuldnti y eut rome frorn? We bave uo ciotises - "No. ri like for tise Sables to go butI I minat lac nsyreul." Tise uorter carne to tise rescue, advanclng the ncreesary' mouey for tbe ent during bier absence. Tiss l ofien tise case. Tise uomen feel they ranIt affon] 10 leave tise 11111e urork tiscy bave Secause tbsy may tnet Se aSIe to get il hart visen tisey retun. Tisese are auly a saus- pIe; tisere are many amutar cuas. "fnasmurh as ye de it ta ouaetftisesa little coee sde Il unto Me." Mr. Jane Jensen,..thie vell i novu landecape gardaner vise for gaveral years waa supaintendant o! ltae West Side Parka lIn(Cbicago, met with the speclal liant commîssionera at (lad* Hill Saîut-day. Nîr. Jensen gave tise boys sud girls a very lntereatlng sud instructive taIs on thse care of trees. remniîding theto of thse fact tisat of tisese tra-es, many of îisem were hun- dreds of Nuarn nid. Tise Indians had1 restesi unîer ihem sud isad lefî liîer In good condition. They now were serving as a sbade sud îplace of rest for tiieni Mr. Jensen recoîîstrîîcted tise plan of tise erouinds of Gail a Hill Ibis spring, lay ing out tise îvaik-s uusan eye to lise artlstic as wedi as the praculu-al ide, and dlrecting wbat sisrubbery shoulil Se destroy cd to niake rôom for huildings and tenta sud abat shoulil be preserved. He bas promised to cone up some even- Iug lu tise near future and hasve a typical camptires. INr. Jensen mates tisese camphIres a very lnteresting af- fair sud tise campera are looking for- ward to I wilib pleasudable anticipa- tdon. M rs l'pton.,fisairnian, accompanl- ed isv other membera of her conmmit- tee, were also on thse grounds. îrs. l',ton bas for many ears been deep- ]y Interesteil in tise forestre niove- nient; in fart. sieel tise pioneer-ot- tisa nioveusent among tise Womnan's Clubs, trylng to create an active sen- limnt lu favor of foreat conservation. NIrs. P. S. Peterson anotiser member of tise comimittee, a rornan very prom- ient in clubh circies, sud chairman of tise fjorestry conimuîtee e! tise Wo- nian' sCluis of (isicago; also cisair- mn oftise forestry comnittee of tise National Federation of , Woman's cluhs. She la also a delegate from MIt. liolynke (ollege to Seattle, Waab.. to attend tise conference of tise rom- mlttee ou conservation of uifural scenery. "LSm UN THE! IIEAVENS AMAZIES Movlng Towarde Southwest Amazed Wau.ueganites ut Ton Thirty Stnd»y Nlght. Looked LkW. Gap1-Op.ning ln Hcavens and Mode Night Lite Day, Ont Man Thinklng Lighta Jraid Been Tumed oh n nloue.. A strauge movlng streak in tise sky seen by many Sunday night, caed rnany kinils of apeculatbon as t0ils cause aud wiile there are guesses tisat Il rnsy have been an experimentai air ship tise general opinion la that la was a cornet. nothing less. Tise moving body was seen 4or ouly hall a minute, during wisicb It ap- pearci] witb unpanaileled brilliance. It rnoved to tise soutis wost. Observ- era say tisat tiese ky waa iighted as by day sud tisat one 'man calied ont frorn Inalde hîsa residence to know wiso isad turued ou electrIelilgis, which isad not been turned on before. A man who actually saw tise moving streat says tisatitIliooked lIte tise fiery bead of a sky rocket uitis a long tail streamlng iehind and that it lasted i n murs less time tisan It takes to tell about. His description wass tisat tise appearance of tise streat urss like tise burstlng head of a roctket. Tise general belle! la that this la tise cornet whiici tise SUN descrIbed some tirne ago. This comel. whici la sald to be unnarned as yet. la dlaim- ed to present Uie appearance o! a niity way runulng la tise wrong di- rection. PROMINENT FAIWILV HAVE REUNION Eldest ai Sîver Reunlon la Only sixty-Four. Tise sonnai reunion o! tise Sirer farnily one of tise goosi old tLake rount- ty familles was bel] at Russell Sun- 'day at tisehorne o! Mr. sud Mrs. E. Siver, sndoi]ffty riildren o! tise laie Mr. sud lra f1. Siver, grand cildren, and great grand chlldren attended. Tise beads of tise Siver faus- iiy, whio died some years ago, came tu Lake rounty fron New York state in tise iftlcs and settled near tise place aisere tise annual reunlon was held. Tise age of tise eldeet anember at tise raullon wass over sîxty-four sud tise youngest waa an Infant iu arme. M1r. and Mirs. R. C. Stewart were thse eldeat at the gatiserlug. Their sous sud familles of Waukegau sund the Sivers of Waukegan ver. amng the guests. A big ditner and a so"ia f- ternoon urere tise features 01 thse day. A tickiing or dry coougb eu blsqnlrkly lposenedwMti Dr. Sboop'.Cougi Ram- edy. No opium, no chloroform, notising unsals or barsis. *Sold >y I ALV 1*Ef FRANK ORVIS INSTANTLY KLt Has]BeenEmpoyed by 1St. Pat itwe Mot5a rdge Carpenter.,M »Nuet Tueaday Marnlng Near 1>SWh.q] iHa Steppeal Behind Wonk Train. - Wus Bunled at Spring Grm%-e, Farn- il>' Home, Where Inqucat Was N.Ld Frank Orvia. brother o! City At-. torney E. V. Orna6, of Wautegan, vam- Instantîx tilicîl St Sbenmervllle, ibetr' tise county hune about ten Tueaday ahen be urs s trucit by soutis boumI mut Itraiu No, 25. Members o! tise bridge gang vilS vbich he worted rua te hisaltaid u smoned a physiie Piut be ursa da]almost lnstantly. HM body urss badly mangied isy tis a ein. Reporta reachcd isene about Doon lime o! tise deatis but gave the cause asea fan fror tise bridge over tise tracts rhlcb tise gang Is enectlng. Orvîs urss a carpenter in tise gang sud bad been wortlng for tise road onlv about turo montbs. Be vas form- erix tise editor sud puhlisiser o! tise Sprng Grove Journal, dlacontinuing Its ptbilcation sisotly before taklag employusenît ististe rilîroar!. Itlel iltnuglt trst lne sieppea trous oelia tise vont train urbicb vas sidetracked at tise point tise accident tact place, irertlv In front o! tise mli train. Ciy Attorney Orsis left for thse ecene as soon as tise reporta o! is ,brothen's deatis neacher! Waukeaa sud In the afternoou removed tise body to Sprlng Grove, tise family home. Tise parents, 'Mr. sud Mra. Samuel L. Or- vis, live there. Tise deceased vas onue o! six bretisens. Tise Inquest wua iscld at h'pring Gnose late Tuesdly aflernoon sud Uic funerai sud hurlai were bel] thene. A FIVI! TIOUSAND DOLLAR SCAft How would youIslite to thinkc that you were $8,000 short In yeur accotants? That la what befel lte puying teller of a Lake county beaktheii olter day. Ise paying telier isar!beau invitei te a beach Party andl bacanoa.foem up about il tisaIvisen Cioallng Urýe camne at tise hank ha laft hie cash ta plain slev sud aped to tise Party. Tise casisier, who le a carefulmua, gathered the a ss tata a bag andl bl it lu a remate cerner of thse hank sault. Tise nesuit vas that visen thse Dal-- lng teller came to voit tisa fait morulng -be pacai tise floor, andl tare bi& bain, sud dii] everYtislng dA W tracter! man should do untIl tise euh- ter unraveled the anari and tld hies viaha] isdecome of theseruais Cupid Busy Manday. Wautegsu vas tise mea for tise vIctime o! tise Uttle god o! love MOu- day sud tise following Procured,4 - ie niage lîcense at tisa Interstate QGro.a Green up aItishe couuty clenk's o2kce, Edwimn Mluer, Chicago, 2i; Blen Kelser, 18: Justice Runyard unitati Slgfrii] Fosheng, Chicago, 29; Mer- - garet Peterson, 22. Justice Balz uni- ted tiscr. W. E. Palmn, Newr Yort, 25; Emiiyý Gunderman, 19. Hedbert 1-f. Meredith, Union Grove,. Wia. 26; Emma Schwartz, 24. Guat NMcml. 24; Ausella Palant, 2&,. W. Esarnus, Rtacine, 23; Besele Dv> rack, 21. H. W. Oliver, Milvaukee, 24, 01er. Scissefen, 19. Artisur Waod, Racine, 22; TUlle Dirit 21. Historicai aiety to Hanor Firal Houe. Bulit in Casanty, Aug. 24. To select a houldar vitis which to markthtie site a! tise drat honuse aver bulît lu Lake, ceuntr, Louis Jane., George Bairstov an] P. W. MoûdY, this veek vaunt ta Rai! Day. III. Tbse boulder le to be placcdI n positioni 00 Augnet 24, visen tise seventh-fftis an- nivenuary of tise building efthtie bon»e. lu 1834, by Captain Daniel Wrighst At RaIt Day, yull be flttingi» eibrated by tisa Lake Caunty Hîstosical Socle. ty. Tise esent la e]pacted t ralt" a gi-est lutere s t isae unty's tarir histony sud a large attendanca aet; tise auniversary exarielsa1l expected. A detalled Program s la be .arrange - and publîsha] latan. A man lu owoa ai le e] i.oIte.. day visera b. spent iba tiqu warrm veather. "Oh),astaMy M iav's home, thse vazy uight e me tisa &hiver@."

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