OW ~ ~~pic etd bYtbe drler'0th 4% AN'kWw eu the cycloneisa opiay auto party was ratunitrm Gras- cnnu~IIIJullie. bas been csrtopned by ms SPR[tIIGIEiLD Ricee chef ai tha Bîka. The ic1 dent bappaned wban 1the auto 'nt a rig on a place nifi-ced that biadt s mtate Fair te -Opeu beeu repsreri. The borse a frlght- amiCeaaansd s'Winging rud lcae audCodin@ lite cutie rnad an that a collisloii ëei hir-w on u il power ao that thse 1 E STOCK FAVORED machina leaped abaad at a spaad ni - about o0 miles su hour. and swung 7W Hlf itMle Truck H-at Beau Con.- dos n ino the ditcb. arnunli the rlg Mvscted nad Great Stress la Laid aud up in the road agalu. The »j Spae" Program. Railwaâys 10 pace whni-a lie performned thse lest àv. unusuaily Low Rate& to Peo- is a had une aud only is cooluass g* of State lu Attend Great An-,uami skit pres-enteri au accident It ssii Coiebratlom'. wass the only wuy a conllision coutil have becu s-.oided. itembers nif1the party asked Riche to cartoon th1e ax- ('eiWeduesdys aDsly 'Sun) parlenc-2ý. le îid so sud lis drawlag, Me Illinois Stale Fair of 1909 will s cleveroune, vas îresented 10 the alsdays show. The gates wiil driver silh an appropriate speech ou ben on Fidai usorunlsaOct. 1, his sk111 sud dariig. i: vili close, Saturdsy aft.,rnOli. Idblm sbould securata pre- W l su d rules for 10, se tiare heen a refviqionu o!fte1908 s-les ýfbe Vairtis'ycar. Tha clasli- lin ltae Poultry departmaul :os entirely ravised. sud PoutrY ýj , a un doubt vilii lc grati! "dviii, Uta new arrangementis biai ezibtc, f lii estock ara el vitI Rame apeclal prainiumai * % afeidfor stock braI ma" _____ ofni*M w0u.vio Weald or»w .àa6ug u-S vtisa at OU*. »êat viii halad un knov ae noviss-mile-track bas hbem tut A"i viii haclà opa-aiofi. iwd*oin front àuthue gxsad * zausads me'o g lm anel MÈM bisyear -il ex-lm" be qw* fne,- vtts-ab&s. Mm MdIl af11 adeu orsria L Au lbublf Sflbil, xoi hrs'. be - irmite tisa - e a&#- tia feharge vhi'1e almuds- REC~ORD MIOGET EGG HERE Waukcgau Heus Lay Eggs Abot Large Enossgh for Bmonie. LaaViug tbsa iealen tracts of bigi egus. twon aukegau hans hav s ab1- Iliche- records lu ls-ing tle saMPle egs tisat viii habard tu beal. * Sev- anal iays &go RsIpbh ier. 232 1151h Jackson streat. 10und a .B1Ue se- about Ibree quarters fau i*su à"l a b a m cos itn ubis h1clq, cop. He a 1es acusail aven' aso 01 bislebns o! layi-g it but bas nuni beau able te Sari ont for sure visicis One te vas. Ail bis e«s are large. Bob' Kle n1 Utica St bas hlm beatea Isivever. as tii mornng ha brougisi a heu*& ag but a bau Inch aacis vai thse SUN ollea. A Whte Wyan- lott ham la reposible for a e tates. LEAVE FOR ENGLANO TOOAYý NuxloW.1 AMTOEXPERIEUCE GII-d vNeartKi Ri 05moau5 Ibtrling - OftboqeS m Cowitri ROM-. deds A ioce «anosublie div- !@m'ealt«eslU.lu -visicisa h-vl oma el ma as \,. Mr,FI Gleave sud T- E. Gleve vile iansi. ailof Waukaga&n. i v iodai' for lise east asuri u leUBt urday for Euxbari. viera thai vi visit &t Kirbi' Musinu neâr Lýeicster. ~i-EIG, A-i , f Iwo TSa"I 5M &thstAe'um ... m B"a. s. OU (nil at cimm &kEý sm utTakiugtesuSays CilIws THAT 0F SMALL CITY IS Noted Author sud Playwright fenles Ihat Broadway la Theatnical View Maker sud Baya thal Audiences of Broaller Cilles are the Trias Cnt. ice whose Opinion la Relly 10 ho Vaud. Chîcago, .July 28.-Arrangflng New Yoi-k, casstldily for jackr oi old-fsh- lousd goodueBa or aveu deceucY. Booth Tariînglon, piaywright author and cosmoposlite, declaras lu tae Au- geast '1Womaua World," tisat Uta vo- man of thse fsrm, town saniali CitY nov i hisantellectual cenuai-ni tae nation and adds: "In ber banda Ltse natlon's moral bealth wiii remalin noud.,, For its athics, or iscir of thani anmd ils ps-ovlucliam New York's type la merciiaialy flayari sud cauterlzed, alio ridicuîed. "nhe etiicai sud inteiliel e en- morabsip of te Unita- States," ha tais "-les vitis tae vomau ei thse proviace-the. Country Girl abs mlght 'prou.dly prefer to ha called. The cen- sorsbip la viera IL sbouldha lu tae handi of 3Molly Stark. VWla 11. m- mains lisera taenations moral healtis viiiremain sound. Wheei Oit psiaaed aeisere Il vîl ha Uie 10 axuigrate -fe cchldrau's aa. -A tiseatical manager ni mi' sc qaintance viii sometinses gay ofni& play, 'it vuu't do for Chullicotha, 0, i dosCi vaut h. Ha deciares tisat' Cblicotha gives bis productions an audience of vider culture sud keener' Inteligence tissu ha Suds ln New' York. Ciiicotise. ha assai-ta. still cares for Sbakaipere, sud ha goes on to mai' tiat Chiiiicotbe maous ubo Shakespare vas. vhlch, lu l1s opin- ion. Broadway doasnt. 'Chilllcotba,' Baya lis manager, hbs ltme to thlnk.> Broadvay. he Observes, viii ailen crowd toans Indecant performance* 'ChilUicote Wiini ;-thavomnof plyalst arejecia because toyý - wç#'t do for ebillicota, Ohio, are' » ie slacionu plays. the cbeap, tise -decadaxt aud taestupld. «Certain Influences detimantal te thesa gro f mnd (parlicularli' dur- lut youtb) attend resîdenca la veryl lare citles, sud the mont ptaut la houev*rdism. or tiesacncentration- ni taerealdanta viole Intarest la- the gamng venus of msa ovu localiti'. betn~'h deflned aq uelghborhood ab- ~s r i t It out tisa nel4 hbortio" l' o-4tlS1. taesest aifIthe univers*, -Tisun tise boulevardier la a gossip-In- 11111lie loafter of the cou-i-isosis. rente.. «'Outalda of tise Orient. Paris--at bhe irreat ctas-most limita itsalf te uStit; sitar Paris. New York. The -Nev Torirar, lira te Parlis», has Ilit».reaI nterest lunsytisng itat $àqes uqt affeect ubatlias vîtIblin41s own fiel nfvision. The, Nav York- or's -ignorance of tisa United Rtes' te notrous. He a a smai-as rguer rand,ýbls tovu la s velleil towu. Witb- luntaevalîs, ha keeps 10 bis oua ZWid. bis ovu daly vair; 1e la atsip- cloue asnd viii net aven taka 1theeair of au avenlug gave ln 1the compfani' of trie iriands; iii irnva itlU.of bia owa tovu. Tt la onI' the clapIt- ê e-n plUbl bis gates-Ihe tourigt fr0111 -Cblîlilcoth-vbho tudies 1the mt;t, the Metropoitan musauni and tae Ns- vy Yard. LAut yegrr imor w"a. foatefi that a native of! nhu" -haà *vlslted ESedles Islandl: persan- emly.' icîtnot beliava t Tise New- Yerkar la a proîluclal aveu ln bus ovu piovlaca. Nai', haecorus s vi4sir knowledia or u. sud 11e Inveatgatori -rmalttravelera Whoneaqutre more la- formiation about Nev Yoi-k la a veais tlwe the native lu bis lure, h. asimas lu 5denision 'Rusbanrneeks.' TisatInl the-New Toi-iron umes for usnvison va coma aeeking *ladom lu New Yorkr. CHUaal of bis country', ont- aide of Nev York,. "provincIal." sud tise plteotms tbln.g shoot that le bel isonastly helavea IL If It vers net for rmumigbis consdtion, vo mlglvltm udîmeiljoy aecept tise Compliment, fonrhIla te otIn temîse-ý trepole but ln theis roviýns tisat tie *iottlty, tis ee saua uias sud the patriotîsm of a country' lame. Tt la the vomea of tihe provinces@viso mýare t se." - 50 IRE LOSi AT FOX LAKE J.*FL nîgis a rire nr mysteoinas e glý us 'sri5sd tthe giosiari bil b Nlgh tb ita Fttortes SweI- ter atfs;Sm are 1Overeeme Firenin on Fast Northwesterrw Train 9.olHere, Relievod -i1,oh oeat Iemoal. mot Prairie Biasl Ihit Swemjaa Over Qenral West, Faila te, Se Driven Beclç by Lake Breezi sud Result la Many Suffoers-F-PC tories Psy ieavy Troilt Sultrinemi of Nigl. ~A tea ~ Jbutai froua 6 in. 6 a. in. Danuce at th1e doman. Âzuong tha Victie EDWÂRD ORANaER, CO-n Pro- ducta Co. Heast vercama hlm, ai- tended hy PhYsiclan; DOv eoee onnipletely. FIREMAN. ou 9: 60 fat train nnrt.h this mnrnlng. Ovarconia and talagrani saut fr001 Wsukagan t rele've hlm. Rllavad at Kainsba sitar stirring or- deal In angine cab. The vira nls also pald haavy toit to te hast damnou and for once the laka breeza dldnont coame to the rascue ofi the clty and flght hacir tbe bot prairie bIset. WING PARK IN GOO SHAPE Miliia dean Up own Me"i, Leaves Park Finety. VF ÈRANe' REUNION loldiens aud Ssiiors 10 Galber nt Grayalake Amsg. 25 snd 26 sud t-bld Two Days cf ftestlvitis-Camp Pire WiII Be Feturs-Other Eveuli -f Large aud Weili Aranged Progrîm. IFroul Wadnesdays taily Sun.) Vollovîfla ta the prograni for th1e au- anal soldiars anud liinra' reunion at Grayëlaka August 26 sud 26 of this year: 'Wadnesday, Aug. 2--afre rnoon wil ha davotad 10 vlsltlug uith nid soldiars. B4sehall gaine lu thea star- nounaut 2 p. mi. Musin 11v 1the V¶&land Druru Corps. Camp Fira at 8 oelock p. mi. Muaic by Fiae sud Druni Corps. Prayar by lIas, S. C. Garrison. fong -.(Frota Wednesday's Dally Sun.) by quartette. Address or welcome hi (From Wedneaday's DsiIy v Sun.t)da Pres. Henry Gage. Song by the quar- MuniîpS oficias WO Itette. Camp tire storias by Henry H. The heat, conpled with au Intense vlatad Wng park for the purpose Of!ae .K tars ogb h sud stlcky mostire lu the air. seting determinlug th1e ext ant of damfage ae A..Stru. un hyti la lait ulgbt and coutiuuing today, wrought bY the Mlitls encamPmieit, quartette. MIrêtortes. by Prof. H. W. cauaad the Cty to svaîter. fouud that al visible destruction lîsd Graham and otbers. #Fifeansd dru=i Nlght in the large uauiacturitig beau rapairad by the depot quarter- ui.Rmrsb i l oddo plans ws oe o torureforthemenmaster's staff and present Indications Bontg hy the quartette. and whla averythng vas doue t0 al. are ihat the cil>' wili have no claim ,Tbursilay. Aug. 26-Business meat- leit ufeigadmketerwyagainst the stata. lmg. Balil gaule ati 1a. lM. Munie hy ezi e su f ger g ou t d ae tij aeir Y Boars - h cll vre to in fro ni the .bertyv lle M ilitary Band dur ng the medsae. atny avao t ncd to h v speedway fnce were reslacd, broken game an i a band concert at 1 p. m. niaicl atadane.bord~s vara taken ont snd uew ones Exercîsas et the GrQve hegin et 2 Ou trflns fraoin, aven muen bard- put lunud the damaged places ra. p. mi. Music hy band. l'rayër hy Roy. aaad to the hast ln ail seasons, gave paînted. Itoles luntae grounds ni the -J. F. Stewart. Ot aatirelY Mdê hailtot be reliavad. golf course were fIlled lu sud the sud J. P. Stewart. Addrasii by Prof.,IH. W. At thse plant of the Coi-n Producta repIaced. ubîle every other effort vas Grabam. - Music by baud. Short ad- con. -ap aiter mans gava oui, due to madie by the state militia aîthoritaes dres by Stata Rapreneutativa A. K. thealnght hast oni shifia lest uight sand to put thînga axactly whera thay vare etearus. Band-~ concert at the Grave thea comppny pisysiolss s asunmonad viien tbay camea-EigIn Naws. froni 4 ta 6 p. mi. Band concert at the. Munie by Brandtetera Orchestra. ASSAULI FOR UNIONTROUBLES Three for Alleged Assault. Union trou1l,ýs la sail to ha bacli of su sllaged asault ai takre Forest 1>151 night when John (ii-ay, owlier of a blacksith shop there cdaIms that NeasHansen, W, F. CTNaI sund Jackr D>oyle assaultad hlm wlh a blac-k- kaultn rasp. Tnday hae swore out wai. raute ngaluat tiiet for asalt wllh a dendly apon wIth latent to comit bodlly luJury sud i.he thî-eû were ar re-siad ai Lakre Forest by C'onstable Clarence Ilcir. The three val-e brouigîit efote Po- lice Magistrate Walter Tayflor ttîl- atterunocti but on niotiotiniofAitorîc-y MI F. Wetss, attoney for the i- fanas, 1the hearing vatt couitntiad on -l a vasit fromni nut Saturdsy. De- tailaenithe trouble didni oneme ot but union iattera are aald 10 ha ut the bottom., H. ETTELMAN IIS INJURED (Vront Weduesday'i Sun.) Yesterdsy Il. Ettieinan of Waure- gin, whlite lu Chicago. wattil jured lu a badl faîliou a dang'-iu crosslng ai Wabash ave-nue atnd 121h street sud fla harely able 1<, vair oday as the resul t ut lit- arcidéri t, a jihsiii-la n laelng lit #tteiidaiie. Ila fell, uarruwly efcaM be~ hiig rîmu -dowa hY a atreat car, and ssramleild out nof1.1e way 1lu a hurry an illat e ie did not lasve tinte to realize thal eho s hart until hist nighi. 2.65 for cholce of -Boys' SURtS talken from lUnes that spld Mi the season 'for $3.50, $4 and up to .$5. Onlyone or t àfi patternbut aMgNossort- mwr1~I e sue zctoc0oo:e from. WAUtIl i.bargairis ln Evýery Depi This Is the season when you expect great bargains and we County that it pay! Ten - »UYS Of Ba n-ain Feasting C hàrgains 9.75 for Cholet of a large es-, sorimie offl.lbt welht, medlui.~ ev 'dgt, a<'lo lots thatiti ô 11à,1, and sonie iup.ùto$20. OnIy otwo f e a, itéën sizes to ichOOs<frO. forchp~ p s~Itsthat soidld I1hý seso or 1'00or À ce nd 0.0 '$2.00 ami ,$0'valeo sIt bluss ut andgas Ali 1.15 for cholce Of 1-50 & 2.00 negllgee sklrts. 3 for,2.00 for Lion brand, 1.00 a nd 1.50 si .rts. 29c - Worklng shirts, 50c value-s 3.19 for cholce of the snap- plet Une of 5.00 and 6.00 Boys' SURtS ever sIýown la this store. 5.15 for boys' snappy suits that solil for 7.00 to ie.oo. This la Worth Iniestlàating b>' good i Spec1gt1 Snai 5c per poi for fim est 10C m EN S' A lis ou'pVer "W. v 35e for cvérv 30e k tIn 1our 75c Caps store , 3 4~r $1.00. 5 c C p Sta-w ItHosuet Haif Price cCp and lcss» 25c Caps 9c for .......... 1cto. j5c for......... 2e nosc. Boys' Overel r lI. ent visit 9C 5C th. é«Il ", ns-