CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1909, p. 2

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a ~ ~ -§4 ? -t t t h. t t- "'u-'~u \îh te..,., - tddaiL -re. arri Bottke retunmed bonielast odaJ. y2(; afoer at__ veeki ut .1wtb relativsi Dcr and Blumlngt'on. l11. lire.Auna Latbrop and lamily are spsuiag the week at the DesPlaines camp meeting.1 -ViseMIera Schmidt bas retnrned to, ber homus at Palatine alter a tbree weeks viit with ber aunt, Mrm. John Hsenry Kubiank. rural mail carrier on ;~No. 3, lae esoylnbg a wellearned vacation. <Leter Wiicoz acte as substtut.. J. R. Ooukbite, of Loveland, Col.. vas b l town latter part of te vesk cadiiug oitnusuruns friend. I. P. Wiloxz bas been quit. serlously IRi tii prefeut week. IReports are that h n loslvy improving. Ut. Glman, 0ol Vidontb, Wi8., hma besa reoent vi8iton 'M the home of ie bopbev, WilI Nerftc.' Utr. and Mm. A J. Kng have as their çgoumtheir son, Joseph and family. af Veter Floyd 4y»oke.o Mukwonago, W&, je apnding a part af bis vacation ulit rewfler brs Um &.8.L. Tripp bas beeu la the. cal et a pliie" mu ai wesk gsnoning a ligie amb*aofappeadiitis. Wr.. Vedder and hisily, of Chicago, wserethegues"at aiiiiboumes0a1 »es- d"" KBOge amd Lmitid let Bunday. Mu& A.'L FPry Ubùtred ber siter »MI"wY frOinChcago a pat of tihe Mma.W. R lianeao aber 5111ur, WMs 00s0L W. ards.&sud ne, bootg aof cie pissa bt nov ;0 M"Mbnâ,LNÙ spe si part of tis î-ý i ýcamlbgon MIr&erm. IZ. IL Uéhbisd d aUWlh, of Wauk.,- afflser goave bisfae e ofth e< ~a~uevlMmei. l&bAmtgab 4106 u isdo»se at latmmvanes "biste st u frelkisn a"S ta develops omgaa»t eiin tb iis Saut vIsd= 0"ysue.,l aver venta Md Mmlira. ..Vaadebroom axe tawtt4 grelativesfrais Wkisnosm *t.auid lira. iessaoa, 01 ma"I. ,b9m, sopst Gsdav with C. . (Combe. MM .Aa"le lason sud daqrhlar, UNS1, am vibt tbea ii. tawiord mé ,snJ L. Pquwons.01Wsaksgsa. cail Combe,~hs Btrduaatùaoon. IP. P. D&11aui, Grasslake, a«t vith bebr dangtteire. m *Md 11-1 Wat ad Lm euDec vel atad Chi Wae6a4as tard, fiaturlay and Und.11 il.E.MMNNCo 'e ,d - 1 Miss Eoms Welch, of Wankeg , Mulvey'sCoamedy WJ. las howing lu rpet $aturday and Sunday vith led= or0 ilaqIbswesk and are hâvýng 1n' relatives lu our village. large cdJ11acb evening. L. L liman ceff»out front tii. ety MM e ýHqttw - ie eutaered fer. New-ý Tueeday ta @pend a two weeks vacation York et.ateS undq, iiere eh@ viii .pelid at bis home in Our village, a mOnth.wItb usjatips.. sbe leitiMi* Dr. C. W. Towvisereturned home lat velli eafl4* vY.C 'Ïpandamtiiioe 11W& Friday alter a thbree veeke trip throegh havé U.5JO6IW êl hudre, the. eat visitiug wth relatives in New Mary and arry Fuller, wiii stay at York and New jers@ey. Mcflenry with Mr. and lire. Wentwortb JohnMunrray, or Chicago, vas theadi mlyi.l@o rtre guet of Mr. and Mir@. B.' eary and Md Thomae and Ed ileekinger,. of family Saturday and Sunday. Chica , pent Sturday and fiuuday Ed I ils we a hicgo îsior te fratýitrieud% inioué village. Md ill vs aChiag viito te fet Mr. and Mire.. Gary $peut Snnday of the Week. ut Long (irove with Mri. and Mir*. J. N. Mr@. Joo. llurry and danghter, Miesl Zimmer. Nettie let Thursday for a trip through the eat vbere tbey wiii @pend a month Mimer Dueres, Who in Working ln the viiting: vith relatives. city, spént Satunday and Sunday at hie (ico. Block, of Chicago, @pent Tuesday home in our village. witb hie vile and son lu aur village. Lat Friday morning one of J. F. Roney'e hred men took ie leave of lirs. T. . Ford, Mns. Erokine Oak@benc Ih al onn or and son, Robert, came out fromi the cty &absence ing the eai ring f h ours lut week to "aed the summer at thir mes ora t avunge Of $bis r. homne in our village. ltonej aroee nsuai st 4 o' a. m. Represetative and Mmre A. K. Stearne and going tu cal hie mon foiiLd that one and tva lady friends, of Lake Bluff, of theut vas misslng and thon the other epent Tuesday lu our village and in the mian aloo fond Ois money was mieslng afternoon enjoyed a lew bOnis floing on and immediateiy telephoned to the the laie,. lins. Stearne sncceeded in different ralroad tations and at Round landiiig two fine black bars tand thus -Lake got the report that a man anever- outdistanced the. îeet of the partjy, isba ing the description wau there. Mn. faled taget astike. Bowever alwere' Roney immediatoli itcbed up hi@ horses iglly pieased witJi thein ontitlg bore land drove ta Round Lake only to Sud adWe hope ta see theut over again it vas nat the right man and as yet no soona. trace bas been found of hlm. J -MVR 111 I-VAPMOE Idla TII iUtehlWlpeut Wedneday mire. roi a ie eineu pent suc. '-Mr. Fn*d -" wjr.aentafovwdais *ltb bIs unel,'W. Crset Boksmeyer, et Sbspard, Mliii.ï lt el. A nniWr thoma lers attendeS the pienhe atIxm Lîg rass, Sauy. Mn. Blessa Eârlstt, Sr. and lire L-aute lam uisteS il Palatine ans 55y lest veek.- Mi"e Bla Taonrspent WeçsdnWY: eveuing at PallUne. Mis aWa lDenby and Mn. Abert Prier vsnt to appmeig atB day.' nmeigli n Tiensiili h oa astvices at the churcli noît Sanday aftet-naon ou account ai camp meetng. Don't torget lie social. ir. aS lira. (ho. Thatcher and cuil. dren spent Sunday witb h he parents, M. sud lira.Wut. Lenpker. MIre. Panloit spent lianday aI Wan, kegan. Dont' fargeltusheSauce aI Bicluas paviliait Satursiay nlght. The Lake Zuric hbail teaut vers Seted at Rondout lRaI Sunday. The liodernWaodmen Camp are niaking prepanallous for thein big prnit boiS bers Thuradev, Auguit 12. John Fin)k bas commened vorl ai the touadation for bas neis @tars. MilasOlga BoisaIs anS niece, Mabel Sep, of Chicago, at-e risitiag bor*.. Win. Bu*echlng madie a trip tc Barrlugtnn, Tnesday. lire. Henry Seip vent ta Chicago lionday tu viit ber hushauti aIt t Wetaîde bospital. MIr. Seip is iim pravlng flowly. John Kohl bas gone to Cary to woni in a meat market. F. L. Carn, of Wauconda, was a cail hèe Tuesdav. WVm. Bicnase and Lonb Gsary madi a trip tu Round Lake lu th automobil, Tueeday. Nies £lma Eieiman receivedthet .prit as th. moet popular lady at the medicin, sbuw and rteived a gold walch. The churcb choir netteti about $M at tbeir lms creain social laalt Saturday. The. dance st Shenning's hall bau Saturday nighoi vas issUattendet about 75 ticket heiug soiS. Tii. Woodnsasiband oi Baringtonwvil furDivishroulecat the Woodiunpieu and tihe Paltine ball teaut vii play th Zurich&. r- PUT Mr- and lire. L T. Rente sutertaino Mrn. Sweest and iamily, of Chicago, th pai eek. Tii. W. R. C. bc-id tWar picole Fr14. in lire. lieere grave a& Plnm rart %,1il ma nie@ linw. Died at i home lu Palatine. Frida, Jul. 23, lin. Wbîppie, an aid antihonone citime. lnt'.rteut lu Mount IGreen woc Semstery. Chicago. liA.Z.O Fnteb, af!nblhd Park, t ith Wd.ayvlabe soter, Uns lieqdbm . P. Lisntiaairen sd S&E. lsfler vers DiamoutiLaktsesiilers Tomday. Qit. s a vWa!1 bia vicittuy atiesaded tii. Ssaday eboaI picsle aiLong Grave, Suoay. T u rare Visv huai plsjyed dtreg tinse ftrnas. Prs>L Thos& isinse«, ai lis Nath- wstern of mqaSNperiis, viii peac Ssida mrsand evealng. SoZ aY aisla '5a. in.-preaeling 10:45 La 8t - P. L veryaes rdui veleouts., Tbes unuiai Suasdy sel iP-jeofo 1. Gruscburdh i vi lisbelti a Lon~ Kraesre grave. Trardai. Augusi u. TIersv iii hogamaet a uss.hi lse Frns ie v àbanS dotigtAs dei anS «mine .Lmbh ft se iland ageSasàa goodlluslareveibady ia cames as &MM"d. Sunsd"V Sdwai Comm6sils. At 80 P. iM. auday te aeual t..iaaîo ga.d v , o ,ba ol convention .,a ti Tii. onst"eoa lie eblibas beenj peinteS t" s vss. Four of Ounr 1=99people attendeS mcanmtins st Plaises, snaday. Mms.Sioctise »dsiRmélssi arsing "ein i»ce, lire. lanche Rastoin Miss UaQîd, 0o!(ien A IYn, &peut a lev do w it i Bosa eekwith.ia. 8h.ang a "Fac*Pe laFace" aI1h. e orsîng teiviee "as Snday. whicb vas biglai appreclated. Anna Winis in spcndlng a veek ivith b-r Matisr. Mass Eizaietia. ut Ragera Mir. a&M ina.Crautom asd famly an spaudien a ev dais villaMiss Bas &mapeon anS Istiasi. lu Irig iomurs ad friand, Miss Rushes auy eoo CMvaua l- 1n Uaaus. of Ilesda, ver. gu1eCs aiC. leDeoiant sheOrnsae Se-ce . lObbIe &"S lrniors-Snnday. leoinadPa"erS......... .... . .. ....Ps-ai.Thas. i¶nkhotn* Ut ud igra, t. L Tboitoon visiteti Rouie bepartmiet ............ -.... .- ..P 111luelesla Wekeg a sudHighlaund --.-l.. mY,'. Ma iyer, DewrfieldW pas et ot ail tee ot. Teinjiess#..- ..L J. Yagee. Wankegau Mr.sadm iss. oue Bloonas vn reet -Msis..inheLoreridge. Wautegan V. wgnrstore. Wile tere tey 1P .*.P 1) Ev Sci, High aPark Z Utl dausitter dcimeILAO. Thesmeeting i ho bot interfflung NanaS LaiteUaklerhla Iis iiti, last anti insitructive. Sa do't mie, but aIlG veel ver, liei. . Paris and Miss tr anti couse. t Surah fox.FR iI T The barnu raielug passeS off rthy pleesantly t Stauford bratber, Salut--IlMr. sud lins. Hersbisg, af Vou, apet day alternoon. A large crowd vers Sunday ailla the lattr. fmalien, lire. f presleut. Ittfreimeutâ vois servoi. botitier. LOON LAKE Loua Petga-s and May Millen, of Mies Etita Larr. of Wi., la vlsiîîng Lieyvil.ris ufsiuslesSn Wilb Sadit e id..dy WiI RaaI oblelu he esevhep. Lisis Wagner, lif Wanlegau, fspa-Dl tal lu ChuýB, a.ouvaIllhe.gain. Stra u 'udivt dami Bebtu sud laiuily. IdM>sa luu, Il ughlîcel iurneeý bas been Mrn, tnd lire. Mule Wagner and nleiiting wth Nlims-a Margaret andi Bertba chilîdren took a trip to acl.aineiiamt White. 1Wedneday. M. Sud MrI-.WMil watert-antd daugh. Ni. anSdtIre. Abert B R en at Sun- ter, of Chiciago.vieitteaiiuday iiti r. day vth risudfi sud relative at ',<lo. and Mr*. M. She la i iù. mitedafwa.s ae ope,0 uf JMiséRouppeaiNIluffa)oGrave, tspent issrelatves itn Vtvted u batu a Ses uda a-ici iriondS.hors. vîli rlatIve mmi jJîbu Aluat, of Weukegau, Ppa.nt Martin SOrenseet, 1ri.rî'ui a,t Ln jSunttay su icl, isiparents, PSin, and PaIns.b L'aIe. aastitarrisl i ehua-a, JutIv12uh Aiar t» Mise (;rate Hutchum', tof mu,îj t- congratulations. - irt-anti Mns.Robent Daîrm1 el it The boys aifntimer bateve 'Sua ' v taalaSY u it h nrsiqter.. «)i Cii.giî. are iaving tpin amnuaî Mn nasi onler sBaîrer, ItLoGe a- oinig on tht- a'ored iite lake. u!io(, aeî athnedr ar.Gv .AJIOCK j Pîaniî,ru,u, atnrdaya. ,Job Mgman and i@on, 1'ilnaer iM,.rantd 'ars. Frank Calter me*tu andatl oménei, àMo lest seek Sutu-aaa% ilt laie patrunts, M. anSdPare. sssking sa cationLIra teuture honte, lu tI aer We **e reeîot iucr-sted with tbat part it-h. ste Pas rtunna'dhorne Fiday, Llterary Diffieulias. ,K.àud tirs Eugmterastanted fan Cetek, "She itu lwteut talking about vnltln.g Saio8tanday tu Loo up1)a location, a ni cI f,,r yeurs,' sIalone wtviln Auiola855,n. streny a tacimern lu "Ye"." antcteced the oher. '"but I Autkb bo, wnai is Dr. beatre bisauont thînk she'It even gel Il compleloal s~ttaebers Sunday. Bk. hase tollowed the plan oftftânse Ahiitt *iteb ansd lamili moyed authans via tudy lteIn personai Cc- lania a Atiala iai1vil mn, eson, qnelutances ton tYlise of charscten.0 - "'Is' the mthod a gond ans?' E Jdd,@ 1pouio ba ben icre- Not lu bernccse. Wheu her buuband Eli E JnsiS's to e io, as ben lucrs- lier euything sIte veule la put 554 ront$15 ii I>a tODi. li tu as therlata, and vsbe odoma W. IL.WIîIlKBW94 .Ksllgg aud Mse lis iciesaie vnts ta mare lm .tIniUr Dopi bav XQ, ,t»Olf iMdih, 1110buoaIl leeps ber catinuafli ns- A- S. Pratt is en t.rtalninghbisdanghte <PaON A5OiisEE OaawoXDEST>sud grauad-daugbter froi Uiçago a Irem. Biciardson ine peoding tii e e k presett in th.e ity wihh ber frisaS, lirm Frank Wa. &bvaîizen bas been appointe( affler. Kesn"al agt for tues territory by t! MIdiay sud lire H.C- Payns vWstsd Naions' Aîrt& CraYon Co-, oDe 01ith frende lin Wankegsn, yriday. langeai photo eulagiga houssa in ti riend front Lihortîrie, Wedme.. ire. Jouathan Wilson bas forlie hu is h. we c Mises"Hati T. B. Ôy'rsud !ailly spent part ti81 n EîaGla last w vein UMibgna. lbey bave Wir. Lardîman rîsitedw itbfriendel parehased a fruit ka,.,there aisd expeet piMtno , àMinu., reoently. to talte ponbession in )cOeben. Miss attieBnaierd r 4)ru TU@ ensow people have lett towu. Th Waterman. 111, Monday alter a rWL cÀ'f enute rvt neniigadei a lew days villa ber parente. Ictiptton aMosg tbe aid as Wila Cie y0uug. MissH amai Dean vas rote lrMunSith anS grand danghâter frotu tthe wmt xppe an young lady ai, Grayasake have been sisiung ber dangli 'r.t.ecud l diaan ring. An einplo2e ter. Mmre Lnsk- -ifthe l1)-."a«table reeved the b' It Sa reportksifliat L, J. Anses hm.soSmu ~ idfred Howard Danielis v hi. foiai ta Baruey .AmaUn eth- wb cin 'utai ES iard Zeiser roi ainesi to bis bome la the tity MQndee'alter a tuo veki' visait witi bis e.uut Mr*. Carfi buttr i s. Doc't forget the Junior Home .'4, any pictie. Auxgntt 3rd, MiseAda Kuelake-r speut lluiday vi- ln- .. ber brother, Hient-y anSd esily et "le!s. Farwons are nearly ail dutwe baying. Ms. E. Wyon sud augbt*r, "f 'Aaukegau, apenit iluadayisitis lber- parents. Mas Euaia Caahtuore risiteti Iset bastor, lirk. IR. Belle at ltkaeetraestiase QItra Lux, andS1lieue Phullipa artefflbid- tug til e Wek in 'A auîgan". tere sBartttt îe raviuig grasei for' a îtw lara uitu-iltho ihitie uliaIDlU A fois rlatives aud trieuSe pratmeneal faI tihe latuta. 'a Matke Lux, ilaiuiiaj suaL- mug maI ras verj soIal i tas, las- t-srliam i îks.aeaeit"vcl. I'rOlik I YUuag, 01i ;ebitgkià, Vi»itel viii Ilitm. 44 tstaIèll lest wek. PWAus Itra ponter t *tcee> g lu th1w wee o tti M-sNLuisat n8.1tnitire. Ente uita l alela t u, but cîllu under tita it an-t'b a-ie. 2irs. E. Lalv v'leil dletWadnetlay witi Mlie. LLui. Nick Broynas atS iife, a(i Plesît- Prairie, vmits'd nrt ir" e iss.SuLSas>. lire. Paterson, ou f.iaicao, ilaspouding a Isw Suis vi b 4r bouas *op]. 11000000 .6I - M L11W. iH. SU (Otsrtt. 'ciacion] IdAnd whv f11t0 Fai- Subdlridlng and Fan W?nk expedition vas made up II; WU 9l'LIBERTYVIJýLE. ILÉ. pleasure. 1ophe of lte Professer&a100 o made from Our oneItgi- thoir vwadooui ibeê M*i*t& rU forula quickly an4 ame9ulýý rf1hC v 0>ong SnletelÏ deuGyns hot dis- D.O f'lFID For instance. MiesnlieIIJe Marcai, 8C The hair stps fasln Vs&J uBGON. whoss Sther occuield the chair af out, gVo wsmore ropldly, imd ASaeàTAT AE TUTEiAxiux. r te prencb lwugunand sud. favtune, 191 dandrui dlsappetfs. Uisrs izlns. biedleen attracted ta Young Protessat nwm sol Che_____________ Mtçwart, curetn of the unîlverity 010- *mOdrolmw. seunp. Profeesor Stewart vas so ln- goitt vi~551bil tout upon staDes, boune and bugs thuat RA. U.CII EULL h. bsinusî fr it casuh 0 rs Abisesia PIYSICIAN AND*SUAGEON Young lady, via, by lie bye, vas TMe 149011l"la ButeriBlotck. our Sithlài & uIs itwr, prett. The. lime bèok lu asciipackage ti- s Office Phtone M Rae. Stuls 161 Havins reachot a fanrvetern oot heifoiriuuia afout se* Hein Vigontlle Speclal Attention Qivesa ta Discase& 0a1 nicilu eol4l~l sd oher ipslmos. hy abingredisal le used, anS ex. the. HYO, FAr, Nos. and 1hbroit thc Parti sottiesi for the smmc lC lein sy oalter interesting tingt. LIBERTYVILLR LINI camlp. makîng tarais lu parties, lut traigyu i illîknov vhy Iis neis couples or lndtvlduei.y. Wben tbey . anpnpnto osisvoks o lefI the oast tbe Indiana one a ual fer -Nas meisJ. .. A-s.. L-01it. usas- dsltant nservationuvers as pesceful as _______________A- Y. STEARNS a lîlter of kilteils. Refais Iiie nulver- LA WY!EI aliy parti bad been ln camp a fait- late lu liaI direction.* 1WBIIgOntre InIgiltihe ed menuliaS broken tltelr litu- Misa Marchand recaveresi conscians- 21WahntnSre ls andi vers ready ta tomahawk euh usues. crawled forward sud. îooklug Wankegan whvite mnu, omara or chlS hiiey met, a ven the croît.nv lthe Indiens rilfling 'Plhons 2761 Oas mornlng a covboy rode lt the'i. at eh.le upposeded la hle curator' _________________ camp sud annunced the fart ta the dssd body. 8h. ftuinîd again. Wbeu slartied intelectuels. What afides to the professeor gasmothat vay viti hils DR. CQ RGALLOWAY, the terrerocasioned by the nova vas stlencessud bonesansd hiî box of bug litie hrs vers sevenal smtll groupe ho saw a îlght tint aslanlehed blm- OrYWM OVE LLLE DEUG STORE. at the time out looking ton spécimiens. lbe body of Milss Marchand. Perhnluisuce-Irons i1 o8 sud f8 te 8 p. mt. Amang those vio vere ontlsud diS I vas an exuberance of feeling nt lis LUbertyvilie. ttios ua (.-ome in vas the. curuton. Mise esenpo; perlitar, ilfvas te girl'oc, ri. D Nelle Mar-hand toak note of tbia tact Sîtion. At uoy rate, It unrit-k hmbinatal ---------- befono nnyonue es. Altitougi b lethon. n'as eomelblng10lierhonde-ut-t-r el iss lu agoni et bis danger. ahe saisI tian toîtes, hanes sand bugs. Kuoellrtg DR.IL EDW. V. SMITHI nathinz. boltetarledt Inluthe dlrec. iie*îhi,iîr. ho preesed bis vain 31)à 1 General Pra<ctice à..- tien sheoled Reeu thé profeseor go an agant lber colS one. tour beore ta vain hlm. Sie valiseS Nov. ItItapponoti thnt nfter M[115, a Mlle. nogandiese of bhron danger, Marchand îtnnled out ta venuPrafens- Office*over Luce & Ccnuçsuy'î Stre lu ber effort t a van lte mai as or Stewart net anly shp, but tie pro-1 le ta a riesllte teeson. as mlgssd. Eveny one liD SPMCIAL ATTENTION graunDs be env a lghlt tut para- cmp stanleel out ln a différent dîe - ~ ~ GVNT klyzed ber. Baneli 2M0 yards tram ber tieno tohuot for them, lire. Marchand GVNT vProteecor Stewart cracking al staDe snd Professer Macklonon h pee ISIES0 vîth a hammer, aend ual a brnudred ta meet Den the very spot viens 't-Pm - THE EVE et yards tram tho professai vers a daon tesson Stewart found Mises Nelîle and: Indiens an poules dnshlng loward hilm et the moment hoe klaîed ber. 1 IET ILILNI leviti blond lu thein eyes. Undenthe varmnth of tie curetai'., ie Tic ffret ting Miss Marchand diS kisa lie young lady nevived., gave a lit. vas ta taint. This vas bllnd iuck. tor.,lde sbnlek of deliglal st! soelug hlm ta flling. ailevw» concealed tram nv, w. saes.tisai caught elght ot ber mothedi DR. GOLDING Meanvbillo tie red mon evoaped spprnablng. Slite rose.bilumhlug. Pro- DENTIST dowu ou lhe proteser, isba on bour tesson Stewart. lattOt et bis escaple. Route 8 te 12 a.m. i ta 5 p. lug s a ller leS up ta behoid lin- sianleti: J l reBidn mediele rediot Seath. Iloveyer, unce "Hurrah! l'm cnizy.'"J i ngsBidn ho vas ansvite inu against tbeur "I xhouid thînk go," said Mlre. Mar- viti Dr. J. L. Taylor-Pione 19 il dscen ltey vers utlal u on. Tan- chaud "est-onoy. lRes. Phone 101)2 dtitra or munder mighl veil. Wiat iiey Thla recalle thelb.prfessar te hlm- Lbhrtyrille. Illinois vers grat absorbeS lu vas thein cap- self. and wville tietfour vere bonu il tlr's possesions. TMèy kuov enougi te camp hoe expsined vht i t d oce- o~ f cînitbstion to appreclate tiie velue aloueti bis appaenlyIldiotie remar jDR. E FL SMITH.L oe f bis vatch. bammer. laoes change Professear Stewart soya il vas bilan DENTIST. sud paukulte. Tbey plunged their Marchaud'e bravo arct lu gong ta balk ]bauds lnlu is ter poci-ais anS tank for hlm liaI settiod Mareroisetvew e c VRLIES CatarNT Â'NIONAL sAle,. ont staDes. Every réceptacle vas fIleSthein. ANNA BENTLEY. toes- a12 a. ut.and 1 te 5 p. me. vii ithtein--alnoa.stasnes. uotbiug DAILY. ed butaltanus. But ln. bis lucide Test lMr Robfusn-Wisl a etngular girl Llb@rUtYrl1* IlIluais ie poclet veresesoinsdecayed boucs. Tii, narMenJuu Indisus'laoked et ansesGerber lu won- Miasou' M Iss oues! t as abl mider. altored, yen kloui DR. 1, L TAYLOR, F. A liny box lay noar. ffuddeuly nao-________ tlclug Ir. lbey made e rush for Il. OavIZ a arsJ. KM. TRatOe aLDa. liera et lest muet hoe ometîîug hhey lUre. Benhani-Hois muc i d SYeu 7t 0a t a4sd6t y- could ezechntge fan firs vater, for pav- pay the mînisten viien vs vers nier. oz-t 1a.m2t 4nd6o ed cdr, lead. blanis. Open t, their usd7 Benbam-He flusd me 8 .-ar.~P . M vauWoder vas teufolti. If vas fui, utfP5W& Weekii. Besidence an Broadway, opposite Park, bugs. Lhbertyvllo. Illinois. ter Sudtieuly su explanatian came lae ____the___________ at leder, Ho tappeit bis farebead vîti WEST FREMONT, hie fiugen. The otber.caw hie menui- Bora l ran d lits Frank Fredenlck, MARTIN C. DECKER ed lng and assentesi. The professe ai!e Jli 21s1, a baby girl. ATTORaNEY-AT L.AW si u Imbécile. adMr ratp es Ofc p.ltîS.Metî tto te One of tie rosleemlng testuros of tuas Frankl Enirand ayTkmp ee Ofc p.1tiS.Eeti tto àgNati Amrican Indien bas alissys Itraihoe tallero Mouday. Office Phono 5884 lie@. litone 8604 been kliduesa tor the teeblemindoti. harlue Nardmne.en a liedte m*fotune NORTH CHICAGjO, ILLINOIS STr Auy Injury taesnubtîaeneons thoy con- ta lose anse<of bis big hanses ans day lust :le idermure ta ho visieiodupaînfilema. veek.______________ Tioy loneS the bug box sud handot Cri it@nzr raéae s pnig ln Iltl apidr captIve Tbey puokesi p arl Kda iting e ayslkea pedu lb. atours thoy hmd ecaltorod about iWdy i.Sha ag g, gs ho and placeel hem «ain lu lie .pratees- Henry TIkmaupe wvas a.Libentyville Tell 3ume Sicm One [et or@5 pocketa. Tbey reatoned bils watc-h _aller ans day ltteek. as sud othen usetol articleal. Thon. thein Several tram hèrne attendeS the social It la5 Free If It Falls. ed tuaci fan a doinilo purpose havlng1 dance at Wauconda a8atunday nliglit. WlI yn deoansactf flumartm? uS i,>o.n lueiiipto, ves iill YtotIsoms. stelfrisad of th4s. mr ,dbe uerpethey mounled thpIn lin tnd lnspFan-e lr re (iI- reuirkable oDesi ee pont" nanS rade hunviel a way.Po ar -lesMoudoy alta.rnotunr. 7T,1 hlm u- her. thaen leruedo.fs lt tesson Stewairt tunned iisface itralgil - ii tun -nertaitt CtisIta ss dam liear ta on Main..NPIr.Will Alkoam ie tita'd ela-; he sit-k, 'It la shsolulely sud uncottdllioatally lovsnd the camp,_tend hogan tl g . tires ln l'alarmne, Sunday. true iltrful&." Atl-Yeu. no dout, . sreadir kuovôofDr. - huopg estaraive bridlia popularitY. a', t, t 4t1, 'h est., etir for Stou,h. Kidney sud Hesi--t ses eyrnrhece ln .4uercs. Wheu lte*luPdo11 reorollf nret of = ,' thee1 1 tslatens wtom, le t . Phoopi Rastrtive that has quicklp vialIlsuad streaz. theurd. sud brougiht theis nunves sud ominus back teheaitlt sgsia. I donfot date the Stonasci, nuretgimulate O te Hesrt or KLdpas-for eh*t la ail rroug. Ds. shoope 1Rsterave gVies direct ta tIc i (titSofnithesealUmeute-tlte WlIig. falterng. lnsiûoerilt*ig nees. Aotd Iteela lies the ikemuote taetut setreesi Wh en these serves seamtginuade welî snd ituang.e, tsta t heUtcertain sud uf &Il aach '~tb~ Toime itiea ra mtuI stsfcton that tIamm th lpyýYIinau ilete saitate te effernn iflJI lo euslabp yu. tse sutureexpeuse li 2'haîen wMJ.h.d d «ck sttake uny ti taS enan o tlor medine whose muaker dat-e flt back Utjuat as 1 do by 'this rcrnarka ble qfer f 1alun have Rheuiaatlc Remdy-and it j fesides. You are Ires ta cousuit me ulut as yt'ttt oild routf borne physicien. Ms- advlcs sud ts, bok below ame your-and nitjjout cost. Penhepe a word ortfou front me wil iti i (IDi Romne routsliment. I1ltsvehelpcdltousands up hujmudu r irtr1 eoprecertosuor erol tispisla. My bes effort 14 sursît wnntli rour simple request. 80alet me sd ou su order si oncs. 11k. the etete tasoines sck trieud. A potali nul brInte houpaoiiy. Y lihave ian hoiest sn u aeothydm¶g-' gltgwhoau Yon eau couveulentit gosufr tse 0 ut inît. sbeefrUsadr o l r Wgustnu th&"orlsdUt sthe ,fMds. "Iere'w , Ma a-newrte mhre t sud the 90 dely ti. e inbe iCtmonow 06,cd coet. de s a-' ,,.,.,r Ils. Shot, ownil. Battue, Ale. ~~44DY, 8iSp Boxs12,iRtine, WY.I& No. i On D6pepsia No. 4 For Worn No 20.the besrt No. 5For merl îî, -Y.5g- , littNe, Ou. the idam 140.o6On B.luuati fetwdl utte. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE SEWING MACHINE MAN libe Auna Lacîbead, of thlc"go' R annas saubjec Sundai, Anguat visteS villa ber ina bean id bratiier Iét aIt 10:80 a. um. vilh. '"JeosaI oves Bundai. tjPraver." andsinlu lIa.vening mSutior aI Mass TiR Mitchell spest Saturdai asd8 o'elockI'Th. Povae- of the Gospel.', Sraday iii bar frind, MimeELiokesaq5r, Uns. L. B. Bryant, of! Uhor- ai IÀUs Zuiit. vine.. attendeS ebaech hère SunSai. mmra.osat m"e viled ber itare'ta- The Woniaa's Basa. M esoaary Society lnSl ira. BMoflisson, of FainfietS aven met ar, the parsoagm ednssada i dis Swad..î. vL 9 . 1 la 1 la 1 - - -- - - --- 1 1 -

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