CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1909, p. 4

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- LAKE ONTFY P~IU~It RIDAY, JULY _-suiloo COUN1Y, IND&PENDENT CIFiClAILPAPER 0F LAX£ OOUNTY -00» toLpje EfeNofgitrs Resàdence Tele9oe No. 1141. tÂiertJfllO Exchange IlIse aid tthe PotOMCOtlea51Lber1YVW111, iysaecond Cam Mater MOUU> WZEELY ADVUETIZSING RA&r. MKaon KYOWN OurAPPUCÂATwid *àib8àRPTrl0N PRICE 41.50 PER YEAR s-rRIOTLY IN AOVANCE i PfNK H. JUST................ . .................................................. Edtor £,"M. KFLLEY.................... ...................... City Editer FRIDAY, TULY 30, 1309. A CLIifflER. Whefi 11I Civil -Wàr bealnaàY.,.;.O man namod Marvin l4ugiitt was a tami4 diep-atcore n Louis, Aten & Chcago, new the ChiIcadio à AI teneiiliway. diso henieraed the service o e i*rosd à f.w y.ars b.forteas atbW~gtepoprater. He iscked the. adylftale ot a colage oducation and tw.nwk but h. 0»s .iqd tat ho hsd qualitiOs suicliau ne colege can * lve.hewever heiptial It May b. iln devoiepina them. Il bcare neeeemry te move jarge bodies et Unien soidieres outliward over the. St. Loais. Cii.o Allen. On the train dispatcher ftitithe c<b udehi sndresponibiity ef seoina that the scores of extratîn heuing thoe thouoends of men wore handIod rapdIy ced witiiutmci dsat. Th" ewore »rn doUble trmkl railwaya ln the we thtoen; the codet tiIn rulee bal net been devoloped te anythinI like Ita prent perfection; 1h... wort ne block signale and Intorlocking devise. lafty o e rmed op*«io5 detpended mo",tnier.thon at preaent on theo diepateiier's vigilance * *1, Jud$#ien and reeeurcetuineae.Yeung i4ughitt proved se wli, tn ge. Onte0. tii. road 1*. trama barng the Union t..eeps, that ho lied those '4i01ltle lt rire deoree thet lei 112 ho w»a mode a- superintendent on the.Illtinois Central. Hi* rioeson diffrant roada waa ataady and rapid fremt thaï tIme; and new for twenty-two yoars lie haa been prosident et the. Chcago & Nortiiwotorn, wtiicli ho ha don. more than any otiier man te bud up te I@ prient preutnssa-Froml "Whoe Geta ho the Teop," in the Aitoust Tochnical Worid Magazine. SPEN01O CROPS. to Asot rm ffty.ttve countias ln the Illinois wiieat and cern boita, with an avo ,rageof eton reperting stationa te each county, confIrni the o ocast of beuutifui crops so tur as thua stâte la cencernod. FOurfifths of the re- potts show an average ln wheat ef 19.9 bushla per acre, an uncommoeiy 11191 cro, aubstantialiy 20 busiiols. Tho earty and lots eata togeter giva CO an average o a littleoever 38 busiiola, wiiichla much above the average of h.pre.Thia la à remarkablbio utput, asthie et crep as a whle dose st touclu 30 bushoe one yosr ln tour. The stalions report cern about 100 Co Spar cent. Relurna frem on. coniderabie district ropresentitive et CentrailIlinois aru acoompenied by samplea oets tht are running 70 busheis te tho acre. ý, Oui ineenlier ofthle Chicage grain trade whoe las been a bull on es the MM oilittyears anlias ut ahiftad toe i bear aide, on receiving simples treni tares. lacentral ilinola 114scutary of the iiiInoî Grain Deaers' Asociation lias reports pr ibilhliesetimates that, comparing the crep tetal&aoet hoe tate witl i@5 >*sr, wiiet jumps freni 21.500,0 buaheis t 47,000,000; es ef rom 94 L 10,1%11110te 1350C0M00,Muind corn treni 342M00DO00te peeahbiy 400.000,000 o'C âdsea te the. proportions othtei.latter being dependont on the wcatlier th fer Us.- 1t igbl weeks. a A large peutote f acto smt forth ln tlei nformaioln from thcIlliinois @$icutur yeer relate te creps tiist are tither harveted or flniahed and *Wb fer barrent. The. condition ase tecorn la a report et geod pregreas, T boit frees.rkmbly favorable average. The tacts as a wiileeoxplain the. spur t lat e l siuus plans whidi relate te the easy finnciai conditions ofet tt ssuolry and reqmgremefta on transportation and manutacturing intereata.T --EXAMINATiON FOR MARRIAGE. r Ifli stt.e Washington lias put mb terni wiat ha been lioped for by h momess Iuntafiigft people ln Mil tiier states for mauiy a year, eameiy, a i *1adwille requirine ail pesoi who are to e b.nirried in tht commonwealth e letubor«I te a physica, iental and nierai examinahieri on -hhir qualifica- t tiesa fer the nialsalte. Tiie referni was crrlcd thlrougli by the agi- i * tU teli i pesutencofe a yeung wioman only twenty-thrse year fa" g.T MehW ailIa courel. andtlie force te concentrale tlie support etftlie wom-q on. of Waehngton for Iliat moasumeTlie ned fer the protection was ap j ps4ietd tla ie logelaeure, aid thlem.aaur la now a lew. Il wili attît b9 o possibe for pereone te avade the. sot by going *tseeior, but thlat wil esiy brln g «uetr condamnation by cali mo public attention te the tact of -1110hdlualilflcatlon; lilch la good greund le public pollcy againet mai- riage, wtnhee iatdîsuailficalon la moral, physicai or mental.t The nudicel profssion ofthle city of Chcago ho toilt csied on te bring te the attention etftthe public tacta about the censequeiicese etimmoral lts ltaï; *ogtle I. known by ail, trom yeuth te âge; embracing the tact that huWtneboingahave vistai lponthem thie peupetual affliction ef being WWOti6o.etferleig roua fîighttul madadles aslong asethsy lve because ufetli la ld by thir parents. The tacts are too revoing, tee ahhortmsi1, ta epusk o, were 1h fnet that te toierate ignoranc la le permit pure yeunýg wemen te become the. brides et men wlio ouglt by alternative te botset le prison le preerence ho bling permtted te enter thie marriago * One tâte lias made a tart. 1 h loutd have ltceniorai support et Il th. rmI and emulahlon of Ine examplo. Tliere wiil b. dîfficuties te met, amitaiese tories le oercqeobut the. principteofetthe no'.vneclla correct Wahington liasà prospect of bocomiri tlie home et a peopte lgront ln char- aeir mud cisan and seund le lite, whore tome parts etftthe werld art dogen- euallng. The stery et thle nievemanit las il wertli tie readinq and thie dii- igent attention ofthle Amricen peoplee v.rywiere. EZIIZ~ IZ1 $5000 Fise Lotse At Fox Lake. Addkilo" LgwLeseI t ight atir-eet mysterious oengin burned tu the ground the Etbel Knowle. Me Ada licLaughlin lit Sunday for cottage et Fei Lake, valned et $5000 Des Jlainea. vhore the lte upeeld Ig e lbweer, b.eig ta Chicago. Tb. ire we.k& toek place at 10 oclock let nlglt end Grtrude blowese, vbo @pent the past Fox itke departmnt was unabis tu do veek wllhrotatâveo4in Evansaton returned anYthiflg. #oOmeMenday. Mise BAncscauneli, e! Calumet, Mien., Sewsr Contracite oLot. arriveil le thie cily Wedneeday for a, Bide viii b. received for the leyieg ot isite ith ber relatives. Mrr aud Mrâ~ . he wron emilwskeeaveuebetveen Wm. C. Rave, of the Newcastle bolt. Lake and Newb.rry. Fer turther lnor- Suodey nlgbt thoée perlons Who vers niation ap 17 A. FAULKINER. out nt 10:15 obaerved the passage et a ulse iman aewer Couanlte.. couet tbrouqh the sky a littie te the eestofthla vilfl. It waa very bril- Mothhcgisl Services. tlietnsd t t e iui»trait 01 light be- The peter wviiipreeclh t 1:80oeit bled.1 Sueday moring. Tihe bundey sehool The L.bmal4e Ceuetery Aseoiation will b.e t noon. The congrogatloe viii * willoità aMs. P. P. Dyniend on nwith the Pfelê@Yorlats coreglea P'rlly eiusnom, July 30 -Cen d 1 b pn! air srvie. l te peut a: e rb. re ort tLheseretary and fv 'lk ivte your fiends te cotts $ttooree sud vhat turther busineu 1 te b.epo air meeting. Tb@e Epwortl«be.. e ueetioeal meeting na hei clureli Il%& o nwtore room in tb. Proctor ________ bii&FWii oeil wéek b. oecupled by frufiit GaBle and caiidy Paie O! women, heod pas,. or any vrouale much more pae topped in 20 minutesome. vith ~ ad ti.chsage wal fonnd Îtir.1shoopea Pink Pain Table. Sem oa emàofetlurmmd busl- fuît formula on 25c. Bo. Sbld by ALL DEALER&. depo vi rmmt eew bas "uvm reoetty Among the Libertyville people satend = i.beoad As lng the Des Pi.e apmeWghl the h. oss la weir are Mmr. AÀ noMe.Msn aven tb. firemen Ire. Churebtll aed MsMQ cL--.Z 10 aad tet many SevOrmi have attended fora-Sor tion of lb. lime. liold a Uield day Tb@ Morse femily picnewvasbeld »m sr vini b. Tbureday, Jely 29, on tb. Merlin Morse 1ev, et Gliner, II., asviich -, Waeaa al * IGHWAY NOTICE Public Letting et Contract. Notice la heroby eiveu thal omale preposais vill b. receved by the undei iedCommusioners o1 Bighvays( uville Township, and Specii Wzuely Bridge Commitce eto Lak eeeuty, ail et the StaleetftIlinois, Io the building et a bridge aud londation ait a site known as Butîler Lake Bridi in said Townebip. Bridge t e b.bM accordlng le general specificatione on ti in the office oftheb.Tewn Clark oftbai T'ownship- Seaied propoeale wiii b. receivedo the 2nd day et Augu@l, A. D. 1909,& the bonro 2 P. M., in tbe office e1t t rown Clark in LIbertyvilte. Illineis, ai contraet awarded le the logeet or mem reepoüaible bldder. Each bidder will b. required te file wil hlm bld a certified check for f100.00 a' guerantee et gond falth that lh.y w enter finto contract for lb. verk il eau in avardeal le thora. Sala ertdlsed ch. to b. endoreed tle hbs"Treasurerotlî way Commissioners of Libertyri 1'ownablp." The soeessll blddur viii ais e b.r qulred te il@ a good and »offcient boi for double the amoent et Us. contre guarmnteig ltUiluent and camp tien of mare. FA& b idaler vill b. reqnisvd tesabe villa bit bld bis owu plwanud specMf tions c!i tmeklnd el bridge lbey geSp. to buil, saitd plans teo onform vih t genuesl peclllclleaon fla1»thme o of ths Town CierkL Tihe work bu, b. started vitbin40 de Itudataet of utreet sud cmpleted 90 daya trou date of contact. The. Commlssionersetofilghwsys LIb.rtyiile Township and Spec Conety Bridge Comineslof etla County remerve thé. rigis: to reject u andaiHblds if tb.y "msuit le helb latereuiteo et b.Township sud Coin se tu, de. Datsd Ihis 19th day et Jnly, A. 1909, at Libertyville, IIi. E. A. FicsE, MuLES T. LAM!y, Ts.euam E. GRaHui, Commlîtee otttup.rvisorsot LàkeCoui E. L D£vIS, Joui NulesB FiREl SuYDANî, Cemmiseionere et Blghweym of Liber villa Township. Fuxi) Camxa. Town Ciei HIGHWAY NOTICE Public Letting of Contract. Notice là b.reby gflo tatseie proposais viii b. reeived hi 1h. un de-. 4v dComunaon.rsetofRlghwaye of Lbrtyville Township end Speci ai Coanly Bridge Lake C;onty. &il othe taitet of Ilinoois, for" lb. building ot a bridge and ouda tiens et a site kovua the. TowenLine Bridge, ounbthe owlIH»belgre.Liii- ertyvltle sud Freont ,Towneipo. Brid 0 te b.bouit seordlog te gonrat epelleloae on dii ef the Tovo."of e ed Township. Sok )opo" eiviib. recOed ou lb. 2 ay of Angmt, £ D; 1909, et t. bour,la th Mo f the Tovn CsitlàlaL11:4= Da, llnois, s»d eontract Sarded te thi euveWt or f0i& Nis bld a cmndà h* sé $o$10.00»A a guarats. etgod fl* liaI ,tj,', 1 mesols ito ecorneat!Ofo W45ro fl5i le okwarded té O. Bllerfs bocka to bé adoredto tbe flsOr EtHlgIm wul Cmmodu Mis oend lbidder vil llseb. ne- quired tuofilseagondd aucisst bond fo doebletlis amqut 9fthie contrat guaamtselag Ibe@M mmlUh.taad comple- Beahbhdae viii h.reqoired te sçuliml villabNs bld bis 0wn plan e qieca. themof et linld of bridlle Ypropose te hud, el a s "ho eelorm vih theb of tbe Town Ch&t AND RECORDS $ pn ai 00 CO t'o at in ae tb TC 00 i t i cc c I4IGHWAY NOTICE Public Lt..tng Of Contract.- Notice la hemby àlivec that ssald prposait@ Winlb. elrv bytheundor- 84= olumssio et EOflghweus 9 i trléTownship, dSpca cnnty Bridge (Jemmîtteso!01k ennhy, ail of the Biate of Illinois, Ieo b. bulig of a bridge sud fousidationa Kt, aste knowg asCountla Bridg insla Townsblp. Biiste b. boUt mQriar c gneolarlfatias on caïd 11'ewnahp. Seaisdpropémesis vili be rselivsd on tbe 2d dayol Auguet. A. D. 1909, at tbebhour oetl l>p. uj the office ot the Town Clork InLlbryvllm, llUlots, aad eonrtraS w&rded tue I o west or mout . w-ldr*lbe aequlrsd Io fls wll hi bld a certilsi obckfr $100.00 as a grente.etorgood faillilaIthelv will entertmtoo itfor the work Il %«» la awarded t. S, aid certlfled cbs1hi to b.e edorssd tethe 'Tr«earrOf I gh- way CougmiWsenrs for LibertyvIll !owagblt. .Tho suceeueful bidder wlli &ase b re, quired te ile a god and mulifclent bond fordouble tbe.amount of the contract guaraotseinn lhe fulfilImeela&DO couple- Each hiadoer wfll b. requlred te subuit wllh his bld hie own plans and spOOcea. tions oft1he kinal et bridge tbey propose eo bud, »Wl plans te coulr. with = general spoclficationa on aie le thé, OMMi of tbe Town Clerk. Tho work te b. started wltbîn 40 dajoy.o from dataet contract and complohed ien_ 90 days trom dataetofeontract. The Commlnioner of Righways ot Libertyville Township and Speclal County Bridge Committee qeo Lake Conaty reeerve the rlgbt te rejeci &Dy and ail bide if they deem Il te the best iatereste ot the Township and County se to do. Dlated this 19th day otJuly, A. D. 1109, at Libertyville. Ili SA-MLTEL BLACKLER, H. C. W. MEYR, GEO. QUENTIN, Commitce offSupervîmerset Lake Coucty. E. L. D&vis, JouN LimBxany. FixE SIYDAM. ommissioners etHighways et Liberty- ville Township. FaRD CEeRra, Town Clark. Internat jouai Fabricms. Evey onWs a boauty. . Dropminandget aliue on the jood1ooks of INTERNATIONAL Clotes. Pricms that amc popular, and styles that wàI l st popular. : -: E. Wý. PARlKKURST sanak Blok UBERTYVLI, ILL. rW .r~- -- -- - -~ - - 44*64ý W. W. CARROLL & SON We wisli to announoe that we have opeuied our new store on Milwaukee-Avenue and'have on band a choice aseortrint of OROCERI ES DRY GOOODS and NOTIONS et reasonable prices. A few samples ore here isted: Ladies' Tan Home, excellent Ladies' Fine Real Macoo s., values .........r50 per pair ............ 350 Throe pare for $1.00 Ladies' Tan Home, fashioned Boys' and Children's Home seamîcs .......250 frose........... O up A LOT 0F FINE VALNCIENNES LACES In French, German'and Filet Weaves Se per Yard 12 Yuands 5c OURGOROCERV,,.DEPARTET Buirnham'a and Mornill's Paris Coin 40~ Ne-Lmkeslde Pork and Peas 1 5c The Famous Boka Teaa 400 and 600 Fine julde Lemon, per dozen »c0 lntereete ofthlb.Tovuan sd Count3 se le do. DaethIis 101h day et july, A. D. 1909, Libertyville, Mi. W. F. Cnov, JAMEa 1. WCLea, OommitteeoetSupervlaoreofrMbkeCoufllJ' B. L. »evis, Fan CaoIES, Tovin Clerk. -altIf y=nuW Tut NE!W BAW4 Clybure 'Livery a.dlteed Stable BEN F. OLYBOURNE, Prop. boo Ms *b"M " au ibttyllInoe. ~Ž ~. ___ 2 ... .em. Umm* Doës your laim nued mowIR81 U ", UIl andga" our "Genutue Philadeipbi& Lswu MoweM l' very one guamnted t ulve PIrfet 16 Inch out ~.O 18 Inch eut 8700 ic1,ee 'anld 00700*doon Am f uoeuay 7our bappiuesetht asùuuiso. You know lb vil 1» hot t"s mmier and a would àdd gi-oatly to your comftort dtu*hn thé hpt weathor. One 13umrer 82.00' Tlo Burner $;J.50 Thme Bunier 83.50 Ovenu $300 Zxtra ?.hryLaw#orms Supplies Il You are Going to Fertilizer PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN YOUR LAND SOW SEED 0F ANY KIND) WH[TEWASH YOUR BUILDING PUT UP NEW FENCES Wtt want to figure on your wanttt Lihrtyill tLmber Company- CnV .Telephone No. 47> Fil Up Cheap Now Ye.r Bis WHY NOT? Yes, why not enjoy the satisfaction and comfort of a good suit of cIothes? Good clothes doee not of neeslty mean hlgh priced material. Yeu may pay for the beot cloth on the market but get a poor fit and spoil it ail. Clothlng le not roeognized s0 mnch by the materlal as it is by the general appearance. You recognize the young man as well dressed'beoause ho takes cars of hie clothe@. He was particular about his suit and ho is 'partie ular lu hi@ care of it. Tai1oý made clothes are worthy of good treatmont. Don't be satlsfied with the firat plece of goods that will bang on your back. Corne to a tailor and have it fitted. FRED GROKER Tailor and Draper, Libertyvilie il Morses for Sale. Mountain Meadow Stock Parm, one and onehalf miles north ot Wancenda, Illinois, bas Contanîly on haond and for saie, at'Ioweat xmarket price, a stock of a&l Classes of horses, auitable for the roed and ail farmu work, e mad rf useful and serviceable, from r po m . Pricea $80-00 te, 520.00. No ~j0u~a. Co ne elentain Meadw andl se the herses ;ýsik:eee. AUl guasteed on dulervy e s e . COL . r.J. BERRY SUDIN (' wCÂR lakeoide Butter is made of pure oream, frorn m- lected dairnes lnthe Elgin district. Pu.rlty andwelght guaranteed.-Badger Butter Co., But Troy, Wle' CoRET '4 and JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL - I I - ai là the atm ------------ =1 W&W

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