CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1909, p. 6

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J - L .0 . 10 ~o~ON Ne.w Police Pension Law Shows dileAre- E,' liaI pigo".can b. Orgamigmd Nmr.and that Pihig,* Uxecutive Head of th, e e t ial4nVtled t. consduvsidm . Pr le -» tlt Law %ta s ,k linf,.êt Tiat AsmiatlkWluttM-PoltST-a relaifte ciy police depe-nîment la - ltlcd ta a service pension 1a cear- shoW» by te provisions aif t, îiiw police pension le-w. The iewevpolice pension mesmure .wiick 4 proviiei *e passage ai bouese billhIl'ft1,î lmhWOh 06t"t114 au se U la-p Ifalý&the-t fl sWaIîy'4ply- to cides oi ua;lematan 20,000 anti ',-moa more tan 50,000 -B,' thc pn4vlicas tafýt4e ý eJ fodmati te-taiai te1>, èt de ibvard th eUi ablsbu4qut aifte pollue, pen- ;sion fond., 4~ eued fo'th folavîpa - r f 1- - Source of th. Fund. Threp-iaurths of ail moe,'. recel,- eti f rop licenses upan dagi; 2 per -cent aofail mono,' frai»se-oon lhen- -; ses;1ilmono,' for apeclal dote-Il ai i.. Pulie *fficena; 10 per cent ai ail fines fo ian Ishtiona a1 it,' ordinances; pur ccit a manti tieducteti front ihe -pension ai ever,' police peusioner; ail mnuys irai»flues impoacti UPO» mnembers ai thc police depaniment for violations ai thal deprimeat; ail e- yards givea or paidt lamembera af te police fonce excepi auci as arc ezpecetd by tic buerd af trastee;1 -per ceai a nimber ai tic police te- pamnntua ta excecd $1; 10J pe cent of ail revenues frai» ucenae ual hofore mentioneti li thîebillh and ail lie nouie,' tat na,' have accumuhaied ta establiaudit a fundthros-ugi pre- vieus .Bliaiion anti anc-bh aiofail fondeat ai n,'have accumuhated. fan lebesjefit of paicemqn anti fiemen. Ths funti shail ho handieti b,'a boasai cmpopeti ai .fthree risidents ai Ihe .cit/ -tva 0f wJy:.m shal ho ap- plafeýýbýt4,It ý aaI -tWitb trd 'th & ieeC. The Meuiber i. b.e eecteti sOieil bp chose» ai a regular election litei tugni a v,'and t L hIci tlnie a'iiunbers of te police farce anti -.bscuIcl*raIe isalbe entiedt tavote. «h'ice'aeoall reelve tetien.- ts aiftils mti shaH ho an,' pensa» 14 #~J iVÇ 9adtifor -,twegty y~r~.bcmore uon bite pôolIce terce et0 a cty and vbeu sncb persan abail b.coae 50 yearsaifag i s hah"Icesse ;&eceanti sah! L e paltifron thei Imi a yeariy pension ai one-ital t#e assonu al t tachi o iis ,ni-imdbi th. force on bis retirement provIded that titi maxtimum hail nal exceeti Im W-a jean. Alter ts dthe-ofc IMcit a ieueliçipry ils vidoar alutimi- non, chiltiren aball reclve tepen- Thle licueit viii sio accrue te an! quence ai snoh service. Sncb caondI- lion te le properli sworn»te. IeeiltsMacainlatts, 29; Mar- lanla Bersulcatls, 24.A çgr.Gon bicgg, 25; Joseph- lue Baldwin, 20. 1R. W. X>eIper, MiUwauke, 22; eO- sephne 23bf,2. MP lm-1G4 misVIEWS S4yt a ss neof irtte Subaqibe for Local 'Reforri"'Piper and flop- ed for tlreat Thince Setore Weclc waa Eiîcted Mayor. Admita ho Hat Been ,OtdfiL" Wibhos to Cor. ,i yiyu plutdmy leiter ast a ,isyouzuean to ho -fair. 1 take came oi the iean ihings I calti ahpetp'au. -,w4% W lm, NA t au*<gan News -vas ata«tid l'waÀ oee. àt the 5irtae rb- scribe. Yau sce thie promotens ai tis laudable enterprise promisedi sa mach liu tce way ai baneci reform. liai 1 wantedtet help out a bit They Were gIng ta take Il the apecial privil- eges away f rom the saloons andtirae the avucrs act Just like ardînar,' mar- tais. Tic,' were galng ta stop the gambliag andi fearlessly filgbt al tuat was bailad vIcIous. Evèr,' day or so 1 would drap ln the News office and fiud it aIl cluttered up with parcons and sucb lîke. ail working for Wau- kegans future wlfare and shocked ai lhe doings ai the Buliock administre- tian. That was during thte cty pri- muales. If Buck was eiected al would be well-te News would he coser ta the Mayrs office then steel fihinge ta a magnet. Mr. Buck wus electet-the News was Jubilant, tic parsanz vepi vithi loy, vitue hati triumphet i etlest. 1Tht. nullock administration ibat was 'wrecking aur maraIs" vas oust- cd. thei boAési people bad came mia ,th* own, - the roIs af the Sanda,' :iîîiqn WA'taian cnd. That wasaLe- lare Mn. ut,î. a worn ln as Mayor. Naw 1r. Newâpaper man, bas tiere been anc Sanda,' thai thc sa- loons have nt rua vide open? la therc a saloon or cigar store tat dais ual run a aloi machine? Why do aIltbthe tin-baru sports. sboc strIng gamblex-a anti mch lie -stand al dayý on Dur gramîneni corne-a wib fiac cloibes aLd diamants, Wear- »tg a l attabletimiii? la it beceuae teé 1,1lsaon." Be- cause tic,' arc ohcying th aw? Jusi obndcrlng, Ibata ail.- Lest Sunda,' ville te Parsons vere a-pr.e-hlng. the Mayor wp.a a-msyor- t'ig nd Daur vallut chier of pq1Ice, was a-PoUihg, a man vas poklag a knffe ln anoîber mens iba lu a sa-- 10» tuai wam runlug vide apen.' Tihemua iii thc kuife la in ýai. The felowtat vas cutlisla la the boalttal, buttvitai ai tiesal.on lhoep. on? Oh, tellus oa itel. be ueaeo4119 t> ceven ipuor orLits j' '!oletiik th ava lu par- Neet securil,'. Boten tuas, M. Edtor, la *bat a'- -t--- uaf-. ' ,--t~. -Nw rMolU' ibat thepargb4 fanti a draun by teffc. ia the reqCt pitte ao-cs4led refofut iee- 12 0llatObi WII*V 1itii ss i M aent, git ithDer -fIlviii go, viii re1i utanrieti andteta is miter tem) anti ve mancb lu a body' ta tbe obli~util they heoane ai age. home ai former Ilayar Bullocit and igoard te Judge af Applcants. apologize fur vhai we have <lune; Aiiy policeman voluntanili, suspend- and then înarch te tic borne « Mm. ing service shall subit tean e cani- hidînger andi apologize far vbat we inaian as tabis lin«aa fr duiy, ex- bave net don-lien go haine and cept afier twcaty years- service, ho- mnd aur ava busineas for a ville. fore tc,' becami proper ecipleuis oai Yours Iuly,. te penion.Wi- LUS GRUMP. No pensianer under tîis law, mie-l __________ reslde autalde af tic istate unil t.e board la natinfludth alhils health ne- The Sepeme ci1k. quîes te change. Me-n basn Doviaga, anti Yet ho eau Such pension Ia hst vcu the-ll e-r h«,ave the, clouda. Ho isn 10 ficier,' ls canvicteti or an,' eliter or çeiit aifoot, anti yet bo ea u atlpOei saei became an habitue-i drunkat-tion the tiotestl bound or hanse. Rle ha a nan-eaidnt aifte stte. but feeble veaPans in bis anganiSatiolà The hoard ai trusteua halh bah atidLyet ho can lay or utef, a11lmU regular meetinga anti abalilhave th. $Mt eantse.Biseye la fnt no bian pave tadra li tanis ramUtuas tittoai he exigie or thc vulture powe tedmwthefune fontthe andi yet Le cl- in e tatahietie trtieg treasurer ai the cil,' anti contraI the septis aif aldereal space. lHe han oui moue,' vien il deema tiidesary. ver,' fegble occut powens ai commlil Shouldt ere nftloth ie au» ayLiestot it elU isellowa, anti yet h enaugi moue,'y t a al such Peu- ea blk around tic vanta andi sem aiens, tie mone,' albaî e dlvldcl pro bl voici acrosa matiltaîns anti deseint rata anwing teieeiclarlea. ai, 14.bsal ea<bu beaidei Son,% aw otiÉ Lt.Ielepaie trust, an, vit be »au " m4%linsanti mIs "E I~MAY WEO. riverasanti set bunuda lti the û The record beakiug mat-nages ai aces. Bise dagen ontanielhlman a June coninue as miownbtihe fol- autran hlm asud autbite Lii» ani y, loving: bis dog ls iu te isauasta a, go Jacota, U Beier, Maivood. -.....e4 ls asl .rnlng 1roseau.0la Place OaIle MJe . E. FlndY, Chicago---------..24 irrlrtg instinct, an4 yet h. bas chaff Jous, Thoas, ZIon City .... 6the face ai the platiet. oua" w.... ..... oWllioui iLse pec:Iluiton ai Il loer aulmale-t i piderui itia the aid gentemian sali be venteti tatlinto te eaar en&theu boa] il-k.s3f quiet for a week or se their veepaus, thoia strengti, 'thi tz -otlite cfolie, se Ihl is eg speeti-man ,'et make te. ail h kept De tor tepapers. t irat.Bsb-hi oets Lsl3l¶M ý<eevig, Miwlâake...22 match for ailthe &&&DUO±s. -2J nature bas givia thom. The ont gr et reanon makes hlm pupreme ian eW Xur. IL JOl, Chilcago ----...23 worlt.-Jobn Burroughs lu At',nic *km-vb«it LDl"y la takiag Fole'a KM». 11Ro Cb,1Ju Chicaga, 22;Non- ad if Yen have backacbe, ildney mmix ,Umumdn, - -1 rir.lrmlý,, ~~* iu ai or &11 în.ii W pn1lL. stanloy as un -( in u.sume'» ii*tyi u$om tau isonup tbier districts, mnlaltratàr of thmq etate ci ~m pm~~sje~u, ai .ws' ni usra e tat l. ad4 emeal otse-St of, eog _ _ _ _ _ qnerouni ta Jlm's or tann4opi&La es.fSi. i bl4a.,frsa dlotûffl C of~~~s th 00 !if bak for ide te, On. i mtleao te VO L j L n" tory tii ýjae a i eqa atz' uk ebr î7ýand . o lae C4@ Sai t ake O lqdnro cam hme nsevnun fom ci. wod pn~taebouta m te aplrm yufl e -1e-oel' n qLd Bt ar, swaukid& t. un l . - , an lF i sDtat pat10t7 ttoot#.srba o o re s d sitlnatho e ietith ', be uiget ta -40t.e Fmb,:- , Utali,-A1e11. , U 4041.3r . Coln laint kou tahe inan A l ahe an çctI oazrcdathéwoC lMaek an t Ut I mpIUEvv etwa> slowna man et ied la re buga t t ii W' ý«te o d dthiee at « IMPM mafi i bd s o*s11-u 1 W.a,-nc se ea T e Oa,t ose otede- ockgid te cchtoilut. Terp y »t 5 Heien r* ý i q i O*Crittic- i lly, t ue e bo itiiles. tim'Mdh5 Ast 7aurlhé A . l R. na i ea nt ai fulor. tit- d finit- One fc h aïe idies ,arcWilams ulieutoyu cllflib o atWuiettMd IL In u ert alt o irttno Oe .nAla ta rlroï ti s.'dWei car o e on te eatrangr m i n one 10.wolgd In avetalkl n otble I fin li e rini..a hpnboUt s worl4. e MI' ' ko &tt. aul ,ô qV yÔcobi 109 ai ton àoeb .haw ut aience ai bis do w Iî4eggtteIninndmnrog nvnayrpol v (tià Iles t I dtp wtotà cag.go e iof;b l iclatiLés WfI od tigae tohef& . . h.web e ol eUSlfÙt c ce ait billils lItb pte t al tba i t t ',ap tbail e au iing dowil e-wbi melnti Bt tu watt a b.X lathe6i u flue Circt Curt a éýi sW i- Cunt,' LWIS O. rt q oKW il mait a ansowtlat" ad b een ro-hm t cambe to, o.tSa down Jlmud, ý? havofroues Vs Oi e-r. micienz ven.a Thei picio gewti! t B5b iVàV te ntter' e me& scpos pweiu ge- WIso H oç M aryM. o,,tSaec ilos wuho wh the, guede w ia n y aiUi5 ur.W .'». bien puUlnand awn 1hta iseuvito utib. a us0 -t1 l p# tdt. l - t e 8 , s. louVvel L ors 11 th ;a uts on iolt.i roc1g e . h h l ta The topcae Wa"tOcn 1ey.' L otci ed JAi n th.e rtof twhe51- liain *Uh. AU8t1ey.,iéesl - A.. w nter woultrul hear iliL LtbenAneyon;-pie hlm. elitbe arhlamo a tpae -fl eibdw n ue ha-e'wibi eCI 0, ta erîra n rone dy . twnty ers latbera tre lwg-à.&! ele Witemwsete bait antipotbtrdUKcame ta Cr ha n , Ail th e cudeparer iijb0 .A egnra htsi as aal e n htor engageti naneof tberBobBcamatailt eWashe Sndlavens Pillow DaedThi 5hdof lA hImef; holt.tWblc b as faythmo- tk gLhf Womiyanen's whît ,t awasmwu t, With a l heCicitCprurcha, oit LW S 0 ÉOf six nit au tayehrowpearti ni asienbo bt oeti fr a is, c JM ieoneistn ung ai lire t heOcobrTemA.D-109 ake t ait e r'. ultorof n guivd b ntT-m ng" . no eilarng mofinshermta, sudaiea rocdnv Sit < wîh mcl anug ag hwe, uides Wonal ive Up a Wev ben alit41 telue caillng reqnînlng bath uer,. a tifwnfslghtt io Iledyong;tanlow ta'" tm wotr et b asea g I. Hi st avrteiwr ilS<'w iî eyhndaedsg witeo re er t e ploruyeut.Mre at ol foroa 4l. Gle lamc vnia ng le n tn aruetnt epore tatewblaethev crevassewhts Ice and breace4 te Lad ailn t -seAU the cuids wre aoli te sebe eoploed Ute m ibmt- hoaniagy- nnuégofen ta tHe aknawt destiang-w nt thengasuuai and ah thoPJiwTosI tegair paeta gffeig fmic p e 4 d S v n s eIiu m r S l porach a i o tel Be spokewitpw W îLe uefs rati #hIle'ng ta Caimonaz. nx raetihamr brad senat e tor ly ea nup af ln- nshsiflecdu o oe rcs ofgrsththv eer beenf apracEd accusin, Abutr t i not rov e at beeffnihoret fon aÉo economy.wew ei aui ater hnuis hohalY i, ati l wa lweihlt ie ,yuago i wtpi calIgreeti ng oitelrnere sud W ~uk aSa n uca lh tohe rd ia Ut. cpre tss e rng ls nl orO dp Glacebi. Ic ithe t an . wne turnensantirot ait ne at îortn il e t Tii. sacrautempingte kn u1 -etcCs o es hnH ita U.crevassaehetee ma airn et ben e tlld te ei arr efory e ~. t~wxiw a rl a uIy rheefrte r tii.l-- rnaaaimu iaCtha, eziti Ild sdi terIVe p euifls-i ernirhias hie awngwaiSt. sal. t he "Dor o biotl. He arn a ca-parta n MLha 8inedumrSdr ufleSal makes charge knwltboteaneà inc te -adstlthertyelaetied Toii.. mste hmetingaottima _____________ ausan utud t prove tan cil.Cfoats.foSlips soeiu roW it weraie. Tbe oterides5.Poo pl.n tuhe i uacredtbmavu.Chldemlnhîe awisSunlulymae f of xta in lngridn r.Grve' ooh s was moere idte revare te ig ir. typtunmu e ihlaa ad îtac, l ace trimrnc wup athe b dTei anall e on tc t lc n n ebodrpradfr ad nkd pculvle hebmrgla 5 ie dcib immehand t oenex pporitaclwtih.emrueolaaiepCa lanc t -at 4 adofcdvry pca tca aent i aving p he c ra. ront bis - wien amIiug a t» b blll o e iet 5 9 2 dange« mlpastCenitheanaiertu h a lit"a- ________________a__________às forth ar th sef ttemarp b. itios.b.asue ntermk u;batflsye, sntlowly lown aet si crevasase-Icherboier rff -D TYr lhi Le agLm eanti crad An anna so oetsyeslcutim Sgfocallan. harc anlUti m ar th oean i m e 'b r i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . bruni et ILonvtionbleor au ai ttpaie ti he e » iseti n arn te s-An - 1 frnhk, low-- Si _hnetfee t Lad ice n pai nt-pen there cam afotwate awysreure n dltoal-ppy fadekhef y r h et-ti oe, ati ticmcapeopean l e 'a wie f 1r angW Iha uutu roe we madeofhgd cEta fin ue niinofGavs oohP tia" pull, fine handke. chief a m ulethan tBedfod acre &n4 pi, hnce we iae, en e eako W e e Thie tm ne w reaavea lnel O heto quotd it adembtheserypecial brand kd plvle Utcu mirn plleti;batonen lie iaan ai At dery, "anke riesAlearHanc ief At 1 $1.4 anderch'fsyapcil i a and muainalce tthe pesuaclitersfpano ard1wo ieSwsata- o xr ieSie m w inga huakiga benyaionltt ae ndmfieq25Cis ndr-98vlCeboier12'2od'eco lan Thbrtetiamo ng t.sbUrrand igci-se Tii. tons tudwatd e nimonfrmet: An. xSpdanal - 1Wo, -- Sfoti n. tcebandimoethuge wasla-ab d and te meneIstenedtor seiz 9dund ben ad ntwenter cm aHo eahr lwy rqireA a wwdt in sop sofhae jer ta e ratilae i, nd t imen b re __________close_______________a__________ ________________close_____________of" te pult. efinanti mtretPwals t uh ess thu eye o& Çqrsnce w4uare enabice Te nit w obe. oq-eths pc "ho anwi Il IantilceanWboieHtwahrwl ette~a at p çei-C~dsaDess I?.Tî o ah ymenag ouaccubuti ai n ttlag f tid.. dechesAlt7r-i a oret. it lawh t 12%thr- amelar r'eebenmd havwo ,a rea.tibouncaeti é u ta ici b-o i rbarae. o fintatpe îlyetase-ie onf eain Te Siem-i~aqZ~cla'neDît aiernaiteWilWnliam Lu8Wb""iae rodeenorpli Ingati man byavgigabogtlacmefrai» ,a r.- earont raid re t rft .otie y Bid iew t anadogn ,,d hse-ve t pnisi e6twag etrv alee vauesmaous woeani a u s ,e ets n 4i i ifeturedbteatflyticidwt ae eprî- ,, St oate ana t he- - bsa Morse- lair-tebte rds eyan ,o b.ud onlhsdysl. TwngWID- ysteNrp n h J- r ielnicrid ~spIp.M~~~<ii.o ant e csidoati i ae tu rioke>a eur-l ooe ie lc ii th liitranga er. ce. ai i b ta- eIde amr ? anse tbhI.bre mn 11Htusdte lb. tethe_____Wrt__n_________________o M7- hisl ear Whie i yeSnealacc s lof e osd ws theI Tbe1an-tl ,t , 1 aiiho ost.I nwete" io. rlhI "n aewt iw o Md Itp wtha ve ligeameote suc.Chaf-in Exhtra dpue tira e nq r7, ofot.laok, fnecibedatile aitl ,tn ad a a>' nlet ans? ? o g a1ilu bezeif, splened wdh, laevalues ri bea. e te tbat WSo0e O ew aIlotcrst. n Vii Mtr an hL lut iane whih cr lnenposus tht te btte g 0,r'7 ,d ba lgte i %Tl$ ttf h eQ n h - r h ie * c rri -- -

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