CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Aug 1909, p. 8

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State ot Illinois, County ot Lake,, u. In tise Circuit Court of Lake eoUntY. George H. Foster vs. John D Man- ýeu k an ning, John H. Manning as Adminis- trator ofthtie estate ut James E. Masu. Dnug deceased, James P Johnson Daisy Johnsonl sud william A3iugý WIND AT THE asud John Âling co-partners as AYliiig '2 L K!RE O T Brothers. Gen . No. 3162. e rOX LAKE RES R Public no is .berebv gi"@ ht by virtue ut an order and decree en- yachts capalzed and Four tered iu thse ahove entitied cause lu 1*fobes Kept Susy Making Re«- said Circuit Court at tise Marris term, O~BSallr Rce a Bake UpAn-A. D. 1909 tisereof, tise uudersigtied o Itsl Couimbia Regatta Rulned by -Master ln Chaucery of sald court wil ¶ Oeeiiu of Stormi that Endangered on Tuesday, thse ti day of September SNember of Lives at Fox Lakte. A. D. 1909, aithtie iour ut ten o'clock lu thie torenoon ut said day, at tise »attlftg desperately wth the hlgh East Main Entrance ufthtie Court VI" and wtb vaVes tveflty teet hîgis House lu tise Cty ut Waulsegati, lu t6ozlng thse huats about Ilke cocitie said County ot Lake and State ot 1111- ýoejcreva ut 4 launches Thurs- nuis seli at public vendue for cash 4»W' sucoeeded lu rescuing Hart Hau- lu baud tu tbeeiighest and best bld 4 w.vio hid cluug desperately for der tise tollowlug described land and -àe eetisn tour houms to lie iottom of rosi estate ituated lu the Couty ut ** overturned Yacht i Fox Lake. Laike aud State uf Illinois, tO-witL Thse heroic struggie againat tise tury A part ot the soutiseast quatter ut ieOt tise elements was wtnessed by a section fourteen (14) uf Townshsip ,tbound guests ufthtie htels sud Forty-six (46) Norths, Range Mune (9) «Iub bounes &round tise laite, viso East ufthtie Third Principal Merîdisu .eod on tihe shore wltis field glasses sud described as follows: fleginnitig .'4prayed for the succe ofuthtie res- at tbe corner ur a field wv.h point is 4g.ea. ~Tbeutaken Into s launcis une tbousaud sud ses'euty-six (1.076) w~uo as exisausted sud benumbed teet west sud tbree isundred sud tour ',j hig long truggie. He couid Imot (304) teet nortsofuthtie Bouths east cor- p~oggiisiy bave beld ou much longer. uer ot sald section tourteen (14); Uis rescue vas effected ater tise ceuce soutis seventy-tour sud une-hait aen ln the lsunciseas ad saved the (4½) degrees esst ire isundred sud ýOowes otwo tvoer launcises sud ment- fifty swo <552) teest lug teuce; bers ot Hansou's crew, wbo swam tiseuce nortis twenty nine (29) de- from their overturued yacht, tise grecs est une hundreci snd for- Adria, hi tise launcises. Hanson wasty three (143) teet along fence; too tlred to attempt tise short swlm theisce isortis fiftynine sud unehait -7« the launeises approacised hlm, isow- (5900) degrees east twu iundred aud stot get near enougis te reacishlm. aloug tence- testise center ut Avenue ut ForbrIcis Subdivision; tiseuce nortit- 9LLJLJ LOVERS erly alung lise renter lins ut ave- IN BLOODY f RAY nue iu tise hue bstween Lots turty- tour (44) sud torty-five (45) ut sald Ignace Japai, Badiy Cut and Covered Subdivision; tisence nortis seveuty- wth *iood, Arouaed Physiclan Late tour aud tiree fuurtiss (74%) degreea LgsI Night for Assistance and east telise waters edge ut Lakte Stetd Rival for Hsnd of Girl H ad Mlarie; tiseuce uortiserly to tise Attacked Hlm on Tenth Stret-To end ufthtie point; theuce uortiserly Cmais Arrest Tonight. sud westerly aloug laite to tise ceter ufthtie outlet; tiseuce soutberlY along Jealousy over a pretty Austrian girl the center ot sald outiet as it nov tint bth are lutatuated witis caused runa hi, a point one tisousaud aeventy- 4 Uhgt betveen tvo Austrians On six (1076) teet west ot tis est Une TaIlis tret lae Snda uîist loutsald section ; tisence soutis to the wisiisons man wvas tabbed several place ut begliug otiztet Ur« nes the heacl snd tace. Eacis and tventy-five one hundredtbs et hWs vonudi requlred one or imore (20.25) acres mors, or legs, vitis al utitebes ta close. Tise vounded mans'a tise appertaliug tisereto; or au ranch »Msla gnace Jal>al ot 834 Tentis thereof as may ise auffcient in realise atas et.@,s«salant la not yet kno.tise amount due to thse comilainalit ,japai rang the bell t a Physidlan' principal and lutereat and due sald l, ,Ieus, a ball hour ater mldnlgt snd williaminÂllug aud John Ayling. Co- it s «W tisai bis wounda be dressed. He partnaers as Âyling Brothers, principal t vs e'reed ltbbiod fom is het and ltereat (or so much o saud sumas up Tise pbyslciau attanded ta, hlm shlntberebe hve en tlreeeived a partial «Planation Otf ad das h ot tii ut ~e C¶5O atJapas vowds. ncludlug thsetees, diaburi5uefltsansd -ods h u d Jpa oAsr. Jplcommissions ou tise sale beretu meu- gtatel, have been courting the s tOS udvihma osld pr gIr and tise jealousy of eacb bas he ateiy vithout materisi injury to tise *.sonsd.Lit nlght tisey met soins parties lu Iuterest.B o plae oan Tenth atreet he stated sud ELAM L. CLARKE, o tise otiser attacked hum vîtis a kuits. Mater lu Chaucery. %_ - A- - fle waxDated Auzust rd, 1909. able tc, break avay sud run after ru- «Walneveral thitsaand immedi- StateoutIlliuois. Lakte Cuunty, as. atolY tmAel bis vay tOI tise Psicia'a lunlise Cir cuit Court ut sald Couty houae.. apa mail be luteuded to lu tise October TerniA. D. 1909. swear ot a warrant for the arrest ut Wilson H. Doe, Mary Long, Mes. bi ala an5t. Owen B. Weld, sud John W. Ran- stead, compinsutt. vs. Orveli L. DIED éAToTII! AGIE Stanley, Margaret A. Stanley, Dottie Of: 91 Y!ARS G.« Etcheli. Arthsur Etcheli. Humer V. Stanley, Grace Stanley, Fred Was Grandmother of County Treaeu- R. Stanley, Orveli L. Stanley as rau. ^mec and Noliser ot Dr. Ames admînistrator t tise estate ut of Antiocis. Leaves ceSoBn sud Arsîzeman Stanley, deceaaed, J. C. Four Daughtera Huaband Di e ALiott, Florence R. Stauley, George Som* Vears sgo. Fuerai la to b! Lrsen. Edward Conrad, J. C. Foie>'. Heid, Monday Aternoon. William S. Beliowa, North Sisore Gas Company, Arcisie Gibaun, and Ciristy Mrs. T. E. Âmes, graudmother oftJ. Christisus, defeudauts lu cisazcery. County Treasurer Fred Apes, dled Gen. No. 4312. t 10 a, m. Saturday lit tise home ot Tu Fred R. Stauley, une ufthtie de- ber sou, Dr. Âmes ut Antiocis, tatiser tendants lu tise above entltled suit,- of Treasurer Aimes. Tise deatis was YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED tisat causal isy old age, Nirs. Âmes ieiug tise complaluants above uamed, here- 91 years, 1 monts t days nid. Sise totore filed tiseir cerWn.a lu 1ot cum- hall lived lu Atiocis for over 70 years plaint lu said Court sgalnst you sud and vas one ofthtie real ld settlers, tise utier defeudants abuve named; belng among tise rery earliest be start tisat tisere bas been surmmuns lu said homes lu Lakte Couuty. suit issued ont ut sald Court tor you Sise vas bornslu Penusylvania sud returnaisîs t tise court bouse t Wau- spVent ber chisldisood tisere. She wass iegan, lu aaid County ut Lakte, ou tise knownIl over tise couty sud ber First Mondsy ut Octoiser, 1909, sud fr1.015 vers legion 1-er husband tisaI said cause la stili poudIng sud lied a number ut years ago. One undetermînodlnl said Court. soa, Dr. Âmes, sud four daugiters Dated titis 15th day ut July, A. D., Iurvve ber, ps do nune ister, whoiog0. lITes i Kens",, sud tbree wbo lire iu LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Antioch. Tise tuneral was beld et iClerk ufthtie Circuit Court ut Lakte Antiocis Mouday atternoon t ene. (ounty, State utfDiluais. Raustead sud Lehsmanaud Perey "M M. MiUt£R, Atorney. L Persous, Complainants' Solicitors. t Adjudication Notice. Pabbe herebs isen math, e e-, _4_____-4___ ~ma ae f the e"tae ot = J. we. ili atend tthe MARTIN C. DeCKER. Attorney. oev of][AurLe OUnty, as a erinthereot t= = S e urt oflu dauf xî,Adjudication Notice. &Dd wese auPron0500 a I., m t&,ieNts e i. Sreby gisen tt tme Sub- diUa.' salIe«Lae are noti5led arnd sertetor of ,ete lut WHItladT«amto je ta pesent thesasie te aiddCourt for .t .5e seiiiz Sr- eveseed viliattend 1e ountl JA -- aL. 5WAYER. AdMtnatTtot t.,Iee t te Hu isWukgL.laai Waketaal. JuY 2. 290. 4-3 CotY oo the brst Mosday of scitember next. 155 . - i d here.11t ersons haï4iig daims afat5,otil tess&eae ntified and mrqueste to . r UBiIOCKM &A SON. Ay'. Wor Batea.Presi eentt, e oto , id Court Lfor adludflkatioli. CHARLES A. SELI, Ezector. Adjudicatidil Notice. Waoeîas Juc.IV12. I42- PUbliUeoieala Serais, gises that tme Sub- sellier Execut of tthse WfaI yud mITesasess of j,»4I pdedSeed. wW alend the *Health Ce,- i sitee, ra iia Osu sai o<akaeuitY.t rs15Ta<i on ofu real .csfl.o. '.r yet made. De. -abs bOi. a s ein iueii asa.1» hop crate-I it ron purs pamerse Md -o te xiii f et S hoop ers moit 1a, bon dIlwbsm "il sefflusabavtu< grImna, malt. nute, etc. F in leiavr- dsiu.a au zoom Pia e oU u la maI. lu jut une minute. No 20 or 80 roe- T -saI minutes tedloue boiing. Sampla res. e0505 ?1w"DPEE, reZ'ut - COIRL£TT & FREDERICKS. The Great MidmSeason Clearing Sale started with a rush Thursday. The people will flock to this store the next 10 days because among the many bargains offered there is sure to be something useful -that you must buy soon. M We want to, cut this mammoth stock at least in haif. We w'ant to make room for the Iargest Fall Stock of Men's and Boy's Clothlng ever before shown in this store. Big price concessions must clear our shelves and tables. YOUR OWN INIERESIS force you to trade at this BIG STORE Dollars'and "C ents Saved for Other Th ngs Tomorrow, Sýiturday will be the day of sale days. Ys' SURtS Men's Suits Great Shoe Bargains. Shirt Bargains Htat Snaps Men's Pants loc liose 5c 15c Hose 9c 25c Hose 15C Underwear Specials $2.65 for choice of Boys' Suits worth up to $5.00. $3.69 for cholce of the snappiest of $5 and $6 Boy's Suits $5.15 for choice of Boy's Suits worth $10 35c for Boy's Blouse Waists. $9.75 for choice of many Men's Suits that sold for $15 $15.75 for choice of Men's Suits that sold for $20 $18.75 for choice of Suits that sold ail season for $25 $1 .15 for Fancy Vests worth Up to $3.00 $2.75 for ail 3.50 Oxfords $3.25 for ail 4.00 Oxfords $3.95 for Dr. Reed's 5.00 Shoes 69e for'$1 Lion Brand Shirts -$1.15 for $1.50 and $2 Shirts 29c for Men's Working Shirts $1.58 for $2 and $2.50 Soft Mats- 50c for Straw Mats that sold for $2 $1.00 for cholce of any Straw Hat in the store. $3.95 for choice of a great une of $5 and $6 Dress Trousers. 39c for Boy's Knee Pants, regular 50c values 59c for cholce of Boy's 75c Knickerbockers 35c for alil5Oc Ties 39c for 50c Caps 19c for 25e Caps 16c per garment for 25c tJnderwear 35c fot*r reutar 50c values 76c for $1 fine Wool Underwear $2.15 for fine light wool Union Suits worth $3.00 o!

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