CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Aug 1909, p. 1

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X"JN WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVLT. NO. 46 Two Paris LIBFRTYVIIE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLIOIS, TMRDAY. AUGUST 13, 19U- 1 Pages Part One $1.50 PER YEAR IN &DV.4NYX WAUKEGAN POIX! Midnlght Raid ROad Like Nick Car. top Novai sfld Mt Like a Place of Dat-keOt Waukegan Exposed ta th. Limlight-FireItiMme on Record Wiarg Opium Don Ha. Been Raided in Cty--Six Women Give Up Au- tumn Lest Secrets. Sunday ulgbî Sit 1030 C'biefs Con- eily sud Tyrrl efth[e police depart- ment knecked t tLe deer oeth[e col- oed peeîliý's Auturun Lest Club at 211 'Market treet. walked lu. sud dlaim lealisse discovered as a resuIt, lu lieu ofth[e club: 1. An alieged disorderltresort with six aleoged women Inma[es. 2. An opium joint, with a pipe, dope carda, needies, a couch, and on. wemnan victim dead le th. world, the doer havîng tg be smaahed in [o get her. 3. On. alieged crap game ln full eperatlon. 4. Aleged Illegal liquer oei- Ing. The îpoice sacre sttracted to tLe place Ly tLe complaluts ot neigbbers lit tLe district. Euîerlug they say the tound negro men aud nomen about a crap tabla playiug ta est tLe band. The wornen were flot lu [Le garae. lnstead, [Le police daim. [bey were very scantlly atlred ln neglîgea, dreas. saime aven wearlug alleged robes de nuit. lu oeasuasîl reem ChLIif Tyrrel tound the roman opium pipe vlctim. The deer uas lockcd and Lad ta Le kickad lu. The roman, areused, sald site Lsd net eard tLe noise. SLe Lad been smoking an lvery temmad opium pipe. The odor ot the drug ras lu [he air. The woman Lad [aken a pill of opium, tLe can of which ras hddaen away, put It on tLe pipe bonI atter t Lad been haa[ed oer a candis, le- hala4 [Le tomes and gene ta slaep. The pipe la round wIth bicycle tape sud evldently Lad been leaking. The six women rare ail taken te 1h police station and put through lhe [bird degree. Tbay are &Mdd ta have uiven damaging evidence te show the sileged [rue chat-acter et the Autnmn Lest club. The case ras called tor 10 o'ciok [ia meruing and tLe rom- an, natouetwbuuî ,ere, really ar- reated. rare Instructed te appear. but as [bey did net de se. [he suppositien la [bat [bey Lava lied. The police re- gard [hLiauS a gond [bing. The police aay [bat G. W. "Sou" Robinson la tLe proprietor et tLa club and lodglng bouse upstalresud that bo[b places are undar oue manage ment. .Noueetf[Le men rere arrested. The roman wbo ras found daad drunk with tLe poppy tomes ras a cLocolate Lued bIne grass belle who cama trom Chicage. The police daim [o bave t[eeaid- dence ot [La six neamen and say [bey araeral al a toitsecare et tha Au- tumu Lest t once. The usmes oeth[e wnueat takan Sunday ulgLt and [Laîr addresses in Chicago sud elserbhere: Disy' Hal, 2706 Dearhoru street. Florence Crosby. 2621 Slate treet. Violet Carter. 2626 State treet. Mlyrile Smith, 2624 Stata street. Irene Dancey St. Louis. Lake Bluff. Other Police Notes. The case sgainst Abert F. Bdirài. alleged lai have stolen varleus articles from tLa George Cafe, ras dlemlessed Menday aterneen due te a lsck of conclusive evideuce, E. C. Msas. a Chicago printar nho cama Lare ou [L ast, ras arrested at [La Westeru eheds as a drunk late today. Mtrs. Evaus et Lewis avenue ras takau lu charge hy [Le police fer tearing dowm s scarlat tever sign put on her bouse by tha police by Health Commsslener Knight's ordèr and tom dowm bacause the lady ciaimed there ras ne acarlet tever lunbt-lieuse. A boarder alleged te bave ekDppad an LotelbLIII ras srrested lu Evanten [Is atterneon Sud rIXIL e brouglht Lare. NIEW BELT LINE. -AROLJND CHICAGO The Canadisu Pacifie talraY, [Le reporte, lat to llow uP te ad- veutage eacured rben tLe reed Ohi- talued a terminal lins.lin Chicago by obtalulug a bettar conneetion with the eastern rallaye aud posasbly an entrance lute Gary, Ind., rithOut the uecesasity of amploylng a tranater lins owned by other intereala andS therebY avoldlng the congeation of the Chf- cage erltchlng district. New Oullet for Ore.. Ouaetfthe objecta le saad [e Le te oen a uew route for tranaportatien of ore trom [he Lake Suparler dis- trict te Gary. This, howavar, would neceaeltate a traffir agreemeut with the steel cempsuy, wblch Las a bLt hune oetils ewn lu the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern. and meeting [La low rater rates fromn Duuth te Gary. The Ws- consin Central Ue uer connecta wlth the latter read sat L-ithtou. 111. Another aspect o et î;'alasîxg1 gested by the rounection betsveeu the Chicago, .% Mllaukee and Gary sud [Le Chicage sud Southeru Indiana Walsh line atDelmar. rlicLehbas beau com, pleted durlng [Le [set week. The Walsh road reaches the cosI fields et southeru Indiana enly ashaort dis- tance frem a cennaction niL [Lhe Lou- lalille and Nashville and ether big systems at Evanesville. By maklng fa- vorable traffir agreemueuts with the LoulsIlile -sud Nazbville. itle18de- clared, the Canadian cempany mlght oen up a uer through route trem [Le northwast [o New Orleans aud by maklug 1er rates on [Le Canadiau end et the line free from [Le jurisdictien et the Intertate commerce commiasien offset James J. Hiils vsilon .15 tLe aouth ln acquilng the Coôoa-rdo and Southern. GALLAGIIER SEEN BUT NOT UNDER ARREST Fact Ihat Waukegan police I4andled Case lnslead of Sheriff and That Gaiisgher Ma@ Been Sten Near Wadaworth on One or Two Occa- aions Said te Point to Extreme Lukswsrmneas of Case. jack Galsgher, reputed assali- ant of Lorete oyle of Wads- worlh was seen ln the cille cf Kenotha on the Menday sfter the crime cf whlch he la accuased and at the lime th. grl,@ fater was swearing out a warrant for hie ar- restlin Waukegan was wiihin 15 miles cf Ihis city trying te find out whether th. Doyle girl WR. dend or net. This la tbe daim of Lake ceuuty farmers wbe tras'el trem tLe vlciultY et Russell snd Wadswor[h. where the tragedy [ook place. [o market their articles et tarm preduce. Havlng kueru Gallagber ln Wads- worth. their statement that [bey saw hlm on tLe treets ot Kenosha le not doubted Ly [Lose acqualnted nith [he siuto.Maltera te Puzzle. i The wbo[e eonduct Of tLe Doyle- Gallagher mix nitla puzzlIng people wbe bave kept [rack ef t th[e fart ILat Milas Doyle ct-led. "Theres Jack Gallagher' and sabup1ednut Ler htfrse wheu ahe san the loung uman lu [Le men llgL. [Le tact [hat afte-r she Lsd been rounded [rice and ras Iu critiral shape Lac people did net saab a warrant util Nlonday, forty-elght Lours af[er [Le crime, sud [Le tact that GallagLer la stîlI at large nheu eome eue must Lave Leard from hlm ln some nsy. rylng le settie? Farmera ofth[le vicinl[y belleve the Deylesanad Gallaghers are net rorry-- lng about [Le matter. but. haviug beau neigbbors lu a way for years, Lave reeolvad te overloek yeung Galla- ghrs irst ui-step sud te makeaa settiemaut lu ahatever may It le pos- sible te do se, se [Lat Le eau coe bark sud Le at pesce, leaving alene tha girl rhesasys she jllted hlm. li la bellevad that Gallagher may aveu uer Le lu Milwaukee, Racine or Kenosha or luneme near by city of auetber state rbere ha may slip hack home occaelonally. and [bat lie may have beau at home several tîmes inca [Le shooting, [Le narrant belng hLd over i bead as a salutary leassou. Thera le ne vary strenueus chasa being talion up atter hlm and La mlght ralk over [thetaisUe auy tîme wltbeut auyoue taklug hlm lu charge. through tLe See lina and [ha rerently acquit-adWsconsin Central raflnay las WEEK'S REALTV REVIEW. coàsdictung negtiatieus for tLe pur- pote cof esablilhlg as lat ralra The LaIte County Tîtle & Trusat Ce. &tqWld Chicago, accot-dlng to niaI.- reorts real estate tranaters for [he MeMts <îltculated lnluChicago froua geaI reek: Total 'numbet- o! trans- sOurffl declared te Lbe aulboltta[hl. f ers. 117; deeds, $80,855; boans, 127,. Tii. Objet. cf [he move, aceordlngW1a728.:-1"l MAYBE VOLIVA WILL «ET A JAIL SENrTE-NCE If Overser Dees Net Make Goed Then Executien Wili Be lasued and Me May Have le Board Oui the $10,000 ln County Jali-Cenfessionai Rum- ered te Have Seen Ea[abliihed ln Voivan Church. Last reek st Woodetock, Judgmeut w-as eutered against Overseer Wlbur Glenn Voliva of ZIon City for $10.000. Judge Wrght baî ing shaved [Le ver- dict ot $20,000 to $10000. Voivs a I hase thlr[y days ln whlch teoie an appeal bond w-LlcL la cousidered liliely aaîd if Le deei3 not fie Le aJ1I have to psy or go [o isil, where hfie board wilit prebabiy Lave te L' îîaid hy the llothersill Interests. Holding Confessions? hIt s reported lu Waukegan [bat recen[ly Vollîs bas esîabiisbed tLe uews Institution, [Le confe-sienal, in Zioîi City, and that follouers ge te bîii aud coufile lu hlm their sine. W'hethe-r Le imploses Itenances on tLe-ut or tnt la [tOrkiown, Lut it la said tbai youîag girls base contessed [o *Spoo11ng. te Lavlng been klssed. once or tu-ice, anîd even [fo Laie been squeeze-d tlghtly. The $10,000 judgment against Vol- Ira Laviug beau eutered in Midllary roun[y saLera [Le trial teok place sud tLe verdict a-as rendered, If Vlîva is arres[ed sud goes In[oinil nIl L e toe ha MHenry county joland not [ha Lake coun[y Joli, se \Vaukeg-ai nil probably miss a chance to enter- tain tLe defandant lu [he Motbersill casa. Oversear Voiva'a lsryere Saturday asked Attorney Justin K. 6rvls for Slo[Lerslll. te grant deiay ot a neiL,, betera tLe execution le iesued aud At- torney Orvis ceueented, o the ove.- seer Las s respita of seveu days. This looks as tLougb If Voliva le net tinklng of [Le verdict as too lu- sîgnîficaut isasttorneys are thluklng fer hlm. Monthe ln Jail? Attorneys tor Mtharilil state [bat wbiie Voliva bas tirty days lunwirL te file an appeal bond they cari go abaad rlght now Sud get eut an axe- cutien. If [Le aheriff returne [Lia execulion Sud eays "uothiug dolug," ibis Lina meutioued in a Latin Ian phrase. [ban tLe attorneys con go rigbt ahead snd get eut au executlen for Volivas persen, wbicL meaus is Incarceratien. So tLere ras reasen lu askiug [Le week's delsy [Lis moruing. Ail ln McHenry Ceunty. The judgmeut Lavug Leen euiered lu NcHenry couuty wbere aIse are [Le ies in tLe case-. Saîurday afterueen [Le circuit rierk et M1cHenry ceunty asked tor a statement et tees sud ce forth lu the Waukpgan end oeth[e motter, se hbloks as [Leugh Volîvas end outh[e drants persenally nil Lab plsyed at W'oodstock lus[aad et hart. Theretore tLe pretty littie Lake coun[y jali, wl[h Its surrndlugsetf trees antI flore-r Leds, sud lisainside where are sieek. nel ted ppisoeer sud good eating. ray not seaste overaeer atter al]. Lîmit of Jaii Term. If Volvs realIy gees [o jail b-- bas twe slteruatisen te end [he mat- [ar: 1. He mal' give up al lbis prôl.- er[y [o sstisfy the verdict, or 2. lie uîay get lnunuder [lia pauper debtor art atter [Le end o! six mouthq Sud get out rOt a pies [bat Le Las nothlng sud rau ne-ver psy. Thae matter etfsalither ie board nîlILhave te Le paid le uer beiug leoked up. las la the mattar o! Irans- ferring [Le- acene of actiou te Lake cotînty making tLe Judgmeut sud ex- ecution effective Lare, sud lodgIug hlm in [be local ll. 1 Execution laaued. Attornîey Orvia tate-d foruaally Sat- urday [bat tbe axecution Lad Leen la- sued lu Mcl{enry ceuuty alraady sud [bat Sheriff Wandrack wilI serve it sf- ter tlieneeka dalay la up sud If [Lere is "notbing doing."' Satures Tabernacle. Zion Cbrs[iau Tabernacle. feuuded ai Michigan avenue and Sixteen[L 8treet by tLe late John Alexander Demie. and nblrb torrned tLe nucleus for the aubsequient development of Zion Cty, is [o Le re-es[sLlisLad Ly WilLor Glenna Vlîva and [Lese who hsve remaiued faithful te tLe nar leader If negotistione now undar ray are cemplete-. It ras made kuomu Sunday tbat VOIIva aud is follewere lu religloualy divlided sud ec'itically reut ZMon have beau seekiug for soe time te art-agel P. lase for [ha tabernacle structure, rblich for a year or more Las been itnoccnpied. AÂ nuc mn t wag made by Velya, t o ddresoed a meeting la KliUWI al nteatr noon, that arrangeýbns o atk year lease of the btingn dli ly bý completed.'I> teevn that the tabernacle !iisr,-- e.iahlished. Volica asserted, wo4era '>' ien Ci . Includlug himacif, , ld1d ah. charge of it and launeb a ries ofrprviivals with the vlew 0 tillg n-w resi- dentse for ZVon aid-e ddIi iilfore for the ZMon Chrislu(ihh Ao toile Cburch, feund4àb'[1), 'and of which VOVVA la 4ow r aîl over- seer Ready te to Jail. vrolvas asaertIe04 that i-I. ia n-i fear .of lmprienm*tt auj L ai bis fotllwers would e 4tua[l îîîvr[Lrow the religions adliami dîistrbers of [lhe settieniene pronici d rnuý 'Amena" tfrom bis ~ri-The ris r- reer, referrlng te te iiîlgioi ýitof $10,000 rendered a4alnt lhm i au action for stander by A,, Phillir Motheisjlll.siirprised Labis 'r'xilOn by Intimatlug that hoe soldti k.i iii- jrisonmeut inther tla s - 'i a-41 It. "MNy Ille hereý la Ôuly a pr of tho> time of etcrni[y," lie sail j"i mv nnemles and the eneniies of Zîon wl-h ro iock me up let tlhem do> so, lii jail (,r out I sbafl work for [bd andl Zîon. With the help of the oee1 shah pui- fy the other and lead Itt o Hinu voliva declared qbat Le wcoîl ar- range [o devote mue Sundsîiacr mouih [o the Chicago cauipa[gî proui ded bc, was flot inu 15.1 PAT CROW'E Sr-ILS M SSANITARIUM Highwood Motel SeId 10 Have Been Sol& t10 the Keellqv Cure Company of Owight, [l. Pot Cre'ae, retermed outlaw aud kidnaper, who three tûenths ago in- 5*.Ituled a drink antd drug cure sani- tarlum in what wus formerly the Park Hotel at Highwood. Io sald t[o Lave disposed ot Lis interesato the Kee- ley Cure Comîpany ot Dwlght aud Pon- tiac, 111. The deal le saad te have taken place [Lis week aud it la claimed l.hat pa- pers il L e fl[ed next Tuesday sLow- ing the trauster by wvhlch Crowe elther retires or becomes manager of the Hlghwodd resert. The Keeley Cure Company la eaid to have boughi tLe stock et the HigL- wood ceuceru. wich was a $100.000 stock company. Willi Operate in Highwood. The purchase is sald te gve the Keeley Cure Company, iptich te tam- eus over [he worid, an Institution nearer Chicago ou the rtght terme sud it 18 claimed [bat the company wlll operate a drink and drug cure sanitarium Iun1-igbwood justase Crowe lutended te do and prohahly molded after i ideae of curlng a man aud Luilding up his character aud ai power at [he same tîma. Saloons Hia Enemy? Crowe Isat Tbursday evening, the 12tL, spoke at the Hotel Moraine at Hlighland Park, gviug bis lecture Ly Invitation. It [s asserted ijiat he falled te at- tract more tbau ulue persens te hbis lecture at Springfield because the sa- loen-keepers cf the tata capital, Lia self declared enemies. beught every seat ln îhe Louse at [Le selcitatlon of the manager of [Le Majestic linea- ter. and tLus cernered [he attandance BO that ouiy nine saho got box office tckets atteuded. Proposed Sale Confltmed. Lata Ssturda'v Pat Crowe himself c ofilrmedt Le sale wblch taliez place next week. Tbh lI)wght Cure Com- pany la said te entertain tLe proposi- tIon te astablish a number of such Institutions tLe country over sud Crowe experts [e Le employad as a lecturer for tLe colnpany. Hia [epic at the Moraine ras a ner one,. Society 's Attitude t0wards the Crîminal Clasa' Ailended Reunion. Attorney C. T. Heydecker and wite thave returued from attendlng the an- - nuaI reunnf [he Gourley famlly at iPunxsutawuey. New York, where [bey tE und that tbey were descendants of rthe very oldest hranch of the bouse )on [he Amerîcan continent f They Lad an enJoyable Umea t rPunxsutawuey, the reunlon latlng for tre days, aud euee of[the interestlng taide trips ras te [Le miles of coke r ovena [bat trew the dstrletsending a up ftres et nlght that cen b. lseen la- a danLMtely. 1, 1Âttorney Heydecker delivered an ia4ldreua t the reunion. ARMOUR'S PALACE HOME SWEET HOME Nlnety Reems lu Resiaecce whlch Wili Require Seventy-elght Set-v- ants te Malualu-Style la Severely Plain and in Good Taate, Construc- tion Belng ef Brick wllh Pebbie Dath Ftnlsh-italian Machie Cor- nices. J. Ogdeu At itirtîtand itis faîuily w iII remos e i nii i 'Ii tii-w resîdetace rest of Lake Fore-,. Ini[wo weeks. The lmmeuoe picle ais uilety lut- menmie rooma, not counîîîîg tLe sutail- er' rcorn at oulht' cnunerated. 0f th,,se tour Lasv- b.-eta ltishcd and [Le Arujours are te reside lu [ha build- ing nLtle it la baiag hrought [e orm- lletlon. Seseuty servants u'lll iheu be requlred. Tue car loatis or antiîuc-g base ar- tived at the place. wbich la tentative- ly called "Ai itacurfa." The antiqutes complrise metal woris of art and stat- uary for witich [Le Artatours have Eroured Eutrope sud wih bhase been lhe occasbon of several sperial [rips. Ai1t shops avse Leeu rleaued lu an effort to make' the luterior ofth[e place habitable. Building Severeiy Plain. The building [s ses erely plsin buît of tLe bigheat artistir standard. It usa cortstructed by tLe cotrarting irrn ot William las-or aud Company aud stands lu s comîuatttiig position lu [lie midst o! [Le 600 odd acres. The cuusîruction ofth[e building la brick wi[h îîebble dlash flisb, rougir- ened cernent, sud [Le sahole affect la s pictureaque gray wbicL it la claimed satîl deepen wi[L age. Comices aud sindor and door trames are et white Italian marbie. Grounds Are Beaulîful. The grounds are non beautitul, Lut wIll Le surpasslugly se mban [bey Lave Leen under training fer soe years- The lageen is tLe main test' ure. It ras sreeped eut at a tremen- doua expeuse sud revers acres, wnud- iug through [Le greunds. Laudscape and forestry experts have made tLe grounds a park et rare baauty rhlrb la net yet tully devel- oped. A apecial bridge Las Lean cou- structed acros[Le St. Paul [o obvIate rail danger sud the slgLt sud seund of tLe railread are practlcaily blotted out efth[e estate, which adjoins. Ceat Tremnendous. The reet of [Le building and tLe de- velopuièn[ ofth[e land Las been sorne- tbing tremendous Lut Armour la Lina praised berause [Le greater part et the rnoney gees loto the pocke[s of Arnerican uorl.iugrnen luste-ad et boy- iug tities. TLe irst estimalewus $3,000,000. bot every specilication las Leen cbanged, due largely to [La persoual attendauce and superviaion of Mr. and .tira. Arrnotr. and tlie coat may total four and a Lait millions of dolars. The place ls Luili [o routorm te an AraLiait NigLia story that atrurk [La fatîcy cf tLe dsugbte-r. Lolîta Armour. Redeemned Waste Land. \iucb efth[e land ras barren snamp w Len [Le Arutours bougbij IL This la fiiied ln sud compieteiy redeernad. At iwoterime [Le lirojeci loorenitu se iargely aud soernucbtuouey a-as requlre-d iLat it a-as thougLt tLe Ar- meours wold asspend operatieus upon the place. Viitore Barred. Visitera are uoss ad have been bsrred for two nionthsanSd there la ne admIdssion exce-pt te construction men. A alualar case a-Lare millilousîres base ocrupied uuinised homes la that furuished by lira. Harold McCor- rnlck. SLe la occupylug ber uer dwelling ne-ar Highweod non aIýhougL it la unfluished. sud drives te Lake Forest e-scb eveuing ln ber car te me-et ',Ir. McICorrnlck sud carry hlm borne. [Is. hlcCormick la [ha daughtar ot John D. Rockefeller sud ber rasîdeura -ratLer seciuded sud nith ne very ne-ar nelghbLrs-may soe day fur- niah an Ideal retreat for tLe cel baron. He Las be-en lu Lake Forest iucog Le- fore [bis. SOLDIERS' REUNION AT GRAYSLAI<! WhaI'a Poing ai Annuai Encampment aI Grayalake, 111. The tbrîy-flrst annual Seldiers and Ssllors ' reunlon nIl l e hLd at Wlcks grove. Grayalake, Auguat 25 sud 26. Tbe follenlng le [Le pregt-am as ar- rsuged for tLe t[ne days' celebration. Wednesday, Auguat 25. The foreneen ii ha devoted te vis- ltiug nltL old sBoldlars. BaIl game ln [Le atternoon at 2 o'clock, 1 Miusic Ly [Le flte sud drum corps. For tLe camp lire et 8 e*clock lu tLe evenlug [Le fol[owing pregrani Las been arranged. luslc b)' the Fife anti Drum Corps. Pra) or Lv Res S. (t.Garrîsen. Song by îLe ijuartet. Adtirus of w,1-tire L.y Presldi'ut Henry Gage. Song liy tLe qiar[ei. ('ai>ptire -,iorl.--i ls Henry Gage andi A. KStearus. Song by thee ilitt c More storil-'a hPro» f. il W. Grahams andi otlersa %[sic 1l ' v Le Elfe sud I-uini Corpsa. Rernrsili- haail old s-ldloî-,. Song lix[te quartet. Thuraday, Aug. 26. [[lie',- meetlig. Bal; garne at [0 arn.- Ilusir by the Liberviile baud dur- lng thi- gante a[iil - baud concert at 1 I oclcI. Exercises ai the grove L;egin at 2 orclock. iistlc hy [Lelbatnd. Prayer, Res . J.F.Stewvart. Atdress by Prof. W.A. Grahamt. Musittc by [he baud. Short address by State Represetîta - [lie A. K. Rearns. Band concert ai tLe grove from 4 [o 5 o'ciock. Band concert at tLe Lotel fromt 5 te 6 e'ciock. Dîtriug tLe afternooro aud eveulng dancing eSth[e Opera l-Wusc rîlIL e [Le feature, music for rhlch nil L e furulahed by Brandsteter's orchestra. J UDGENMENT'CASE IN CIRCUIT COURT Owner of Summer Home ai Gages Lake and a Weaithy Man Figures in Big Case. Hiranm Coombe, tLe orner ot a pals- tiai summer home ou Gages lake, and weli kuowu [o Waukegan snd county people, Lad Judgmeut for $35,400.315 eu- lered agaluat hlm in the local circuit court Tuesday by a[torneYs for Cern Exchange National Bank et Chicago. The Jndgment ras aecured ln Chicago St [Le Ilut October terma et court Snd ras transterred bere today, probably that action mlght Le taken against the summar home at Gagea lake. The transter came as a big sur- prise to ail acqualntauces et Ceemba Lare as Le ha&f been considere<l a man et realtb, estimates placlng Lis fortune at from $300.000 te $400.000. His sommer home et eage's lake ls eue of [Le fOuest In the couxaty. It le situa[ed ou [Le forth bauk oeth[e lakte, next te, the Allen place Sud la iitted lu palatial style. Heavy Tax Buyer. Ceemba home lenlintldgelSud. juBt reat et Chicago, between Austin and Oak Park. For ever tweu[y years Le Las Leen s tax buyer lu Chicago sud other counîy seats Sud Las been ores- eut et sales here mauy times. He was always deep lu [he sales sud by many It le thougbt that [Le Judgment bas tollowec lolaus te meet taxes on prop- erty aud te take up uer delinqueuts. Last week s boan of $18.000 on is couu[ry home, n'as recordad hereansd arouseil comment. It ras net tlaought then [bat the big Judgment was tu fellow. Suit for Seheol Land. A clouded ttite necool land raa also [Le ebject et the suit flled Tues- day when the trustees efth[e Deer- field township achools filed suit agaînst Lucy G. Shafer. et al, te clear tIlle ou the Highland Park Port Cliuton echeol pruperty. The bill states that the acheel Las occuîiied tLe land for ever 50 years but tbat in soea ay tLe lEïd ras sold toc taxea lu 1878. A. V., Smith buylug It for $225. although as arbeol piroperty It neuld Le free froua taxation. Sinco [heu, the bllII tates It Las heen snid many tîmes se [bat now the suit la againat Lucy Scbaffer. The Chicago Lite Insurauce Compauy, Mrs. Mary B. Mauuy, Mrs. Mariba J. Doeiey and Edward J. Doeley, Mary L Foreman aud William Foreman. Helen Tulley. John Bloem, The Highlaud Park Building Comnpany, the uukne wn ewners of tLe resi estate lu question, and the unkuewn haIre tot Jacob C. Blloom. New Paper ai Kenosha. TLe Kenoeha Dally Journal made lis fIret appearance Tueesday evening Sund Keudsha bas a pager fer rblch [Lere ta sald te have been a. demand for Soule lime, W. U. Odett heads the enterprise andS wit hihm je on. other extremely lîve Young man who aids ln gettlng out an eXceptlonally neway and presentible paper. GREÈNIIALGI LEFT Departure et Aged Man, Son arÀ Daughter fromZMon City fer WW,ý- consin Farming Village of InlevuUA. te Lake Ce. Which Weke as N4V*rx Before te Proeot Against Fienttkh Faiîh Healing Methode of! Uand [of' Fanatics Who Caused Dealh. Adam Greenhaigh, hi& son, Youg Adam, and hi* daughter. Kale, have loft Zion City and are residing aI Eibert, Wl.. There ia not much et note ln 1he simple auuouuicemenl snd yet Lack two yeara ago ln th. lives of the trio Ihere la a great-tragedy teiiowing a great crime. The Greenhaighe probably loft ZMon City because Iheir memorles were tee oppressive for Ihem. Their rernoval, with [ha possible alîedv rernoval cf Harold Mitchell andI wie-. and Ithe further removal or disalîpe-arance et olhers conneceff wiL [lie tamous Greeuhalgh case, uteatas [Le isat oeth[e sert nlalch be- ile-ved lu [Le casting eut of devlil by prsyer, songansd violence, efth[e sect [Lai, lu au effert [o caet eut alege devils, 100k tLa lite et aged Mrs. Le- titis Greaubalgh, wre ef old Âaâm, as Le pacedl ack and Sortit lu an ouIe,, rorm oethtie ittie Zion cottage ad rondarad nhat ras happening. Son and Daughter Aclors. Led by Harold Mitchell, It la aileged, tLa son and daugh[er with [nooe aes et nbom lire. Mitchell ras oce,Mae sald te Lave assisted et rites ln rhleh. amid prayer aud eeng [heUlibe 4* Mrs. GreenLalgL, trenty-tro years& victlm et rheumatism, rare broksa- eue afttr another until ehe dled, [he neck being breken aien. The Greenhaigha lived tog monthe ln tLe litIle home atter [the tragedye but finally abandened It and are na -l residing et Ellieri, Wls. Harold Mitchell sud Lis rite aret eaid te be ln Zion City sti but lt I* net kuownu hat becanse o! [Le othoa sud lit la belleved tbat as socla as- Mitchell cancels Waukegau o01l,5,- [ions he to wI vaulsh. - Netber Mitchell net- hie four imo- - claies alleged [o have lieen la [the deal rare ever convicted. Voliva Paya Dlyidend. - - Iu [LIs neek's ilue of the ZioS JEW aid Voliva anneuncea a dividen4 of $7,000 on [he ZVon ganer-aistore., 1 - lis believad te Le [he Srtt Mion Boy Kiiled. Last Frlday nord camne Vo Zion (l that Arthur Glenn, thae 17 yoar sold 0< Ht-e. E. Randalof 1,812 Hebron. bai beau drornad et Katosa, Mian. Tbe accident [00k place July 29. To Inva.Miliwaukee. As a step tonards establlame.. et a permanent missien ln Milnaukee Vohiva rl I nvade that clty 11,01 stroug soea unday in SeptemWe, briuglng [ha 300 veiced rbIt.e t-ohm choit-sud ZMon band ot fitty pMoe&ý Cari Klaus la lu charge ofMilwraukee rork efth[e chut-ch. SYNDICATE TO TARE BONDS Or NEW ROAD Robert D. Wynn Announces that Misa Trip t1 New York was a Succesfulii-i One. Thalas Ail. Robert D. Wynu. general menagt- for tLe Waukegsn. Rocktord 1an4-U-n gin Tractuon Company, riîcl pl» Co Luild au electri r t-ad betweet citlea named. star[lnig'wltk a 1U» é. tsaeept Grayelake and Waukeeae, 7NI. lsa- adinittad tbat a syndîcato la boug~ formed tu [ake ovar [he bonds for the resd and built 1V at onc. Thraa reeks ago Mr. WMnn ent to New York Ci[y sud much mystery sur- roundad tLe pet-pose efth[e visit, thé ganaral ai4eaition Ling that il;rw« a vacation trip. Somae Knew Botter. Busines inerests acqualuted nill [he pet-ptually Lusy sud aggresslv type of chat-acter et [Le general m"na gar kner Lerever [bat rheaa Bob Wynn rueved It t-sa for semas purpoeq and rhen Le came back plled bibi valu questions. To s SUN reporter tLe day ef LIa relut-n Lesaaid "I am raIl plesae nlth [the results et my vlsit as y Lave a proposition [o la>- before tlhe board o! directora. Yen May aMy [bat I Lave beau aucceastul lu Ner Tor' Thela 19al L e rould give eMt. Syndicats Admitte Ft-lday rhen lras suggoglied a syndicate la belng formMSe already tormed te take b1eà ê'IËL Wyun tated [bat [he aedtoeSeý lO( formed. 1(c

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