LAKE COU14TY ImDEPENDEYT, FRII>ÂY, AUG. 18, t immm~mummummmmem IS VOUR ROOF 0. K?,* We eau meet your requirementa no matter how large or srnall they rnay be. The. Prepared Rooflng we seil to onr customners by the roll le the best on the markot, and cornes complote -wth natte and cernent ready tio lay, at the riglit pricea. Powell Roofi*ngC,,ompany 117 S- Ge»ese St. WAUKEOAN TelePhOm 377 (JraysIake BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT Fresh Bread every day, iomie Made Cakes, Pies and Other Pastry. Lunches and Meals sorved st ail houre CANOT CiAR E..A. LOFTUS, Prop. Tlpe5019' ORAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS We Rave a ie LUne of Stationery and souvenir Carýds OUR ICE CREAM Defies Competition It la ueed by ail the ieading soda weter placee elong the lin- Orayaiaka Pheriecy, Round Lake Drug store, Druce Lake ando ail points surrounding Fox Lake and logleellda. We are putting ont a mnch bigger suppiy than 1at year. Once umed aiways uaed t (uayjsiakeCreamerg f AI MiHEI[RY STORM Witdss, ocks aidJewey RpairedÎ Ail Work O&-Uarnt SI'ECIAL ORtDERS FOR JEWELRY r PN W H W. Ml. MOORE is . I E: RUSSELL Lumber Yard' For Figures on BUILDING M1ATERIAL My prices amr rght and grades good. Whetber you huy or uot get mny lgures. PREý'PARED WHITEWASH: f. S. HiEAD, Prop. Fr. BNIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and'Granite Monumeniss Cemetery Work «of Ever) Description Correspondence Solicited 126 Genesee St Waukfgan i i i o o o o o o 'B Staver Buggies Juift recei ed a carload of the Celebrated Staver Buggies ALL TIIE LATEST STYLES I'rices Riglit WVe always carry a fulll une of HARDWARE OOODS A. PADDOCK Round. Lake, Illinois PAUL MAC OUPP1I. Attontey. To au hraons, Wom it m&y Concer Notice e h ereby tIre,, that the undersiieei goardian of R.bert, mnrni, cild .f William L. Hou"e. deceasedl. bas tIltlu the, office of the ClerC ofthOe CoutYCour.t .( ai,] Lake Couuty. tliini. ber Petiticri to the Raid a reoAr tenu therri,. Lu be itrit at tie (eurt Bou" 1n the City of Waukelgs.n .&Id Ceunis on tO i Ot day cf Raid Betiterber Teri thereot. At>1). 49. of Rait Court. being Oie bixOi day of Selîtember A. D.189. St thich thne and tPlace aid petlflos, aiIll he herd. king Rfor su "der e1 Raid Court directIu eOe uneege eRu xh guarilian t. îeIlthtit tioiîgdeurriled re&] eâtale beleuctunt t,, $Idi Min.r. or .0lunch thereot a- to the raid Court rush eem, te te for the bes ntleretof raid rine.n otuatedI n the ceuntr cf LaCe sand Mtate cf il wlr sd drerifiet as idilorer Au untividedo ue tteuty eventh îuterrstinl aul of the to0110e le dmribed rmal estate. to, iit: Tle -oth thirty acret o te ceutiieci quarter of the neutheasi quarter .e t etio W. tomuebl 44 uorth range 10 eu" 0f Oie third principal ,ltlan iexceptiug teref e Oeacre ci Sait heretofore ccueyed 9. William Witiismuî by decil recordeit lu Oie Recorde,e Office cf LaCe Ceun.Illinols in Bock le" ofIi De<i, page 60t. ant the land inclndet in Oie plat cf Reinem Addition te Rockefeller. beinc SàrUbdlvwson et part efthOe rotheaat quarter oethOe fscutheset quarter cf serbn 2 4 tu tewuahlp 44 nOetti range 10 es"i cf the third principal meridian. .hlch addt.lui.reeord"eillu Oie Recorder'$ Office of Laite Count Y'Illunlu. lun Bock B cf piat.. on page 24. as document 42211.) AlsnOie nrthest quarter nf the northesat quarter nf setin u.. ber 25ju towrnship 44 orth range number te e of thOe thlrd principal meridian sMd aIan beglunlur t.enty rode north ni Oie sparth eset corner ni the esat hall ufthOe unrth- oam quarte of section zminber aine ilu teauShil) limber 44 uOrOi range aumber. elevmen asut 0 due third princpal meridian and runung thence toit 82 roda, tiience nOrtis 30 rode. thenaire ct 32 roda. tisence sonih 20 roda teoie place ni beglni. cou.tatoing six acreonilandl more or les. Alatoite unrtàbe&U Vqarter u1t lie north- eat quarter ni sectieon Silutonsuaip 44 ucrLh range Il cath ot the tOued Principal SmeridIan coutanlug 40 acres, more or les. xceptlng thereirour Oi lbt-oi-way Oi thre Waukegau & Southwestenn iRaillay Oumpany. unaOi te Elgin, .tollet & Eantern Ballwas Oompany. Alan thre est hait uthOe .euthweet quarter and the uorth hait ufthtir ant hallfnitOe rame southwseeriquarter sud thc annth hall nf the eat hailfthei retett quarter and Oie mouth hait ofthOe Wesrt hait et the nortresat quarter. alIffraction&] section number Se lu tewuahip niuuber 44 ... th range nuruber Il eaut of the third princiPal oteridlan. costalniug luetehehle 287.6 acre. Excentiugih èereirom mue tght-ot-way cftire Wi.counCOtral Rail aaY Company and alsc exceotlug laudm deacrihed in a certain teet roImmJohn Reuee aud MÉatilda hia.toile. toAAerander Bellueki. dated Oie focetti daY of Octeher. A. D. 1861 Sud reertded le the Rcrdraoffice et LaCe Couuty. Iltnols, tu Bok 13cf Deeta 0i, page 171. AIan rommeuciug skt the anutbestcornier ci Oie nOrtheast quarter of section nuniber 25, Ini 1,auatdp n.-ber 44 ...rthtrange nu.ber 10 cash ni Oie third principal meridian sud ruutug tirence north 15 rode. theuce west 80 rods. ftseplise of bc land, more crIl Alan tire Boul ,S5t quarter oi 44 nurth rana principal meri tollowtng deaný st tise uortireu twc, Oience ru ofti sai autir i fre. thene ue of aid an. tact, tirente nec two hundret ie iruntreil teet wetUbe tan thence eserly begluuint. tise taininx 31.42 a., Alan tire *53 hall oi t number $0, lu 1; i1 cs« cfthOil fuir 201acreM.n Aln tire sot quarter nifsm inumber 4400r, tir& rdpincips more or le". Alan tire as. section nemie number ie esal contaimind0a Alan lut ion fanése. bains a vhlle nid A& The Cozlg Corn BARBER SIIOP Lew Flegg, Proprstor Jusi around tishe0 r pag Street, not to 15e Boqýbm build ing and opporite th. Pester biackemntth a@hop. LISERTVVILLE, ILLINOIS ltisr Tob*aco Mca. Mary Latta, o! Oak Park, là visltlng relatives ln Grayelake and vliity. Baverai front hore attended the .circus st Wankegan lest Frlday. Miss Giddes, of Oak Park, la tise gueut of Miss Cors, LobdeJl. Rey. Weâcb bas thirteen boys camp- ing eit Third Lake. Ed Dru-e wes eiected alderman lait &usdy ai a ope"la meeting Wo 111 vecancy. Lon Lobdeli veatise oiily opposition. Tbere wore 66 votbes cat 24 veretisrown out. lir. Drue rseive 24 and Mn. Lobdell 16. O. P. Barron and Henry Dornbskl lot [est Tueeday for Sait Lake Cty to attend tise G. A. R. encamprnant. Mr. Jerd and tamily will move tW Libertyville in tisa near future. Dr. J. Md. Patter sud famlly are ontertaining contpsuy from out ot towa. lira. George Jackson, of Ingleoide. calied ou friands bore Tuesday. lira. Glden, of Ingleside, viaited here Wednesdy. Chan. RLed and wife were tire gueta oft Mr. aud lire. L. Barge, Wedneaday. Mise Blanche Lovoidge, of Waukegan and Mise Courtney, of Freeport, retnrne< to their homes Tuesdav alter spending ion dae at t he home of Mre. A. Simiths. ise@ Maron Rackcliffe won the gold watnis lest Satttrday evenlng et tise close of the Medicine show whlcb was giron fon the largest number of vote@ for thte muet popular young lady. -Nlipes DGrat!, o! Lake Villa, wa the guet utf lrm. Wallace several days this Week. Mnr. lrompton, of Mlîburn, transacted business bore Wednesdey. lire. Frank Ingrimh, o! Chicago, is vtsitlag relative. and fInonde bore. Cha«. Book aud wife. of Chicago, spent Bunday wits NI r. lHook'q parents. A. A. MeMillian and Rl. W. Churchill visited a Maaonic ludgn et Chicago Tusaday. Urx. Halmansd MisesYoung, olCiicago, vlslted Utishe Loltue home uver Snnday. lir. sud Ur@. Dîck Baaely, oi Des. Plaina, ara gueste et the Rollin home. Mi~as Keating, of Chicago, are stopping wlth lir$. Joe iarwooit. lira. Henry Kuebkor and baby ean visltiag bar parents, Mr. sud lira. Wilmot at Wsukegan thie week. L. Y. Bikeo retornod front Minneapots litu., wbers he open t a week et Lk Minnetouks. Arcbdeaen Toit will bold services st tiseEWS Epscpi Miiet tSunday mono- lag et Il o'clock. Ali are curdielly lu- vied to corne. T. C. Wlbur in vieiting hi& brother et Kenouha tt-ek Tise base bail garnte itnday betve.n Graysie asud Antioch-Chicago teani vas won, by tise latter team on the Gray@"@lalbal diamnd. Itwuuld bava been eainucis more intereoflng gante bad tise Autàocis hW Su h-ir regular teant lu the place o! go asany ri ngerN. Base Bail. Lest Bunday the <ra'vsiake Atluletic- team came out In tic-iir rand îew suita o! dark meroon mi ti a bandeorne monogret invisite andi defeati'd the Libertyvllie West Ends teurjiin a score of il to00 la tise tfthijnning when the rein feiu W eristen the n0,-W Nuitsoand tis gea asqded There îs t, heaa goo gane Be. Sunîy by the home 1te e u ltoh -- -- -- -- -- 'mou u.RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT IF. J. DRI'CE Editor Piton No. 1 jOrders Taken for Job Work Advrtiting. RatesOn Application TAYLOR GROVE. Miss es le Brewer and Mary flucan entertained their Snnduy echuol classes et thse Miss Brewer home Sâturday afternoon. Ail report a fine tinte. Misses Rule and Blanche Eddy and tnlend from Waukegan vi8ited Ethel Lewin lest week. Mdies. Nellie and Lorretta Dloyle called on retat,ea here Wedneay. lire. . Casismore le spending sorte time witis ber parents. lire. H. C. Amnes la viiting relatives lu Waukegau. Mrie. G. A. Osborne and family vlitad relativesaln Gurnea, Friday. %obert Gelling @pent Suaday et the Geling home. Venge Gilmore "pnt iinndey wvu bis brother et Bristol. A aumber frontlisre attended thse soc iet Wiil Palmetie's, Thuraday evenlng. Ail report a âine trne. Rer. Reed spetit Sundey at the W. R. Brever home. Mrs. Danois Reardon @pont Wednesday vitis home folk@. Weukegan callers this week were: Ms Dell Lewin, Misesa Ethel Lewein, Mini. Sbss, SteleaShea, lirs. D. Neweii. Mr. sud Mrs. John Greely, of Kenosha, svent Tbnrsdey wlth Ueo. Lewin and famfly. Julia Bses tlaeantertaiaing Company frorn Chicago. Misa Phila Le@ is visiting Olive Wells. VTe friands ut timer Faulkner will ba glad to know ho is gettlng along niceiy. Wilii Reliey called ou friende bore Monday. lire. Everett Lily and daughter ieft Saturday for Omaha, Neb., where Alie will join ber buebend and make tîjeir home. ,Misses Ella Young and Olire Wells s3pent Saturday et Lincoln park. Geo. Lowin entertaiood bis brotbers and a few Irlands Suuday evenîug. Louis Gillinge visited relatives in Rosecrans, Suuday. Tise Ladies' Aid Society wiil bold a Harveet pirnic lnu Ames' grove at Rosecrens, August 2tbi. Mre. John Bennett will entertain the Ladies' Aid Society, Aug. 18. RUSSELL The miuieter was entertained at the Dr. Lewin home Sundey. The township Sunday echool conven- tion will ha beid in tbe rîturcli the lest Snnday in Autiat. Charlie Alcock returned Iront California lest week. Inez and Aile Siver are apeuding the week witb relatives lu Kenosha. Miss Quayle returued to ber home in Oak Park, Monday. Mliss Browe visited relativesata Wads- wortb lest Tburaday. Mir. and Mrs. R. 0. Murrie were Kenosha visitore Saturujay. Jua DeForris. o! Wenkegan, epent Sonda, with ber brother and wife, Mr. and Mns. Ueo. DeForria. WiII Melville and tantily are tuoving onto tise Hendereon farrn, better known as the 8cisauffel fart. Mn. and lire. R. Kaye, of Antiocb, cailed eit the A. C. Corris borne oua day laet week. A bout 200 soldiers trot Ft. Sheridan passed Ibrougis Russell on tiseir way to MU lwaukee thence by boat to Michigan. VOLO lir@. Jint Kirwen "net leist Tuesay wltb friends and relatives et Wauconds. Miss Helen Raiymond wae thse guest of relative@ in Elgin lest week. Miss Frances Miller wes a recent Me- Henry visitor. Harry Lusk of Liserai, Kansas, cailed on relatives bore Monday. lirs. Rotchford bas, returned Wo ber home lu Chicago atterseverai weeke§ visit et the Joh n Rooing home. Mises Genevieve Effingenis taking a two weeks vacation and will viait relatives lu Chcago. Mitr. Win. Clougb and daugbter, Bessie, o! Wauronda, @petit Tbureduy in Volo. Mire. Richard Compton le tise guest of ber daugbter, Mirs. Coralie Simone et Elgin. SPECIAL ATTENTION To oui of Town Orders And Shipping Trada PIA-NOSV I have at my borne severel styles of the Baldwin Piano.I invite yon W oeial and ses. Prices wîthin the rech of *Ue' Mie Pearli Hinkcliff, of Union Groie le the guest of Miss Mabel Bonnet. lMr@. D. V. Watt wasaiet Fox Robt. Bonner, of Chicago, spent Sun- Sunday. day with thse home folk&. Mrs. Bort Paddock apent Erg" hi Mies Cynthia Vose, ot Evaneton, ls Round Laits. visiting Miss Bater and other friands of C. L. Thoinson and fainlly won BRua., thla vicinlty. i1ay vialtore with ralatiea in (*tUý5 hO Mrs. Serah flodge, ut Rochester, Win le vlsltlng ber brother., Will and David Mr. Miller, of Vola, hbas au inrvJau White. tihe looke of ountcantatery groWnlfa, Thse C. E. busi ness meeting wae watt Mr. and Mis. Oliver N"li, of RapIâa, attended at the home of Mi»C. E. Batar spent Snnday at thse D. V. Walt hoem lest Friday. Misses Georgtanna Wett and Pbla Mre. Edwardseand son, of Chicago, are Paddock are spendlng tse week at the gusts of lira. J. C. chope. Racine. Mit. and Mira. Geo. JaiisowUl v'si A fine rein visited tisis section Mond.g two weeka at Berwyn. forenoon. the pand Mre.Hnnry e stlga A. B. Combe la vislting for a fev dei' the arsoage.witb ftiede and attending thse Houa The Herveet picolo vii b. -beid et Coming Dey and Indien Caclval S Hickory, Augusi 12, lu Tajloie r's . Wbite Pigeon, MIcl., tis wesk. . eMre. A. K. Bain.sud miseRobertson rturned lt kridaI iront Evauton. Mie sible y of Cisicego inspsnding sometîme witL MIss Viylsn Bonnert eC uréd May Foyer and Summs.r thse home of A. H. etovari. A. 8. Nusisauni, Baisevile Th-ehtng laIthe order ofthtie day and write.: "Leit year 1 suffeft< t4.1 the o8,t crop la cood lu tht. vieinlty. monthe witIl a esmmer caïd a. Meany fields golng asuisigisan 60 bushel ingtii ntertered viii U W lise acre. 1 badssay of thelyt wers UCiIQSo visllors lest Thursdey. min * and 10 Pol»aof voassu. ead peins, or 5117 lunalelf1 rPai soap luO minute. sure, with Honq ad r. Obooa> s Mk ?elnTablet. Su. foullMY.vls bat fiomuao ~ b MdTar 1i iý Young & Lynch Brose FURNITtJRE STORE 0F QUALITY Rustic ickory Chairs Rustic Hlickory Tables $1.75 up $3-50,up Porch Chairs Hâmmocks $2.75 up $1.00up The Celebrated McKinley Sheet Music for Sali Otdy 1lOc A CAREFUL INSPECTION 0F OUR GOODS INVITED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a oftna se sà- IFRD J OCl1NMMIM LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER FREMONT lir@. John Dryer aud daugister. Erma, speut Satunday in Waukegan. lire. Frank lugrisb. o! Chicago, is ri8iting with friendo and relatives bore. M ra. Mat Lang and cblîdren, of Chica- go, epeut the pat weeit witb Mn. and tirs. Fred Waguer. Mrs. Pbillip Wagner spent Saturday and Suuday in Waukegau and Kenosha. Auna Freuud returued honte Sundey alter a tew dayq visit with Dorotisy Behu,. NI r. aud Mr@. Andrew Hentai upeut Frn- day ru Waukegan. Willie Stieumilier, o! Chicago, @pont Suuday with Jake Fredenicks. Quito a tew trot hers took in tisa cir- cus lu Waukegan Frday. Unr. John Ahart eetrtaiued lire. Beabel e fsv days test veek. Ervin Wagner, of Waukegau, @pont Sunday wlth Mike Wagner and famlly. lire. Thumbe and deugister, Emma, of Chicago, &pont a tew days witb fInondsanad relatives bore. Mrs. Seennenen and two dangistena, o! Waukegan, @pent Sunday vitis Frank Ahat. Leu Aman and two sisters spent Suni- day hure. lire. Lui and little deughter, of Wau- kegan, @pont Sunday with Mr. and lire. Ueo. Baarechntidt. lir., ot Mlwauk&, @pont last werk witb f iends and relatives bore. John Ahant spont Suuday et borne. GALG jAEj Ralph Chittoo den le entertainiug hie brother and wile fromn Kansas. Rtay Dixon retnrned froot Texas the firet of the week. Mise Verna Ycpatg visited friendB iu Wankegan lat week. Most of our citizeta ettended eitberono circue or the other which appeared in Waukegau Frid"an ad Tueoday. Barry Flood was in Chicago the latter part ut lest week. Lee Hlook la able to attend to hi@ duties am mail carrie again. Borne of our tannera report a ylold o! elghty buahels to the acre. Other graine in proportion. A new gang of ralfroad bridge men arrlved in town Mloeay aigisi. Mrs. Fred Ph?, sd cidreof Dakota, are visi br prets l and Mrs. George Vuse. Miné Rlhoda Gray, of Wankegan, Io viaiting relative@ here Ibis week. Mrs. John Bennett spent the tiret of week in Chicago. Mises Floy Dixon,;v f Ru wel, visited at R. Bl. fluons lasI eek. Tueeday murning the ten.year-old daugbter of H. B. Foo wae kicked over the oye hy a colt, cuttlng a long, deev gaeh tohich requtred severai stitrhee wo close It. She was unconoecous for some tîme aud uerrowiy escaped being kilied. Ber isterie were wltb ber an d brougbt ber to tise boue, otherwi@e she mlgbh haro lain out in the ature several bours. Dr. Young ettended ber. Mis Mary Hawklna le entertaining Mise Genoviere Lion. of Chilcagon. - . ----.~. Orea V.Jen, o. iceou, ,North t e. Sudn cotting 7 st4cdu e MInn nnoniergaChc- Miss Blanche Chttenden bas returned Dakota, wbo for meny yeara vas gile". enaulg7~ace i go, are vîstiug f ieude in tii vicnity. trot DeKalb, 111.omployed et tise creamery bore visitod )f setiOn W. lu townshtip numb r.ader.non rke poteu-t the Raymtond home ovar Sundey. re nunieber il eut ufthtie tiidday and lionday vitit relatives iluMare sManmie aine antis In o i idian. czeetting th"mmcthoOe Chicago. Ccar@Pugo. LONG LAKEfieno i rtlbed portion tbereoi.beinnir go LN A utecornr ofasaidsonthhait oi lot Mn. and Mr@. Warren Roland, of Wau _is%_________________n 1 f-- - nuisiS~~~ ~ nn, vrlynuOiecat lnoi MseBesieStdme l viitng u hi ait six hundreil sut twenty-ire keganvltd is. Plmnon 5t-. Ntro. Mitchell entertained relativsefront westerly tiaratiel vlth tire northWeedyetishoe! C. C. Arnep.vcny utbh.2t four irundredandset be Preaching services ettie une Chicago recently. rtirventeriy te a point ahicirJeiri M. Donahue, of TurnerJouction, visit- chutGune eet estof the wost bne sutdtýoitdueSna lh i agselr. cbSunday, Auguat liî. Grandpa Lamtbbas beeu vislting rela- anntho ethtie Sortis ine utfsidtedovrBna h i agt on tise east shsore o! tise lake. euce nrthrny parallel tith raid Date,.lirs. Carnie Greena@pont ornotlme with hondreil test lu sat uorth bc n u li renreerib sd Mlra. John McClure. The uew eontent bridge bas been r' nu saitnorth ir le teOie place cf M.adM@ dWih n ieCoinpleted. property hereby tescribet conY- May Grant, of Chicago. spent Tueeday Mre. Daiziel la eatertalming ber son, ,rs. hatn!i ohhi f tirht Mrn. m ir. li Hawthorne. listtisew and wife, from Iowa. Mr. Shuberttand daugister entertainedt tire souhwezt quarter cf recticiiOur achoolisousesle haing newiy H. D. Hughe and t" hebve returnedIndaetiirctgeSdy. toewpnipalmeeldirarirentait.- hig1ed. front thein camping trip. M.n. délira. Arthsur Lane, of Chicago, mnoreua. i ir eruest Mlnule Drue vas takren tWWau- Mn. and lMre. Bert Brecher sen un. nfudyan odye ts if .M..o »ueben 380lunhtonship k.gan hospitailest week, visere ele vas day bore. pnSu-Wbeho. tir ratge mnmber 1t e8fit of Oic uperated on for appendîcitls. Har Mn. and lire. Fred Fusten and littie ail meridian, untaiinug 40 acre mauy friende hope for ber apeedi re- WARRENsou are visitlng lire Fosterea parente nt haifoth Oc uect quarter etfiovery. . ntise at shsore. et 8 lu tevnairip U4 north i r" ne Miss Bernice Allen la visitîng friende in 0 et1the thIrd principal meridian. Mr. Glimore and ie BerniceGlrore, Chicago. Miss Lura Gilbert will teacisthea Mende acre more orC 'o aueaclido renabr ut M.adMrse a chooi nons o! on aet] al r. lu oue. Addiion te aocke-o bkgn eie n ndUsNyLmsare rejoicing Rudtraocr ei aiirdtvlainu nI rartof thes outir Friday. over tise arrivai of a newsonea. Ed Horsu and Henry Mierle, of Chicago, il tire atuthefict quarter ut setioo erwr alr tteGfodWiehm twdpnuer4 oir,.rfrmge Mr. Seare and is t wo sons, vls tiir Tisa Warren cernetacy assocation wilI e.cleaelieGiodWlehm t ir pnm ennti mreridlsu chauffeur have gens on an automobile -Sunday. gilnulsreesrded in thre Rcorder'a rp oMnnahla oid a plcntc ia Alfresd Id"'@ grove t Oouaty. Itnwl. lu Book B Of n oMnnaol.Tbureday, Augost 19. lee creant and Jousle Hook hesbeea quite alek. 1 go. Sias domunent N. 4=211; ait Miss@liildred Ke pi. la visttng et caudy wlll be for asie. . Cke onunty.i&, lb ub uict to thedrudAe aa of Auna BOouse.vdow uf Willia dnfm eér 'raug bllTer. wiîîloua nomeeting af tisa Asocî- ROMR~ANS _J malled snd aleu mibeet h. a lbse lieDLT ebanZ Z Z Z Z Z3uelaio nWdnéa, qa 8,a h I.î te b to"ovaxdecebed and Mes. Cisase Webb, of Waukegan, nezt meeting wiil bchald vitis Mn.. Suesrvisor Welch vas lu Weukegan hertthall of the oths;irugar savielfed vls Mr. aud lire. C. C. Arn.,Back and lire. Lotte Bseras on Tue@- Moly. >rblalmestdlaxi, whchsid lasse est Tbursday. day, Anguet 31 le oreasinnd cake Miss Lina Wiliamson @pont Sunday et rda ou 1o vit tMe tatadey Oni-Eb Harris vent tW Chicago Saturday viii ba senved, Rarnmehr th. dete. hne L . 19M5.eceeddin tier Bcordereahoe . oul Bok 106 ni returîîlug Sundey evenng wvuS bis Mn. and ile T. Edwards @pont Sattir- Zre 7'a ocnet ta for tirh aiy ,dc.iuro ri mn ufIOi e AIl pergous are recocnmended tWfte .le ob aeisiieddfrFoiev's Kiduey Bsmsdy for bactache j There viii h. a Banvest picnic Frldey sudedralon l otse ral atte For Indigestion aud alil aommac b rometlen, and klda.y sMd hiaddar Aug. 20, et Rosen. A good dluner, esiceaia lie smes trecorettrouble taite Foiey's Oriono Laxative s trouble. lu vii qutckiy correct urnary e short prograni sud an intsreating bal XOS.a"»o mà ànr It stimaiatea th. atomacis sud Ilver sud bkb, ntta.veiilfuegioeled, e Wame viii h.ctise Pninciple attractions. wurw Cmey , ' eguieflte. havlansd viliipoellydeveiop. mb a *serons ilums. ïIt iii Eerhdy lnvited. __ m, »Ost M cre habltpal constvein._ retore beaitis and srenga. lirse.JlilaTutti@.M es2anding as 1ev 7 iirs 450. toVL . sx O* W . xu vukWooa1%agmun. BAKER and CONftCTffleR Libertgville - l HOTELS AND RETAILERS 8UPPI WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT Tio i. Thirty - First -Annual REUNIO'N. t of the FLake Co. Soldiers alld saikern tobe held at Grayslake, Aug. 25-24 DRUM CORPS MALE QUARTET MITCJIELL'S MILITARY BRASS BAND 09 LUbertyvi. TWO BASE BALL (lAMES EMINENT SPEAKERS COtIIE EVERYBOIY- MIDSUMMJ3Rn B A RUGA INS- !fflm