<Frorn Wedneediy'eB un.ý Prom North Chicago ornes the tale of a case of marrylig ln haste and repentilia t leteure, i WhUth. sttev a marriage of four moths. husbad and wte agreed ta, disagree, the bus- ## &a eavlng fur the wbeat fields ot Minnesita and the wite takUng a posi- tion wtb a nartb shiore iaundry. Tlie wey It al tarted was when young Jlm Masseft, a wel known Young man of North Chcago, declded toacecompeny one of the boarder. elt hie parents' home. where bclilved aima. tu Chicago. The bourder lied a lady frlend in the city. Tlhe lady frisnd lied as he f rieüd pretty Agnes Va Ortcka, who wislied to corne out and seso wlat Northi Chicago looked like, it eppears. Brouglt Her to Home. Msasek went to the city with the licerder and am a naturel result was the eocort of Miss Van Dricka. Theçe began bis romance. The tiro met and oeemed ta have loved each other at siglt. . Tlie romance budded and losgfomed iu such quick shape, relatives say, that ater only two or three meetings the youug couple decided to get nmar- ried. Groom' Parents Opposed. The groomsa parentss.are ,,aid to have oppoed the match but Dan Cupid is headstrong and not to be con- troaled and the young people, Jirn Msssek snd Agnes Von Dricka, were marled, cane'haine, aimounced the tact, and vere torgiven. en it le seid. * Thou the routine ot lite began tour M«othgaega. Messoit bal a fine job et oue of the Northi Chicago tactorles. Re bad a fine home, and everything looked rowy. Thoft trouble bega. What t was o ne 0 m elnstoiliave a clear Ides, excpt tbat tuie Young mnan's relatives 8" 0" girl wife differed train ler basbendounay subjectes ad the tWo liai & number of arguments. The * ~rlt tiey »aY, di net appear ta, like Ilite tu NOrtli Chcago tter ail. Bad vent tu worse, until flnally ail pence lett. Musband Of-wis to Worl. îThs«, when the cirnex carne e week Mo lutatarnday, the Young liusband tOOli a suggestion aliegd to hiave been made by hs wife in a moment Mt augeT, asd qutting lits gond Job vent te KinnOta ta the wheat fields. Tb. <fr1 tea nid ta have stored lier fbruitdre sud la workIng lu a laun- &rY et Hghand Park. Tt Caen16lA a»d ane and there are »bny tblonds af tlie y"tng couple, bathof whorn are respected. wno hope for a recauçilistion. "datdvéoIindignautiy deny that hr. vul a desertton or tliat there vas eny great aud seriouFt trouble, the coupie rnereLy areeing ta dis- age and ooisetiig tuag sort of trial dioce.m DADY TO p"OStCTr! THE BIN4D MIGS Stalma Attorney Dsdy, flWho s Few off ^agoA FledPaopera ln Sixteen Uhluj iePIGéCaes Scttored Ceunty Over. Comme te Fore wth i Vgoros Prosoutins o Mon Arreted- Ilven Mons Arrese. (Prom Wenday's Sun.) Statea Attorney Dsdy mae a tell swoop ou the bllud plgs of La.ke connty magt a tew days ega. as related exclusively in the SUN and tlie resuit ws.s that yesterday five lleged bllnd pig keepers. this tîme tram a&bout An- tocli and the laites, each received * penalties snd un uon-payrnent vere lodged ln the county lu. The lleged culprts and their fines: WOLF, AUGL'ST, fiuai $25 and coasU on one counnU TWITCHELL, RAI.PH J., flied $40 and caste. DATES. N. B., $ý,0 and cons. HERMÂN, EIJGENE, fiued $20 and caseon each 0, three coojisor$o a" a ash. MILLER, JOB_ pleai flot gully and b ealtng cames lacer. ,There are eleven ther arrests of the smn. 1lita lie made. Informationi Flied. la the caty court, aiea, intorma- tic bas boum filai against John Doyle, WIllim ÇO'iell sud Noea Henean for ell.os4 samult wtliaa eadIv veapan i. lohja rdy of Iàahe Poet. Ths la tbe Case tit ftell dovu ini Police Maglotrate Talor'a court and Stata'. Àtt.esyy Ddy le determJnued ta pueli JI; ta thoebttter end. Adudication' Notice. THIS SALE INCLUDES WOUENS TWO PICE, WASII SUITS, WOMEN'S AND MISSES WOOLt SKIRTS, WASRI SKIRTS, MILLINÈRY, WOMEN A-N) MISSES COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS, COR- SETS, MUSLI',N UNDERWEAR, WOOL SUITS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS. Friedman's ::Waukegan ~ tiiFor Elega.nd COAT DRESSES U.00worth.............................. $10.00 9l For WHITE SERGE COATS 3.VV worth ....... -.......................$7.50 3 00For VOILE SKIRTS Wortho................................$6.50 3 'iFor Best LINEN SKIRTS 34W orth.............................. $7.00 QOFor SILK PETTICOATS 390 worth ............................. 65 3 0 For very fine SILK WAISTS .... 60 .) lWorth ........................... 60 3 For fine CLOTII SUITS, 3 exra values. AFswSpeois for LassTb LADIES WRAPPERS ALL COLORS ........... 59e CIIILDTýENS DRESSÉ~S, SIZES TO 4 Y-W... 15e CRILDRENS DRESSES, SIZES TO 14 YBAIRS. .35e GINGTIAM« APRONS, GOOD QUALlTY......... 8c FIGURED KIMONAS FOR ................... 33' FINE DRESSI1NO SACQUES FOR.............3U OOOD LONG COBKT FORt................. 9e nyofthe Ppular Sheet Musi An Epr for. Yeu - coule end ilear the Lateet MUSIC ;TËrs .tý'S? IAXE 'Tff S ONE, TWO ANDfi /"THIREE DOLIAR SALE THIE MOST MEMORA- BLE BAUGAIS EVENT THAT WAUKEGAN RIAS EVER WIàNESSED. IT WILL LEAVE A LAST. ING 1IMPRESSIOIÎ4 tIPON ÈVERY WOMAN THAT ATTENDS AND WILL PROVE CONCLUSIVELY TUE VALUE GIVEN POWER OP FRIEeMAN'S. .Frledman's ::Waukegan', SIrnply astoundlog are the values offtcre,'d here., Our obkct Is, to clear, out remainder of the summer stocke Our buyers, 00W ln the East, are pal~ large -orders for Fàl1ai ad these, goods *111 soon arrive, so we- must make room. Don't ovçrlook a single Item. A FLW THINGS jwill Not dontlomed Boe. V buy SFor 2-pieee tallor-inade W AH l4 IS 1.00 worth.............. 750 W~tFor tille MWOC> SUlTS4 1.0 0J wortlî ................. . 1.0For (LOTII SKIRTS .$5.00 For M'ASL SKIRTS of goodtAuto ('loth 1.00 worili............................... $2.50 1.00 1.00 For any TRIMMED RAT in the house worth up to..........................0 For extra fine HbUSE DRESSES worth.............................. $2.00 lm0 For fine BLACK PETTICOATS Worth . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 12.00 ) S&le Commnences Saturday, August l4th, And Continue* Until Monday et 9 p.m. oAaFor LNGEI GESS. il AND MANY OTHERS buy 2 » Wworth.................$500 qiiFor fancy WASII SUITS &si JU w orth .................$850 20(0 For High grade WASII DRESSES 45 2e O For fine Chiffon PANAMA SKIRTS 12.00 wort .............................. 85x00 q j For linen WASH SKIRTS 2,.IflFworth............... .......$4.50 2.0For striped LAWN DRESSES ~ 0For Tan and White Linen COATS, 45 iuches ?00 long, worth ..........................$6.00 Lt A FEW TIUNGS -will ANID lIANTOTHEKS .,y Folor 4 tins WHITE DRESSES Worth ........ :......................00 F0lor T tilorel SIIRT W,4£JS'rS 1.0 1 M'orth.............................. 20 anFor B VUfJIN(G SUITS m -orth-..............................%2.50 Flllor L,îire and Eînhîoidert4l('Md - 1.0 T. IION ST'ITS wîrth ..................$2.50 FnIoit M.BlEA.UTY ('OTSETS 1.00 tLI.................................... 82.50 00For fancy long KIMO0NAS, ielli)ire 1.0 StYh'. worth ..... ....................$2.50 10For any HAT in the houi4e 1.0 orth up to ....................... $1:2.00 SFor -NET, SILK and LAW-N IAISTS 2.00 Worth ................ 4.00 For Childrens WOOL COATS 2.0 orth.............................. $6.00 2.0 Fo Tailored 2-piecerWASHI SUITS g>>~ For pure linen PRINCESS DRESSES 2M IJWorth ..............................$500 2.0 For High-Grade CORSETS 2.0 For Ladies WOOL SUITS, 2 Worth to......................«*»*... 2. 00For black dotted Percale JUMPERS 2.* Worth ..................... ........$40 A FEW THINGS àlwl AND MANY OTHLR.S $ Net 4ntloned lier. u u OOFor heavily lace trimmed LINGERIE 3.0 DRESSES worth.................... 750 i nFor White CottoD PONGEE COATS LPe.FW worth .............................. $6.50 3 0For fancy and tailored LINEN SUITS 1, 3.Où Worth ............................. $10.00 3 0For White SERGE SKIRTS 3M Worthb.............................. $7.00 FrGirls WHITE EMBROIDERED 3.M0DRESSES Worth ................... 9.00 3 00o For Colored NET WAISTS Worth.............................. t7.50 3 (> For Ladies fine, LINE N DRESSES * Worth...............................$.00 LADIES MUSLIN NIGIHT GOWNS ............ 35e MISSES VERY FANCY LACE AND EMBROX. DERED PETTICO.&TS ................... 98e WHITE AND COLORED WAISTS ............. 39e LADIES BLACK ROSE ..................... 12ç (JOTTON (ILOVES, ALL (JOLOS ........... 15c. FANOY KNIT VU"T ALL OOLORS ........... 19' Sale Comnmençea Saturday, August l4th, at 9 a.m. And Continue& Vptil Monds.y Bt 9 p.m. At Bessi. I.treet perlia a lire keralm 5h. lier ]v tan ai flaivh' burne, .1 Jan :W.e nie N . 1 ým:::: - l'one agàja:;e,ý Im monnannag, :::.@Bignone p F. or muiez a a a a à à a & a à 4 't ýi a a à a a si lots lanank zesamaqu a B- e a à ne f me a , : 'en W*e oa es :::âbuegam .......... -,