CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Aug 1909, p. 7

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T. lr ri ls vs- la- TS a eh ra ry NTRACT POR 4EW ROAD IS SUGN!DW ey arrangementa mode today Wynn construction Company bing organlzed, wlth the sid L. J. Von Paskey, oonacted th a Chicago bank, who la lni- ste4, and the comtract for the Iding of teWyin rond from ýkegan to Maengo hat bain ed. 'h fact la signlficant as show- progrs whll details of or- lzaton show that the promo- s f the rosd, notably R. D. nn, are anxIous to keep the act In local control. j<Fromt Wednesdays St The offcers of the W. R. & E. T Company bave sIgued s contrart fr building snd equlpueur t ftht- electrii lins from Waukegan f0 Marengo. Thli rosad wiI fisse tbroîîgh (urlîse, Grays -lake. ',Iclcnry, %Woodsfork aud Ma reu go. The actionî ut tht- board of directurt Of thet- raction ronipatty was netk surprise 10 anu one Who kelt lu tour: with rt-cent developuients. StucsIR B. Wynii, the general manager oft ut traction Company rsfurnsd tram Ne% York, lit-rt-lhe made very tavorabI- arrangemesnts with easterfi brokeri for the furniahlng outhie necesaar- capîi ttabulld tseroad. as won pub. lishedl a few dsys ago. nu definîte In. format ion about tht- tuture plans of tht- proliioters cuuld lbe ubtalusît trout ans-onu- ronnected with teproject. But today a reporter secured fi-oui i n-hiabit- source details ut consîderabi, iniereet lu the public. Tht- îroîîerly exécuted runtrarî foi the bhuilding o! the- ruad la ready ir lie assIgned f0 tht- W>viin Constrii- tien cuînpanry whIcb la now bî-itig or- ganized liy local business mient Who are ual ouly anxlouslt atsvetht- road bult but Who aiso rt-lize sud grasp the oltporttiniy ta maire moiey. The ynn (loui rurfoncruilaîyiy l belng organizeti nith a fuil1 itaidti) and non-assesable capital stock of t5,0.000 iîrlided tino li,- huitdred shares of the pli ai- lue of $100 tat-l. An oft-r was miade by respansible Chicago partiles to furnlsh ail the- cap- ltai ta tht- construction compauy but ibis offer tisa rt-used lunorder ta gis-e the- local people-sn opportunity to se- cure tht- contral sud majorlty a! the stock. St-verai fbousand dollars have ai- ready bt-en subscrlbed by a few prend- neuft business men of Ibis, ity Who succeeded lu luferestlng L. J. Von Paskey, Who la canuected wlth ons of the largeet batiks ut Chictago. "-Baerd upon conservatlve sud relia- bIs fIgures sud lunformation there seeme no duutit at the lovestors will receive their mont-y bock witblu four moitîhsansd wlll draw big dîvidenda un tht-i- stock for ysars tu came" sya an olicer. 'Besides each share of construction stock ca-tries ten shares ot traction stock whîcb promises te bt-corne saluable mast as soin as tht- ruad Ioi inshed,« b. J. Von Paskey Who has thorougb- Iy lnvestigated tht- prpposlîîou suid has sastitd hîmsit of Ifs satety sud big profits makes the following state- ment: "During in)-maîîy tears et flaia- cîia and banking experieuce I haie nsier route aras a better sud Biater Investuient proposition than thia I1 bas-e ini-tigated and aatisied utyssîf ihat everyoue Who becomea iti-tsted lu tht- Wyun Canstruction rnmpsnry saitlîmaire aIlt-east $10 for tad oîîe Inteateti i bave auharribed 10 tht- stock snd sut barklug îîîy iudgmntt wth iy owîî money, knowiug [bat I connut tu'A fen lroînnueuf local uit-ilasd ui stlt who hase bt-route ln- terest-il laive ii rosideti for ail litoý,su hie satt-giardstis u roteri our linet-t ment aîtd eiîuyne, no utatter huis sutali bis lui stnîel, is ronlug lu ou tht- sanie- lasis ant i otthe-saute Cou- dltioît as ne do. "Wt- nt liai sut iioney Into tht- trt-asury ut tht- rnm1t.ii tili$15.000 la aubsrribed sud theti %eryone wil psy n 11h cash sud nul wlîh bot air or gooti wiit. $11,000 is uore thon aîîffli rient 10 rompît-te tt-en-ork at thîs sud anti bt tht- trie we are tbrough with otîr preliminary work tht- muney troam tht- sale ot tht- bouda wiIl be as-alabiet-et start the actual building o! tht- ruad Tht-rt- la absoluteîy nu chance for savatne tn asgeas we have provided for ailtautergeucies sud I hope that tht-rt- are enongh salde- awake mon lu Waukegau to grasp [is upportunity toat-ecure as much as possible ufthfli stock aud share lu the profits whlch are absolutety secui-ed. We s-cpect that aill stock wili bt- sub- scribed wt'thln a tew daya," WOMAN BURNED AT PIRE. i Frîtut W einsday's Sun.ý At 4 o'riock this atternoon Mra. Bt-sale Steshy uofl306 South County 1ntreet, upafairs, waa seriously aud perhaps !atalty bîîrued wben ta lgItt IL li-e asepoured gasoilue lustead of keroserne lto a as-e. Sh. wss removeci f0 the home o! hlem Patents Mr. sud tra. Wlming ton at tht- corner of Sout h Couuty aud l-vider streets but le ane mas» o! biaisathduMmseaburniasg ber lothilsg UE ~olUNTY - -AUG 3,10 fliDEPE1ZI~Is<i~ IRIDÂY. AUG. 18. lgnçi the la 15 ofL teres buill Waul sgne Th Ing gani2 ters Wyni praie THE OPTICIAN Gus nX Thomas tu assure hlm that LUCKY CONDUCTOR sud was ual a part of Dowles estae' NILC RCR A the set belanged ther personally O LC R CR A Mirs Bowle aiso told the- rerel'.er that the- fur coat belonged tu Gladstone, Flled Soldier's Affidavit and la Among hlo had rect-lîed it as a gift from Is Score or More ofIlîlinois People tather. lIrs. Bowie tried to keept ber- Who Won Out--Old Veteran of 21st vislit a secret and dld net regiai-er at tht- botel sud refuseai te ste ny cal ers. Fastlng as a cure for deafuess lsaa remedy S buse eficacy la be4-îg tried lit Miss Bora Counet at Zion City. Alîsa- Counel yesferday rompit-ted the- aîxteeîîth dat ut ht-r fast, during whlcb time not a mouthful o! food bas îiasst-d ht-r llp anti1nu liqulît but wafer. She clalmed sIte wse feeling sasîl sud tbaf ber heari-lg seeme t lube impros-- log. Miss Conîtet lises ln St- Louis, saitrt- she la a riilliner. sud la about tblrty tesrs of sgt-. She came [o Z1011 City on ulyui2t',; She sisepe lu tht- opeu air on tht-rot garden of the boteIl whart- she stops. Dr. John G. Speirlier Is ha-r medirsi adîîser, but the oîis tonîr lie t-i giies is an ai- tli( ation otflrat tr. DISAPPEARS f ROM MOTEL MORAINE Gardent-r for M oraine Six Vears sud Lat-r Gardent-r for Man Interested n Chicago Street Raitways Hai Vanished and * Police Send Out Tracers-if You Have Steun This Man Phone Sun Office at Once. ( Fi-oui Wtdnsday'a1,Sun) O u Sîtday. Augutat 1, 1909. Auguef Johnîsonî of Iighland Park, Ill., disap- peared and no trare of hlinau li e fouttd. Mr. Johnson tuas a wet-tikuasan resl- denît uf Highland Park, having hiteed tht-rt- for tht- past twels-e years. Ht- tas enîîloyed as laudacape gar- dent-r Sf tht- Moraine hotel for six years andutifli about six mouths ago, when be saus eutpioyed hy T. E. Mit. ten o! Highland Park, president of the Chicago City Railway Company. Mi. Mîitten emptoyed hum up to the time of is disappearauce. Mr. Johnson sasa a single man about 45 years old, 5 ftL 8 lu. in helgbt, weigbsd about 2)0 peunde, ut llgbt complexion, wltb heavy mustache sud Swedish uatlouality. A.ny Information furnisetd as ta uts whereabouts of Johnson wilt be fuiîy appreciated by John S. Sheablu, marshal. Thelittle Candy C.o]d Cure Tabiets tatt- ed Prsvpentlcs. will lina lt-w huurgsafet.v Cbeck alilCuIde or LaGrippe. Try thernl 48-95e. 8old by ALL PELAL.SRh. Battea-y Field Artllery-le wel Known to Eiectric Road Men. i Prom Wednesays fun) Etize Buîck, a coudurfor ou tht- Chi- eago sud Milwaukee- Electrie railroatl and a resideuf of Highwood, la ont- of tht- Iurky tauîi at-t-ers saho sili fake bis pick 0f 160 acres. any aliolmeut, ln tseCoe-ur d*Alene district, Ht- was aunounced as tht- sinuer o! ait silofuseut Yet erdsy af Cour d'Ai- But-k la avstutrau o! tht-Tweuty- fIrst Batter , Fit-id artitt-ry. aud bas st-n ail kinds ut sersire.Ht- leaves for Coeur dAtenett take up bis dlaim at once but nia1 nof lt-ast tht- elec- tric road for a time ytl Ohers sibo hait- flEd and î sli! prob- &bly make t-Lima ail or eue or tu-o of tht-n ar-- Coral T, Hevdeckec, bis chum Ted sVrras.- Frt-îitrick Conurs, (CIII snd Heniry Helîîuer. Theit- are 3000 cIaimsi., 0 it-alltîtte-d ail tuid sud tht- Watîkegauîlies lhas-t- Oed &t tht- Fathwil, Mîssouelitsnd Spokane ressrsation- as st-Il as at Coeur d'Alene. AN NUAL RIF LE MIEET AT CAMP LOGAN Pt-tut Wtinesdays Sun) Illinois State Rifle Association to Hold Annual Meeting at Camp Lo- gan, Lake County, Begluning- To- mnrrow and Euding Saturday- Medals and Trophies Galore Are at -Stake wltb Rifiemnen. Tht- toltrth annuel shoot outhuts Iii mois Stafe Riltemeu's Association opens ai Camp Logan fumorrow, Aug- uaf 12, sud closes Saturdiay, Auguat 14. Tht-ce are medais sud trophies galure- at stake at the meet foi- the- ]BraYton. Cbicago; Lt. Col. H. R,.i 5t It 1. N. G., quncy; J. J. FarrE Chicago; Lt. Col. Gordon Strong, 01 fiance officer, 4tb Brlg. I N. G., C caga; Capt. J. J. Botîlg9er, lth D Jrtsitt off and lnflicting teeirble In- PRICC-IUOBANi NUP. OeChildlihc only one lu the fam. TIALANNOUNCEI lly, could tnt be round at frst. lat- er t was locatel safe. The bouse la YouPeo pîe Promlnent Soclally and flot buirned inurh.n . usical Cîrcles to Be Wedded The relatives ofrte womatu were Early ln Fili-Wyi Make Home a summoned from their working places =~ Grand avenue-No Date or D. and theu accident bas cst a goom toilla Announced as Vet-Many over the- district, The lire staart.e ln Friands Comgratulate. t he mdt of th.e drlvlng rai,. Th. nelgbbors carried out Mrs. Sneeaby. (Frnt Wednadays un) At 4:30 Mca. Snea-aby was removed Mrs. Anna E. Prîce of 722 Grand to the banspirai hy ambulance. Site la avenue aunounces the corning rrnar probably fatslly burned. rtage of ber daughter, Mliss Alevene PrIce to Mr. John Telford Hoban, the son of Mr. and Mtrs William Hoban WILIL INST1rITUT! et 1214 Wasbington street. C IICAGO.CAMPAIGN The rmarrlage la lu take place l mlid-October and after the ceremony Makes Formel Announcoment of a the young roupie nl reaide at 522 Lease for Term aof Vears Last Nlght Grand avenue. n New Crular-Mi» Dora Connel The bride it; talentm mualcaliy. i Trylng to Cura Bllndnaaa bit Fast. 011e0of the cltsrndng bustesses ofthle Ing et ZVon Cty-Sloos ln Open eli. and ls ît.ry prumiînent soclally. Air, Baye She la Seinag Hoaled. She bas taken Part lit rmany amateur musicai Productions and lo known i Fromt Wd zedav@ Sun.i for being the possessor of one of the lri a speclal cîrcular lssued laiît stutetest toices ln the city. nigbt Wlbur Glenn Voliva, Overseç-r The groom ru be leaiaso a singer, of the Christianu Cstboic Apostolil the pîossessur of a fine baritone toit-' cburch lu Zion City, auuiquncsd that tiret has eirned hlm a repota-ion, and be bas leassd the aid Central Zion le promînent soclally. He la in bii Tabernacle at Michigan avenue sud ness witb bis father, ex Aiderman Slxteeutb Street, Chicago, for a terni Hoban on Sheridan road South of of years. Tbe Interior willi be renro- Washington Street, the firm trame be- vated sud put ttti bape for a greax ing Hoban & Son. tinsmiths. Chicago rampaign. The- tabernacle Both Young people Ibave seores of wau the ocelle Of utauruoft)owi's ant friends and the annouincement bas cient trlumjths anti saw is lise t been exttected for some time. ptower sud influence, Lookoul for Forger, Mrs Jane Itou a- W dow t ofbohnNortltwesterii rairoad officiais sud Alexander ttowlt - ent t Zion C'ity business men are discusslng wavrnings Yssterday to serure -I.îOsrssson of sent out ln et ery direction front the sorte talîtabi,- furniture sud the fea- raliroad offices et (Ciluton, Iowa, and nus $L-7,0 tftr (-at ubicb Gladstone Sterling and t)lxon .ll. asking that Dtou te. tire sort. (,aime la bis owît the gent-rai public as weii as the tto- Proît-rty Xlv., HDoule lIves ai White lice be uit tht- lookotît for a former L.ake. Nlt>li.. ou the Bsn NMac liiesa- rierk lu the- Cllnton roadmasters of- rate. There la a valuabie bedroom fice, known as Louis Bahîmen or Otto iivr ese o eru o, n hen chants wltb bogos checks et Ster- sogbta neve i Rec g rliDxon aud ther cities. LOUIS J. YEOMAN~ vitors lu tht- fifty udd eb;otsthat bgrm are lu lit cutested, as lstdpe-tu-I.CL*ntiiBIthe rell ProleSsionol Cards Cch W. fi. STUDFR Inf. SURVI<xl)l veSuldividingaijrl hart i ty, IBERTYVILLE, 11,1_ Dt. 0R , F. BUTTERFiELD, G.. VETERINARY SURGEwN. ýj . ASSISTANT Wi-ATE VTERiNARIÀNÇ DR. À. IL CHURCHIILL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONs J Offce lu Butler Btock. o\ er Ciaith & [tai %s tcer OfficePhoneb5a Ras Puo,w 1t;lt Speclal Attention OIt-en to Dîsesses ot the Eye, Ear, Noie aend Thront c"go; tapi. iH. L. Wh1pp1 .. ý,ttil 1. N. G., Quincy; Capt. Il C. Garti. 'y 4tb luf, I. N. G., Buffalo; Capt. R. Wallace 2d lut. I. N. G., Chuicago, Cal. J. H Barnett, retireel(, 1I N.( Chicago; Mal. H. S. Geigcr, tt fi Id I. N. G., Galena; Capt. A, E.CutiE ,r ardunauce omfcer, latC'av. i. N. le Chicago. le In ý2 Laks County Title & Tiî l t. Abtracts ai TItis. Titi- ti uîranitf IMasouic Temple BIdg.Wtuaali Y. Auia Il. Ftary anti t t- Heury, Janssen, lots 2 apil \t Hhttir il tons l nd Sub. at Roui -iI, . $3165.00. A. J. Earling sud %uit-', io,\trr r, antI Co.. tract land in S 1; S 9l. Grant Twp., il. c. 1- IState of lîlînola«, Couut ty flalit n Circuit Court of LakeClit ut 0, lober Term A, D. 1909. Johîn Onan vs. Luraitia li.tîstarý the uu.kuowu heurs of i. cit iti a ward, deceased, the ukkiitt t tus ti uf lot Four lu Block F'fve (.,Iutn Elîti ley Sunderlus Fîrat Alliit,thi Townî o! Lttle Fort (nou i tîtt. t ut W*alikegan> 'nlajke (titt i Puts, Addison S. HaYvard atît liani s A. Ha 'ward ln Chancéry No. 415, e %iîsfactory AffIdavit. thai Iii 4çl 1tendant Addison 8. faYuurd i, n ta resident uf the- StatE of Ilîlinoisaia 1 hat the defendauta IeîtrxA, lia, r ilard I.trauîa Haywak, the inku uts ht-lt.,of Luranta fHaywiard. tii-t-asa-, anti tht- unkaown owSiers uf Lot 1,u lin Block Five (5 u ln oslev -Sîlidei lits Ficat Addition Ça the- Town t L.itle Fort (uow in tte Ciii otfVai ka-gaît tinuLake Coîsit'. linois t-ar onu liea- ond suai tupon diigen lnutiru. uhlcb bas heen umade in ihaf îîîîrîose, tbelr places of ieside colinot us ascertainsd, se that Irocet catînor he served upofi tbeu. or eiihe oftiheut, having been filsd lu th- Office Ot the Clerk o« sald Cuurt, Notice laiiereore hereby given t, tht- aaid above aud unknowi defendanîs, thattis above namne( Couilaint heretoture filed bis Bil1 r Complaluf lu sai-J Court, on the Chai cery sîde thereaf, and tbat a summorn thereupon issued 0nt of aald Cour against tht- aboie figed defendants returnable on the firrt 447of the tsri of tse Circuit Court -çt l.qe Counnu t he held t tht-( t r#îrt*êe ln Wall kegan in said Lake Ooaîty; on thi First Mionday ot October, X. D. 190f as la by law requlred, ami wbich sol Is stilI pending.» LEWVIS O, BROCRWAT, Clerk Waukegu, Ililinois, August 2ud, A B. 1909- \Vhitne, Bady , RunYard. Coin plainants Solicitors. Staîs ufIlilinois. Couuty of L.ake. ai Circuit Court ot Lake Connty, or tohex Te,-m. A. B.1909. Brifget McNantara Y@, Ganltfb Carmîchaei. Brusilia Bull, Sarah Ma, son, Rachael Mix, Lura Mlx, Louis NI Sizer. James -Mlx. Ira Mil, Samuel R MlX. Eben Nlîx. sud the unknown Ownera o! and îîersîîîs iuterested in tht- rt-lsitaite tn the Bill of Comn plaint tieurrîheul i Cbancery Nu. Saflutacicir, Affidait. that each and ail of tht- aboite îanisd defendantti caillînt be fouîîd andu that upon diligent ilîqtiiry thtl- plat-as of resîdence caoi nul be ascertsiîted su tbat process catînot ite sert ed tîpoît tbem or si tht-i of tht-m, listing lia-rî fihe-d in the offilce uf the Clerk of sald Court, Nutice is tht-rt-tort- herehy gîven te the laid aboie îîamred and uukuown deteudaîtîs thai. tue above nameil Compilîant bat-titifore fOed ber Bill otf Coutpiaiîîî lnit tiCourt, au the Chanrery sitie tht-i fa-nsd that a soîImoInn ;tlereuîttîi i-sued out o! aaid Court agaiiîst t-e above uamgd deten- dants, rettruaiîle i-I tht- fi-st day of tht- terni of tht- irculit Court uf Lake County, f0 he held ai tht- Court Hoose in Waukt-gan iii salît Lake Comuty, on tht- First NMolday ut October, A. D. 1909, as is by Ian requIred, sud whlrh suit is tjli peîîding. LEWIS O. BROCKWAY, Clerk, Waukegau, Illinus, Auguat 2ud, A. B. 1909. William C.t îuîon. Cumplaluantit Solcîttor. uy n thcSN... LaymgiPeriod .road riglît etfsat- as uuw 1Iocated; Officera. tetar.îk theuce soutlîiOtiste ptublic highway; Col. S. E. Bilas, president; Col. J. J. I$cý'tcurftîdttat winathetre t-ast lu tht- place ot cginnuing, GaTrity, fIrut vice presfident; W. G. k" Ycr ick eee oisr h-tatQu-atar Krelg, second vice lîrealdeut; Lb Col, 5 YOhbk, nd p ho!erte saidehaf r J. M Edy, hirdvic prsidet.gtje.- Setih1. f a plece or parret of land. J. . Edythid vce resden; J Jpareil by practical Al of said rt-ai estate beiug altît- Fanrell, fourîh vice preshdent; Col, R. ôfth fuet Ceacked a"d ,5oîsgrana an ang ated In Towtnship Forty-four (44) J. Sband. fitth vice prealdeut; Lt. Col, son.flowsr, çlîeake, baaksh-tand mailCmoUs. North, Rauge Eleven (11) East o! the W. H. Wblgam, st-trttai-y; Captalu J. D)CU MSO'S 1RADE-MARIliM D Third Principal Meridian, lu the V.' Clinin, teIsurt; MajoSW. H.ChieSStarter for baby chieS., V. linin teaure; ajo W H "o-.e.a..CbekVedschFshîsîu,îCouunty out Lake sud State o! Illinois. Cbeuosaeth, Jr.,,executive officer. I asesoid ." Ne" Pasiiry MasS for -1sEA1MCA4 - ad "Kbt' 1Igeos Fard for aquabe..EA .CAK Dîrectors. For .00. by Master In Cbsuc.ery. C. W, Pierce, Chicago; Geo. WeId-' HOME LUMBER COMpMqy Bated July 30, A. B. 1909. 44-4 tifiL Chicago police departmnt; J. T. I- -t j, CL . T. Hsydecker & Son, Solicitors. ltNONE RECEIVEO A Ja~~ OR LESS THA 25 CENTSANîd E:! FOR SALE ORRN wtli'lgromut v, ý(i Pý ý OR SALE-Top wagon, ultabl. for t)dut, otr delivsryv nagan, in good cau- dit0 '. nH. )E, a aboe, fil. 45-2 FOR SALEEightroun hîbouse o1) 1 Brpnr Cortialînderurtnînîeiences. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-B"~ Inqîtîra Cîtta- t E"Eit, Liiertyvilie.l. ~w.rk iare weturhisg ahout 1200. Wit. Phone 1144. t AiA, Libertyvîlie, fl. 46-2 FOR SALE-Lots in tht- Iymand anti AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE-Ood fAuîstin @ultdtrîaîîî,n,1(tx140: $100 eacb rttinîîtg order, lrit-îiî,u drive, 2 cylinder AIt8TIý. 40-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-MV bouse at FOR SALE-.AuliîîanTaylar 12 là.p t orner oSiliki- Avenue and LAke traction ngins n good repair. Orviill Street. i1,tt-f[,rl . 45.3 trtîte it for rattis or sheep. T. D. Coa Sîtriug Grove, 111. 4. LOTS FOR SALE-lun te B. J, rimep cuI-i liMi tn oibt- l' oj fFOR SALE-Buzgy and harmess. eit- triv rttnd oný%iwukî aene. i hep.ALBETîkîrGoVîn, Lbertyvilîs. li. J. (lîttîts..5ttnfr45-2 FOR RENT-Sttîrt.rooi n tliwîu - FOR SALE Yug a drl"v g boise, avaîtuc. - eîtrraI frnel o-vetif a-iaa oe.H. H F. s t,1e I~î-l îy frtuit stant.i. nqutrec. nIl.liltertyvîlie, 111. Phone 1423. 45-2 Kass,i[Lîertyille.Ilii. 45-tf SFOR SALE-Sun itîmber,. cheap, C. 1. FOR SALE-Are lots on Bymonde CAsai, Ltltertyviie, 1II, 45.2 subdivision. close tii tris nn sd slertric car. 'rice$30t.0o. 1h tosný& An-tiZ 0-tf 1L r WHE U ,An U FOR SALE-Propsrty known as Fatiier WANTED)-llen and boyest the Pouumo Scaun'eredence; neariJ acre ofground _NliLLINti CoîiPA',Y, Liiiertvville, Ili. on coirner witt fruit antt shade tissnansd___________________ two storvlbuiding K*itib lateot iraprove- rentr. 1Tree aditiionai rsidenceeau WANTED-Men and boys ait onc. W. ""work wlieu if storins as well as wba t- ttuiit ttn this corner, ungbt consider tesî hna on u s s dit ding. Ses Ni. (l. JoHxgoNî, Cook Ave., teil bns ol n e n tir P. . OBixt79,ltiberrýyrîiia. î&tî tEi îgF.oCspaisry __________________________ ille. I11. FORitS3aLE-toies,01-5l ots $2lu .00WANTED-Girl for genera] bousework. Wrîght'sadîlî0tî. 0 10 fo Ur 200,00 Mas. C. F. WitlcHT-, Liliertyvilîs, Ill. 40-tfL FOR SALE-hîlo acre împroved farta iunANE Red Lake Cointy, Minn., good building., auîgbt dinide. M. il fRo' Coak BOARDERS WANTED-About Augi" Ave.,or P. 0 Box 71),Libertyvllle.1, 1 wiil be prepared ta taire boayda,-s 17-tf refit furnlsbed roonîs and furnish me$&l ~~ to patronlf. Miss GsAH"a, two douo FARMS-We hbave a large list of Lake west of Preeby teriau cbureb on orcbard, Coatty farmeto ssii, also bousesand Iots Stresii. 444, ta village. IcYtOaN & AUSTIN. 40-tf- ANTED--Dresmakers and neodi. workers, ta pre@erve their syes irghtbY FOR RENT wearnpgsapair af aur scientificaliy fit, 1- leuses. Dr., L B. JOLLET, NothChleago, FOR RENT-Pano. Paers, organe, 44-d - $2.00 up, reut allowed if purebaWs. Kimbati Ageucy, Ltits Furniture Store,_________________ Tel. 27. si-tt MONEY TO LOAN FOR RENT-We have a few ood . MONEV TO) LOAN-On Im»prs.",. si-n bousesasd flats to refit. trYldieND & tai-moa t 5 per cent. DymoNim & Aave. A, YL STERNS LA Wl E ttt 218 Washington Street g- Waokegan d. 'Phone 2761 lis DR, C. R. GALLOWAY, eC. OrPBOvEZ LOVELL'S atto STORE. BoumS-frMorn 1to 8 sud 6 f0 8 p. m. s. Llbertyville. Illinois. c- DR. IEDW. V. SMITHI r, General Praçtice ýrs Office over Luce & Crmpany'a Store SPECIAL ATTENTION t- lu GIVEN TO .t- BISEASES 0F THE EVE oi LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI0S [ici DR, GOLDING BENTIST B oni-s 8 tO 12 sm-i to 5 p.. ir J. Eli Triggs Building ,r- witb Dr. .1. L. Taylor-Plions il> or Rte. Phone 1092 U_ Llbertvviîie, lîlinois nt DR. E. FL SMITH. tr BENTIST. ce OVEsRasaKICOrVNTYATIONAL BSANS. 8, noua-8 to 12 a. ut. sud 1 to 5 p. M, cr BAILY. t- Libertyvitî., Illrols to in DR , J. L TAYLOR , ? FricE OVE£ J. ELI. TRI1tOS 5Lto. or oEGa:-7 to 10 a. mt. 2 to, 4 sud 6 to iseulfdeuce on Br-oadway, oppsit Park. rt LIhea-yr llUinols, ru MARTIN C. DECKE t. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW u- Office Opp. 18tiî St. Elecîrie station te Offie Phone 53834 P- .Phoue 3608 9, NORTHI CHICAGO, ILLINOIS State of Illinois, <'ounty of Lake, II as.; lu tht- Circuit Court or Lake -County. Mary Horen sud Edward Hurt-n vs. Mles L.ancaster, Julia Lancaster, Catheriune Lancaster, Margaret Nic- sGregor, John B. llcGrt-gor, Elizabeth c-Moire, John J. Moore, j. B. OConueil sud Miles J. Devilue. Genl No. 3525. .a Bilt for Partition. l-Publie notice is litrt-b' given that a by s itue of an order sud decret- su ljt-ced iît tht- abov--e etifisd cause lu "slid Circuit Court st the 1Mai-ch Terra, " A. D. 1909, thereot, tht- undersIgned. i- wlîton Tuesds.î. the t- tbday of Rt-p_ teinher, A. B. 1909, af tht- bour of ont- 0'clork in the affernoon of said day, i at the t-sut door of tht- court bouse lu a tht- City ut Waukagain lu ad counfy t sud siate, st-il 10 tht- hîgliefsud litst kbldder tor cash at publie soction tht- t folIos ic dscrrib-d ]an ansd rt-aie- r laie.t- itl: -The Northwesi quarter ut th- south, t-ast qularter of section fourteen (14). Aloii uit urrth-ast quarter ut tht- -soutlî -ist quiarte r of aaid section tour- t-en 1141. Aisu thet- at titait of the uorth haitl ufth liisouthea it quarte-r ut the- sonîi- t-ast (1uarter ut setionu turteen (14). Ai-qo the iiurfht-a-,t quarter oftfhe ,fsoulli nu t quarter of section thîrtettît Also titi- nîtiliait of tht- south- wsst qtîaiter of tht- south wsst quar- ferout aad setilonithîrtee-n (13). Aise tht-stsiliait ot the- nocth hlaIt ut ftht- souit-attquarter uf tht- suuth-4 t-ast quarter ut section fourtet.n (14). Also a tarcei ut land dcacrlhed as comuîeîîrîîîcat tht- sotth-t-ast corner o! flic uurfh-e-ast quarter ut tht- north 4 w5sf Quarter utfasectîin tweufy-four (24), toitnshlp forty four (44), uorth, rangetlt-t tn (1t) t-ast ut tht- third principal utecidian, theure ruuuing uorth îlxtet-u (i6) coda; thence wst Hlave Vour Ilouse Wired For I2LECTRIC LIOIITI Under Our 2 Years to Pay Plan SEI4D FOR OUR REPRESENTATIVE FOR DETAILS North Shore Jlectric Co. PHIONE Ns. sm5 WAUKFUAN 2» OENEBESTREJET Morses for Sale. Mountain Aleadow Stock Farm, one snd une-hall mil es north of Waurouda, Illinois, bas coustantly on baud sud for sale, at lowest masrket price, a stock of %Il classes of horses, suitabie for the road aud ail farm, wurk, express sud draft, utteful sud serviccable, fraie i ioo ta îSo)o pounds. l'rices $8o.oo ta $aooo. No plIg. Coîne to Mountaju Meadow atid stec the borses wurk on the fario. Ail accinteana sd avaid riait of sickuess. Ail gttaranteed oit delivery as represented. 44eleahiteda COL. f. i. BERRY FARM TOUtLS 0 You will Need Now tJanesville and Oaers SULKY AND GANG PLOWS Twentieth Century and Great Western MANURE SPREADERS Deering Fuller & Jlohnson SCORN MARVESTERS PUMPING ÉNGINES Blizzard and Cyclone ENSILAGE CUTTERS F I F a r m , T e a m i n g a n d S p r in g O FROM WAGONS SSCIIANCK'SSCA K IT'S0 BROS. OLIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 4 4 4 4 4 4 D, id ed AUsTIN, 40-tf 4~>-tt -i 1 LL ESTATE 1 , r-OR SM£ zë i4hiaift 1 -

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