/~J~JLNiLI J AND WAUKECAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVII. Nd. LAKPART Tum relatives adfie - deytibi' The yacht ?irat. C'ohîuilaV.k ~tU'tTi1~. v . ».. a *l*51 * 0F WEST SIDE SEUN IN FUUE Vast Factory Site Territory in Eyos of People Interested ln City's Future Wynn Line or Bit Lino Spur 'Urged ta Open ift t Indus- tries ta Corne RotsiiMon Far trous Megarding City es Old One-.Say industriai Mitteri' Latande Buck Ouiy Ton or Twolve V.ara--Believe Anotiser Mlaiofc Waukagan May n. Deolop.d on What la New Parm Lands. t Prom Wedomdsdyuun.) White ne oue la saying a word for publication about It, right nov (bereSul a vbolu lot of tiuhing aud agitation giug on- about opeuina the vet aide for fartory allts. When Bob Wynn orthîe Waukeg"an, Rockfos.d & Elgin Traction compauyt anuounced lua àromprebiensîve vayd that (luruee la the gatevay to Wauke- gan sud (bat anoher 20000 rau be added Ln the city by the opeulug ofA land veut oft he limita for factoriels he boib said something sud tartedC sornething. f Sericus Thoagisi About h. The, biggat (bing he started st( realizalIo(bailt tha avalable factor) sites under the blil lu Waukagau a.E IaLrgaly orcupissi or under the crouIr, of raliloada Or corporations already boe asd the concluslon (bat fitla un othe(bureaniboontera ut the city. vho do net wurk, vith a brasa band, to get bus>' snd locata snoie other avallable sites (bat rouIS ha marketed at once. And Wht Follovsd. The remlit WUe that resaty men and protnet once 1911 upon (he vast ide as the favoresi spot, va>' out h, Yond (ha resideuces vhera the grasB heuiup (to gat tail. sud flta uhere the matter beitates but doea not resi. What Io Seing Doue. It dues nt ret becaue the prouc- lors ot the city &asan Industrial renter are the huaient morals within the limite aud If grass does spout ou thé other hait of Industrisl Waukagan it le not able to find a resting place ha neaah their teet. The effort of ever>' realty mn"du Promota in tha rît>' toda>' la te gai rail connections bo the vacant or tarir landi veat of Waukagan, sud vhen (bat le doue doors wviii haunlorked sud gatea let dovu (bat vili shako the ritY as nevet hatore. NoS An Olsi Ciy. The lîveansd progressive realt>' men Of the rlty, and thora ara noue others, do not regard Waukegan as an olsi city. Tbey regard it au a Young sud svakauiug Industriel renter, vhose pat 1 L a hetan or tveive years hock and vbose future bas nul beau gauged. Heure (beir eagernes o show lu. dustries (bat (bey bave sites vîth rail connections aud (ha prenant (vo thing8 the>' are urglug. Whabt Ihe>'Urge. The (vo thinge (bat ever>' realty man lu Wsutagan la§ today loolng forvard to vlth auxions eyos ara: 1. The proposed building of (ha Waukagau, Rockford & Elgin Trac- tion rompan> ina, (ha Wynflume, vet froin Wsukegan ote ha isba aud tappiug (ha ver>' land spoken of. 2. Or (ha building ut a apur fina froni (he Elgin, Joiet sud Eastern yards (o (haevet ida. Both Pair>' Sure. Tt la statad fi(bt huimprovements ara tair>' sure, the Wynu ina perbapa the surer of the tvo. A Nev York syndirata bas comae forvard wlSh a bond propositIon vhirh If arcep(ed meaus the Immediata building oft(he oud. On (heather band nu une aven round a rallroad harlrvard about go-1 Ing afttr tha coin snd vhan a future industnIal>' te shovu for tha vast aide It yIll ot taka the Hit LUne long 10 «ntend lia systein ot te gaet more ton. nage. Thate vbhat It flibez. SUrge Stops Now. * Ai a mottear uttact, people vith the b. reooft ha rit>' t heurt daim (o benuglg both propositions right nov. YORK< HOUSE. Our pastor vas Ill faut Suu4ay an tuer, vire nu senvicea. i MO5t ot tIse fasru bhave their 4y. 1 s" vorais- losA. Xfr. aud Mrs. lot Bacon enter- tained Mrende froui Chicago over eaun- 4 Cbszley Àlcock fromn California VI 4Ited relatives and frienda tua w.ek. 0 There vau a large crovd dut to tl social heid St Wm. Polmateer-a la Thumsday evening. 1 Mise Anna Ouhr bau returned i C'hicago after vlalojgg bo time wil relatives lu this place. Theme vas quit, a&imnibor attendt Mrs. J. G. Neleosemotery acl meeting beld on laut Wednesday. Mr. Wèucbail Baillef North Jurdri Penn., vlilted Win Fînnels' peopl Ibis veek. Mr. aud Mra.- W. A. Nelson of D4 troit, Mich., are visitiong NeloUnuR&i Mussen tifs vwek. The Oreeuvond Oometery enclot vii hoM an Uce sociAl At thi bomne 0 Mir. sud lira. 2Eliot bou Thurada: evening. Auguat le. Ail couie an, have a 9ood tire. Mr@. Ray Eddy vislted friende bher tbis week. BEHAIST TËBèPLE WILIOETI'I Death Dod fllpè.stnoâ. Plans for the BëhalK. ieompIe t10 erectod nt Wiln)tt té n o* tndpl vay. lsad tleeb&d - n im týq temuptla 'aauu'red.T oia01p f<lgrs ave bé«n siabscribed and (the eile bias beeja>,fUcbAMd Cham5eR Mason lt!s.,lsou of Roar ,Ù*Kàliàltdèniey of the United St*tu navy andi profemeor orf5.réhtoctu«'if George Waahbington iiniveraftg,,ifr i Chicago to cousrit vlth otho«.4i. secta abouttbe plans. prof. lÈiMiY sn au ardent- friand of the Batght novetnent. "I[ ftod the Bahalat aauembly 0f Chi' cago la In a very enconragfias coudi. ion." said Prof. Remey. '"?bfe are bout sixty assemabiles luamnai. *he moveuieit la spreadla tapily. especialiy lu JaPuan and.Inldis. The uItyý ut roligolatb ougbt, 1 beliave, sa not fpr ditaant." Prof. Ramai' la utopplng wlth fri-us n t2 0 Au~u uie - BASEIALL MOUDLS Naional Lbague.* W. L. Pe. W. L Pc. itta. ..70 27 722,Pbil. .. .46 53 4641 'hi. .7 31 654 Bt . .. .40 55 421 N. Y... .56 37 $tuièrcok. .36 61 3g7 Cu.ID. .AS 60 490thos. .. .26 73 262 Chicago-- R. H. le. thIcago .................. 8 7 i roklyn ................. 1 A4 2 Roulbach sud Aecbsr; Pastorlus id Mei lYre, sud Bergen. PIttaburg- R. . Ittsburt ................. 2 4 ;iaton ................... 1 1 Brandon sud Adama nd GlIso; lrovu and Ss#lk. et. LOUIS- R. if. m ;ev York ............... il »à .Loa n Beus................5L id Behiel. Cincinnati- R .B bliadeiphla ..............2 4 e ocinnati.......... ..... 0 4 4 Mooreansd Doolut; GéspèréràdMe. ian. American bsagué. W. L. PC WLP Dt ...62 40 idili...48563 473 Phil. .62 -su 6611N. T ..48 53 479 Bos. - .61 44 5911'9. , .44 65 «4J Cia,. .-.53 50 SbiSWasb .30 7*3 to 1 Philadelphia.-.-R.iB Phladelphla--------------3... Detroit ................... l Plank ansi Livingaton; Sunman, sud Beck'eadorf. Ni* York-R lb . Cleveland ................ 4 Il New York ..........1 4 Berger ansi Bémnia; iiOA, *0005. sîl, Qui"nn sd Klelno*, A&iévéépai'. Waablîgton- R A.Xi Washington .................A 4 si. lnuis................. ,1 Groom Aud flibukenship; poly- aid Sbphns t(Tvelve tilingt.) Buton R a. l.~ Bouton ................... Ceutea.o................. Kanger sud Carriâsmi; burai flullivan. Amèium ian cai,,Mt W. L. PC.I W 1f Mins. ..66 49 574!St. P.. .55 8 47 Mil. ...64 51 567jToi. -.56# el,4lu L'vible 8.6056 5221Kç. <... , 51 56 45 Col. ..7 59 4961Ild. 51...SI 1 dMitinepoli- Minneapolis ........... 4 Columbus............... *2 Paîterson sud bIloc; QdyiAn.q James. et. Paul- A .b Toledo ................... S.Paul .................. Mc@urdy and Abhott; Chech an~ Pierce. Lousville----------------.. a illvaukee;............I* Thielia a i Pét curs s nA Wsruet (flt.dn aning.>- J UAl> TO MAKE 6009 Report is Thît Loss of $1,MO In Bank Frorn Lutfrâlian Estate is Mado WANTED TO, GET $200000 Woman Came into, North Shliore Inn wlth Colai Pin Worth Nickel andi Wanted tb Get ifth of * Million On t-At One Refuse s la irk id Not Have Punds-4ht Thie Wear@ Booty Pelsihy. It la snid (bat lu the Button *Iii rase bondsmen bave basl tu make koud $18.000 on the bond of the ad- mînitrator. but ha-ve Shlloh Hotse, Dv'wie'u olsi home, as securiti'. This. lt la claiined ln worth the semant. Outton, a weautby Australila, lefI $l,. 0M0te Dowia but hers b.d the. viii SMt CaMe and Bot the propeptir, part or vbiçh vas lbat, it tefa s aisthiîe Zion bank vears &go,> vhere the adumiOl trator has t io n deqost. Coudnat Gsny t. Wbeu Jesse Dodson of ZMon City vua acused ot stealin.g a pair ut abohs yesterday he eoald nul deuy it for hob had the shoes on. Ha vas bquud uver.by Justice-Leblqnd sud IUs nov lu the couuty lauI. Wanted Only $MA=000 COuid you Ulve me A 200,09o on Iis!' astasi a ZMon City voman ut a clark lu North Shore Inn thia mnots log. "«This" vas a curaI pin valuesi at about a nickel. The clark kept a suber face sud (oui tha lady be sddfut keep (bat much me" nai uband. 'It ina>' not ha v"th qulta (bat," admittesi tha voman, 'but 1 St it ut MY' nmolletyara &go sud I kliov it la vorth at least $199,000.11 She ls (ha voman vbo bas beau '~(legaphng"Prasident Taft tasd othars. lu connection vith the Cannai faut- lng rase. nsoma (ina &go a M m,. Thompuon diad of fastipg ai Zion City snS Zion Peuple tear Ihat Ibis ytl liAPPen (o (ha prenant fanatîr lu the case. WAIJKE<AN LOCALS (Prom Wednesday's Sun.) Ateorne>' King la lu Chicago Soda>' Attorne>' Kiam Clarke lu hart troin a vibcation trip. Mis Amy Haeb anit moîher ara vis- itiug frienda ln Waubegau. Rtobert Settars ot Grass Labe vas à Waalegan vbnltoî >'esterslay. I ra. Jatues Quin utChicago la vriaitlug ber father, Mamk Halbi'. ot Wgulkogan, today. ThoisGra>' ts abie;to ha dovu et >1io vork atter s short Muse ofu tieuralia. Tvo bargen sougbt abeltar ln Wsu. kegan barber Ist nigbt troni tha ibom vbich rageS on tha fate. Charles Odeubraîid returnesi (o Ev. 'neton (bis morning atter a visît Soft cowl cargues are reportaS (o have elearasi Ssusby for Wautagau Western Cuab snd Dork rompan>'. Four drunts snd Ivo stayovars gave a spir>' tînge te life Att(ha po- lir, station asat nigbt. lub, inlu nWaUkegan iport. The crew tiu maklng a home with CaPtain Heu Parmalee on the se&a em. IThe portrait or Oversee-r voliva Publiiahed In laat nlghî*s SUIN sroused much comment amont the Wtaukegan IPeople Who StUdied the clo.ýo range Chicago vàitOr:-R Kl Dunu A. C. Berry, W. W. Wickb.m snd vîfe, H. M. Uuderwood. J. HB.egîard. Mrs. Jus. MeRoberta, lira. Kucker, Nrs. R. HOOk, b. W. Lewis sud NMr8 'leUlua- The Illinos state rifle teaili wbieil la# nov rebearsiug ai( Camjp Logan, mayaes for Camp perry Uligier cnîîî. mnand of Captain Clinuin sailîrdsy nuid wvii shoot lu the national matche. There la a goSi Change for the iliii. liarry Bastian in to 1'u. the duy ticket seller ait the Schwartz thuater sd the boa ndlr. la (o hi- open r theater patrons belveen lii luithe mornlng sud efgbt at ight '-verv 'iay At nlghts Mn. Beatiain 1,î taicitl charge of galiery' tickets mid Treas. Uren Wager *111 oMinlte il, th, box omece. Bkidevllu ut09 eut ara to bc put l0 on Gero âle fii% ,on the veat aide 0f Hickory trMat lOtven renter and Risiglinsi. 4dm ; Both Victoria ha- tv- eon Sea" sudTait treets. The ordinancesu ara nov beiug prapared. BHOsideu thia, levers are to go in o North Park *,enue agdsion s section of flutrick stroot aad On the vboie iaugtb Of Lloyd ansi Luia avenues. The UnîteS ÈÊt2t-,iýieI corporation viii, Pr hh " , te, (aead ln the 'Amount Of mouey diabursesi to abare. holuIera.Theôoumpani'la nov paying ut (ha rate Of 7 Per Cent On the pre- farresi sud 3 pet caut ou (ha commun stock, hut indications are that ln the year 1910 (ha comrmon eareboiders viii recalva a larges pencontage of the ea-ulugs Of (tie ooaiostlon than ln i Lawlessansa aiuêéke vottin à Osb Taeat, 111.' .M»tqîai la etecteg [s 8$M"Oç oMnfor lu disent pensons suddAss'mqlntivesh& r-eahd sncb a poili ê4 T;;.i John licAvoy vs iu*dtèîspecia deput>' sberiffto s-Adorder About 1300 men are am ioo.The3 gleap lu barrsrks. Omal rae Hot hatvaeunagroes suid vhite Mlun.un ail>' utaret u rrap gain, bava basr traqýuent. Jndge JOiepb R. tlkrkson wvi about the cit(his attarnoan greetInM bis perbonal frieude, aud le bhs nu stranged for bis future, for s limjea tant. WitIe afev day. Jaige Clark son viii go inu Ihe Plant Of (ha Siu mous 'ManUf actu ring rOMuPan> and vhla bis vorb bas not as Ye( hean eelectei he yul ha augaodsilunsoIn forux Of manuai labor. "YOa knos (bat unanual labor appees te me von. derfully,"saIsi (ha Judge. 'ansialera diacussion vlth mi' friands I have decidesi Su go ta womka4t thseBitumons fAtartn>. The kind Of vork leis ett for (ha heada Of (ho departmeule b se- lect sud f amn viliug (o tabe Up su2 The posteffica departmnt le pro. Parasi (o Issue a nev postai card. POstinaster Genral Hitchcocb bai calleS lu tha expert chemîss t fthe depsrtmeut ot agriculture andi bauilu strurtesI (hem (o worb out a formua (bat vin give a much baller paper (han rau ha msde under (ho contraci uav lu force. Ha asys (ha postal carda issueS b>' (Ils governinent araelaerior te tha product ut almoat a" «bter country' sud (hut fit 1scontemplated ta maba improvements in (ho sanorai styla of priuting sud arrangement ut tha type andi design. The goveMmemat isues 75,000,000 postal carda a moatuý The Presaut tour yesr ronîrset ex- MîtaesaLuis Nelson ansi Marguerite Elartrir lire alsrmni ystema vine lun DAtou are spandiug s veat lu Chu. use lu 1907 in ail but tva <Kmas 0550. City' snd St. Joseph, M.) oft(ha thînt>'. Tne Scotia la lu f rom isultaîn vith lgît citiez vîth a population uf over 9 QAl-o Of rock sait for the LUdilugton 100,000 lu 1900; in ail but oua (Kanaaa saIt docks. CltY'. [an.) oft(ha fort>' cies vitisa Prof. W. S Ler nsd ramli' have POPUIation Of frOu 0,000 tu 100,M0; toturnad from a vacation in Iudiana le ail but threa <Quinn>', IIL andi Ches- Mdt are again At homne St 39 2Lrgh. ter 'ansi Willlamsport, Pa.) of thea tsentI streat. North Chicago. slLhtY-twe ecils withb halvean 2oo Assistant Master MechAnir .Ianlnon sud 60,000 population; aud lu aIl but of the Corn Producte Company' ban re- thirt>'-slx ort(ha 281 citiez vitis trom, blgued (o tata a position vith a gaz 10.00.0 (o 25,000 inhubitan(s, among omstnuctIl oclman. (hem haing Port Smith ansi Plue Bluff, Art.; Mancheter. Comn.;, CaIn, HI.; 'I'ier bas beau a storm on (ha laits Jaaavffergnil, Id.; Musaatne, lova; dstnîglt batom asausd marn" À, tCblaou, GalOns, Leavenwom-tl, ansi ebâMreteriza tha veather an extremel>' Lawrence, Kans.; Alpena ad Âne Ar. bMUfl nSd dsitgetous. bOr, lilch.; Natchez, MIss.; asînbal à--o-ft(hae lePhat, vith thae Wi1- andi Sedali, Mo.; Mlîville, N. j.; Mnar aboya yaterday vas nIecti'Dunirkr, N. Y.; lAnalu. Oiso; BaVer 7ears of4 aud h" ibeîted thé lobe l'alla, Butler, Columia, and Mt. Car- 5êore tus s duse ines *1111 difRei?- 30.1 Pa.; Cranston and warvlck, 1R.I.; Ast shows. Thora ver. eleven l inse reuvifis ansi Spartav»borg, . C.;. tuscb"dig o060utrsibMa4by Wbi e IoaSo, Laredo sud OShoa, Te&' Stn hOurs u0 vld snd atariir uI su lo wiu ould hava settleaysu'para- A ROYAL OENItT. y ahe. ____ gei Under Close Observation. T4cSt-y>' f sàYach puitine b>' Peter r. "Il coseem O(nme 1 muet ho perteclly 1. c SeSat., ey' sAle If Iard-beadesi uensible ien vlio ?tte b.tSct pàtffulai' doUIt- ,ta ispt lunlIhesaeoom vitth msué.it, 54 lu 'dravlag.tests, 4nd Iho tricil m e u n d re sa sud g o o le e p a n dsi v a ls o a ol e d bis e r a . te s o hl uP, (htest MY' breakfast, dînner and *leu hnytbiag out (bat sort Wvas olieh en "upper andi wbo look me top 0o the Oual. -one dgo' bis rtvpvlt valet do moueitalus vheru I couil have lait lMMbre sieeidver mlAscboly. The (heM Ment, miles bablnsid I sot CZr aukosibieu vhat vas tbe vistter. Ra boau trustvorth>'. Theseansd mas> ' Oh, yoar saJosH'." saisitue man. B9 clergymen, auded b>' President Pet. -"u»y vifs la Bul'erlng tue #esti*t aji- ýw ton of Princeton. and ladielono f MYi'frbm tOatl>abe, andsiabs obiftt, t vbani bave kuovu me ail mr ir Ie.*AidIr if' W tpue loive tthoti tes out"1 k- hankers ansi Manufacturer$anSd police Wf u *t laeidu,"smusiPet, ***. vili n. and prison keep rs ac usto miei 10 O h- IR ea Cre fi. Take M e te h11t a n " Rd servig oth aue sd tom ame use . W hou tby arriv ai thîe ox as deý M Alocil>' clerke. idulora. farinera, liv. cIlef*&that o00'Séautont fféring AI nyern and (ha ex-guvamnor of a ireat au;e tIen. vas' nthlmgIl. heattt* vitte ae tale.a]]ai S ufme rfactly sonansd bet. r ne nadsnvlhing Irraîlonal aal *"'4'5t f lu. vai' 51ohét*1kh, yaar biBjet'" si tise valet. "hb.la sut. tel torture." FEAR N FLI IT laid andband,' Raid the FEAR IN FLI UCRI. "I ll iihav.et Mt1 aminute." Ir ÂIÀd.bo luataaty pellos out theefaili- 01 F JOIE SLADEK? gt-hwt " éetg ri Beileflab Current Among *sattery, Mincelver a, litt1e tatar tIlt bis valet bési tisaI He Pied, Peatring Cineqcuenctso 6hlbm auau exécution& r 10punish f Having $hot More tht BttsrIy hi* vie. vo hai nvr biS n u- Punsi Sufforing lu Pild n Maroh tossuS toth bn ber hmed.-*rgSuaul e Back frum Encampment &t'Elgin bulni..Wit Reront Times. i41toastI 00)#or cent or tue gaine of a l hp 4 l at a t l@ m o ke. AÀ 900v p a er r r (Fromo Wednesda>"s SUN.) luise tricksaad Otton the gaii"d1 IL The balleftgin (at Joe Slsdak, al- > rBb is i play, but ho meni b"ad i legesi wife denerter, lied Wsulgaa tS~1V h é»ItIselueli' ho poci' rbacauBe or S borne Incident lua BattIo7 dtt5q e ue r ep l$'y -ô r C of whic b h a van the h ro. tu t. t oippred wvl t hIe basoc On the mach ba k rom Elgin , . hi'du luudlico u mêler, for isdécisiltn fvokod vhen rantly (ha hattery Men are sais u ti.gmoorli JrE have notes ln a field a playad ounsd , juigicut of lha vélue oruI bnjured borna (but neadasi ta ho shot ei .To cho obtvsesi bsrts8i tu ha put out of Its miser>', dodia ansi ne thimpe. 10select ( Sladek went to ('aptain Smith-oludc lubratIer thon apades. l kuov il aabad If ha sbould shoot t(eha ora.v5n isfiv* ýcarS suit luséatm ad r The capian wan hua>' andi d iot fu arasoil i *neu bv il (o lieD ai nralax- pI>'. Siadet took it for granted(th IL alatention Ripou théa tleor0fthe t everything wan ail rigbt, asked a lieu. @Cor*, alIh iUs shlting 05(nndaU d tenant for bis revolver andi hupped tIcesarie t trlIng quaLIttité ufa a aver tbe fence into tha farinera lirue igoi mater. Once sensible Ihat yeu w yarmd aînd put the beaat out uf miser>'. CPS Iackit glu any such raipét yqu o The colurnin an balted. the captain -viii Sud your gamie appheclably h b u o m m n d r o u d o t h a ( h a s h p - (s t b a nte d b >' a t t e n t i o n a n d s t u d u .- & penei, rulait Sladek dovu lu a rak.- thdBrdg. Iug mannar and t (In put him lu (ha Teè Big s $train. B: guard bouse. "Wby do I discharge pou?" asmedais ItI lahlieved (bat (Ils Mua>'bave 1114Chinacrts-"vhy do 1 dbeala4 preyesl on Siade's Ming!unîi ho You? 'Wei, becouée yoa lavé IpRtIN tearaitpossible trouble and (heretora vitI aie nili>'Ove moiIsa" lobt.e h liedi the rit>'. dimadi' appcérod lu YOonr tbuiDoMe eut( of lotbea." nt The Koren rEnll blahnqry. '"Weil, s@tg." demandaàIl ~syeuSE kh O u a o f th e g n i t e t vo I l e p i r f o iss u 5 5 , " v a t u t t h a t i l a v i .,m t 1 i m e i ln SAmstricans in Bores va*thé 4 uwî. 7011 fiilhrtil>? Dpo homnbibt aIS'ht 1%oft(he KoNan-Eugliuh dictlge.. 0>iA's of dlabonftti ' aAIWn me? as Thsis vas doueshi' Dr. J. B. 4g> à Bar. 1 doue anythbg *aqugt'l M Ploabytenian misilonary. lBs b4âa lit N"lidb.oIm idiI fi 1 1 8 2 . a le r s fo u r j a n ' e l ô ii d .- d @W t .,. a n d t pO u bea e u t î c a n-t ' lt he (hacuntrY. and om plèétaSfit W ft6- stand (bs c dut sofo irla s on M Y ln b Ovei ar. Prior o file t tà" vas t iitnlq eil an0 rnâ4ut,. it t o u on Py ab uean u of lntira m m uh t bo. ou wr -oa è but mup s>vu, th t 1 am In i tOIRaR the fo ar , ne thé -ité. ie 1l4 o pirt.4tè 'eu-Ltve- da f1k, ho T1IAW RfASSERTS DE 15 SANE MAN Chias That Joreos Qus.ds layPeptely Proe Case WITR~ES ARE RiCULED Whlite Plains. N. Y.. Alit. 1.-RéAs sfirtlnt bis SsnItY. itarry K. Tiiaa ha» lsCticds a talemnt revie'iîng thé eri. dauce given ln the rment baarilng Du bi4 application for release frofu th@ Matteawau asyium. ln thé course of his argument te au%. tain 'his contention that he Us saur rTlaw àid (taRtwcoraing tu the allan- rists, Distilet Attorney Jerome lad pi'oven hlm te be sans .ftoy.Ave tilt@$ over" lu bis long quettionlng. Tha'a egttement folov: «Mr. JCrome's vitnesset weré in Ultjuruslonal Isvyer sud a unfortu. Bâte vOM&On vho routradicted flrh ruther. Aile breuf bis peullér Allen. lots sud Dr. Baker, wbo, ft;um i. tae- tsoaiyght. hava- beau on Pitber aide sXcet that bu shoval .0>1e unirea. ligle-iteunusasd eould Dot rmeimber mân, admissions ho hasi mada te, me sId te Dr. Pligrini. "Dr. Baker admItedil@ did not to Dr. Pikrlm. Rsvyltwe Physiigens ttamente. "Dr. Baker admîctesi ho dld n4t ..bei. 11@e In luss echusle hé had nevo seAn anY. Dr. Hirsceh ,aMfrDjà' thaï: thir Irof"lon wvas ftlotipîbWvlt5 religion. Dr. llacDonbid sud Or. Plint refused te bleve hst jerome bd Soiemnly Sqtated te a jury, fsu T hardi, thik ay Judgo couisibeleve sy 0uy them. I 'The hast @expertsbhave luformesi me thal If *nY Insane man van questiuoed for twenty minutes.,a&R.lerome ques tionesi me. ho voulsi asaurediy %ho% hi* lnaanlîy. As jerome képi this up OvPer fifen bouts IlRitaIurinÉ ths trial, he provesi me safte torty.fite tma ver, for (40ài...5k' William McCory of Highland Park snd MH4 Property. iFroui Wednesdays StUN.) ('an a man over sixty and worklug Only a few days out of the modutb live on li"0 worth f household goodis sud a house? Wlliam Nle'o'Y gays e can sd the board of review le investigating. NcC.Ory, who ia cliamed to have 8o1d bfis farm for $12,000 a year agO and mQved to Highland Park, claimed to the board that he bas only $50 wortb of houeehoid goodsansd t he bouge It- self and bas given svay ail the r"et The board voted to look hlmt up. He A JAPANESE TOULT. 1%9 Dama... Br*wn maidês lua mer MldeyAtti,0.etrtna the fudge pel'ty vltb oriental rami- iieeues. "Ou èvery holiday." as saisid. "Ibo Japanas maidan muet ri»easd bave ber (piaI flniahed before (ho sun look& uver PuJlyaLms. unr asr.d InoanWi. "AStI vIat a toi4o iTIe loeg tueras Mlerkir oes are visbed, tNmbod and gUases i ltiie(bu hod chinas 111, a buSh Or poi b d b isel m rbie ê T he i cheeka are rougesi a dlue pnL rhelb tbroat, OacI ansi boomare pevdered. but at the nape ofthel neek the" are Wet (brasjlinos of the original brovu Mk411,lu aceordance vith tbe rules of Japgnuee osmetie art. I~~Tl e<barro ellebe roundi l iàld lCll$tens ber eyebrov.' tbe- reddaip guI dia monsi lu (ho ceutér of tbe pont. lgloiver 11P. Bbc pute-ou iight triAs Brucutean sd el. tise ber obi,' or criât seul, lu a ymbolIRal kuot. Hr. kaî -ahe doeaa'î ear tocinb-ara very Irbite ansi Pure, andi ber clog are I lioquàeresltltiithy usine III. a .11k bat.9 "Nov albcela rassi'te set ont eh@.i @Iila ber il t(bmcco poàcb. Ibruats ber I PIP pip6 bor girâIlo, pute auta ptàbolbaud.n liorhlof liwber ideve sud un- lisptor~, Innlg br tosq tiuansué v.v Throe Combine, CuI$~. Six,> Two Front .h» i Select S8* WilI Spond $5000 'Ltt ens New Structure ii S4 U4ié I w,srmwdinè Of HuIla 0à Wàçihà.srnr éMIgO ioîrîtrct ce" ésb.ewim té B « ff faeeite btsiju à Mti for ~Jhs Ik Sletied M.AlAi g da Phiel Chffce *aa mbé i si i. Liat Sutdsy ut opoÀe.ý (ront WedueedaruSN Te buiid a (vo eslbrick hait l4 three Lithuil.u sgw.e of *du Irai sud North MCliodbo lav biaed te au.4A~ ae~h committa0f (vo 2ien teni0 eti sud are nov looki f*n aite, 't'he stop vaa lak" iAtîUà to meeting lent Bandai'.. eii llé l" hi eties arc St. BartbolO*~ wfts largeat; St. Anthon* > soclitieareeu 1raSMdenature * money la *bout aadAit, each trsatry Ialu idA 4 a aheadi,'asudthe ait.o9~ut4 mat bus>' at once 10015fi l4hC vhicb âl bc ha l b *ihe liprinigadiotrict. Jutin *tIlà S uo Choira. The atepu la not tala s 1ti of aoy tr-ouble vhate9gr. bothll because their, oldlb"111, Opekas hall, la g hen theIuÀtbuanja we h 5 the>' say they ee.l*41i Other eSlety aira~bs b ai Therefora their pIssýa, The tvo frosu Stbalseàq' Society are charti MiWi street talior, sud C1*4 Us baker. This Io theasecod, m"cbidh* noye ln a tev veeka, Vlu«0uh et, Planning an sihk5*ulfr on MCAIIIter ilenas, SMeo lo have bsn Pubilabesi. lane Oid ftailroad' P4lLl àft itrtuatieî,AubtdI0 Mun forPrmIe4i Mos, ane.a, ci",2~ To Appeir Atlàsohsê"vifi*d i ew dey Evleimilg. (F'roid Weduenay'asUiitN.) '*The Blue Nom"ue" Ij* W 30an et the Schvartz theit« di<SAo s>', Auguat16, vas originUlylira iacad lu Berinu; lu ktct.i, Id pti ,Manin& therealatet *o Y*"ig. 013 1101, tiro playvrgbt, ma* (ha faBle i Oermsuny lent aumipanau ~u~ blY mode a transi.. )fT11beBi ous ue' ,aste C ~ ,aY old ruliroai prae$j l(th evary pretty gtb s If (t, bis socratari', Dç"ed, sud lu 0or 0& ie trd, snd h nae ths Bine toa eo i 4 ué rt vltbths prssiloga~ risodlaefun.hlfti u~eg su are iuarriasiaa4"d h aslot vaîel under . tSm. IIUOqêi.. les are dravu in t tuetirsaca. ab 180 la thse avaetbe4ft OC t i"Kg., voîel se the tathor 0filMms.fllgtt ne of tboe bucolir éboUas t"ssCe.s 069, Nelir York. Thome are f tie ln aIllsud the Centctajbisathirtp,. ýree porto..lun tis rst "lie-n Qe Moua"" la the "blggeat" farce ver Produced. M. Ftitch la saisi tC, Iâvloue hm ut vorI, aud lilas fanisibw&*b11> euàlacted (o cromte thse foie 0« t»I' tute. la no veli Cà"et tuai aiet» Id ln this country tlis l «.au Ruted, esle yUl he euored fhgLaog the aume plWy: 1%w pI'c*eoia &ve von the piblo ic rm fIA àt bas1"heen tise odu 'll 'té ouse"' The le " tt 10 achosu nmural altetolna hae ba4 muc toioqI4 auccae. Se"tal ir morua ac e % -- Ol DI -E ý P DE"NTý'. boa, --- ý."w là-&n.m UJUýNTY INIIFPEýIMEXT AUGU&Tli- lem ITHIS MAN'S A WONDERI