LiAK MUN' I'N.DEPENDENr WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVIL NO. 47 Two Parts LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2,10l1 Pageis Part One $1.50 PER VEAR IN AI)VANCE. LAKE COUNTY l'AIR ,AT LIBERTY VIII! New Poultry Hou@@ and Stalle Being Built and Socqety Looke Forward in Blgge&tY ear In Point of Excellence and Attendmnc-Numceroue Attrac- tions Have Been Booked and Hurse Show Fettures WilI Be Prominent. Northern Illitis andaL lake cotîuty in particulat- are litukitie fornard toi- i-ettantly to te ifty-sxtît anitîal Lakte county fair nuit-ltwlli be ht-id at lbiety ville îoînîî-îclîîg tie last day of Augt andt lasine gtbe first four dlars of Seîteîitber, Auguat 3l, Seîttettibet- 1, 2, anil 4, 1909. Tis agrieutiîral society wblch bt's charge of tbis fait- Is au old une. I. bas sîod tht- test uf years and ba$ nul bt-en fouiti wantlng. It bas witb- stood trials sud aalversity but corne8 titiet-et-y'est- smling wth a bigger andi beter -puutîkln show'"itan bt-- foie. 'Puntilu show" Iso nt usîtd li ai sart astit st-use for It lsanai agricul- tîîttl shiowanaîd fair. It- fouîîdatiou andîlbat-kitëneare titt firniî-rs of Lakte cuunty. 1 lit- saîtîtl by t t îobly year after year sud, ttrough t teir supîport it bas earnt-i ils stîtcesa. Eacit yearth ie fait- gron s a Ilitletie lter lu ils iscupe.seryt-yiîe .1 la It montte respects tbe saute old 4 show.n -bat there are chauges for tlits1 better that at-e more titan nticeattie.1 The bçrse show features aere mnate-. urated last vear for the fit--t tinte b-t1 libu- a gîtîd vaccin-e point. btoit.- Tttts1 veart- lite wa li te n-trc herse situa1 iteratise t e-oteit-likei lt andl abat1 p1ýi lte nasut the sOciety waili udeat or t l i il-tho),Tbhls îervectted tarite bas oîtit abioutt lrotîgittbe containt Iîîatitg tInfluentce uf fLake Fut-est, titi uilliotaireýs* rua on 'ila'waulic asve- nuîe sotit of Libettyv it-e, andthie In- fluîx of ncw Itiood lTe iherse situw bas mtan teritorluus quaities. There scarccty breathes a man witb souai a nunî bctecontnot helt but admtire aud delight lit weii bred and aveu traineti borseflesb abet- It la ust-i for fat-m tturposes or for îtieasure and style, lTcey arc Godaé own handlworit andl deserve every bornage and admiration. Amot-g tbe classes wbich aili b,. exhibileil at the fair this year at-e: Light horst-s trotng and roadster; Miaillons, marcs and gelinga. ant-t-p stakes. trottinîg ht-ca mares aud gi-id loge, pttre breil coacht bot-st-sGet-liait,î ys-ar, 'tChicago Day,"for Mauy front titi ciîy wnul have the opporttily of t ottiîg titat they aili nut have ou %ny otiier day. lTe hall garnes compose une of the moat attractive si-orts uf the fait- and sue teani whitiritbs played at lt-ast cigitu gantes titis season lu elîgible to enter,. lt-anis pîsylus professlunal toin, bon evet- forfeit their saate uf the luitse. There aIll be six games ibi' yî-ar and tbe entries comprise thte best bail teanîs uf not-thern Illinois. Gon urmtses ha-te bt-en offet-ed. U .L I tone, ljher*.) ville, ai recel-te cti- tries for tics-e e-et ts. Thes officers of the fait-at-e about te sarne as ln years p-ast. W.E. Nlillier, presideni, bas llicil tiat itusi- tdon faitbftdly fO)r a nuîrter tof y Ciira and att-n astued abotut the fairt- ii year repiiea briefiy, lTe best ne ever hai!' J. B. %fot-oe as secrî-tsty bas actjtired a ituonicîlge of iti-racing ln the few years of bis serv ie aîd has put forth tet-ry efforti titis year for a gîut] i-îtc! plrograrn. W C t-legs, tieti- t astir, laa nitea ts on îte staff tbit lias -i iiîtcoîîut-ýed avit the fait iii atiotîs caîttîttics for a nîîîiîî-r tif ira attî ýl i 1hl] l it ew ptosilltintist iteflîliy. lTe Lakei ttit airItlilias cai tîcîla relîitttt luitaind a gntai une. lu dît-a- donsîtaairc- itit favorable and niit ith- t-i trii ii, tk outhiose ln crharge tht-t-chsct-i-ty reason to belle-tetai t n ii b. ta-hu' iîîîîeî ' Laite r-unîty fulis go as a taatter of course, sudfit bordera ciosî-ly tîlon a boitte corntiîg anti rt-ut îioîî 01lfritnîs anal actuaiu- tances ta' bate t- ttst-cii ach otiter for tbheîtast tear arc always fournil at te fait- Otsiders ,onte becatîse titere at-t attractions anti sigîtia nortit seec ing. ltThe*ueJuy tittiiielves andl bave goodt ittis - WILL TAKE CHANCES WITII THE!RESI Antioch Man Ailempta Suicide But Chataged His Plans alter Striking the Water. WiII Quilive Methuselah. Gene Sas age, au euployee of the ('alifornaaIce cuutpany &-t Channel laite an-i tht- son of aito do fatr-t eh-a ut-at Aitiocit, Suiuta't nigit. utar '5 ot lot k lttttd ino tht- laite avit suicidai îutriiose,- btltafer be guI Jito the- ,atert- hi-eauget] laitîlut]d aud sitouti il lot- li-l Frenchi nal Engluait pure breal Nor Satat-e hutil tl i n-tt-roui- of Mans. stailiuea nmares and] et-itnie,lgs itoat stotitshaaaltst]djunitet puare bt-ct]Englisit shirt- staltittîs, 'overboarîl Pt-aitoutitu'u be at]ronet] mares anal geldiung pure brout Clydea- tians. tallons, mares anal geldings. French coac h hactneya, 'torgao anti Clev'elandl ba't gtades;' Nout-nait dt Engluab Clu %de-sdaît- gradesnul iner t-sm, carniage anal dri-tiuîg t-sut sou Sitlsandis. In tht- roadatcra nl hbe fouut] tht-et- classes: Trottera, pairs anal nitaboiit casas. Wtiit ttc hamesa botses. lit-sty bat-atsa iturses. hotu sinel> anal lIn pairsiigi t at'ppers, gie horst-, lad- les' chians ait aîuîuiincietta, fuur-iii banal and] roalteae, tsademanal uni- t-utn. sadalie. galtet]anal coiutbiuattaut anal beat lady rider. lt-pre aili ete cfolluwngieclasses for bui t'a andtul mpera' Light anti bu-st v t igitis, juitîitte suit] iigi itîtiis. b-st boy sait girl rider as a cil as lri-zes tocliter>' oîtfit aund station a agotu lite abus e hucluides pt-at-Uta- y% ail ciass tfor tht- torse bowansdt froîtu te- at -tutries at-e cumn lnlu titere las ete> promuise out litely ct-n îuiiou. Otrer exhitiit nitlut-tcuile cattlt- shee,m utles, sht-tp, swine sut] pool- t-y A ut-n pouutry bouse fs belng huilt tiis 'teau. Ase agricuiturai anal ilsirY lutoduttts, fruit anal seetsbles, carniages, buggies anal mecitanicai arts, rulinar>' anal preservet] fruits, fluners, domestit- manufactures anal ot-nantuai needit-avrit, young tulks, asotIs ut art sut] natursi hislory, arts anal crafîs anal miscelian>' Tht-rt-st rentreaili ite hn charge ut tht- 3W. C. T. U. as aveu as the thtct roum ntsdot aili affurd a quitt place tft- tht-aat, sicit or dstrt-sst-t] andl l.eaaluartt-ra for aomen anal chitdren. lTe fit-e bige ays atverbhsed l il e ulialeutd ontht- folowing manuer: lîîcstay (Opening Day), tht-rt- uil te no admission citargeal as te rost ut te dayaillite aevoled bubte edis- puay' ut extiblîs. Wt-dnesday-Ail at-boul chiidreu un- der 14'teas-sof sgt- aili ite admîtteal fret-. Thursalatatht- ig day and alia- ways consplcuous ou accounl t o the large attendant-e. Frida>' tht- exhibits aili ht-jutigou andiitht- fair aili te at ils height. Saturda> leaBt-rh>' Day, tht- day an uhleh the- great Laite count>' runnhng rat- t aiteplace. Iî la aleo calledtieI uouu eIllie laiteilha ltiIepurîboseof cuuiug bis tifs hAs soutes lut- shîuuut a party ut ie tsorti et t settotnt lit a t-o-tboat anti aetutolutiie rt-st-uic 'tîklug Savage wttot ut1wi uu 'altulu"ii hut living. Aftrr sontue miutues speut ln tt-en- antuseft-lon t- rtert-s eot Savage lu out-tu bis t-t t-t suid breathe t-ssii>' atgalnu sîtdlioda-tlite i5Set a ontfor tht- ut-e cciipatty, lotteIlu,- norse for his plonge. lThe- r.-pit Antilut bn ayisla iat Sas sgt-s n oct'at-t'-a ruinathon ut toc itutuch ithuîer-lut la-tu- a tile fanitl- trouble ou i ls on îu tile of ttc bouse, It la allegeil suita îîuarrei hie is sait] 10 ha-te hlt]da itlitli,;ate that day, lile O t ttonn tri have lu fi bIs honite lu jouît a calti) alontt lsatt- antu iti a ift- la ituomn ntlistae stut forhiio, heegine hiui to10couic hacit le re- fuisedt-look te rotr bot.and Su it tpt-t loto te laite for aant-t-. Ht- l ana-textellent san lînuî-r sald aîy lu,- il t] tu"reacat-' bînîscif us not sîsîcîl lit- atanuo children. Bis part-ut ownua large fat n-ts]are- îît-stuerouu t-te> at-t 'tr. aud 'trs. Joui. Sus age. Sa-t gt- has heentlt-dgt-t] t-str Io do te tuicliagain. Causes Mut-h Comment. "I catiutlter affirut nur t]eny ttc repuort that ut> relut-n frum Eut-upe was bt-n-atht about b> tht-rt-ut-aal uf tht- engageent of 'tias Rut-hI anal mn>self'" Titis cniguflaic statt-metnbt Philip T. Starck, 2908 Kenuture avenue Citi- tagu anal Batringtun. Ili., ta expecleal to pluioge trienils ut Miss Mldred ituehi, 1072 Sheridans roàd, Chicago, anal the- 'otune man into atil deeper &nyst-ry regardine tht- abatis ufaf- fairs betavecu thet- au lTe engage- men t 'tir, Starck anal Miss Rut-ht had bt-tn sunounet] anal a avt-tding date fixet] avien autdenly last May' tht- simple sutentent a-as made that lt eitrtitai n'as broiten. Ibis vas foiloavet]b>' a report Ibat Miss Rut-hi vas 111 anal the- deparlure ut Mr. Iarcit for Europe. At the Rut-hi hume t avas said titat tht-tamîl>' vas passIng te summer ai one ot tht- northern laites. dion and tht- way hl bîtrusil sioavea It A NNUAL REPORT Of tel be sut-b, anal tht- Qîbethlut tht- oil avas gaxoline avih avittîlithi i e gai- ILAKE CO. SCIIOOLS ion t-an was fillet] by a oit-t thautIn- staad of tet-osene. Maze of Figures Reveais Value of ______________School Property in Whole Couuly, Numnber of Pupils Attending fichools SCIOOL BUILDINGS of Ait Kinds, Where Tax Payera' TO BE INSPECT!D Morley Goes and Other Titings o Great lulerest la People. Stale Representatlve Iou aspect Ail of Schoots on Invitation Ealended and ('otty SLîîeiîtîudî it ut Schouls Make Report--Schooia Thtug In- Simpson Ft-Iia-t cttîîiî-et,(i bis animala spected 10 Gel Diplomas ar Will Be rt-purt to teitaie tinitht- condiioît Refuaed Therri, When Tbey Must cf ft-itools lunlLak, t riutyý Corne up la Standard Set, Tht- btîlb'ttlosIYl t-itt, lar-ge sheetet] volumue of thitr itages crtts The foîîowîng ta of b t-etie vetything in relation lu th t -u anal cauîse accurdîne tu Cout, t jtieutriltteîil- roîmty scitools frotut the sîîbject uf fi- Sînîpsoos rt-port tutt- rtt at nance up tu the- figures regarîiîg pt-i lt-ast tavo uusanîtary an î tut ttarcla)I vate st-hools, tht- nunîler of t-at-bers, In Laite county: Ibeir avcerage wagt-.andil aIl csc of In- Begluniug lte fit-st of 't tetnhc-, ercat to tht- tax payter anal citizen. tht-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l upritoeto u,-iîtt- lTe rt-port, not In detail, bot In ah- tion iii bt-gin a systfi h il t'tu nisît r aatt as foillus: ion of country at-boots. Number Boys Unden 21. A pamplhlet aili itt- 1 u itig Laite counly, 9.405; Wsttbigan, fîtil aat la regardeil -uauîîî'urîî ý.,3s; Laket- Fort-at15". t-te roon st-boul. D- tai- info uurmîa- Number Girl. Under 21. tituît-t wiiibe elven as tlu Il.- tjiti l I Lakte cotînty, 9,133; Wauktean, mtenit, course ut studt ît iutiiatiît...t. 21i,5;,Lake Foretsi.569. goeuttrnmnt asunt] uttliii iThii-. nBoys, 6-21 Veare. Le aettut10ail wbocn o t -.ît f it Lakte couîty, 6473; taiitt-gaiî, OitIntustitonof tht-rî ttsttui-t-t ;'tLaite Fort-st, 381. ittt-(Intî a represeutatit t oft lit -t Girls, 6-21 Vears. uflihît-Mn1ut vîsit the- scittîtti tttîi'tl It Lat'-rînîy, 6,499;- Waubegaî,1 lte rouoty sulerintentiit If lier 1,1.7,;Lakeu-Fut-est, 379. art- triandt] t0be up t10 th.i-- -'itatti a Total for couuty, hors antalgirls un- diiliitia ai be Issuedto ~til- , î li er 'Il18 0-32 If ibsa are flot up t1stnrsî~î~~tîiuuut Ttalfor roanly, boys anti girls i .1iutg null he pointet] otut t-an lut-21Siytars, 129,72. ilits-e batte bteu madet-gootitullpite -iiNumben of Scitool,. iltuî iii ho Issued. 1-arl i tititil Ofle huindreti ant ixai districts ha,c, CLOTIIING IGNITED BY BLJRNING 011 Mother of Babe pNine %Months Old 1 Meet. Iragic Fate in Tring 10 lg- nile wîth Oi. John Haese of Oak6 Street Hero of Occation but Effoffl are Vain and Serve OnIy to Èase Pain of Wornan Vtctrn. The- feaiture of tir(- iiiou'-î t rier th-3 i. mains cf tltelate 'tirs. Besi- uces- bv, Nahu dift-l ast weeik or burns re- ceit-il front luiiirt g o]ilwasttihe work of Coroner- Ta-t or anîd bis jury to final whether bt-rosent- or gasoline bail causcîl the avuttian', injuries, lThe n orait hct set lf (itttt -tt e ,t- izSait Inttfinie tli tedat h%, a t ut- t, Xc or a utet>,hiiit. ajin hatlltir-i e1id her iitesal 'tif kerosette. Per relatives at the Iîiqtest next utorning art' saîdti 10hae tI~al-id tht-taine . flit o he'inc nd t.-tr. %- itîo t eto t e tii i i r iit L n e rIitr- Itîtte titie natutre f iti it' itirittcatî.si lite bonis, srint oti it ttilatt'ttt thaý til n -ai sti t- ttîin a lartît t. tha Detala of Oeath. tii irath ' i r S t-,. lt a i -iti a fîeiing (ifi ttrrat (1( h itilt ',d t t Tii nut i r. atdrti Stt'e-it at i a' h t i t 'irf an'id-. E 'uit i-ttrets, ttta n rnatt ait.t heite intîtîer cf a itaitaoui'- abtotît itt tstit ,itt lit th-a- l, ta eeil a sait ouf-and relati atttlfiti (id5 att- i raIedl Mir.tîtnd 'trs.-itte SlI' i lt ha1it 1 itîtu tisilînt-ît thte Ironie out h-' t tntant utmitiîti, rs 3h IinzIîtttttt it retttrt jt-î )t ttheir'i -tai ::ti; pe t i 1t EOtrtv 'Street ritar fout, ia-ttîath-t c tilt] ai the grandi mothersi Ltghte Fatal Ftre. At tte boute Mr. Sn-t t titi t is a1 it-t ail ent tcrer ai tthe nvire ii il i. leftI lis n te tt Oce IiiliitO. 'trs. Sneesbyapa[tjtc tu--tohates - tered the- fiait atdti îtîltil da n od i Oî. lthen she sent (olitand i b-t i sb t-ailte bacit fouil ttrefli aptarenti,' il lThrclhtre shite a aid to basve t aluen tht- ou cari, a fi-, gallotn afitit-. ànd emt ledsi ortie ufthe- ut] uiret-lly front lt mIb te sltoe A flash anal tto-ssti a repttr: mac bits e ieen tbe rt--uit. flaut'tg cili iid enîlers t-ut r"i Ntr ,-st eeiSby.i îte.iiziig tibai site na,-afire anda bal'- lta -tatil, site iled lti iti ir, rita- i t'n t ,tur it 01tite' iittt'i ii ;lie d-seilittg; ,nd thet t-'ci eaoîîîg ftt ailj Haese Aîds Mrs. Sneesby. 1 Johi n sQa itici i ieighitithuodt attd set-ite thit t nitt i ]tntit i tî ratil lin at]itt r su îîieaîîtîtîe traIt) ito f lit-r ti i antdiatî,itcî citS e titi onttrt gec t ,r-t fît ttrtii - Sit elt. 'tr. tht-ýse proiîtil da tlariktei nrapt-ed ber- nitîhtu il, thltîiffintg lthe fintes. atto i then itikt-îiter- tit n th aid ands (rie îd lier tri lier tîtottier*s il-sel lin g.1 Tbougbts for Cild. by kepIt-callung Mtr. Htcese titI Oui aIi ii ' -t oa' brerc rthe halte tislu t n heu be tiartîr ilit-t tul it- -tsa-iiig n oitnsu '«If ii ttII 'Ii. , i tîthi .li" i ;dlrie t v toit, Iii1.1i1i't'itttt lthe Irontie rif titli i i t-t. ands-tJIl la- tret (t lite i clic'.', eut ta le dit-i l 4i I,1 ii 1t'l I s ' 1 t1. illtît , t t - ccl it n tt itt tt h t tbt it], r I 'ot- ti thte ora tf ;tt ii aitd Officiatis Woman Tet-ribiy Burned. Vu hie 'trs Stiet sti*a tias terribly iîte u-l al ott-r lite front of bier body ibh eritt ith, ittot terrible iturtis i elow lthe naist. lIantver li-r face tat] beir nere also badly huirŽd. Site cotîl l tot lia-te t cuereil.f Extent ut Fire. A t lthe uortirlie flaities. aftertrhbe wontaîtibatlet-f, gav e a stift b9ille ait thtir-e ilcîartuteni. Tbey bocneda faitiae aie titeir wa't tbrough and a partition. anit ceîtitro'igh ont-cor- tler ut the- roof of the d'a chine. lTho diaiage IF rraly title stitioial but thte lire nas flot a large one extcpi 4n tbe tragie fate il alali ott lu a iovioig alto and mother. The citizetta generally toîtîla rwitta thte striciten. Drs, Idelloas sud Waiterson alten-1 tiet]Mrs. Sneesby, - aviun7 been cailed rlgbt atter lthe accident. Site was tî-cated vilbh ou, whlch ws spread aIl oter lier hody, sud Ititenederty1 enwrapped ti bandages. The Larsoni anal Conradl ambulance rîide a record ltreakIng rtîu lu andl front the- stena witb the- wom ant the oil was kerosene andl that lis xc-t -'t-oul six nmonths or mtore anal ont- district, tuwnshuip 43, range 12, haxs no Tht-rt- are 30 et-adi-i anal 90 un- gratit-i at-oots. Gnaded aud Ungnaded St-boots. Tht-t- are 3.529 bo'ts ln lte gradeil scitootsanatd 3,27tt girls, sud 1,216 boys antt 1,098 girls;ln iugradet] arbools, a total of 8>913 School Statinllce. There at-e ta'o alune scitoul boîîes, 27 btit-k, ant]91 fraute lthresn-et-e built dîîrlog tht- year. St-vent>' lau districts ha-t-t libraries for avhiç 2,137 ut-w volumes stet-c bougiti taing s total ut 17415 oluuuues. Privale St-bols. Of ltivale st-hoois tht-t-t are 16, a itit 073 bots anal 594 girls, a total cf 1.437, a t 41 uit-osîtdl41n oint-o Wages of lustrutons Tht- aterage muutbty nagt- ut rien lest-t--tr-t$10 us Tht- itihest rate s lt)-erfieill it a rate cf $250,n 11h Lake- Forest liaýi h $200 andilWatuki' Tht- att-iage iouthly wagt-of wum- t-u t-at-l iert $56.10 nit hatktgsn lesdtîîg nit ils rate of $120 a-tiontb. Fluant-liData. Total distritI5x lt--ics. $281,771; WVatksganu,$0hut Laite Fut-est, $15, Totti alite slitool pi oîeru v $703, i-i Wttt~gat -fl't Sit -LaiteFut-- Tttai ýalite litraries 151,5 Wttkutgsîi, 6:1 Stutu ; Lake Fot-tst, i iI alIWut' t ou tiwniiatiit. $25. '7' 5huîkegan ,,î .Latte Furent, Toi' ibattît i triol uit h, $191,700; l\'titct,$52.tutut Laite Forci-t, $20-. Wbere the Monie> Wenl. In sa-ttuet îtenîîretei et] $M,92t1 7; \hiiua. $2.7t0,; Laite Foi-est, tutTitis is for grailtîl scitools. lu ti ialil riools nien receivet], Vu it attrciut iiliisala ries tire liait' a.sîîîltcir$99A4)8.79; Wauit-- gai, $t ll7 Lake Fut-est, $13,.- ;llî - 't In unîgrauietiscituols n-unit-n receîteul $7i-t uht74. Titis iaies a total ut $164,524.55 ln For aciîool toussa $3R,967,62 avas ex- li-led. $5,00ii going loto sites, $18,- 875 a4lutu iuîrovt-oîeuts,$1,569.30 Int turîiuir, $1,484.15 into appara- tuis, $3,,,6ilotobhocka for chiitren. antut$ t 'tt)hloitttotookstut- district Fuiel ssdii iciutî-nals t-ont $573?79,02; Wtaultegai $13,706,65; Laite Fot-tst, $5,979 72. Cliiis rot-t $1,086.25; Wsuitegan, $300; Lakte Forest. $150. Irueresti oust-boul bundts osI. $4128.-1 andthlie total paît] on princi- pst nas $u30 Trilliont for, tranisferret] pupils atouteil lu $78.15. Mtisceiiaiteotis exîtenditures of ail -itlîds ln Laite couuuy amountedt] b $13,339M(3. Tho- total of ail expenditurea vas $322,545.45. Plus luos, balances, ett., $ 387555.61. Wauitegan Township High St-haut. In Wautktgan townshbipibigi st-bool mnu arters receiveti $6800,n'uuteî ai 75 total of $16,050, whîlc $9,000i nas siliet for, titool site anal $3 525 for t-eut Fit-t anttiniileuînals anîotntcd lu $30629f); t Irris, $450 ; luterest ou bourds, $h -w arrat-siansdinjunt- tilii tOttdusail tbld, $3,140.40. shin lteit- ro-ýt of tabla tiltout-t stanttitng t-tatt-au' 'ualoi of lte Say er lTso balance- ot iaissuJutit-30 waa- $?57,7" '- ilanti total t-lueniîtutesnet-c- $1 23:l sss * .du lutoraîts andt]balance, Thiei folîtu s a ieîgity abowing of t'- cottîîiotn of toit lîttîtittls Genieral Stalisttcs. Thtre are st-rtn disitricts avitt mure titan t itttjtpopulation sud six bigit scitool-ý, at Wauitegan, 380 puplis; itetrfili 262; Libertyi]EIlt, f65; Grast- lake. ,- 7; Lake Villa, 14; Zion City, Higli St-toutStalîstice. 'tVsiirgan-17 test-bers, 2 normal grauflaio-tiandti1i1Icîltege eraduates; IAS_ vh oluîmes lu iibt-ary, courses ln litaittal trainingteanît iditestilescience. literfielal. 13 t-at-bers 1,579 vol- itiinluibrary. .litent *v ile-3 learbers. no man- iial t-aine or duuîcsîic science. titaysishe-2 Icacitera 150 volumes tri liirar. ito otantai t raining or do- nîtstit- science. Lake Villa-i teacher no utanusi trainuing or douoscat science. Zioti lty 4 teaciters, 255 volumnes ln Ilbt-r't - nu marnuai training or do-j nîscatrscience. lThere are 117 coutfurlabte sud san- itary school bouses anal tao unsaul- iary. Tacîîty-four scitool grounds hase nu troes, 63ha-te orusutenlal groundls anîl six final it diîfiuit lu itecît scitool for six ntoutits. One st-boul bail lt-as iban fi-te puilis lasi. ycat, six bail lt-s titan elght, and 1 leas titan 15. Eigbteen test-bt-ts isat year tht] not ha-te saiigi st-boul education or Its equivalcut. lhirty-tht-teavere begin- tiers. Ihere at-e tht-t-e muait- teachers lu the couulty st-boula tvo iindergartens, five drawing t-at-bers, five manuai training deparimenîs, four domestît- science t]epartments, sud alxtz normal scitool t-at-ht-t-arate empioyed, 65 n-ho atîsudeil nornals arool but dlil not graduat- aitd 31 college anal tîttit et sit't gradua-tes. SAND PAPER WILL ANSW!R BMTER Police Magistrale aI Lake Villa Has Many Inquines toi Make. About New Remedy for Pains inlte Solar Plexus. fil. (elsir-î-tof Laite Villa, polit-e naisat-att- coutpares easity alit MuarkTlwain sud others nbu travel n that claaa as saittmot-isi anal the lirot-ofutit is tht- loli,oainga-bit-h la st-If t-xp-latot-'tana lcbth "tties the Laite Villa n-tsitot a areath of fut-- get- e-nota on bis bruav: Polit-t-'tiagIstrait- Walter Tay- lor uof'tauitegan bta deviseil s nen- sionscitat-be renit-ay. 'The ittige ad-t ses ail aho suifer front titis achte to plat-t-aspiece ut pap- et- bt-ien t teir clotes andtthte body. Ht- recomnîn ds thia trestîîuîii-îî -auitgan parier. Lak~e Villa, Il., -Aîîg. 12 l9o9. liionoraipe WalterT- aylut-: ilear Sur- i enclose a cllppiug front tht- Auiioch Advertiaer contalin- ne s osraetapb taiten fr-nu a Wau- began dalily ot-avpapet- As t am st dores quile aeverely iroubleal wilh atîtutat-i trotîble 1 sut quite naturals snxiouîa lu try soit-e ut--tvreutcay orig- mnat-l by a man in your tiosition. For titis ressortailI 'tou iindly ansavet-the- following queations: 1. Witert abotîlî l lte later be Itiarei on tht- bodL 2. 'bVat lnîmi of lialer sbould be useal? 3. t'fow offeii sitouîldthie paper be be changeal? 4. Woult] palier froîti the- tAnUloch Advertisel-' or Autiocît \'ews" answer as aveil as from nu itt't Iaukegan paper? Kinilly ausa-er ai your-ext-lietatop- portuitly antiobige,- Yours vuet-y truly, H. GELSTRUP, Polit-e Magistrale. N. ilSuampeil envelope encioaed. Hures Barn Burned. Eti îlot eus bat-n southwesî trRuti- dotnt n aq strucit hy llghtning iast nigiti anti burnealbtiste grounal, taIt- lng aitb It sixty tons of hay. A amai bat-o lu the- rear ot tht- big structure aiso burneal Stock outinl the- fit-id avas savet]. SUDDEN SQUALL SCARES MARINERS 'J' Exciling limes in the- Waukegan Ht--.- bor Last Sunday Afternoon. Herosu hn Launch Rescue Boys in Capoized Saîl BuaI. Iliet-et-e seret-aten Milts of ex, cut'îuu--tîî at titt- laite front iSndg n-liutat 4:30 p. ni. a sudilen sqeai' ranis ulp. caîîsizci une sait boat, pot lte occupîants of ont- row btoat lu dire uist-esa i-o that tbcy net-ded iel -p, anti cittseti a gent-rai scurry of row anti saitluoaîs to titeir moorings. lte stitiall caTtot- up tua sime vhesf t un sutihoue itotly anal thteevas not a brealt of air stirring, Withoat wat-ning the- siy bt-came overcast, tise waves ht-tauto choppy, s vinilaras. anti the ses rougitenet] Tbe Highbati. tht- rapidiy ht-comIng tamotîs Butaford boat, whicit bail u huart]Citarile Gutitrie sud tavo other boys, ut ctut-ut-t]in the- quail rtght la tht'- mlddle utflte main itarbor tchan- Hindî-ils aitucasca te 1imbnt. 'tien and boys croavieil out an the renînatlotflte oui souipier andl gze-i harbora-ard wlîh anxlety. Wom'- t-ut on tht- new soutt pier si-ose 10 stand]ing positions fmu their satt nit fishermen hushande andl atraine l - ibeir cycs akwaitrd. -- liete Iret- boys t-lune lu the over- i ltt-ielboat tîntil s isîîncb containlnjg Attorney William F. Weiss, Robert M. Ingalis sud J. W. Garnaut came to the- t-eacttte ' Tht- latucit convt-ycd tht- three !». ahore anal sbortly aflerwards tht-y averte outInluruav buals agaîn. Miesotime titres row biouts madie tht-e itarbur picrs saft-iy anal rovedIn~t sbure anal a Iaodhng. Tht- Hayes siiboat negodtiaea th. sqtîail i albt-ast-anal gouil eama ' shitp. Baubera un tht- nortit piewerWte -1D. - roont-alf or a lIme sud bail te, &wat tîteir chance to gel aven taetsemain-. landl front tht- Islandlas iasnehemand. sutal hoata acurrit-ilto lise reaco. et tht-lt-as forlonate. Iu tht- row buat vete lu yoqu meu. lThey set-m hardly to bavé lutoav how lu row anal awim and,. - ahen tht-y gutInt tht- vash off the- - breavwaber prat-ticaliy eurrenerl tu tht- elementa, Wben J. W. Gaa-nant, William P. Weiss anal Robert Ingalle rt-ache,! tht-n tht-ylied tsiteu off abat-m and ! stocitinga ready tu Jump mIl.> tse vat- Î t-r ant i al the reacuers coulal atevwu bau pairs of frigbtent-i eyes. t Thet- lu aers laken off teboat Into lte launch analrt-movet-it shore-. Tht-y acre al lun Tht- boat vas nei- iy on t-ut]Ilutht- aasit as thet- tuaRat In lte at-ru mat-at]ot hxlancing te boat. Tht-rt- Is svara to lte effect that Attorney Weiss oit a rope betweell -t bis t-tl anal saam to lthe neacue but titis Is Jmat a yaru. MYSTERY 0F A DESERTIED AUTO OfFicera at For-t Sheridan Take Charge of Automobile 10 Return lit 10 Coms-. pany Thal Owns But No Clamsant 1, Has Yet Appeaned fnom Corpany foc It'-Speculation on Everything J from Fout Play Up. Tbere' la a whiole lot 0f mystery atm, lathei toluthc finting of a deserfeti a. tomoitile uortb of Fort Sheridan r-- t--sato0anal avble tht- automobile baa hc-en claimet] by a Chlcs«o Drus, reference lu tht- automobile dIrt-ctory bavlng ahoavu viere tht- automobile belonget] vho hired i t, analvhat bt-- came uf tht-m are tvo thiun th"t cause salteoion. Tht- automobile, a big black car, wa e tufi about a aveek ago, but it avas tbought to be ont-ofuthet usuai kinil. laid Up for repaira, that voulu! bie tlaimed by ltthevt-nIng utfeeh day. Haut-n-tr, te ilys passeal andi Il vas noi.cliueal. Tht-n tht- officers at tht- fort hegan lu gel bis>' Tht-y taok Chbarge of the- machine, looket] up its numbet-. trace t-t l ua Chicago rmot- lng cumpany andleltt tht- compan>' know n-b-ee is machine le nov. It bas nut 't e ten claimeil. lTe oyattry texture la IntensMfeal b>' tht- fat-t that a lady's jacket wus founal lu the- tonneau anal therse. u tht-rt- la raom for ever>' sort af a tht-. ut-y tronmfoui play' up anal do. utM the- people wbo retI-i tht- car billire camns forvard vith au txplmAUthe' uhatever. - tii su boom cerlifiet] ulit be Iuiulltittht-t Il it lite Press Bulletin. At lit eîuîl ut t- 'test- apamphlet aiitbe latted g-iig detaile l iafOranati<tiu titit pho- tcîeraîubs of ail tht- standardl ute rotutt The tuwnship treasurer nîust iteep selarate accourita of te eductlouîa anti building funofutt-t- dst'-- lThe compiensation of thte cent ut- sec ret-ry ut tht- achool boarîd niust hi- paît] front fundO not tera ise ap- protriatet], lattes uta-t aso be lt-vit-t for build- ing put-posels. Wàen' taxes are not tes ici for building pur-oses la dcfray te coat tfrt-pairs, Impruvemenîs anal sîtoulal assessuteuts, a petillun andal vote are necessar>', The oni>*' incldet]ebl expeuses tbai uts>'be legalia paît] b>'thet- rustees ut arbuolsarste frsu, tIse compensation of ite tressut-er, second, tht -ctrst of publishing tht- annual atateutent; titird, tht- rost cf a record bookt, if su> - fuurtb the coat uf dIvidlng thte sehoot landis ast] îoaig plats. lTe balance iuust'be distributedt] lutht- districts linlte toa'uhip accordîng to tht- ounuher of peracua rttutnet] uualc 21 vt-5t-5of age. Accort]hgttgluait oraler retrently ila atildfrot tht- st-puohversiiy, no hielu e-MPlu tu eltss titan titret- iigit scîtool tearbers nit he silowsadttor- ni n iite setredilt-tiliai. of tht-ui- Set-ait-.Thlie order, hoavever, dues nul got loto forte ltil 1911. Titis order a il pi a nîuibetcf the Sutatiet-tlhIv at-boots offtheib ti 'tra C E.Itales net- Sieabrocit, nittu hi spent the lasi. feat yesrs lut Ne-%-t'tYctk rit ' Flut t-te ouu sliîtt bt-t gt aituilaîeîua tt M. anti its. Geo. tli,6(17 Lincoltîuat-tet. Mrs. Date>' nita tîtruet la a tbealrit-ai sart Aged Couple Celebrate, 'tr. anti 'traq.E 14 Stripe of North Cibîago areieltut ollîsi.matrit-t] couple lu the stale. Tut- have bt-tn marriesi titty-fouir'test-s On Thursiat t- eiing, Auguat 12, 1909. ai. tht-boute tut Mr. analMt-s.3V. iH. Stripe oit Stat,- street, et Nortit Ciicago, lucre getteret] a tew ueigh- but-s anti friends aitit several uft tieir t-hit-o antI teticf thier grandchil- dren 10 congratuatîe tht-m ou the- fifty- fouitlitanniversarv of thelr 'wtddng day. A ver>' ,litensst evenhue wae speot aut]niantegod aisheaut-rt- ut- ieredt] 10tht-m for teir future, Mr. ant] lira Stripe a-t-rt-marrit-l u inte Oit] Parisit iErisroîai) t-hurt-b In tht- Parish ot Porîsea, burougi ur potl. utoutit. county ot llauipshire, Enelanut Augusi. 12, 1855. Strucit hy Lightning. H-it b>- a boit utlIigbîning a bat-n beioneing tu 'trs. Carrne Comba near Fort Hill hurucît to tht- grounil Salut-- day afternoon.te fiamea preying ou elghly tons uf hay. Mrs. Comba lau ausnasavere lu tht- barn anal aer, gbocitet b>'tht-ligîtt- ning but escapet] aflervards takIng 'out safsly tweit'e hesil ut horst-s anal catlt-Farut machiner>'. harness anal other boula anal equipmenl bumneil anal te luas leaiteavy. 2