__________________IAE CUNTY, 1NDEPNDIENT, PRIDAV. AUGUST 20, i1%». tilt em____tv__the ____n_____..._ i_________-f__hi- .41t ct La~ DAY'S Uto Attorneys on Doth, $Ides, Not Yet Roady. Wtk Decision and An,ýounçerent FoilIqwers $*y Voliva GIadIy Faces Chances of Landing In ltiln City Mes.' Dnwl. lia* Loased Roome at the N,orth Shore Inn andtiWlti Try to etrt Church of Ow. if 8h. suc. CedinluBreaking Oowicm Wt- Gle:ditone Sai) bo Be Hand anti aiove in Cahoota wth Hcr. thO propet and reîato is ia ne. If je said that clihe aialready en- aaged roomfç et North Shore Inn and If sihe euccî'ela in threitklng Dowies Willi In t he' t akh i,î'onty courts will conne tii ZIoti (lty cand tart a churcli of lber own i.ftllt another one. It ie ccid thaf Gadstone ta with li hanit ami gloie andiwilI aaco bear e ai ['North Chicag o (Front Wedpesday's SUN.) 'i . j c , cl , v w îjj îî t- open i lîhl i (>11i i> ilu 9Piim Mis M. S i.,ccf ha., zeciettu il ,ii;o affîýr .aliiilng, se ' iera iiayi., ,if lier miothei Mi, -. tB,.eal. Mrs. t.arwoîi of (7]Iî'uîa,îî l à ii ier riotbhi îMic. .t. Starvini flot> t 4Jeiliit, edc l ai fui te' ri, Alite h wwrtiielu, wil Hc' v- (Front Wednesday's SUN.) we'iki miiglif aî'eirig. Laie thig aftenoon Volova ortiersi) Mr. and Sire iG-,. Esrt ha-'riii ie,: th.e tcord trithe Mtiersticale t Ruioitiicll'h flici iclit îî'i fi wtîicli nîanq that hl ieltappeai a'cc their îîew boursei. tIrat IFe cave wiii lie reviewed before Mre.IT'iten ai,]iiaigtiiî'*fît fcaî' the appettate court. Attorney Pie u ay for Ftaaiagaîî. lit eari iiiltliîz gives the taterment a *Peck here ih lii Mr. aliîlNits. Thlic li aice ie that Wttlhiir t; teilî Grec'îuc. Voîl . a. ger'ila t iieraeî'r of tb t le Mr rl1 m ri jilnuciy 'Ii c ui i i i fliri cIii i athoalî' Atctoit' èýhuictire ri, afi'trdti ai zli. i 'ty , wiltigo tu jailMica l'i nii.iSi>,iiîlii a rî'tîii"ui, lnu1wflirtleplace 1w ltit) fltowi'nc tu liertiiii' h 'î gi Sti wa Flic i iiiii,4,f'tisflua iîîgîl t ZMon C('ý guEci uf 'Itiý,î Lia.' 'dîîiî1î l 1ii 1»-fi-, lIflic aî'î'eîd îpla'e hIlefi; aîdthtlaî ire. .1. Moian cli ou aiîg frîcîîît'i in thiliii t-rlie, has uînti 'clt- ccar 'ilcgo vlththet li oî'îsaaiy $Itit.li)ît Sothï-t-ail tir. aîîîl Mi Arfthur Yîuîiiau', î"îi niaioîî- uliit lvrdict i î'nieni ili t'. i uitoi.. loiir,thiihicptiace At torney On %I. Miv.> Xi. cifia liiculh chic ret rrr',tI forIol h-r8iltlwiit uow, with flic ex froin t 'lilecgo wh'rc 'lie' cfeiî'u c 'rai Piratîcu ofittodey. go rIght aliead wltl. itaîs a ii relatves. biesa rît for bileramnin. hand l it i M rs. C. lot mciesl titn rfi iii g i fo 6Shîi if t;rilliu and hriîîg maltenrnthlir front I hirago. tu e cllmix ne asliraitwepk lie sai t fln i ire Ain uMorris 1,. î'uîrtin.iiz Voiia hart heen iaiiicibol ie tct i. iu.cgu fr'iunît', prieve' Mr. clil tltCi. i-b 'iju caau' unît XX o- ic a,- heiffuiges the cnithilîisIg ilicr ccî'eîîinai îîutbtt clii brcr> ilutaund maire iteine ni)ou Vol- NIsc a('are Pl'iirît ias e INa and) alleze reagonete lime tek' rt M i.wolui' ha'. l -Il' , Î,it Xol lîa t i ulIr. i lidue nia!geî iv h9tî chefîl fri. r; i-hiiikîr. XXhif YI Xila witt tîi' lroutglit ti ti'cfi'rîL %I. t" tI c k" or 'li t-i r, uiît v iitg l E,' IliTîoîuc utof fi N-al i cf iL b lu; uîeaii aucloîietu go tri> ul 'îurî tucîlifîffi' ýilI i, Mrs Dowle to Have Church. t"l l] N'.'îtu f01112i"ailduclalon acuIl.. mnOmenooli. rîcîtilInixpiiit of diaset, Lrgi' ieodi dui.roit fltciymIndiii"t. lIon lu ion ('îy in the gonalp eabou,îtriete Th*'li r, eetue. ne of the iniuef NIr. ohnAIexade Elowe, elct r InfettectinI 4'ir'Iiuîtiis. were ulttin Sire ohn texeder hleice, ietlî tithed fuir thier %alt hendp. $Mg## FfIOUT WdN à witM OF WAUÏE6AN Mrs. Adelaldo Graharn is Given Titie te Valuable Phosphate Land by Courts Mater at Issue in Courts for Six Years Cornes With Decision Waukeginn Wornan Nnw Headt or Nlorth Shiore Inn Win n Fight for Possesslon of Landi Let hy Hus- band, and) Whlch Wai, Discovered t0 Have Vatualte Deposits of Giano, Phosphate or Fertiti. i uocXii i i'clW1deduii c SVtN i 'if ',Ail i' V Gu cucîî in.a-inceufý fil i large iii Norfl th lInic aiii izioii t'itsliebut cRVciîki'gaîi coni an i vrie. ,on (irf ieau e f ,if i'idpe un' ic',J it tili"il a 1h tub5 '.1six liai'Afhii, foi$t iii eud hca, ii îîît.î tii i'itiri liaciîîli eu l it a ii (ii 'If JI îi)iPî'îili'nî' Six i ce , aga lîî'îhp i, l i ai li,îil Iltii'cff a it i in Oi h ii. Po t' l'ai Ca,, îîti'îct îilii cilt Il fi ý oi'r'icefiui f c tig,'le fig lriii î'auîî caig ciaind cii' i thatfilie tand e-ca'>iuîdenlcîît ceer" I]l ti uf 'i i ti ti >)il, (f u a iino, (Ilueand, îî.îî'ai i c,, wlholitif cii c Xliuc here wes e teget bribe On. aJlt9M tote avp e t-e.i aartet lh, ofliertI)rciimplîîe tieirsanduiinteri", ic pupt' ifr-e iMNrlg. ciai Ari iîuur aC o 'mpany eue laid ft hlavi' liaýat n iiîifcr o!f 2M.}Oifui hf' cuit. Wheu Mrs- Grahiam lni nz what wae i ueinth ,njr,si Iii,'i if iscId 'h' n'a'> fuI) i cîh% îîî iha l ie mo cti) Il. tic' vfcrî i uifji ii ',isio. Ltter acuuîiur i iui îî' iiicîl i' ii iffi'i f a pu fi,-, a iîui aroi a i i Shle a(uck hcw-'îîeufoitiih. lig i . ianid tie btaf in lit,, lii'îî î i lii'c'ii m)î foîr six cciv tc ith, ui u10 A 'i fini.'frMi. Graheui, uisi o tee x agni, wals given titlü t thie land and the phosphate depoît. anditasiia ri.- mluit Of which aheIs Pla pnning Ilnîlda land devellopinent. Site ray yet sel] îor f'>io>arrange on a royaltfy beels WILL KEMUNEDY IN SEATTLE Found on treets ini Comatoge Coufil- ton Say$ Dispatch. (lt'rom WAdnpAdai e Sno Seattle, Walsh., Aiîgfil-william Kennedy,. n husinP'cc mcii of Wauke- gan, Ili. whO dieeîîuîîaîei) ceveral weeka ago, la lu the ci!% hoiitanu a cometone condition Sacre) days ago Kennedy wali fourii thîe wefer front onehte to speelum'cii aPparcutîv unablp to hear. Nli, loti feikeit îeulonetty mtice lie wa .ciit to th, hospitat. Kennedy wan Idetiiýftu.îtI.> aclrip- plugfrroi a Wsokegen Ii ar foiind tlu hfie iîocket. Relativesi c ii .oni)uni ceteil wtt1l, Or attemPts iiiaiti' to reecti hem, itlml probable Kciiii'iy wîtî tic lirouglitbeck to Waukî'.g.iî ASK CHANGE IN WILL (FrOM Wednegdaevc Sin,) Beîauae theltate Adolph l -offlitock Of Weukegan webe ticdsi, thel ('00kh cOnnty heaPitat nilcaîiilteihi, daugltein cDame inbhiý;cIll. iaking ti Elt -Johnson of! Waînhci h. near Henîhîrg. Germauay. lîc ofiieElia hi1rgencen of Wamberg. rieur Hean blirg, (termany, the (;ç>rnînn concui tlia wrtten here aaliliig thist the sPeling lie correcte aneuthîe wl miade riglit as te the Darne' It la probable thal t orifi,. weukfl gan eand. left by Hoffstocl> wilt be molid coon and proceeda dlvided among the ire. 20 CENTURY »AN SETTLES Frank Peltoru, Allegeti Embezzter, la Now Cl#aredl. (Prom Wedoesdsy's Sun.) The hecrlng of Fkank Petton. atlas 'W R Phelon of thte Tweudleth l'en- iirî achinery comjzan',u, diiihban a tlaut in Xaukegan, falleýd fa corne ta tîlal lii Miwaukee today hecaîsec Pet- ftonî hart attfet a nefflenunu 1! lo caii aft t' distriet attor-neysc offce aud as a îecuîtf the ppezation of $1,5"0 euîhezlenuezîîaras 00f presgecitPel. fon le kîîowîu here. WM. PARRY DUAD FUNERAL TJIURSDAY Joliet Painting Contractor who, Married WauKegan Girl Is Ne 'More 'ýee.erday îiîeiîîig (elling or Mr. 0o0o0o0oao9q0o0o0o0o0o0*0 0*0*1 Parr'y's lttneri andîii ithe flcaternooii ciREAL ESTATE TRAP r q came -ttc ifi'atli iic .gc 'he finie-o' rat l, heIdt tenx,, iii o F'rnisbed by L*ke Gointl' @0 Th() dtef h le 'he r rir ciii enilug oTit. and LTr"at ,MPy Of a imhi TIc if' Mi ScTh,, n tracta ;0 Tý1ê m'et i bi 0e' e viii aagO ai ithecShei' o teed, Manslc .Temple Bu] ,l4lât mian bous~e in Wiiiihacii cu0it g olî oWaukegan, III. Lous, . J'Prose, & Sicav bnîlft ap i eiî fiii andî a o Sec(-. e guui î,li c Afi hJ i' ihieuu pnr- 0o0o0n0o0o0o o 0 o0 o 0 a 0'o0o0O W# fîirilhîg tici to clairl it, Ii t ROMANCE IN M.ARRIAGE i ROWE 5014001 REIJNIONý Relatives l40rq GOt POatat Card Tel- linoi of liin..p Yesterdoy Mormincj but i Afteretoon Camne Sad Tîidinge of Donth. Was Prominsoît Joet Man. Wife's Namne Was Ametia Berk of Wautcegaui. (Prrom Wedneedny's Sun.) William Parri, a paitnting rontrpe tor of Joliet, ] di "eterdav ac-rillrig to a messege rprcelveil hererThe f.'f iie of inteet hecause Parrv'e wi(tiw le a t'rmer Watiîl.egao girl. Aîiielta, Berk of the noilili ide. The,, en inaryleil six yearsaego. Ttiere is mie child. \T'S A SURE IT!IfêJÇz Yeu WiU Have an g~t TL0 p* làth~ Oâd Fe11owls' 'î A ONE DAY FAIR é«Ir Cwrouhds, Libertyville,:- SATURDAY, AUGUST i. iFrîîîn XX dîite o ht'N Fronu Wedisý«y,, 8#N.> Argust 17, 190q. A. F. Wheetcr and ;wIte ta 1.JL Sihei'.part block tk lu.pàot .OUaý NîIThiii'daY. ail day. a e f F-E.A. ('ummiîngsandaqit Ie tg Brr- c ,vhnil hîtspîetu Neac'port towti Werner. Part loti1a 24 s".J 26,' ship m'ai Wcilwortli wi li bphetit the Il.Walikegan klighlands: w. $ 1*)LO.O. plipli fIili, pa'it tîrty or' tlfv yeare*M. Steele. part lot 2. biocJt 46. Wsk' The foirmier tîlill tucide the mnost tend Perke; w. il.t.O0. proîleAnt dJit elufIn thi'oînty. They moet euîeîîllî cunit haie a reurnioîî G.lt. DeForPot and wwtfe et MI tO and oi1v fc't Otit tinîcewis and it X t.N[lvillp. 80 acros l l N. W. licis ciid)glilto alle attend andi)re. Sec 12, Newuart t T1, q. c. lk.00- iiew theli ci foil lite cuhlte dancinîg W..1t. Melville and if ttfo Janisi À.. eud retfrPeliuîînc isiod anitiles. ouît Pattpn, 80 acres tex. R. R.) ln N:W iif iioî ir i i î ilier picole afi- Sec. 12, Newport Twp.. w. d. tifflitiofi lial-e ,thi (ltY ai ideat one $77t50.00. ahay fate Bank of Lak~e Purest te L1-44 The olî finie schotaî' wiltî ail go W. $petdel. lot 57, Gre4m Ity Adj,î Horse Racing EJG DAN CE PAVIL1Ô »1 Mitchell's'MilitaryM4 Amusements ail furnished, corne prepared to havt the *«Me of your lfe. i Adrni&sion Fr~e s- w ~ - AnAÎ I ~A1 A A~a ,~ & k,. ~ à - à -à i à -À -à A à À-£ ENTJftÊ STOCK 0F WAGONS, f4 ~CHNEYTURF MUST VACATE STOR~BY ô c to À F. R' - - "q ~ $70 Hand-made, Teaming, Gears 3 1-2xl 1, 3xl -2 Tire. . $54 $65 3 1-4xl0 inch gear, cast skeins, complete'. . . . . . . $"0 $450.00 Studebaker Rockcaway..... . . . . . . $125.ÔO $85 Rubber Tired Runabou~t . . . . . . . . . . . . .a $62.50 $ 100.00 hand-made jogging cart, 2 sets rubber tired wheels e65.O(> $4.50 horse collars at $3.25,,others at . . . . $2.00, $1.00,69 75 string leather fly-nets, were $3.00, now $1.98 others as low 93,60c $2.75 waterproof horse covers $1.98. $2.50 covers... . $1.85 $ 15.00 plows $12.5é. Others as Iow as . . . . . ... . . ComzipIete lune of plow and machine repairs, shares, etc. FIy sýheets and horse covers from... . . . . . . $1.75 to 49c $4Q.00 harness....... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I.,O Lgge assortment of strap work, horse boots1, whips, halters, sweat p4., brushes and stable supplies. Fairbanks Morse gýsi». ç' i A kw extra sets of wheels, wagons and buggy boxes, poles and sbifts. Ever-y it~ of this en»rossoc is b odat*t.ie cannût even enumerate th&~tr a here. Ne $ suclioppoi'ît lias ever beà~ offered b*jbre. Cost is not cetisidered as' thçI ,toï~* must 'bmIard tonce. Motirn e eved. Ftures, 3toèkà, eýerythiàÏ for ialïat rêck bh&6 rick. 31.R.IJ ESTATE 11$ S-.wafee Street v v v 001? - - . 1 . 1 ý , --- 1 ; ý r- -l Mm 1 MAMI Base Bail STOR 1 Ir i, ý OCTÔÈE& t 9-,ý T--