LIrE OO0UbITY INDEPEMPMN, KRIDAY, ÂUG. 120, t909 ibeeg JC.Va ~J~TD DflfLa W.;) il We eau mg matter liow1 The Prepa leur eustome on the mai with nails a the right pr Powell R 117 S- Gousse. St. (Irayslake BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT Fresh Bread every day, Homoe Made Cakes, Pies and Other Pastry. Lunches sud Meali served ut ail houri. CAINIi (AGA Rv E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. Teeesheee19 GRAYSLAKE, 1ILLINOIS We Havesa Fn. Uneof stationery and 8,,aveuir Post Carda OUR UCE CRIEAM Delies Competition' It le ue.-d by ail the eading soda water pla ce aiong tflic in. Giraylake lart[îacy, Ro un i Lake 1[tmg tore, i>rie lake and ail pointesucirr ,uirding Foxn Laki and i uglesîdp. W. iLr.' pttung ftit m i rufI.iigg àr ipplvthan ast3 t y f r.9)w eu,-d ni (. le,1 GrayjslakeCreamer, hi Iff i1FWF[Rï IR Watches. CWoks and Jewefry R"prred AUl Work Cuaranted SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Promptly FiIIed W. H. MOORE RUJSSELL Luffber ar For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL Ny prces are right and grades good. Wbetiser you buy or inot get my figures. PILEPAREI) WHITEWASH: f.. S. tiEAD, Prop. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Miarbie and Granite Monugnenis Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence 8oiicitecI 126 Genesee St Waukegan Tile Cozg Cor BARBER SUIOP Lew Flagg, Propritor jmet aronnd tise corner on oprau Street, ileit to tise Boehm Luld- ing and opposite Lhe Pester blacksmith &hop. .LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cigart and Tobacco L,4undry Agency Riions Hoad set yonr requirements n0 large or small they may bo. ted Rooting we seli to rs by the roll is the best rket, and cornes complote .nd *sment ready to lay, at O ricesi loofingCompany3 WAUKEGAN T.lePlmO.e 377O Staver Buggies Juet receîved a eaload of thse ('elebrated Staver Buggies ALL TIIE LATEST STYL.ES Pricew Riglit XVe lwuys carry a fu lin.' of HARDWARE GOODS A. PADDOCK Round Lake, Illinois Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opposite St. Paul f rel5lit Depot Libertyvilke, Illinois Machine Shop REPAIR WORK AUTOMOBILE WORK A SPECIALTY liîgiiîes ()verlîauleil. A F ull 1iu.' <i Sutidrie8. Tires lie- paire.]. W h e n ini Troubhle TE LE PION E Llbertyvillie Exchange 661 or 1262 I MLLBU RNI Mr. and Mr@. (ion. Safford, o! Chicago, 0 pent a few days ni their vacation with tbeir parents at the pareonage. Ross Stewart. of Chicago, @pent Satur- day and Sunday with is fther and littie daughter. tirs.l'ora Andersoîn and c.hiidreu retukrned Lu 1lola, Kansas, last Tueoday. Ber gseter, Mes. W. B. Stewart accom- pauied ber as far as Chicago. Miss Mildred Cutier, of Zion City, returned tuolber borne maet Frîduy. Mises Robertson, wlîo ba@ been visiting Ure. A. K. Bain the peat week returned to Evanston. Mrs. Heitmnaunes Ruddie and daughter !ormeriy o! NMilkurn visited sererai days wlLb Mr. and M rs H. B. Tuower. Mrs. Libbie Paddgtt and dangbter, nf Chareston, 111 , are visiting the home Mn. sud Mr@. Buîiipliy, oii St. Paul, Minu. sud n"c, tins. Safford loft FIndu for Wheston, Ill., to viit Mes. RuIpli Wieston. Miss Lura Gilibert, of Fort Hill, îs viiting ber aunt sud oncle, lignes sud Wil SBonner. Ed Martin sud A. R. Bain transacted business lu Chicago Monday. Mn. and Ny,. W. H. Miler were Chicago visitorB Monday. Mes. Clarence Bonuer spent tise puet msek witis relatives sud Mn. Bounen vioited bers over Sunday. Me Nettie Bowdeu sud four ciildres, o! Wahington, D. C., hsviug viited tise lait tisree weeks mitis ber ister, Mns. C E. Deuman retunsd to Highland Park for a short vii before returning home. Mes. C. E. Deuman @peut Tnesday ut Highland Park. Thse Ladie' AId Society ceared a nies aum irom tise suie ofiles cream sud cake lait Tbursday. C. E. topic "Two Prayer Leesons,' Matt. 6: 5-6; 18: 19ý-20. Mebel Boumer, leader. Mr. and Mr@. Norman Adamesud daugister, Bas, of Chcago Lamu, are vlaiting Ur. and Mes. B. Pantail. Mr@. J. M. Straug returusd home Lis. lest oi lat week from tbe bospitaàlnl Chicago. Mdes. Strang msy bsve to have another operatonu. The lake Qounty IndoPendent sud the Weekly InterOcesu sud umer 81.85 per ysmr. mnn!!!ým ;àeoot fienerai irom here attended tise barn duncesut Sianiord barnuaut Fort Bill, lait Mouday eveing and report a due ime. Mnr. Kaoutz and Mes. Herelberger, who have heon visitiug relatives lu Iu- diana tbe pit two weeks, returnod borne Tuesdy. E. B. Sherman, o! Cicago, puid hl@ frieudej a viiL here Saturduy. Mdise Lillilun Turner trausacted busi- nemse iuChicago Monday. Nirs. Otto Waidmau returned Mouday frotu severul daye vioiL ut Atioch. .Nlr. and Mes@. (le,. Burnham, of Elgin, viited rlatives bere over Snnduy. tirs. Sam Butter, of Chicaxo, speut Tn.'sday liere ut Gruysiute. Tise services at tise Episcopal Mision a ilIle-4 resumed tise tiret Sun- îlay eveniîîg lu September and wilI cou- tiue every Suuduy eveniug. Many froto here are planning to attend tise big Odd Felowe' pieicir t Liberty. ville next Saturduy.Vhe picui. wse to akeé place [ast Sturdsy, but lin account o! tii.'severe rain torin sas posrpooed t,, thie Saturday. Base Bail. Last Suuday afteruoou, tise (raysluke iArlîletii- sud tise Ed Ileit.' team playel ru,- of tise beet ball gaines hat lias le-eu1 1 puilled oit on tise diamoud this veutr. Tise sm4 or.' ias 4 t.î 2 in fuvor of Geayslake1 IAthl,ti,-e i)uly one hall gît , uteidel - udiîaitownd but firw crro,e ar.' iiiah- Ni t Su riiuv the t w,, i-ais ilii jIk% a~ga in r$2.5 a cii'Tliis l,riie Tho new nwners will take posessfion a-t once sud IL la Lbougisr that tbey wifl purchaso more land on thse fate, sud that' Gages Lake ivili 4.'tie summer home of many miliionaires and weaithy People. R. W. 8ean, !nrmerlv îof ti,. -jers-Ros- bnck lirai, basa beautiful suimer home ou Lb. sontb shore %,itri a large fourn concted. W. F. Mii.aLacklan. o! tbe Calciu Ll*h0C-.. <iiago, owuî lrefurm ttis .d of tise ate. wbers .;b-seret= iaIrg.bouse ut a cost of eerl th nd dl lar., At tise rgist o! thse NscLacklau tarin Ailbert Pic.k. o! tise Abert Pick Co , df t isiag.ý,, as a farta, sud joining hirii mî tii.' riglit be- tweeu the Seai prolerti uri, Pcte, iDr. .Krusemnark, of Cbica,,ouw is a stnip <of laud ieadiug up ta hi,ereths tarin, home. Tise value of aIl thii pr,Perty lias doubled itoeli several rimessice .'it was owued by tise furmets. liîrvesv, Jefferm, Sisutes aud Wright, and il s heli.'ved hut tise other property abouîît the lake scill soon b. bought up anîd heautiful homes built by tis e ratIo libusiese riin o! Ciicago. Barn liii by Lghfnivg. Lait Suturday at aboîut fi- I,,,-,ck the fine uew barn erect*.d but a v-ir o si) ago on tbe Combe tarin at F i,CB vas struck by ligbtuing and hui-neilit,, tlie ground with about eiglit - vo.lsii iay, mucis harnesa and ii i-.unyAIel ioinis, tise hired man. andd-ro,. niglIh i,,rs a-ho lîad diven int,,flic lbarrn ir i.hlt.' ,were %truck dul1-rivotIi' u ik lut rcrci ered quickly -nou gli t,, get ý,urt th,. lie cstock hat a iint , Thi, , l buirîlinîg nue iuured. tle- aui nt.'retiflg gain. Barn Warmîng. ________ S.,eral hundred guestýresrnj ,,ld t, tih, invitation to the lari warrning Reunion of Hook Family. go ci, oCthe Stautord bro,îhi o ut the, The ~non ual ryuniou il h.' Ikla miîlii, in rw harn receut ry ci b *lv theii ofl Lake' oua iyto,,k pin'htr,- V. cý li .s (n tlî.'r farta near Fort If1ill.F xIll-n t daiv ut ti,.he bonneof John Turnerlin mîi, %vaso. ,ruisised and tii'he aroaw Lake Shore Drive,.tirer oue' hundircili~r-ttilv dl.,-,rated in autui leu',es n were liresent. The guestm em wre rv,éd w îil ,î. ,rs Nothiug ywas fjri)non nt a large îîicîîfr dinnpr on ithe b he ti. rotkiers' o mavp thi< occaeai,î la in alonizthei.'lut.' front. and a izeneral a l.easant anud memorabie on1)-, and ail gooîd vieit and îlcasaut tîme .vas run-wl,,î ttenriel .ay It waes the hest titi,. îiyed hy aill.oi the fseas,,il GURNEE Tise Suuduy scisool sud Ladies' Aid toiity wiii give a picuie ut Druces Lake Lis weet FidaY. W. D. Wasisburnoe bouse mas @truckJ hy ligistuiug Saturduy atternoin mi oniv liguit damage. J. W. Gray's gruvel wagon was laid up ion repaire sevetal days owIng to a cuve in ut tise gravel pit Saturday. Ile uanroîvly eecaped serions injury hy a qnick move te gt nut o! tise waY. Sevenul automobiles have been dis- abied in hie viciity receutly. Thse beavy nains o! lait week made ruCher bad business for tbem. m,. Patteeson weut te Miwaukee Snnday teoeee bis son, wiso wag very ill. but uow reported mucis botter. Ahner Taylor ioet a isnr@ý Fiduy nigbt by igistulug. Mr. Boidier loot ahout tfelve toue O!fisay Saturday aitennoon irom the saine causes., The etonto was very sevore forsa short timo. Warren Food returned Monday !rom st. Joe, Mîcis., wbere ise @pont several days. James Farrell je ont ugain atter severai days illues[fast week. Tisomas McClure, o! Ciicago, was a viaitor boesfast Suuday, Tbresiig machines began te woik again tise middle ni tise week alter iying idie severul day onu accoutof tise heavy rai. Tise grain jeOnuly OligbtlY damaged. G;urnee deieated Boudent ou tise Roudoot dlamond lu au eleven nuning game of base bail by tbe score o1 7 teo 5. Tise btter, were Bennett aud Calahan for Gurus. and J. NKoyau sud R. sud D. Idoyau ion Rendont. The feture 01 Lb. game was the work o! the pitchee Moran gettlng fourteen strikeotite sud Bennett twelne. Score by inninge: Gurus. -2 0 00 1 020 002-7 Ro.doni-2 0 1 0 0 0 0 O 2 0 0-5 Net Suuday Gurnse plays LibertyvilJe Rumblees ut Liberty ville. Ths littie Caudy Cold Cure Tablotâ cail- 5d preventics. mil lu a few boures safl. check ail Coi-de or LaGrippe. Try Lisomi 48-25C. Sold by ALL DEALERS. GAGES LAIE Mises Viola Boyd, ni Guelphs, North Dakota, is vîitiug Mrs. Keller. C. C. Ames visited frieude in Harvard from Friday util Monday. .Nr8. Fred Wright le eutsrtaiuing ber sîster, Mrs. Rîcbert, of Chicago. Sidney Date and daugister and Nirs. Batterehali, ofChicago, came ont in their automobile limt week to Morton Dates. Mes. Baterehal reruanlug bers for a few days vieit. Tise W. C. T. U. wili gins a eilver medal conteât at the cburch Fridsy evenlng, August 20tis. Tisses wiJ be e ist co- testants. There wiil bo. dmisio is but a collection wili be taken tu puy expeuse. Mr. and Mes. Strs sud two dangistere are spendiug a tew days In (Oak Park. Stewart Butler, o! Ciicago, les a vîitor ut John Crokers. Wili O'Neibhm gone nortis to huy cut tie. Ed Druses threehiug machine le bus3y in this ueighhorbood. Mes. Oleoon and daugister, Glertrude, and Mrs. Tom Mogg aud fiamiiy,o[Cbica- go, are viitîug ut Water Beak'e. A party o! wealtisy Chicago sud Lake Forestclubmen bave bougbt the Coombo oummner home bers for $40,000. Mr. Coombe and tue-ily will mono back to Oak Park fient woek. Mise Ruth Trigge le entertalnilug com- pauy !rom Chicago. WARRENTON John Kelly, o! Cblcago, i visiting witis Mr. and Mng. John Siseidan. Miss Floreuce Neely, of Wsukegan, la thse guet of Mr. and Mes. John Noely. MisesKittie Rysu spont Sunday lu Chicago. Mdise Alite Drew, of Waukffan, la visît- ing with iriendi bers. Tisomas Rndd spent Bunduy In Lake Forest Ms Guity bai retnmned ta ber home lu Chiscago, alter epeudlng amoral mes witis relatives bers. Miss Mary Chervaller la entertalnlng relatires. ORAYSLAKE DEPARTMENTI F. J. DRI'CE.Edtoi PhoneNo.ii Orders Taken for Job Work Advrtielng Rates On Application Mary Brown, of Oak Park, waa the Andrew White transa.ted business in r st of James Brown and wi!s lait Wankegan Wednesday. Érday. Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker, of Wau- B. J. Lot tus i» north this week buy. kegan callsd on triendeëand relatives berm Ing cattie. Wedne@dAy. Misses Keatinge and Nelle Hayes. who C. A. Crittenden, who hue been very have beau stopping w lireM. Jo. (Gan- slck the peiL week, je flot much bttter. Wood, returTieO to tbelr borne lu Chicagoý Wm. Snyder la In very poor health and Simy. under tbe doctoro tare. On accnunt of tb. bad wethsr Satur- Aritur DlbbIe le again et White'@ day evening. thse danes both et Gray@- barberbp laite and Roundiake we. pr îhop.d Fisc' Wiid Cati were besten In a Gages Lake Horne of Mllionaires. Rame of bail Tnesday by tbe boy. À large rmd si âLte deal wai transacted campinar ut third Lake, who are undor lait woek when Hiram Coomba, a rfflI Ilhe Chareo!ev Walsh. nf Chicago. eetate man o! Chicago, mold bis beautllul Tb. gaz e wai qit. exciting and thse etmmer homne at Gages Lake to a La!ke score 10 b 7.. Forest club, consistrng of eeveraimili- Mdi@@ Win Woodord, of Oak Park, visit- lionaire.s. t tb. enorinous price of $85,. ed hre verSunay.000. Tlhe state consiste of about ed iereoverSunay.twenty sces of land ou the northeaut LaMont Alleu bas been detalned irom shsore of Gages 14eke, and wan consldered busineus on account of elekuew. one of tb. prettiegt Sites on tho lake. Mimese Ethel -Sutherlnd aud Anie Junee, o! Waukeg, s.,pe., a few daye ut tise homes of tC. L Thom.son and iW A. Howard. Mr. and 'Iii, Linîri Lisk,o! Liberty-, s-i.are viiin g relativ e ii tlils tivinity3 The Fort IliilI fliibet. deicateil a ChlicagotCeun inîoa bas,, huli gaine- ut illy Lage receutly. Ai large, -'ipufan s im rescut ut ith. of iî-t,îî,lStafuird tirs *n.-w bi Nio(o ,,1dî 'riglît. i1iiîniinir W-as tiie aaiiirien t oftt.,evel rig1, imonnsi ,itlieta lîii-ijslcthise n-,-Tii.'hall a as taet-!îIlly de,-,rt,,lw tii griefi lî,ugl.-î. luge and lupaurseIlartcrns. Au njoal fea~illt-tute of the.' vening nusi the, rc!reoliirit stanrd iiiunugcul li Charle.s Itiainer, A ,l i-t înlLaCeý The.'large lbarn o!f1A [fl.ombhe m'as strui-t hy ightuing Siîtîrday autsrnooi about ive î,'click aîîîl iith iegity tons of allaltuaud turne hay was huroied to tii. grund. Mrs. Wm. Vandenloouî sud Barbara Ainann bad driven intctise haro to uvîîîd tise storm. A. B. Coin!> and John Itokell were utteuding tu tise chores wseu tise flash came, they irere sud ehocked tise men faling tu the il,îor. Six isoréeeewern lueIbarhumasd they&Ili weut dowm. We are thuuk!ui thut no lives were lo8t. It scag iusured in tise Pheonix. Simon Stofiel sud Dr. Spnnling. ot McHeury, cailed bers Tueeday eveuiug. The doctor bas a uew auto. Card of Thanks.q We misis to returu Our sincere tisante to kîud neigihors wio aseisted ut the fine, mauy o! them stuyiug al Biglât, hy thein bel1, tarmiug Implemente. tool bouse and gransry were saved. CAaofisNE E. ComBs. A. B. CoM Bs, M B. A i DM IL. C. B. CO M BB. TAYLOR GROVE Rer lReed spent Suuday ut the home of leo.ewin. Mns. T. L Belciser le vîsitîng relatives hene. Mise Minule Shea was in Waukegan on business Monday. Mise Bertha Crawford viited relative@ here Friday. Mrs. W. H. Brewer entertained rela- tîves inoin Kansas lait wesk. Vhs fiende o! Wesley Faulkuer mere ail giad ta ses hum in our midet agulu and giad ho is gaining so micely. A nnmberfrom bereattended tisesociely beld ut Kenîceha. Evenyone snjoyed e fine time in sipîte o! the nain. De. Leirin cailed on relatives bers last weet- DiinC torget tise Huveet picule beid in Aines' grove, Friday, Aog. ». (ood speakErs and music. Hoîward Sissu speut Suuday at home. Tise social iseid Friday evsulug mai well utteuded sud a neat soin nslsed. Frank Tnaynor culied ou Iriends bers Sundayý hennis fleardon and DelI Lewin are [otting np new silos. WEST FREMONT. tirs. Kuppie, o!f(Iraysiake, speut lait Wednoeday ut tise Tekampe borne. Albert Bufer mus a Wanconda taller lait Sunduy aiternoon. Mes. E. J. Dietz, o!f(irayoauke, @pent s isw dsys lait week et Henry Teksmpo'e. E. B. Meyeris bas purchased Lb. Wsu- c:andacreamsry soutimeo niWauconda. John Frederlcke sud iamily spent Sun- day ut (George Hertl'. Mise Tlle Tekampe le sqpending a iew days ut home. Henry Hertel sud KattsObonauu! enst Sunday evenlng ut Witt Aikoers. Mes. John Goséel ln sntertaininig om- pauy iroin Chicago iof or alewes. Henry Kulblauk la hack ou bis route alter a couple 01 weeks vacation. ln yvulq VOLO. Mrs. Britz, o! johnfiburg, f.. vlsltjflg ut the home o! ber daugliter, Vrs. Math Baur. 1ev. JO@. liempe was a (hl,1ago visitor imonday. Edward Luek transatýed buinenssaut Crystal Lake, Monday. Mis ate Roslng, of Chîcago, in spend- ing a week's vacation ut the home o! o! ber parents here. Miss Emma Bacon, of Wemt Fremont, was in town Sunday. The youngeik son of Me an)d Mr@. Chas. Parker ie seriously ili Dr. D. Wells, of McHenry, insin attendance. Mdath Baur wae lu Chieauonme day .lait week. Mis Reba Baur inenetertainioig a girl tfiend from Chicago. Mm .JohnR1oelng went tu Gosben, md, lait Wedneiday and wiii spend a few weeks with relatives there. Mies Katie Casper, of Big Holiow, waa theguset ofIdrs. Edwardi Luokilast week. Mesdames Sarah A. Howard and Ariey Howard, of Grant, were Volo cailers Wednesday alternoon. Mr@. Walter Evanson and IMies Mdargaret Ward, o! McHenry. were in town lait Tnesday. Mdiss Ethel Sutberland and a iriend from Waukegan, visited relatives ln and arouud Volo iast week. Dewey and Lydia Nichole@ weut to Chicago Saturday night for a vioit with relatives. Mdesdames Pionien and Wm. Kappie, ni Grayalake calied on friends here Sun- day. Miss Mande Eatingsr wan the grest of relativeg ut Burrington over Sundav. Mr.ud NMes. Hanson eutertaiued friende irom Wiwevonsin Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Charity Raught left ber horochbere lueit Wednesoay and rieîted relatives ut Libertyville and Waukega until Tues- day, whes-ve etarted ou a trip to Cash- mîere and 8eattie, Washington and other wesern points, wbere elle will h.' the guset of relatives for soins time. [Z FORTHILL - Porcli Chairs $2.75 u Hammocks $s 00o The Celebrated McKinley 8heet Music for Sale Only 1lOc A CAREFUL INSPECTION 0F OUIR GOODS INVITED @Have Your Ilouse Wired For j ILECTRIC LIOJIT' *Under Our 2 Years to Pay Plan o SEND FOR OUR REPRESENTATIVe FOR DETAILS North Shore Electrlc Co. PHIONE No. 238 WAUKPQAN 230 UUUSMM o WAUKEGAN, ILL. 1 have ut my borne several styles of the Baldwin Piano.1 invite yon ta cali and Bee. Prices witbin the resoh of aml GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaiçer and LicensedEba. GRAMM.AE -lu-iW~ EZx2ZZ Ums Gertrude Taylor, ni Chicago, wae home over Suuday. Mrs. Ella Hill, o! Kenosha, is visitiug Blanche Oliver. Ur. Northrop returned Satnrday trois Missouri. Wesley Faulkner camne wltb hlm. The church people are prspaxing thei grove for their Harvest picule Frtdsy. Miss Lewis and Mes. Oliver ,lilte Mes. Northrop, Suturday. The Ladies Aid will mieL witb Mms John Bonnet, Wednesday. Mms E. D. Smith, oi Gurus.; Msu Allen Dixon aud UMss loy, oi Rueseil. st Sunduy at the bonne ofUr@. A. C. Winter. LAM EViLA Borni toMr. snd Mms.Juge' M. Hor)ou, a daughter, Auyust 9. Motber aud duughtsr dolng ulsy. THESE MAY WED. Chsarles Mater, Hlgbwood, 28; Mat- tie Johnson, 24. The Iudepmsdent sud Chicago Dale7 Inter Oceen $L60 per yeW. Rtemembér Lb. Susd.y scboolcoeave-, ion naît Buaday. Mms. 9. P. giver la entsrtslulma1w niather sud siater rom Wsukegan. IR«ansd Âlle Siver rsturned bains 8uaday irom s woekls viîliluKoosha Aus Caricon "pnt Snnday aL homs. Tho UMisesKeuseila and Mies. SyWsof Oak Er ae pending s woek at SlIe L. C. Corri ome. Myrtis Corrna speut Suaday and Mon- day at hqmue vlsftlng ber cousins. Mr. aud Mms. R.B. Lewin are vlltbag at the home of Dr. LAwln. Mms. Mevillie testslulng ber pend- daugister iroin Geva, Win. Fres MellI retuuned home lait TrWk dsy mub sothesaurpnleand plsm et hie motsir. Ho ban beensay ssedr fnur yeare. Sanday alternoon Pred Costsfts<. hurn wes struek lilgtbg asi .;ý, veluablo borneskilled. RONDOUT The Roudout Whbite 80*8 WMo by tihe Guru.. hal] t$M Sm 4~ White Socke a e oboiyoli6 soi-re won only 6 ta 4t Mr. DV5tSL lani bis boa*' P" Mad wS »on oempr a LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE J.EWELER Thirty -First Annual REUNION ol the Lake Co. Soldiers an'ld Sailorsý to be held at > Grayslake, Aug 258,26, DRUM CORPS MALE QUARTET MITCH1ILL'S MILITARY BRAS$ BAND 09 LibertyvIlle TWO BASE BAL(JAMES EMINENT SPEAKERS COfIJ2E VI2RYBODY Mm W-ý 1 Ilotte. 1 - Il i À 1 1 M IDS UM MJER B A RGCA INS, Young& LynchBros. FIJRNITURE STORE 0F QUALITY Rustie Hickory Chairs Rustie Hickory Tables $1.75 up $3.50 up 1