CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Aug 1909, p. 4

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LAEJ~ OOU~TY OFFICIAiL PAPER QI 0, 1Os N. t. itors R"sdence Te ~Icercd ai ilhe P0ooffice aStLibetyl 10hWZMKLT à.lVKKTIlIÇG Rài5S SSUS8CRIeIONPRICE 81.50 PER MrWN . JUST .................... ........ #àf. Ki ELLEY................................. FRIDAY, AtU 80ME aocI If you woer the bois and had te kmt boys te do Sem* things thsy den't alway yo woudnt tit thom down te ruls-YO cWet and sors end want te break the i youreosf end yeu know hoos rulfs gai1 a BtWeuldnt things go fne If the bI for thegsesvee te kesp, semethlna tolg à.Doent lie; it enly oastes time; tin mon; l'il b. caught &nY.waY. il. Watch your work, nt the cc "aY. ill. Gve the buiness more than th, psy me morSt tian I expect. He can afh ile piefts. IV. 1 ewe so much te mysif that gsss l'Il koop eut of debt. Y. Dehonesty le nover an accident VI. If 1 mnd my ewn business soir of my ewn te mnd. Vil. iBe square ail the way 'round;i ai WeilItaelfrem him. Viii. [t'a n0ofloebusiness but mni enIf'de hait a day'. werl next day, I vi IX. oen't tell the. boss ohat ho want If ho ha& sny sens. h. would rather hi tioklshus vanuly. X. If the boas kicks, ssoetimes, it's se don't get mad. e wouidn't waste Il 9geed-hed just fire me. The fellow oho cf make and keep what hoe would wnt done If hoe were the And It's a safe bet tht erne daey ho [Y Addtio" iLbrtVvill idre. Cbariuy Raught, ai Vola, le vioit-t ing relatives here. Carence Yule, of Aurra. spent Sun- der et the, home ai bis aunt, lire. E. J. lit. snd lir@. M. 0. Jolineon returnedf luti Saturday tram their trip thnongh1 H amr Davis. af the Fonîds' Miihig eompsuy, is absent on a vacation lu Micehigan.- Mise IrnuBain, ai Racine, Ws., lias beau vWsting iriende andt relatives liens tie pst Wek. G. M. Sullivan and ismilv have taken iosnae onfaihie Petges hanse an YeraGerred and tamily have maved ùiqàn rayslake ta Lihertyvîlle, moviug hqq W.a3eday. lire. 9. W. Fuller, dangliter. Reloicé, ~lrary asaon, ai Chcago, visited rtia*le e hemat veek. Barry Puteam let'Tneoday eveiug for flavspozt, Iowa, wbere Richard Grta lnenered ta race. )Ire . Jas. Monde. mtorned home Sun- "y aler speudug tbmee weks witli frisad&WnSrelstivea lu 0h1o. ise. Hutou's clase ai the M. E. Snnday stbool ejoyed an automobile ride ta Drims Lake Wednéeday whers they p"tleed. Tb@ Ladl' Aid Socety ot the l'reahy. toies chure.b i il meet st the, hame ai Ure.C.1P. Wrigbt. Tiureday sîternoan, tA"ut 26. Urc. sud Ure. Fred Rammond, oi Burlntia.,su, ere guestu at tie hasae ii lir. aud Mi. E. C. Young this veet. lins. Hammaud fla s slhr aiflMre. TOung. Tbe W. C. T. U. yll omt uttch, home eoflirm Delta Follett Tuesdsy Aug. 24 atl:80.lection ofýfHc@rs anâ planning lotAis convection. A fuBl atteudauce 1, datireS. lir. and lirs. J. W. Kern.'of Cedar P" a-ll&.were the, gueesof aI r. sud line. H. W. Fallett recently. Mir. Kern wuefelmery principal aifithe Liberty- ville blgh chool. C. A. Appleyronseuly ald a tire, menths-oId blaodiiouud pop tao ea. H. Martline. a planter living near Meridan, is. Tbeou doge are getting fanions and brlug good prîces. Wm. G.elilnge is mat ing a nuomber of Improvements at hi@ cttage on Firet treet, iîew cenent vaike bave been pu% iu sud a great deal ai landacape worî doue about the prenulees. WBil Follett, -ile nud baby 01 Des- Mdolus, la., have beeu viiisg at the home ai bit- parente, Mn. sud M ru. H. W. Folleti. tthe pasr veek. M. Flltt returned home Monday but Mri@. Pollenc anS chilS remaiued for a siant vist. J. E. Meredith, at one ime agrent at Round Late, viiltuethti position as station agent at the aid depat aofcthe C. M. & St. P. R. Rt, net Saturday repaeig J -G. Tuffley, aof Boccobel, Wle., -who bas been bere tonrsanie time pat. MWla Lilylielle Elle, ai Lih entyvihie, baspoctetbaok la»sSudaY between LibeetyvIlle and Lake Bluff containing ý" a ssM0f meuey. she vas, boy. eWvt«ver lrtotiale the porses avini 4eIlte tte bande otas houet mai 'Wh ao imedltey rturaed it ta lber tli ervqga n tAe proper identification ?bà sp.vasthe 0coudctr. W :vU=oRa o,.vb. vsluciîj lu - mu otlAie anauslng sud perliap l.~ ae uedeela aot the lats Odi ý pésao that wonl av behm 5a0Ua*uoaebut vii h. e t Saturda ie ttbe d1goc oneaoathe smowb ~to w*o uti.gnd, topew =; e*10. esadîit *.as mer cop$ s4-woeUi $100 and even dlo plasi tashse4uI usrtons. [ý vs »o e i c ào IsaI7 hP kWà, but caa ad taoti»app prt t» blp. lMuet c oth be tUk1* $010ci bad aWe tsmil osp «Mw0 1 i4, ara INDEPENDENT SiGtliT S!MI F LAKE COUNTY 1UN COLORADO eiephone No. i14t. LIertyville Exchiange ax Kohn*r Telîs ln Détail Soe of rUe. In.. as Second Class MaLter the Incidentsln in 11Récent Western i MAX 5W05rN ÂPLICAT4'N. Trip te Denver eud Colorado VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Springs. ............................Editor -By speclirequet tram thoeéditorial ........................City Editor sauctum suS &4as antidote ta the ent- erratlng influencé of the don dais IWit U(. 20, io.attempt t'O lve ou a décrlptiOo o!aM eky, Z ire, emxhi uing atîoepberb, 0 UE.the skyplihg peaks, tita )D RU Las. cases sud the Io aprSbuo. bp thinga poing, you wouid wsnt the Surely the. propiosts uevrap tsuatd My do now -honestly, wouldn't yoti' tu bis owu com ý j"e oUWIthm es1w rou know that would only make there resSers i 1the.Idse aotwho.-bavé rtle'-you are working at the beiich bes e atbé eo4k U0 I5i baq Ah feliet.sdeqat d 84 wooders, ust #*aiý felow.the asteru tourlet. Thouade saun- boy* would kind of make tome rule: sliy crose the oees d rive ose ths this fie? hesufof let h.Alpsth bopoel" sd- ime in rnoney for the business and the sur aithe JundfrwA4aaa ieri.Mtt5r aud tunnel@, neyer la.gtuldg that "hi . A full day'a work makes a shOrt owncouutrvbaaseenena gràad,but oilder aud more pietuvsque, aoestai ýhe boassexpectsa nd he'ilh ib le mtepesak s 4 high sud lmuprosi gand inountain ralroads more=d.r con. au fford te ircre»a my psy If 1I ncrease cived and more wond.rtuly ex.cuted tba a mythîng Eurupe eau bou of. i can't afford to owe any; When you the pamphlt about Colorado, lssued by the. Western roade, when atter embauetlng ailthe. adjectivée, t. superatives, "stansd métaphiore lu ne day Im lable ta have a business tbe ditlouary, the wrters tell that an their literary efforts faau ta do justice ta if1selfor the boss, 1 might just Natures marvels, You put it down as f I stealWestern exaggeratlon. But thé. bet description isinadequate, thie mont exact own what 1 do at night; but if I can work ofthiecamnerasdineouraging deficieflt vii not last long, ta, depct the wonders, every twst and itsto ear bu wht h ouht o har.turn ofthte road or trail reveale te the ta a har bu wat e ugh t her.traveller who bas tbe lest bitofaiý ave you look after hie dollars than arecIation lu bis siyotem fur Natures handlwork, crested tlirougb tbe cunot- 's because I arn worth kcking about, k88 &fgeO. timeln ickig t me f 1For the tourist with limited time Irnen kckîg t mef Iwas no Colorado Springs is uudoubtedly the bet point toe tart bis siglt aceiug tram; these rules for himseif wii be doing the Garden ai the Goda wit ilis wonder- ie boas., fui rock formations, Williams Canon witb the Cave af the Wlnds, U te Psee ewili be the boss, sud the, pretty Rainbow Fala, Pike's Peak. Northi Choyeune Canon witb the 1lamoue Higli Drive, South Chieyenne Obitumry. Canon witli tbe Savon Falla are ail lu The fi)hiawing notice appeared lu the walking distance. The 50 mile trip te, lanitee, Midi., paper recentlv regard.-clie Cripple Creek miing district over lie deatli <i A. . Webb: theBliortU lne and the 18 mile electric "Alden H. Webb. a citizen of -Nanis- in, ride bstween the diflerent minem willi tee for twent.y-eight years died at, i g van su iglts sud tiils enougb ta ome, h65 Pofflar street this marnîîîg o lat 3'OI1 6lis time. laad poison. MNr. Webb bas bei 'p Ont of Denver yon want to i ake tlie our leath for the put ive yeans and ride over the Georgetown laop whichla l for the lmt ix rîîathslias beem confiued now ex tended 4500 teet biglier ta the o bis, ed. Attacked ty a reîentlees top of Mt. McClellan, aud the 70 noile isne, t was anly bis traug canetito- excureioui ta Arrow over the, îew Mofat ion that enatiled bitu ta a'iclitanid its rond. Il variety ia the spice of life yan progrees fur su long a time. ï,t rail gel rhunl.e of it in one day Leave brougiouut lis long ilium,@ lie wat; a Denver at 8 a. m., sîzzling at 85 degreffe, muet patient euf-rer andi neyer onc enraunuter a euaw-etorm t 0000.on amuse omrplained. He eubmitted ta tw-a yonreelf witb snow-bnllîng at 1i1) M., operatione in the hope oh gettiog relief returo ta Denver at 6. p. m-alit he tiret in May aud thce s,-cnd aboUt dinner-time to show yonr. nuperior two weeka ago. But the resut wa Eastern ways-witb the clermoniter at nly tauîîostpane the endt. 92 degrees, tie asphait pavemients 'Mnr. Webb was boru 65 yeane ago smoking andt swelling like s euburb ta n Bangor, Main aud came ta Manise" Rades. Deunver le a llnely but rity, a fram Libertyville, fil., almoot 30 yea i educed capy af Chcago lu day-tîme, ago. He ba@ alwaya taken an acti "e a miniature New Park white weÉy St n art lu public affairesud vas weîî nght soda desirablecsommer reoidence kuown tbrouirbant the eity. fHe le @ur. for those who vaut ta bnure tliem&elves vived by bis wif,, bis son, Dr. C. C. Webb, ta the torrid climat, of tbein ftutre of tuis ity. sud n daugiter, Mms. J. E' habitation. For Lake Connty people 1 Krause. of Chicagoa wonid ecominend Colorado Spinngs or "The ftuerai vas lield froim tbhanhose Manitou, bowever. Sunday at 2:30." 1 hope my weak efforts wiilho able te _______________ wate the "V'uderlust" lu rau (the word bhm no equivalent in Englilansd Thîstie Notice. bas theretone beeu bodily adoptsd by aur Notice ln hereby given ta lighway writera; it expresses the Ieistable commisaloners of the township ai deire ta leave bomee sud ras tramn Libertyvflle tea dean up tiieir districte, place ta place) sud indue you ta vieit igbways, railzoads, larmne sud lots of Colorado an your nexm vacation. Tii. Canada thîstles beors *bey go ta »,,d trip ueed not blie xpansive at ahl, unies as~~~~~~~~~ I hhschtteiw etlyobev 0 dem it neceesary te use the. station- ad.ary of the owelh hotels lu yaurcorspou- DE,,t8 LibuERRy, deuce, ta dine at the hlgb-taned retau- Canada Thistle Commiesioner of the mratdansd liteu ta the, sien voient of taonai Lihertyvllle, Lake County. 111 the nomberles carrnage drivera, chai-« 40-t! fleurs, burro owuers sud curie stilers. ______________A tout pair oi eioes. a wiliug p air of legs, a goud stout sbilialah ta aid lu as- Ail persoae are recommeuded ta take cending audreduce yeur apoed in desenod- Foley's Kidney Remedy for hackache, inir the steep gradesi sud a collaoelble rbeumatiom, and kiduey and ladder drnukîog cnp viii soavs yon the, hlgget trouble. It iii quiikly correct îîrinary part ai the expeuse ana gi vayen a bet- irregularities, which, if neglected. mnav ter opportuity te eijay the ever ciang- devlop inca a serions illness. t wiII iug panorama and view at yoor ]eienr@ restare leitl and treugtb cihe precipitoua cilS, theperpeodicular FRAÀce B. Lot ELi. canon, the yawnlng cliaom, the kaleidoncapic vater-lali, che odd eliaped rock formatiou; the diminutive burra Methodisi Services. scrambliug up the foot-vide, steep trail "Th Fie est vii e tiseronwitb tva hundred paunds ai eveet "TheFir Tes" wll b th seron emininity ou bis patieut back. Nesr ta subject at the marning service Ang. 22. Nature civllhatio's galling etiquette in 'Ple Sunday echool meets ut nooni. neglected, yon exciiange pleasant gree- Visitors cordiaily welcome. iuge wtb everyoue you taeea, irreepective ai ser, liglt badinage sud witty repartes *"Beail Cafe,' le the eeverest imita- wiilfly back sud latb, @mail services. tion of ual cafte, even yet made. Dr IIIllie rendered sud accepced wtboot Slioap created It ram pure parclied formai introductiou@, Easetern stillume grains, malt, note, etc. Fine in Iavr- vili malt belote bautlieru drasel and ls madle ln înst one mnlunte. No 20 or 30 Westeru buoyaucy, sud &Il wil lie gain- minutes teilous boiling. Ssimple fe ers hy tuis lack oif armaîity. The loug CORLETT & FREOERICKS. legged rider wiose pedal extremitien tôucii the graund. le ad vi@edltaputoilte under bis uteed. the pretty temals who Card of Thanka. mniries fraitic efforts toa acelerate the I whli a tankmembre ut he re peed aiflier mantt tomare tbsu 2 miles 1 wib t tbnk embrë il he irean bour h warned sgainetoversteppiug department snd forthie efficient the. speed limit', another viios. buru and effectivetmaner lu whicli the Il.rel refuses tamave sud taHaw- the et ai my haro vas extinguished last lSatur- theparty la threseêd wltb Iuterlereuco day. G. . Wîs2Ee. by the humane sochty. Tbe wht I ____________ilred lady, advlsed ta sbstaln tramt mountalu cllmbiiug, viii repli that mii, Ire. 0. Biand sud ebudrenaio Milvan-bastaechapern ber isters, bloomnig keWi, are visiting vicli ler sMater, m inieeeutblr toeu. Thie Juoeeque Bleni. E. Gage, ai Cb'ago, vas bers aided ta bestride a barre, Innoceutly thia week laoklug alter tii, work au the replie, "But mamma, I cai't l b tu enuken garden at the John R. TPlompson tight goi," sud mamelas wIth sa erry gFarm. toinaie. Mstesansu onburèt otfbllaty 7- the malle continget bas made herculéen lins. Anns Faote sud danghter, Lois, effltate suipprfes. Coming down the îof Waukegan, are spendlng a tew dsys trailfrtin Helen Buuntu' grave lu the kt witi tihe former'@ sister, Mii. J. . lirollong noon s@u bat off, coatoit, par- a-Gridiey. epraton treimiug, týili lt h Rey. T. A. Speckmsnn, pester 0aith.e tarnesofta yonng sapliug, sesral r Fiet Germen M. E. cburc,aofPittsburg, Mm eto lamg, ta redestml speeS ta Pa., le vliting hie brother sud &ismy tar about 20 ailles au heur, 1 lar greeted aifew days. as Teddy w#h thes big stick. Yen da't p@ feel like astiagor In a etrange lauSi id William Rogera, ai De Fuanla Sprln? Ater thes gltterlug generLlties, 1 ill nk Floridafrmryof L.ake Couty, 1f: ln the oit, Issue ulve yau s S.télled des- - -iiei t hihome ai Benjamin james cintin f Iy igtself -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - sA*»Jb AND RECORDS MtfSS WATcZHMKE Ao and JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. oughly undcr- alrgCo stood to begin with that any suit or evuroeat you mayorderthrough b«e, that bears '~ the name Of the 'Internation al', " " wdllbe deivered ~ to you with perfect vorkmaiuhip-wiU wcar weII, and fit a-T re- bc in t ho r- keep- ing with the ighest tailoring standards. Otherwis. you anay retumn it, and w.'11 refund your money. E ýW. PARKilUfljrs'T Schanck Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. CORLET & eFREDERICKS LIBÉ'P3YVILLIE, ILL. Clybou'rne Livry~ BEN F. OLYSOURNE, Prap. LbrtMMel, . WinI meet traIn aI ahi omhoux ie ou iSeS. BugylendseS H rom ~ Interf ocem le Moisi. . Rigot 1» ]De C olum, bla -School of Music, Chicago Clara Oiborne Reed, DiriwCtor OSfer., mont complote education for heamt .eu»ona Piano, Vole., Violin Theory, PubliceSebool Methode; lead- uog to graduation and degree. Our traduates ocnpy the foremoet posi- ktions tu the. country se artiste and teBsos. tkçatloiîadequipiiiit lp tJliIçso. wrte escretary for Igins- 1 et.êis ogli 040BuSe ar S r-,:Y IMake WasF INSTEAD 0FA TU TàE"E Save$ tdu This machine ruas se roue easy on Sec aunt of the. 1 appiied sither with the bands, NOT iDay7Easy "BLUE M N DAY" te Problem >Il full se wbeaempty, and it bigh gearing. The power le 1feet or both, gothat noue of 73u e5 -ylawaew .ins the OpratJUn. The t'New Home" in buit ta vear, not the ciothes nar ' Every machine in gnaranteed ta give perfeot satiafaction. He,»ý EER When Yon are Fignring to BULDA STORE, BOSE, AR OR ANY KIND 0F BUILDING The most essential part is where can you get the material prornptly and the cheapest. No bill too large for us to give prompt service- and sînail oues the sanie. DO VOUR FALL DITCIIING Look Up Your lfal i feed Wants and Give Our f eed a Trial FENCE VOUR IFARM WITII GOOD POSTS WHY NOT? Yes, why not enjoy the satisfaction and cornfort of a good nit of eiothesl Good ciothes does not of necesÊity mean hlgh priced materiai. You rnay pay for the best cloth on the market but get a poor fit and spoil it ail. Clothlng is not recognized so much by the materlal as it is by the general appearance. You recognize the young mani as weii diresed becanse lie takes care of his clothes. He waa particular about his suit and lie is particular in bis care of A. Tailor made clothes are worthy of good treatment. Don't be satlsfied with the first piece of goods that wiIl hang on your back. Corne to a tailor, and have it fitted. FRED CROKER Tallor and Draper, Libertyville 19 You Dom't See What gou Want liere GOME IN ANB ASK FOR il Stevens' pure bineii crash bleached, 12 Xc Stevens' pure inen crash unbleached. 1 Oc Fine cbecked glass toweiing. 8 Oc White Swaases inidots and crosubars 12 Sc and 1 5c Very pretir snd .KeUent value« * Pearl Buttons per dozm . c 5cý 1 Ocý 20c "*Tigar" Pins, large paper. 1 c Bon Ami hase supporters regular price 25r. for 20c, A go parofsc-î-aror shear20c AND ON OUR GROCERY SUD! Swift* Pfemiwn Hanî midBacon Try a whol ie lc.- Il *111 hoe Premitjm&u=merSauaage, per Pm"nd,2t hDried Beef or BeledHamLPt Pund, 30c Bave lota ou hot work Y&ChtClub Saknon,tal calt. I Monarch Park and beans, 10c can for 9c' Thme scan or 25eu - Try aur TeuandamiSteel Cul Goffe, W.. W. CARROLL & SON 5c le i1TQ~ ~O. the op E tl t b b p f( t d t p t t t

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