CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Aug 1909, p. 5

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---------- l Iei There ilano tim e viieuthe.4 -B"oh-Nut Brand" Baconu à apprecisted more titan dur- ing the Vacation sesu. As it la thlnly mliced and pick.ed lu the. Beeci-Nut gis.. jar is retalua its supeelor flavor aud tenderna., la sily prepaeed aud ineure, a quick, app.tizlng rmiu. Do not.faiI ta maclade Beeci-Nut Bacon lu yonr supplies., W have it. I.J. ELI TRIGOS, O ROCER I To thie Public, Announcement has been made of the dissolving of the parttîership of the firm of Smith & Davis. This firm lias served you for years, and tlie under- signed wishes to, announce tlîat he will serve yon as welIl the future as lie has in the past. A new stock of goods lias been ordered, both groceries, dry goodB and general merchandise, which will replace tlie stock depleted by the dissolution sale. You wiIl find mucli new goods In our stock. Your patronage is invited and we will endeavor to please. Wo E DAVIS GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS I~'l No, these are Not Badges just samples of the Up- to -the -minute Neck- Wear tht youlU find in our splendid stock MEN'S INE FURNISiIINOS Shirts that fit, Collars and Cufs of real linen, Neg- liges for home and office, UnderWear of seasonable Weight, etc.., A big stock for the natty dresser. the particular man. Also ail the little aid-Cul! But- tons, Stick Pins, etc.. and no higher than asked elsewhere for inferior gooda. Note this fact. J. B. MORSE,& Co.~ e hng for flen LIBE!RTYVILLE, ILL. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDÂY, AUG. 20, 1909 LIBERTYVJILLE BRIEFSI L.OCAL AND PEftSONAL. ME-NTION Odd Fellow.* Pieute Saturday. "Pal" Laveli, of Racine, was a visitor bere tia week. Mise Edith sud Eathel Sprng left Tuesday on a'telp to Michigan, UMd dMes. Fred Croker and daughter, lmoDae, vere lu Wauconds, Sunday. Tom Dreeer a lu Ft. Atkiuaon, Wl.., aver Suuday where lie wa. vlalting Tise' Ramublers wlll play the Gures ten> t tise fair grounda next Suuday ateooan. "aPhs Warner, of Racine, ha.benu P Vlatlng friondesud relatives bore the pas$1 we.k. l.SohaAckierman, of lndlanapoll, *peut Saturday sud Suuday aetheb. ome of J. W. Miler. A Party of twelva from Lbertyvîlle sittouded the Cathollc piçuic at Evereet 0luet Teday. ; Dr. E. B. Smith sud vife etertelnsed 0a number of friendiaet their home last Thnredey evenlng. The boys vho have heen enîoying au iontlng et Gage. Laeke hroke camp aud retuened home tus vweek. Pyrolie Coau for threehlug. Thoe'se maney lu it for you. Sold by the, Rosa LumBiiFi CoiicÀvv, Lhbertyville, 111. Mis Mary Melloy wae tthe winuaer of the gold watch at the. Mulvey Comedy show last week as the. Moet popular young lady. A merry-go-ruund ha.s upplanted tie medicine show and le the attraction at tii, corner of Lake treet and Milwaukee avenu this v'ek. Minen Lottie sud Aun Bottegsek, of Oakosh, Wl.., Mir. Clareuce Haven, of Andeymon, Ind., have been visiting their nucle, 0. D. Haven and family. Chas. Jewel, of Kansas, who wae a gus t the. honie of M. BI. Cohby severa: day-t the pait veek was -alled home Mouday ou accounut of the serions illuese af his mother. Miss Edua Scanuell, of Calumet, Mlch., vho ha. been a gue.t of Mr. sud lMr*. Wm. C. Rawn lu this city for a few weeke vent to Chicago liset wvek to visit other relative@ before lier returu home. Tw tree. lu the. park snffered fromn the. wind Satnrday aud hail ofthtei tops tom eutirely away. A hemn belonzing ta Fred 0 rabbe le said ta have alisu heen slightly moved from itâ foundationît. A hern belonging ta John Horen near Bondont wa.s ruek lis liglîtunig early in the moruiug aud destruyed by lire. Now that theharvestise over, wouldn't tuh. a gaod ime Io take your vaca- tion? Corne with us ou Sept. 7th, and @e the much talked ot South Plains ut Northeru Texan. viiere an investment wiii double lu a vert- short ctime. Round trnptickets,$30. lînterested Write or p houeGFO. E. WEBB3, Antioch, 111. Phonue523. 473 The anuel Maux Picnic given by the Sous of the Mons Society wyul bé held Saturday, Augiiet 21, et Lake Eare, Lihertyville. Train wili leave Chicago over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. at 9:15 sud will li. Met hiere hy isay racks whlch yull couvey the party ta the pieute grounuds. T. Quayle hatth. seecetary of tusn organization. Arthur Koon retunud Tpeaday tram Rock Lland whees he won a numiier of pr= ith lis hors.. et tise exposition. Heseved the tollowlug credite: Firet and third lu the tandem, second lu the. unucoru (one horn, abesd _of two), vaon tise four-lu-baud, firet sud eecond lu the light weight muters, second sud third lu tie middle weight mutersansd firit sud second lu the, iigh jumpe. A postoffice taspector opent seversl davs et Rockeeller last week investi- gti' the propused change ot usme ut the ofc. He io said to have said that h. would reconmnieud that the name remain a. it le for lie did not deem auy change uecessary sud would report to headqusrters ta that effect. The tac- tional differeacea are seeuinglv srnoothed aver tuer, sud nil i8 quiet sud serene. The. winniug @ide lise had nothing ta eey sud there bas hçen no denionstra. tion of suy kind. Tii. Dymond and Austin tamailies hold their aunual reeniou ait Jefferson Park, Chicago, Thursday uft tus week. Thia reunion Jsean event chat basn been held every year for the pa.t tventy years snd is uaually atteuded by trom 75 to 80 ispresentacives ut both familles..lit i. alwsys held on the, chird Thnrsday in August so everyone may knew exactly wheu ta expect the, picutc. It alterustes each year between Lhbertyville sud Chicago sud chus year faita Chicag1 Tii. idea origiuated with Gr.udfather; Dymond sud the two familles have coutinued ilt rum year ta year, nev tac.. aud new additions to the, familles sppeariug from time ta time. Lightning struck a harn blonging ta, George Wisner ou Lake etreet tanti Saturday alternoon about Oive o'clock durig onue of the severe thunder sturnis that raged that day. The mow wa. filled with hay which lmmediately iguited. Tii. fire departmeat responded promptly sud lu a short time bad theiq fies extinuished. Tii. nev hose waa pressed Inta service and two stresme were piayed ou tihez..Tii.tfiesva. bard ta reach at it suad a hois va. ehapped lu the. ide of tise bien thrangh whlcii a streamn reached the worst of tic 1 fiee. Tii. fires dpartmeut worked1 valleutly and seveal hernie sud thor- onghly drenched fires fghtees vees> developed hefore tisefies waa out. g Lae. osanty Pair, Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2, r8 and 4. Mms F. W. Sehleker is makiugr a visit of two wooks wIth frlends in Chicago. Mr. snd lMra F. P. Dymond oiDent Saturday wlth Moinda lu Raveuswj>od. Mrs. Fr. B. Peek, of Ottawa, Kan., la tise Umnof ber daughter, Mmra Paul liseGuffi.. Ni"e floreneeEvllelzoropent Satnrday and Sunday*wltb friendsand relatives in Eanatona. Tise LuBSUTYTiLLE LumBEa ComPANY la nelng Indlaa» Blaek oal for theeh. lng purpoosa. Il'.good stuif. 47-2 Mr. and Mes. W.. C. Rawn "pet neveral days of the paat week wlth t riendesud elivs iuChicago. Min Roi.Newom and E. J. Holorau, of Marlon, Ind.. wore the guste of 0. A. Nowoonî and W*1e recently. Mr. aeqd Mes. J. B. Down9 return.d ta Evanston aSter vltwÉng the. psët week wllh Mr. sud Mm. S. P. Evileizor. Indimsa Bloek Coal for threshing la kuown to b. tise boit. Sold by the LiI.EKTYVILLE LumsiiCOMPANY. 47-2 Rev. J. B. MeeGuffin proached at the. Avondale M. E. cbuech in Chicago Isot Suuday, sud wll have charge of the services there noît Sunday. The, thirty-4rst aunual Lak.- Couuty Soldiero sund Sallre' Reunîou will be held et Wca'se Grave, Graîî,lake, neit Thursday aud Friday, Aug. 25 and 26. Mir. and lMre John Cronkhite. of Loveland, Colorado and lrm.C. T. Bartlet, of Evaneton, were welcî,me gue.ts last we.k et the home. of Mms Gieorge Vowler. J. A.murphy.reerly advertiing manag-r of tisehLIdonLUnilîesi ty Press, who weut to Minneepolis this apringe, write. ta frieuds In tliii elty statinz tint he ha. a fin. position in the mamne lin. la thnt clty sud i w~sel pleased with it. There la fitteen per cent more couuhu8-, tion lu Pyrolite coal than auy other molt i-ual viel mairse It tise cheapeet ruaI un the maret for tiireslitag. Ho.%tî Lt %IBEn ÇCoMPA!<y, Libertyville, 111. 411 2 Mire. C. S. Woalrldge at the, preseut time es visiiugfriande and relatives tu Wicoliiluwhom aho ha.@ Dot seen for 80 years. They are-aftheb Ferris tamily on. o! whom made himeeli famous hy build- ing ch. big wh.el et the World's Fair ta Cicago several years ago. Tii. umpire gave the hall gamne aithte fair grounds ta th. Ramilees la.t Suni- day atternoun by eascore of 9 ta 0. Tii. vlsitinig teani tram Woodlawn wam ahead atone time but through a di8- agreement toward the. end ofthe. game1 retumdeo t play sud torfelted the. game ta the Rambler.. Rocheter Acalemy opens Ici faîl ternm Sept. 7, wîth iucreaaed teacbing force.. Regular course entera ta college or1 Uiniversity without ezninatian. Op- portunicies for businua course, imusic sud preparation for tmechlng. New electrîc linegives best tacill"sfor travel. For catalogue aud inormation address PiiN. E. G. TOAN, Rocheste, Win. 464 The Wankegan Conervfilory of M nie.l,1 Lae Countys povulsr naualachool, will open Ite luth yesr Sept. 7lb. The. con- servatoey firet opened ite doors to Lake County atudeute in 1905 witlh aMeceoil- ment of 45 pupils. It now ha. enralled 170 puplle. This year tise eonservator-y ha@ opeued branche. lu Konoeha, zion Cty. Lake Forest, and vili open s branch lu Libertyville next year. Newa of ch. death of Aden Webb, of Maniste., Mi, va. recelved hbere tuis veek by Mes. Spencer Bond. He dled Jnly 80, at the age ut (19 yeares.mter a long,@eige ut illuese durlng vblch time lhe wa. compelled to underga tva amputa- tions o! boti legs, gsngresne having set lu and thie offerng theonuly chance ot savling hie lite. He lived lu Llbet.vville many years wliere e lied many triende who vilI regret ta learn of hi. deatii, George Lnsk was one of the lucky on,, la the land draving at the Spokane Indian Re@ervation la.t Moudsy. Hi, number wa. 40, whi h give@ hlm au excellent chance at a goo0 place of land. Friday, che thlrteenth, msy h.os lucky one for Roy Wheelee, vho at th.epessent la Montana, viiere ls riday h.e drew No. 32-50 inthei drawing at the Flathesd Indian Reervation vhlcii wa. opeue)d there. The, number le a hiih ou, but there le no telling but that _it may ho a good on, yet. It vas demonstrated et the flires la.t Satueday atternoon that the, village has s water supply equal t a shoot auy emergency. Two streamnoai ater had been turned on the blaze but wviauthe lire va. ont aud the hase tuened off, water u over the eupply tank for several minutes afterwerd. Thais le - counted for liv the tact that E. C. Young veut imnmediately ta the. pump- iug station and started tha englues sud vas turuisiiing waEer fa.ter than I couid ie taken away. Tise need ot more equipreent, suci a. laddes, m«e.sud liee extinguishers le alan shovu et ever littIe blaze wvil occure. It ha. bien eetimated titat the old hsud englue vhlch orginally cast $1000 ha.nsaved more then 80,000 worth of proporty. There la much more valuable propertylT.u the village than thre va.ssi lm b. oidj hed nlu as lu use. Tiser. le a much legrwee upply but tise equlpment la really no better than It w«s yeare ega but vitis a mnch @allor per cantage eut for apparatus thsamanali af prap- eetjy pratected ih tar greaeor. SUCCESS IN SYST!M The. min via would b.e acefaiulmuet b. ayaten>- atim. H. who regularly limite hie speuding ta les than hils esninge, sud seves sa tematicilly escit veek or n>anth portion of hie incarne, ha. learned the. ciief essential. ta succeae. A savinge account with o ur Bank vill help you ta save and drîv intere8t at 3 prceut. per aunun>-ooxn- pounded semi-snnually. One dollar vill open an eccoant. SAVIN41S USPARTIENT TUE FIIST 'NATIONAL IÀNIK 0F LIBEIRYVIE Noat Diow te the pi OlumBOums med" lUgtà acted ha@ toa.tma.ter. t did not cake a veather propiiet co foretell the, tact Saturday moruiug chat there vould h. no picuie. Telephone wires vere kept bot and ahortly alter Doon a meeting o1tcheexectutive commit- te. oftheiipicnic assnciation va. called sud evey tawn ln tiie connty was e.. pre.euted. lnstead of h.cng depressed by the. vestiertcils meeting va. su enthusiasti onue sud the ganeral deci- @ion which va. decided by a large mia- jority vote va. that the. picule should nnt h.aiisundoned but held ou the. next Salurday. Itwa. iratieuggested that tie picit h. ield the tollowiug Tiiuraday but the, committe. ou sports aud game. discover. ed that no hors., could ho secured for the. racs8 that day a. aIl had iieeu pro- vlongly dated et % isonsin. As Doan ai Saturday iiad heen decided on the. ad- veetîeing committee got lu motion and sent notices toaail Chicago sud Cook Connty lodges sud southeru Wiscovaiu. Other advertising material va.s aput on th.e treet long before evening. Tii. saine program sasvas at firat se. ranged wilîbe given neit Ssturday,Aug. uet 21. It va. utterly nut ai the queetiou wo do anythilg at tie groundis aset Saturday. Tii. hall diamond vaa cuvereil with water and the. race track wauld haN e heen put ont ut business lu about one round. Nluch mouey va. lost on the day, hoth by ch. a.sociation sud iv privtlege men, lunch etands, etc,, but it le hoped chat ail theme lasse, vilI h. retretved on ch. coming Saturdsy. It le tth, general opinion chat chers wiilbp evea a larger ceowd tuis veek chan cher, vas la.t. Tiirougb the lu- duetry ai many niembers of tie lodges lu every part of th. couuty ch, picuie va. tborouglîly advetised. People vee talking aud ver. not nnly talkiug but vere comîung-1! che rein had't apolleîl it ail. F or chie reesun the commlittee thought it best ta pull affthtei progeare as soon as possible vhilithie eveut vas yet ireeh iluche minde of the, people. Tiie husiness mon ni Libertyville have given the, day loyal support a. have alan tVie dittereut Odd Felove' lodges about ch. county and tiiece is every reaautau believe chat vicli favorable westher there viii he onue utthe largeat une day crovde here next Saturday chat va. ever in Lth.,rtyviIle. Open Air Service. Bring ail ch, tamily ta sir service lu the park uxt Sunday et fiva o'clock. Good scats, good singiug and a good sermon. Came. T. F. Leonard arrived from Cejatal Lake, Tuesday vith severai race ntorses euter.d for ch. Lake Ceunty Fair. \Mise Florence Biermsu loft iôMnday morning for Holsud, Mini., ta visit Bey. J. Van de Èrve and fam4l, vho ara apending the summer thece. lira. L. H. Whitney sud sau, RImer Williams, viii lesve tiratot h. v.k for Wasington, D.C. wheres Mre. Whituey viii vielt lier danghter, Mr@. Rugi Reid, via le very i. Retreshmente viii h. served at Central Park ou Friday evening, Ana. 27, for the, h.uefit of the Lekeaide cemetary. Mditchelis Muilitary Baud vIlI furnlah music. Corn e varyonaand havesasoci time whlle beliplg a worhby euse lu vhich uearly &a Iterested. 1. 0. 0. P. PICNIC TO BE IIELD SATURDAY Event which waa 10 Have Taken Place Lait Saturday Poslponed an Account of Heavy Rain Storm. Many Pro- parationa' Made. Optimiatic View Taken by the Management and Same Program Arranged for the Later Date. The firit annuel picnlc of the Odd Fellowe' piente Amociation that waa ta have bin hold st the. fair graund@ mt SatAlrday met wlt th.einoot dlaconeag. lns veater tisI could bho lmaglned. it begaa ta r&in sud atarni early that zuornlng sud kept up lntermittantly the entie d*ansd ovenlug. Idttcholl'a Milltary Baud ceame ont er-h»W heen reque.ced but were cauepollod..a Sd enlace lu playiug a few pliaces for tholr awn odifiation Lu the baud boom. The fair genda preeeniîed a mo.1 desolate aud woehegone air MaDY Privilogo imen lhad errived ti .day befors togethor with a merry-go.round sud ather &tractions. Thome aIl begfun ta baud stands and e veev likol, looklngç yauug mldway bad beon started. Re. teeehmont sud lunch itande ver. aiea well under way sud et tise dluing hall thare wae provialone madle for thon. sanda--but the. naît day It eained. The dauce pavillon va. very elaho rate- ly decorated by euthueiatl Odd Fellows. Bunting had been i tretchad frpm eud to end, there were tiage, tissue peper decorations, Japanese lanterna that gave a most gay snd festive air to the building. A dance was held there thst eveniug which was remsrkably well atteuded couaideriug the veeather. A free bus was mun tram the ceuter of towu which traaaported moot of the crowd, but many attended frotu outaide of the villare. Grand Master William M. Groves sud Grand Secretary John B. 81ke, o f Springfield, arrived on the early train and the session of the grand lodge wse held that evening la the 1. 0. O. F. hall where many took the degrees. Tbe initiatory work was followed by a ban- quet et the fair ground8 lu the dining hall where au excellent supper had been epread by Mr@. J. Whitney, of Diamond Lake. The. alter-dinuer speakers were good. Both of the grand olfi-ers, S. A. Hawthorne, o! Waukegan, aud others addeessing the meeting. W. C. Sanboru o o * r- g o * o o o o o o o o o* Cl o oo* 0f o o* Di o o o i o * o * int * Dr. o o o o o o o * o o o o * o * o o o o * o * o o e re niaking a big reduction the price of ail Light Wesght ess Goodis. Cati and see them NOW IS THE IME Ouir $est tzentéon Everythiug of a banking nature entrusted to our cars receives our best attention. W. fiel st«. of our ability lo handle your business to yonr satisfaction. HIGH GRADE BONDS FOR INVESTNENT ALWAYS ON IIAND Capital ad Surpus $75,000.OO X.Cake CounyVaoa/$n HEIALTI1FUL PLUMBINU Thîis iu the Bessonwhen the condi- tion of your plumbing fixtures demande your cloeeattention. Thc overhanling oftheplussb. ing of your home is as necesesry us hous-cleaning. if you intend making repaire or insrsfling uew ix.. -tures, we shafl bcglad to figure for you, provding à guarantee of prompt aud perfèct work at reason- able prices. W. sell and instafl the famous '*tm* Porcelain Enameled plumbing fixturcu. '5Stmd'e Ware bring, a wcalth of health to your home and increaffs its seling Vainc as ALBERT W. LITCJIFELD, Ubertyville Can you wear .5, 84 or 4 in a C or D width? If so we can give you the. biggest bargains you ever saw ini showe. A sampi. lot ot sltoes- MAY ER ANI) BRADL!Y SIIOfSj -made ini the. cty tht Schlitz made fanious, soltd, substantia1 and stylieli, worth from $2.50 to $3, in above mentloned sizes and wldths only, $1.00 T HE FAI1fR., Libertyville, Ill. 1 e l :_ ,earance Sale Summer ress Goods 1

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