CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Aug 1909, p. 1

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LAKE îCOU,ýlNTY INDEPENDENTA WAUKEGANWEEKLYSUN,___ VOL. XVII. NO. '48 LIIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 190)-8 Pages $i.- ,0 PER YEAR IN ADVAIÇGE Luli-e CoutyFair,. Libertyville, Aug 31 ~Sp.1, 2, 39 BRIGHIT OUTLOOK FOR COUNTY FAIR Speed Program lu b: th: Bout in Veut-s. Minerai Qualities Are Known to Exist in the Water Ihat Connes from Ithe Flowing Weil on h: Fait- Groundis et Libettyville. The mianagemuent of the Lakte Couuty Fair whieli wili be beld as Liberlyville, Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2, 3 and 4, aunounce that neyer lu yeare bas the prospect beeu 0o encouragiug as it lu Ibis year. The only question ou wht-i'b there lu the leapt it of îîoubt in that of the weatber, arid as§ th!@ fair bas alwayu been bleuued witiî the est the weatlier muan could serve it i% very reauable te, suppose that foit-une will again sjille on Laike 'iiunt-al leant that le tbe earneut lrayer of tboneauds. TIie wroundo are in fine shape this yeat- and the race track wib lias al ways eujoyed the reputatiofi of beinfi fast was neyer lu bettet- condition. Several of the larger buildings wlîî ' were put up lent year are as good as uew and the poultry exhîbits wlll Le put lu mucb iartcer and more cout- modious quarter: in the uew buildiug that la iist about complete. W el ent and ueatly trimmed ewards of green make the grounide look mont inviting and neat. The mratai attractioni Ibis year and ou.. that will posses ininy uiew features in the borse ishow. Mucb bas been Raid and s ti tten about thia special part of the prograni to the negiectof the racing. The speed progranu this year in 10 Le the same as nouai aud if auytinag a lile better. A number of horsmen are already training at the track and a largo number of entritesbave een recelved for the trotting and pacing as weeli au thbe runlug races. ltunuiug races are lwaeod among tise unusuai and uever tai ta brlug a large tolaowing wbo take lar more delight lu the wild dash tisu tuey do Iu tbs more qluiet trot or pace. Thse barnesà races. howeerer, are show- log weeli Ibis year aud thse stabl et tise gT;oundq are tlliug up sitis mauy good one. Earl Cornisis. of Solon Mills, seho ln training for (isorge Vogel, bas elght barne@ there. bliee C. witis a mark of 2.174 lu pet-sape tise boat aand was une ot tise winnero at the Odd Felloses' Picu ic fast Satu rday. W. F. Smiths, of Lake Geneva, bas about eigbt head whicisbhebbas been traiuing aI the mile brrg tbousaiuds to sample Ito curative'B qualitles, Tho premium lisI olrà an attractire array of premiunuista, exiibitors aud it la a problem as to whstber tliere ssiI! Le roam ta bogue ail of thpm. If there te flot suiticleut space it Io more than likelY that more nese building: sel have b Lbe put np) next year. It's a big fair tbis year witbiînt the elightest donbt. Lake Counîy lise bren groseiug rapidly and ln priusperoiis and ua better reffection of ils tlîriît sud wealtb can brlug Ibis so torî'ibly tb hie mi n f te people than "the t-inuty fair." New Show Ring. A use tanbarit ring or suttaîl track te being made in thecentertf theheldat tîhe hall tmile track in the fait- grounde swit-lt will be ueed lft- horse shojw vrp-ps duriug the fait-. It a ili bLe over 310 feet ln wiidtliand about au eigbth of a mile lu lengtb. Here îoet of the bot-w and s-piLIe exhiltits wîll take place. 1It will Le iuclosed Iii îrreut the c-rowd lt-on gettinîrthm Uinthe danger line and 15 in surît a poition that sn excellent viese niai- le-obtaiued lt-onutise grand stanil. Base Bail Scheduie. Tbe following sedule tif the hal games to Le played St Lake Coiiuty t-air bau been a rraitgeil: Weslnesdsv. Siept- 1,i1p. iii -Lakte Zurich vs. itoudout. Thursdas, 5.-pt. 2.10 a. ni -RamLlers va, Long Lakte. 1 p. u.-Palatiiie ve. Highland Park. Fglday. Sept. 3, 10 a. t.uu-t-ec i Area. 11p. n.-Antioch ve. Jobusiinjrg. Saturday, Sept. 4, 1 p. nu -(luee v@. Ramblers. HIGHILAND PARK MAN KILLED BY CAR Trapped on East Embanicmenl uft6h. Gurnet Bridge, wilh Automobile In Front anti One in Rear, Mrs. McCui- Iough's Buggy la Struclu by Rear Machine anti Occupants Tht-uwn ft-um Rlg anti Severefy Shaken. Suuaday. a dat tf outin7s waï; aiea one of accidents and wblle noue met destb because of Sunday casual- dles tbere were mauy escapes. One vlctim of let week. a man truclu by a street car at Highland Park. nas the only vlctlm. The Deati. THOMAS BOYLE, Hlgbhland Park. track thisa priug and one green mare lu Strucl by street car on embankmeul particular e-tiout a mat-k that bau uear Vine Street, lived font- days. Died been gîiug il easily around 20, J. A. aI 7:30 oclock tbis mot-iug at Jaue Burd. e-ho is training for the Oakseood Mt-Alsler bospiîl. stock fat-maise bau te-o very ptomiog The Injuredl. green ioroes. NMRS. THOS. M'CULLOUGH, sud Thumas Leouard recetitly a-mired witL te-o cbiltîreu. Gtrnee, I11. Imuured lu four bot-ses lt-onu rysbaî Laite ail of automtobile crash a 11h buggy. -bit-h are lu fine condition. The green IJNKNOXVN FOREIGNER. Bumped mare Kîddeiî mu one for which Le bau croBsîug, North Chicago. At bospîtal. gteat expectationu. Jas. Burlingame, Automnobile Crash aI Gièrnee. of Atiocis, ba@ several horsese ehiçhb Se The Gurnee crash îîrobably marked io traininug here. Chaq. Loveîand, o! the narroe-est escapte of ail. 'Mt-s. of Lbrtyville, lba@Six or wveu tbalMlc'tillough, btee-îlfe of a îroseroue -Il L e i prtime condition for tise lait- fut-ner.n'as on ber wayute 1 rh bat races. J. W. Se-ansbrough is norkmng about 10:310 Suday utotuitit sutd Gambtta Prince and almo bas a unuber bad driven ber rîg, a bot-se and buggy, of green omes that are Iookiug good. onto bhe approsch to Gurnee bridge He is training a nunîber o! colts. Frank e-heu she discoveu ed an automobile D)uenbrrry bau four head. befote her sud anoîber bebiud ber. A larg&uumber of Luutses fronu other Tt-aîped bu the narroe- road e-ish parts of the etale sud Wt@corusiu are enbaukments ou elîher aide, see ad aise expeted asu 0enet-s and trajuers uo choit-e. The crash eilb the auto- have been seudiug in for etry blanku. mobile lbrew Mrs. McCullougL os-e- Thsis fait- lu kuowu tbrough the middle the banlu sud bt-used ber considers- States au a lire one sud le parlicuîariYy . The cbîldren escaped e-tbout lu- conepicioue on accont o! its speed lut-y. progranu. Details of Accitient. The Flowing Wall. The accident tock place ou the eus- Que ofthtie great couveuleuces sud one buukmeut es-il of -bd brîd7e. Wheui that geeatly intere8la straugers le the tIs. cCulloutgh the machine bu big founlain fed lt-onutise fiosiug ecl, front o! ber abe t-led ta baclu ouI of This big e-ell e-as discoversi te-o yeat-s the way sud the automobile lu the sgt- and e-heu raaed carried e-atet- ta test- it the wbeeî and tLe buggy sud the beight of twesite eel abore the thrt-e'hie occupants. ',ut-ace. A large stand pipe wa@ put in tIrs. NcCumllough e-as taken in for thL-e t f tLe tank seagous and tLe charge Lt' the automobile parîy sud seater îiped o-et- 200 yards ta mucb taîcen 10 the boute of Dr. Tuuing. Ha bigLer grouud e-Sers tLe bauin forth 5ee-wsa 0ou acail, soase e-as removed lounutain e-as placed. This foutitaim bau to ber bouse sud laler thie physiclan coutiuued lui flow day sud ight evér ttended ber. uluce withoul the lighteul Indicatiou nnw oege i of Ieêeeing sud a noticabîs tbiug, that 1 Unknown Foreinet rte. bas been tLe cause o! much comment Smdy rih t Futeii Ibis year, i@ that tLe quaiity of the are unko- o-lurea I water le cbaugiug. t cOtalus much by s str-eel car sud eeverely bruised. more minerai and bas s ligt inge oait he h ual 0apesl ngîleisescuitse suiphur whieL would indicate that tbere aItsbopaleyudtîexss were medîcînai qualities tbere. It Las b atUa h nm autb S beau suaI the watet- h. lalued at the bositîal. aaaleed ta learn just e-bat lise lu. gredients are and Ibis silI probabîy Le A suisacrîption oflert hat e-Il! Inter- doue W&a set-y shsort lime. A faiots est lise womeu follus la tise Parla morai" prlug on tSe fair- grouu0du Modes Magazine for e-omeu. tise Daffy Minter Odeuisanmd thse Ldependeul al would be aorneîlmng unhsual aud wlll for $850 pur year. BOY PRISONERS ESCAPE fRON m JAIL1 Sheriff Griffin Satut-day hegan active putsuit -if lgnacowzki anti OKeefe andi hope: lu have them bsth in the jaau again soon. The man lie places most reli- ance InIs Speclal Detective Nas- shelm of the Northwestet-n rail- road, Chicago, who capturedti he four boys of whom lgnaczuwlcz anti O'Keefe art-li. Nasshelm la a clever officer. Hie chief has been notifledti 6 put hlm un 1he case and ho willI traîl the boys lu their haunts on Piuurnoy street anti probably landi themn. O'Keefe told Jesse Dotisun, captured at ZVon City, that he wuould hike to- wat-ti Elgin. Elgin police have nul yet locatet i hm. He may b: n McHenry counly. lgnaczuwicz saiti he was goino lu Chicago. Botison was caughl by 6he as- sistant postmaster of Zion City ast nighl at 1he Thirty.thlrd stt-eet crossing oft1he electrlc. Me salti he was on hi% way home, 60 gel muney anti leave 1he state forever. The potmaster was one of Captain Walker's tiepulles. Boy pisouers at tbe LaIke couuty ail l"t-day p. n.pli-I-l(,ot a nectincof steel bar at the end o! the corridor of the boys' department and drOIpplng to the gt-ound. one by une urougb a nar- t-ne- unilmg, made tbeir escape Two of thenu ecurried oser to South County street sud dlsappeared lu the darlunese. The tibrd went out Wash- lngtou street 10 the west sbde car lîne. and followed the rIgbt of e-ay to neat- Zian Cty, weee bwvas captured and brougbt baclu, tit-ed, lootsore sud tatber glatd to be caught. Thoso Who Escapeti. JESSE DODSON, Mion City, 3113 Gabriel. Botnd over for $200 for ai- leged tbeft of pair of eboee -bIt-b 5e seore e-heu caugbt. OKEEFE, HENRY. thicago. AI- legi-a boy freilght car thlef, bound over In sunu of $1,000 for aîleged burglary of frelgbt car sud tbeft of goods anuouutiug to $1057 IGNACOWITZ, JOHN, alleged boy bIef botind over lu same sunu aud for saute aiteged offense as OKeefe. Jaîl Breaklng Witnesseti. The juil breaklng toolu place at 8 o'clock or shortly thereafler sud a man sud womau, e-hose names Sheriff Grflfin sald he could flot give, sw the lastatnsujump tbrougb lte wludow aud vaulah lu the dat-lnees. The manitusbed 10 the county laul, aroused tbe son of the eheriff, Leslie Grîlfin. aho sas iu the laI! building, and told buni of tbe incident of tLe escape. Young Grifin ut once telepboued hie father e-ho e-as ou takling dnuner e-ltL Depuuty Sberlff AI Bet-ty st the fiat ou Nort-h Geneset-' street, and immediale- IY the obllcet--, gît busy. How Escape Was Effecleti. The boy Itioners at-e ail imprie- oued together a hall slory above tbe secontd floot- of tihe jail and rlgbt acrosa front thei' siens departteutl. Duriiig tLe dus tisesat-e let out in a corrtidjor- shethey roanu about sud gel foot niovernent and exercise. Boys are flot consldered desperate prisouere generaliy. bence latitude allowed, lu ibis case utîstuken appareully. The tinte for puttlug the boys lu tbeir separsted colis Is 9 oclock sud the escapie toolu place at 8, su bour bel ore. Weak Spot n Juil. A year sud a hall ago e-heu Jesse Dodson, the same Zion Cty youlb wba escaped, e-se s prisouer lu the lu ha bold Sheriff GrIffun of au alleged aI- tempt 10 break ouf of the boys corrf- dor and pointed out ,a bar, sawed tbrough, ln thse corridoi fiztiriework of bars. For snltcblng the bI i ýs-.trusted and the bar wae replai.,! lt1h a new and et ronger section. Last ulght, led it 1i jjiosed, hy Dodeson. the îbree boýýtoîo, eibher a board from the sanPtý1'apîiances ln the roomt or a section f ioprled tbe bar ln the wlndow iii sud throngb the lîttle aperaturo tibu made leaked ont of thse lait. ont, by one. WaIker Makes Capture. lmmedlately on geitic (li alarnu. Sheriff GriflSu called out bis lpte and slttlug at bis deal, '-gai tu t ele- phone 10 ail near-by citiF 10tw ns and sillages, taking lu es îry line He telepboned forth, soith and west, and the norib u-.a f, rsI bore fruit, as Captain '\,ttr of Zion City, ex-chlef and non sutai bcd 10 Volîvas persoual staff. miade the only capture wben be got Doîl-on, the bead of tbe Jaau plot, lu bigrutctaluîng the electrlc rosi! ou the wa.% homý o bhîs mother and ulster, wbo bad nto intima- tion of the )ail delivery. There la no trae f the other Iwo prîsoners wbo er:;3d Reiorusthat the sberlff wet u- sud down the north ehore iu bis automobiîle aller the two are denled. The sheriff niero- y telepboned t0 other surrohnding po- lie departmeuts ta be on thse watrb. The two lîve ln thse viclnlty of Nlay- fair. wbere thse crime of wbich they are accused was committed. The boys are ail man sîze sud conld put up a fight. Police Chiot Wurke Hard. Police Cisief Conolly of the lty dld commeutlable work, as dld Chief Tyr- relI, by postlug al Waukegan offilcers to preserve a look out and tise chie! pereunaîf y e-eut m.tiste rallroad Yards sud told railir oad men of thse escape. eo that lise clty was comiplete- ly drag-ueîued witisin a few minutes sud uou a mn, uwe-mas or chîld cuuldE bave gotlen tbrougi lte lises dt-awn.1 Nevertbeless the two boys dld gel througb lu some manDer sud are etilI aI large. Reports Ibat lbey badl s couple of dollars at-e donied. t le sald lhey Wet-e pentilless.e MILK INSPECTORS V 1511 COUNTY SIEAT Drivers Nut .Wurryinq but Sevet-al Owners Saiti to Be SquIt-ming Con- cernlng Mîllu Probe-MiIk Wagons Lino Up at 4:30 as Pas Tht-ough Streets anti SamnpbeofuAll Pr-o-F ducts Are Taluen tram Thom. J. S. Lstighlusund 0. V. Fox cil Chi- cugo sud Elgin, state mîlklu lupectors. ut-ruscd lu t o\ius lus week 10 swooîi down ou tbe unexpectlug mîllu dealers of Waukegauî. The lnsîîectors made tise rounds of lbe vruts' Fridl ' i-a. u t 4:,30 isdlock. u stopliIng esery niilk wagon met. tnt-1 ing sanîtîles of ail the differeut kinds of nllk eut-hhbarsdled, ta Se exsmluedC and sait ced luber. Que lu a positionc to kmîowsasid bhat e-bile lthe drivers 1 themselses dîd utot dat-e, lise proprie- tors of souie t-f the dîfferent t-ottes net-e ruther net-s nîts 31t11 iriectous have the rlght t. stop wagons aundituke aamples. The samplles are sualyzeti and aler resuits are made kuossu There Must be stan- dard amount'. of butter fats sud on- sein lu milIt. The shake upbere, e-bile ilues-et- amotmuts 10 sut thing, and no prosecu- lions at-e ever sated, ale-ays doee mucb gocd for the People as mîlk mu- pros-es, Inspectors of ibe klnd geueralîy travel lu relas ansd Waukegan may socu exDert put-e fod upeclors and other officiaIs of the klrmd. 1100 FAMLY IOLD wlth hlm. Sbe refused, ahereupon bce AOOKAL REUNION pîlled a t-es-ls et sud shot ber dead. Marlon 'sis-ent 10la The pt-es-u, nti- 0o f aims against Gueste cf Honor are Fîve Deans of thet- sate of Ziouî is -.oniew here lu the Family Who Came to '.is'Country uîrlghborîîooîl of ulîlrty to thlrty-live from Englant in1 the Fortées-John cent., on the dollar in îroperty. snd Mook, 1846; James, 1919; Robert, when It la learned that tis property 1842 and Mrs. Whitmore, 1852. la tlgiutod at a very conservative price, _____ lInvs trs Mll sec uhat tbeir holdings At the resldeutro of Jos. Turnert aI are really worth coniderable money, Grayslake \\(-iiîesday 0f 1lîsî s',ok says the Zlon City News. wa6 beld the anil reuuuilot of th e It ls altogelher pîrobable that the famous and inuîch resPPet- ttIl 10Kion Patate wil ho lnally settled and each famlly of Lake coîînuY, lie fe:ttîlîre Of insestors portion deait out to hlm In- the celebratloru bcbg 'a big dinP' ide of the next twelve monthe and followed b>y a social tinoc. possl1bly rancb s00ner. It wilîl fot then The deans of the celebration were,: requlre a great dpal of figuring to seee John Mook, came la this country that with a growlng city, surcb as ail In *1847. believe Zion City wlll prove t0 be. this willam Hook, 1848. property and consequently the present James Mook, 1849. dlaim of Investors wlll amouint to a Robert Moulu, 1842. consîdorable Item to the holders, and Elizbalh Hoolu Whjtmore. 1852. If nouldl fot surpîrise us In tbe leat The famllY orlginally came fro it to see tbose who bang on for sorti- England. AithoUgh ubere were six1y. trme 10 realîze a ranch more satîsfae- four present yt-sterdat thîs duest not tor, figure than the present estîmate include more than haîf of the mei would warrant. bers of the %arions branches. Thq If the rlty sbould be successful In reunilon is anl anniuail one and the fol. getlng somte good sfzed factorles em- losslng attended: ploylng men wlth good wages the John ilook, Emma Ilook, Mary A. lîrice of the estates property wblch Gardînier. 0. Hook, LouIs Hook. Er- ilail! be 'remembered Is niostly In nesi Hook. 0. A. Hook, Joseph Tut- real estate would be greatly enbanred. er. A. L. Doolittie. W. A. Gat-dîirr F. t. Strang. Fiossie 'Str.ang. Luella A. Hook, Emily J. Strang, Harold Sîrang. Niirerva Hoou, 'ilabelle F. Hook, Lille l. Hookt. Geot-gla Hook. ý-artieIte Weber-, Imogene Cblnn. H-attie Cbinn. Bettha Hgok. Avis H-ook, Mat-t Hoolu, Edlîh Hoolu. Carrne Whitmot-e, Beesie Wbîtmot-e, Blanche Doolittle. Josephb Turner, Jr, Cors E. Hook. Emma Turner, Frank Chitn, Frtahnk Hook, WiII Hoolu. Everett Hock, Russell Doolittle. Albert Duo- 11111e, George Straug. Leonard Hock, John A. Tuner, R. W. Hoolu. Reubén Hock, Richard A. Bush, Cors A. Hoolu, Sat-ah Hock, Ruîth To-ueeud. Maur- lt-e Toe-useud. J. W. Hock, Cecil H. Hock, Bettha A. Doolîttle, MIrs. Eu- geue D. Straug. C. Clement Wbitnuote. Rose Tut-net-. Lilliani Turner. Hettie NORTHI SHORE MEN PLAN DRI VING PARK Dtivlng Park lfor Gentlemien': Mati. uesu to Be Built Near Wauluogan LiRe Park ln Kenosha-Few Mon ut Means lu Swing Deal, Have GoI. len Together anti Announco Open- Ing. "Sileuce le golden.' Sncb is the motto of a uew stock company wblcis la about bc close a deat for a huu- dred acre tract of land uortis or soulis of Waukegan t0 Le used as a drlvini; Park, oen-blcb there e-ill Se s mile traclu, sud it Il a eadeeuIt la fiu- lshed that there e-lll be many excit- Converse, tlattie Toe-ueend, Sarah J. lng "mallueee" wltnessed by another DoclîttIe Mtrs. D. S. Hock, Maud Tut- season. et-. D. S. Hook . EJ. Whltniore, Dell The uortberu tract la uear Sheri- Converse. dan road, but the Cumpany bau au R. W. Hoolu antI wîfe of Waukegan option on tbe south tract, but ls lors- sud Henry Straug snd famlly of Wau-ttion wouîd flot be dlsulged by the kegan stteuded. ronioters. This la an assnred fart _________________ as thIsutigatore ar-c men of e-ealtb sud e-heu tbe lochtion le fiually set- IERRANT WOMAN MUR- tled the SUN le luformed that work DERED BY IIUSBAND w-I be commeuced seluhin a mnb lu the e-ay uf blldlug a grand stand, Present Value of Cfalms Agaînsl Zion etallesud every accessory couuected Estate Saldti 10 e Belween Thirty slth a drivln2g pst-k se eell as Irarlu. anti Thlt-ty-five Cents on Dollar anti Il e-ll 5e Impossible to, have every- People Are Urgeti to Moiti an As tbîug cumPleted at present aeslise CIaim slaProperty fuîtCrases lu Value seaeou le b ofat- advanced lue-ardu Constantly. tbe end, but tLe public le aseured uf the fart Ihat Ly next year the lt-k X','lkesbart-e, Ps , Aug. 21. George will experleuce many excltlug ecenea F. Mution, aged 52, of Atlanta, Ga., as bot-ses wlth good recorde will ap- shot and kllled bis conumoin lIse- e Pear bere. n tbe office of the chier of police of The utatber bas beetu under advise- (lis ctb toutigut. Mation sud the de- ment for soute tinte, and belug backed conseil. sho brouet-lte-us Miss Fran- bt nien o0f ensathe proposition wIll ces Lee of Zion tit', M., - ad, it le ai. suroît Se a go, at tbe same limte Wau- leged. Leen living together as husbaud kegart wil Lebe ht osseesor o! one of sud wife for seven years. tLe fineal race traclus lu tLe state. Several e-eeka ago. il la claimed. tLe ssoman t-an away with another THESE MAY WED. masn, tikirus ber cblld a'ith bei.1Mat-- ton racd tenito tis ityand Carl Doeschet-, Rivet-ide, 2S-Emmna throuîgh the Chief of police Le at-- Rholfe, Kole, 19. ranged to meel Ls ia ee t police bead Atturit J. Morgan, Chicago, H- quarers.Emma Moore, 25. Wben bbey umet Le kieeed ber sud A. 1. Mot-gan, 31-Emma Mboore, both alpliested happy. Turuiug lu 25. Chief Long, Marion asked the latter 'William C. Scbmidt, Chicago, 56- o stelu lt-onu the office a few moments Doothea C. Masterson, 41. e-bile Le spoke to bis eife lu prîvate. Heunty Roshutun, Lakeo iltiff, 25-- The Chief, lbluklug be e-as accunu. Harriet Sbueffer, 2. pliebing a klnd at-t by bt-fuging man Isadore Cot-chu. North Chirago, 2,«- sud aile together sud consented. As Lizlze MatsiClu, 18. eonon as he Ieft the roonu Marlon asked Thos, B. Waildell Milwaukee, 61- bis e-Ife if abe wonld relurt-10Atlants Mary M. Millet-, i. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENTi Waukegan Weekly SunI OFFICE CLOSED EVERY AFTERNOON DURING THE FAIR TENT IIEADQUARTERS AT THE FAIR GROUNDS Pay Your Subscrptiorts and Settie Accounts There A Cangressional Candidte, Attorney Nilsuii M. Welct, e-el! kuosen iruLuIke couuîty as a Ciîcago attorney sud a mati bat-nrigislout bat-e near Rosecraus, Lake counuy, not mot-e Iban ten nuiles trom Wau- kegan,La auitoustced hlmself a can- didate for tLe congressional bertis va- cated by Willilam Lormmer's elevatlon 10 the senste sud e-bat la more, may stand sa gofitchance of .-c+s,.,it. 1 Iuaemnurb as itlal customary for est-b supervisor to present a liaI of uaites of legal volet-s lu esci precinct lu Iheir reepective lue-us to make tep Ibis Jury lisI, 1 woîmld auggest Ihat yote Prepare tour lilt (or lista If lbui-e la mot-e tban one îîredlnct tu your tovu- sbiti> 51 once eo that yau can proMpt ly pt-sent tieseaunieas soon as t". Boardl meets as lu Iblu vsy mm*& timme rau Le saved. lu preparlug Ibla liaI or Ilut. pal ou tbe saine tise usme of at Ie.Ua pet- t-eut of the legal votera tu e precincl lu your towniship, uIy6nD 1t. place of reatldence o!fe«Ch Uais o the list. THIS IS VtERY impORTANT s kludly gis-e tIhe saie Your allesalo. Respecttully yourg. X. HORENBERQjEB, Chair-mar, Board Snpers-iaor. FouI Play- Probablie. 1Keuoha, Wis - Aug. 24,-The re. maints o! Henry~ Martin, a Chicago man,e-orkîug at ona of the Ice bons«. ou Lakte Marie, lu titis oounty, wua laken trous the laRe mat before Daon ou Mouday. There e-as a deep gash lu tLe bead of tise mnsusd lter. 1: somte resson ta Selles-e lisal Mat-d e-as murdet-ed. He e-as lest seen e-lt a nunuber o! men frth 1e Iles ousi late Sauntday ulgist sud et tisaI Ime members of tise party sppearsd f0 è;. 1 .. e 1 gxtig- b ave been drlukiug. The principal trouble with wild ouss suwing is Ihat uotnuisody always bas to REALTY REVIEW. heip resp thoe 0 Y a 5wa Lake CourmlyIlla & Trust Go. fsw 0:15s tt6he. Ll09uosnty Fait- next pot-t Real Escate Tr-aom f« f week but psy your saolsçriptlon to the noclu Total 117; Deedo Bt Intiependont at the Tont bofore you Lss8450.' start ln. os$480. MUST MAKIE NEW, LIST Of: JURORS Mode Of Selectiun anti Fact thal the Names in Box Were Not New Hav» Several Times Been Made. An Issu** Mence Slep of Board la ot Impo.'. tance 10 Litigants for Octuber Torni of Circuit Court. The list of Lakte cauuty names of juit-nia ba lg been exbaueted and thse marte.- of the selectlon of juries sand met hoda useil of late baving corne sp lu court severaflImres, Chairman Ha'l etuberger of the board of connty super- isors bas lsiet the followlug call for s mteeting of the board te file'uarneu frouit s hlch -un be îlrawu lut-ors lutzL The letter that supervisore recelved follbe-s: Wauikegun, Ill., Ang. 19, 1909.- DesR-1gt -5.lyi.8u attention bo tîte followlng malter: Thte statute prosides: -That tbe conmuy boalrd of counly ebaîl at or hefore flue Urme of Its meeting lu September lu each year, or at any tInte thereafler when scée saty for the purpose of Ibis act, male s list of a sufficleut unuber, uot l1uK than one-teuth of the legal votera ut each toe-n or precluct lu thse couuty,; givlng the place of reeldeuce of eeuh name on the l, te Se know u a Jury lIaI." And the etatute futtier provide thal: 'At leaat twenty days before tbO fit-st day of auy trial terma of aiy et èald courts, the clerlu of sncb coir-t shahl repaîrt-et the office of the cOuatf clerk snd In the preseuce of lte coWf ty judge sud ot sncb courty cuerk5 *- ter the box contaiulug sald naaW bas iseen weal shaken by thse, 0oustW nlet-luasd being bilndfolded sb&U ar wlA ont psrtiallty, dru' from BaiLbOX I1O names of a sufficlett atiber of Péo- sans then resldeutuuoflaid' o=tr- neot less than thlrty for eict t,'ro e-eeke tisaI sncb court wUil probabIlt be lu session for thse trial of coazogo Ise- cases, ta constitute th: pett - ut-e for Ihat term." The fit-st day of thse uezt October ternu of our circuit court ln Octu. ber 4, se tisat in order for aur eftw cuit court to bave s good jury at tikat lernu, 1 am adviued by thse State's At- toruey that It wlll be necessary tbet the counuty board male up a liat an tbe fit-st day the board meets, and4 aiseo ueceseary that thse circuit dlerk draw ibis jury au thse saure day, ne that ou that day a great deal WtU bave lu be doue lu thîs malter aad doue lu a burt-y. 1 therefore respectfnlly ask lisp board of eupervleors to meet promptly at 9:30 o'cloclu on Septemiser 14, lihe day provlded by statute for lh: au- fnal meeting. it de d n d 1. d It d e e h e d n 1 E) t

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