CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Aug 1909, p. 2

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IWAUCONDA DEPARTMENT j 'tM. E MMANN.Conrespofntan&MAgent Lee Brown was a city visitor lest Mr. and lm~. R. R. ilte3 and daughter Pm qN Irii 7 aturday. left for their bomne in Omaba on Satur- ~ ma "troui.l Mr. and Mrs. Nile Wynkoop, ot Wood- day. Mms. Rfley and daugbter have ise.~ , ~ stock, were guest8 of Mr. and Mmr.H. been spending te sommer ber@ with bft forba omn t agsîDBrrs udtall te«irt i!lewekmother and @iater and Mr. tiey bac bal *Ow.Barrs ad fallythe irstof he wE .a ine new residence bmnlt durrng the ~Itk .îa.ooc-ka..s H. Maiman aud daughter, May, visited summner and DOW bas it &Il ready ta MdSLaO& A « witb Mfr. and Mr@. C. A. Blapke and mave itt whn tbey retnrn. tamily at Libertyville, Sunday. Mites Mao Daley, wbo bas been @pendi- Rev. Pierce, of Belvidere, ealled onl ing ber summer vacation at home lett triends in our village Tuesday. for Waukegan, Tuesday to attend the IV NH EMr. and Mrs, L. C. Price and dauglitersintitute ater whleb @she willI go tu, IVAfflOEMisses Aita and EAther, af Waukewan North Chicago ta restiue ber dutie M are "peaig a week's outia)g at thâ, in8tructor in that citys echool. Llzzie Xuebker te speuding the week Pierce cottage on the faite shore. Frank Ratier and gister, Annie, 'ioited at ber brother. ln Gray@lake. Oscar and irt Lake, of Borner, Nýb., With friends et Buffalo Grove, Sunday. Miss Eizabeth Wirtz sipeat a lew daYe are visiting with relative@ and friende inl L. E. Maiman returned ta the City ai homne this week. our vllage and vieifity. Tuesda.y alter spendifig .Snnday and .The nbWet o! Rev. G. T. flannaase5r- Mr. and Mms. Peter Weidner. ai Buffalo Monday at his home in aur village. mon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1ý netBna tteIioUfgsrie rove. and Mmr. Andrew Stabl, co! Long Mir. and Mms. J. Seger, of Chicago, are "ii be, "The Way a! the Lord." IDtheGroe alled on trieuds in aur village spending a tew days with friende in our1 oveàing, "The Value otan Ideal. Wednesday ichile ou thir -wey ta village. iss Inez Smith, o! Waukegan, i@ the Meery. Jas. Bauer, Binter. Clara and brother, gfolt of ber cousin Miss Lo& Smith. Some men make good; others oniy Bernard, @pent Moaday atternoon n ith Mr. lend Mms. Erneet Beckwitb bave make excuses. We wili stand for lots friend8 at McBenry, sturned froni a twa months wedding Of excuses but wouid rnuch rather have nsreteikeras awbe trip in the West. the money for the Independent. VOUu r tetsrnlrbsnwbe trIPn te Wst.Cen psy t the lent on the fair grqunds repalred being in good shape atrain and Tis JuiorBore Mssinar Soort put inta use laet Priday for the frest The aunverHean af-a&Y Setyst Ang. Hapke, of Wankegaa and C. A. ime this seagon and It certainly eemed bPda ry pwiétb Mis. G. T. tngl a y , of Libertyville, icere gueete af a great relief ta have the dust laid. The b"a a prnie luncht under the trees. Mr ad Mms. Oea. BapIte, Sunday, aew pumpiug plant warks fine the Cisyton Dean, o! Rockefeller, attended Dr. Fuller etarted Maaaay for a well pump belag rated at aiaety gallons per eliumbhobr Sunday mornîng. earned vacation of about ten (layev. minute, tille the sprinkler la ive minutes and icilI be fourid a fine equipment for Mr. and Mrs. OtioStmitti, of WankegaI Mrm. Kent entertajaed Mr. aad M re. filiag the tire visterais. spent last week with Frank Smth and Cunlifi Owen for twa weeks. Bath are MtsFaes etis pniga bSillycharming people as reported by thace couple a! weeks with triend8 in Syca- Mr. and Mrm. Poîzin entertatae.I rea- Who met them. mare, 111. tivesi from Chcago over Saaday. Miss Myrtle MeYer je expected home -William Tîdmamh is having a einent soan ater aplea8ant ieit wjth relatives. poreh twenty-eîx teet long and six teet lTse Womanys Home Misionaryid ul s acmn l tth Societyv met Wednesday witb Mie. John A postal card tram Miss Grace Wel@siiebadae cretwakt Wirts.telle of the maay beauties affered by street and piump. The work is being done by the B@iyBo.adl o Ray Recketsweller ha@ retnrned tram Kenosha ta hald ber vieitars. s) ood of.aeybas. anmdeisa@ob lirbsa. wbere he bas been attending '.Is@. Kimberly and Ruth are spendlng ineior impravements whlch enchances sommer ochool. Hie ie naw attebding samettme at Mchigan Cty, lad., and beauty to, bis fcnne. the i»acher's lastitute et Waikegan. repart a âine time. George and Stephen DarrelI are eajoy- 1 ii Emma Coudre>', iho bas spet Mrs. Frank Tldmnarsb, son and dangb- ing a visit tram their sister. wrha le tbs paat)ear et Vaiperais, Imd., acquît'- ter, o! Witewater. Wits., are spendmng a eigbty-one years aid, yet brigbt and Iag knwieg ! genOgrapby, spent tew daya at Herinan Brooks. hearty. a;e aswt eatvsbradat- seced chumbis unda>' morning. Misese Avis Paye and Ada Kuebker om leal week et tWer houm silatis D~ea Wells sang two beautitl i else- tion et tise chancis ocial let Titnrsday amblag, &a&0oans ut lbherornlng servies UaE.A. Dean attended cburcis hm se tbe moraing service. MieMurray', o! Obicago, Waathe gaest *#berbaitend, Mus Editit Wirlz, a tew * ay. 1mat Wesk Usa. (2âberli, SBr., wbo bas been ,ld*qm ber son, lit Tueida>' lu viai rflin..laonis Dakota. 2L Peyup ttat old subscrlption, %ou mugt t. haahaad of yourseif fr Itrtaso lng. Coma tbihe #ffpal there, tte Tant, on the Lait 8a evels t the C. E. mut- tu& Mis Dais" Van Pism sang a ver>' i soin. ¶ThWabioet ofthtie Christian Endeavor tmestinmsit Bnndav evsning wili b.. "Î5os* Mislona; Our Onenopolilen - Ppoýtàon.'" Lnks 18:22.30. . liteOge suad Miss Emi]>' BaIsé. of Waueostda, rliisd in Ivanhoe Bande>'. MUrs. Prank Milleor maitise gut of UM Robert Rchardson, bonder sud Mme Carl Dorfier, o! Ibis place enter- tlné ber sinter, Mca. Steinbock sud #6a811ter, o! Chicago. Satarda>'. JOhn Witi'm tIle hoy' w» taken édelandserionslY .111 aturde>' niit D. Galbs>' ias Mcad dwe M elgjd ta ay (t e t tise present wt'lt- t & h eu mchmpraved. ies Dora, Dorfier la vliting ber aister, )Mis.Oso. Rosipg, o! Round Lake. Maonto!fte ciildren lu Ibis vlcinty met et the parsosag aturda>', Aug. 21 and tlsd a quilî. inner mas serred an te lama, gameâ mers Played, and a *»ne ime wmsenîo2ned b>' ail. Misase Avis sud GladYs Payse took a lake tnp ?ta Mil waukee and hack Wodueeda>'. Mca Titue and cildren @peut Fridav of lest wmuk visitng la Grayelake. A few tram Ibis Place attended tise Odd Felloas' picnice t Ltbertyville, ; r PALATNE___ Dr. Gi. C. Sbaddle @pont Suada>' witb bis parents bere. Isr. Mria Phillips, use Lmin. a! of lowa, la visiting wltb relatives ln Pale- tins et pissent. A. 0. fimîtiand temil>' bave retnrned irom thelr rieit lu Libertyville. c Dr. Malcolm roturned tram bis dinner1 Tueaday to0 lad his office entered sud bis mans>' drewer empli sud &a ielégold lu slgbt, ao searcbed bis cabinet and sot leavlng sven lthe filiioge. Tbe lose amenntod ta $40. Ahi the 1heures are Dot S ai etl T'he frands of Ernest fichreiner, tbe former tsachor la the Parochiail ebool bore, bavé reslved Invitations ta bis wed. ding. Hs waa married ta Mie@ Emma Brtbsl et bsr home lu Frankeumatit,1 Mich., Sunda>', August 22ud. Con.i gratuaelons tram ail. 59r. and Mma Jabnke. nee Mar"isq Glade, entertdlnsd relatives tram Chica-i go over Sanda>'. Marriedeitthe home of thé bride la Paletizas Sanda>' et 4 p. m., Aug. IStb,j Misé Lydia Droemueller, daugitter oi tse Roi. Draegemneller. to Mr. Charles Sceorlng, of Palieta. Rer. Boeiter, o! Cicago, offiiatlng. Mie Anna Scbering, aloter o!f te groom, was mamd o! honor, sud Miss Alias Torgir, an intimate triand, was brldesmaid- The gentieman in attendance were Fred ceriag, a brother ai tise groom sud Tbsodore Droegemaelisr, s rplativso the bride from Kansas. Alter thé cereman>', a beanlilul repast waa served by lire. Torgier. Thé>. iltesa trip throagb Nortiser Micho. g s an loa sd a short ste>' at the Dlio!Wisconél. On tiseir retur tise>' will be et home ta their friendé et ber fathere, Rer. Droetemuelier.unatil there bomes la ready ta occupy. Their !rlends. wbicb are msuy, are reoiced ta have tbem witb tbem lu Palatine. Marrled la Missouri at tise bomne a!dbe bride, Wedneday, Agpt 8ts, Mr. liez Wilson, bon o! Mr. aud Mn,. Johnatisan Wilson, o! Palatine, ta Miss Euhi, a former resident ad teaciser la Paladins. Tise news came as a surprise ta their triende bers but tise> are nase dis leus balpy ta bave dhem join dise colon>' a! usai>' wedo la Paladins, Baturday. e Erasai itta b tssacoul ýdto thse ROSECRANlS J bouefrsnildy mtsasrîe Blancis Oliver la entertainlng comp.eny Lester Dalp Is@l on tise sick flot. tram Rchsmond. lire Will Pntnam. tram Texas, lé, Dennie Hogan and aile are veitiag at visiiug relatives in tus@ viciaIt'. Ni. A. flagane. Wesley Faulkner is gainiag nicel>' and RCKR' ' LLERl1 ahIe ta calan hisYounug friende. John sud Lina Wilamson acre home R. Y. IRoue e s niscuimisn Lie preecat Sanda>'. veel ha3 ing lice edovk. Tbrehing lalise arder o!fdise day sud Mmr. J. 'Ni urdick alter a weekaà viit Oste are tuang out fine. bers ha@ goule to PraireVîceand dal! Tise pic ae as mli adtended and thé Day tr a short stay wniilf riends. day mas fine. Ont' tation agent, Mr.t', i . Nixon rselgnedbils posiiounicc,- lut'a more lucrative ans at F'u du Lac. Hic placeFRTHL ber la eignile (l),It <.A, Ki,aah. forment>' o! BarlingtMu W M,.lit. adlire D. V. Watt "nt Sanda>' Mdis Aima Black bas gine frhic a % iitis islatives la waukegan. Weok' visit antis relatIv it 1ut-.ia M. B, lfusas bas returned frrm a visit Junction. - aith bis sdaugitecinaortbernWisconsin. Mr. and tirs. John Roder ai-r,, ilt' hîr- Siert 'adda-kenjaved eviuittltis son Blazer and tamily, ailo! Clii ugo 'ar. -, rlîsMr. and lire. Lochas Mtew, guele a!flMr@. Wm. Knigge, *S. .,, i,ri elirt ,e pént meek. M gaA" Burlingamne barýtîB,. ,1s iyMorl,, oftet !Foéi Lakvdie ironm CIfton. lowa, &Bdd la Dow a gu- Lr ia o h e aber parents, Mr. sud lMre BroadIi~,i,d. Mr amuI 11r>. .JeésrGravess pent Satu r. Mi«s Matel Nehrlichs reports a rer) i it L 1ir larîglter, -Mr@. George um)oyble riait la Wiâtoa.ia, lise redurm i Iu-,,,,A i-o lle. and Sanda>' midi ad lut Betarda>'. liir T. , Mr.a«d Mma John K nigge eaterteiu-] a, f ii~ r neleld at th, bown tbhr *on, (Jari sud lady tiend, o!f , %r.n-I tlrSI- ITlîîrmtnun Sun. (bileapo. and -Mr. aud Mmr. Smiths, oidai i100 I we,. ,.îmtare Mre. ier Vlam, lest Sanda>'. Ti,-,, M TT~r. and lire. Henry> Mies Carnie Gosmiller, îof lligitiand R1,911> keu.and tilfire Park, &aaeviiot'et the ho Me o! Mjisedaugzht,.,- . (,le . Lugbt. o! Biiset Qosmlllsr, Manda>'. Vîloi, 4) I'l.,suIaid tamil>', (4 tirant, Jî,i,,, r-o -rwa, u4it enî>, o! Mlose Bolj, a01Prairie Viem.WM a si-îît ,î~-iih-tPtr ruent vistaiat the home o! ber oise, t ii!nuhI.u4treCL F.A Bok.Thmcn, , 1 lrti ,ir, and lire. (; Tisa.. Baseliand famil>' mersetIL is Attertmury, "fV am,,anad Et little PoSe, Tueay te tSmd thesfoeralafci rud.i; r, té .,-,, a >dteraof a lit* Djiea. Mr. Roge,t sr'aîg, ItU9er ,,ofElgs. E. 0. Palm . tarted Monda>' on a Dinet ms re i n4t ,th tt,îtamnd a ver>' 7motrpte fsa"Mit, Wmik. Pismant imas mas u-nloed b7' ML VOLO, Iresin Wiseelock. o! Waacoada, was a Saaday visitor ta Vola. ScottiSnell made a businesstrip tii Janeeville, Win., Saturda>'. Mre. John Sutherland, o! Waukegan, wa@ a visitor ai the Raugist faim last week. lirm Ben Coseman snd danghter, MaUri, of Round Lakre, were gueste o!flMre. Jas. Kirwsu. Tuesda>'. dîne Anale Baur bas been violtlng rlatives lu Chicago dnring thse lest two weeke. lire, flair> Nchals wag a Libertyville calter IMonda>. t!i tis ifyou wish àa h-Class hair 4tesslnc, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vigorb new lmproveci for- mnula, Win £reudy pieuse you. It keeps the hair soft end smooth, aale. lok rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting ut the enda. And It keeps the scalp fie. from dandruif.- Dpèanui jsthe lr . the hoir. HOME LUMBERC Libotyvillu A Prs Ak lb sssh"«t5515 ~ 5~I~JWm. LAYCOCK Co. t thse s*e athme the atm Ayer's Main 'igor la a strong hti bnic, promothng JOjipostt St. Paul Frelihi Deisot he gruo the bait, kccping all1 Lbthyile issues of thsebain and scalp in a b tics bt yvil ,Ilihi:.. condition. The 5sîr Stops- rallnfi, dan- druf disappear. A splendid dressing. --4"44 by e i .ay.vce.Luwna..'. Mr. sud Mca, Scott Snell and chiliren 00 :ere Wauconda callers one day lest&f Miss Genevieve Effluger bas returned 1 trom a cao wesk's viit aitis relativeéu la Chicago. , Mre. fRrriett Hironimuésud chitira of West Fremoal, were la (oaa Wednes. day altsrnoon. Word was reesivsd here laut week o!f tise iirti o! a daugister te. nad tMms Hlenr>'Thiele, o! Goshen. lad Mra». Thiels was tormerl>' Mise@lle Booing, o! titis place. 4 Tise isse Annie and Margaret %rn are enterteiaing tis cousin trom Chica-E go titis week. Gereld Itoteistoit bas retursed ta bhis home in Chicago alter eeveral week'a risit aitishe John Roffiag home. E P. L. Stadtiffeld wao a Libertyville vista Suanda>'. 4 Mca Etlea logenansd daugitter, Milâe,E are gueste o! relatives bers. Wm. Dillon, Miss Elffie Walton, M. sud Mma. George Busoa and duagiter, lisSa, attended th., 1. O. O. F.,picale ai Libertyvllle Saturda>-. Mrs. Ellen Bogan and daugister, Miese Mildred, o! Elgin, are visiting trienda sud relatives et Voloansd rlciaitv. Atér a tira weekla uiisit aitti relatives et Waukegsu, thé>' leave for tise Alaeaka Yukan Pacifie exposition, aberse>' ey mutl @pend two ireeks. Thé>' will sieo vinit Portland, Sas Francisco and Las Anglesf. At the latter place thé>' miii spead one monti. On Norember fil nu tise>'mll@i lI for tise Hawaîiin Islands, irtere tbey wili sojoura for the inIer moathe. Tse>' will &]go rioit a weeltht' relative, mhisl a ffugar planter on the Ilei o! liolokai. Thé>' mlii retura home April lst, 1910 WARREN t Ruby, the iittie dangitter of Mr. and Mré. Clarence Woolley às quite nick wltb toqitile Mir. and Mre. Woefi s"nt Sada>' iîtit etheir aunt, Mm,. Allen. Mise Beraice Allen baves oeit week t or Sprlngteid, Mass, wbere eho la ta, teach the comlng yeer. eThse Warren Cemeter>' Assoction wll mneelt with WMii. Lottie Stearna and léma Lizie fBlack, Tseda>', Ang. 81,l e crein and cake wtil be msrved ta ail wbo wish ta attend et the u" pries. Members piess bring cake. Y Mie. Lattis Steara ln eutertainlng ber nephewand wlfs tram the vweat. tA ver>' enjoyeble day wam bad nt lb. p~icole given b>' tbe Warren Cemeter>' Asociation. &ug» 19. SEE THIE R. C, FULTON MUSIC CO. AT THfE FAIR ^BOUT THAT PIANO. It ia tise weak serve. tisai amre 09o ont toi belp. Tise. s Ip t3tem Q0's dinug disestor tor .timaîabta dse liari oir kidaeye Tist le wrong. Italise tisese weakinaldre serve. wltb Dr, lisoýopa Reetoratlve end se ow tait ".o<lbath mdl orne taJoli agala. i» atit and am. Sold b>' yALL DRALEiRS CORRfrOMDNTSr4 SEETHE FREE8 OPEN AIR ATTRACTIONS J.% le eup~Its ail Entertaining and Instructive--A Carnival of I:un.Come ]Mrs. Albiert Walsh, ut Waukegan, lé sendinaliathe k witb relative@ here. Charles Lentz was a caller in tise ilage Tusae. Mnr. S.INnlia, of Chicago, is vîeiting Mrs. Md. Doerk. Leter Murray', o! Milwaukee, spent 3nde>' wtth triends e e. Mise Maggle Bassrnusffln vieited last week with Mre. Belea Petermon. CJ. Bradley', a! Racine, was ia Wads- 'arts one day thiq week. Independent Rest Roomn and Tent et th. fair grounds this year as usuel. Subscriptiona recoived. Old subscri- oers May ao pay there. Mis. R. Key lé speading a tew days witis ber sister at Richmoaad. Mr. Mod Mre. Bl. Spaaenburg, a! Gurnes, épelle Sunda.' at tise W. Waddell ome.P len>' tram bere atteaded tbe dance at Russell, Frida>' night. Bea Gilîmore and tamilyv, o! Bristol, épent Sunday et the G. Bartletd home. Mre. Wm. Ruff returaed tramn Mil. waukee wbere aise was vieiting triends. Frank Sites and terni> spent Suaday ,t Gaines. There wili be a eilvt"r medal cantese la te Woodmsn hall. Monda>' evening, .ngý 30. Wmn. DeLan>', Jr-, o!f(Cbicago, returaed to bis borne Tuesdlay morning alter a liait o! ewo weeks with bis cousin@. tiséesBRose and Olive Rully, Neil Crawtord, o! Wankegan; and Mie@ M. Cougin, of Cblcako. aléa retursed borne alter speuding tse wek's end et tbe teLan> f arta. Machine Shop REPAIR WORK. WOKA SPECIAL1 Eneines Overhauled. A Full Line of Sandries. Tiret; Re- paired. Wbe n in Trouble TELE PION E Llbertyvlle Exchsange 661 or 262 santura Mos! Elaborated Upon this Yser miii be the YRSE SHOW 'e wyll be harness horses driven singly and four-in-haiid, tandem and unicorn and to >oth servicable and isty- dile horses, gaited and tion, both hunters and There wiIl be lady both of these classes, .are many entries for THE CO. DERBIY 'un on Saturday-Chi- y. This woni the ap- m of everyone list year 1close the fair week Tand finale. IS VORROOFc We cIn rneet your requiremeniA matter how large or srnall they Ina: The Prepared Roofing we seil our custorneris by the roll i. the' on the mnarket, and cornes comp with nails and cernent ready to la3 the right prices. Powell RoofingConm 117 S, Genese. St. gflioe0 - 'est L~ BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monumenis Cemete-y Work of Every'g Descr1ptioti 0 Correspondence boIiclted * 16GeeseeSt ' Waukea I ý loil WAUKEGAN D. K? to iio y be. to best plete. y,at ipanyg Tel*Phoute 377O Have Vour Ilouse Wired Forg IELECTRIC LIGIITg Under Our 2 Years to Pay Plan: SEND FOR OUR REPRESENTATIVE FOR DETAILS North Shore Electric Co.g PHIONE N. 238WAUKPOA4N 230 OENESEH 5T~ WAUKEGAN, ILL. o -----------------v'. W COUNTY PAIRI At The l'if tg-SiKth Annual Leike Countg lPair wi Open at the1 FAIR GROUNDS, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Tuesdau, Aug. 3 1. andl wilI continue up to and induding Saturdog, Sept. 4 Walk Down "The STREET" ' fl O MUSIC ALL DAY AND EVERY DAY BY FNADAMUSEMENT FOR EVE RYONEUDIUIO MITCIIELL'S Military Bn THE LA The Fe HO Theri in pairs,1 vehicles i iish. Sad combinati jumpers. riders in and there each of t] LAKE Wiii be r cago Day probatioxi and wil with a gr TUES Openim :: AN : AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION StoiL Grand Exhi Ak and Pouli __________________________________ s - àibits in every departrnent. Live try, Horticulture, Arts and Crafts, Agricultural Producti, Natural History, Needlework, Culinary Arts, Mechanical Arts, Flori- culture, ail convenientiy ar- ranged in excellent buildings for inspection. Ail very inter- esting exhibits. BASE BALL Ever4j Dayj of the f'air Six Garnes for BIG PURSES 5DAY -WEDNESDAY TIIURSDAY F 'RIDAY SATURDAY g Day Chlldren Free The Big Day l9s0 the Exhibits Chicago Dey LIgo 3 1, Sept. 19,29,3, 41909 AK! COUNTY P'AIR IS AN !STABLISII!D lVIENT--IT NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION SPEED PROGRAM WEONESDAY, SEPT. 1 3*00 Trot...... ....... ""*** ... *... *Purée 8400.00 2:ý5 Pièce ........ ........."«....-Purse $400.00 ~Mile Run and Repes! .............Puise 8 160-00 THURSDAY, SEPT. 2 2:26 Trot ...................... ........Purée 8400.00 Free Pace .......................... .....Purée 8400.00 2:35 Pace ..... ....................... Purée $400.00 5Mile and Repeat Running........Purée 38160.00 FRIDAY, SEPT. 3 2:35 Trot ........ ..................... Purse $400.00 Free Trot .............................. Purée 400.00 2:17 Pace.............................. Purée 8400,00 1 Mile Dash Running ...............Purée 08150.00 SATURDAY, SEPT. 4 2:30 Pace ..... ...................... Purée 0400.00 % Mlle and Repeat Running ......Purse.8 150.00 1% Mlle Oaah, Lake Caunty Derby..........510.00 4000000»Oel -- - - - - - - - - - - - - efis Cmp~ion ~ Cre BARBf-R SIIOP It la used b>' &il thse loedtng soda Law Fag, Proprîstor water places alosg lbe lins- Graolae Parmcy.Iýond juat aronnd thse corner on fiprag GraylakePbaracyla d ftret next ta tbe Boebm buld Lake Drug8tore, Drues Lake and îng and opposite thé Pester &Il ponte surronnding Fox Lake blacksWîitb sbop. and Inglede. We are pattlng LBRYILILNI ont a mach bigger soppi>' ttau IEnVL ,ILNI lest year. Oncesused alwaya ased Cgr n oac Gra~lakCrea ergLundry Agency vil Mr Su] il t'i Su be 1 wi ho v a ch 1 UXE ýooÙNTY, 1 &ýKE

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