CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Aug 1909, p. 4

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flAV. A Hl~ I !COUNTY UNDEPENDENT' OFFCII- APR F LAKE COUNTY Sf eiohca No t bitoratleldeceTelephone No. 1141. LtbertyvIlle Exch&n1)Ij ~tsed i so Pisofic aiUbetyvttDln., as Second Cam, Masser aura vsmLr. DY55't~tG 5IM aAKyaova OauPLIcATtODI. 1 CRIPTION PRiCE $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE IM c kt. jusv ..............-. . ............... ............ Editor M. ELLEY ...... .. ..................................City Editor FRIDAY, AU43' 27, 1?O9. tcuRefftýSON MUST ADVANCE THE ÉmeI iJUNCTioN PRICE 0P MILK. lbland Park Wormsi, lMmr. Clora boya lisa Efforts on Behaîf of pas- Wolmers, Rides to Lake Bluff, teurireai Producti and Botter 1511k Whre l4usand Rosides Siparately Geta Hlm Into Sud Grece with the and 8temi6SBon Back-OopiIty Sher Farmers-Smym New 1555k Prices1 Mf Quards Both Agint Efforts of Are High and Nine Cents Quart for t tather t la Roportod. 151k la Outrage.1 Borrcvlug the automobile Of a frieuda, fride.Y a. m. M r. Clans Wetm- «'s ot Highland iPark apeedeai to Lakte 'Eiug, daringly stols away lier So.t Jaci. trem the residence etflierlius- -Md tsansd breuglit the boy tebE b< onte at Highlandi Park, Al day, it lassai, lier linsianai, W. I P. Weintera. salai l e leunder indict- ment fer aloged arsen, made attempts to leet bis bey baek, aud flnsllY lthe at- torneys for Mrs. Wetmers appealed l Slseriff Grigfe te station a dePutY Ie oiff at te Wetrners residence le Htghland Park te keep the tîler away Gela lnjunction. The step et Mms. Welrners lu gettinfi ting ber son ta the recuit et an in- junctiou petillun tfor by lier Thors- day aud grneed by Master te Chao- car'y Carke. Mrs. Weimers. tbrougit ber attor- neya, Orvis sud Beaubien. asteai [bat her hushand ble resîrainea f rom dis- posing ot certain securities Ibat lie 'holdas ad rorn takIng the chilaren. Previousiy Ilta cssid Weimres lad stolen the chltdren nvay trern the Mother oeiy tu bave tbern toien bacIL Mrs, Wemens vins for a ie with tise Injonction. Files Suit, Toc. Mns. Weirnersalase fiied, papers in a nuit for separate maintenance un ai- legatous ot cruelty aed druekenne8s, accordiug lx) ber atorneys. The vhoie tory la an interesting o». tiat dates back cerne years. Alzo it lasludes mauy thingz, Story of Weimers' Wons. lit la salai tbat whee Wetmere vas tus trouble te the circuit court for the si.teged hiring of a man namea i Wt- Ibm Johnsoen te set fire te property &t ake Bluff seolie could cllet Ue In.umauc, a matter for whicli It ta ne- pcrted ho ta stIfl under Inditmeut, lie obarge lits vite faileai te stand back of hlmn, defenai hlm sud support hlm. Howevor, thse mater la said [u go back famIler than thal, te a pint vhom ' Welntera tasata intehave charge his vite vas living beoenai tiseir meana. She charged [he asmo thfa$ against hlm h taàallegeai, sud tbare the trouble, vils the obiIga- tioas. b-' Climax Short Time Ago. The cilmo la sai te have corne about tbff. months age 'shen WeIm- ers lett kha vite lu the Highlandi Park eidence sud vent 10 Use ILaie Bluff residonce. They bave lived separate- ly 64r siuite. The boy, Jack, lias been ee-sawed betveen mothen and tatiher fer snme time. Likes Mother Bet- Once vhee Use tather bai htm, the boy approached a strauger lu Lake Buff. and l5a alegeà te have sai, "MNy name la Jack Weirners. l'm living vits my tather nov but I vaut te go back vith my .aother because ase la best te me" The mother came sud gel hlmsaccu atier sud il la said the saine isiglt the tather broke lto the residence at Highland Park aud teck Ue boy out of lied sud avay. Mra. Weimera la blima inluoens ye. It iasai that sbe lias iteen kesping lodgera for support sud that aitoe Urne lier busitana dernandeai a heavy rent ot ber escit mentit. Trytng lu Bell Ait. Tite bnsland, and ibis ts thte princi- Residents et Chicago yull have te psy 9 cents a quart fer ndik aterm Octelier 1, according te the outloek nov. J. P. Grier, secretex y oet the Milk Producers' association, sali the producers muet raine prices, wbule1 nome ef the city dealers deciareai that if the tarmers chargeai more the retai figure wouid bave 10 go up 1 cent Secretary Grter saai membersiu et the association ta about 4,000, and tliat under present conditions an ln- cresse te necesaary for the existence et the producer. "Tite price must be adv'anced If ve are te miake any money," lir. Crier said. "fer labor on the tarais, teed. and e' erytbing else lias gene up." Fcwler Calta Price Hlgh. *Titere was, bovever, onfe dtssenttng votre ameng preducers. Former Ald- erman Frank T. Fowier, wliolias a farm near Lake Villa, declared that the preposed Increase ef prices by the producers was "'ail rot" and that 9 cent mlk wouid lie an "Imposition." Foliler said lie was active Ist spring ln thte organizaiton efthtie Producers' Protective Association and Iter was dropped fronitlihe association because lie uplield Dr. W. A. Evans, te bealtli cominlsstener. lunte crusade for pure mttk "I thlnk that 9 cents a quart ls tqo etucli for miik." Fowier said, "and sucli a pric@ wouid be exorbitant. I was ousted front tts association on sc- count ofthie stand i took witli Dr. Evans te get tlie itst poesible miik for tbe clty. 1 bave a tarai et 680 acres, andi knew tbat milk cati li pro- duced cliesper than the association proposes." Ot the clty dealers oe satd the pro- posed avance by producers would terce 9 cent milk.-Chicago Tribune. SIERVED SHORT T!ERM AND BROKE PAROLE Detrot Man Sentenced mas5Horae Thief and Breaker of Parole, Surrerdera to Sheriff Oniy tb Finitla Not Wanted-Baya lHe Waa Laborer on Northwestern Where Could Nol Gel Breakfast Wltout Pawnnq CoaI. Carl Russell, aged 25, conscience triciten because lie broke bis Michi- gau parole, got drunit fix't day est et laul at Detroit, aud then ieft the' state. Tueeay sù.ai. near 10 'ctecit gave hm»eif up to Sterif GritRiu and offereai te go liack ta Detroit. Hie je> vas greût viten tital cter- noce the Detroit lieuse et Detention sent back a telegrarn tu tlie effect titat [tie officiais de nt want Russecll. He vîtIliereftre retur te bltshorne lu- stead et tacing three yearb andi twe mentâet; urther Irnprlsonment. Russell, who let .nrarrted. enys that over near Detroit lie htred s hers,- andi buggy et a Ilvery'mait a ysar aud a hlaitago sud patai for It lu adv2cc. Then lie diai no ceme ' art wth It sud vas arrested sa borses titet nsu en- tenced te a terra lunIhe Michigan peni- tentiary. Atter serving four'tsen mntlis lie as paroted sud the fret 9thing lie ad li e ays a s te et drutik, eThis vas Jue 21. That day lic left Yte state. a breaktng ot ruina. andai came te Chicago finaliy. a Fremib tere lie ehtppedout on the Northweetern as a lalicrer on tbe veet epal charge rtade îy te vite, le salai brandi veat ef Waukegan. le gays to have bien Beelitng off ait the prop- 'ssterday tisey -aoud net even give erty ovnod jonlty titite, taking part him breakfast unleslie gave hls ceat I cash and holding tee rîgages hlm- a eti4y, Buseho refuaeds'ai qit.a -soit, Itlàt; ciairned tbaîlie lias thon- Tiis uornlng lie valkod te Waul'eganu sanda ot dollars le these securlies uuaitîe te, standi Use voris of a onctionu besacetUe injunctien restralning hlm bauld, sud gave hlmeit up te Shociff muncalilu< Uem in. Griffun. Nov ho case go boule tu De- The Weimers are prominent social- troll.I ly but the ris t asaliaite bave beeu Tho ahStrIamay tuvestUgate t1maI- -Xestsd for a long tIme. There are met of section baisai If Ruselî'sd ois-ml ebiidren. stony la true. B5OOK ON NORTHE PACIFIC COAST Cured H-ly Fever and Summer Coid. YOfl-ICAGO., MILWAUKEE & 3T. PAUL RY. A. . Nualiautu, Batesvills, Indiana, - vitea: "Leslt year 1 uffseed fer threet Ionthu villi s summer cela u i sttrens- ootmspla"ig a trip te tisere ib ybsies pý=WY = orto te Al»II badmasy ie besymptoetc bay lever,1 t aI eWsIf Bu. said a doctons presription allinet eacb .uU<s.omdfofewbok."erthPoc e m asd 1 toot eera imededinsa 4~otOpm-taU, besn y this Baiivy. tvhlmsd urt taggnavate it. For- tNaMbsali go Pb-mg your trip. tnel Ilu@iteed upon haviniC Foley's1 Yý0ý y"« Isu.saLM ortfour cents Roney aud Tar, it quickly curi me. bl ilifs Buse sueai Foiey'e Boney tdoç4 -pfmoaaG*lacte Setts, andi Tar vit bheb. mre suces.. lNëmq Ip"mm4s Portlond, Vttti'l, FRANKs B. LOVELL. '5s' e d ottbsr Luit@ .9ve ~ jji t Thee 1.15e Couty Indepenaieht isd VIUF4a. ~ P,.. Chloeo 1)511Tribune 13.50 pem yesr 44 ehla advanco SURNED MIS MtOGS AND LosT A FORTuNE Au Rossait4 on Desth of Father Whis Will Wu$ Roud St la Found Fouad Thot aie City Man, la 00a off fqr Dlsagreiei with Father and WIU Hlave te ne Content with Income a nd Profite from $haro of $150,M0 Estate. Wlien Louis Benckendori etfZion City became a cenvert to thse te&cli- ings of John Âiexanoier Dowie seveil yeara ago. the first thilg ho did was te hurn ail thse hegs tii làd, amOuust. ing te several thousands of dollara worth et preperty. Now lisattlerts wlIha, heein Op- oued and it has been found that au a unique puniliment the tatiser han eut the son off from his Inheritauce, the inceme snd profite on $20,000 belng &Il ho wili get during bis Utfe Urne. Wlien le dies hie children <et iei abears. The lait wili and testament of the late Fred Benckendorf, a fermer of Otter Creek township, near Ottawa. 111, disposing of an estate valued ai $150,000, was fiied for prohate ln tlie office et the clerk ot that, court yesterý day. The will was miade June 30, 1904, Henry Benckendort being named as executer. The estate consisecf farrm and city property valued at $140.000 and personal property valued et $6.500. According te an anti-nuptial agree- ment made ,June 27, 1898, between the testator and Caroline Papenburg, ahe receives the household goods, lthe pro- ceeds artsing troms a five thousaud dol- lar lite insurance policy, aise the ln- corne front a quarter section of land. The balance ot the estate ta te be dlvtded toto seven equal parts. which te wilted 10 the teatater's six chuîdren, Henry, Charles, Auguat. Ltzzte Seiden- top, Tena Glelim and Amelia Stasel. The seveef b chuld, Louis, receives [the Interests and profita oely, whicb arise tromlis share. Sente years ago Louis became a convert te Dowteisrn- and ta now living at Zion tCty. Wben lie embraced the new taltitbie lurned up severai thousand dollars' worth ot preperty. conststing prtncipally ot boga. For titis reasen ne property la bequeathed hlm eut righl At bis deatli bis share wti li e tuhertted by bis chil' dren. Atter the destli ot the wite. tlie Ineurance money and the quarter section from whicit she recelves the profitsaraie te lie divided among the chldren. J. B. IdeKnight, ot Gotbemburg, e. bas been visiting wvtbthe Sebeli rthr the past week. Mr. McKnightla heh editoreoftiIndependent aitthat place and stoppa'd off bereste spend a few daya wtth trieuds on3lits returu from a trip te England. Miss Carnie Whitney, daughter of tIrs. J. Whitney, of Uiamoud Lake, vas united ln marriage te Warren $loodet 1Gurue., at St. Je, MieLs, Suada,, Aug. 15. The young folks quietty stoe tawa? aud but very lew ef their fniende are avare that a ciremon; took Place. A number ot caus etofcarlet lever have been repZonledte ivillage th. -Peut week. t et thens, bovever, aresligt case. bordering ou scarietina aund nomu et thens of a very serions nature. AUie! thern vers Immediately quarantiued andi the opidemic, Il sucb il May '13e causai. bas been quickly ebeekiea. A tew Came developed Saturday sud a fev more were reported on Monday but by tmmedtateiy isolatiug the Victitme the chance et lis ipreadiug vas minîmizeai. Niany of the caes , whicb are ail chilairen, are welt aud vant te gît eut but the doctone cancot &Dow this ou account of the lave of quarantine. The situation ba@ been greatly exaggerated wben in reaiity it je net serious. Card cf Thanks. WP wtsb te extend our beartfelt Ibanki te ailtiafi enais, who proffeneai thoir 1 seiotance aud sympatby je our great los»o! a mest afftectionate vite aud mother. J. W. BUTLER ANDO FAMILY. A Piano eaia RemarkallaPrice. Cbicage's larireat music boume, Lyon Bienly, auinounces s gigautie alternatien "ai et pianos&. Neanty 1,000 spieniain- strmnents are offereai vithont re.smve tuttifaIl are sold. lu Ibis stock are à gratmany standardmaid veli-kuovu makes. It la uecessary te moe@thlogreatsteck of piaoeli. rder te make roont for carpenters vlie are eplacngdeeriug. lu Upnightlp anos e uev nsruments may be badas lovs $146, Thlisana uprscedeltlsd pportunity maid ou@ tisa MaeontOmur agate. Any piano Det proving ,uttelwy mstitctory n-&y h. te- sun»eaIthebir expenne. Arraffe s vimit et1inspetieu toe el vats rots, cerner Wabamh Avene sd Adams Struot, liais vsek @omeastu avOld disappointnteni. MM MH. 5IUAR, Attmr. Notice of Final Seltiemrent. BTATE 07 mILLIxe.t culm or0FLAKE. LuthO Oounty ouci t L«kotsoul,, Sexteenu' bec tie. A. D. Ion. 1. ÎS nasa.. of the eutaS of Louis. Stuckel, doceamd. Tt cmua ahi. inia ttchel sd Praux Otucte. el. inal law sud Sefem O "fMsi Tou aud eacb of youen mobsu-ety DUffl 4t the uuderidsoodexecotor et the Lamt ifIIL su Tsstanieut c et S tsaikul. doeétbdDlu Monaytis twnaqme.uSSdayfI entésber, go ssid rCotu t hW ua seomnandmainr m muet eaeeoior Msu tto have 5the5ms = sd i nateIseared esiffld M&10 se pled esa If eucses 6s sMd Ttaeut fLoeS.Stosi ei Dm"sai bis lartd Ay of Ausu«,A.t. 9 e. WMY NOT Make Wash Day, Easy -NTA OFA"LEMNA * AND RECORDS lTTC'C'WATCHbTAKER A ~ij~~and J)E W El E R LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Let it be thor-Inrato i oughly under- Tafloring Co. stobd to' begin witb that any suitNeYok hma or overcoat you may order through bore, that bears the nasm of the 'Interntional', will ho d$ivered y to you with perfect workmanship-wlll wear wefl, and fit a1.1 re. spects bo in thor- k eep- img with the highest tailoring standards. Otherwile you may retiss it, and we'li refund your monoy. E. EW. PARK MAl i CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILLI Thistie Notie. Ntice lahereb gvec to ighvay commmionn 01t4» teviaabp et Uibertyyflle tsemunup Isr dtrieet4 highvays, ratiroade, farme and lots ci Cenada thWste eore tbsy go toemsi &As 1 shall ose that tise lla uil lyObserv. Dagsts Lnmamitr, Canada Thistie Comnissiener oft be tevu of Lîbertyviti., L&» Ceunty Ili. Pains of vemen, lisoa i, or . Sboops ink ainTablete. sO. full formula on 21W. Box. Belai by ALL ULIRS lTÉ NEW BARN Clybourne Livery ed Stable BEN F. CLYBOURNE, Prop. LibertyvilI*. 111. WlIl sset trains at au laluconnectiofl uih boucs wtoea ouffld. Libeulsime Hot.1 Bofu" &Bd Norm , Il New. Rlst r m umot Inter Ocean 8.50 pe m .1 :rn Sogm 114 eProbe. This machine moai as eil f ull svhen empty, and it ruse esy on acount of the high goaring. The power is applied either with the hands, font or both, se tha t nonueof your energy in wanted in the operation. The -New Home" in buit te wear, flot the clotho. nom the opemator, but te stand the @train that it la put to. # Every machine in guaranteod wo givo perfect satisfaction. He B.aEE When You are Figuring to BUILDA STORE, BOUESE, AR OR ANY KINDO0f BUILDING The most essential part ie where ean you get the material promptly and the cheapest. No bill too large for us to give prompt service- and amati ones the sanie. DO YOUR fALL DITCIIG Look Up Your fal !eed Wants and Give Our !eed a Trial FENCE YOUR FARM WITII 6000 POSIS WHY NOT? Yes, why not enjoy the satisfaction and cornfort of a good suit of clothesl (iood clothes dose not of necessity mean hlgh prlced materilt. You may pay for the best cloth on the market but get a poor fit and spoil it ail. Clothing is not recognized so mucli by the materilt as it is by the general appearance. You recognize the young màn as well dregsed because he takes care of hie clothese. He was particular about his suit and he la particular lu bis cars of it. Tailor made clothes are worthy of good treatment. Don't be satisfied with the first piece of goods that will bang on yonr back. Corne to a tailor and have it fitted. FRED CROKER Tailor and Draper, LlbertyviIIo 'FAIRI SWîIl Soon b. flere. Corne n Now and TlIINGS TO WEAR AND) TI Hematitheai Lunch Clote-....7c White Damasit Frluged Table Clothoi........00, $1.15, S1.25 Ladies' White Randkerchefm, plain or tancy .............. 7 op Misses Corset Wslos, & aimse 45e bleu's Fancy Negiges, Shirts, nomeptalteabeooin 50e and 75c Ladies' Stock Ceilarm, stripeai tCes............................. 25c Ladis' Hem Supporters, nev modelasaid shades 25c and 50c Fancy Barrettes, nev .tyle.....20c Ses Our Riblions-Soume Beauti. fut Hair L5ev Widths. arocery Little Devil Boucai Chie vices... Fancy lM kinal yen' for, per do Lomaz Giso Sveet ut quarte ..... Try our C Longhorn par pourc W. W. CARROLL [ME Do Yor ShppiM IINGS TO EAT And ln Our. y' Department LI stufflaiOives......... foc Iken, fiue for @andi- ............... ...... 5C s"ilua mons,,the 've been payiug B35e losen.............. ...... 26c gRem Aie on tee, pintesoc hsrkln Pickles, ful .....................25C Choes:e Amerlean n or Faney Brick, d ........... ...20C ,&SON -- -- -- - m Ili , M el vxmax 3tudm

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