TAYLOR GROVE. FREMONT isos Mary Duncan entertalned anom McNi. and Mis. Peter Baur, of Chicago, bsé of ber iriends saturday ev.ning il, are visiting iriends and relatîre t this hoaQror aiber seventh birtlidaY. She c- Place. piset bad a peu i tîe. ng compaylrom the cîty. Miss Elsie lireiver is eîîîertainiili lier Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zînmpr. of Long cousin, Miss Amy Aine. Grave. called ou Mlike Wgner and A aumber roul lit e. aîteîî,,d tiiL'al, lamnily, Sunday.7 Mr. and Sire. Andrew Wugiier. of Wau. 1 nt Zion lm t cree k. keican. 8peut Sucdas w itbM\ike Wagner Wil, Robert and Katio Gelliiig s1eut and fumily. Sunduy lu Waukecaii. Qîite a lew tram bers ttîeadped Mrs. Dennis ltradrioa vîsited hier daiîe n Round Lake Saîîîrîay. A mother Sunday. enjoyable tulle wue bail by al. Chester Wilby was in chîîago Fcîduy. M.and t te . Aleterhe pn Mioses Nellie and Lorritu hovte called SMc aad the. J aaser ho. a iefil on relatives e, lVdîîîsday. sent Satu rd ay %vitn theiicriascs a uts. The BiddlKeîechoî,l je teing re1ad. Nr@. Mkelitliiiiaiid children. ai Mi- A aumber fcone. lere acî,îîded the wauukee. are e1idiîîg a f.w ducs with danc aitRu@«i Frday veuig. ler pret.its, Mr. aînd Ntr8.(eo.l)iebold. daneatRussîlFrîuy ceung. Mc. Batsn(,r and childcen are, the Mir. and Mis., R. 'Shea seieit Siiday gueéssof lier parents, lic. and Sre. .. wtb tOativea in Waukeguný Anianu. Mr. and Sir. E. J. HeSdecker and Mlise Misltosing and son Franîk spent Suîn- Maude cailed on (l'o. Lewaniid iamily day witli lier îlaughter. \Ir. and Mir@. Sunday. Ueo. Barth,. Mr. Will Ralling spent Suiîdav w ith Jene Thuabihé the guec3t ai John lier parents, Si. and Mr@, Fý WenÙt. Dryec and iumily. Mir. and Mri. Phllip IWagner tlent ans, Furmeri; are vecy haey tceehiig. day lut week t ackegaiî. Fred Doolittie made i8 trip tirongh Nre. Adami Bebîie le espending a few hers mest week. days witli ber nie, a hic undecuent un Mr. and Mr. Fcank Shea called on uperatii)n for uppendicitis ai Waukegan. relatives hbesMaaday. NMis. John ,lefran c licuii, epent la8t weeri witlc eorge Obeliauf and Earueit Batuhile wuc ceea bece aut îlmily. week. Mr. and NIcs.Mtlîew Lang etucned ANTIOCH. ta their home in Vhiap Mondayv, ulter George Burntt, of Waukeean. cîited 51)ndiilg a cceek witl i \re Langs bie brother, Jerane lniet, Tupsday. parents, M.tn r..uhFerce Johi Trunt fkil l i lt'hiis enigins Mties Mînnie Lux and Nire. Lena Gaggia and spruined lis ceit, attendedttietVarIiec i-sisillitethis i' L Mr. and Mrs. (;etWavneccalkl don ut Waukegau. ieslrailer ad luii .Siida, ,t Sir. Marj paddloc k iii i îi cEiiito1r uiîd Like. asa home an OUcîbard avelili,. edieî. isElizabeth Ahuri e cspelî.iîg the-:U day. w.s.k ai (askegani Thomas Buctette i, a îîling at Martn MWeliec unI L.iiî'y Hecel clet Russell. Sîîîîduyyeiliig ai Johnîîî1 ,.îzss. Mr@. Mary Williunie ioved ilto lier Richiard hleIn uaid illie WVagnec epent new cottage, Wednesdav uy.ant rcard 8Sinlay vcithi Ld [hem and laiuily t avenue. ra v eake. venus.iels, Carnie Wagner le speading the thanuday sebool plcnic will bc ebiel'i week witlî her brother M\iký and iuînily. te Sylvan woode, Friday. Mr. and Mi. tClarle8 Smith and a Mie Lizzie Neson retucned home fion ugtr cnriuadt lsrhm Minnepolie Thurduyil Chicaugo. Sinday. alter epeadîng a Mis. Charles Darhy le cery sick t liriew days wiîl Franik Belm and family. bome.. Albert Leuzeai. wha bas been very low 4 Mre.Pbeleua Warren îsviiting Anliocb feua uitile better t prement wiing. rinonds. Georgie Obenuaf le on thes ick list. Hermun Winkie, @uccessaor ta John WEST FREMONT. En man ln the sboe tore, wus aarried to VifflDaisy Kestenu t Genou Janeian, Miss@ireue Mauher le ick t ber hoame. Tueeduy momag. Tii. happy couple Hec mauy friend@ hope ta heur of ber cacae ta Antîoch Wedneeday and will bie speedy recovery. at home ta, their riende about Sept. lat. ire. Will Alkaiec viýted with ber In their new home wicb wili bie vacuted ise'tGalk afwdyatwe. by George Kuhaapt t tiît tins. eneaIcalkea(idalcV el. Wiiameu.Kaley, of Waukesha, i. visit- J. F. Roney atte.cîed tih.e d Fellicws' Ing abthe home ai bis unle, Wm. Kelly. pieni t Liberty ville, Satncday. Tiie Sldier' and Siloa' rennion was Joe Steineteffer and iamily, of Fox bed st rayolake Augasi 25 and 26thu. River, speut Tlînceîay ut the haine ai W. B. Moare. oi Chicago, spent Satur- A. Haler. day and Sanday with his aunt, Miss Mise Mary Alkoier wus a Grayeluke Libble Moore. caler ons day lut week. Tii. catholie fir bazai corne te a is. Tools, ai Fox River, le epending close Satuiday evealng. 't waa a grand a iew days witb lber daugliter, llre 1TIheisses Mande Bragan, GrucesPeck H r *bdEisabetii Meysr of Kenoaba, spent Mie John Eraît and danghtec,Liie *ualay at the home of Mies Broganes vsted ut the Frank Erhuci home lut imtIw Wednesduy. saaks wll esave from la front of us . ehurcb I'riday morvnîng at 9 O'*ldO, for the Sunday sebool pi'aie. lira. Wallace Saunders. of Elifin, and daqghtsr, Mrs. Jenoen and ebildrs»i, of Ta&xa, vlsted over Sunday at the home of lÉ. and Mms.H.. Hadlack. EZIRZZ A purty wam held ut the Mather home let Tbursdav la honar ai the eigteeatb hrthduy of Mies usas, les creuan ud cake weres erved. Tuille Tekampe returned o Rockefeller Snnday ater apendiar a couple of weeke t borne. Otto Haler, of Chicago, is viiting a week witb hie uncle, A. Haler and And Ofer Eastern Cities Are DaiIy Pouring a Stream of Bargainsin Ladies' Gar- ments into Pa18asols8 Ladies' white para- sols, hacidsomne m- brodered cuffle, worth $2.50, now WGuaranteed taffetb s s k Peti coats, the kind you always pay 1 h $6 for, you slI PaY tOro'orOw~ on I y-.............Z 9 HOUR SALE One lot Ladies' Coats in Indian head or Union Linen, Tan or White, worth as high as $2.50, to- morrow morning 9to 11 49c Just Arrived Just arrived-special lot beautiful rubbeized rain and outing coats in the new Mohair effect. These coats willsmginesason at $ 10 and $12; bought A Stupendous AffairvmoThe Public Gets the Beneflt-w-nAi Summer Garments lnclud- ed ths Great Siauùhter Sale WAUKEGAN'S MOST POPULAR STORE The resuit of our Mr. HeIn's recent rnost successful buylng trip to ýthese cities. Mr. Hein returned -Sunday. Corne here tomorrow expecting to flnd absolutely the best values you ever saw ana yod wIill ot bc disappolnted. A cernival lndeed. Tornorrow mrnlng will open up a scene of actIvty that wlII exceil anythina ever wtnessed ln the State. Read the prices, then act quickly. Beautîful taffeta silk Coats, rI 17worth $15.00, select now at u' $4.98 WOOLTEX SUITS Choice fine Wooltex new faîl suits, handý,ome, exclusive styles, genuine $35 values for early fall selling 1 2 Great Skirt Purchase Our Mr. Hein's great purchase will surprise the public for valut giving. Skirts worth as high as $3 have been secured and wil oel tomorrow at only mi1 40 Miss Abous Merceat bas returned tu a imy. hawf tmro a nl là« home alter spoding a few weeks Frank Erbart went to Waukegan %hVpwll ei teoroMa olywo * wth Mis. John MClure. Wsdnesday to attend the wedding of is Leh and dangter, Lllian are rman Christne.$ 49 $5 Skirts, al colons, new plaited and kilted effect in- ssdlgtii. week at Geneva vi ting E. H.Myer@ transacted business ln udd pca =dsgGruyslke, Taesday. $2.95 Ume Be"saDeMuth, of Waukegan, is comrion $u2.95MDoel i Idaitig relativesbooe.ng tback from Walworth, Wie., to vIatIa reaties ers ru te creamery at Wauconda for Childrens Rain Coats, sizes to 14,1in beautiful rub- and frends in Chicago. Mrs. W. F. t>etz and Sire. Moerlien berized silk effect, special for hits sale Threc hundred skirts go on sale tomorrow includ- Grant Mrnie, of Russel, was a busi- wr Waîîîonda calerm Tue@day. ing fine French Voiles, etc., worth $6, choice to- mu. caller ons day lat week. 40 lirs. Mat Lange returned to Chicago iXoiTow ais ~ ~ ~ ~ Sna altbgbi ohr n Obe 'eers $ 3.98fe wek a Mr. and Urs. James Dlaziel, ofilIowa, thebotueoai er parents, NIr. and Srs. ielatlves boe. RUSSELL$ 3 9 Mi. ha .apead daugbter, a Waukegau, talbd on rne, iriend@ Mr. Brown preacbsd bis iarewell Tassdal. sermon Sunduy. Hie wuaenetertaiued ai The. Warren Cemetery Society hold a the bomne of A. Dizon. àddsgrave last week Thurs- Rev. M. W. Buck and son, of Chicago,e tB rg i Sa e oPl msTo r w au automobile lasî Sunday e getting ninetoeen)es u go.( r alngvrBy 'iely l Ait B. Baer, iof Waukeaun, called on aId W aebe eueal f f.... ~ -~ c.i aRBPxong -u- ssi iel. i _'riends boe the lasut othe week. W avIee ucky enougLI to sc wefom a New York.concern the iggs adfnet sipn hegea Yiounget Vh f ir s it ai Ve wek.-M. c. a ndMsJ..ae, Micand tMris. ofPLUMESlever hrourwht to this city. The nrices that we are enabled to offer these handsome at tuqsefl and vicinity. g Bru.on, onnedlsad tMa Plumes for are in most instances considerably lower than the prices the ordinary merchant pays to the J" Vncent e n)akiflg improvements Al ter &pendit)avr eibiu ek5< 1 aMot*. i elceh. - à llypuc aed st tbe A. C. Lorris home tbe &iessee manufacturer. We bought in large quantities and at our own price for this surplus stock. EL Mi usciesswi s. W:lclc s*** ei heelinla k aisuerkt, nd < needed the mo-ney." You are the one who will benefit by this stroke of fortune. if you corne tomor- wiil receive a cordial welcomne at the Mary and Glads Melville returned ,~.~~5~1 oscr is hie tant on the fair grounds. Corneand îrom their viit in Forest Gien, suuday. rw~.a L~Js beoeango.h ie tdy btpy Mis. Mary Caldwell and Mis. Tenny, berlor aettyo ofaiEnlewaod, vlslted a lew days att he Ostricti Tipe. dire. ln cluster, worth $1560 Black Plumes, worth $1.50, ftr tornocrow $2.50 plumes, vihite or black, extra fine, $3.00 plumes, grîsteat selection ever seen Arlra eto laîorer wa, rua E. A Resvea bone the brt of the week.onyItw, t Gver hy a hand car Monîlay nighn t nyalntwt Wsxnton aad esverFlY îuîured. a,1, Mi. and Mris. I. L. iver spent Snnday lirs. Hamusand daughter. Stella, w ere, Remember the fair t Lbertyville net 49c 75c .99C $18 la Chicago iiting a few daym tie we,.k. wek. Tb@. Gan Christian Sunday eh,î Corne o the Sundaysécbool convention $400 Plumes, rom bargains secîared in Fine Plumes that »sIl rfgularly at $5, Wîîîow Plumes, klnd you always pay Big aseortment of regular 18 Plumes for bald iIs'annus.l picaic t lrue L.ake., aeit Sunday. New York, your tamorrow t anly sale prie tomrow 06.00 for, barln sale prile tomorrow sicll F1rida The young ladie' of tbe Sunday scbaol 1 Theteaeiisrs la thie vicîaty are wll give a sociable Frlday evening, &tbmdiag the institutse t Waukgun Aug 27. ___________ .M 19 $2.98 $248.95__ __ _ Ur. a"dise. Ale and ciudren, oi enîosing a vacation. Our wîîlow Plumes fur tomorvow nt $&76, were nover $12 Wllow Plumes, extra large and handeorm,noso. Plumes soid raularly for M20 nothlng mnore etylith Obefamvatn B .Mll n r adMs E .Mrievstd i enbeor...ln Wouicegan forr .us tian $sio. Gret brwonderful bargains, at unly could b. deMfed, great baugain sale a <&loee. a iinp.K.Mle arne ian Me. E. JBda. rrgaintd ie purotime..Your opportunlty. Cholos MisVem»eteejf visited witb Editù VaAleUaeorr Snday. SEE THE R. C. FULTON MUSIC )[ma. 9.qi called on friends besCC0. AT THE FAIR ^BOUT THAT Mri. » mmlis John Mason and baby PIANO.__________$6 .7 5 ______ .muî Sad~y lthAI. ad Ms.DoYou Want to bc Indpndent _ us foru»% 4Lleflee 01the N DSSND0F 0111ER BAR ,AI NS aurons hWl' a ib i lasstbr e af Five Yeare with wock and suvings willl -À ts ~ ioa eku'ebin gise & f ,maire jol a(,, if yon imerci in a fruit P I ~ ~ "A ~ Sewlagiloe2 farm. lB«eM. . Joýiîcsoe or addrse U.ubsehhaadcose'Box 79, Liberty ville. 47f WRD C 1