LAKE (IOUNTY INDEPENDENT, 1FRIDAY. AUG. 27, 1909 7 i ~~~ ~~CONGRESSIONAL 1 he sie wludow ani ld a. loudWILDSLS lE '] "ANT ADS 1 CANI)DATrES as he cculd. Thre ftili tîheln RACE QUESTION I ~the ci ty, abotut tweriit iiiie a.nho Five cents per lins each insertion. Lake County Man Who Went to Chi- Alt,-r hearing thr, % . 1-il, totl Design lg to Make Coiareil Peo ple9 Nono received for les than 25 elle cago After Teaching Country cool thei', i retu rtied thr %fa -,rr U:deratandabl to Whies and Vice Ladcier and May Succeed to Con- "Thte lut: n. ith h.rlceres that Now Vex-To Make Better Cit. REML ETATE I gressman William Lorimers Seat Thomas 1kovîe, wîacir ral itî zens of Colored People Geal Aýrm L sRpesnaie a Chicugo & %1lwlauhî rls ec-rie rar of Colored Pastor. FOR SALE-My bonne anld lot 0" Finit St. Inquire at houses. J. E. Bn, If the Republicaus of thae Sixtlu Con- Libertyville, il]i. 4M- 4 tir ciirial disrct uoinate NInian If. W oiifîr ongress, ard If te votera FOR SALE-Father &raflofsrei fnre the dlmrirct elec i-î hlte the place two @tory modernbuilding, large fo oe Iolîk Migbt consider divimlîîg. e > 'Mfiacd by Senatot- William Lorimer, .jeuxso.4 or writef Boit 7«), Lltfrtyviilc. (Chicago will have a representatîre rit 4h itf Washinîgton wbo, atlit imte, at te dr---- op of te bat or quictier criau answeî FOR SALE-Boues of igit fr i nf sot aiîv (Il estion, or deliver a dis- titres lots, 160X201t.iiîlrl '- k rofi il depot- cheap il Italien ti Iii. Aiie.course, bearlrîg on lte hutory of C'hi Box Ï27, Liberlyviile. ort îrrirf. ut the cage, says the Chicago E4-cing Post INDEPENDENT ofJic i. This assistant juige of tlite Probate coufrt, althoiîgh neot a native or the FOR SALE-Eigiîî rrm,.rîbouse (in r i-t',bas sholvilsa dee;îi nleresl in(lui- Brainerd Curt. ail ime rilerti n' effiif.. Ituquire ('lAs Et i , ilýrrviiiý. 11 cago's origixi and growlt, studyiîîg and Phone 1144. :11tE ir estigatîîîg ever> tbing beariiîg on - j fi aI aîbjeît, Today lie la remognrced FOR SALE-Lots in Il [(yrimil iiai I as ail atiîiority on ail nmaltera lertîilîî Auseit su l iv -ilifîr -,ilfa140:'$1 4x)1cf-ifb* ' tt- eîiy tsoy o Ih ar $5 clfwn, , pe s îr utb. h ý ,i, i ofl, s],hsor fCiao AisTis.40,til aînifieqenticnla isa!!r-d on b\rlui, -------- isad societlete talk 10 their nuîciil(er' LOTS FOR SALE-tn the B. J. Grimes on Ibis suitiecl. eul-division or h lieryrilie. -finhiiof, Peeît-iî- road on Miiwauk- e nue.B Early Entry in the Race. J. iiniiirs. owuer. 1:,, t iiMr. Weirit ia a residiît of the Tlîlr- locuttwarit, and bris bf-cil lîtentilu d FOR SALE-Acre ],ta on l)ynonils r acîi',elv wiliî the Reîribiifai orgî i, Puliii , (-logfles tcf t, mnd Piieti ii-îont'eelistir, ieiids ff riclhitir ln fare. Pî- 344P,1Ifsi &At 444-tE t hi,<u if-flriira , ibe mîomie*ni ____________________ titi-, i-ainfui \Il i I oriîii-er lraitl l FOR SALE--4boice loIs in C. Frank lerf-I f0 tir,, ff iate,-and rilf.-, b1,f W rigitre addirtir,i l 51 for $2001)00,) befl ,r rif-i i I l][iif-rest 411tEr f1' cr fnir h encoraiigemenleit ii fr FAR MS-We bai-e alarge hut iE I ke Iroslitii.iu of oircesra ire suri beir-.ft e cofînt> Esa-ius to ssiI, ai)i.bouffes and î tr ifaffsu rcer f.itg in village. tfymff',t& Au rIius. 441 il Titilu-raiîidate ms arf -il Yeir Kil to tir bi a refitla ie if s foru on FOR RENT Jairuàrr', I-1173,.oui a farni ni-ar Ruqi I ,ell. anîl as Iliat loralliN rct(ifali if FOR RENT-Foiir rffiu ituge ta-ar if sîrburrhof Ci lilf lihe irîghtl alîîost wcbol lboumie. lriîire 1, L 1141, Ilei, alled a ilaff',- lie bifff hallîh Lilert villelii. 4m tf sanie exlff-rl4-tire al, niafl' 0fherroung ~~ la',', -' ci-r- -ii f Ira t lw.-aticiliil cofuntiry FOR RE NT-Si', roon ,rti r-k hou-s' ofliscitiii>itirhr., fi-frfthinfîsel f for tiioo Sr. it~ . ID I'jy t Jri lA ý lii, esei îîg f LIbertyv I e.4m." ef igan aiîght fort aeraI veara, ______________fIrrilîr Iaihrg îai)the siriiy of te Iam, FOR R EN T- Au eiglit rIrfffilifoilfif' u 5 iin -jicailnil ticteft4[fract ire Lake Shoire [frire. (ail fîr adiltese AM Ha& Received Thrce Degrees. B.Ilkit~v, iravml#ake, 1III 47-2 îeatidi1h. lfiis ciola Valparsaoluitd.sud laler 'sett te FOR RENT-I'ianoe. Playere. lrganeti hao,(<lcemiie t a ri $2 0H) ni)f rntl lliweilif pur'-hascil.!Wetr -g, hr ema rd Kimth&]] Ageury, Lui-e 1'Frnitur.' Store. ual-il aller a four vear courae. con- Tel. 27. 37 tI liniilug is edrîcaflon furtiter he lit- fet,(I'dMi Beloît college for crue >ear, FOR RENT-We bava a ew gonor ne"- mwas greaduateil front Lake Forest cul- et-n hous. andl <lts 10 reuil. lilm NID& Iý AUsTIN. 40 tf gniî fronitte Kent Col-t lege of Lais In 1902.le la entItled 1 FOR SALE il t wrvliftler bis naine lite lellers1 B iA . LI. 1) , bat refrains~ froni FOR SALE-Goi.d [ou buggy, cites1, il î lIr VIIh ',repialloîî a; afi rar taken at offre. A. J.<iould, Liheîvviiî.l ih ema ale nb teRpb FOR SALE-A e%%,lîoumeill arfi,-les. tiaie affirfubrof riw.ebes lunte1 and an lincubatur, alîun ml..ndil fifiljili f!ildlî e',ebtfor i tenational ti clmet. orcaeau Mrs, Citas. PÂrTrai rare of f FOR SALE-Cadilla, automobrîlile. if Adais ',i rf-cf fit-t clamacodtin new tires, ail suru parte bave la-en rllacd. Ifiquire Dui. L. E. <iriLOttf, librtYViiie, 111, 47-fl THESE MAY WFr', FOR SALE- A itrt rise, fintneii Piano.r)i, E. t Skî',- teioi ttre-t, Litertys ilie, il]. 47-2 FOR SALE-Tw,' white Pli% iuttlfrfr. rofisters. biforiugifbreiii. Cheap i t ake»n ai cnee. 'ilira(l À YSLA KtE-1>tiaÀa,là( . HELP WANTED WANTED-Yu riig ibff . ifer 1 (I*tcreî (Aid Ifriifr tatue tiîiir-rsAplbiai WAucîîf r K W as --d gt irnl~i icl til. l . Zu i l 4 WANTEO Eu i-ergirl for gr nrf iff-rai" -r us ork - siafr n to Tcieiiîr11e.. 47-3Z LOST and FOUND STRAYED-Ti "'y prflCiir ne 05heler. 0.vner rau bhc FI" îîcby prffiag pri, ru-rt utdîr l li îg Efor li saild d lier kecp. CHARLtE LPHM LOST-Ialisg' odeitean ac and pîî in aluriliu' tiglîl betwepu (air Rrtiuti(Iis Sffndrir- s,lc Fludir pIeuse lesce a tJ S. (ka ,Liiert> ville uafd revecîe rea aril LOST-iiriiray ifiglirl. ack ure, wf leeiisrr (nfapia1 ffii tain iiig f25 Fiiiler pieuse retnifîfto thifeoffliceasd rfre ecard. WANTED WANTED-rsiiia'kers and icedie t'orlers, ff îrv-r-ý i1t lrir ,ves riglitt by wcariifgif1paitrrr er eifilliaIa lfittîrl leusep. ir.Lt . t fiJrîî ii r - Nirrîîli ri1(a go, hI. 44-If MONEY TO LOAN ~MONEY To LOAN-Ilu inîproveil * larme aIS5 per ciit.i)NlIxO'iu & AusTi-; 40-t "HBealtitCoffee' is i if,.i liverpim uaita-1 tion 0kr1581eCffiici-i-c 3 ci uîadelDr.1 -op eelp ftaeri il frol titre rnrcbed gejsnat, mitset c. Fins lu igvor- * Iewdebîusne minute. No2tlor8O mlnu~iso11boiiig.Samiîsres. AQ FT REDIERICKS. ionîrail ABribe. Ciciago,2 - E F.A, lian(t iii i f Ju-.iîr e uiss, Uuited[ on their pr aiv rlght of! war unez r Vine avenue. tll.ghlairlPar.i mijlihat aillprecatitlonu as lis,l Ion tire' prit o0 terallway ciflîr) i to averi salid REUNION Of THE OLD BROWE SCIIOOL Sîhool TeacitereBorne of Whom Date Back ta Antce Belum Days, to be ai Sch 00o1 Reunion Held Aonnually- 'Sweethea rie" of Former Days, Bad Boys of Forty Vears Ago, Pretilest Girls oI Hall Score Years Ago, AIli ta ite There. 13f it air idagi-il n o f cightt y, - mn riutirer illuerciîauuts. faruimers sud irrofer, suonul nrf-fi!sisîtN-fume sud seeriny, a liri- urfn o! affaira ut forty and llfty, adlfoi il h agi- sbaiig dos', u to fifteeii s ear'",s aIl awlîl taire a day off tire k',uickerbom Ierei l inimi oe î or Tituraday aud go 10 Walaaorth, 'shere ai tnh(l r it srsibiol urieai by %al] ier hei n'flie anitmal gnftieriig fof fou- ileirHpîiis Attmrie', (4 T.ti ni-- irof Vauke- liamiandirî ',,r rtmuninmi u- rire imeariug t1i- i--ena irrii i fformrriuteau-nafnd ait iiî inIidnfg a large ilelegatuon of firenier f-î-ie .if abîonftheri- harve hli f i ty ais rifir - rthe rihiioIrellf>d 'sa via i lr', u-f m ir ufretie ubera. nol f-ru-fiSamîuel Miller, the olilesl living tffllil, 'sio attr'niled te sehool tYrf', fr Nrrarsa go a ietu ludiaus 1frrflt a f i Out, anirlunu',',- re eguty The Iirrraî, achool la one cf thcoId- est li l, e- sir- sud lthe reuntoti is oui- ot t he mifffreuiarkable riobfif Stirockth,ieolrl inje iller, w il , Irr lrîemt i irilnromi uj snd P iiirlisheil ady for a scraîre do wur. Jaie leîmcaer wiIl be tiiere 10O ciflI off thte olil farriioneil daim-es sud PiliiDielmneyer lte r4)5lbo>y" of formier r cars *nia> bi' tite t I lIre. Jeukins ailI bc there b ilance. Thter- a ilI ail be there. lthe >oung andl the olil. ail exurepîtte]utc Juilge T, A. Mnoran. who laugtt titi- citool for Irno yeurs about t186l sud afterarris 'eul 10 Chicago 10 cliibthtii-ladiler. abere it, dieil deaur of Kent rollIcgeo! Law. Law. Oue iiudrel wiIllKo trou', Wsuke- gan. Formera teacitera belote 1865, somte oI witorn are llkcIy to attend, are R.D. Ames of Rosecrans. Naucy A, Richard- fou of Autiou b. sud Elizabeth Gleason Of Pteasatrî Prairie,.IVis. Other leacit- ers 'sho gencraliy attenrd are Kaîber- jne OiMahoneY ut Wfukegan, Katter- [Ir- Bounnet' out >illbuiru. Mary C. Itrou,. cr Wadsworth aud P, t. Jerg- nsoru of AnailarloOkIa. Tire-l Is aas a big inuer. fol- oa d bv sadanre, a social lime andl a raîîibhntrurgit th,,'soois. t Il e ln Srtle o f 111ri i s ( o ,inulye f L.akce.,sà. \%" E RinreRacinie, 24 ; An-e (Circuit Cmrtto! Lriki-Couuly. Oc- 5(01. ~Albt-rt il .1 irtmnt t nvs. nknown Diavid T. Wîiliuigv-r, IcIic ross irs iiîailau ilr-riso--, r lrteutug Huîln, -- inghlanmd Park,3l; Jo-ne (fOwei. rirci.raserî - D-orge F. Smitit, I)Ihilfi.Wlsh, J ar Smith, noiuiSnith, Frank .S mIilh It MeCota,, faurn.trong. andf te Thte niariage liuc,, iilf 1', begati a itihîfoufiu irs or paties lutereeteut ucw ibook.r 0, oriar li LIs No. six r(Grr-volr (7). elghtt lRbnrtlt aNstrrn,(I minguo' -'I Elirll titi afinul nt- foufn o et Dirision of Facci,. 22! Srhbiol Ttui-toon-, Sur)iriion of Sec- _____________lion oliti fi(16rTiranship No. forty- thrpe i 42iNmnth.ii.tuneNo. urne l9) AUCTiON SALE. ýa~.-t r P.lN u rir e comuuuy nf Lote, To ie mhIo id I iinrCui r iinr v - tate of Illînnri untinancer',. No. fu- iTte-',l mnldririr- 21 tit -,Irnr k. 4Ms2 rite w" frlorg proînurt> fo-riSaiiefnrni i i , ýfni, i Tîat tlite luittoirfatronr% ', xrf5-4, If'i, irr onouplace nf re nI-f ite iefudnts a bo',e0. lu-eIlioni- Iris, Biatiithe iuurntuor-uninn-no rît:ilau andr ueri- <ronaru, qrpr ratiri , ,d Inffni f rusie"- o! Ereir rti-r-lia nileceaseni sud [ciller. 15I-) rpo we ri- r. lfi-Iuniiirrar mur-finp artes Intrrsici itorse- power Rtheiului t. srnnn ga)Inu ieîrrnenirtrlreinluthe BiII Ce at>Inn 7rral l 1c nîîuî mmzýI cal, o OlnIimftt r-ml d lerenun. s fitiiii'f, fi-eanrina Iel ghti cuir 2 ca1-s. andiltir.ît upun il ingeur f muquirr-thir I bu nt atruter 1 aînlciruk te-Ii anplaîceof roC fiuron arufot hi' sucer- 2 rotait irrnirnîrs 22galv.inncr-rE 111ets airnil btat the te fruilunt',Georige F. I1i thralcartfer I1ur-pii tuer. ShtafttSmit1h> .t n siih,i uSolmen Pi'iIt. i u g. boaM uni rtc. i fruiffi-eu lutun lier. Frarrk Si nilu nrr it Mq.Cur a mu- imnilig, Ire olIs. lie elerater. nire i trng. amen! ri iiesidenir o! the State ' f-fencu-andcthu-r aithelen - nf lii i n otirai îi-uce"canot bc Te rnis 'a,Ii. Sr-lrr cdripr ou t l ciiniecritter o!flb en uo Vogel. u-ioue.R. L ih1ug n ul urt ffc htt Sîrsuug. Sec', asu ri aIri uC ri, cf sald fonur t Noticis btherefore berem> gît i-n ho -rrl inrîr oe trarreilandl înknoau de- Evideuce at Inquest. fonidaînt-,. tinat te abore nameil Coin- plrlliuifi t o ofote tiildIhir Bill 11oh Tiru liquesrt cr- te remauur-' of (ototlanunt lisain Court, on lte Chtan- Tiios. Boy3le wasaholiltir'the unotiirrtk cerr suir- hr-eofntsd titats a sImmniufe Ing rocruin utLatsiiu & Con irid, Isu t rr-mi Inofu ssUimîOitt 0f sald (iuirt eng.A--nprer iously nentionedin luagaliiothtire siove uamoid iefeuilunte. eeuiuig. ~rti îfn14lnietrthtte finit day of te Terni lte SIUN.tire Iecearn-rIwas hitl h le of tIhoeCfi-nu Courtiut Late Cortnty. Chicago & Mlwasukee elecutrîe limineil. to hb e min-rLtte fourttBouse lInVau- train',No. 291. at \nireaveunue. unîgu- iegîur iu sari Lotie Couuty, on Itue lalil Frilay înorniug o! Iasal a'i, k First Muiav out iber A. D. 19091, a" s hr>,lais reiîrcil. anil a iich q-uit witcso Inuries resuileilfatuill- Satuir- hastill poufding. day min"g. Tcstimony was gv3n 1LE\I S 0. IROCKWAV. Ciirk ity emiplo>-oi of te compaîry. Cape 'Wanikoi Ilu linoirs, Auîgust Ith A. & Su'8 oielan cleior bo, ad aD. 1909. & Sus ou lilfui sCilnfi oss SuI ~ J. F. Casry - Couuîlaîusots Solîlltor. broter of thte ili-easeil wbich cor -__________ roMaad wit thtIe clainr nmade by te No fuatehoua iumu 0 iavpcsuflereci, conipauy, taI. aîrbongh flhe ilceased oe'i ' ine ced -hePYU 'sas lunte cuuploy of Cape & Son, Mmeréi S. I,. liîrnc, of Wayne. W. Va., wito bave the couîract for pavIng a wrîlcs: "I i rse a suîffeter Irmîro kidney> street, yet te doceaseil was on te diseuse. Po titat itmee I coolil not got oui ol beîE."anid heu 1 i iliI coulil not private rlgitt of wuy of te Companyi san erag 1t.Itok Foey's Kidney at hlie Urne lteaccident occurreil. TIte ieedy. One dllar hiuttîs sud part eof motorman estifled titl -bn beho- ltse ecouil mrd nie eutirehy.u It wIII tilest Boyih on te tract lie gavecr o. FaArus B. LovELI.. more titan thte usuel nuxuber of blaatv.' T"he Independent andi Chicago Dally of lime Wlol, li tact haoIsamaed, f om Inter Ocean $350 per year. Ject afrîl harr maîle .î rrigeiiruit ut*j Mi oitionbcii'i.ii -r i ,smu FRED JOCltI-lIM g', fortht, Cflfeiliiî SPECIAL ATTENTION 11 -0,.n.-ur-FrrIey s a _____________________ i tiliilaites the sefifif S n -r R1. regf ilaies thte Irvi a els tj a i f-lre bainitial cofftiîili To out ouf Town Orders Libr j And Shipping Trade HT WE 1D ----.-;eeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeee< (olored peîoprle of the ni mu- fuir îh 'shore will bol a c1,1, rrrn- or,î lE .MLES ti-e Fiarvellfiheldl aI iak- i-nIrtOr Notice of Final Seifîi-re STAiF F' LfutINrI- Day, samd the event i a i:,,n -- finr rs COI- ( OtirufS ',if seinous ai teulîii 0 am n f isoflIii in, 4 DZ ý (rlrrir r " fr'r O! Clot relations ,- ni 1 :î . îrn tji t 'Iiitueh aief iee -fi 'i F. r l, frn f district. Tjr Ao H.ferf, Leaders uof lte doufni nif --fg iec lise iilfffi i.g. - f f f-,,f ftn- i F1lifmng b r. rnr ri r coloreil peopmlec aIlbC- îW r I îîh Eis raîf fn.rr I ei soit o!f te African )Itef i r-f ... mh if tires...i ..ri.-n. rsr, f- ale a ,E, P Jat 1A rEl e sIlin A 11r1hfmr r s fru fimiDi,.in (rn. . fofr Brtnre] fie cago ff ifi-vel-ff5 'r r.f- ' r- Oîîe O!fte Ieaîiing Ifr-- r thr M-isu 11-1frr, r f un- - i-m.. utiorcument aill be Fi-efi- f n f iiriî u usesauro., f M .rr, (lale. nia> ou of Laite in- _iNi,. r-it n WSfC.r ,. rff ff- wcgiaii coumeul, rr-'rt san -- f-, m.fff r Aitractpcilby titi- 'oliri n i 111(. -urne arrfnr . ur ff-ff arnni t., ie riffnrnr f flfr o -nr rit 'sr or, f lit. Johnsoinou ....... Crin, , ifrtiri- un ph, - r,, irur n r a ho eau «Ir, aillingly wil 'lv---M AtiEL55RtNftarrirsrffn-fî m Irreacit, Nît. Gade lo boo-uri la ruo- 1rui 1'iTis e.ct ofiufr tnr-ii f-rrffri l D te tià23d d , f , 1iýtA 1i CC w tif ',lurnrrrrnriu LOI. F. J. BERRY Teisphone No. 46 Libertyvills Exchtange BAKER and CON fECTIONER -ELS AND RETAILERs SUPPLIEO DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS. ------- 1e e-0ee .,"-..e e. 1 Morses For Sale. M 0""iîrmuu \1,lo tortSck-it aeioone sud one-half fmiîle, nîorîlnof frVrinorii., I 1h iofa.ha', conaantly on hýIai ',imi 1,îlfor alefi r ', stimarket pnice, a stock of ail 0 i f-,,,,olot-,.suritatie for te iroad sud al l arun nu,.,k, erfre.,..arîinIvafi, rîsetful afndserviceable, troua i roto1 i(-r)rpoufifnia ices $fboootfXi 00o.oo. No IIgs (trille tInn \iiifiu \teafiorvanuilse thue iorses ',y,'rk çrrff ulif (rin ' Il antI uîîîrlend ria',oid risk of sicitier,,. 1f gr(frafieeri monilelîrcry as represeuteil. iý tirLi-fi--rn,- - h TOMORRO WmmTUE FINAL ROUNDmUP As the cowboy make a final round-up of the cattle of bis given range, ikewise tornorrow we wiII make a complete round-up of short ends, remnants, odd lots and in fact ail remaining summer lines. To make to- mnorrow the banner day of the Round-up and to increase buying interest to such an extent that every thing that is summery will linger bere no longer we have made a last final and radical cut in ail prices. iandkerc 'hfs Extra fine embroider- ed and hemstitcbed Swiss handkerchiefs also barred lawn, values,that are well worth 10c, Round-up price each 7c Waists 98c We offer our entire stock of sum mer waists that sold up to $2.50 including lin- gerie, lawn and China silk for the Round- Up at choice 98c Gloves, Hosiery, Etc, Lisle Gloves 19c. Womnen's two clasp Kayser Lisle gloves, black, w1ýhite .... 1 C and A colorso 25c kind at pair.-1 Womens Hose. Pllain vottoui, heunmed top, s1liced heel and toc, fast colore, Ise ri values at pair--------------------------12C Womexi's Vesis. Fins gauze, low tape neck, sleevelcss. regular 10e kind at ........5 Wouten's Vesis. Extra fine gmuze, low neok, sleeveles, some mercet-ized sund lace tr- med, 25c values at .......................19C Einbroldery. Cambri- sud Swiss ernbroidery, widîte up 10 9 iuohee, edging sanl iosortuug, o8.1 values up to 25c, at yard-----------..... Corsets. (Our regulsr 82 sud S1. Kabo (Crsets, bbcbet modela at. ..... 1.50 Foot-wear Slaughtered in Price For The Round-Up Women's $3.50 and $4.00 Ox- fards for the Round-Up, 1.98 Mens $3 and $4 Oxfords for the Round-Up at 2 69 Tbis lot includes Red Cross and Here is a splendid lot of styles to se- American Lady makes, splendid lect from includîng patent, kid, gun- models made of tan and metai, tan and o nearly ail black leathers blood leathes lace priced for Round-up pr e9 or button, blucher 2 6 cut, pair..... Chlldren's Oxfords also MIsses. Made of Boys Oxfords. Gun-metal, patent, tan and ox.- Vici-Kid patent and tan leathers, lace and but- 98C blood leathers, Goodyear welt soles, values to. 1.69 ton, values up to $2, for the Round-Up, pair $2.50, priced for the Round-Up at pair ..... lU Undermuslins Petticoats 59C. Made of a splendid quaiity of cambric, some trimmed with wideembdy ruffles, others with pretty lace4 good values at $1, 'n Round-up price ....59 Gowns 33. Made orf an extra gooîl quaiaity mlisîto tucked yok,- huit tir ik. regfular pt- s .50u- forr the Riu nd- p >33 Corset Covers. Vaslup o~iI 75ic, m d t o f hfinu a so k nilsi lacre atil euubroidcr r i g merl, R--rnd Up pric... 9 Round-Up of Men's and Boys' Clothing Men's Suifs Reduced f0 $9.85. Here is a big and splendid arsortment of men's suits that incîtides values we've been selîîng at $15 and $18, they are tbe correct models of the season, elegantly taîlored and of the choicest patterns, yôur choice of this big lot for the Round-Up at ..................................... 9 08 5 Boy's Suifs $2.95. Made in the knickerbocker style of striped and check- ed worsteds, light, medium and dark colors, also plain and aIl wool q~ blue serge, ages 7 to 17 years, values to $6 at ................. 2.5 Boy's Blouses. The "Mothers Men's Neffllee Shirts. Made Friend" Blouses for boys, made of of mercerized chambray and soisette, fancy madras and percale, also black white, tan and blue, sofi collar, $ 1.50 sateen, the 50c kind sale ..39C and $2 values 1.15 price-----------------------at ....... .............. A Round-Up of Ready-to-Wear Wash Dresses al $198. A deep cut bas been made in order to cleati up - - - entire lot of women's wash dresses, they consist of garments that sold at $5 and $6, bandsomely made of lingerie II and linon, trimnied with Venise lace and tucks, nearly al i wanted colors, choice I for the Round-Up-...1 9 Wash Suis $2.98. Here are values that we bave been getting up to $7 for, P, they are made of French Linon and linen finish suiting, styli'h models in ail colors, Round -Up 9 Cblhiren's Dresses a! 98c-. Many diff erert al les in tht. loit ail goorl ones too, niake of elambray, figured percale snd ging- baro nrndwhite laa-n, values Ihat drtp to *2. Round1-I - î ... 98C 7 1 ---------------- 64 4>4