pAulMAÇtoiupi, Attsei.>'Et 1L-w. CoMpiaint I15 aai4Court. on the. Chant- ubdlvfslion; thenc. north ueventy- A tickling or dry cougb co bequlkIr 8TT97iioÉýta.cary Bide thereof, Sud that a summons oradtre orh 74)dgesloosenied witb Dr. Shoop's Cougb Rein- lDU 1.Ceel ii fLake Counlt. Octoberthrupnissued outnt 0f Bd Court east te the wtr d N puf0c alrm ohn In the ttuere1watersedge of Lakte afeor harab. S-)oldbY DlckhuaP. W ALL JDDIcEAaoERmICueî M' Berraorsbac, Willi ameK. lJo uee ieor e eld Bt theCort dHyofitlhWeutarin n fthe poi t; the ce o rtherly og pal: T e cep aa nk h W a k Q ýa Nw Dcsonerduclon . D h 3 cnon, .a. eCounrad at e Ctye on thethd e eterlyong aitsoutetheacoterO Inmalt oe. O u t ob iles relOt Dint= UomDckimn ad "llklý t li beli e th Cort Huseln ou-of thd etlo; thence outhtyalth I'~ ~m I TIO 1 r S ND !C ! V ! L ! î!RingofRicmon luprpertuie. .f5flium57 te. uo tco due n. l r s t Monda>' af October, A. D. 1909, rune ta aPint one thauaaad evanty . expnsve and It matas a noise, to. UkoWs ova f or personla IIiîtreteoiîlm tl pni BA ASr USTO ROM (OLI) COMRADE New general, I don't thinlt 1 was the res esatedens,,lu h Blofomaint"l tl odn.îf'i eto;thnesuht h BAR RAaMES.. oUEaToIONsidier tatnt be 't amifi ce1h51 procesl Serein cachet LEWIS o. BROCKWÂY, Clark. paeo einlg otilgtwenty such a h. .. of gond OP r that e served upO Mo.t l ther of theru snd thst paeo einncnann dam l T at alnd Acosa frm ar Shftng Pa ora a tW ar Time, n 1 wa s Instrumentail lnbreaing thei the detand ts , eorge P. Dickiunso, EalPh W fttkeg au, linoi, Augu t 2d, A. and tweeity-five ne , h ndrath i bor la product of Wvetsrnd Thara- Whlch Ha Earned Laurel@, and of backbone or the rebeliion, ad L. DOUDicofon o.ICDickinseon, .JohnId1.(2.5aremreoles îial foe taa roery s eigLand AlilThat Happened Since, la Before beleve that the war would have ter. Dickinso ad thi B Hsteockinso aeuoa ugll teir Vhltue, Dady & Runyard, Coin- the appertalning tharato; or se much resdvns f tebiiual nte ofices Cdiin ter f______ os~ t once Submerged. Commission on Hlm as Ha Reada LettesOrn eom tha inîvi&f flen thea te a eoffic~~ udps0e ofilthe Solîioraof 4 the amount due ta the comDlian Msy akeCarfulInquiries about Mn Ha Led to trrlng Victorias a home, but I was there wth the lîh ice lathaeaileeygie o1eal Georgeaapl Ca Lattr. ildneyer was lu the hospitai or ex-Wlliam K. Jones, Uknoîl o oou oru f ?State ofIlilinois, Couuty of Lakte, s.:; rîcofian tretusdduic Shr ce ereTpil etr used frondutY wle ieber of pesoosu ,èetemi.n the reai rsatP desrkIuaf. herutCurt i Aie county illam Ayliug and John Ayling, ce. m sI while T.ckinsonoIn fertCircuit CourtuofnL ~'iiietu dteof the tond commit- that organization and 1 neyer tbhb tuogalpT.z. ,m,MerlouJ. Diknson, George H. Faister vs. John D. Man- partners as Ayliug Brothers, prIncipQi R agtn rsdn tes ýIlst ta woaukegan baflot kow.The quiet, tranqi, nl1Wsd rnyou were ln love wlth me. Jhu. lcuon and*IDorOtkY icki~nsongJohn H. Mannintg 98Amil5anhal tereatore oncbave aud ~ Olr otcmlt dcto andwblethedt mv e po.edup orod odage of General George C. utI ikdOur egjonl-George fC omol healut lu ad OO1 os 155 CSed ytrtr !thJstteo JBsilMl- Sahî nthiar'he av ai ast expeuseinluoseVoice.viollu an wil tReproettve Chlpp«edfOd'si-Rogers of W'oukegaf lah eatured hy Rogers-atid 1 believe hoielked ever>' aide tbera, ud ous4t 9 ý em'n0th ?upo4nlng, deceaaed, James P. Johuson, pl)sdBs hacssa*hasitoholais ogaute u comtnlttee ~ the love and respect ln -ihich is oid man lu bis regiment. umed dfendsts.retnruable..n the fint<dY 1Dala>'Jobnsong sud William ÂYlnicuin - esdsn'amuasd fOriMotPosaitionus ln the COutitAS Ofandelu thof CivilitCarrhoofd&hlmaevonOUdi messiursgr theusaleheruiy mon vesttgating cm ecomPleteY. coinrades and Mou intider his coin- Teow you how much Captain P. r in cout OpertCurt ofas A CîiuîyartJets suid teaeem Write aecretarY mcl.tdthat If the crimmitteiS to b.clteld t theiCourt Hou"e lu WaoksRulusJonAligcapatIraasAy ion mman ou hchmle sl aep an- frilsrtdçtls ilsanteiýatd an i th Cvilwa hod iteevn DKeyon ~thogtof eyusn ru omy0 Lk ntefnt MODdAp Of Brohr.Gn o 72 doea came bore Itssii not ho sithO .Kn ,.og fmyosntasdCoiy0Lkeu1rmdeulo!alod October. A. fD. lm 5au la by law qredand aurhesGn.o.76.tlued su wic a> ert old sy epa- frthetrtdÇSAO now. and J adl ul fhO wddetalito Campany' C te have the obici suit lg miii peudiue .Public notice lishereby givan that aa> Chotiaeca nur't Ua~agoALMhIws.keeletisekCrs brase baud. mecioriesofmr stlrrlng times by mens a eald for detached ý 8, LEWIS O0.3R(îCKWAY, Clss prislrktrs.%o tDoro «"tr of more P~~~~~~~~~~~~ALL ACGOCFFI>l. complainsiitO s olicitilr by virtue o! an order and dacr en- prisl neet l~E e, fCametr The pece Minlyahleed, i'ndai constant lettors frn -e whom ha duty o ne that woutd not ho missed If DOued at Waukegsu.Ilii., Auffust 25..l. trdl te1255ttei as nEA L LRE ALTM SGN ET atrass fron the bai-boansd north a led lu vîceries or with whiim he ltlled, anid Kenyrin selected the u îb- BB3N M. MILLeR. Attorney. sald Circuit Court at thse March tarin, Master In ('Sancer>'. th ori po. ad1uh enîof h shared hardshipa. scriiaod. Chancery Notice. A. D. 1909 thereaf. the undelgued Dated Auguat Ird, 1909. 45-4 th rt pi prodto!e bu nilingha General George C. Rogers, 907 North He urged me tri talto a commnissonl STATE 07 ILLIN OIS. ts Master lu Chaucery o aiaad court wll___________________________________ ta gt i-d ofme.Circuit Court of Lake Cuuty, Oclober Tom ono Tuesday, tae 7th day af Septamber thwarbradehscto.f at gushed officersansd veterans oft the but I decllned that promnotion. , A. ,. A. D. 1909, at teitour af lin o'clocit lues Ibs c s fIi s tu d t u war o! the rebellian living, and the I was a Dem arat thon, hut lho could liCam B ýiY> n v Joh 0.GoiE (1EthIE*eno n o. . . . . . . ..o th In, Ithl casied IftiatJe fstate oweigreatest soldier Laite couuty ever pro- detailime te go tri the siaUghter peu Crouthte . WblterAskbPit atî. JohninEnruc aIliCor gohiel site u shchthe Chiateowned duced. sas 7ýIolsday lu receli't Of a as yau put It butt It ivos tri dent lu the L.este B.Morne. CSaries wic... ElleatMorne. Ortrude Hfardeu. liosiorîl Willoi. jUnkuo3vu Hanse luntaeCfty a! Wautegau, lu ts it e ro ih e hi agopaY a e ttrtan oo o te m n trnr tressurs' dolirtiont at Nstchez, Sls' dreud' unoo Crs or deveres of aad Couuty o! Lake sud State afi- U E. if hecanmite doerIl bis command, thse contents o! which Gels Dosen ta Ratenit Times. Jatues Wels, dfeeaedo s, C.uto, neo-cru nota sou Bet public vendue for cash mnehste n ftea msise dter r .deoadaed ilnoeo er . 155 doybei buFtOhRhlb tad ea ld mie hspoint thob accurate, the ouce ogaîn brougbt the battie lgt A soift job. sxydlasdieNme 716.pybel adt h ihs n etbd dabsee nrmnseceadgv VI,1gtniitrdotwt h othe wlS er aeatsudWelluerd Ya tus t ed, tip jelaeht it wliirecommend that tetibso'si eiicnosd ae Wel o sîoee lthehe' th e uan ure eiî.arstras ler der the foilos¶ng deacrihed land and ~ . u m a l~r U JJ~s X hMnmemories boit tender, hait bumer- non veto but for sonie reasort be dld îroeAbri Wilrûos 1wWarren WSis uhrl raletae itaehlut, CutA oCHICAUGO LIB L Tiotli-rEl ecrditolu leodee tie attorney general begîn outer proceod- ous, hait patbtlc. flot nîtîtor nie nutIntHuetovîlie, Al Inga ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O agia h i opls u h LakeeUouty.Illinsii fo 0 o S fMi-t-Laite and litote of llinois, to-wlt:b t r an Hm Ri ie akgr ol bet Genarai George C. Rogers was wben n nutinte lied explred; gueoshsligages, paie 201"sud Atstuofthe sootusersqarterSo Baît Lln~. Waukegsn o oîîld obledt persouu ltereotedirthe Itsal ntate drurird AParo!Uaotestqrer! Ut hrlu ! n o IsInuot-O te irst man from Laite couni>' t0 had anther dstail front you and he lu the Bill ul Compinit. Sl u b n Hm te th amn foeo i nutisSüfcuyaffidavit. ibat the driruda-Ua.section !tiurteen (14) of Township etrenucuBly. liment roi! of th, War. ne"ea4-me-- WOL l.weut te Yriu at -naa-er eiý fWlimle etreuuouaiy-~~~ dlie heluir . 0 es f WllamHeitForty-six (46) North, Range Nine ONYO R WN 1!M No oher ery rav cass ofMad 'Ifthe eboilon dersees 01Jame rels.0-d hue.i. kno's%®r East o! the Third Principal Mridian h He beloned te the iret com- eu were gong te Atlata as oderneorholdersof acertals ilote of $3550 d ecidasflo:Bgnig land are uoteditus far sud It la bigb- H eogdt h s o- Yuwr on r tat sjded o Smer 17. 1866,payable tii the Ortie, s an cla sflos ein 1>' probaleethat tere are no others, pany tram Lakte count>' that osant advocate o! a court martial se Yen told ofjaes hare yrallsier date trîtb at the corner o! a Ifid wblcl point la Who doti't know the Daniel Lee Farm at Libeir- lelie rotme you Woulidtmuster me ot wbeu Iternat sud seured bys Truls-red front Abel aithougis Industries and ratîroadu iMayv etefot Wilcox tuWarrenuH.Elis ubicO Trut liad lu une tousand and seventy-sls (1,076) tyvilleý And who on earth, at Libertyville or lii h v aen ses tc relinforce tise He vias and la titi iigitest ranie- son relurned. reorded lu the Iecorders Office of Lake fe etadtreh nrd adfu bave taiten stops Id Co~~~~0u ty Illio s. lu Bosok20 ofol a e. .Page i a ,a n b e s u r d s d f u ahr ns-wt îg rc eu u- Ing «officer of te Civil War tram But as voit kuow we were captiired 201. *'and *ttulmownuerraOf Or PersonaO(304) foot urrth aiftae outh east cor- the Windy City, knows of a better one. Shrelils it ia, oc ndrukowiuitecmatelu them sud sS , de c uuoln te uroBillecintoreu 1) bii.waukegan and Lakte county, ai- octoher 4, 1864, but as Yeu oftnow îî iuteeat d lu ohen ci.staidoled lu 1.5b e r fs01scto11uten(4 _________ nd_&tuondliet nuiythi Acre Tracts Liberttjville Suburban Hornes The commission, if t comas br. place of resideuce rsusot Se acertalurd and theuca aouth soeuty-tour sud une-half about-- 1-----natu Pos-on---oidth1e defeudflta W aller CroukSite sud Jh 74)3000 attfvehnre n wll serve aot10ntie nOdcrouasa. èrrlotresidrats of the Sute Of7t)dgro u ie ude u eter e appansd give tastimoui' i..swta r"csuotbe "en-rd upiou Sf ts two (552) foot, aloug tance? * On practically your own ternis and approxi- regadin th shre inetwert3, tir-fficeDilue Ckrk of uaid Coutrt. thatthe sitese theuce north tweuts'-ulne (29) de- nsately yotir own price for just two weeks to the «» ega rdng. T a hre i natweu t y.t hr ut anai t ro a lusutt See ooreOe d SIs BlU n cb.foyang. ist e - â mgete shtoaCoaplult in ai court, ou te Chsucery Ide -oe at oe hnde u o- . minute, s50 you who want a one, two, five or ten IIU~ Y ~LJPJIi~[44 tiserof sud = som atmons theupou i iaued ty-three (143) foot aioug fonce; defadaa. reLrOhUISu15J.iatYEyOM AieNisnte uorth fftit> 'uleand oua-hall 40 acre home Cal1 on or addrees taras of the Circuit Court of Lake Couty. lu Se (9)dgeses w ude n Submerged land at Fox laite sud heid ai ie Court llouinluWaukegan lunsaloit 5'~ ere u w nde u otber places la aiseaai! cted tand whillo - MI A, A. D.lm. »sje bhs la,,qrsured sud tahich oiategh 28)fo3mr r es E. C LYWLB.T VL la suffi paoudng. aong ftanc e theUtaconter ai Avenuei t1ta caooeaîon ibas m Pawers ta H -4A" -LEWIS 0. SROCKWÂY. lrrî. o obrIbubiiin;tecenr apa f t cope la O!ftaewisest, T H ENIA N OU NWsukegsu. Ill -AurusI ilnd. A. 0. lm. !Frbli udilln tec rrh And Get a Move on Now titi tate elug eairus laearnlh.t ILLER. compiaiusts Sollotor. eri>' along te tenter lina of said ave- - 15145 l one ud iti0. r 1 vaateStatu a! Illinois. Counts' ai Laite, se.nue te tae "na hitwiin Lts tort>'- tbiam If ta>' are wrontully occuplod.CictCorofLk d ___________ ___________________tabir Terni, A. D. 1909. WOMAN Y!!K NEW thoug t lier. are a numbîr Of s'on a bai en wth us we would neyer Brld.get MeNousara vs.1 Garltta SITE!ISOR CEMETERY brevt coloneWs hava bien captured. Comaetlfi Drusilis Bull, Sarahs Ma.~ ?~ j ???j ?~ * * '1 ???* * j ?* ~ j ?j ç His record le auch tIhat ha in Saw An Oid Major. son, Resciael Mlx, Lui-a Mix. Loulsa+ Mr&. Mary A. Colonoy of Bridgewater, pl&ced smonq titi immortais and Well, colonel, I was a d lEt aM ieJmsMx r lSmnol 45 Fa, rooii LcaeTwto News Important taika othlie Union te stale encampinant et Ottawa and R. Mix, Eben Mlx, sud tae unknown ÇflO r 'LA. 1 . t1 c rI t a C@pluearie on Grand Avenue West Army are crdited te hlm as r.- UerIsaodMjrMEtienH onrtadprsn et Douglas Nursery and Peope Whto sponsible for thoir succes and for loats as sued>'an doea the subscrIbed. tae ris estate inte Bibi O! Coin f TO TI-OSE TIIINKINGO0F BUVINO I Have Sain ToId of Sciteme Favor te ultimata auccesa of Union dois aid Mac. Lives about flfteen plaint desdiibed lu Citancers' No. tt Largely. arma, miles fron Ottawa on a R. F. D. route. 4309-.bat . *4an Tise ietter wblch follaws was tram Well, Wý H. VUderwood of Clay Slatistactors' Afidavit, tisiec u ' Mrs. Mary E. Coloney,. tae daugis- George W. Taplin o! Ellia, Ellia «nxm- Center was a daegato tramt Second il oi tise ahove nauaod defendante i.' te fPtikGvgnadaresidint t>', Kansas, ouao!fte genrals anid district; I went as dlegats frein tae cannaI ho tound sudtat upan diligentA si'~ of Bnldgiwatar, Philadelpieh, Pa., Isinen, and refera lu part tate Inci- luxth. On ins way home we called on luxr'Uer lcsa eienecn 1 iE oalng Cariful arrangements te estait- dont whilcisrougit General Rogers Major A. V. Boisu t LaasIille. Colo., nettlie ascertaineel sa that procose s u ,,s 1mb ,on lhan tract o! land west aifteexalted rankith ie amy, as ha -w» whera hos was retenti>' appoinlted Pest- connot ho sei-ved ulton teinor otberi I ,k > itonGrand avenue a new cemetur>' t tise timo refeirod te a colonel O! master. He la ail rlgbt sud so are all o!ftein, iaviug heen filed lu tise officeP1AN0S+ hrbby eb i vidad Into two Parts toeFitteenthIllinois.tae tis commades. Tise>'ailbo l is o te Clerit ut salolCourt, _____________________________________________ for Protestant sud Catholît use. Striking War Incident. guod ta me. Notice le therefore hereby givon ta For tebneoffth epe 1Lbrtvleand veniywhoarine + The tract la largo aud Ideally site- A ielm t ieUin Weli. I wil clase b>' telliug yen a tise saold aiave namned and unknown tebnfto h epe Lbryil iiiyaeitr aledaduhia long hein considered a Atheim fredtteUno littie incident tat transplred lu Slat dfendants tat tise above namedfi ested in music, we have placed two of our pianos in the f urniture store of propectf site tor a Žeflît>'. New ai-ms was aucamped be-toi-o Hateble Laite. Complatuaiit beretofore flled bier Bille- r.Clns a cm owr u bridge sud ecot mate lna furtiter pro- Tels Hie Stor>'. af Compilt lu said Court, ou tise y OU N & L2 I 4 H B OS , ib r v11e ' gi-osa notAi tisebridge had bieen taoun. Tisera wae o Major Flynn lunta he ne> ieUee u a Iffiredd I Tisa atone isbTsnuosseon sotS îlnois lu oui- train. 1 asited hlm 5itinff Ueepn sud n ! 0d These instruments were shipped direct froiniOur factories and are the thu additiond ah caurves'oi- ect Thesbigadene on TiseSevbrigade la Gewasngiraitepteve Heri Caurboreishoth asovgolnglitadeput lupst esign CouaetpragainatNo tnewhahoven eed eda detenBhtild la ail outined. (ert coloneltbaakeaiHed la totoItise amn ts etun tise Circ it ourtofate fail to see them and oet our nrices, for they are absolutely th2 best instru- ± Biaidea Uta soveral local mon have Oeclnlle aldt aetewiso served luins' rogimnet.Patrickitheterofmtha! icui Cort f Lke lneretdsu i l pobbl Uatbridge. Astod. hoe deciared. "Why, ODwwobscag i5 uosCounts', tri ho ield at tise Court Ilause ,~ meuts which éan bes bouglit for the money. a coutorence will seaui hi called frir Genoral Herbert, tisera are sixteen bospital, and ho wrote me filet ha lu Wautegan lit saad Laite Counts'.+ the urpse o pefecing rrage-pieces af artibiers' crisering titat would tuite tai-eorithUt maJor." (on thse Firat Mondas' ri October. A.J D E F R YP EL+ met.bridge."So wiseu we gat thare and we-e I. 1909, as lu b>' law requîrdan Do not take Our worîl on the qult n moTs. neod rit a nos>' cometers location il Colonel Rogers and is regi- îînod unotetake toe Uteareet car te go wbilbsutl stili poudling f taîya m9nýdsue.Teodcm r eu ,t toketohie biidge?"tri isaadquartere Uta major wat l LEWIS 0. BROCKWIAY, Clent . worth of these pianos.+ 1 ne Yos. ir, or &yhn else." b-lais fi., llnosAuus Go and see theni. Play nten xmn are adlttedis' ti-wded and willt nIissoieanadte .111 2d au*yo hin xmn affer cramped quaitors. In addition It 'Vervrweil, lt tise lIts Illinois, un- lng dialogue enued- D. 1909. , their workmanship anîd the begtutifui design and ,, la stated tisat the cemeterysi ates ai-a der Colonel Rogers, taietes bridge "Cans'euse ho stîbher tellutg me tise William C. Upton. Complainants finishi of their cases, and test them for toile, tori aluable toi- moi-bars' uses sud t once way tri lt. Likes osopital?' liolicitor. 46-4 fi We are content to let you decidewetr that it wulî i-ot ho long betore the hbod- one ofogrstadese Imistltheezfpianoe ca.ouo wntlckswethkno + ies are iemoed aud tise land used rogînentruait tise bridge. northis, transfer tevon. Go tbree C o ircuiCotate ouLkt.s'. O- ow el they aret aeano duwat fine musica as an industrillBate. Witat Ltter Bay. blodita wostthon tranatar sud go four Cuto r tm a. e . 1909.Oc- hoqualestheyposesmadand w afneou sioknoal Mrs. CGone's proposition Io re- Tise ltter ram George Taplin, woso suts. Ater whlch su>' yoz go ove or vseri . Lura a90y9ord1V'it roni yuron essamnasio nt o ok gai-ded witi general tas or. Tise tract la a sîs' bumorlat wltis more tissu aBt Ftatityssealoion, Fiaits' la a ulce Jontnan bore.iLurana wxitfo yurwne mnto.+ site w(ql set aside Ib a beaututul rine, bit o! the wog lu bis mate up, tollows: mon) sud teuds bis own bar, tise ukonhis fLrn Has'-'Tebstpao akrinhe ordm eteeisru nsadifou 4 at tise end rit Grand avenue t tise Generai George C. Rogers, 'Yes go ln sud sos' tea it>, 'To word, deteased, the uuituowfiowuer The of thempoan o r ri ten ar maneteeor tuyears andhitfenou titi' limite anîd a 11111eiWest orithtie Waukegan, 111.ih-1 wittise Irlis,' sud wisen yezrit lot Four ln Block Five (5) bu Elins- buy one o hmyuget u ritngaaatefo .7'as h, bn Douglas place. \y OdConlW'îseucame e wlu two weilts tram todlss les' Sunderlina Frat Addition tri tisef should yon take any chance whien you choose a piano for your home! Why 4 Wil ChngeSteetNam. eo generol. sucis a gathering as thisayez'll hoclunlit. Lukea s opita ofTano!Lte Fort 'n ae bu tse Cils' not purchase from manufacturera whose responsibility is backed by two mil- thW.A.Rîatoailcmoret WiIl conclude ti by telling one on O aiea)1 at on>,~ i lion dollars capital and who guarantee satisfaction? +4 If teprayen o! residents alone tise mates tise roporadea thînt o! tiseir nysoît as 1I.preanie s'on know 1 bave 'lis dion9Chayantr'n.d1 Henr Souths end o! Caledonla street aud tise 0wn organization. conuocteilwltis n'I office, real as- A. HaywardInCacrNo435+ Thora endoa ospart>'venueJe d 1 tdatoAfdavtS.thas' therde antf.[i~ ~ é S AE RIGIIT I THE TERMS AR EASY norts en o! eisand vono lu Wben a brisandsud memiser o! tisatatasdwas. alfatiy yidvl.%httWod grsnted, opeinu i îtiesatreteis o!f51lisIllinois Infantry 1 thtought that Teewsapryw ot edn dio .IT EP IE A land hitween tise adjacent extermi- regitient aImne could put dowu tsenear tiacils' cane ne m >'office sud a rosîdont o! tiselitateofa!Illinuois, sud Yuwl o nybstsidta hs insaeslni ntn n tiesna!fte two strotte, on atempt iObelllouî lialedhiefat i th me taosali. AttertisaItishe detondanta Heur' Bs- ~ Yuwl o nyb alfe htteepao r peddI oead 4 Win prohabîs' be mode tri bave tise Inl lti ile oie wei-oaat tise front visitin te tarin I wrote ai description word, Lttraua Has'ward. tise unnnown , construction, but you will be satisfied that they aie big values for the prices 4 wboe toouisar, ta haCaed1l 9 ()tg Id Pri-Ie thiougish u ofo!tise proporîs' sud auntt a bire o! Luranla llayward, deeasd, ad fo bm+ sueit, Asiland avenue and tise con- il altise norîberunowspapers store >'client tor approval. ldBct se (5) bu Elale ' Sundeeurylt ml othyisalmns avn h seo h nectlng trIp, called liheridanrod(Itutut. "Oit On' On teRiRchsmond" Read tist again," aaysste owner. I lc ie 5 nMtseYSne- isrment chl o Mr ewpinhaorwilbegad4 Thipln as ea baacse sd bs tstu bilho îtci cofiene l tse Cîrsig Is s's ud ealu baitlis Fre Aditontatis Tiw aifiristrmetddiitiuorenayntforttshweteTiaosno oofn Theriso tr sist riral ti'tb riteîto tsa tsesuhcrbe ad i e h astfnsd hlw a nt fot h !rund1nd hat upon ilgntf Mo ohrsLyush orkerthe, ta ilb lalt hwtepinst o n