CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Sep 1909, p. 3

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LAKE COTITNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1t909 F ARî-M TOOS0 You 'will Need Now0 Janesville end Deore a SULKY AND GANG PLOWS a Trwentlbth Century and Qreat Western MANURE SPRfADERSE 'ei PFýaIir JohnssonE CORN >MARVESTERS PUMPING ENGINES Blizzar'd and Cyclon EMSILAGE CUIT !RS IF IT'S Farm, Te.ming end Spring FROM WAGONSE SCIIANCK'S S IA C IT'S E OOOD BRS. E LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. PIANOS 1 have at my borne reveral tyles of the Bladwin iPianos. 1 invite Non to a :liand see. I'rices within the reach of ail. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer I GRAYSLAKE - - Tell Somne Sick One It la Free If ItFPila. Wtlt rou do aneset of lrranityl Wilt risi tel m e ik frisait o tht..mi O'ewýkatle ofet TetI imhle, r.that ro. ha-s t.raed ot ad t»drercissertin thst ils taask- dait seInta tihe Mtb*.. It 1,#etieoiur l oan oodltioraltY ime il it wu. 4 À sd yoes. ta doubt. elresrty kaov of Dr. Shboouîs Rmtiee nd lutItpotlrilt. For 2D see Iit as b-Il. tiiZsad e s titi 1- itoroci. Ktdneî a tam u-s alIe eserywhere ln Ameuta. Wtre.n I.e' inile" or eonrillag aerves of4 tinse rital oram tiegl9. f.11. l la D'. Shoopu. it.sor' tiat hasquickiy viallseý&d.atrias.d tiea.e ait brotgis tinss andesosritnres bck to heaitb aZ.t tdoefot dos e Staossh, nSw stmlaitsd the Bean o Eitacys-for tuai llài&iliroar. d Dr. Slroos's RetorativesguedIrect ta thers cilffe of those srirnet-tir. frlttri. falerns. muis r asuli asnueru. AM heani Oethse kejuot. tMry voo.q Wheoti.tehe n ame am1 tras vrýIt ait onrSg. tion that là ti. rseta end of aIl web giekmeee. Tome Ittasa grefsatlsf-ftton tat 1 am th lra& el. to Yt , th isfertr lck. Tk y sn-pr-ptin or lfutit 30dayu If It 6.11. to heloy.the, satire zaIne-not jose.ý W Then whMshonZd the sick takes ass <hance on any at/er medUcne, whoso na/cer dare vnt bacà; Ujuat as1 do by tAis remarkabk off ert 1 &lmo baveRs s BaseRedy-snd lui ?rdyi.s oreit by th-s mme idial .No »Iie c s', proetive irla. = Yobdu.= lm Iestacousti n~u5u ionvcidyou bni thyil. My ri rs th. book baby aae your--sd vitbant cous. ~b , ia tpL1 a.bed iarsd oanh thouss"Du b[jsrjLrt scitlu A pstl i rnsa 0 otnnty. I vii ironest £nrutoth7 Io Wh= mecnruletgo tr Butfni Duak me for th. rer. for ait drug. «am snos ashrtied to gir, lb. 0 day tes. Ba wrte me novait mye sIl deisys. Bs- astber that toooreow nere? cou. Addroou Dr. ShSor. Bar 12.R.. Wl.. Wi&ue 155 Var -1ue So. 1on Dsrts NO. 4 Fm o ots 740. 2 On No. 5 For Met . 0 t1xe dm. Mo. ôOu h, SEE RUSSEL Lnmber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL My priaes are rigiit and gradeu Wood. Wbetber you buy or not get My figlires. PREPARED WHITEWAS:: F. S. MIEAD, Prop. F. BAI RSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Ever) D)escription Correspondence bOlIcIteC 126 Genesee St Wankegan - - - IWNOIS (irayslake BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT Fregh Bread every day. hlome Made ('akt4, Pies and Other Pastri. Lunches anîd Meule serve-i at ail bonis. ( ANfli i lOAiOn E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. T.plssa. . GRAYSLAKE. ILLINOIS We Have a Fine LUne of Stationery s-d Sonveair Pot Carde Watdus. Coi> ud Jewefry Repalrd Ai WoçI Ouatants-ad SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Prmolty Fume W. IH. MOORE (uray" - . - lflhiais Juet receiveit a carloud of tbe Celebrateit Staver Buggies ALL THE LATEST STYLES Price Right W. aiways carry a fulli une of HARDWARE GOODS A. PADDOCK Round Lake, Illinois - - - - - - - -- - - - - Wm. LAYCOCK Co. OpposIteSt. PauI rmght Dspoi Libertyville, Illinois Machine Shop REPAIR WORK AUTOMOBILE WORK A .SPECIALTY Engines Ovcrhauied. A Full Line of Sundries. Tires Re- paireit. Whben in Trouble TELEPlIONE LlbertyvtileExche 661 or 1262 r RAYSLAKE IF. J. DRI'CE. Editor Orders Taken for Job Work Mise Laura Loftus, of Wlmot, Wl.., in tihe guest of B. J. LoItus and family. Miss Bertha Kapple, of Waukegan, le iwsending ber vacation at ber borne on o Wtefelît place. lit Giefertrude Fuller, of Cicago, vislted Mise Wlnlfred Neil lImt week. SMiss Barbara Ebort, of Aatiocb, risitot finonda bers lut Tbursday. C liqord G.i, f Wisconiu, la the IssuLucy Soule@ spent limt Suaday at Iber borne lu Wsuconda. Chw OBas ook and wili, ofOicago, spent jlait Snnday witb Dan Rook snd famlij j lrs. Borok remained orer for the. week jWm. C. Albrlgbt mund farily, of! May. jWood, III., were tihe gueote of T. A. Reynolds over Hunday. j Clment Witmore resigned bis poi. jtion at tbe Henry Kuehker store lait ISaturday and loi t for a two week's jvacationInaColorado wbers ho will loin j is aunas, brother asud sinter on tnier ranch. 0. P. tiarron returned Saturday even- ing froin Sait Lake ity, Utah, v b. jbas been sttending the. 0. A. R. encamp- jment. IF. C. Wilbnr entertaineit bis unele andt aunt, Mir. aud Mra. Wlbur, ni Wisconsin, 1 everai days tbis week. nWm. Grifilu resigned bis position at the Henry Kuebker t ore Saturday unit wil take a raont's racation betore accepting anî,tber position. i Mr. and Brt Plonien unit iaugbter, ni 'Waukcgaa, are viiting flic iurm"-r'u rparente, tMr. niandsr. Joseph Pionien. Lenoard Hîiok l@ iling tbe varancy at the Hcnry Kucbker store during the absence ut Clemnent Witmorc. Mir. and !nrs. Wcebb Sc-off morcit into tiie llonk bouse the tiret of the week. Next Snnduy evening Arcli Ilae-rn Tmli Pwillizondnct the. services ut 7.30 p).ta. ut the. Epiocopul mission. .Mr. andl Mrs. Sînîlti Wrighît roveit to Waukegau, ecatnrday. NIr. unit trs C. C. Morrill]. of Fox Luke, wcre here tiie tiret uf the wcck innkîng aiter their house on Wetertiilit Mir.unittre. Jesse Longabuiîgh speut Stouay in Chicago. Mre. Beckwith unit son. of ivaniioc, spent &onday bcre. Mite. C. A. Crittenien us rioving into the roouta bove flic posntolfice. Strs. Gilbert unit dangbt.urs, ni Round rLake, wcre ini tîwn Monituy. Itmay meuh mî'ney in yonr pueket to &sec unr ied exiibit LiiiiTI !LI.E LiBR GniOn. Wm. Moore ni lagIcelide, visited bis 'sister here Niuaday. C. 0 Loogabaugli acîirpaaied by Mr. Gaul, un arciiitect, oi Chicago, spent 0Suriduy ut the Jolua Longubaugli home. W. H. Wheelnck trunsac teit business at Wuukeguo, Mnnday. LOUIS J. YEOMAN: THE SEWING MACHINE MAN GURNEB Ournec defeatet Grayalake on Gurnees grouuits, Aug. 29, hr the wore ofni 8 to 0. Thc batteries vers D. Bennett ant E. Bennett for Gurues and Hoffman aud Longubaugb ion Gu-yolake. tintta W itcing vas the festoie ai tbo garase. eatruck ont 15 men and allowet but 4 stattercit bits. Hafiman stînck ontt ive mca. Score by innings: 1 2 3l 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Grayshuke... 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 Gure...... 00 24 10 01 x S Miss Lanra Gonbam, ni Waukegun, le seniting the week with Mies Blanche Cittenden. H. D. Hughes hue returnet irorn bis trip to Floita. Mie@ Ruby Hughes vîited irienite ln Miburn this week. Mri. und itMi. C. Halenbeck, of Chicago, andt Mr, unit trs. Charmes Stafford, ni Wauxegan, spent Suntay st fthe Ed Ray borne. tirs. Lors Welcb, ai Chicago, is visit- .ng her brother. 1% May Meun rnoney in your pnckst ta sfes unr teed exhibit. LiBBRTYVILLE LumBItR Co. Tii. Wnodmeu are u ipano for their inuith annuail Harvest Horene b helit in tbe Wondrnen bal, September 28 unit 24. C. M. Brown entettainet bis mother from Waukegan laet veek. Mises Josie unit Deli Bidweil leit on Wednesday for Conneciut vbeis they expect toa senit about foar months vilfiag elames. Miss Minnie Munro, of Waukegan, visite! ber sister, Mm. Washbirn laat week. Sebool hegins Sept. 6, vith Misa Floy Havkine snd Miss Blanche ObIttenden as feachere. Elmer Faulkner vas hroagbt bsn. lat Snnday lrcm Doniphan, Mdo., vbere be bas hecu veiy ill. He vas accompaled iv hie vile. Bis brother suit Dr. Young met tbemn in Chicago. Miss Bertha White, of liliburn vas -tire guest ai MisseItuiy Hughes, âatur- day. tir. Amnt. Aile anit chiltren retunnet ta their bomoe la Chicago ater a two weots vlit witb tirs. Mliii. Miss Hannab Patch vilte ltb Miese Yens lisea l lat Fnlday evening. Mise Luru OlIbert, ai Round Lake, apenttiunday wlth ber cousin, (ladys Stewart. lissai. E. M. Neteali andt P. G. Smith anit amilieeattondedtheigolden wcdiiing ni tir. andt lré. Vîlarit Hamilton ut Rtollins, Wcdneeday. Miss Ethel Haines won the âilver ueitai ln the W. O. T. U. contest beli t u Wud@wnr th, ionday evening, biles Lottie Stearus entertancita nephew undt bis vue taurnng the puet Ornu und Miss Blanche Chitteniten atteniteitthe weddlng ai Wlhur lu Wautegau ast Wedncsitay oening. DEPARTMENTI Phsone No. 11 Advertiting Rates On Application L. Y. Sike bas ieen on the slck flot the. paèt lew days. Mrs. Emery To n er. ni Chicago, la tbe gueut of Mr. and Nirm. Gum Townend. Mlire Frank Lan son visîted at Chicago Monday. Mrs. Fleming and iarnlly are spendlng the. week lu Chilcago. Mm~ . IbW orrili and &rater vited ~4neber@ Monday. Mr@. Stewart, of Libertyville, called on Moinda bore Saturday. Dr. Harvey opent Sunday as Wau- couda. Allen Bavery, ,f Kirkiand, waa the ruessIof Eari Thoinson eeral da"o L. Frank transactcd buoineuss t Lib- ertyvilie IMonday. Mr. Frank has the contraet for furnlshing tiifaar with lm creans. lir.Ohiuitenoen, out Millburu, transect.d bueines boes mt Fnday. Beveral of the base bail fans attended the base hail garae at Chicago tant Saturdoy. Sem and hear wljat our reljresentatives bave to @&y at our exhibit at the F'air. LiIRîîT% 11 mic LuItER Go. Horse Kilis Itself. Juat beeause thei.rng colt ni a borze belongingto Mr. ihrsensen, of Milîburn, got saeflat the -thlierder last Friday ani started runiiiiigiown the atreet the rnother fearing lier colt wae in danger, broke lot- and nlihber mate tors wildly down %Vemr.o.rl.-d Place and reli into a telcîrlrî...poile rumhing ber bruina ln and k llieg lier aimogt in- etantly. She wa,, rirlued at $300. Mir. Cbrieteasen refurcI e250 jOt a few duys bef ore. Soldiez' and Saîlors' Reunion. The Soutiers' anîd .Sailors' Reunion was well attendet uni the progrrni went off nicely. The aditrese andto4ry telling by Prof. Graham, of Chicagoî, Wed ncsday evening st the caimp lire wam greatly en- îoyed as wasaialothe etorleo by the. nid isoldier,. hdie by Lruin Corps undt the maie quartette. The addrese Tiinreday by Congresman uesm and Prof. Grahiam and other men of the best and wpre listened to by bunitrpdâ of peuple. Mit- chell'a Band. of l,ertyviiic, iurnimhcd excellent musie during the day. h uînay weillhe, saut thut tihe reuurîn was a social and financial Thee .PlsWoodt- inca Weho had the main 8tand cleaned np a nice suta of moncy undt ail merchants wcre pleased over their days' busines andt cverybody had a gond tîme. The tiali game which tnok place Tiiurday mumning between the Grayslake Athietie andt 11ockefeller team wae the best gamne ni the seâbon, the score remainiag cren, un@e eeeh rom the tiret innrng flirongli the, niath. In tbe tiret ball nf the tentii (rayalake rua in twn scores, whieb made thom the winners by twn points. Miss Annie MeCredie begau teacbing Monday at the North Obicago ichool. Mr@. Ruseelis sister andt duughter re- turned to their home last week. O. E. Topic: Sept. 5; Lite Lessons for me from the book ni the Romans. Romane, 12:1-21. (Consecrution Meet- ing.) Margaret Whie, leader. The.[Ladies' Aid society esili boit their montbly meeting Thursday, Sept. 9tii. Pienic supper. Everynne tome. EAST FOX LAKE F. A. Gahiger expeets to 8tart for Nebrueku thile week. Miss Puttereon, ni St. Louis. ie visit. lng ber sîster bers. Mr8. Ed tinyder andi trs. Le Tweed vers Lake Villa cahiers Baturday. WARRENTON 1 lire. Smith, ni Chicargo, lu the gnest if irs. IM. Dugan. Misa Jula itudim vsisitiog withb er parents. Win. Kelly unit lamily spenit Sunitay wlth Mr. ait Mrs. John Siheridan. Mrn. and Mrm. Thompsoni, ni Austin, are rlsiting witb tMr, unit tre John Neeiy. Miss Amy Floodi bas gone to Chicago for a visit. Mn. ait Mis. James Ryun are enter. taloing relatives. Nlda. Oonnohly and frient, ai Kennaba, @pont Sanday witb relatives boe. Mr. and Mre. Bidinger bars refurneit ta Waukegan.aiter a vseks visit vithu friands bers. GAGES LAKE Mir. and Mrs. Frsd roker andt daugb- ten viitet relatives boe Sunday. Mire. M. Jouse@, Mr. Proctor antdlMr. Dlxon @pettSunday witb Mr. andihreg. Ersu Lawrence. lire. Ames and chilitren were Wada- Worth viitore the.tiret Of tbe week. Fred VanZandt andt Richardt lapham Wst Saturde.y for a twn weeka trip tn Colorado Sprlngs, Denver andt otiier western points. Dr. and Mr@. McClintock andtlire. Short, of Cbicago, eipited vith Mr. and lins. Kefler the hast nf the week. MissesDnffy wili returri to their borne la Cincnnati this week alter sçending the surmmer wjth their sister, Mis. Lawrence. MIsa Nellie Bond, oi Elgin, unit ber niece, Miss Eiiy Phillipe, of Anîhuret, Wis., were renewlng oit aouintanesa bore ast week. Cbauucey Date was a Chicago vîisitori the iast of the week. Miss Cîlanit, ni Chicagoi. i-ns peniing a couple of veeko vithi trs. Fred Van,-i Zandt. H. Mggentertaineiapartyoi twenty mEin froîn Chicago, Sunniay. Mire. Payne le visiting rclatives in Liherfyvîlle. MILLBURN. Miss@Hlen Suifrri vi8ited ber sister, Mis.I"lin Wbatrîn. ni Wbcatnn, irorn Thureitue until Monrluy anit attenitei the Wheatoa Conty fuir. tire. Josepirine Mathew8 e icttaturitay to vieît finef oi sometimin ab Pontiac. It le rurnoreit that W.J. White ias solà lue faîrta. W, h01.,it ù§ nuly a runMO r. Last Fîiitiy Mr. Win. ticGnire unit son hait a cuw kleitby lightning unit T. ('brietiansen ulso fiaita boreskihicit in Grayshuke where be vas traneactibg business. Thec borses licorne sarei t u thc storrn anit rani into a tre. Wuî have a nice lins ni icedoeheownaut nar tent anit in the Pnuitry Hall thie weck. LiBERTYVILLE Lunit ou. Messrs. Steudman anit Winter, of Gar- nus, are paintingt John Bonner's bouse. Mns. Win. Gi. Thom's brother, Mr. Harris, ià visiting ber for a ew iays tuis week. Mir, anuitMi. H. B. Tower @pent severai duys with Mr, unitMis. George Gsrr-tfy, ai Union trove. James Geirify returneit home viii thern. Mr. andt lre. Clarence Banner and Robert, ni Chicago, apent Sunday wltb the. home fnlks. W. G. Thomrn sd son, Harris, vl show bore" andsuitnies at tbe Lierty- ville fair tuis veek. lire. John Bonner le entertalning the~ Misse Dodge and ir-berSf, ni Peonia thia week. TO THE FARMERS Of LA AND ADJOINING COIJNTI A cordial invitation is extended our old cnstomerà and every farmer interested in good hogs and cattie, to visit us at the Lake County Fair. ¶fCome and see what we cali good Jerseys, and Jet us show you some of the best hogs on Earth.. ... W! WANT TO MAKE VOUR ACQUAINTAI! CEDAR CREST FAIMWI LAKE VILLA, ILL. oHave Your flouse WiredI IE3LIECTRIC LIGI] *Under Our 2 Vears to Pay Pl * SEND FOR OUR REPRESENTATIVE FOR DEMAI jNorthi Shore Electric C MMPIOE Ne. saS WAUKPOAN sas ONME STUTM WAUKEGAN, ILL. ýs q 0 . - '.1= SPECIAL ATTENTION 13AKR and CON IFICTIONIR Toout oi Towrn Orders Libertgvllle- And Shipping Trads MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPL WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT T" w Misses Georgia andt Editb Hook, n eof t esn n vl etrtiei Loo Lae, pen a ev aysut hierelatives irom Antioch andt Minnesota week ut the Dalsilborne. Sturtuy. Mountainà iRUSSmj.Frank. Galiger andt vue visiteit relu- baiesnirthfore tives near Big Holw, tiunday. tii class e s The Snnday achool convention vas The LibertyvlLrlerCopclasswokexpsh very weil attended, lissas. Evcrett, vites you ail toamse their fine lins of l 100 to 1600)5 Yager anit loody von. the speakers in Poutry, Homee and Ottie Feed ut the p1ig. corneb the aiternoon. Mr. Hudeon made a fair groundts tilse eeti. van k on fhe fau verylatrestng péec Inthe ornng. Les Tweed le working ut the Knicker- ine. u8 There yl io preaching next Sunduy boker le houe@saut Long Lake. Teleirbarre morning anitsvenlng. Everybody corne. Mis. Jack Waleh entertaîniet relatives 441 W&ouda C. Mi. Gorbam and farniiy, ni Wuukc- tram lieHenry connty recently. Kan, speut Suntay vitii A. C. Currtis The new barn on the Busesfarta le issMa eue, sslBiie unitiari>y comletit.Earic lichuier attended the Soldien.' Be. Aea Corrtis apsat unday vitii Warncr Mise Jeesie Brown, vbo l isviting union at Grayalake faut Wetnseday. Oolby unit iamiiy at Foreet Glen. relatives at Ltbsrtyville was taksn quit. s.tkwvile there witb toueitîe. tir, anuitMr%. H. PeRlow bave raturned M re I. L. tilver is sntertaining a alece " . ,alter spending a wesk wlth the latter'@ tram Pcnneylvanla. Sit Burnetable, vif. andt chlren mother in Chicago. Mis. E. P. Siver entertainet ber eleter, vistet friats ai Long Lake, Sunitay. The dance ai Herte'@ park vas veil Mis. Welcb, of Wauksgsu. Sunday. a ttended Satnrday oesnlng. Elgbty HALFDANcouple Paru'tcPatlag. Mesdames Chaso and Corrne epen t 1Mre. Burtlr, ofaIChicago, ID vlitiugA Monda in ilwakee.The regular 8uaday services viifieinod in this vicinlty.t Murris Bron. loft Tuemday motnIng belt on Sept. 5, et 8;80 ant Sunday Allen Reiser oen% BuSnday vieitlng7 vii b tbeir show of fine hanses ant punies schnol at 2:80. It ID hopeit thaf there irients la Eranstoa.0 to attend the. Llhertyville fair. A gond vilii i a gond utteadance. Xverybody many irota bers attendet the fait.rcm. C. T. ttBYDOCKIR & 904, Atys for EssrAe.. A number !rom bers atteniteit e MIsM Hertel, of Chicagofi; spent ing Adjudication Notice.a funerul niftKrs. RislasintSaturtay. tbis wesk ut the home of ber grand. Pubile Natile la rOly s-lys that the Soi- Mrs. Mervhlle and Gladya attentedthte rnotber. aieribln. îuaulx of litheu la d 4T%"eugnen nid settiere plenie at P addock Lake ast Mm. Chas. Foote was a Chicago cailer 0f RefM*rainqutr aoosu tee a&d. whii a55of h Tbursday. 0o uieelay. CnuCut fltb<aui.e ta rro ..i~%sny 0ce S ens in ota, cfNovmers The Mnivey show vae In tuwn ail the Dr. J. C. Scbroeder "pei Sunduy vitb mat, Ione. virerandcriwbsre an Inrsuota "ar9t week. hbe parents. dais enet ssid Esttu ai ort tod r tirs. L. M. Sonner ait Mr@. A. C. issé Edna Simone and cousin of China. J.deio Corrds callet on Mn.. John Roi., Mon- go, apsat a fsw day. ai ths bame ai XH E arusrix oifhtaM l"Win b aaTesueni of Klsama Rener. duo»@@ad day, wbla oIrlonsly III. tlieir &un% Miss Lauras prege. Wsnksgs. Au" 10 . tr.Mi- )rses F«u ae saler et loUCUt umket àte~ hoiranibetble Woithe. sand draft, qauii d " vs iam. Ail accllmated and eaat .gnarateed on sdelir.ry s aop~ COL. IF. Je.B Mir. and Mr@. Levi Weit o1Wu* apent fronm Fridayntl lMondsy- home ni D. Y. Vait. Mr. and Mr@. D. V. Watt IMV Oeorglannsattnded thegold$b W anuiveruarr aif tiieformsr'a s*i and Mrn@. Hamtilton, of ROMVÀ% 1t'. Auguat 81. Tbey voie affoupUl their @on, Chmnlea and i.mol, yard. and daoghier, MMs.OlRu« of Racine lire. Ellon Hiogan 0" du MiII). i e n. ar e si1M0d %W as the O. L. hbom.oa .0 Mdu isa Kîne0a ci a over Sondai vith Mr.. V». Henry Rater am Vauflsea, aua yislted t%e forme, Combe. misa Floesk i.. -at toabo FALL TERIM OPLENS SEPT. 7t1 We wonld lit., f0 meet soit talk personaliy w"" rr psetw boy or girl wiii ubortiy go out into the world a 1sa;nthpie MJ, We lit. toi sbow you sonsa af the work of onr tutnat-*W* the. mmmii ine aja1ofthis PIACTIOAL BUSINESS BDUL esentiai oducation of the age. W. reach aotiring, tMatbn andoi --th- h tbatla essential. Note cf thestdu wast9ed. ud ailthe vor ari intensely praetîcai and ciirUm" f to &Il Yotung people no matter wbat tboy intend tof do. The Teuchers Behind the School Tbsy a- teécherai educationai training, teachers oi expérieno.l businees orlt, and iast but tot lenat, teaclersai c art1r. Il the klad ai toachers 700 vant for your non or daugbtoî?On. la givingoui studenta gotthora PRACTICÂL MDUOATI 1N.. that thekinit ai edueain a t--tbe education jo aau day aiof or hMe no matteruwbhat occupation you ln1 d .h Malte arrangements to be witbuns the tirât day. Beoic ctalogu*d Journal at onee. If yon casnot caul t the office. telepiione un, 5512 and lbr. vws-J ns ta eall and tait. the matter orer wltb jou. Many docks have sJs'u beu reservet Let un resrve one for yan. WIU b. in offie«W evening thusveek.. NIGHT SCHOOL OPLNS SEPT. 8 O~\ WAUKEGAN .r7- . 1 -- ý MED JOCHHEIM

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