CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Sep 1909, p. 4

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UAR~ nà>'ii<try~ - D~P~NDENT. FBmAT, -S~BFTEMB~ 3~ fl- COUNTY INDEPfNDIENT OFFtCIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY 00»a Tehêepho No. L. Mtors Remidence Telep(enesNo. 1141. Lberyville Exchange Mt"At the postomfce At Uityie. ni.,&A s econd CiA an dtter iuUm WkWgELT. ÂDYMUUTTaING ULTINS MAO5 rOWS ON ÂPPLICATION, IUS$CRIPTION PRICE 81.150 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE K i t .JUST ............................................ .................. Ed tor M. . KELLEY ...... ......................................................... Cty Edtor FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, If09. INDUSTRIAL REVIVAL. i t la no longer noccaaSarY te $Peak in autleua terme of feint ands cattered signes of incustrial ravival. Thse vidence oft IerprvIng conditions la to* abumiant and conclusive ta ho gananid. The movensent hma doveloped ao *opdly durng the ast three menthe, and now includes se many lime$ and ha, 1alead uch nmomestum that, wlit fundamental conditions ail favorable, a roapas la noe longar te ho feared, The Industries cf modern aoclety ara mc fiitr.dpaiidoft that starting the machiner>' from satate of Inaction ie lkp qtertine an elght-horsa team; it sa diffeuit nt fOrat: te got tlsem pullnl togthir, but wiian they have gained momamMlumi even the isgging mombers are swiept itae lin and are scosi keeplng step and pulllng thir share ef tha load. Ail of the signa thst denote risng proapes'ty and ail the condtlo'ss pro. codent arte t hand. The wreckage of the panc ie s been cloarodday; the apprabe"siOi whch it aroused have dieappeared, and cur people are facing the. future Wth an optimsm and courage bem et knowiedge f the wvondefuj -rumsrces ofthtiia couitry. Sieivam a bars of surplus goode and thle country ha. grom up telis faclitlsnansd qsipment. At thia opportune tîrne to 1l«- hugà%erats a new e rs f prceperlty cornes tha boit sii-reund crop ever produced la this country. Keep the files awsy frore the sick, espec'a'ly these NIl with centaglousa dseases. KiIi ever>' fly that trays inte the sick roore. i-is bodyis covered wth ulsate germs. Do not aslow dlecaying material of an>' sort te accumulate on or near your promises. Ail refuse which tends in any way te fermentation, such as bedcing straw, paper wste, and vegetable motter, should be disposezi f or covered wth lime or kerosene cil. &een aIf food, wtîether ln the house or exposed for sale. Keep ail receptaclea for garbage carefuli coeered and the canes cleaned or sprinkied wth oil or lime.a Keep ail receptaclea for garttise ca rfully covered and the cans cleaned or cil or other cheap preparatiens, such sa are sold by a numl4er of reable manu- facturera.C Seo that your sewage sytem sla n good order; that it cdcs flot leak, is up te date and not exposed te flies. Pour keroeene into the drains. Sure, or bury ail table refuse.à Screen ail windows and doors, especially in the kitchen anSd inig roomn. If you tee file., yeu may be sure that themr breeding place s in nearby flith. It may be behind the docr, under the table or in the cuspidor. If thora la ne dirt and filth there wll be no files.q If there la a nuisance ln the nelghbcrhood write at once to the healthE departmeftf TO KILL FLIES: The London "Lancet," the leading medical journal of the jvorld, ays that the best and simplet fiy-kller la a weak solution of formaldehyde in water (two teAsp*odfuîs te the pint). Place ln plates or saucera throughout the bousa. Ton cents worth of formaldehyde wilil ast an ordêinary family ail aum-1 mer t lias ne offensive smell, sa fatal te disease organvse, and ls -acti- eall>y non-poisenous oxcept te Insecte. Pyretiirum powder, wtich may be bouglt t any drug store, burred ln Io houa. wUI alto kili the filas. P5PLAiNts PART or DRAINAGE SCIIEME Plan la te Cannect Pîke River in Ko. namiwith Dca plaine. b>' Drainags flteli end Thon Drain Whle Sys- tom Eveutuali>' into Chcago Drain- &"n Canal. Govornmeut Seesage In- terfaornct Feared. Tihe ilkiboad af bbc faderai Con- ' gsu puaing an st vithin bbc naît1 fev yers. and passîbi>' et the next0 session, forbldding bbc pollution of tbbc Geras Lakes wth savage fromn cities. 7"sy brlng abou; the abandonment etE these preoae plans for the bg trunkt sever Uine about to ho constructed b>' thse cty of Kanoaba and couse comt plate uev plana 10 ha tormelated mal bg Kanooha part ofl a great drainage distrit e aptying toto the hrsuich of thse Eespaines riv er four miles weat cf te city and oonecting with the Chcago udratngecanai sayo the Ke- nosha Joiiruai. Drainage District as Planned. lresdy the proposed drainage dis- trict 1.0 ale care of Kanoshas aew- age ba.a been diocusoeeland Plans pret- t>' veli vnrked out. 'The idea Io ta torm ail the cihies ln this part o!fte noth ahore toto a aanitar>' district, vbicb would tItan inclucle Racine. Waukegan, Kenosaaund the lasser towus. A ranch of the Deplainas river flowrg about four miles west ot Kenowba. uould ce connected witb and vwould laite care of the sewake, euit>- Ing lb evt-ntually lto the Chicag drainage canal. 7%is river aisu Iles, BUYUNG PROPERTY AT GAGE'SLAKE Club ot Young Mon Fram Lake Forest Hava Alrsady Acquired over Farty- Acres of Greund There. Purchase Coomba Summer Home shd Other Valuable Land. Spending $40000 iread>' on prop- Foret youns mon may Increase thîs amount b>' taking up options the>' bave an mare property there. Tbe moue>' already spent bas been lu the securlng of two pieces of property ou home at a cost of $35000 and the pur-1 chase of tbe Dave Webb anîd B. J. Loftis proporty for $5.000 Thoeiub of Laite Forest roung men 1, beaded by Augastus A. Carpenter, Jr-, and it ls is nome that bas beau useS on the transfers made, The Sealis bave been made througb Attorney' Murray Nelson of Chicago. Besîdes the praperty alraady purchasad the club hls an aption on land adjoinlng the Webb properby and ibis ma>' or may net ha securail. About forby acres are in bbe land nov owned b>' tbe club. The Coomba property, vbicb vas purebasei Mondai is one of thse finest snmman home.Ila the site aud la far famed. lb la usftd out luxurlousiy. itacanti>' t vautisougbt that Coombs would loue lb vbea an Immense ludg- met wau fied agalot hlm In Laike cOanty. Thé Judgmant was caisei up, Iover, sud the hba m bs ow beau soiS te thse Laie Forest men. Flagg'e barber @hop bas a new chair added a" iluther improvements in hocior of fair we. Fred 1, Holne@, of LaFollette's Weekly of Marsîn, %Vis., was a gueit of Thos. tlreier tIi-i week. Jas. àorris and dauglîter, of Elgiù, are vimiiiiig relatices here tii week and atteuniiuir the fair. Coronî,r P Mil.Boffman and famil>', of IlePlaîie, usas the gui-ets of J. S. Girdley nid aile Sondas. He Seules most vgurosîr Qat hie automobile was lu anyway connecteS witb the acident that befli IL. W. Churchill and family near Libertyville recentl>'. Regufar preaching services morning and evening. For Sýept. 5. Mimionary program in the Sund-iy Sch-ool. Faih -ally services ini Epworth Longue, tire. Newýsom leader. Let eaeh one be at bis place noiw that aIl the regular reork of the cburch la regumed. Brinig others who have no churî-h home. W. H. Blaek died at the home of J. H. Westerfield on South Mlwaukee avenue, Monda>', Aug. 30. The romaies voie taken to Jlacksonville, I., Tueeday for huril. The deceased waa au anele of Mrs. Weetertleld andsat the time of is deatb aged 76 year8. He Wa@ tahen i] witb typhoid forer about five moutba ago, complicatione set iu. hie lange vers affectod and alter a lingoriug ilinees he passed away. The scarlet laver mania bas subslded. rbere'eeema to, have beau raportafleat il over the count>' that we hail ever>'- thing lu Libertyvîlie fran thse bouboule plagros and choiera ta the ea lpax. If the deer reader wiii plese notice our obituary coiumu basnDot bewootver- crowded nor bas there beau a boavry demand on Chicago hoepitals for trained nurses. ..Tbat there bas beenamlld, form of forer ber@ there basnonver beau aujabtmpitaden>' but if jon sbould investigaIt the mabter bhoroughlyyjon viii Sud bhunàred. of sncb caes lu Chicago, mauy iu Waukegan and a&l along the North Shore-but yon don't hear auj hullabaloo, about it. lb han beau reported thal there vere casselber@ ail the way from ton co one bundred. A weak or two ago thers vere a number of children ill, dut) more tuacilmatie ccînditions than anythiug else. Ail wore upitua day or two and now it take. a regiment of soldiors and savon police- men tu keep them lu the bouge. ON THÉ WAY TO SCENIC COLORADO (ContInueS from page 5,) are analous for a firot glimpse of the Rockies. The day le ratber bazy and vo are vithin fort>' mile. of Colorado Springs, beforo vo diseorn the bine black 1rountaine ,ilbouottad agaiust the horizon. We migbt as well admit that vo are dieappointed; we oxpected ta sas 1sorne Immense oievations, not nome ipuey billa. Our oye. are not jet su- customed to the docepilvo Colorado to lUs e vt ot al the rearbynob The Webb-Lotis dccl vas 11iled Wcd- abmnoapbare. The nearer wo approach elsore cWbes. nesd y. the mors tho mountaina rmcnde sud the The pian la to connect tOi etis- Jitvbtpurpose la bacit of the hîgher the>' get sud vhen vo dinally plaines rIver wttibhe Uic e river at a a.urngo!the Propcsty isafot knovn. approaab Colorado Sprngs the 100 b -poit n rtb of the Allen tanner>' bv a Rumors sixte that a colon>' viii ha mile panorama of mountain and canyou drainage dtcb. lb ta estimated tbt sbrted On the proparty sud othars a le certaioly ave ispirlng luaIta grandeur dms dtcb vin nt bave to tio mIre big privata resorve viii ho laid ont. and lmmenaity. ilian sfot deep annSccout rthe Nono a! tbe members of tbe club, uer bD4uty:sud tirsI vé Sinaliy arrlved ai %jaturaj siope o! th country to tha Attorney' Nelson, colil ho secared t> thensd o ur ouruey; aad slght hors 1I veut hst outalda o Kenosba, mnalîtg day. vaubtt advis the Prospective toarit1 -X s a*Y matiar to cause the sevege t 6 le t hie inlg Place before bond,C '10 »W fa rtidrecton. it L5aabl- Rescued Sas tiiarty ma oses o f carda ibrava lus your jaad tiaIt h vi inet ecai more ban SSurdy ate n asoPbar ii banda sud the babel of voles., ach $WM te band these asatary ditcb aura' teron si oa eaS eatoiliingtuhs partiocuar ueita o! bis "(-Id Bug," owneil b>'M. Mano!o hotel, &î't aositja. much lna inig a Md - basasse th It.and tisa hoth eHighlanid Park,.i la bcb vaathe. ova- daerlainu lectian. yo i*ut jour *ucut of. mont, tisat vouid be er anditwtv ladies, bail a ttmporsryeeaudgutblIvafotnt -~ av>' c bis brun uDt5tW&trouble causl b>' tbe breakilu cf the l tilgago oml I oe ,l la mai t la but sud tissu ros- malt vbile 5ttmpUsng t ari aronin t a igp odr aywitnal ud old ia~ ~e. y forai ct. Thoîr Predicament at bbc Ume 8oeofed vater lu %Io room andi a bath rom Perlions ta theaoccupante cf the craftouI>' about ivout> let aw&and 55yen Hasilla aad Sauty Aid. vbO ent word ta Hsrbormaten ontknwwhtlxeja ah ou ogu»Wan ltoeewiîî nit ior snfrssaac.Nick boarded bis la unii nrtaufrmaual a *a «mgre. for Ia nd îigeheslybsu d bsatgadth e nsd Bter tramp ln bbc mountaina, dut covered, 'a" aêvy« b nie." asnlg heParty' ne direrosauit£ pe-rapilugand foot sors au~ tre tuibieaid jlUOe trarm the ishaP lie toeel Ni etIvi el a i iotl swoom andt s t abesiucistaibo rliebo!prett ttown lu Ameriça.: Cetorado pisiot 0Lo'rst L the Party. Springs.Mx oas 77 £U«lls sýxù AND RECORDS A Social Event. One of the mot daitlng 0aocqal éventai that ba& taten place cr LibrtYtIl inl maur a dW occurred st Wrlght's Iodg on 8outs Milwaukee avrenusear7 Dlia asaturday erening. Tilato summier homo of W.* bd.-Wrigbllt poSa dent of the Calumet Baklng iN'wdsr Compsuy, f Chicago. Tb*. gosa uuuabeed.'vr onbundrdasd iciu aIl a1 readota of South Mhlvanukes' avenue, Mauy frou LA"a Forent and Rotei Morales at gigblaad Park, oekota and "uer ladies rréFL Sheridan a Sas i Mtha i-mmedla nelgbbors sud a number from 1ibonit- ville. Tbe lawn vaselaborately d.coratsd andinlb le h abtMorug moon 144t prsested a vrltal sisfiry 1*51. Par$ were gaines sudamouse 01 o ra dee4riptionufor the ent*rtalamUhl-sd edokidonobof Meguatm.Tii re ta0f Cairo vas rotwbbimot proseifeut tetureanît6F ,uc Mnguity ta deviseansd asmoig. tii.ddbr$Mof t tra- tiana. EThom vers vlldaui&, 8orc, toulhraty and rgquis. Ilt0" fortune toler gamadloUtt*d the pasttold aatàitoopglblngftisa p rean sd paèred loto tha tpsuetrabie ture vtth s an athat vas surprhIÙg.i ror exercIsathae ers ombaby rack@ ta 1 b. thrown at, ptehigg riag. sud ather sporte. A minature Monte Caria iu which fortunes were von and 10utai the tura of the whe.l b>' a releutiesi croupier. Dtted about the lawn were lunch sud refreehment booths whicb provided vel for the bodil>' comfort of ail prest. Wbhin dioro, dancing found favor with many of the attendant@, who threasied the mazy waltz. to the aiiuring @train@ rof a Chicago orchetra until a late hour. The billiard room of bhis weil appointedl home Wlou offered amusement tu mai17 present. The euismine of Sherry's and the atmosihere aud setting of the týiaremOnt made îerlet a muet delightful sommler le te. la their mnagnificent Pasimc Plates nov on diaplay bre- The Royal Tailor, have &gain shown themacivea ta bo the pet- inier style makers of the country, Big varia avercoat styles, viîh comafort happiiy United 10 "tles refiaed sack suit&. snappy young mnen's suit ideaa raincoat and top coat pattern--oveaing drtas deign-your every ciothea- dream and ides for FeUl cao ho roalized bhe at a price that ia luat right-r-to you, Ail Royal Tailor clothes are made-,toorder by the famous Rayai Taflons af Chicago and Nev York. You pick your ao style-you pick your isbec-and thcy do the rest vith 18 of your body meisurementa. furnàihed by me, ta guide them. lncidentally. the name of The Royal Tailors u your aaeur- ance of Ait Pure Wool and satiafaction or your meney back. E. W.PARKHURST Schanck Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILL CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Notice of Final Settlement. STATE OF ILINOIS.s Entb@aCountyt-loui-t f Lako Couutr, Sopten- bertenu, A. D.sI.O. intti mauer ut ce em*ete eiLouise Stuekel. ToEoi ii, Iiu Stachel sud rauk 5"Il, va.sud legalees 0i. »nid Tou Msd @&eh f nim y »$M"h ~, n ltat t>se .ud" lssdexm~e o! 5* VM!ad et l5 un5istst4evlt Us, an rSm cut loum, a th Testiss Ater four Vears. Caril aCaner, N. Y .. G Du Brhams, welles: "About four jImma090a1 WW<te vouibt1 atlbZ eutinLy cur0I Of lidnoy trouble > tilSl9boesOfo Folay'm Kudn"y I &%,oalr four "M oacéga PlqIOsdto«stt.a tat1 bave noer ladeay . $US. _ 1 aIr~ . LvL THE NEW 13AM~ Clybourne Live and f ed StâWe BEN F. CLYBOURNE, Prop Libertyville, 111. v il meet train staiau! in oonectk hours Wb" Duo"". UbsetYvili Buge sâd Iarou & alMNew,. mrestieFadery' Ail Up-f DMo aTruouft Thiatis Notices. Notice il e hebv 81"entahi commiosln r tble tovn2b UàbortpvIYIU» o ciaup tala dis eaad iatia h-1627hepgo tu as lmbil msat tho ev Is LaDy0 1 -1a ias Canada Thîsile Causmiaolr tovtof Libetyrils., Lake Cauunt 1Thse Lake Cont>' Indpeudi Dofl. Tlrie *8.5 Po àd~laBvau. A~ and JEWEULER LIBEPtYVILLE, ILL. W B odal invite yon t~o attend The. Royal Taller ceautiful Style Show and Woolen Exposition Dow onà this store for ita Annual Fait rmn. 1'our eyes uiever behel sucb a feast of delightf ni cloth patterns; your body nevi had on sucli exquisite sam pies of tailor's art; as we shoç WHY NOT -Make Wash Day Easy INSTEAD 0F A "BLUE MONDAY" HOME"O 1ERF at 3d er wP. f 4 Sfresh goods and we are constantly adding to our lines li Workiug Shirt., 8 styles, al .. .50C Bleacbed Mualin, ail excellent values, st.......6, 10, 12,1l5C Cildren's Scbool Stocklnga, no w, the tiue.....b10aud 15c A eholce aussrtineut of NovÇ Fancy Ribbons îust le. Wlds numbers-.....22 sud 25c HanS and Bath-....10, 15, 20c irea Calicoos, American Waâb PeInta, ail nov pettera, jd ...Sc Men'@, Boy anS Ladies' Sveater Cosa. Uit tbem early. Ounr pries. vli surprias joie. Don't!afl ta ase aur New ColareS Table Cotho, man>' colora and and patterni, vit.........**'**»85C Sa- j ~ a. a And îm~ me urocery vepariment IW ia ondId tLhs,8 boxes for ........ ........ ........ Santa Clans Soap, 4c bars ......... 7 for 2 A cake of good Tollet 866P ........................ ........ Orap@ Netsq, 2 packages for ................................2 PIcklig Spic"a,fine mixture. Yacht Club Salmon, none botter ............................. W. W. CARROLL & SON 5c ..c 8C 1 T a] tt Pl tl ol ci dl n 0 le This machine rune se voltfult as vhen ompty, and it rune easy on accouai of the. high gearing. The povwer in applied elther with tbe bande, foot or both, n0 that nous of your enetgWi inuted in the. operation. Tii. -Nov Home" ia bulit tu vear, not ithe clothes nor the opeditor, but to stand the *train that it in put 10. Every machine ie gusranteed tu givo perfect satisf action. Whou You are Figuring to BUILO À STORE, HOUESE, BARN OR ANY KIND orF BUILDING Trhe moat eîssential part is where can you get the inaterl promptty and the cheapest. No bill too large for tit to give prompt service- aud siali otiesý the saine. DO VOUR FALL DITC1INPG Look Up Your lfail feed Wants and Give Our f eed a Trial IFENCIE YOUR FARM WITII GOOD POSIS LIBERTulYyVILLELUMBER Co. WHY NOT? Yes, why not enjoy the satisfaction and comfort of a good tuit of ciothegel Good clothes does not of neceo@ity mean high prlced material. You may pay for the beat ctoth on the market but get a poor fit and spol it ail. Clothing is not reoognized so much by the materi aas it is by the general appearance. You recognize the young man as well dressed because he takes care of his clotheei. He was particuilar about bis suit and ho te particular lu bis care of At. Tailor made ciothes are worthy of good treatment. Don't be satisfied with the first piece of goods that wiIj hang on your back. Coine to a tailor and have it fitted. FRED CROKER Tailor and Draper, Libertyville ~,o 11NOWM ConDnti ekadscOur NewrilWut.Ai e 1 1

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