LAKE COUNTY INIJEPENDENT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMRER -a-,-i9oi; MIS DONATION4S WILL SHR ADPRSNLO N THÉ! WAY TO BE REMEMB!RfD - SCENIC COLORADO 0 4CWNJT RAN BAON __________ -Tom Dreler êpent Sutiday with friendu -0 k .4; Oredit la Due ta Charles Phillipe for l vntn Second Chapter of the Events that0 ~ ~ the Two New Fountains That Were Ie I. galabuteonceia Lbertyi u BefilI a Libertyville Innocent Abroad.0 Installed in Lbertyvîlle This Vear. lcrebuoneeer Convenlences that Mak,, Comfort- - î Pure Runnlng Water Ail the.1Time. Bunday wlth friende in Chicago. abe a Long and Tediou Journey. -if,î Kam Olive Tifany, of Antloch, lu a -0 Thoeaceeation id frequently made that gnet at the home of R. C. l iggifle. 1Imade theIrlp on the tocky Mountaln 0 a totoncompoaed of retired farmeru and Mian<race Paddock, of Lavalle. Wia., Llmited of the Rock Island road, and it 0 buaas.. men la flot progressive. ThlaWa la the suet of ber aunt, %rB. J. B. More. inertalY Pleeaure to maire a thirty 0 true lu a meneur@ but conservatamt You muet nos go borne without seelng bourt tp on such an up-to-date train. 0 -navet etood for auj great leugbt of ont food ahow. LiBzatrx) LLE LutiBZENTheeeperaare roomny, electrie llghted, 0 breakfist,.heapatof rogres.Thf -Bn O - u llsMrae Cate eund o upplIId with eloctric fansansd every breikfàstýàhead who hltlo 0 reoctie fe le Do t lu dMogre at rep e iig r et .k hme ther modern convenlence. But I la0 &poiio la comuutiauquc thaaa envenueMoCiy.da helbsevation car wblch makes trayel-0 Biora to Mr. and fre. Fleury Baker, 0 pcal laat blre Thee a n tuà wh te "Be*-ut héla gàedevery day Inactive huai.l iio on Newberryavne ody smoking roua wltb Ia commodioua Brand" Baconlà leappreoiated more titan dur- t W but when edoesgraspthe situation Aug. 30, a son. lather upbolatered divana prove. qulte iug the 'aou bât. lethoa ith bolli fout. Mr. and 11ra. Chao. Proctor spent bu OtraeUon even tu the Iazy non- 'TU elty beautilul" Idesainone ýhat ham unday a$ the hane of lue father, E. W. emoker. The metropoitandls eae Au iàjuioew H d ad1akdla the. m»depogrece over the entire eonutry. Proctor lu Fremont. wtnn .y eahfr ou cres ari- Beoh-Nt aii'ja ktala Ia poeor 1inddef cille., towns and village@ The Dyxudani Austin faiullY reunlon deoe there are writiug deaks, or eise the. flavor ma a n&é s, W iy pimpaeutand bave ctizene' aaeoclatlons that are that wab he beldhrs reeentîj waA th. tecograpii.r willI take jour dlctablon insures a quick, appetiing nffl. devoting much lime and mouey &wr age hth. enbl ujau Mi traaacribe il free ofcharge. For the Do nt til inindeBeeh-Nt Boouthe Ixprovemet of thelr own towns by Mrs. (i. A. Wrght @pont several day. bloated capltalit thoreamar the latent ~ Do y our eupl ia. . hae Be - Bcnthe making of parka wltb an eye to ln Antloeb h is .weEk where ber sou-i- l graphîc stock uewe; for baae bail inyursppi.Webvei.beaut7 &loue, na.well au the adrantages aJ .Saha e qi@sc. cranks 1k. jouta truly complet. mors the pse...Auj order glven our reprea.ntative at a tbeypoffes.the tout or lu the. hall le sure Io gel the of the dai'. gaine. If jou value jour Je LITR GOS (I OC R lherty viII. lu a amall way ba@ become b« attention. LIBERTYVIIL L umIER persoual appearance blgber than jouro JeE IT I G 9G O E ,innoculated wth soute of this viruu. It Co. neCk jon can rlak itbe latter and get bu au Improvement association and the The Homne Lumber Corn pany le sport- ehaved, u'hile the train make, .ixty* village board hau lutereeted Itueif lu the log a new aigu on tte top of their big Mlle. a, bour. Thse rear halflo! the car __________________________________________________makîng of a publie park. That the park grain elevator, that 'an be seen for la taken up by a commodions parlor bsrledun luotme venîne wîth hemThc Fould@ MillingC. rnlany will cloue u'ith flnely upholuîted easy chsaire, a gtad o uineope veuingath the er fartory Tbursdav and Friday library, containing popular noele and &idof usi peplehav gaherd tpreafteruooue aud ail day Saturday on se- the latest magazine@ aud a $800 Victor to eujoy thse enterlalument as wcll ad count of the fait. Phonograph on u'hicb frequent Concert@ l.ocaiity. Ttc Lîbertyville Lui[rilCompany lu- are given. The eldes aud tise rear end One man wto eau' and appreciated vite. jon al tu8s-c tînir fini-e, ]m foftiecraeaot urly!gas* Owhat wag required 10 aid timove- Poultry, Boreand Cattl- Fed at t the hevcng a al ms a excielety e ofî N L V Vment wa. Cbar-les Phillipe and lhongh t Itheair gronds Ibla 'ee làBu enrll non b o h mn Frank E. Wire returned 'Saturday lrom telynglneae U~U uft~' a fot enealy kown hele be ana trip 1 Denver, Colo. He.- scu .ited Familiarity breede indifference; and on wiso contributed the two fountaine that the (IiIn-Boulder Coneldated mines yîur ontward trip you give but i'a8ual S E"W I 1N G MY A C H,. I1IN ES wereglvefl to the village this epring. lu whic ielcompany le întereeted. glancel o the esrnig field@ of wavîng Th n nMiwaukee avenue in front o! W. G. Hudson, of Chicago, wto le cor. and yellow grain, the shiniugO theLak CoatyNational Bank lsa aepeuding the oummer at lDrue Lake, river@, the ehady woods, thse lbnivingO ...... aterlng trough and dinkiug fountain was a pleasant raller li-ne e st Friday. villages sud lte buey towns. But oun combined sud tas beenfoundtofîllalou)g Co . arptenatr u t (sy ai r retuatrîi, alter 70u bave paeeed felt want as bas been been sh.iwn by thie 1truhte eiai ei;o etr b a~~~~~~~teady arng 'iti nos t Chrie Petereon bad a part o! the third 0lrui tsm-rî eino etr y paronge hie itenjys Th fuger of hie le! t banld taken off in thc Kansas and Eastern Colorado, yon cau't 0 otter ernaller fountaiu which ie locatcd cernment mixer of Delhaye Itru.. laet gel too much o! thege elgbât,. A beauti- 0 ln tte park is a emaîl uprght allair Ttureday mornlng. Hei igetting aloug fnl picture S~ unrollcd before jour eyes wbîcb require. no cup snd le one that le nieelY. whileceroesitug tise Nlie@imippi, the seep very popular trougi tise cet on ac- Many of the hore extibitiug here at woodco bluffe on both shsores witt the* counft o! ite eailary features. the fair gronude Ibis wcek wi~ll go lom triplet», Rock Island,. Moline aud Daven- Chas. Phillipu ha, llved iu Lîbertyville hi-te to Bamlue, Mine., tuothe Minneuta andvicnit fo yersandid o sranerstate Fair. Arthur Kuon a ili alsi, tati- port ln tise center. Orer ttc fertile, tu uit or yeopulain.lenubtaner ii string liserô. rolling plaine o! Iowa yuudast, tirongh offce n Wukean her hedered re. J. B. Morue retuiued lest wpek Iowa C'ity. tlninnell sud 1)csMoines with ffice lu acuegan were ted agnied aiter epending over two ujunîîs with il prctty capitol building; llîrouqt faihluly s cnnt vIil nd gan ad friends and reistives lu thc weet. Ste Omnaha, Lincoln and Falrbury, Net. @ circuit clerk sud recorder. Hie was une vielled a number o! thc langer citîe wtile you leep. You wakc next morn- o! ttc exceptional cases o! thc office along ttc Pacifie coset. lng lu Kansas sud risc wheu your u'alch No seeking ttc man aud nultti- man tl e R. C. Fulton, o! Waukegan, tas opened aud elomach tell 700 il ide7 a. m. But office. Be ld also au oîd enidier san u omuie bou@@ in tisat city. Be veleran o!fItie civil wam during wtc anes lu in'!nuo ud tterbotarc wrng, itidleonly I6 o'cioek out musical intrumnta and bas a vcry ficeeicresud you have gaincd su isour on -times te erved lu Company C ofl ttc exhibit o! them at tihe fair grounds. jour u'estward journcy. You take a Ninely-it Regirnn of Illinoise boun- Robent Ray and Chao. and Lui& lRay, camp stool out ou tise observation plat- We skyo tobu aNewRoalteere tu wtict many Lake Counity men o! Lawrence,'.cs, are guet aIt te form and u'atcis ttc almoNt endieus W akyo obya ew Rylbelonged. home of Mr. sud Mmu.Harrison Brow'n. fed fmnhg on frpun machine because you want the To quote from ttc eglmental tisory Mnr. Ray, iwto iu well knou'n tu nau n ufed !mutg ou fnpun whic waseditd an pubishe byLibertyville, lu now 95 yearu ô age aud whest sud the W'eil built towns u'ltb best when you buy. The best Charles A. Partridge lu 1887 ttc follow. -e Dick >' b ale and heezty. hrnueo-gaieeats.Ate Ing bou Ch" Phllip inquotd: ickMeMahon spent the weck end morning advances thce@Cene graduaiiy Ing bou Chs. hillpo s qote: uitt fricude near iberty vilie. The changes,;tefilds gel emailer, te cropu material and the best mechanical He was borninl Cazenovia, Madison racing oeson bas beau a very sueceeful poorer. ttc village, leu prosperous count>-, N. Y; enllsted froin Freemout; one witthlm. Sonoma Girl u'lii tart k eaegtii otehm Skill combine to make this ma- detailed Iu Pioncer Conp. April 171, 1963. at Reading, Ps., lbla wuekand IcHabon idkn.0ear1etin11Iebon chie f fw ars s smpl tntand transferred 10 firul Ilegiment U. B. go.. there Io drive ber hlmâelf. of the nage trust sud lb. prairie dog. chin offewpars Bosimle hatVeteran Engineoru, Anugs 25, 1864, Mn. and Mn,. Glenwood 8. Buck, o! Vegetation graduallj disappeare almost Evanton wee th gustaof Tý!a enirel, ecep thepeclia gren e th anyone can Understand it, and sen'liig witb tisaI co mmaiid to the cloue Dreler Baturday. Mrt. Buck la advertie- sage trust; occanionally we ueo a died- of the war. Be wa. Counly Treasurer iug manager for Batley. Brothers. ttc up creek, but nu bush, no trce for mauj we believe therefore the very o! Lake County froin 1873 10 1877; u'hole.ale merchante supply houe.. Thcy ml@ o gdteea ubedw eeted Circuit Clenk lu 1880 and re-elect- wend Ba pauled bj flmsasTillietMiler. rme a Hre udthere al a tA f ikl o best *machine for any family. ad lu 1884. Tho Barrlsou, lb. ppla tiîlle vaude-loku crfsdafe'ti avd Mr. Phillipesud u'lfe are uou' reiding ville bouenun .e ian g wau opened okn crnadafwhletvd Ibis u'e.k aller bigCloe a short lime catîle. By sud by tise trame boumse m on bis ltin near Libertyville u'tere he le on account o! repaire. The programe superseded ty sod-tuta sud dug ont.. euloying tsirly good iealth alter quite a gircu are cleven sud entertalning sud Tise farmerestow ttc effecte of them aide of illuees fast u'iuter. Hi@ gitts to the bouse will no doubt enjoy s botter evrnottc 1klook lis th ne tIhe village o! Libertyvîlle u'ili b. monu- oit-o-did ptrnaelasiea to mental. Prornpted by-lise porel of tdi ag galluued kind no trequentty menu lu tbe motve tey reuceesliu îst will bc Ralpb &ulhollaud wau called tu Belvi- cornlc wcekliee. Tteir wives sud dere set wek hy the mboifnto! Boom, and daugisters cri-n wisen on tbeir way enjoycd for ycsrc b) corne. County wto tought tbhat e isad the Io bowu, are drcssed lu faded calico D A V 1 Smotie@ heyare ec'saites 'a torse sud buggy wblch wau stolen lnorn wrappems whicb looklik1e thse tiret from iberyvtll studcd tise tcLibertyville Livery a fou' ueeke &go, Many frmLbryil teddteTte nutfit tsd been found on tise 8te attempte o! Motber Ere at dreuemsaking 1roceries and Dry Gioods Boldiem' sud ailore' ReunioistGray,,-sud ansered lise deacrption lu evcry alter thse igles! styles tad issen relcgated lakela@t week. Thasu'oevýtotewa soËt, but wvas flot lise righttone. to lise burlesque tage lupaeo jean u'ten ttc old boys bave m ucb more ,a npaeo UU'I1IP'1~7 YNfuntisan ttc ouugem one. Manyoftisem Wtilc thc flniaing touche, are beiug NMerry Widow halestey u'csr severely L I E T V L E L L s are just as young at heart as thyee put on ttc aumk o! !urnisbing thi- plain auntonucle; their footwear I leave wre sndtougis thelm headb are topped Armour collage le goln g ouquWsrapidly. tu your imoagination. Here 1 eaw lb. u'tt gray, u'teunot bars, tiscygetmone Rare tapestries, old paiutlugusud many meal joy ouI o!ftie annual reunion tano! ttc old pieces o! baud.carved furuiture tiret prairie mectooner eiucs I lefi any gatheing o! joungen men ever bave already becu brougbl Ihere. Six Arkaneas sixteen jeans ago. I did nI could. There in no Based tu mention that paiutinge wbicb u'ere âhlpped ]est bave time for Closer observation; btb1 the ranka are tinuiug; tbougt mauy arceu'eek were valned aitoyer hal! a million rvuîrenbetcAkuasiut. gone lhey not forgotten; each jean osesodla, t ava..her u i mre itry I Iismemorable coulict otten sud mauy of lb. plture. are r,,in- couple o!fernaîl isiinesor'ih b anded üowu sud froin generation to forced to keep ttem u'hole. Oue amali ta-.them rite showing 111e lise corrugations *OO qv vy wvvv wv'~v vv ww vvgeneralion their heroie u'ork u'ill hobleisa rare picce o! haudlu'ork, la said tobeo! a wasisbosrd, bitcbed Iosa big clumey affectonaty and fondly revered ofciiisuor h 1000. Mae3ihe atlelsudfwagon, covered wuita u'agon coven: Dr. Brsiga aehefntofca aubeaebigbogbteeeveny tise cilney o! a smail mron utore stick- "' a e viil to Libenyville Inat Thursdaj uight day. Viitor, are flot allowed sud ing ouIt trougt the conter. A nlcketj No, these ar for the fou rtt qusrterij coufereuce o! tte admission may beobtaned onlythrougt table, two oi tbrec dilto chaire, s feu' *Mthodial Church. The reportsud the specisl permit. baîtered lin utenelis, one or two old * cndItionof.tise chunch bu"dsines'noe The Schswartz theatre at Waukegan dygoebxs otiigtcfml N t Badges planing 10 bilu sud te coîliinented the o dryunadayvnnt I Ies oxeske uptaiitca 'ibla difereut officcre for the good u'ork thons peued la brdyeeigwt h raue aeu h odwihl At the conclusion of lb. routine bustines0wmicloed L.Th gt1 £a resolution u'as adopt.d &%king for the u's wsrm but lu apîle o! %hie ttc boue presided over ty ttc lady o!flise bouse. rjust samples of the up- reappoiulmet oftheodistrict @uperint.u vaàpacked by s crowd that hearlily on- and ber two joungeot olive branche.. to- he mnue ~k *dent aud aise another invting the pautor joj Ibtis uew musical comady sud u'aS Ttclord sud master u'alke ou theî aide to - the - t jer l cao te*bshop dfd Bot af raid 1o show ite aplrecatlon.Th Tisl xI ar1 h bai etn@wrl ogosadtheW,t a ride o!flise Dave CroLekett pattierf Wear that you'll mnd ohaesm promotion for hii. eauleontaiued everjthlngthattfarequired slung over bi@sheouldenu, five onresix Rocester Acadomj dpens Ils fall terra o! musical comcdj sud more. Annetle mongrel cure dispont tiseme.lves under In ou.splndid tock Sept. 7, u'tlalcrmaud tac ung force. Bail, "the girl with the $20,000 voice, ttc wagon; about double Ihat number of- ~~~~~Regular course ena buta college or w.pleaiug sud vivaciona. This wu~o aeotdby u il uw * C~~~~~~niversity withoul exainnatlon. Op- bseod cfmmneotlptoduction portunllse for buslum course@, music asud tise Company u'ent frout thons 10 aasonled ases folow behind. Tisewhole FI E F RaII O ud ns : tin ortacing.New Chicago. The: &hwart. launder âew fa:Hly ledresued off til,, ::mon pl N'S FIN F RN I HIN Slectrei~r? vabesl faellîtleefor travel. management, and au offciant one St notton chseck <a coarse gingisam;) aIl are te ollara Cuis ral ine, Ng- For catalogue sud information addrea ta. The touse.bau beau e rfittad sud a o t ligee for home and office, Underwear of ssonable 464 eay tokf or Ieaao.cnbrdsu apleof aie -4- A .2--&-U __- ---- -L î a(their ouphonlous appelae, o ad We are tnaking a big reduction ini the price of A Light Weight Dress Goods. Cal and sec them NOW IS THE lIME Our $&estxlenon Evcryîhiug of a baukiug nature eutruuted 10ontOr we reccives our best attention. Ve fec i re of out ability te haudie your busineess 10 your satisfaction. IlIIG GRADE BONDS FOR INVESTMENT ALWAYS ON KAND Caplia &Md Suplus $75.0-00.O = 'j -E A YARD WIDE OIJTING PLANNEL at the prie you always have to pay for the sme grade of goods in 27-inch width. Yon got 1 yard more for the same money. LIght gronds wlth piîîk, bine and gray stripes, a 15c value. Only 10 pieces of it for, par yard . . . . .~1 Just purchased a sample line of LADIES' BELTSa couple hundred, of them; î'ilk and teéather blte in great variety oif styles; we will a soli the 25 to 60o boita at . . .V HEALHFULPLUMBI NU Thsis làe mmcaouwhcu the ceun6- dion of your plumbmng lixtures demanuda your close atteunon. The ovcrahWg ofthe plu b- mng ofyour homc làa accessary au houe-clcsnsng. Il'you iutcud makimg repaire or iuataiug nucu' h a gluaranîc of prompt aud perfèct work et reason- - able priccs. Wc e s ad taal tte fanons 'Sludse Porcelaiu Euamelcd plombiug firtures. DSubde Ware briug> a wralts of bealth t . 10your home sud turreasce lu aeIling values 9owell. Ilwlratebook]#L Iree ALBERTW. LITC1IFELD, Llbertyvillb Asteaoba«. . sIm.Ee T H E PAl Libertyville, DIi. CIeaanceSale of Summe:r; Dress Goods