CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Sep 1909, p. 7

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPINDEp4T, IiRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1909 Wl I WANT ADS Fîve cents par line each insertioe Non. received for loias tIssu 25 cts ÈOR SALE-Miy bonisuad lot on Fi e. Inquire at houas. J. E. Bon LibertyvIile.III. 484 FOR SALE-Patiser Scanlon. resider( t, teso tory nodern b Uidic Jlre o lot. lMigireconsider divdfng. &ern Ï. JosisoN or write Box 79, Libertyvii 48-t FOR SALE-Boue ofeigt ruoous three lots, 160X200, on1e bls-k frouo depot. ebeap il taken ut m,'s-- Adir, Box Ï27, Libsrtyvliiie, or inuur it *FOR SALE-Erght r<ujn bousec Britinerd Court, ail]rmuosern -ouvnrrne Inquire CHàs. Kisi-aPi, Lue-rt3 ille.i I>bome 114-4. :î- i FOR SALE-Lots jin the Dilmîîid an s Austin subdivision, 50xlI41); $100 ael 85 doaru, $5pe-r uîîîuthl. Iiyasu ALEVIN.40-tf LOTS FOR SALE-lu thre B. J. (innf mb-division .o1 Libertyvilis, soutirE @Wetrie road ou Nliiwauke - avenu.. J .. Osossua, owner. lf-tf FOR SALF-Aere iota on Os-mond subdivision, close to town and elertr <tre. lrire$800.00. DsasoN,u &.8Ave *FOR SALE--Choice loti in C. Fran Wright'@ addition, 5>oxl 5, for $200 C4 e2t,0.00 and$*80000. fSstuAs 40-ti FARMS-We bave a large list ai Lak countY farrt4)tioesi, aiso bouses and lo iu village. DvssuNu & Ari-r'. 40-t' FOR RENlT FOR RENT-Four rî,am cottage ne& tirool ouées. ifiilire 1I. li Lbertyvil-iii].4t-tf FOR RENT t<ux rouu brick bouse o &ebuoi 1St. A iply toi,À iiS. 1,1, Libertyrille 4X-2 FOR RENT-liammu, lu3erms Orgeri $2.(0 op. nniaueIif iunrt-bas, KimialilAgn.-rrj, ui-e Furuiture stotre Tei. 27. :17 il FOR RENT-W.- bave a few guol rno evu bomses and idate ti rer-t. lis sîî,Ni Atjsrss.40-tl FOR REN T-Farta (if 200 airesai Rollis station. (oo i mpravemnenîi Inquire ciLviA 4EDm Aîraîs . t) i& FOR SALE-Quantity iof ba]ed bay. OTO oBLaUib, LibertyviLle. phoue 2M67. 49_ 2 FOR SALE-4 oSfer nsy iseçr roui) rellidence la Rocii.rller forrmai,,e ei £urnisbed or unuruiabed. Fir tparti MoIar. addrese W. L. Riesi, arsmdae Wmai. 40-if FOR SALE-Ai a greet bargaîn, tw, large i ote, seven rosarubouse, lots o sbie, e. ity uf roout user ichool an -leiotc carsm, good neWbgborbood. Just tise.uiaoe for a retrsd larmer. Cail ani dm. itat 316 Centers., Waukegan. FOR SALE--Oood top bug"g,cbeap id "skent unces. A. J. Gouid, Libetyrills 48-2 FOR SALE-Twî, white Pynmautb rock roooters, tberuugbbreda. Ciesp il takei HEU WANTE GIRLS WANTED-Good wages and steady euipioyuet in our val robe and font lier fi iie tpr îe ri t i. t i4'.HiLr. [WANTEO-Good girl for generai bouile- t~work or to work ru store. FilEs àocaora.%i, Libertys-ille, 111. 47-3 LOft sd FOUND WANTED WANTED-ilresslmekers and needie worker, to preses-e Ibnir eye, rigirt by -wsaring a pair of our sieîtiicaiiy ftted lenses. Dr. L. B. JoiYNorth Chicago, Iii. 44-tf WANTED SEWING-Am prepared ta *dolsewing Stiny orne or will slew by tireday. Miseivv L. TÂvLot, R. F. . 1;*Box 55, itassell, 111. MoNEY TO LOAN -MONEY TO LOAN-On improved fermse t 5 pier cent. Di MONT) & Ans-rot 40-tf Dr. Abern'lbhy, the great Englfisir jilan, said, "watt-b -unr kldney@. bn tbey are affected lite le lu danger." i'a Kdney Ri-medy makes ieatirv aoorrecta urinary irregularitieu, tn«s up the wbohae ystarn. FRA vs B. LoVELL. 80-0m Mani make good; othera only -akt eXcusés. W@ seul stand for lois clfis4cuses, but would much raîhar have »mssosv foer the Independent. Yeu 56PÈY a e t 11tt n thse fair grounida. rter .09 Adams, WÂ.A «sd 19 W. -ê& Du You Want to be Independent W. GLEN VOLIVA Proîîetitn atr~lZo îeEnemnies Stant Plana. Is(r t rfleemt te.AtZo for Ltj eoMao.qe~ t G ! O j~L metm ag'aused great i \ rite- Wl ih tiee lii' iiof it fot Iot F- sJ.aILsm-ntirwork and seviraitgg nuibet tof lrl'î'le Zîitj.i1Wtitu2ts tif hi>',-,I.-alreai maire you io, i yoîî irveet inufiaftit ____________________ n. aImI. SPes M. OJ0iso or edîinies - Frru Tiupsdnr - Sthi cîossd were brutoib fti 0(1 titd n lg new Inspetus. Eservthlitg possible tg._________ lio Box 79, Lifieîrîyviile. 47tIf (CuPîrigit, 190,. bY AruernPies. kAur- . Toilas Overseer \XXIII tj, î,J,iiil- filles, of Volts-a. silîl ttcdoue tb itestroabis powe It W218 a ,îueer crise, that uOfSIniel oolr (t Otîtitr' i iI, One Week's Board Paîd. and tos erthrowbils lltgut uet- DiEN MlMILLeR, Attsirn.y. Igleirurt- ieHaws a eglacitful of duty, sut-îefor foiture 1te'di b' Oiilt Io At \Vaukegau s shot t stol, î'as telot to mtaire hîstors -pi-at liseir Ilncr Noie siselY ln aPPeareuce sud drank bord. Saiiiiitiiby matde. Attorneýs Ors taand .osi bytt te, n Volva lu failtturing hts 8l'TE(IFILINOS.) Hs nifrm bag n inam imply. hba .Iîdge Wright aiuXoodsti, k intrîthe hilt tire auto sud the rt-at or tile tata'y bsence. tutttre sainte ufautîer lie oser, Atiti, 19e9.dy, and bis huir protruded truh sithrii n .H FaIt i Vîtîsia lulon the arrtvai there Volts a sas iput Zloti lis was auway. will hi- tmade. Tie -4 wliamiuîecian ,, jni.ob O toldien hute lln ite bat. j akieu lir charge by -tisi tIl b oit ttli te ci-Il llOted 10 hit lith-in îîîîtutr- tt, h Ii lsa ,ceriles art- sat 8>*1ie.l . Whlr <Imn.oIl. P ris, ltetion Care o cnutun ig unulrcto - Lioneste 5Wlte ti-r.kAsae MoWteseBlett iegsfrcodM u rc f)cHeury Coititt -il lits Ziori tvJaliaatd iis seuterici- ias iti-gun.te. 0b.' selllaid] sud soute are ev-n cer, LetrS.lss- 'aisWllcs. llenincs. cficer and e geutieman-drutnkenasa- City ho t 830oiock Thitoru W bile ire la inu la bis bolrd îtîi ire prot'h"s3ing filet oubils r-iese frotta uer tktriidrer. SRogueeli Wiieoe,.*teins.e were preferred egainetthie major uîsu watae taWltîtîtkuiadb oheslsdFbtalhea ie iilu btpwrluZu 0J iece0,rdevis iseirs Her '~They were about to crme Upfor trialadFbya h ailewiifntbspwrlt o ilie. James Welis, ees i.'- Unknon noutils" Whou suddeuiy tire euemy crnme duwu sutautomobile. Heaeplie,,il sillinîg rate Of $3-50 e week Shilislt ibis be goul forPi-setThar friends uf Volî va il lrih.1d...fa certain note uoftIres hisdired ou us. The i olotiel fled ihe rirenat, the tu go sud staied irelbailtIi)bis ueglecîed for but a sîtet Votist ""ltdeclacfýI- bimptosstlelî-asd uiey rcon, RxYdlasdaiedNilovember 17lt.Mq.L payabelei>iest rt it'we- s'irtsa.,î i iularugro i toithe order of James Wells,. uire eiai #fier lienant culai-i foliowiug lu close efforts un suci shape hi- i iit Imdaeyb e reOscvekscet:aPi oýJ to ro i fini date. TIlth luteret anscired niby anrrst eed order. 0f lth biWioxt arni II.eib - ie field oficiers tire mejor Tirent wttouîworry. board iras already hepeîtlaid 'i îaý- re-tlrît ihtnhi ttîtîts nid Truamt ltbied le red In. Le UR"iogder$oeii, aous w»set the frouf. But be wiii Xi'irhbigearr-est runior-. -' b uleurts muet hilui adîtitîeToDretAfar foe a eM, of Lake ttourîîy. Illos Jfl S Of TksO IMriýntteofcrw L nw.T ietAfisfo al tire gars.paleu1" and- inknoowaneî,t f 01 ir orce w hs kow. resuits are isumeraus. T)ii itîg. MayGet Release by Appeai. VU neî. tl i îpr in ashtrBill guecomplaereat Ieacori Theodare Forbirs(,i,. Xî,l Vols-a vts s-o 'î-tti tt, îtl li-ct ruibireu $Aaleîst»ry afi4qavI. thi he t e. lesdante lI- ores, iris cys lgirid wiuir the tr finei ircahi r- fot i cl Vnknoirî rns iredevwsees etWiliai~mIe[,*batisd. i udarngoi u vas near-esi aidas, wilil. i, .ît 'ro-titsiy appeallrug hi-,casei-tr-î ihi,'htgber lfctts tittt,.tssiolre onWieler. deceeasd.' *L'eiksowuiSeins orecier, rnuging fule. It seemesi tiat ire Iilits- tari babeas corpus g, lotir-tsTire titîti'aloitrîl foti, tie al Irtd b, l f(ii Irtti--n FI-eJ itagatuat raý devIse5sf Jamues Wels, deIieaaed.' Ijek.ona tî1tli îî.Owemaroldemot arertilis note aifaSNIat. bmd reluirrîed tu the beiug heoirsd beon for the rilesse of the nglt,-ne-t tt f tti ili-l, iItt tîit1 tohria tr il James Weii.lre« r i sara alteldste wsusgoudsume îfletbisladt I le alpeIicil.. i-t flitnîtir- e'ihg ll bi i, aoPtre i, ltem.siand aei-îirrdTtirt pr.d tenir Abel i grief lîsd bllgbîed mm. lut StHeuiry coiuuv la mitti ilolýiIb e itlhss .d l ilpo'li - n pc Wll-oe l,î Weeen H ill tieich Tust eed is i Ifetouns ie mo ncnfsoMerIhtho l b lcd I .i iti e re'iuti i -n îeh-t I iii ttt,- i nstca tii reiorded ni shei seconder' Office ofLtiake 1leoa ucofsosmliair ioidh-pee i ,,tCddt 1, ilir, i, lit -- tî, Il utaka- bis tir: . Mtortiiîy, iiiîî,i. iSsu u1, ofortesirr, eiyusoe eigtaIn iîsArtother resui le tire fn 'i il - Conflict on Lengh of Terni. f-]a ntiJ ' c i., ilh.ragesthe 2I. aiind lnUnuTes irat o e rt,,,sd ecî-utermauîs, noma maklng Sau t ready if utbisenuemies, lii t- t,n Xtiaste anh sslu VodtIlt.t. siircl-eu tI ort1 illt5, as adr -r,~, effort let formation. The moment h o iretdo i a t od ln (l11, ýitý, rclea plaesoIcesdeaPeurasn t as.entaliie app ot 01 tire strnggllug mass destrus-bils power lu Zion dilîîti i ,tock tirati le cuuld flot Ite coufius'd Mtîlautî,g ie tsaiithe deten,atW,terCsir ite and .î,tria lina devsaloped, sud tirose flunlng te1absence. makiug iistory rn p'tii ll l r i sersxOort bis ttor- TeStart Habreas Corpus Toiiigbl. ofl.înileae eset o tire Niais ut fthirarurcame bock ansi re-anfoncad If. 1l111 blsvinetire dowufeii af \Xi, t Ii itt v I iaitîsdgiscu blut tins opîiuion.At- X\Vltilhies,' PIans are beiug carriesi the5 rel5 rlthm alaxe tiidiIITir ie Seizing a standard, ire caltai) npou pi that uf John Alexane i t nuv ri.Ae euhe tttsioetttoîîa is ola f o. tie terfoni tard ic ii t te u d efolow and, 5 ail - sasad tire day. Xolias board lu tht tIl Ili' titi ii,, e,,Joslati , o lrosecut-irloi-. îtritî.. sart- aso bris-,-aundprobsbîy aboe mmedandunirlola efedarts hatthe Alier f ws oer ilreveriei to Iras îoîîîîî jail la pald for 0or '- - tîkindîiithiti, dlt!erenti3 ihrnhis Thir -nn abacrurpoed rie hi$ Bill formeriistatue., T-e.cosorimelird ILrt'rid a' aoenderinaihtt,,teiîBifuirstu.Teclnlsdieu- es-en tling ts flirelfiness, i iiii oI. )1iîcig j iritlaitsenti-ncecpays iti-' ,siillbi stattel fun bis relase lieo tie-ot aitir r a sasstiiun epr,,Ii-it 1 î-ielnresumas intmud, sud , i en wii 1ý (h uginta h ae f$>1 oItout I Imýo- gierauithe- si,iî annn-d ti- rmjor goi drurît. But lire chargeas efilatrisibtt1't' lihi îdurta ht aeo 131stotwtjail Tegoiîasiî r ie ut rer: oite Ileotrahi ioh f at e 'inrite% o, t ' -iraquieîîy 'slthdrassn. Tirougi the Witt lt, irelnger tisu 1: . t itI % in. (at riVoilsa cau be kep u l n olisa sltd ire contuîs'd li the Lake 5-id i thei- i,,an irase Wiiiiea.o1i hlmajor greaîly itiwered rire murai sud aud w itli tire attorueys- il,, ,i. 1I ittîtiltire rouutiete asotît tis can o-inttfiîlnIlta utk hm1 c 00> A. Il9raisas là tirita,-lîrciud arnd ,fti oila]flietouautteregîrnt, hoerometd îîCted tit(- rase agalusiti, -i. il-il ai tis rate. This siuold holdtl iiîîtitisil-aIDcuTho JeIiPt f i,iî,£.beoerdured. Everyrody fal it aissay vit1l"",îttoue toutil the ertt h tî,,,,iu i i îîtteîfri s-eaess e- etdiulis iHeI Cohtl tîtls atsrttire pro- 19-4 -ct t Aiîeltn. ' a' The fieild offici-na because ha caulsi îîdgîteîla îiIitrPtI ,îI î rtros'BhAidstFid. I'1dno îellî jlsabfr i lBENtH 3Su L r, uilroiîîîîîîat î,' lei thie mentIli hatîle sud tbey conîsi a davlîy lsentence. T1-i... ttîîsî 3,t h mterflt ise - fro71 ntis mri ug fi Bet, tii-eue tOfficera sud tie men be- -tl u--atiîu1rt rti tcio~i i oi l BEe M I. M'ILL.ER. Attente. cause ni-y muts hava soinsune teladi 'ts Notice of Final Settiemeni. tirem wbeu tiare waa figirlng ta du. - 1TAT YIii lAFlI.""N 1Na anseltougtit uf advancing lie major Ti theuriStir VtaofsLiakse tY. Hel ier,,.,ta tire pîst tlon of colonel. Sncb a cala- 1k Ite- nue net wonld ramtire regtmeut wiii the ( In i, ritnoier tifte enraie motHenrynî -iteritîr army.l'or a swrie wa mrinihtent e-' 4 eso ,-..nsHs H tIi-li, enri, 5ienghlm wihbconsideration, but ire w@ snoi .1~~~~~~~~~ atrltbFiai, lnt-~ srîby, su unsoidieni3-, lu every way *~~~~ KleiJ.init 11.cir.NIce.',lhîeritt e sodegraded, tint we mertgaeli Bt rt,, i, ite,îe , iilo H iirsî ottytiifltou a d oe -H, ElecirtfiagMrearet A itecieîhrntesd realîzesila n eumm oa Al-lenrFe'.cela B i . t sitec>ior ut al ssuli Our commander uA W--e-, snd lrur-r i ie, i-cii- IAns iesuIL tolluud. Wien tire coto- r c' Son and esîho)h alt Sen- ireretItis-nirirai net spoli e luus,.asa reotten did. lnu tr iiiietheset-stre . la-lai alu] .'Il Tetiae t ilenrey tierhît)L. nii-ea erît ll "' a pieasiug sud dignIfiesi menuereu- e Mhdud hl 1t,nrit)n sennirda. ot'seprtesilti;guns -My boys," we cireerai) bnt tir.P Maiti'ii"",ir otîsi lit1 rue1--kUsatîoouil-tririe (Irainig waknew ws were fallowiug ýd ilsIlyofWaa.îses,,Lake ct'triiiîilnir. tire major os-ar hrenuiworks or stand- M Pewnl te uflî --,-t e~idos]aSrotin sorire iug lu lina w 11h teetir set, tuklug pan .aiepvoedý a i -tâe delaie-tited.Intiment. Evcny urne tireasasfigirre an tsi iie s-dl,.-iarui- ,i a ui-s escettin ai sri hlt limePîtî ro ri,,, ies,ceil y ing te o iedune ire bornai up et tir.' à tee ieiat.,îest-2 front sud Whoun Itwaa river hoesaut aA.Y-rcni11.i1 iiietu trs.1 tI Wabock lmia bis habituai stupor a DartuuThis ur dat .)î AtiotiA 1),rs Under aur colonel tirs reglment ac- IIts PInrs an exlcellent reputation for dia . Stale o! Illinois. (citi f Lotiter, îlieansolilrly beasilg. na s- Circurit Cronurt Lit@keCriant,'.Oc- tire majar's leadership lu battis we ire- tuber Termi A.D. 190I9 cameknown as ons af tirs Most gsi- Albert H .l.obotî s-s tn5luown lent oien lu tirs army. Of course tir. -er bretaileu, derses utfEps-ainus reglmeut muat be bonorsdin fnoe Owen. deceased: GeorgePF Srith., oue s me, ans i hwas Impossible t. Jo Ja-Smith, .Solrn- Smitir, Frankbuern hogtemar.T re Smbih.r MnCons Armstrong. andl tire for uthercooel tirsmor.nd Tirero- .rnknlowu owners or parties luterestesifr isclnl o oes fmn y~ t .t o I G. e-n(1 lm ion for gallantry ansi eventually Wa 18) andi fne 1<0) ln West Division Of mail a brigadier geueral. That lott SSceol Tiuslee-s Subdiisieon et Si-tirs lieutenant colonel lu for tirs bel- tion sixteen lu16i. Tosinshlp No. forty tance of ths giory, au aofsehIcre- hre (43) .rNorth. rance No. fine 19) untasi from thesmajor. Pr aet:IrP.M. nlitierconty of Lakte. Tire major neyer maids any coins -,rS, eo îiOs t iscr i plaint aitirse fact fihat ail tissa houoai Salafaior Amtidssi. TraI Liepassesi ovsr iis bonds. Ha dIsn t -sM -place ef residence of tire defendoints 1 ar.Nr u nyasl tireiteou- Otire unknus-riheirset aituanSd des-meut abject We aIl iî ia u ni si-es of Epeneis Owen, deceesesi. Sud services shoulsi bave recognition and C _1ý_ ÈXMehUs11111.111r ad ietvU I unkuroieui awers or parties Intereatesi conaldereul tiret honnracolferred upas O' MtbelsMUayfanLbstvU Ilu lie preimises iescribiedinlutire Bll hlm wouisi ireno recogniiion t ail. Tiare ar e fi-w hi-tienbanda ln tira practice unii et lire prescrit LimlmabY as ir-YThuredey evenlng ans irlvarla-o 0 f comptairit ili-d irerein. ls unknown. At ttie lst figirt tirsmajor fongirti hnllthl' 'IItj ad faepaigtebs rdso lmlebyda ag rwobt ri h acdtaof resoiiente cnu b- sscir te *, a . l l cek ya fl 'as s'eiI as poîtulan music. Il !ustledby v illage and surruuniig country. lu pltaned;otiret id-etle nt beaGeorF.On Whicir theSnemy .,d planted Setii- Lihertysîlle, suicb 'sil IpTsyai tira Prof. G. R.Xitîchell who cones frorna ite snrrm iSmith,. dxv Smith, Soinlen Eriti.lery, ansi evsrything vas et a deasiLk. .y arhl t Àe vle tnfyo uscn n a br er ndciLtreocsonctetsae gs- Frank Smithasu r Ms.CasA roll 100k. Tire gauarairosid ptae reg-Lk uut ai iI a latytle ail u rsessSdirsiaiuer asio trsroceog ie av I- Etnong. are uBo i-aesidnts of ths Stata huent ansi akesifor tire colonel ansdiAugust 31,. Septl 1.2, 3 Sud 4. IL la ut explerienci- Thal oirelapertecîiy an enlertaînuients tirai were mors of Ilinois, no tinat preeg r-e trmret irelieutenant colonel ln quick uccessiois. wîbout exception ant organization tr c a pable is rer-y evîdent by the ulusner i thon craditaile suddairower-d thora 0ser-ad uoin trem or elther of tbem N'oirody coulsihell hlm wireratirey tie1 lu whiîbbe 'bas handled tire band jIth cumnieudation Sud epplause. At haigbeen furiasilu the office ut tii- wsre. Hes nkeil for theie sai con islatogetier local lu ils membhershIp bt salae n saleeuIe alu ie hyhv il nae Clerk o f saisi Couirt, mansi. geome anstois hlm tiret Majour a mta enkep pb--ebu '-an fth e remgcin etea iggte 'sl Nrh * Notice Is tirerefos-e bereby g-i-n te10 ebasnWs ileaso i-i-ere m n iltut0 ii ,uî ttr i ee butuîtus wîîen Ileni ad ttî herîngk as ortieru * enil abave neuned ansuinkrrown iIgent As taeieepon en c e ail ietvlewomiemntl3 er i I lbsnmutstsatr.Mscaw fendants, tiret tire airasenaurei ot- sr y.Attitmoen tr mja mn fLier vllssh mkemntiy yari tf 'sî-neue îhabve ir inmadeol udti-m wakirs lwy plainant herelofore fil-si uner Bill oi aPPenrel. Tirs genersiluoked eah m contributious tu ita support, This band pleresi 55 îlot lihae e taelrapi I barImorstîat orv.on Musie aint Compllnt lu sald Court, on the (iran- iu deapair. Nevertiraleas ho gave hlm hbas na's hien organizes te-o yearsansd pi-leurlt-adi-i Thas gise uttePnPair sud lu ibis respect tira comug Lakte 1te ie heo Iseinthut asi trt TiS n rs wsyuiLamajor will. u bnIias tPeu diligent sud patient lu its cancer-i, litsletral Park,, LberiyvIlle, couuy fair la di preperesi.- ; za:nFetflic -abosi- i tm'd ('efe1,,'i'tFth' lîrs ri l -s ra cl'-obthehoisi. TIrII ret.nrtiairlcou tire ir-dr dêy outIheI'clt i m ge-uera i-aItnheld Il troua beiow Sud Tu Fi,' Cccitor't Bill. cnut itî JXtilitis t ouiuiimtnî e uhi--wuuil 5c'i-rilr iis e-enfiug. of tire Circuit Court of Lakte Couuiy. whenlire milwassours rosie up andi Auroiber risItfutf'oîivas mpriSut) ).îî w5. -lfite fliItg ssirh tire 3cHenry Caps Attorneys' Victory. ho ire hmdal tire Court Houai- tre lu frtemao.W a XVau ktw Ib hefln o rdios ouiviiise n f.aJt Tr omntreno euet L-egan lu saIs iaLke sCouty, on the Ssi or ta maor.the iroudwd hlm mu aith- b- ltiff rdtot'.itiiîsitcetlithaiurys ll'aî heonuîlînury At oltstaJaK. First Monlay of Ocloirer A. D.1909. tr fie y-n abisgrus li ilagaInel hlm un ihe )icfenry (tonm- Siietiilîl I ulî,îss mil ýdbv tire redi tlie iesIîryu iauy .K as la by leu, rauuired. and whircb suit hulaI baleienlubis farebessi. Tire gen- ts- circuit courtI ai the Otobar terni, uts liI git11 - ai heý,ce-OriAe Babe ndTdJay la situlIpindung ar-ai turneil asay sailly witir tiers n-attttiXîa0 ic-ln O a.I-BsbinsdTdoly LEwis o.BROCKXVAW Cerk mark, "If hoh irslui ie e hould hiave te dterrir e biiexact property lirai c circîîi r ouît fl i )eber- This bill uwbo îrusecnîes iat. Thevictary was Waukegaun, Ilintois. Augiust Iti A. bail a divsion." a les-y mayire tasde orIlfiIf desirabla 'tiIl]1 ii tt t he comuplote prop- bord'ou sud esary stop lu tire pro- 41<4 Ws al knw moe abut tret ienAIri-ady thnr affidav-it for tira crediltors'i-r- ii ofîîîls.î ritmrliekuiownu su bat gres utthe trial whlci rasultesi lu j. F. Ceiy, Compiainants Sotl-ltor. tire genersi. Tire major lu commandl biliras beau hIidwith lihelircHeny It ma. iss lieaîlitil for tbe jusigment the lîrîguiesi egainst Veulve awsahot- of a disisioul Abaurdi Yeh tirea as caîinny master-in-ciancery. If soc (u-tOtr--tie . mtsired. The affir ]y couttastesi by Attorneys George nemetiîg airant tire ay ire bad letsl Arested This MonnIng. davit filet statîci thal Ilf'sas bnleve)Fildmansd Leslie Needisa. AnsiaI. beiraris-bia former self-tiret mails unVliva 'sas servi-si 'itir tie second Vols-a iras eî'-îîisIîe lrolienty for- sev- Ihougi Votis-, staris ils jlu seutence forgai iis second sai ansi tint <of wriI, or caplas, thîs nurning eit about i-r-ai reasotîs. tbefitghi is s'lidenti3 cnt yel gis-eu up - I I N hlmis rs Major genera. W ith Jtriret 0. - if on ee t e v h lok on bis face ses burtes ILm, fred iChargesifVoderitserAfftiidavit._____ s volley os-en îîm andifongot bhlm titi wrlt. lu bis uParty weu- States Attor.iare ' fiatt tire next ilghi, Whoun, îevîng no onesto ni-y Ted Josylu 0f Ilcidaury county 1.Ilh is amlîleltie bas repeatedly, VOLIAV BLiYS TH-E us Y JoI~ lad ns, va cos-ensilourselves vitir Sd Attorney J. K. Or-ia of Wanke. im lte last fess y ars, Ilu pubrlic oher- G N R LS O E ORDERS - ~~~dlsgrse sud siler ses-enal such epi- gan. Vonderaci and Josylu Ieft.Wo'Jm- e-t t, u&mreiltirati ie iras lusest-iedE ALS O E FOR 'u- ..-sosies vena musteil 0out of tir s ers-- stock very aariy Ibis mrning Io sers-e large stiîs ofliis owaî tney ln ZIan F Rtes vitir disirunon. tira writ. Tira tiret wrît issi beoin e- ,-oroc tand indutiers. Crie Zionîte ln Position 1e Know Said But ta finish about tire major. Tire tunneilte Seinf Griffiuboealest Set- 2 hi ,, lai cdftlet large anoulo. Deal Had Taken Place and Anotiser day afie reowia tille) a letter came urilay. lof proîser-is bits,> beeru douSued esina lmAnnnunced Today Thrait He Firnsiy Nofor wîng iral iiIniadomaitir t, tirs Walker Accompaniles Votilve. ltiough tirs lîtîte aî'saya ta-i-n lîsteni Belsved itI-l ad but Couisi Not Sa) AtetonkVus-awas Wuniaahtrisdonumar oîtîr tartesSo Authoritmstel>n-Rumor ls Ail adjutant concludeilttaenonsider JI; tS o olv asfrnde i ne to ansOver VZIT.t , ~deasi letter, open it for thre asdires of home. "I Dm lprapareil for thi,ho ie 3.lts l 'ie1, it u otantly rus- tire tender sud rattain itu. It red: siateil, 'and rny affairei ara arrangeil dais e ltres fr-,nit aIl os-ar lie world. My Dlng-TodaY my sui. WvireiDMetno0I calago wii You et once. I amn 4.le la di-claresi to lIse lunir FcitTî, îeson) J O B ' ulet n.bllvis eua w ywillu5 la go." Captain A. A. Wsik. mosi i-xtir-asagaitt maoner, aiways id--Ruauiura. cresii) dbY eeyn r WHInî n«s TuMaY 11,1 91-ofarmerby Zion police cirýef, one of log lu a cardage. and In a manea ZInsd ecr-iaurrltieya aenme your ournlandividusiity andi cern Voivas staineet frIands and bis Ibat denotes great weati. Zlus{te lu a Ipositionr 10 kuow are tirat TuE II aOI6 e un.mDtirelfont. ontifieerra, taadvs5htr io aie H sclIucdh ati ir ot b Zo 'ly401-ri tr. a- Yesterday tihe report came, out that the sale had actually taken place. The ruior spread ail] oer Zion and re- ceived generai bellef fr0 aillsections. Qne man, ln a position te know Positlvely, admItted Ithat the sale a taken place and today another, ln thes general stores, stated tirat he had heard thre rumor and that he positive )y belles ed it aitrougr he cosutl net announce tht sale wlt authority. Ir 'the sale as realy taken place, Vol- l'a w ill cOutrol both Zion stores and will hase a co)rner ou the busIness la Zion. The oth,,r stores, thre Mon stores- are owned by oue of bis stron, est followers snd tIt laimed thnt Volia bas at ieast a big Iuterest ln (hemr. - His control Over tbem la ac- know, edged. SCARLIET FÉESCARE OVER UN LIBERTYVILL!- Are Les@ Than Twenty Cases Now ln City4but to Fuiiy Protect Fair Vit. ltors the Meatures Were Taken- Fever Aiso ln Country Arounrr Lîbertyville, However, and la Also Rife ln Wisconsin. (Froro Tue8dav's Sun.) lu order te protect Patrons of tire Lake county fair, measures taken ire- iug Protective eues for tis reason and flot uecessarY unes, ail Uibertyille churches have been ciosed and ail] pub-. lic meetings have been discontinue&t on accont of tire scarlet fever cases in the City. There are legs than twen- ty cases 00W, but te uiy Imure ail fair visltors the protective messures have been taken, Tire cirurebes were ciosed lest Sun- day sud many camne te Waukegan to attend services. Tis caussed reports uft ssPread of thre epidemlic te b'- cIr culated. Tire report was without trutr and If tie fair were flt in progress no measures wouid be taken. Scarlet fever la prevaient ln vernon and ln the entire country surrosnd- lng Libertyvilie, but the dîsease bas been under coutroi there thre entire time. Tbe measures taken caused thre dîscontinuance of tire weekly dancea bhat were being ireid by a club in Uib- ertyvifle. Scariet fever leBa re Ported prevalent uver the county lins ln Wisconsin. Oid subacribers as welI as new on«, si recoive a cordial eselcomne at the tont on the fair grounds. Corne and eachange the timne or day, but pay before you go. Proessomai Corde W. Hl. STIJDER SURVEYOR Subdividing and Faro Work LIBERTY VILLE, ILL, DLR. O. F.BUTFERF!ELD VETEB1NARY 8uBemoN. AlESTAS? TATZ T$TUMUNAAt5. Uà b e r t Y M . I l i u o l PYIINAND SURGEON Office la futer Block. syerW. . ]Davis' torg Office Phione 55 '48. XPhonsetlm .pecli Attenltie. (Nyonte, biseaof the Eye, Bar, Note and Thieut LIBERTYVILLE -t-ILIN I LAWME 218 Washington trass Wauksgan 'Phone 2761 DR. C. R. GALLOWAy, elpTI ovn VSLvwL'o DUWO "5-0». roc)Us-froru1 to 8 aud 6 to a p. me. Llbrtyvlle. lilnoig. DR. IEDW. V. SMITH' General Pracike Office over Luce & Comnpalpys Store SPECIAL ATTENTION DISEASffS OF 1> THE elfE LIBERTYVILLE4 ILLINOIS DR. GOLDMN DENTIST Houra 8Stb 12 em.-1 to 5 p.m. J. EUl Triffs Building with Dr. J. L. Taylor-Pbone:19 Bos. Phone 1092 Llbet,-ville. Ilimlnî DR, E. H. SMITH. DENTIST. >7-EU LAIS COUNTY ATIONAL BANK. ti-S te 12 a. M. and 1 te 5 P. M. DILY. Llertyvlfe, lilrola DR. 1. L TAYLOR,

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