CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Sep 1909, p. 3

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~LÂ~~ G~NTYI1!EVXDENTFRIDÂY, SEPTEMBMt 10, 1t09' Y liNeedNow i yJx~~sPOIW ~ ~ 'I * o ~ r, * o * o o 1* t, o o .0 a!. * c 1lhave at my home several styles of the Baldwin Piano@. 1 invite Yon ta oel aud ses. Pricesawthin the. reiwb of ail. OEORC4E E.* StRANG, Undertaker and Licensed Embal mer GRAYSL.À - - - - IWNOLS 1n in mesuut eaacuttat. 1 am th.oe s b,sdsn Who nMa tathe i tk."I .1 1 , oot o MF eWnvokttcrpjf , 'ou. Ldfor 2 rnsDr Shoon, s uedleisahave cet Hoalfhb rud ln erer commumnnt-aa rse hs hce Dey =.2.tandsati ,Y,, cdforu =eW.9 tbu* d 5 jlt oh eila r ti.huateorNte tttaiAnd 1.1 tht tes at ua w >day Usat. mon b, tnsly gzrantud. t Write me Mu tfor au ole, Ths WIB mvda an sd d-anent. AU druaxtuts luiDr. Sbon's Pitu,5iMd .i Chenu a ith.Untlê Litho it n ya te".t *~ ~d. miln ad lw su noe av heWa a. Oli oent. UV ai. n p'e pe ais>whim bukyc am ban.Mbav eissudvadu Mecbook Porbetpe a word or tacfx ue le l:tca Umm epiealnIhs!. helpedthouaei Fou have It , l ~ ~towourv »Ver c..Dr. Ehv5n,. box 12 Raclne. Wis. Vil" 3-"sk "a1 i16.d TV-1 'No. 2 onthe Heurt No For en N. 1Olnth. Irduei, No. 5on Riaumailma. ly pries ais ritht an~d grade. good. Wbetbe r you bu> or Dot get My il*ure1 PREPARED WHITEWASH f. S.I1!ADO.Prop: 'BAIRSYO* Marble M05GdUito, Monument* 11',. Description. * CorrespObdence bolcited Wankegan (]rayslake BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT Fremb lBread every day, Home Made Cakesg, Pieg and I)ther Pagtrv. Lunches and -Meais served àt al bours CAXt>Y CIlOtE E. A. LOFTU5, Prop. Ta"bhe 19 i GR.AYSLAKE, ILLINOI S We Have a Fine Une or tutlouery ad souvrP out Larda Mi IR JLI[[RI SIR Ail WoeI C.sasantud SPECIAL ORDERS fOR JEWELRY' Proanptly ftkdpu W. Hl. MOORE eyiak lIo 'stayer Buggies Jumt received a carload of the C elebrated b av' IBuggis ALL TIIE LATh IS'ISYLES 111 Prices Right W. always Cam'y a ftihl line of IIARD)WARe -Q9ODS A. PADflOcý( Round 14k., îinQls '4Wm AYOK W -WORK A SMSCIE.'Y pr.w b eun in Tr~eý - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (IRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT P. J. DRU'CE Editor Pions No. 1 Orders Takeri for Job Work Advertiaing Rate. On Application orge Adame and vite tenor a eeske' drive during bi@ vacation anti droe. id Mcilenry, Woodetock, Ihc>tord sud Ireturn. Wm. Witbam, of Waokegat, le %pend-' ngamontb wltb bies aiter, Aine. Rd W;aguer. Air@. tanieid and daughter, Eva, cf jLonç Lakte, visitediir audy *-àl Bfaach'e HUavou, o! Chicago, @ peut Sunday and Labar Day at home. I Ara. Jas Gauvad ad sependinga couple of O!eeke lu Chicago. jArch Deacan Toli wilf condoct the jservic"-tes s l. i"lcp*J l "ionc 55 jSunda,.yovenigug. here wilifbe. aeeta bormaeridàliarenuttd toom5K j Mis. Josi Aise, ai Chicago, ia viit- iug relatives lu Grayslake sud viiity. j ea. Sirang in viaiting hie daugbten and son et Clintan, Iowa. Mis. Lena Smith, ai Dexten, Mo., wbo bas@Penit the past four mautha wit bers, cuob9Étm aises isasShank saè Mn. Jas Logabugj istatFrida>aoom-, ~ansd > br oncu, r.C. A. Cas, of WlQbn, t~e w.ilvîitet LaFayette WSheindiapo. adrturu home the F. A. Rollins, ai Chicago, epent SUn. ieY wMuhbis brother, A. F. Rtollins at Fnemant. iDoipb Chard and family, oi Chicago, i peut several days with relatives bersj reconti>. Mie@s Dais y Hotiman le viitiug ber elater, Nfra. Lincoln Relier et Fermer. Cty, 111. misa Editi Hfoffman andlgrandmotber, 'tr.Orendorff bave returneti ta Biciain. iitton Siter a six weeka' vîit at the Batiman iarm. Jas Ingnieh, ai Chicago, ila egîîest af E. E.Rende, sud tatou>. Mnr. Mctratb anti daugbter, Kit>. retnmned lait Thursday aiter e three1 r,-k's rceit n itb relativein CLii agi. Mur. anti Mus Win. Brautittetten and pfamlly andi frienda wbo were viitingz them viâiteti Fox Lakte aund tcHeur> Sunday. Ni. Perey tGray. of Chicago.,ce c lit- ping relatives#lhens. VOLO Misas Resale Dunnili arn,,-outtrrciClii cagi Weduesday andi iili sîcnti a ev weeks vacation bere. MýiseGenovievae flolger, ai Wanl.egaei, vi@liteti ber mnother here Suudey and ticn- day. te Frost, ai Chkvago, was lu Vola 4y l14t&ese". ».iarry Nicholla epeut les3t Frida> ibersyvil le. m.Lawrence Miller enteutalueti ber srand hieswileetrom WWsoneîn aveu ilion, of Waaitegn, and -Miss Susie Veu, ai *o"esPnrk were Sunday anti lay guesti at tise Dillon farta seau and Mmns W. M. Huoan a8luded uneral of an oncle ai Mendata, tif1, eek. S.John -a Mmasd in.Jagmi ne "pet W*p Wedaday vi lb F os [k. @am"sSarigtL s nd Arfey Bowardl, rnt, vers b *towtU' ITlitsdy mse Elaie W"llond RElies au>- tir. and tims L. V. Lusk a»d on Ray- moud, ai Wei Fremont, verela Iova Sonda. tir, anti Mca. Will Montgomîery, oi Chicago, viited aI the Jate Wortz home Sunday anti Manda>, Mire. eltatiser> visiteti friands and relatives et ticHener> aven Suda>. tirs. John Richardson entertaineti usi- atile fe rons Chicago ereraldays reentl>.1 Jeck aud P. L. Stadttield entertaineti1 cousine tram Chicago Sttida>. Rarr Lotit, oi Grayalaire, and MIsa Caýhsnine Ilowef i, aiWest Freinant, ver. in town Wednesday avenlug 01 lait wesk. Mfr. and tir. Alfred Nicholle came out tram Chcago Satuda ion a ev days visit atlhes Beur> N iecolle hon». tire. George Waltsn hati as ber gueot lasI veek, ber brother, Mr. MeCormuile, ai Chicago. M. aud tirs. Nlck ][Ur, ai Mçgonry Vtiet Sudal as gosate of Mr. Sabel antd le. and Mr@. Sylveter Wagner. Ars. Louna BsYtno» d u trs'. Luet. ai West Frsmont, verQ lin k Air. aud Aine. Wm. tDflloan hsd aigu"eu Bunt1efand Mond*a> Mu. sudAine. Jasek ApotTot r. Ctàaîty Rauset atates thliatsb.te esjay ing ber visitrat Seattle sud Caaý e, m ¶i.qt ..Did, Butnday Set diat bar hbjl«t neauivala AiMMBarn"> .Mrie4cPhnsr vasIldilai Wem&Msesdo.ymvuiPg', Sept 6î,iBmaWat. ,aoconda Câtýoiic Cemeter>. lM jake hW rle liasm"purehaaed' Lu-e here torsryoaductad bj'ciatb 2 ai a hbomael1maurda> aftue um u hamor of les Vasa. Boward. a rant 'Ybas pveeesat. cmee missaaeeJohn kÉegan; John Hogan,of!Miin; Q Mbétdtip eau, af ipr , niUW;, Situom D&j'is ai llosud Lake; sud Aile> Ho ward, affiMiJht isces Fana> sud Forence SmIth of Fart Hil; Ethel 8tbsn1 d ad Autà m.1 sd ICI e Xelnff>nn sud Volei.Walton, of Volo. J iLLBUtRN tire. C. -E. Deuman andi srluyler attendeti the Damrosch iccrt e tir. (levelaud bas been lail np smre tîcue with a éeprainad aukie. tub., Cleve- land,,tai Chicagovisiteti over dunday with e home.tlks Mies A>iiie'Jamieson Io apending a veek wtb ber parents,,. Lloyd Wthite et Wa6kegan. spent Saturda> vith litsparstg. MisEsther fgng@, ai Wankegen, visiteil f rOm SaturdaY until Monda> vitb ber unele,Fd Wells. Air. and Aine. John Buse and son, Jam0s, Oai Rachstet, Win.a visiteti vitb Air, aud Mus. Ueo. *smieson. Ernest White leftc for Montana, Mon- day. VctOri aîg left Monday for cautheru flhloo boe -h will ieach the comlng >eir. Me.. WUa. Mitchell, aud chiidreo, ai WOWmgaUpnt e av wdeavitb tbe b4 IîsIk. Uer moiber, Mne. Spattord fflënwil vitb ber ton a fe:eek e visit. )OU cora Hook,1 oi Grnge H ail, &peut gnnda&' vith ber Cousin, El e AIcOre. Richard Pautli a bsbeenseiously "oi *incs Thuneda> but ai prefent ile a litle better, Airs. Norman Adams, af Chicago Laa , vilted ber tather, Hl. Pantail, who bias been oeenlusly ill. Mass Mary Eichanger la entercaining company tram Chicago for a iew days. tirs. J. Foater entertaineti ber Pister f4xjC4fcego iroîn Satunday uutil' Mies huer Polloc , ai Chicago, spent Satuiday antiSautd4y ith ber mothen. Wm. Finis> retari pd ta Laite Fo'rest fast Monday having- pet sm tim vith the Banner fa ii, 171 Bf m4ab Ames, of Lamb Corne@spent Suday at home. Loîralne Webst. ~ghfudPark' spent eovenal day. 8 I ii os,, tbe Deutuan boys and Ars. W. G. McGiire. MisEmma Mtinugail Whoibas @pont thexpesi month vlsiting ber brother, Aie , et Highiane Pdit "d -relatives in Obl5a#ag retuned boasliEWbudsy sat. ,ewle, a! IýY ,her 1MOW6ei- Éhro$beu ntfy. hï,borenton, Aie sdMs Jôlta a &e nat W op ;or tbsfr cuiedy , ~ oc C. B. tapi, f, ce la Wtité Mli lon nd the âcpdmy 4t R<cstus aith Misa. enei'teacher sud the odge Mabls Chope sud»»n vtf attend the Gurnes blogh achool tbf. yea. kSciiool openeti Aiuda>. Wip. AtraIg ist 4kqt4, Yq1, qrthern Wi~u~ta begoné emp e. Before you have an> puitig dons 1-make inquinles ol peope Who are 4I. the, A 4 w ili , 'et l nformation that vfcIo' t0a I >0. TelephousPe 1uèq tt.,f a zood phace tu lv>. ,00 i *57, ~ g Notice to the Public We art inlrined that a traveling opticien h -rescatcd- hinisef as being aur agent. We wiah to state tha we eml&oy no such agents. During the past two years several states have pasmed lm coepeling opticians ta pass satisfactary exantitonu demon, stsatlng theïr "ileV ta fit glasses carectly. MiUnoials o mUû lawa, therefore the esate ia being a .verrun by IO~ Ve IUasmo wy lbe renle .lmo pcal work unic done tender out permonal supervision. C. F. IngalIs & Brother E"tHlbhed 52 Y"ar Certificates trom THE AMERICAN THE ILLINOIS Association of Opticians State Opticul Society ffle >00 FROM AS IT'S -KANC LIBRTVtLE, ILL. P1AN 0 S Willf Nordeasysr, ahi antu athe Itoapital at Waukegen lest week dieti tiere Tuita. 1fléa Leurs Laitue. cf iWlluca, returued ta tien home Wednrsday alter a two weeka' visit with i. J. Laitusansd famfly. 1 Mre. Henry Diarby and daughter, ]Ky*, returoe&.ta.tbeir bouc,- et Wilmoê >ât ~a veeks' visit with the formere s her. Tom Me&de. Aine. F. C. Wllbur andd caughter, Dora, are epndbng a iew daye with relalives st WaukegLu. Uri, ~W14 le spending a iew days à a i# de4Libertyville. Wr, one pent several days ýwtrà crWaUkegu thia wieek. ActhWBi»Cklifl willl lave Saturday ta job isiepeople et Waterloo, Iowa, wbere th.y eently naved. fise' vi finish bis bourtb year lu high séjoot there sud lIsar attend the State Usiver- ti>Agrcutural College. Arthur vas s populaspotgaattamong bis sahool- mgbtmen d Ids here and vîli h. grestl> missed Canning Factory. Tbe"Gr "aIe cro cionnîng factary oaeed up Tueela.y aud is ncw ruuning ln ul l iat sd fumnierA are bringing thetu conomtu daily lu large wagon loade and the 6easan no i, ronises ta b. a good ans. Graysefat. School Opened Moeday, Sept. 6. The Grayelake achool ccpened Ibis week Monda,> with lb. loJllowcîg teachers in higb scboolâ.d grades Prof. Mcllelland r ineipal; RIta Zta Mia8mey, asistent, avefrtint ihres e yers luhigli ecîool vont; Ails. AillaParr, sevenîls and eigbtb gra<f Mies MNeade. icurtli, tiitb and tixtfl gËQe; Vies Ruth Rlley, tiret, second and tJtlrt grades. Prof. MeirCel- landi and-ieis«Msitant a ili have general 'SuperV:aîan ai h. entire Setliocllticii w il ineure the people af the distnirt chat the sehool IvIii bondnct,-d on business prlinipal. and evet> brencb thorougb lu K.s vont sud they are ooking iorwaud ta the muet proaperona echool yeer in the histor> ai ths school and hope ta, get the support ai tbe parente. Parinerilaiaebupy ihreebing. Alter a week's visit wltlî iriends and relatives lu thie vicinity, Mise Blanche Lîncolnblid returned to ber home in Chloa«o. Boruto Mir. and Ars. Jamee Lahey Aug. 30, a baby girl. MissCliar& Lux @pent Saturday at Rumsil. 16«a- Mary fHagerty I@ ent"rtining eoanmay froinChicago. George Bariltt Mnade a flying trip to Waakgan on 9f thie weoM. 16. Mk har USi!. P. Lui apffl a dellitaî week in Keuasha. Mr. and ]gr@. Wm. Ryau, oi Grayland, calai the hotus of J. Label recentiy. MMr. WM. Wadoll la vfltlng relatives et Rewbell. Charly Cashmore tg having the lum- ber bauled for hie houa. whleh h. jutanda building in theoer future. Laureansd Eva Lui hlient Sund"y lu Chba«a. &liool opsaed Tueelay wïtb Misa Neillia De Laug as teacher. Aire. Win. Fendlck le entertainingcom- Paul frotWaukegan. Mir. aud Airs. T. Dietmeéyer, of Wauke- gans, ealied on relatives lnansd around towa. L.ol Lui bhm gane ta Minnesota on businfes. Mise àelae Devine apent part of the wsek with ber cousin, Miss Ethel Lewin, of Taylor Orove. Air. aundArs. Frank NMeyers and cbjîdren, of Chicago, returned to their home ater vislting a few days with relatives here. Geo. Cuddiby, oi North Chicago, "pnt Sunday with hie parents. Wlnter Bro8. ha.d the misfortune of losing a valuable horse one day last week. The Wadaworth White So.¶ played the Kenasha Pirates ou lait Sunday. l'he score was 12 to 6 in favor of the White Sox. Came again bays, and try yaur luck. TAYLOR GROVE. Bienry.Âmes attended the Lihertyville fair lait week and brought home a num- ber of ribbons. The Mounot iteet Cmetery Soaciety will ineet with tirs. J. Reeves neit Wednes- day, Sept. b. Mise Elale lDevine spent Sunday witiî ber cousin, Ethel Lewin. Nfrs. John Gelling and iss Maggie visit.ed relatives and frienda bere8unday. Aire. D. Il. Young le gaining lowiy. Air. and Mnra Henry Meyer@ and daugbter, Gertrude, "pet Sunday in Zion City. Mlisa Nettie Lllly, of Kenosha, veited the latter part of the week with Stella Shea. Chms Lewin was in Kenoaha on busi- ness Satuxday. Mr. and Mra. 0. A. Osborne and famiiy visibed iu Bristol Snnday. l'en tram here attended quarterly meeting at Hickory, Sunday evening. Mr. floylea entertained bis son and wie aven .unday. The Ladies' Aid Society wifl meet with tira. Gea. Lewin, Weduesday, Sept. 15. Wouid like ail memibera ta be preseut. William Si ver spept Sunday and Mon- day with bis iamily heme. A number tramt bers wlUl attend the Miwaukee fair. GAGES I] tirs. Taylor and Mita Vida Taylor, of Waukegan and Miss Muriel Cannon, af Zion City, vitited relatives bers over Sunday and Labar Day. Our sehool hegîne Monday, Sept. l3th witb Miss Winnitred Pratt, ai Wauconda, as teacher. Mir. and Mtr@. Date spent Wednesday and Thursday lanChcbago. tirs. Fred Van7Zandt bast a valuable gold watch and pin on Tuesday alter- uccan on the Plank roati between owners preomises and E. E. Marabas. A liheral rsward lei oflereti for returnofa saine. Lawerence Wison returnedt t Chicago the tiret of ths week atter antire wek's viait witb Evan Lawerence. Reuben Roger@, of Chicago, was a visitar at the J. B. Keller home over Sunday andi Labar Day. Rf. Mogg bas soid bis laite propetty ta Mir. tisn. J. B. Keler recently sold forty acre. ta Mir. Kennedy a meal estats dealer. Anthony Ganyo boas a fins new bay presa and engins. BAKoER and CONI'ECTIOER Libertyville - mu MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLLiEDk WE DELIVER TO ADJACENTTOWMb Sohool SuppIÏl A FULL LINE 0F UP-TO-DATE Text Books Tables Pends PencdlBoxes Inks Pens Mid Peuhalders Composition Books scratch Pads Ruler Drmioig Booka ErM Crayons, Etc, Anythling we haven't in aur-larte suppy of tii... g".d we wil get for yau on short notice. Ve invite Vou te, cmli and look aver aur ine of stationcry. DRUCE-DRUGOO, (Graysfake. Chas. TomoR. h Three Stores Rockefeller, H. A. Waison. ftr PI .Rousnd Lake Aira. John Abart fe enetainlng ber aister a tee days. Mike Wirtz sud ister ]Aymne @pent liaturday sud Sonda> lu Chicago. Raymoud Aieyer sud lady fiend were Chicago callers Thureday. Lea Hartilssud aster'a, Lizale sud Francas, spnt Sanda> a" Big Boilow. Lea Dleinu. of Chicago, vas the guest ai bis parente aven Sunday. tir, sud Mne. John Ra&ecb, of Liberty- ville, spenc Sunday seitlu tis. Wagner and tamil>. Mir. Baash, ai MlwaukEe, called on Irlenda and rçlatives bers. Gea. Zimtner, ai Long Grave, passed through bers Monday. tir. and Muer. Fred Wagner calleti on Mu. anti tr@. Joe Onerrin. of Liberty- ville, Aianday. FORT HIZJ Fred Gali ger wil prsach at the Fart Hill cburrhSunda, Sept. 12,a110.. and 7:30 p. nm- Times wba are attendiug thse bi b echool at Grayelake are Miss@RMa fioson, Levi Wait, Cliford and George Benveli. C. D. Smitb. ai Oak Park. was a calter iu thie viciniti> Sanday siternoon. MieAdeline Miller, ai Libant> ville, Jas ftsrnard, of Laite Foret, was at cammenced achool Tsda> st Fort Hill WIIi ONeii'o severel day. thio svek wltb flHteep echolare lu atitedanere. cattie. Wiif D@Thoru. o! Chicago, $peut Mon. Dolph Chaud sud Lannil> aof Chicago awthM.ndkr.CB.ome aud Brnd Chaud, a! Atstin, visli dyct u u Msà.1.Cme ~ FRMQNTtive ait Ralin js Suniday. WMT F ONTAirs. Orvile St. Peler sud deughtoe, tins Hsniry Tekanîpe idcpebding a tew ai Lake Blutf, are viaiting at the C. L. de y3 sact ockellev sikilhberdangbter, Thomson home. Tilie at Mr. Dia'.___________ Mnf. and Mmr. 2. J. Plein ai Orayslake, @peu esw days iait esk at'be W. J. Car , a P effi8Foe Dietz home. Jas Du*iaer va aRqtçketehpr ollr la ruenst >n. ,sMS~tWIW . Sounda> aier4uaq..c, vv 11. w ev*klaL fql a Franit Martial osnlerWaned cipsu> ured largely by t a.qft . tra m Chicago, Bauda>ib"d Aonda> mit la the o OM U$, John Roue> sud vii. came ouit rom s AÏs th4t; hava « 6d Chicago lu their automobile lest Bonds> t O1 mo t.* sud aptat tIse J. 9. Roue'.. 2w Mm, Rtaymond Moyss and. UmmaitTekampe ifood snd vuéc)è openlfassiThureamin Ob0horo, th~e eactmeaî Misa Nias Ranse1 vma', Liberty rUe coulli posai1ciy I. M e ue a. oalier lest Weddeda> aftSevno.: oaceded by 1*9meubobethetmai Wifl Nonrdme>'r died 'ai 8 o'clack foodi for masl logho uscle Tueaday alteràdnuet tlih.' wSýliter and huia. h üLapata boApital lu Waukegsu. leljs #d, bien &Hfoods. T .u4 aaCoeahay quite unit on or hut ielve doisa vltb il the o am S.uardtu ru j<W" î ta oltd"Ieproh- wene infotud1w ttaoperate on hlmTuas- i.tii Of remOvlug t1q huekci Md blek dey but hp dle4 befon thb. qoetton mlc *" "Sbl-' sonoy'iag chit *as p1ivlavtdd." S' sdpe cotlver braud anare Eta. Uyoù mre 'mains #tlstiItom lpÉtbq ebere lrk.p g;fiu salb the tuerai vs ed.' lyiéléitlve.stoe u eug laasl e sud tiende mournbis departure. SIatm Dèis Com ht f. uned by ail a.. 1adhi<fj water Places asiong lb. IbsL- Lake Dmgglonr, Druer.ty~ ail pointae uroundlng P=ô, aud lugleede. Wé'e aý ont a mudi lgqb44~ lasi year. onceýused alvuaiMd conBE SnIQ Lew Flagg, Proprtptor, Just aronnd the odruar'on Street, nexti 10 the Boehm f ng and opposite thé PeMé bkAekemith »hop. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Olgans and. Tob.qçgt sj ,i ,Laundry Ageeacy UÉ The Ut. Brs ieerM~ c sept, Sdi. ine. Efiansd.daWhter Clama r.- iunmudlotlihhoe ilu m o, Suc- day. « gQQ4 show Of »bq rl4heu. as jet." "IL, B.Lewin utei nday wJlh hle faclhy st Dr. Lswln'a. Llaa&Wlam@usou vlL*a t ,pl' ÂAm and MyvIla 'Cornla »d larbaro oa.paSndajy ad lMoowachaO. Park w ftb eda sol and Eug"4 ohmbbée a Io Mlwaukee 10 attm endsboiL. asteca. ' Tbe Unlvey lsow b.d itg smIa watcb. Malm Kevifb e& a t4 o Air,.s&d ti. I. B d d Kenags, epent Éd su Mir. andAi,, Aia J.*WMueeti Claugdlisli. I end' The Ladlng Schools ot the Country FRED J Op gppêêpp** Telephon. No. 46 Liberyv.W. Eseh-p SPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Town, Orders1 6 owwwww4ww«w« r~ 1 mona WIX l' And Shipping Trade

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