CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Sep 1909, p. 5

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L4E OUZITY IDPND ,FBIDÂY, SEPTEMBBR 10, 1909 - - - - - - A fie breakfast ahcad r [ r i NEW ROYAL SEWING MACHINES We ask yon tobuby a New Royal machine because you want the beet when you buy. The beet material and the best mechanical skill combine to make this ma- chine of few parts so simple that anyone can underatand lb, and we belleve therefore the very best machine for any family. Wu' E. DAVIS i Oroceries and Dry (Ioods LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.Ï +00" 1OUR DiS PLAY of Mena@ Furnlshlngsila thoroughly up-to-date' and attractive. 111e the little things that count 80 much lu a man's Dr t ~ appearance, sucb FANCY NECKWEA.R GLOVES HANDKERCH[EFS 8ILK MUZFLERt3 SHIRTS COLLA 1as IRS OUFKS, ETC. at prices that can 't b. boat, W. defy competition ~J, B. MORSE &Co.0 qjerything for Mien LIBERTYVILLIE, IL. o i i o I II meIr REVIEW or THÉ FlAIR -Thé Lake CoanI Fair la over sud notbing nowvinlof.1t but a majeetie m.mori'. t vuaaod fair sud mani' oi thé f.alsr u d sîbibils surpwsad Ibosao soea pané by. Thé borse. lov wms on a minemlner emis than ai'- 00Wg sen bforq atteinpld suddvas ý sMoMW&ctSij. The hormeraczg mg mSu Ibert vas not a mifgelaitue ïd!m maild Ihât vas not up ta the stoudard. Thé onu' bthbat fei short won atasd»Su, ptoae ep There is no tinte vhen tht -Beoh-Nut Brand" Bacon is appreemated more than dur- ing the vacation salon. As it in thily alioed sud packed in the Beech-Nnt glas jar il retaina ite superior Ilavon and tendernasa, is .asily prepared and inaureà a qnick, sppetlzng meal. Do not fal ta include Beech-Nut Bacon in your supplies. W. have it.- J. ELI TRIGOS, OROCER SHND PERSONALT !LIA ETN third, ronghlestimatsd, blow th"t ai ]MtI yffl. Thamremou for th* * on- àk.dnoevsunavoldabla. lMai' ý= tdgt = say lai'the searlel bsr acare sud many mn marsvaet avay by th; eater. Thebhard riahaof saai'Frkidand esu mthe rocs.on oau' tvolrunannrissuou tIa aftenoon Wtc.eaae t 01 thé crovd Aat di coima. Talcrovde are aivaye gond nalered m&d ouI for a goodtUeansd Ibis yeur vas ua@le- lion. Tii. nidway vas divaritYi 1551 fur game&S. onne 50 atrongli' div.rdffl. thalt ti' bhad ta be ciomemiup-but thosas thinga creap ln nnexpeetsd thoul #zpecléd dinappear as quikly.Tbe people vbo came ta thé fair vere luasd wth Il. Thé dellclI le nota veni' if sand nait pear thé agricultural so t ili bave aomalhing ta ovr.- ta mke t ablg ud ttrcte land worhy i Lké antdTt rmna ,fficre vl culup atrial balane.u &Incertain juat about what condition the sacleli le:in'alter the fair la avec." Foliovin¶&are a ev afthé vluanere in Harneas lforses-Psir V. R. Crâne, St. Charte@, Ill., tirat. E. A. Ruemil, Jr., Lake Forest, second. Saddle Morses A. W. Roou, Libertyvlle, tiret. Ueo. Koon, second. High Siappers John Piie, Evanstan, final. E. A. RueIl, Jr., Lake Fareet, second. Ladies Clams with Appointments Wlld Rtose Fsrm, St. Charmes, tiret. E. A. RueIl, Jr., Lake Forat, second. Walk, Trot, Cantor, Hars Onweuteia Hut Club, Lake Forest, tiret. A. W. Koon, Lîhortyville, second. Huniers and Jumpers Laddie Buck, Wiid Bote Farin, St. Charlen, fret. 0oaoomoo, A. W. Koon. Libertyville, second. Steeple Chase. Pond, Melville Archer, Lake Forest, fi rat Connoation, M. Bahcock, Lake Forest, second. Oonoomoa, A. W. Koon, Libertyville, Ibird. Best Lady Rider lire. Bert Cohu, Lake Forest, firot. NIasteE. R. Tunison. Lake Bluff, second. Amber Coihi', Lihortyville, third. Boat Boy Rider Mrritt Martin, Lihortyville, tiret. John R. Thompeon, Jr., Lihoctyville, second. LaBarrê-Juàt, Lîhortyville, third. Tharé wéré four men galhéred 51 the INDEPENDENT tant liMSWaineoday durlng the fair vbaee total a u gr-1 ~ted thé aum ai 835 yeare. 1Tbty ere dwnMarnes,ai Elgin, 85; Harrison Brown, 84; Humer Reudet, 84; Lester . Marée. 82, the ]&eItiahre. htlug rac"IcaliaitramLbertyriU@a. Ramer bas nat misoai atténding a sin le talc during the lut 45 yearé. otRai', ai Lawrence, Mich., but formerli' ai Lihortyritie, vu a&lto saothér patriacl who atténded thé fair, bis âge hing 95 i'eare. A number ai arruet e vesmade hi' Marahal Limberci' at tht fair Ibis yesr, thé most ai thebehing mat ardinari' plain drunka Théré wéré bowvvr sevéral offencea ai a woraé cbaracter. John Zodrow, ai Milwaukee, etalé ton watches tram a fakir on the groundes sud vu finéd $50 ansd conte. Ré Io visitiug iriénde at tht counti' jeu. Wm. Harper, a colored gentlemen tram Chicago, gat mixidup in a game vitia, othér parties ai a like bue sud aitar loing au bis Mouey, drew s gun and wanted ta atsrt a raulgb bouse. Ré le 1n W.ukegau. The lamons Ranes, Who la ana ai the habituais tram Zian Ciy,, become ovérioaded sud wvu ver' alck as well. HRé vu fiuéd $15 sud caste sud la nov récuperstiug at the Griffu Raotai in tht counti' mtropolis. Theré were six games ai buse bal plai'ai during the tair htween Lake cati' clubs sud tbty p cavai quite an attraction, large crovds alwas chear- lug for their favorites. The tva beét games vere piai'ed Thuredai' éesuee ihortyville sud Long Lake, Liht'.- ville wlnnlng 2 ta 0 sud Fridaihtvn Autiocb and Jahnbnaug, Antlocb winning 1 ta 0. Thé score: Lake Zurich-1 6 i1 O0O0 O 0x-9 Bonouat --0 0 O 1 1 O O 00-2 H'ghland Park-O O O 0 O 1 0 0 0-11 Platine -5000l1GOOx M-6 Lbertvile-0 O O 2 O 0 O O x-2 Long Lae O0O0 O 0 O0O0 0 00-0 Rockfelr-0 1 1 0 O 2 O 1 4-9 (inue -8 0 000 0 03 0-6 Antioch -0 0 O 0 O O O 1 x-1 Jqhuebur-O0 0 o0o0 o0O0O0-" Lihrlyville-1 O O O 1 8 2 0OXz-7 Ournet -0 00 00 00--â Tam Droeene"nt Sunaai' witb filnde la Mlwaukee. The Ladim'~Aid Socle1 ofaithé Pres1>y-Ier& uchwlmeatehoefi Mesn. C. F. Wrght, Thursday atérnoon,1 sept. 16.1 Thé publie sehoola vill not open until Monday, Sept, 20. Noul Dnrad te attendlng hlgh schooi ln Highland Park. Harri'McLowry apeut Sundai' sud Monday wiuh reltiluChicago. Uma.Kits KphnaiofEast Aurara, N. Y., visltad friand. léire mest wsek. Mia Blanche Triggs la spendlng a week villa Mise Irons Bain Ilu Raine The Luttru lfamili' ai Chicago, $pent eud tlthe home aiftMr, aud Mm.J. S.m 04MHu dâ ee i'.in invei"lda". tb. poil week wlth relative. Oa, Yuaad, of DesMoines, la., is spen ashr vacation wlth bis Mr. sud Mms E. B. Strong, aof Y. Aliainso, Wl.., wn. thé gueste afIir"&nd hmr WdnoodUi. Ulm Ânna .obeson, of Lake Fareat, vas the gua.t of Mr. sud lire. E. Dlu sois l" Sundai'. J. Oglian Aamur wne one th b distinglsbed guaals at thé fir 1at Saturday mternoon. lrM a draD, oailun. Island, Ili., wa th. guail o F. P. Dymond and vl - ur aad Suadmi. UmeOne*. Prise of Jefferson Park,1 avent thé pmaI veiama the gueit ai ber1 aunt, Mmrs. . F.Wrght. L B. ilsubi'ham bad ne guette the puat wéek bis brother, Jas. Hauhi' sud JoYstes, of Willlmmeon, N. Y. Mee. Warren Parier sud Chria Hempie, ai Chicago, vere guete at theé home ai J. 8. vMcr'sle thiâ week. 1 Thé postoifice cloeed Mondai' on accaunt ai Labor Day and wne the ouI' patrlotic buslume etabliisméut lu tawn. Frank sud J. C. Beilli', who have heen spendlng the pasi wiuter lu North Caroline, returned home lust Thurday. Mise Kate Dévendor!, of Berlin, Wie., wne a viator ai th. home of Mr. aud Mre. R. C. Hlgglns aeveral dasa the puet week. George Landis Wilson sud lauily', who have been camping et Lake Eara returned ta Ihéir home lu Oak Park thia woek. Regular servies, sud Sundai' achool wuil ho heid lu thé Préshyterlan church Suuday, Sept. 121h. Bey. Van de Erre will preacb. E. W. Burkeand daughter, MiRs Laura, ai Chicago, @peut fair week bore. NMc. Burke naiting ln thé ludges stand at the grounda. Mies Allie M. Archer bas rentei ber houas bore sud gane ta Milwaukee w bore the expecte ta maire bfer home foc an indelluitc time. lire. Paul Warnecke tel; Mandai' fac the homeoai er parente lu Mecbauicahu rg, 0., wberéehe wu cadied by the aeious ilîneu ofa srelative. Mr. aud Mm re. as. 2.1an sutons, J. C. sud Frank. attended the funeraI ai Mre. Beilys elter, Mr@. Martin, lu Wauconda llut Mond** Miss Sybilis Stîtzer, vho wu hbillng clerk at the aid depot thé paut aummer, lef t this wtek for bar hom, lu Boacobel, Wls. Sho yull attend achool at Madison. Jae.p bMedlI Peattermon oit@bullolnga avenue sud tht Towvun road, on wbat vas formerli' kuowu as tbe Herrick tarin. MdisaLauiae Cater returnsd home W.dnasday iram an extanded trip Ihroaîgh the test, visiting New York, Bouton sud other enetern cille, ev el as relatives ln Sodua, N. Y. Mrs. R. L. Hall, reiding north ai thé villaite on the Frltasreseentli' pur- chued a new Bruéth runabout tram A. W. Lchtfeld, wbo bandits that brsud ai automobile in tbis territori'. Mir. fSchultzansd vite, ai Appeton, Wis.. @pont fair week at thé home of P. H. Glelatein. Ris sons H. A. sud E. W. Giitein andl Iheir familles, ai Chicao, aléa speut thé week heré sud atleued tht fair. Ur. sud lira. C. F. Wrght sud Mn. sud Mre. G. A. Wright Itit Tuesday for Edgerton, Wia., where they attended thé sunus pli ai tht Firaet National Bank af Edgerton vhich vas beld Wedueaday. They made thetrtip via automobile. Btginunng Sept. lai, tht North shore Eieetric Company' wii furnish thé orii nal installation oi standard, carbon filamnent, lucaudencént lampe o charge 16oie cst ers relotare, te haemade renewals ai standard, cachou filament. incaudesmut lame free ai charge, wbich practice wiii h. continuai. A. F. Sheldon accompunied hi' bis ismîly wyul léave the ftret af the neit week ta baid a @orle@ ai conventions lu varions satule wbere bh,"bascrrespon. deuce achool atuden t. hotroet con.1 vention will ho beld lu Mlwaukee sudo tram thére ht yl go 1 tu, BLouis, KanuCiy ceturnlug 10 (Clevelaud, Dtroit, Torontoansd athéeer mter Cilles. The trip viii probabli' accupi' thé whole vintor. The Bstte Bésai ai Heaitb vWtite village iast wéék and hsld a conférence1 wilthéheachool trustees and th. local1 board ai heith. t vas declldad Ihat th. achoolsahould not hoéopensd unlil thé scarletlfever bad abstei sud Ihat thé quarstlne ho stricil' .nored. Thére 1a peacticalli'uno dan romhotu"s under quarantine. Itlalelia u"ea Iat $"spu the pb1lclans thsam Isl"aista mater he leme.No m»w cass Mi onasnc bavaedsioia sd sohool yul probabli' hé opoudnahoD but tva véeka. Last Tuedai' Placards vere postad lu bath Lake Bluff and LAke 'oret vans- lng people ta etaavi'froua Lierli'. ville sthara vuan u pl-aic oai alet levrer boe. Thé postizag ai lbe notice. vwonathr presumpt" ono thé port of aur esteasd nsigbor.sud thétir em vould have iln gfr ionthe tu cama had théy héa sofaitht remarka made &bout "ilg xstochinge, " Cod f§eh," @e. Thé attendame. vas probably ltîle liahtt rain bath of lhss< lone bt spite af tbé,litbsu At on» ta. il vws report»d ta" th. taler.mmpmaut vouid sue for damge.. Be-r :Be pre o t il Progressive Movement of the Village la Shown by the O.mand for More Gai Mains and More Cernent Walke, ailo New Crossinga. New Fie Flghting Apparatus la b. Purchaaed. Tba regulai smulon of thé village board ,was h.d iu tht village hall ou Mondai' evanlg, Sept. 6, Preaidmnt F«-er prsl - The ral waa called by the elerk t iol11owing snswared p1SltleOrtt, Davis, Faulkner. OU& OSchnsabeleahbsnt, le mbuten 0 h.b prévioue rogula na lal <suiOnswoenréd hi'.the cl 0.MvdbIN 7Lynch and Davia Akita l.Ujlstsand aPProvsd asrend. Thé reprta a01lt.évillagetreasurer sud thé clrk wr rend and audied by tli a. mamn amites. on motion o Weils anmd FaUAkpa. which carbid, the uia.tasWM aMbpti and plaoed on aila. Tbemguthly b% s ve re a.nd O . L'd hi' tla gunos ecomMittes and the folio iw- >Otlesred Paui: IL Smaladitehingý ........... j 47.40 Wa.. ttalgga, s .ret w ...... 5.00 W.. IâYeOmk, machine work....18.60 LibrtyllbLimber Co.,materil81.42 14.e .......t rala ........... 2.25 1.k.C. Idpanenpritlng .88.05 Bd QUSSUE.poucl.......... ...12.00 c. liée .......c.......... 12.00 ................ .... 12.00 Frankt.9,police ........12.00 Ed 1 .l é1200 Otto dwnpolice.... ........ 12.0w H. a. Pégelow pipe............... 1.40 0. E. Lasner, tomn work .....14.00 Dennis Limberri',Zrpire.. ....... 2.00 Martin Young, Tepare ............ 2.25 Denan Limberri', saisi' .....65.00 E. C. Young, s .la.............. 65.00 Brumm Bros.cament work ...90.73 John Brizen, police dutyý .......14.00 I. P. Engeibeavi'. street work .63.00 Alian Bock, wark.................. 5.00 North Shore Eiectric Ca ........150.27 J. T. Ayers, rebate on wak .....12.36 John Numeen, 6.00 jas. S. lme6.3,6 Wm. Blerman.... 14.40 Wsukegan 0OÙ Co, gamoline.... 8.10 Itd Quentin, street work........12.00 Maved hi' Lynch aud Fanîkuer chat th e etréet committet be given the pawer ta jlace gravai an the etreete wherevor aunad ta hée the mont necefari'. motion carrled. A petition was rend tram the praperti' ahwnerhs a East Park Avenue a&king ta h board arder cernent waika bujît alaug the south aide ai that etreet. Moved bi' Carlett and Wells that the iollowing cernent waik e hoarderéd bulit at once, as fllaws: On the esat aide ai Second aireet tram fBurîbuti Court te Broadway~, an the southaide of luributt Caurt between t'irai and Third etreets aud an Euet Park avenue fro4p Mil-i- waukee avenue ta Third etreet. Motion carred. A péetition waa read trom the propert awnera an Elm Court West ai MechanIce. Grave Baad a&king that thesNorth Share Ga@ CampanY be granted permission ta, la! Mains an that Street. m My Davis sud Lynch that the privllege be grant.ed. Motion carrled. Maved hi'Weil@s snd Davis that a new atrcot crosaing be buât on the soutb aide ai Appiti' avenue at tht corner of Milwaukee avenue. Motion carrled. New equipment la belng bonght for the Ore départment wblch wW aoon boast a hase wagon and ladders. Maved b y Lynch sud Wells that the meetinlsdiaurn. Motion carried. EAL. H. COaLETT', Village Clerk. Newe Club House ai Fox Lake. A number ai the citizanis ai Fox Lake have organlsad a conipany whlch wil hé kuown sa the Dont Ownera' Dock Company. Tht abjectoa i ibiscompani' ia ta promote the building ai docksansd ather matters sffectlng the intermeofa boat ownersansd navigators on thé laktes. Docks wili bc immediateli' hulît néar theto twn an Nipperoink laké sund adjoin- lng the railroad tracks thug givin dock accommodations on bath aide. The channel betweeu PistakRe Bay' sud Foi Lake lé alto ta ho dredged ta a sufilcient de pt tua ccommdateail boast@. e oNippersin k Ratai wblch boa been knowu Ib'@ asuon ai the Red Top Inn ba@ been affld ta Win. Locimer, Jas. Ham sud John McKay, Ibrée Chicago palitiriaus. t wlll o usaeed aprivato club hanse sud bas alceadi' been in- coryorated. Tbey will apend about $25,000 lu lmpcoviug the buildings and grounds. The railraad conipani' la alto getting readi' toaltae tome changes aud yl huild a new depot about 400 lapai;tram thé Site ai the pisenut station and just acrosé thé channel fram thé new club hanse. Plana sud upecficatlona are saln, baingmde for a jack-kufle bridge acroUs Otto Muebccke, wbo hne beau a rosi- dent ai Fax Lake for years thînka that the prospecta for tbe lake région were nover brightor than they are at the present tima. Though Ibis séasn ha@ ual been nlarge ne tome lu yeare past the Indication@ are %hat next year yl ho mare booming sud proaperaus than ever belore. Follows the Siais Fair. Sept. 21, 22, 23 sud 24 are the date oi the Walworth Counti' fairai Elkborn. Thm esel ltu tb. veek folowing the statâ fair sud make It especialli' ad- vantageona ta the Elkhoru show, for the reawtaubat It gels a large numh.r of exhibîte direct frein the siate fair whicb il wouid not h. passible tu procure otbsrwia. This bas beau a poliy ai the Elkharu show for years, and 1h. wlnaom o* was demoatrléd forebli' luat. year when #va moid Iran-ioade ai exhibîitse re ahlpped direct froin Moi- waukao ta Elkhorn. Our $esi xenton Everything of a banking nature entrusted to our cam receiveo our beet attention. V. fel sureof our ability te hmndie yaur business to your satisfaction. MIGil GRADE BONDS FOR INV5TNENT ALWAYS ON MMN Capit a M Surplus $75,000-00 IIEALTHFUL PLUMBINO the acason wheu the eii tion of you plumbing fixtures deman yuur close attention. The overhauling ofthe plein i'g of ycur home is a nccuary as houéc-clecing. If you intend maki g repairs or instafling new f.x- - ure, we shail be glad ta figure for you, proeriding a guarantee of prompt and perfect work at reato.- We sland i stal! the famoua '»bmdwui Porcelain Enanielei plurbing fixturea. _;-ýk Sbmdwr WarIe bring. a weslth of healt to your home and incceema itas fling value as ALBERTâW. LITCHFELD, Libertyville De( A YARD W1DE OUTING FLAN NEI, at the prie@ yon al ways have to pay for the. ame grade of goods ini 27-incl i wdth. Yon get j yard more for the same monoy. Llght grounds with Pink, bine and gray stripes, a 15c value. Only 10 pleces of it for, per yard ..... o Juet purchased a nampie lUne of LADIES' BELTS.a couple hundred, oi Ilim; b11k and beathe, belte ini great varisty q>i ayles; we Winl r solilthe 25 to50e bite at . . '. THE FAIRl--. i i o o o o o O o o o o O o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o > o~qgsq.seoe.eeeê YOU WILL PROFIT UV HANDLING YOUR MONIEY MATTERS THROUGH The First National Bank of Libertyville NazI DS o the b.Pastoffie Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Chacklng Accounts Invited. W. Negotiace Faim Mortgage Loans for Investors Whon'You Have Moray t Loan or Wiah ta Borrow, Cal I and S«. Us 1 ý -T ----------------- ---------------- havlng youlr fali sewing doue early, 'leavlng you free for the many other dutiee you have to attend to. WE ARE 1 READY TO LIELP YOU Everythlng? you wlll need for FALL AND WINTER- May be found in our large and varled stock And ail the Time We are here toserve you with the bestt goods at reasonable prices.4 LL

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