LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, iIDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1909î çt~~ ~f es. e,"m t'b'the wer net""-Wtb" ratpoetý, Ilit "me snid ¶eeeeeo, fo"artv rim. themffeet. hnnshwdeltene ah t!,. ý#44rna aroe BÇako p.d atmetond lu inii onof the 8uthes qatr the North eeCtl0Ç,4ý. W y ods 49a ,oel taest ltism, ,,nece 'lmol* ty, I<M., '.'. . w'euanuile C Eletoiandaaele ~Ie ndth tffe ~ Ia A owed b À: aet uartra6tterat. qatbeethequarer tarte teenreuartter ort fdf î'iîf o th 57citrin ort'eoirwet ainfreitp'rlhènedf IN E MTTR O TE WST . a8tn,1.4V Oood, tbenoé est paltel ~ta the of eald Section 17, tiience South ta the twenty roda, thence west tmie ty rods, said Section 7. thtn- stin rodm the aouthwest corner of tie eoutheast TOULLP$oN8 r «West Bita De r nag ig e lot h4Qf eCtIon hUe of eald see<*on' 80, North bounds of the eaid public hilgh- twenty rode, thence, North ron roda, boit, o! the Southeast [Iu&mItpr of the M2 ~. d t quarterN et~ Emil SawnchEmil Cuah illon 7.thaIl of sA atm iesot enelta Unie o1 Sections 80 ad 31 ln »Ieai bt hait, tàiece South aking the weet lino quarter Une. thencë cSoninmgwo±aI s mnIoetonhpinetn g. thiP Wet abey, Theodore Jajoioborske, An- niti fua dn fDi f Tjhp eteNrh n tei W, s ad faid \Vet line torty roda. thence fortli forty roda ta North eightv code to the th n1p,'unda ot the sait aoutbeast quarter na IX tjonboseke, John C. Attridge oet he (ounty court of thecf' on IVn w ip 43 North extenffed ifQ itb.O nalt tetion lino of the Northblineo!ofsaliSection 28, corner if aid East haif.t îimonre %\- of the aouithweet quarter Of 8aeoICo.24 Jame W.Attrdge Mabl Co nehCOUntY of ILake andi State of 1111- Rags13NEut of the Xrd Pinacipal eeetioe. fVEIIIy ,ltr.- nid Township, thorncg WOU & os.. 1, northlileeton t~n, es hncNorth s xt2 a1*cr iiao.ad4eat~qs- Thomais teele, G6otew lmrdfil, fits.That sattd Cgmmissionera' Roll Mqzldt#,, ,O ce eaeta.iong tjhqNorth thence Est ta the Nertheaet corner rode. thenre N&t4', on roda, tiience (hence West ton roils. tume \th ter 4cchon, thoce Fast ai ,tj trust., Mary A. CainJoseph P.0f Aaaae t fBeeafts and Dam- Il» Of the, NOrthweet Quarter 0ft1 thoftiie-S thetat quarter of Raid Sec- Weet ten roda., i3en«2qrîrth ten roda, twe nty rods Inte ihait se tin i îcr ts ! edqure,)ey~44, ~rasliy, Jsnee A ~ aga affct; e ery ;omdparcel noitbeaat quarter of Section 0ln said tien 20, tbence Soutt licSuhotteo et> e oa hneNrhOf sottiousix in sat]d Toa,?,htç, tittt h tI lerf aiddftyfe sm. Glbb~, Bniget Mar o ian contlnedla e ~1STSKO- ae~ enUqfeTownship tate bEat Cornetr pf the North, quarter of thIty rode, t oence-Weet ten roda. to c Xttto oa o1o ot due rOrth tn tfile dath rlq4t' i- VIcermn, ame Etezi-%ýniè or- ,X£IDtJi. ITIUW, a corpo- lino oft nid 'NortilstatQuarter o el i1the Northwent quarter of the South.t- UtsWest lineoof section 21, Licence coný cocîîtr 0f theNorthûotelat 'r licc o! the Etginc,Jlilet & Etrrn rison, Sarah Jane Whlt»eii, J rtoorhntdadex lgudr o-hEstqatr iec OabWest quarteoý of seetlon 21 lu salit tlulintweet forty roda, thonce North o h oîtes"mrEro ad.e- Raiwa2 (fompany, thence N r saiit el' i n ate~é.WnyVc-aunsl o b prfofr the -çosefauctîon. aiqsg the East lino of eaid Quarter Township, thenoe East to the South- thlrtY rode a f tenorth tine o! theflion six, thenice due West tate iPen- atong the South biioundq of %¶aii lwI rM~ n a Maarq$, ery iao, e paratIon and protection of drains. Qitarter ta lie Narthweet corner o! ure fteSuh trftepbi iha oerll dMg:= t V-dthee qd îevpep 05aefl tte lancds of tih" Seuteast quarter o! said Nor-th- es4t corner of gald quarter quarter Sntthràt qatrc h et-fro h ciichgsa running way Comanay ta the pointi bwtl. .I. Est Rog ns id rttof Section tsmonty in unr li andi South ttlrough the talt hait anfaitrete ylegjl lh JoeNnTGbo;An oxie rsfor agriculfural, eanitary and edùt quarter, th ec te aog quarter section, thence South slang SuelSeatetelb heafih t*, Jonesp ote T.Gibbon Anna oxie Nprth lio of sld Souheut QaTtheeut lintof.nese§oetteqtequrteroft t tadrsectnionosixasihencedl ctaonalotgt Good,'Meien Culys!. RIoL6rd Kenndyinliigpurpçosa,4»- 1frprovide for NCef terfitfei- SutheatDuttiejsattliquarteroutofea!quarer o w aU ofiCo. hé&o (Tu1e . and tL.y Kennedy, Thomjaa F Yr "e rganization et drainage districts* la-suid Northeast quarter ta the Fa t rthe Nc>rt#*ëtetq#grter cf the South- ceafc th .e Soeathquater o! ,then ad îalioofsartpuictIgosaygEetf aiot o hne~eoe Artui Meke. Sra F.Haenapproved,,&nd bi ,fOi May 29, 1879, uee aiiSeto 8teceNrbWest qarter ot.d ection Tweaty- . Ci~2,th>c ot it oaterne n iai ulcliha Artbuir Meker, Sara F. Hagenie, of Suid Section6 thedce orte onetiience weSt forty roda, thence Northi ta a,oint twonty roda due South of aiong flie south boundary line "! au1â . Gor» Yre, James F. DylGeorge ada ceaedtr hro - alIoog the Eat lne af'sal SlectIon 6, South,,at -conc m 0 Nrietate ehait section lune of satd section tt'noîl tnoo!tt,'Sotweî ardth laiemîtonei raingros a e*Cun t Geori. I)oyiecorer,-f goîbetr st20, theace W'est at ocg saici half soc ter o! the 'Xorîhri are o cai i caeo einig r a~~on %;U24rk», Jane Meiod% , ..gF erwlth the lande takea for the eleitY roda tetahle Netheat coenier qerte etlieSIllinois.rtr e l aule cfofie main ditcli ta e eCon- o! sala Section 6. tlieace Euat aion.g tcSuive t ieq otsaiciSection tie Une to the renter oe! aaccîsection sectioheO timere 4cm weOfCe th ofi! y, illueja Bwftv,ý'Henry Veeder, Lolta Sheldon t truc4ed le sald -dIstrlCt. That gaal fis North lineo f Section 5, Township Tth on.tlmtt nscoatentY, thaice we.Rt t ht 'slsion line, ticoîce,-,outh me t iurdred Te oiaaors!sut Armo ,John- W. -Doyie, Frederlck Jsj Dua RA1E 11181 43 NorthRange 12 East ef the Oci P. Twencyoe hft ttentsouti w t te !oirl R msaoS ttcIScto ioBOKIE DRAINAGE DISTRÉCF wil t Wnrfsa 1er 0jngbt o! w lins of the Chicago.Nfit- fr)rd ln lý1,UScinln icnopÇ ý-Joie ( ffldth.,James Tore, i rRc'-le ~inastdllow's, to-wlt:tAI.,,about !erty rode ta where the pub. weîyro",tb q toalwenlty rode nrwaue.*terlaig R. R c, t e t 'Soctbastrf,- cit! ieNrhmpperhfooteCunyCute Maryt'Elnara Lunîcarti'EiizaltctîccCon- tei Cern ;r-t(Ç" hwea*t.aulR LC.ongc aoCiit.Ilni, ntýIt e lin, Juies Conliic lî îilaXloh I moadîcng at a point at fie Inter- lic higiway turne anal ruas sOuanta th fe sect .ti baéee act twenty nrisaeestrg t tai'e tictro! hc, thýWest L ak o et Cois- . 19f19,s on thei'tonda setion cf itee ast lineof Section 24 erly, titence alang the conter et etial roda, âlong the sectioni lire dividing way Ite a poinct twîocity fisc rosis te o u d tio .tcm liealn of 'tect'nbtr . . OISdlte ael,CouaIin, Rate tonlît e titCo li n Township 44 North, Range 11 East public iighwgy te fhe Etat Une of the Sections 21 andl ES ln salit laqt mon ue5Southioethfe nonthli ne o!fiithe Suh ilt 0 es a'-r 'cloc-k lu tht' forenoon at lts rroomu Iohn Conlil, Annca Zahnie vice (enln, c!tLite rd Principal Meidian, iy the West hait et the Nortliwest uie taeiTàwnebip, tii"ce Solth ten soet iLequtwatIEiarte o Icof mccttshe csaiyocupodasa outvcor Joha P. N soWilliam Ht son ot ln fthnti o a f h fth otwetqate oreroit tontei3 nt quarteriiwsto ad eto roni teCut os n teCt Nliaon Huchioon ue e fi niit ! ay f te e flc crfw~it qartrof Section rode, Lieuces sut tweety rodo, tence Qaft!sxtowet n osaic otPi e ilrniatc- f aio c-cthen lom lu tht' ani theIbue 1of Lte t Gregory Runuifçrd ,A.Inle.y 1-wnl- ChicagoAMl eEetro Rai- live ln saad iaut mentionoed Townshilp, Sot trn plia, thoni East. twenty fortytbree nortli range 12 ea, tht .ec-. uh îoc h' !Wîkgni the onyc at tord. Jaaýei IHcîni!ordileatrIre M-uni- -ceat CCcmpany, 9h fMinios Corporation.tenre Sethit e eNorth linosoa!hebis ode nco south twenty roda. thenco Ird P. M, thence dice east titetic bat!ll nI el tlct- c,the Ilisctha 6eet f an ta jury lnimpfornteod la ac tord. Gregory Hunniford. Jr., 1Robert lllflifhg 1liéthéé bo t! tllg sisi easb Seuthwest quarter o! tie Nortiweetst f'wenty rosis, ta the biaoc-flatIn section lineocf said sertion 2the hncescorm c,,,of mtii,---iM hof the socth-cordance with the provisions of sec- T Luiam, August Hinterberg, IMary lino teaftas nôalliwest camer o!ftequarter o! saisi Section fOve, Ihence ins lu section e tbence Southttwea-n. n tate-enortieasf corner ot tic West cîmmcer cmi chc corthwestqcacter'Lion 6 oi an acf eetitied 'An taditt tbehaum, Davisi Ointerberg. Bai- ouli tity-aetreso! the South WeatKEat aient bhe North lino of lait mon- ty roa ion U abalf section Une, Soutienst quarter ofthle Nanthoveat Of said section 6,. theacre North ta te rovide for fie exorcise o! the rnîtf Wrd Hlinferberg, iel lt cCatrny, gearter of SeCdlan19, la Township 44 toned aiqatter quarter fo lie LEut lins foence emt tbirtr IV4* thence sonti quarter et aaid section 20,Ilicace quarter tine and continumug Northc ! of i-nf demain' appravesi Apni Edward G. tinterberg. William J. dIle nortb IRange 12 É"t ofi!thes 3d Princi- ef salal quarter quarter, tlince Seti bwenty rd q imthro!lidetfot oeaogLi urertary oapaat- t i eno iîcIi 87 nfrIrJ, 1 42 as o der, John S, Caxiapi; Wiliam Býut« pe1 MèrIdian, tilenoee aaf ta fie east aiong lie saisi East fine andl sld Basf Nortiweutquatrts ie Nortiatqurelio !saiactontay o!acletonthne sftrgiftchrngbtrsiijryunai mue , Clara 6. uersl. Alm a. Ru-ha- iÏ th fe Weit >Jit of the West hall lino extended alte eNortliwet corner quarter o aidofler 2li. thence f - yanigle& e eWest riait 0( war u- in qulestionaso!tliceoibis anal damiages t Ing, Adolpi Bartmus, Rudaipi Bort 1o!fie Set West quarter e! Section o! the Seutieasatquarter of the North- East along £Sii4Ü"~AWW'gquarter lune tience norti et rigit angues or f a the Chilcago, NVlwàukee & et, Pai lanv o! the land lu aald dlatnirt, when moue, Erna G. Sari mua, Michael J3. -19 li laut aentianesi Township. thence wcst quarter o! Section Elgif, in sali ta tic SoutLweiWta-lune et the' pnb. rdB, thence Weat !erty rods a te cR.R.Co, thence Noxthenlaioîg tht'e dweea eon neefc a dIen, Suiome Hreaberger, Edward Ho-.JSot])tia te iutheasi Portier o! tht- Township iast mientionesi Lience East lic higliway, thacac along tihe Soutji- hu eto n !siiScin2.saisi webtorly ight otf wyun ,!sti]h preserit ansi takeAusch action as nenherger, Annle C. Mlau, Frank Mena- ~Nrh West quarter o! the Norlhweat auong the' North lino o! LiesSoutiteset wesferty lins cf ths public htgh7,ay La tience nonfli along saiiliai!l section Raliroacj Concpany te 2e cnt,'-fe!lice ta iy iaw autaorized if they se se ey. Franrea Meaney , John Hoaenber- 0.0,1er a! bheNorth Wetquicarter o! quarter cf tic Nortbwest quarter o!fia intersection Witbtihs ea4t lineofai line tate eorth Uîlocf saisisection, i-ublic bilgliwsc nricning -a.-tertv sudfIt. ger, Cari Haneoberger, Willilaam1-oren- section 30 lnat menîionied towo asaid Section 8 le the Nortbeaut cor- tic West lhai! o! bis Eastt! fo!f theace nortis along thflclii!section nesteri.i- firouai thte Paritc-e-j'iiqîcr- !'HAF E. WEBB. berger. Mlarv S Rieves, Clara E. Do!- slip; ticuce West le tht' Northi West fer o! saisi Quarter Quarter, fience Seutliwei;b quarter o! thc Nonfht'ast iirce of section 17 lu saisi township ton o! Section 31,. Ii t Wssiîcip 44 North, ANDREW T. WHITiE. -fy. John Ni. Dawson, Louis ZBoliaI,,coi-non o! tht'Leot Hait o! the South Southi aieng tht' laitsection lina to quarter et salic t ic 28 hleure eighty rodaeite celnter o! tht' piub. Raccce 1:, East o! the îcd principal Amarisan oum !LeCs- Miathias Zlat'.Seuphia, Zainle, Je- West quarter o! bhe North tM'est qiiar- tht' conter o! saldt Section Eigit, seti tate le Isoction Une. theoce îehgwy hnecataogtt lndst helle otîhwse:eaient nisqionersaofthfe WEST SKOKIE Repi alile Gorg Zhne, acb er o!fie North lWest quarter o! Raxial hence at aieug tic bai! Section Une 'East along lis hallsecetion une flfty cen fer oi lie public higiiway :wcntYtht' ceutc-r iccee ofsais pcubilec higllwas- 1 epctiann30, GhergSaZahnlen t orty rada mr oni ate ot- oarodi, tec ot nehnrdte-DRAINAG.E DISTRICT. -Zainile, Elizabeth Garrlty, Frank Scin1.tece Stt in ioeo est i et-rdtheude SoUth' twenty rod iec iianilssiedt a atht ' ttctheast cerner o!fte LSouth- Paul MacGlufiin ansi Orvaanal Rektenwaisi, Anale Reckttwald, saIsiM'esthUe Cf saisiRat! bau!, andsit'abcrner ut the West liai! et tic Lience Fas! teS Offle, tbeace S<ot y roda, tt'enre weat paraiil te flie KaterVs Big],UacoeReetnteo, Id essUn taend Lie teNNrrhti- theNer uatehofehetouQuat wenerrdeo!hnticae tSoufroaihitsecionlicniyti crada. he et uarerBf actoni6ennwnhniBauleiiAtornys Margaret Milier nec Rt'rktenwaid, West corner oethLe East hait o! the quarter e! aaid section 8, tiera South titence lSouth 20 rodag, 'theicce ltastqat !Lt e ofthetqurteret Iltasesfi te rdai Mary Leuisa Gtoden lnet'Recttenwald, Scutiwest quarter c! bbc Sotiwest le the nonfhlinoiuof!thie souhweat quar. ________ h âatIýofRi'te otmet uitro si etonadlihmyt h hi et,)i11- John Recttenwaid. John F. Kefsity, quarter o!fie Nrliwest quarter o! ter o! the' Soniieast quarter cf saisiiwît1cot weLie nt u,- ot saisi li enhttstqail-ro!sis ecio aiit.chsy eii-NiitURSE-iitc Wiliam tiaztiiols. John E. Knicker- saisi Section 30 Ilenc eu tatheSetionfk 8, teceEs t E ast Sction2S,'terweSoti lo ot ie ie nce weaî odsto therosi ad bl!section li, tebe : rti uIne bocker anal George Cesti delng huai- Nrtieset corner cf aaid 11sf men- lins cf saisi test mentianei Quarter aiong tbe saidsit5t 1ta e i'Qcat'ur ter l' cn,,- te ncewaorlîeiqtr o sais hitsectin ]Ile Ltaence NorthaiUne 2.O A ness as Knlceeboçker 4; Coo, The1 ln B asf hait o! saisi sotlwest Quarter Section, tience Seti hang QatrUe hneWs i dsaisi NorthiUntce the Southsssst cor- Chicago,'lwakeadt.PuRi- quarter o! the Soatiweat quarter of tic East lineofo saidlas xt mentioncal " r- dseto 17, thence Nort lgty wayav~ii A lenterierg, Michael Re- the Noit West quarte, tenre pouth Quarter Quarter section te lie Nat quarter qucarter fine ten roda. tience rosis e tho nortŽI lîcie ut' si sectionrer tif tht' anttiensatquarter o!f th An epportuaity le offerad tu y>na sien. Auna R>der. iian Ilyder, Made, along the East line of aad East liai! ]Ilnso! Section Sevenfeca le tesb mon- ecuti le fie seti ine Cf saidsie5,,-t.tec etlwucras hneSctws ure !Section 25 la1 mn"ows l eos rle lino Ryder, Elizabethi Sullivsan. J. Ar-! tîleitl!section lins cf saidsiec. ionesi Township. tience South along tdon 29, heure West aL]ông saidSoseti 1North !crts- roa,1heure ma iv-enty sais i iat mesilnt'd own*iap, liece nurses toe eter ensea01fiehbet Tran lion Sullivan,.GG Chester Sullvan, M. tien 30, tfonce Fast tateicNortheasb jthe Eatlins o! tie Nrtiwest quarters- cinIlet h ëtln.o h rcîdsthence sIçorti !crtv rods a thfenorth aelehundredsIxyrdtahe& usinab aig Edward Sullivan, Jolin Meoney, Cern- corner Oethle West tire quarters cf o!fie Nrtiest Quarter et saisi Sec- East hait e! the Solitheut quarter et Northlmue ifai te Soutbwet',,îsiarter, uiait sectIon une o! Salisisection 25, in Chicagoelessive 425.0() & weet, Orasi. inISsioners of kighways o! tie Town tie Northwest quarter cfflie Soth- ion Seveofeeti, cightty rodis, tiienre fie Seuflicasiquarter Of saisi section of tht' Seuthwes quarter of section 1 hneE- atecltro! naIliSec- caltes of thîs echoci are silgible toanmepi et Liliertymiuue, Laite Couny. lnois; weat quarter of! pausiSection 10, bience Fast to fie Nrth West corser et the' 28, tiionce nort tate l ort-fiquarter Etlght- 111 Township fonts- thnee'orti Itien 26, ihence Nertb fOK-fsrodesticthebershiplu State land National Assocuo- Cammaissieners o! Hlgiways o! tic Seti aioeag tic cast Une et saisi Fasftires-quartera et tic Souflieagf cquarter ]Ilno.eesnoi'th tweut-e nessRaicgt'12 East a! the Ird Principal natihasne o! the seutl hait o! the tiens ci Nurses.TheCsnonesComptins Tewn o!Shilds, Laiks County, fli- West Tbree quarters ot saisi Quarter -quarter of the Nentheuulquarter o!tience West iwsauty f-ode. tîlence Nleridisan, tht'nc- North ta tht'c-nter uoutbwest qumarterof e! lcrortiestinso eeeotoftraining lai prctiesia"d noie; Comnalsielo re a! Hîgiways o!f-Quarter Section ta the Southeast cor- saui Section sesenteen, tionce Souti North twenty rodae tiece West len o! the Notthwest qcctur o! the'South- quarter o! saisi section trent y five theoreticai na-siing. a&"ljesthai-ough ita -- Lic Town of Deerfleli. Lake Coanty.uer tiere!, licence Fuat aîoug fie aiong the West lino o!fie Easftiret'code, thence Norte ton roda, fienro urest i qîaIr rO!fsa1114iletin ri litecea lie eext ta- theeas" liseo!01lis'@ &ailrneis ol tie woa. Tuition,..board Illinois; Agae E. Foryti, John J. quarter quarter ]Ine teaflic Northurcat quartera etfnid quarter quarter sec- West tee rode te thae eparter quarter W.est eightyctu"cIW te ie nter Of the sOmfhssest qtiarter o!fte nortieast andilaundj- trlop.. W bile utrai ilaag iLs Burns, inevra Fuller King, R. Hall cerner o e! le catt frce-iioers o! ticn and tie saisiWest limoexasaeded lino, uiece Nrth aokg tic quIarter trtlr,'cst (Icarien o!f'the Stctheas t quarte'r Ofsaisisection 25: ibênre northi icia, nacrai anal cOiiweWau i»-'o McCermick, lHrn P. Wheeler. , i-'tise Sout Eat quarter otfbics South.-fo theacatliwest corner o! the Easb quarter lino tenu rode. ticÇ'Uco wesf aetcquarter o! sectioîc7niitsn ahi qcnte thetfine of ei tathre siir atiolr siIes ooitjet dt. get, Heren, Thomas Heren, KatI%et ait quarer e! saisi Section 30; three-quartere a! tie North liai! o! the iglit angles wiLb lue! .pentioned Une thence Ncth W Letuse 401, taIitt f saisisection 25 te the racîtbsoet cor- OConnel John Horen, Frank HerabecceSeti alaug tic West flac of Norflaeast quarter Cf te Septiest alxfy roda. tienne norlil ta teic tt ûu iýýd c! - Miss ÇaMerof c not. Ellen Devine, AUi.nelahaii, Iobmt iid.îaot meotligie<lEut fjire"uqar- quarter of saliti-Section 17. tisuce section ineof !said iettli2,qcîte0<Ui- ce7 baIerieastl nsaatel ç! ad Aot the25 Vieke-manC. Pe,., Luis e" ss~t. à,4aiat iý. l ialoohi eagt &long the soti ballnde oo lef thfueod, heteekxttt ttesa 1 areaads,1 o sis benIhf ë lceceno4l ilityro tauaa the5I Le5ldIsstII rsh dgaI eNu ker. Clmtles A. Pansons, !!rg.le A isix and.lz e las 3464 ce-ts«WidEasf lirse-arters, !orty roda ta quarter quarte'r Ine, 4ýiî e Wqst ton tience norti auong Lb, eat lune ut Une extened, thence due ureef anc 4$47,4AKE.Vg , Ç»IIPAQQ, ý4J, c s-~. - t- ~ . ,~, .- s - ~ -e ~ - -. - mce,. --ct~, (~t~uyr as jstreredf rom the East having. purý... cha sed for cas 11eedfe sample lines of thre grea-t rpýnufacturers ,,of hhig aeSutCotnd Skirts. Fal1909 Beautiful high, grade French yoeskirts tinmdwihaf bands and foldsand Ijetbut- tons Worth $7.50 .......3 y Hi-gi, grade Iskirts made of lOdquaIity panama, Worth .50-thseconein bIaek and ...ors . F.M1909Sufts Splendldly fine strlctly Man taiiored suit of stylish widdc waie-... lagonal Material.--- Coat 42 Inches long trlmmed with moret collar and cuffs anl god and IIned 998 quality- satin Worth $... 9 ChidrnsSchçqoI Shoes i FOn'account of the tremendous response to 119 our school shoe sale, we fiave decided to____ tontinu e for a few days ou r. school shoe sale S-s----) Iiydegrýdie Petti- flounce 89 at........ 9 Ml 14~i ,i ii 1 1 1,e -'c, Fail 1909 Dresses' One peice dress made of beauti. fui wide wale material, miii- tary collar and pleated s k ir ts. These corne in ail the new shades and are trimmed with self straps and self buttons. Worth $25.00. 15,e38 broadcloth dress, nicely trimimed. with lace yoke and collar and'1ý ornamnental but- tons. Petd skirts and! s0IIk piplnq w ort h $20-00 ,pecia1 i3eeautiful lace and embroidery trlm- n-wed night gown worth up 79c to $2.50 ... . cdSt' - - sas -c ioaQiS sritr s- ,' :- t- t -s-t' Extra high grade tailored suit..Made of fine chif- fon Panama and Iined with high grade satin--- core inai Ihmeine 50 colors ane Worth $25 1 - 1 M