CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Sep 1909, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WIEEKLY SUN VOL. XVII. NO. 51 Two Parts LIBERTYVILLIE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBElI 17, 1909-12ý Pages Part One $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANGKY' PrACEM AK R STAB- recdar, wiich bas juBt ireen made !IYN O RWs werse mazed et thre irînderfu ré@- BED IN SALOON ROW Mr e iIieepae isOr OLD !NGLAND- es ofwhic Arevery ü r.-ýt indeed. year tiran ever before and exceed tire We Came tou nrie0 ail we A Lithuanien *sloon Keeper in Wauke- census enumrerators of 1900 by about Robert Liii Writes of LiCe in a Habute possîii conidel nd r thiik mrade god1 ga Attempts taoSeparate Two Figiri. 11,000 men. Boat on the Rver Thames and Other ose of thes time et our ir'jr,r O ne in@ Fins and is Stabbed. Affair In 1900 tire census gatirerers were Interesting Trips Taken Whiie Vili- ver; interesting eXpertý[-rn arid wilich Took Place on Sunday. obiiged, under an act of Coagres, ta ing There. nas wife tboroughl-f er wti xas a work nine bouts a day. This bas been ahopping expedition at ttriJze'ms am- Peter A. Wir zen, a Lithuanien ciratged and tire men will work an Santa Meurs, rruseboat. ou.-todon td wat saloon keeper, sas stabbed Suaday eght-bour day. Tirantes, iitton, partaking of luncbeon tirî,,n ,tqie at 4 1). m.lry lathn Nloardy, a Fn- Accordlng ta tire present plans thre tauntt- tSurrey' ano-e, a ir ali meie. tr'r ,in apndo lander, wlrerr ir.trled ta acîarate blo- enunreration willibe complieed in n i';ga Maarhattlntion lda'@ ttin tri i tir hardy aind anotirer Finiauder wiro about two weeka. Thre Edrtrr, nl in.ourateto n w " alu w r i.d rirte were fighting. Oniy tbe tact that tire ln point of Increase, according ta Lake (arrrty Inriepr'ndrrnt, mtrîteloi. caduinedbi ti,, iriieasé knife struck bis breast bo ne saved Drector Ouranda report, Olahorma Libertyrite, Illinisire. S A. tre leais outted eythiet tir's Wutzerr frour a serons wound. He and Washington are consiîcuons, as Dear Sir:th lafiescteirs.Ji peu4 was stabbied t thre aide entrance te tirey caîl for about a 300 per cent In- It nia; ire oai îtrest ta yuur readrri atcouditin the ru aitur- rrrnrcesnt bis saloon at 911 Teutir treet, near crease over tire force uf enumerators ta irear oasisofaitihe ellerieitres oi mY abuildings, tre apeer uwrr lrinnrtieen Lîncoîn avenue. of 1900. wlfe and self, while an a vista t abuildngstom pe a au Aîr-mintrivek Nloiardy warr arresred b; Police Peansylvania continrues ta lead lanma'y ed dughrer, edrntie, urrw Mm Chie Thmas yrr athieborn Stthre number or the force ofertiurtors, ilarryfl akins ,muattire, n lirtîrns rapere. C5,200Thoias rerulredttaiachomelesHaSrryHopkniing W a a reasutt , We bad anather pleasar\i'rr. of a tire corner of MeAlister and Miay 520bigrqte teac pls Suey nad.W bdapesa cauntry lits eat FaîkeAtoir. a -irîrîern treets sare ime aller tire stairbing. tire tasir. vayage, leaviug New York onrtrtire S. S.saiersrasa ieirtiriat k e sasii ocke Inlatire bouse and an Tire lucrease In tire state of îiasOrai,.uiy7lsrirr rui.aidtire cant nethe rafi ritdl prte ýry crasd af Lithuaniens was sur- wlll ire frour :,409 toabaouat 3,900. sirrîton exactir a wertk later, and ta bftiefcontientalud ctI' ii- iait w fnnrlng l, tbreateaing vengeance on Tire larit corriusri laPorto Rico"te- our deliglîtm agt rsuderalulrw tiere and witnerrrrrthrie hrref tire tuiai wh liait wanded tireir courtn- ruired 917 earrrîeratars. Nexr year nere there ta xviirame us. We rrrrtrred racing traI iséireld a niiii n-r rtridîe1 trynralr. 1,050 ma ieaIli be placed at viorir on tirrongi tireerriraties rf Sussexansd tire trrwn. On retnrniug tri Lonrdona wet 'iieWlcks, tire arber Fînlander, tire <aa aigSurrey, parsing nrr(st lrrteiy scelery, trrdndaoRis"eeerrtriiîruu wîttt eban I ohardy was igtiag, - -their ihante and alter irsrtakiug ais 0 ,10tda aeigpa i le waa arrested iry Officer Joe Potakel. WOMAN KILLED BY spiendidl'tea and liste-uing ta a graina- tirne af ail te principal Situa- and of tire Nortir Chicago Police farce. prirane concert retired cari;, tire navety au-tcree itirfte dey, adttrurr rrrrriii- and eataken ta tire Northr Chiicago CAR AT LAKE BLUI'! af whlchva« Imtnt!dot an rdinary larly ptrrnisci!, and tirhrýr iýiredrire Jala lie did net take part trire -horme ta a irousebrrst, namned Sauta day at Tire Toli," anc rît t1ir-leadrtrg stabblng aitray and renrained on tire Womnan Came ta Lake Bluff tram Chii- Maure, photaenririseilsnd tiassta ire uus_.ra sptittl rs rea e a fi cago on Train-Left Tnere ta Trans- aut home wile irer(-. My son-in-law udclas sot iedtire ic re stationebyascfoid- rt leti le-a a p-o nadocen liesutitril boats, wiclr our hast risit ai note arri t"-. vse loedt te oic ittinbya rwd1 e t EetI .le-a W..p ÇI. 9aa v rit t,, lessrs. A. B. Burton ro zrru of Flrriarrders who kept advliag hlm proachlug and as She Trcd to Cross farta a smali l latrag vllage, baatrug. ioadry and we were ioruuutisrinr toatatearît an escape. Track Ahead on it1 She Was Run swinrrrrrug, croqruet, bnrwis and tenais rvrînesjràg tire cast!ng ut tr- ligure ný Wutzens Mother Hysterical. Dosen and Kiied. beng tire duel amusements. whiie vr-ira e 1ul w1 un at ftennu Tire-s ounding af Wutzenliradt a dru- certa, musical soirées aud dances ru tir, en Pe0ace. w iî iiwlto er itiii ri rofr mntîc teature wiren iis mother, hear- Leaviag a Nathwpsir'ruri train at ereuing maire anc continuai round oiituknis rlctr atCi i.rr iug tirati.ier son liead reen stabbed. tire Lake Bufft station, ta rranr'rcr ta gaieties, wtirrch taire place an tire iawn, Bukinghadal, tet i iuîur i bhorst uta tire rooni eberelire lay Ila" electrîcrcar for Zirn iti c'.Mr. as per tirer phoata, tire haut; of whiiili tnire lte Qusen i--erttin rnrri.rý, of-n a irysterical condition. Dropplng on Sarah Soîrer, 2610 Rlîri avenue, Zion il, iJand descripîtrn, and whiclh nîgth-te ar eue o wrci(s)t o aaur 1x,vrl-r a bier irnees by tire bcd sire kisaed Wut- 'City, saé strrrck rs titi car as sire er wrth 40 acres, camprsrg a mi uenhhwtttoi(rw 1it zen repeatedly and tiren becamne an stat o Ias tire*truckIn lafront of iarm, orcirard. etc., ig ais tire pr Iltyma tar trip ta Llnncalirire ta rr-rrrrt ru; erynative village, wh.icb 1I bIt .59 ;eard agr, irýterlcaI sire rolied on tire loor, ai- 't and sas iastantiy kllid. Sire oai'yw; sa'n-u-aw. tentl aln o otrt oewas struck bv a nantir boarda car at It was ébaege living ou a irnueioat RIFrr .a r et once ad raying. tireGrand avenue statioa, J,:r-t east of! ' e,.bu mthvae fitted mnrite Wtze's wonnd la a ornai ancend.tire Northwesterrî stalan a superiar manner ta a nianhuseo we M S O II A ire wiii bie ail rîgint again lu a few M rs. Saper carne ont f trni Chicaga soan becanie aceustoured ta it, and trie R .C rI A E days. He was atteuded taeli isermon tire Nonthwestertr train andd tarled boat irastire telephane andelectropirone, DIVORCE GRO)UNDS by a phrysician. mIo leave tire train at Lake Bluff. B. H. tire latter beiug cannected ta ai) Landau Triedta Searat Fighers. Anderson, a Lakre Bluff man, was an theatrea, about 14 miles away, su, tiraI thrDtilGiaè r ioc Th sabig cured ao tir te train and seelug Mrs. Saper strtig- Bihcn i aile iiranlst uay Bllo Former Highland Park Wom- T'lokIre thabig oou he t butenllag wth a heavy g ir e started to concert or musie bail turnu aedesires. an Shows tirai Huabasid Made Mar- saoo *'icwastirena l ao.te utzr en pbr het sire vanted tuItwu& ligirted with eieetrie iigirt and bild Bre a eFrcn e ail artr Chcag au Waue"M 0a catch tire electic car aid ire car-t-ed acntnt sppy ai water iroin water t oWr eoGMrPyia alonsorahdCaitiro anrlWala tiestationatt r citpan; s main, in tiraIaire enjoys aD okByodMrPyia lonadalarge crawd waa Iniide eg h tainfi e.Strenglir and Tormenting Mer Sire driaklng aud amng îirem was a munt- :Tire car was caning as tirey iett tire riverlirte vithlal tirectrmtort ai home Cags iNarthiwestern station tonilAidersaîrlite--samunir aiwirere ie are etayinir hags ber of Flnas Moirardy and Wlcks iu idl fai o t 1 Spe tr-- imut Dow proeeed ta telvo irecam nre laved la anat-griment ads ud IedI rn fI IrSprsat o eut ta tire aide door oetirhe sloon, icclta failaw hmur but was sîrucir b; o! ome aI ur daings. Our first outing Fart Badge, la, Sept. 1.-Prellur. thecar Sh Isa wmanabot 7 orwas -s mtr trtip ta Londion. whet-e on inary legal proceedings have been tak- an a amali porcir ta settie tire atg-gir r o g.Th cien aarrivai we îiartaak oais ni"e inucireanat ea la a case shîch ir lii sock as iel ment b; igbiag. Wutzen was ire er a g ir cien-ri Scott'@ a nated restaurant, and tirea as hrave nmmai interest for rnany hin th ba an li ruhedte he reneduet aant 7:15 'iondu; nigirt. went ta Hydepark sud wiînesed a Iawans wiro are personaly ar atirer- bid iebr udir rrirdta e Tire Iinreu suriridover Nirs doar ad siti irisat-mstirrew ie tw Florandawy fraiscreaIrer.le oSoper,s irad . .t Lake Buffîast uîgirt royal review ai tire Landau Fit-e Brigade wlse actuiranted wltir one or bath o! FIns aay romeac wirici tire King aud Qucen w itîmau; tire principals. Mrs. L. S. Comfn, wife Asaian Casd a om. by Coraner Tatýlolr bt wae adjourited 0atirer royalaties acre pt-ceont. It was a of Fatirer' Coffn, thre veli knowa re- Assalant hasedta Hme. sirrornt a verdict heing retuned, ejitreigdslyadorno-frewl ensa iesi o MohrdyJered is nif frm he Te, tor tht dvelrie attheIn-ment wrns greati; added ta b; lising divarce againt lirer bmaraud on tire itociret, sîrangeat Wtznansudaahed qrrest was tirat Mca. Saper tîad taid tvrr vtravr ls iwa ierganaa rîladiiua ra fim.Tirealire tunued and rau nortr, tire coartcor sh ireshied tri get of aIl e ihavr ls ve ftergonso culadIhmnte îrnrsned by a crowd af Lthuanlana. ste Zian C'i, ad oarr ieîg aId tirrt maeestrea. ment. Tire tapers are now la tire Wuten entto hV arnbebnd heThe weatlîer %vas favoirablie and we banda uofirer attorney aud ivere filed Wutzn ivnt t tb bar beind tire ti tiin id tot etirju riere Lrad recdd iere aile ta take man;lirtîle tripe. One today. wslon sd tieeued ugalas t it eLaed tLtakeun f i tr letm cr ,1wsta tgur, a seaside resort, iviere Father" Coffin married Mrs. Nettie visa faundtiete baOintcer Potokeld ir yk aitt i on-rn îaw tiok a lsrge bouse, . A lgails at Detroit in April, 1908. inhte reordta hiagt-lotcaioun et Anrderson o rereu t ta eirr liecrtrakr'motariug ta Goodwuad races sud visit He frat met irer fBteen years ago. lath a tie Ntir C s1irg ton as tire transfer arnd too)k bvr gril). As ing Chirchester snd rnspecting tire vhen sire ias caupioyed as niatron o! tirecametue siilia aneWa5tirey reexcied tire etectrir tnackr ire Catirereral, Hon-e"sof, Parlimeneiq West- lire Rsiiway rensironie at Highliand turner lnt tire station irere. He St-- saw tire c-tr camîag Yiirwaitton mîtrAiettrrsPiteGaey, ak I Saetrirm-ag tre resed iVcirs, vb ivs si l a tie1 trissinde wvile 1 rurîracrl- ianrd stop Britishi Museumr ait cotaiuing items ai hase resideleitarWilliwedge farm near reae. antroktiai ta te Northir 7r-J t hi' cirled ta ',r.Suprini Sheireret i o ueosaditrt h ccao'ttion, folars îd ir tire crowd oai ' r est , ilg al toi ttrîrnec1ne:sud.tutecst tire cor lit tul icd ta crosrire trac ls viirsar was crrptiaa. Detroit and iras smace ireen at tirs Thougirt He Mad Kiiied Wutzeu. str-uck. Her iradv wias cacuted airaut Perbars ane ofcur un îoet enjoîsirle ironie o!firer rîsugiter, irer attorney (bief T rrel I. sa resptinded ta tire 60 feet and ivas badltu ritatgte. visitewans anc tri Harrpton Court palace taklag chat-ge rithtie case. "Father' cal! follom ed lit> Officer Tryon, sud Afterrlir Inqiiert it sas takea (c imurcdiatetv oppoirrte taont-r présent Cafinl la noms uravellng In New Eag Blnding rirur 'ilohardy vuas at iis tire ZlrrCity home. lits. Saper iras sirode. tit H sia aus aid royai hier- land. Fie Is bhlieved ta ire wortb home, via-t tirte aad art-ested l m. one soit la a salor s home and iras deace cautaing objecte ai intercet, ltrn $160000 tu $170000. t-s, Coffin Nohardy told m irat ire irad stairbed îvi chirldrea b; a previons mat-nage chien a i uili arc tire uated tapeotries la asing o! tire court an incorne ade- a man oun Tentr tr at-et and irad kiiled living lu Indiana. seversi bundrcd veares old sud ver; ins quitte ta tiretisuas! Sud rdiaary coin irehll lrcdavetWtzulictures, saine@rof iviicirare ver; rare farts of lite. tire top pierELLa BACKWARD nand ctrsenueti; exceedingi; valuabie FotDdelaSe,10-iept wasa vearlng, jirat rissiag tetosuLLB C WA Dad severai speci mens ofaucien t armant-. taFor Ddive frnl a.,S ir 0.Te L S. buttan aird srriklag tire ireast houee ! . MienG CAR heivorasemar than cuid hosL.nSi Tire orra ble leey bu Is ot anue day sud we went again next dayCa0fn iviicir ias been airticlpated fat- set-lanasaore. Wutien la about 35 years CnutrNln fEet i waikiug tirougi tire grenade sud severai da;s wassilied b; attorney for aid. He wus forrneriy In thre United CnutrNîu0 î~rîLne I-gadn, h lHt-a n i ul lo Nr.Colin Seprt. 2. Tire petition aI- States aary and came irere and start- Jutsd in Pecullar Acident, arsrenstiapetpureliwes ein lmi ioomwlgstatsnetemaTaeo h cd a saloon after ire vas rnusterenl ontthle lamons grape vine growing in a mec couple, Fatirer Cafin aira been grilt; t Fort Sheridan. 'Maiardy la 23 Cauductar Nolaaf tire Chicago » lai brot bouse. This iras a worid ivide of cruel aad Inirunan trealment, sucir ;ears aid. 9uýilwaukee electt-lc Ilae ivas Injred ntoriet; sud Iris ;eariabeariug severai au ta endanger tire lites ad ireajth oI Monda; aigirr St Evanstea viren lire iundred bour-ires of grapes ielonging tau ieIliUf ia r rsrpael LARGE FORCIE Of tell froathtie rear platfoctiof! a nov- tire King, vira maires presents af tirei ordered lier ta leave tire hause, sirai- ing express train. Tire train kejt on ta the varions iraspitals for tire benefit Ing iis Bast linrecface and lirreaten. MIEN TO TAKE CIEN SUS and badl pt-ceeded sevet-al miles ire- ai tire patiente, wircir are no dourt log ircr wlirtrirhysical violence mauy -fore Nlan waa missed. It vas tien fuii; appreciatecl. -tues, That lire tirreateued.ta cul off Numirer oi Enumeratars This Vear backed nptnatil tire canductor w5.5 I nmuât alsa mention ont- drives tairt supplies fro thtie stores la Fat ta Exceed Lasi Census by 11,000- fouad l;lng an tire tracirs. uncon- Kew Gat-den@, Richmond Pst-k sud Badge and bas compelled tire pltintiff Oklahoama and Washington ta Show scions. Busire; Park@s, ail tire propert; of tire ta du manuaelaard pirysical vorir ire- Biggest Population Gain and Illinois Nela ias ieaalag over tire cirahu, Craivu and i wthiu a tew miles ofiTianies Yond irer strenglir. Wili Show Good lttçreae-Conis Set-ose tire door way o! tire rear plat- Dituru. Ont- nîot enjoyabie river trip Tie petitiona isealléhgea liraI Mrs. Work Starts an April 15, 1910. lot-n, vatching tire trolley paie aI 5a ip tlic Tirarues, ias ta Windsor, tire Coffin ivus toridden ta leave lire ftrn bal place aloag tire overead vires, li,iricpai nrtject ri inlereet. tire royal vitrant frst asklng tie petrmission of Sixty-fBye tiroasand caunietatars viii viren tire cirala braire and le plugrged r-iîierrre of Wirrdsor C('alir wihe tire déenent and tiraI iresdes lire bo piaced at yack b; CeasunaDirector irackvards lrorn tire ioving train. No 'o -cli1ied lit Rayaty aant twa montra work of tire fat-mairhe vastorced ta DbUrand on April 15, 1910, viren tire ose 'witnessed tire accident sud il vas eseir- vesn, atrd opened ro inspets-lon îy take care ut 'his valummnous carre- thirteentir deccal cerussofItire saure lime iefot-e ire as missed. .1He tire publire. Me spent several bauts lu spondeuce anrd wiren asked 10 malte UE.tei4 States, incuding Hawaii anti vas takèn la iis home wires 1usd doing ca sd ariprticularl; noted tire retraira necessar; ta tire beli tire PartQ i> c. viii ire talon. avd a physicien aummoned. Hill bàtl famous aid reund tower bit 1n tir. iruseiraid refusegi ta do go, using vile, Tlhe figuu-esare based on thereortiait id.hesd vere injureti, but siot seý it entt'r.yv ad train wvir&cir a . abuive and IinsultIng languagefi. Otir toi GS#oýt« rCharIes 8. lome. qf1jolyailasd he vili socs be arolauid 1oeililt sUd ciureaqs visw le ohintW iallegalianus are mentioned Intitire peli- tbe CMW »efl-t th . .fl i- »J . 1w esd eurrouudins ScSt-y. lonr. FACTORIES LOCATIED ON STATIE PROPIERTY Every Factory on Laire Shrte Said to Be Built ou Land Rigirtfuliy Be- ionging ta tire State-Comnmittee Baya Making Land la Science ers and Ail Factaries Are Eugaged ln lt-Met-e About Twu Houre, CLAIMS MADE BY CHIPERFIELD COMMITTEE 0F MADE LANDS HERE, 1-Claim ls tiat hundreds ni acres of made land are uuiawiuity ireld iy corporations here, tire argeot iraidet- sald ta be tire E., J. & E, 2-.Claims tirai almost every lake shore iactory la buili on land whicir tlgittuliy belanga ta tiree ttie. 3--Claim tirai plers at-e rulih alnng shrore irere for express put-pose ut Ituls aitastîrundlag siryr;dlsclos-rd b.% tire', Invlestigatians, and If tire cliniis corultl e sabstantlated lanlire ccirrt' tire clalurs tirat at-e now clireani out airtirhe bIne prInts, detali napRai. arîrinrîhrnîrdrs of pages oI testimonu til itcurmeaary ev iieuce -tire e.stetr r) mtrcir state properlu' iras bee-n ar o nîurnutedi toc Bil; ycarsý vsl onrbte, i trct ru i, erab c ut fBrut Claima Numerous, Thei une aI cMairnts -xîeuds fraur tire \Vi-.runu'ir totirti,'Inuitlins state Unres ou ia,s NMichiriga Vu it the niartir ofîth liiitinlago ixun mi içkaug bath inca rtir csfoc rmilesi', tn c urilng tire rost s sIuaIrtsn docirage asurai ruiiad pt-aier- teienlaChicago aird iviote blockss la lire whiotesale districts; from tire cou- flneace of tire Ranakiee aîîd tire Des- plaines rivet-s ularg tireIlîlinois river ail tires'a; lu lire Miississlipi, sud tram (lalena onthtie irortir to Cairo on cstching &and and msiring neselsud, tire sarutir sloag tir e st sirore aI tire Tirat narly everyrvlarge factar; utflMississippi, iucluulng tire entire river W%ýankegau, sud tiraI every laie abat-e !actary, ls built on landi shicir rlgbt- frufAyielangs la tire sîate outIlinouis la tire clalar o! tire Chirperield coîmumit- tee tirat Suaday came ta Waîriegau air tire Nasibrille arr the survey ofthlie laite shat-e frontî lie Wsconsina une sortIr Tir-rpartcy visa irealnrast tva iraîrs ard lire resiîts oft tieir laves- tigattins are slaggering. ('hiriasa tipet-BeIri declaces tiat tire stl)îrirte iras cour laced rie coom- mit tee o!flire !act tiraI rnadreds a! ftrttfocramace Iran fitfteen amiles St East St. tii ail lire terminal Irralirt>ald ferry rigirta. Also la- ctruued lntahie niStk siradiag ou the masîr vihIci dicates tire lands lu qurestion, is a string of laires laNltc- Hency caunty approprtated b; clubs andsicie campantes, princîpal; tirs Knickrbcocker Ice company. Iuvolved i ir e resul of tris lases- tigation are a nîmber oI prIvate mant- Ina and fBshig grounds. covering lirousanris af acres aurd lu an Indirect acres a!farade land la vrangluil>- ield via; the future of tirefilsir adcdam hiers' ti Corporartilons Oftirese ire Iadast-y ut tire Iliils rivet-, a tream sîated irartirhe E.. J. & E. rallrosd wvitcir la tannage exceeda tire outptru suas tire biggesî hulder. Every fac- of an; aIrer sîcearninlutire warld, oru an lire lake shrore labulImt af rnadle laund he - stateni, iaclrrdtng tire ci est, r îusitaoflire uire mîlîs and tire WOODSTOCK COURT sua-rîflueru- CONTINUES CASE List ot Factories Iuvoived, - If tire cluinra af tire camaîlttee iralulVliva, Captain Waîker and Attorney gond tire entire fctar; distrIct below Farir;, n Stand-Adjourn ment Was tire bitl wfll eltirer have ta psy big Taken until September- 22, When urorreytluh(lire i-o else yull have Fiuai Chapier ai the Writ Struggle ta sacate. Tire factorles iresys en- Wiii Proirably Take Piace--Voliva croscir un state land ut-e: Continues on Bail. Atuerican Steel & Wlce caurpany. tara Producîs Relulîîg canîpan;, Wllbrir Glena Volivas ireaîiug on a Elgin, Jaliet & Hatera ralîroad, 'vri1t.aI habreas corprus betare Judge NorhShoure Etecîrlc campay, Arthrur Ft-ast lu tire circuit court ai Wiestera Cosi sari Dock canifann;. Vrools8tock waa cautinnesi an Friday tinago Tle-Tt-eatlng Campany, outil Septeniber 22. Tireaverseer, Lungtoa SaIt comanair;. iral ouItarn bail, wenî over froni Immense Value Ciaimed. Zion Cit; ta a muot-r car acconrpaaied Tire raIne ai tirelanri riat le hirld s.- su îiur,Crî apr Walkerard hi-ne, Chalt-mSu ('iipertld çiiuced aI $2.000,AotuIu lit' tatcd iis repart wonîll ie caclased vith tire genecai reprtr of ail umade lands ut tire state. Tire coînurttee, fBfteea lan rarber, ceacired WanLegan about breakfast lime Snnda; arurning. The Nasir- rilite stesmird dîrecti; inta Ire har-ior sud tire tomarttee made a abat-e trip, golag nantir fat- past rire iarbor sud sonti ta tire wtt-e milis. No Wauke- gan aiea accompauled theai on tire In- spection trip, but a namber ivere In- ters icee b; tire camrittee, lachuding Alderman Johna 'iorran sdHat-but- Master Nicir Larsea. Land Makiig s Science Mers. lan sreatlung a! bbc Investigations mrade bet u, Ciraicran Chirpecdieid stater tirat malrnliand irad been t-e- drîcuritir a science irere. He stated tuat un treari; tii tire tactonles ire Lua( utiffln short pliens bulit ont tata i - .L I- r u t i , . c rns-r rIrir tile sad alorgth tiri nortirera sides. As accru as tire rand siroyeriaboya rire ust-r lh ,Iultaericindena or alag uvonui bu' duî,uîed air top ari land nvouid ire maude. It via ssterithat tlue carînitee belles ed thre wtt-e nus bingru lrders irere tram South Ci- carge otanth' put-pose. Winauriegauu urs tire onlyl place tirat tire cornîrittee came asirore Suada; brut alinîrant ro banna viere apeat la lire invetgations hire. Tire commit- tee claiitaill Iadsa ta have beca made sinuce Illlos s'as admitted ta tire coutry as a stale, 92 years aga. Somo lime ago an engineet- surve;ed tire aid ahone lins of! hiat dste. He riccomamîried tire part; yeaterda>- and polîriedulOt Ibis lune Tire comrittee maires Mintir laailliradcat Ifl fat- tire stirue Trip Ends Survey. Wiiit Sanda> 's tnr ý aiong the sirene urfatLake Michigan frorn lie Wisconitnrta tire Indiana bonadaries tire legiuslive subiet-ger lads haves- ligatilîg corarnittee cumpieted tire sur- sey of tire entîre state, urîtirtire ex- ception a! tir shane lîne alaag lie Mi ssissippil river. Wirtîrte vulumhunous data final;y whlîrped intoansuIntelligent condition, lacîadlag periraps tire moat exiraus- tire enginieeriig aurve; ever miade of tire Illnois river district, lie tom- niittee menibers ireleve lie; are var- ranted ln ciaiming fer tire BIaIs, lands nd dacirage valued ti f ar bta thre millions of doUars. b; beacuas Pari;, Fariey and Carey ai tire Zian cirurcir ail o! wiram were iris vi tacasea. Tire contentian of tire petitianer la liratire vianIlilegal; anrester Inl'Luire ruant; b; tire siriff ut Mclieat cauuty. Couasel lot- Maliersili viii ciaini tirs Voliva vountarili accom-1 îraaied Sherif Waadrack tata MeHen- r; cannt;. Wirere Was Me Aurested? Tire point involveri sppears ta ire a vqutetion utf fnt as ta ta ahicir colni t; tire art-est took place. If, as Matir- et-allia counsel dlaIm tire; can showv, \'ollva iilliagi; snbmitted tauire tak- en loto custari; witir s vlew ta assorti- Ina tire ct-astioa mart;rdom, ire cet-- taluly ciraugeri iis uuiad soion îter ire reacireritic 1511. tatît. "ialkcr fiilirhe dîscirarge ot bis riutes as budlygînard, atayed close ta Viaii al sieltlIlatire nel vitir humi Aur attenirpt nu delîne tire dubues a! tire ex-chie! ut police utfZMon Cit; sho in retainesi b; tire ean as tire uverseers persoial gurard, s'as made rit tire hiruIna "WViat are Catrt. Waiket's dnrles about ;aur persan?" State's Atorney D. R. Joshyn asked of Voluva. "Dues ire bathe ;on sud dress ;uu?" Valiva ceplied tiraI. Capt, Wairt s'as priacîpal; enîployeri bu guard iris door ari Judas Frost iutrrupted tire exanrînaliona to a su;tat II made no diitereuce wireîier W'slirtwias irred ta ivasirVoliva oan ual Voiiva'e Couneel Under Fit-o. Deacon Pur; of tireZMan circi, Nviro la aiea a law;cc anti of 'Voiia'e caunsel, alupeaceri us a rr'ttess for tire petîtioner aad camreunder t-re fi-au .lc. Josi;a, wvira skeri Forby If iris serviges an conarde for Voiiva con- sisted entinely of teatif;lng In is iav- suite. Ar tire ci'iiited session usaI veoit Mtlrnsiti s cotnisc wtIl ondes-tor la foi-c, InatVoliva a deciaraîlon oaIie ci!ects. Volîva yull altemplta carry tire Iliticisuiti. thIe Appellate court A us il ot cnot-ocIn lapreparation. Resuit of M.arlng. As tire resait o! informations andi KIDNAPPER WASNU A GOOD MANAGW Record ni Crawe ai Mighwood SaId ta Be One ut Uupald Bisl and Mort. gages-Noue ai Melp Mas Evsr Re-, ceived Psy, They State-Ventur. ln whiicirMNrh Shore Mîlîlonalmea Touir intereat Ends a Failure. lI tire ciasing of Pat Crave's Higit- Wsoord drrnk cre sanitaurnwlltt a ulîstrers warcuanéb; Samuel Schwvartz Slurdcir er'earg, Crowe's iigirvoot cariýer in avec and tire sanita-luni ie started and Lu hicir irelaterestati îîrilliouaires of tire urt sirte, iln- clorling James A. Patten 'and M~e Suvilts la a tiriag ut tirepasi. (nase's saaitarlarn vas closed hoe. cause ire arses a $200 cent bil to Scirwartz. Besides tis ire is saiti eose ever; empla;e ire ias, and s anuirber or aîactgages are said ta clus- ter about lire sanitarinni Tire venture iras been s complete fallu-e andi (raye's effort ta 'upifI men affiiee vitir tire dcr irabit" iras came ta ni!. Warrant Served Saturday. Coastabrle Fred Rudoipir oIighr. land Park serveritire warrant viricir cîosed tire sanita-inn Saturda; about 5::0 o'ioci la tire afte-uooa. At ltse sanItarluar were Byvenien, roomers tirey sîated tirenselves ta he. No pa- tients wcre discuve-ed. Tire varrant s'as served on airant $200 vortr of furniture wilassaid t taere t> lima about tire place nul eovered b>' a urortgage. Action Taken on Rernt 8111. Tire closIng of tire aanliartrm lai- lowed business negattallons seves days between Ct-oye and Schwvart. No t-eutiras ireen jraid since Ct-ave started la Higbvood and reconte M1r. Schwartz denianded iisnons;. Crovu ut Bt-st aaked. for lime aud thoen, M. Schwvartz alates, deciaced ire iati 514- en a cirattl nirtgage of $1.500 te-a Higirvaod man uamed Malloy, wviei ire stated wouid prevent collection et Ire rent, Scirttz caiied ii "bmuff,» as ire termed ilt,sud gave Ct-av un til Saturda; noon ta malte todt. INb moue; vas produceti sud Saaurds>'ait, ternoon tire distreessvarrant vas served, Ct-ove vas ea ieisEvanstigi ironie rn Constabrle Itudoiph tac possesaion of i inlce and I loek tire doars, Mailo; vas pressatbut stated tiraI irebasil notig ta do vils tire malter. altiroag rCtove decisueti uim teiretire mnisu vra ieid a mari gage avec tirevirole cancers, Ct-oves record at Higbvocti ira been one aofurortgages aud non-pqk- ment of bis, l la dechat-ed, Hia tele.- pirone vas taken out, gas aud elecil ligiri and even vae- vas abiIoff, ltr nan-payment oftbllsand iisemployaes Salut-day, viren tire varrant vas served, staiedth ie; iradot t-ecelv.è a ceont of psy since starlisg ta vail. Ct-ave pnt-ciased hie firaI lurniaure far casir and Ire disît-esvariantwv ou thua. Later tut-niture la oOVOd b; martgage, as le a piano o epeur- cirased sud also a soda tounniain. Mis sîated deai vitrtire Keeley people 1s 1asaîid ta irevitrout loundation, POISONED 8V EAT- ING CREAM ur Woinan Purcirased Creamn Puits 55 a Foreign Bakery and Ate Themé r Five Minutes LaSer Was TgcsB Destin; 111, Turning Dsrk Colo- asti Dociors Were Summonsd-ikvsetl. galion ta Be Madce o Malter, Tirnec pirysilcans laboroti steaduly for mat-e tian tva ioront, aturuls mmnngtoa ave the. lite of Mms.WU$- liant lira, oaIWaukegan. Mrs. 1] was poiaoned, Itl a nov beilevei, 1» creanpuffa vicir eaie about fiv. minutea belo-e becaming Ii. A,.s oce as tire poison tact effect an irer, thre lairysiciaura veres umnionet and the. igirt began ta gave irer Dise, Sirela nov out of danger sud vili socs b. ail rlgit again. Satu-day urorning a ul ieinre 10 0' cock, Mca, lira purclrasod a nuis- ir ofcreani puits ai s loreigriibak- ery near irer ironieSire at snme land tld tire phrysiciens laler tiraI 1155 tastei bitter Flve minutes aller est- long tirem aire vas takien dealirly 19I, tulnng a da-k calo- sud nauseattng iradî;. The physiciens ve-o sumniued 1>7 ber ramîlyat once. One of Ire pufs sud tire contents of tire vouraa siomacir veresuaved sud are te tic examnileita determno the ex. act cause of poisosIng. The. affair irearinas ln the county court filed sud la couaidereti an accident burt la to bu ireirib; Stales Attoroney Raipir Dad; fal; ifnveetigteti. ln a vigoraus campatgn. George Pov- MrsIbla l about 45 yeam o ors va. fineti 40 andtiasinsd d- irans everori çiritrm wvulLarkl.425 andtcona for tire ai- the pirysob=iis g loeetiilleul a e.of liquai. sand s»&U u

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