CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Sep 1909, p. 11

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MD puIa d v on a. tarm. 5h. 0 lotdmât é Oertîy beforp meeting tucfr; ,W, âtittcky WsFt Wil- paU~.fisburg Witen litelo1)pe ti h [he ~ In 6 Stuckey retdTi o ng S StUCkeY Wam t arrostedti hla orangn Bey W.M. te.wbgen lie came hçonte frotm work ar the W. SI Wrelinery. H, t. aptatet iIhae ouid 8. Mt~an, Il"j ais-fl cier hlmmaelf trctru any chargees sas Ith 16 W, r c f ttiat of dt'aeittng bis tamlly. lie _________ , Ilmited thçre waa notblng wrong e Let Meand F~~r.hlrnwill ha' ,ent lu Kansas ('ity lomorrow. B6ehlnd and Soth Familles Sitîtkev is 39 yeara oli The girl Wanit Atm la 16> lie I, h ln Ib an and ahows titi'reslts of hia liard work, The ivo wéne In Chilcago for a lime sand Shorlff riffin Arrs.ted Girl Laet whlle there he hati several rlaa brok- N@ht and Man this Mornrng at en. ThisaIla wlnt 1trevpnteal hlmt rom -Aomis *b*ri they Posed as Paî4e doing biard work bere. The girl lan ne and c4ùohter. Was Clever Cap. large for her ige anti la extremely tUM 'betU Admt Oulît. Are ISent PrCltY. *ack Tomorrow. (FrontWednesday's SUN) Atte living ln %Wattkegan for abot, two raek%,as tat ber anti daighter' FUv.,,.W. M. Sîneckey. alias W.,il. Moi gun, andi Misa Clara Sutherland varea ~e-ted on seriotta chargeslaest niglt puai this mornlrg IY Slrerit! Oridiiu., 'The two tare wanted ln SVliemhtarg, Kano"i, naar Kansas C14y, wbre gtuckey desertei a vile sud four cbildrên to clope wth the Sitîtbrland 91irl. Tttey loft there six veekma go. Rince liIvns bers ,Sookey ba;hear OmPIo)Ymd ai the sogar rptiery anti ut the brasa> vaorIce He irai vo iett at thm engar reflnery and gave rip hla Job becattae lt a tao heavy for itiaL Then hi' venu to Cicsgo and elrý-. ienced th iea-troublie. îlié- tat went heekto the sugar reflnery as ulgit vateliman. Acted on Tlp. Sherit! rima reeiveti a tip a fiew days ago fr'ontrpoesdeut of the a'ty, tbat thetîwo did not set as tatheir and daiughtpr anti thai aoýmeihlrig mnuai lhe rong. Tliey fer' roomiugr vih sfarniy on te wxa'tside.IxHe also fotînd i othat Mogant, as hecans kiowo bere. liat lie-n knoori as Siuctey ln Hulirard. Tex., antdi li vired there for Informiation about [hem. The ansv'r Rali Stne-key vas a mîinister anti was wanted li WII iamahubrglie then wlred there antd learnedtiheb detalil. Stiietey wtt- fanteti bY is famlly on a charge of desertion anti ly the girls iparenîts for eioplng withb er. Arrest.d at, Ha- va-utai the place vheri' the Tvo roometi nuit arrenieti the girl laît iibtu Sue tfirst gave, lier nanti'.18 Mlorgan andt hen conteuêeaIiftai ha' plara, or Lorenr, Sutberlantl. After the Jul wat reacheti ahe Iroke aovt. fbo tstata-alber parenta bai always been hlnd as îco"clhl l i t-r andt ta ah.e hati no faîlt ttintud lier reaat- on for elepjng ailu Siîkey ahi diti Det sit.. Ohe satl itht ber lparenta fere 0 0 0 0 0 a00 0 0 00 0 0 0cO o REAL ESTATE T RANOSR " Purnîshai hy Lake County o " Titis andi Trust Company, Ah- c " attenta of Titie. TitIff. guaran o0 10 teed, Maaooic Temple Building, o 9 Waukfgan, 111. Louis, J. Gurnee, o a se. 0 0 aO 0 000O000 0 O0Oa0 0 O O O J. 9. Grldley anti wift)T iM -tat, W 4 4antiR. i foot loi Slle 4, Liberlyville q, v. $1l0lai, S. SGritile aaltwlf,ý tctli. E. Ray, lot 9. hiork 1, Neat,-rnt xtl .i, her- lyville loII2 , " ilhertvviile. Los It , llok 2 Stowellq t< q vr 'v îe t> t $6000(0, Hieury Selp atI v.'ltetai BroilFrank, lot la 'lllaga' tft,.ke Zonit, i. d blath atter anti aife to Jacol Wffts, Wasbinlu'oi liorel lot>%'ilatge Of l'olo., w ti $225» tO T. H. iiîlhert Tt' EC PThornîia'on. lot 2. hck 77),. lilgtlaîrd Park: w. A. W. Nf.ver anti wlfe to A. L. Robeu1'a)n. part lot r. iock. i. Apple. hees Skt, Bar-igutn .q i c. i .1. WKretîser and wlfelittA, P. Nue'îalekt, S- WlYt St tet N. E. 10< ffeet bt21. Barralerîs qut>.of ItunI Passing #vseHome tfere Discover Mrs. graves Lying Digd in Y*rd womfan *eil Known Throùghout County Succumbs to heart Dtièase Whlle Alane Heurt Olse IleSuppoied [o Hove Causeai Deaili of Weil Known Womn- an-Oeath Came Sometime betwen 4 end 5 O'clock Yesterday Aftt.,- noon whill. Mrs. Graves Was Alone ai the Homne. î (Prom Wednesdays Suo.) The deati body of -%Ira. MWbnlred Gratta a ite of Henry Graves, of Wadawortb f as fonnd lu the dooryard of ber home yestertiyaf trernoon ly sehool ehlldren who were passtng tbe hoise 'l'ey noticeti Strs, Graves lb* Itîg on thte grounti. lnvpiatigateti, andi roundit ber deat ipHest failître la lie- lilveti to have cauttet the death. Mtra, Graves wasalaiet t the home ai theinte of lber leat.b, ber husbanti andth ie ont son whoIlivea wlth tbem, Hlenry, belng abasent at the tjmp. The death la aupposeai lu bave ocetîrreti sanie time bAtwPeefouir andti lit o'cIocký %Ira. Graves wai> abioutt45 years olti and hailihveti lnt Sadawortb many years. 1-er buabant Iolaretirê4f, SI. la hbe motiae' r et.\ra, Henry Bidinger. of Nrirth avenute,. Wýaikegau. Other cbiltrirenate Nra. WIil rakine, of WVaitegan 'lIts. Pohn Theobalti, of Wadoworth; HQnry. ef Wadswortb: Herman, ot Forest Genno;anti Louis anti Ai, of Wignthrop Harbor. The tuerai arrangements are te he madle later. Sîrs.(iraves fas very weli ktown ln %Waîîkegan andt troiigh th. eount.v KOliLER OPENING LASI NIGHT Polint:W. il.$51 ji (Wlm Wedueeday' son.) sept. 1.1 19091. îrý andi Mrm. Louis koehier openeti bald. 3-z acrTh, lait w, To er 2j, their new restaurant Bismarck last laId.t'4 acret; w. da.W$,00s 7,night wîîh a réception, banquet and Benrn tjJ ti. $110dqnee. There was a large attendance EstatP of Ira B Rtay to , . G id. * dle îethe untavorable weather, The IPY, 4 lots lu it bertyille. dt{'d, wpe am Toten th oplg $7,20o. tOm as far Ra Lake Forest, Lake Roxana <'raburne et ai to ('hrls;i j Bluff. andi Nortbhtrlcago. The luterlor ap ltilo 7hik4, Tiffun)'s Id 1haîl heen tlnely decorateti by %Ir add. t u~Watikcgnn w, d., $70 loehlpr andi premente<i a gala appear* Jlohn Normant ant i wre et aii to ance Sljirliig <bleken, roai duckan Vida P. TaYlor. loi 4 tex. e. T2o fti. i val wer& servetilby Nirs. V4ebier.1 block 12, original Wa1ukêgan . c., $St. 1 Who la an eprt >rook. lier tamily1 Vida P. Taylor to Atnna Normain, condueteti a large hotel anti reataur- lot 4 (ex. e 11 fit , bik. 13, original 'ant In Berlin, where aHle learnMl ber Waiikegan; Iq.c' $1 first letcsons lnbuhtel management. Ice àfaster ln hancery to Ct T. l-tey. Cream anti pop wact nerveti and a decker et ai, 21>0 a ln a. 1 aec 28,I large numiber rrnaineti for th, dance Newport. twp ;deeti, $10,000). whleti Followed t t, -. e -j Mr.sweliDirémps.r Ourid'bthef are aIl WolOOIabut ahey a"e a yard around 4h. éhiwat only"for i#hoa wkwhàr à Nç>. 3&. We e5PVy e m iteck of St.aod Oyez- tq *.n eufit yàaa wthaulehop. pi ~ theat aleýeos Shorter or 1 1ip tb.1coat oli W bauck. We *iIb H2.D TO -F IT ta corne ta .eur store. They are iMat as, Oasy 'for uas ta fît a BY ono el&&. Io, -If yotir sIWe l'là r- regular, thi.-%tore you,,are huntixtg f"r le 1 &y A1.ZICHEEVER. iCOPyrigb,. 1. b ý mrtcan PresseArns AM od oiie ebt ln theenieri of Judge Bast$eisfwlvate ofnce WIL, to le admitted to :166 presence. ly tbg door opemed, sud se waa tu to go aI "You se, Ju4g,I'm bere agalu." "Y'es. you a"e bere agalu.", "I bave luit tome bock from vWsiUà9 my boy. He tQldp tu thank jon for your kîndueu tfo dm" "I suppose he wyul le kîntite you bimmetlt whon hob.,jpiýout. He fale you a terrible blow wrbe lie perruffttm blmnself tu faîl ittulad cumpauy and gof rino fthe pmif4srtry.", "Tii.7 fooled the por boy, judçe. Iudeed f bey 414. Whén tbey put hI4m on wafch befofe tiiey ro4bed the. 'bou. tbey told Mhm they weM only gotng fIg The judge made n0 çomment on thia statement. *'H's arnug iýa" contlnued the. woman. '*by gond behaior. if h. keeps It up--s.& h. W lI-he*il bave je year sud a b>lit o&f isteri..-Bt even'tha-t'l lej'ebl>ùrsyas£4 a at e erve. ,tsas bard MedesIt le on 1 ve troubl pay Mry rent and k- p bdy sud .W togetber Dow My hqultlî ballbroken dowu, If lio -4b eeou4mw for nie. I wial th&. O&prs of thre law could fim4 soma ~v~t4tPplug crime. wit out é -enoù the wome an sd my boy, fao, thegitla "Iwisb so. tou, e ed tleugj vlth somefbing a ila h 1g *Have you got f, fge? "Ibave, sud abp I>bysagRe.» b.~~~ wa its ingi- bo y otir brthaîJ'j s hu àh " . i W îWall; sud ta talk you watched every movemleut Caught ex'erY W tv~ bow as ira grew eider you were deiighted WItb bie smartayloge, luit asif 1no otber eIhl<isuid sueb thingg; boy you watcbed hilm grow Up tO W,_ '*Y-. yciu, 1t uuerataud wbat yon meat u aidVTip*tl»i5eIt yu Wthllt îny Itearti. 1wouid have llked to Save t'our boy. but the effleùe vas agsluMf- hlm, anth te Jury eonYlkted hlm. It WaS My drîfy toi Èeb$l»hlm. C.O» lu bere. say a ~ tdy n l'Il gîve you n~e4 ji lSs hlm, or. rother, £TlIeojUsrWlWttb th warden andte fletVp~w 3the dgt.ý You muet,*' ç 1e court aoou andi have a lot to do befors the opeîalug." 'Tbaink Yon. Judge; bMr la $1.55 left over tht t 1didn't »@,« M rf» iéuey Yen gave me for my trip.- But the judge wa'red'J aaay, tbe do,r eloseti behlini seweiit to ber deaolate boume g4ed do49 wltb he flremembranéit ou4I mnontas thrit mint e8lOf law woulti ceaseiepu» ber boy. Aid yetttj ~ t Puclahment waa tirat 4ep ted of support of lier owwne i, £ 5olig WaD o)f twenty-tîvo. ahne àirn ber owi livinIg. It ws u t l in uthat ber "lad- dile" -un a conrct 14 ettpoqs witb shsfét end r$ba*t f e<' ilWt A moutli dragged by. fier raunt via coming. due, aud tIers. -G with whlch te psy fi. On. sMorungn the olti womau receiveti a ber tu cali et th ire 111412. girsu a set in tise àab sIe walted for hdifaiu ii ou,. Thmna attendant opeued the d* t ,tà ludge'a privais rooin and Wd à"Il goWl Tht>jtltige vas turn*g oer the, oheets et ai. legal tiocumeft and id1 flot ludicafe that be vas a of beu -presence. Sb. ast duùw a aig 4 walteai. kreaeotly th. l>j u th1e Test sheet abd lent r *Tm h er. e .jil' ~ "Tes." maid the judge rimne ai mY eaU. ¶7vl'e qtl i 'rote you. i bellevs. £4d, it Vi iesarly 1. l'in sorry to'ia,'. keptir walting. but tbere's bees e Let me ae. 1 told vou"-b besitati -"wbeu gou lett me th, entaitre that -be pauseai gain. "1ati vUlti sdendi me vord Whou warden edisldered it' lest !for me oe.i My boy ,galin," «The warden? DIai isari the va enli 1 sh4wld have aaid-but nev The jutige seemeti contuse. R, put al pectaclçi OU. bis =aý se tried tuod4them aI 1o *o. Hoeo % thruv therS î4ovn sgelà ù. eePt-to Lbe door that l4t rot. openled Itianti sud nom t L ltow voice tu an atl;ep4ýi aaek te bis desk. he t&ok ont ~land salid lacoherent notblgtd,, hr ol i omau. Then muaeuly a do« 16diu'g ta a corridor apieai andr Young min ebterei. The,-d w»agmAbi. oç9keo et h% idaieti anti cnted f.eiWy:~, "immy!" Tiéi. 3foglr *vent teulier sud toda fier 14 bletra. «I expected yeur Jimmiy tu o b. ei&g ýev miutesbefore 12," osl tl bjudg, Who meanwhîle liati tount bslane and equanimlty as well,, taiin vas lots. and Ille basbeni . Ive aus b vet p nba fewn SMt i sbe Your -aktter AUKEGAN'S la rgest end bus- le~t bat depart. Meont invites attention to its $pleqdid of 'fat! stles & match- less, values, especi- aIly mentioninq the çelebréted Gimiil hat, in oth soft ap sWi shapes, easlly ttfe sold foremost bat at retail for 't jI~ It's unuguâl to find a showing of Stetson Hats sùqJ, as, we make. The Stetsoo Is without, doubt the mpist satIsfacftýry 1 it # manufacturcd. We carry'a ftl Ue, aIl the 'new stiif shapes, Fedoras and -Greaco, at s We make a special strong dis- elày of softtaiwnd Mffl hets at Every stye. that Is -rtpresented in the -'$3,@O -and $3.50 grades 1tb~ this pvk'e. T?ýhe,,qtolty Iseqsft môost lv"ses s'Uw,,,t $2.50. Wt -- ùp tins Prlttlnm-ënby nwlinwg -e values -âod .,by,-*iâfàg Jthe newestx*y A Vist to Our We show Manh4tt«ýis at $.0 2Wl$5 We m8wke shSîim rdr rbn$ to $5*0 They are rnaide rIdI1t bim îtêyftt. -t Give. us a trial. 9" 't - ~ Y',-' M= ILIZ.

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