CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Sep 1909, p. 2

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s .isena,0.eitr LAKE OOUNTY INDýW41 »iTRDÂY, 8j$Pt2wia*1 .17, M~9 -~ ~im ~ ~ i cm ue Do woa'l un vo wintef. A harvest pienic and dance %viii be1 given st th Dianion] Lake halai grouads, Safrday, Sept. 18, under thet -auspies af the Diarnon] Lake reeat1 ksepero. Dancing atternoon an] esen- ug AIl=kinofairace an] games, tancy rolriaing u]vaudeville. PlentY ai amusemsents. Fine music by Mitchell'@ Orchetra. Rereshuente. Al velconie. lir. Nelson an] dangb ten epent We]- nel^y wth lins. Poulton. Mim Loli Knigge, inoni Cicaga, = ot ailes ]a.>-i itbnrelatives inthie 1 wllity lat week. Mr. sud Mrs.jW lliaut Eusmanu $Pet &WardandeS unday vitb relatives lu Mr. andi lra. Benny* Kane an] daugh- tnt spet a tes days lait veek wtb relatives at Elgun. lira. lIane transacte] busines in Wankcgan Monday. Gypson Poultou, tram LakeVi lia. visite] at lire. IlarbY's ont day lait votk. Mn. sud lira. k e] Kniggs an] daugb- ter, Clr, viite] vith] Mr@. togeoflKniggt an] farily laift Snnday. Mauttr Kenneth Cooper, who bai heen1 cm thtemlck Uit, le lmproving as vell ai coul] te expete].1 U. sad]lr*. Mitchell apent Sunnay1 vilk relstivas aI Palatine. Mms.1T1U Poalton sas a Wauktgan e.liWueday lastvweek. jaek Miieu. roos DesPlahut.i lentu- !Mgaew djovtb Mr.,su]dlira. Wm. Ur. sud lire. edman. of Chicego, pm8uuday vitit iMr- su] Mca. Wm. VWe Towner, Jr., took a trip to Evan- a&= Imt Nonday. Mce Ury Leysnan bas hotu spendin kW bw agiwith her cousin,lMr@. wiu a". ûVop 0.1 and lire. Oto. Ot, Sr., re- Iwwnme Mouilsy alter a few days bwiam lu North Dakote& Ib. l000. Mtell snd lins.William 10 er Lake Zurich callers lut Ka w u ile and littho spont Suaday «M»uSuerm ansd iaslly vere Chics- ne vit onoay of tie wok. . -su %d Mms.Fred Kaiggeamoampsnisd bt XW Ch« a apostaSundaY at Diamond Lks wiib bler Sc:o rge.anp d amily. Vrai.e dw. Nickoy snd ismlly sisrted enu ibeiraturn trip te> thslr home at hbu1t Syria, font of the. week aiter a 6 gob'se I iwth relative. bert and E&0. Payne hm. returned from a vry ttrip through th vot an far as =Vis yellow @tone Park. M. D. Wel.s ad daughter, Ruth, re- tumendfrom a ew veek's vial witihrela- uivc at Dnver, cl. T'h. many rknjde of1llalph Rouet will bu glad tg kudo ho la couvalesling as raffidly&asposaible fnamn au operation pst-ormed Tn.eday fon appendicitis. The. Ladies' Aid society wili met Wdamusyalternnon, Sept. 22nd, at the home of ire. B& F. Rouese.Ui§. Rouie wlll luiabls work for ail presett. jMay tbere ho a fllUattendsuce. RobbI. Lmmena bas gaRe ta Chieaga Ouu asinesecunected with tht Orna- m" laTe CO. fi. A. Watson made a business trip f0 Chcago Tut.i]ay rtturnng Wpdnesi]ay. A large number of tickets are 4ieîg sold troniboe for the Wisconsin State fair. IWAUCONDA DEPARTMENT I lI.M.E. MAINAN, Cmrespondet s&d Agent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Misal Lauxa Harria ie enjaying a ssek'e vist f ith frienda in Cictigo. Mfr. aund Mr. Jahn Zimmen an] son, Lteo, Visite] rlative@ bers Tuee]ay sud Wednesday. misviola lMartin yl spen] tht vinter ilufChicago vlrh ber @ster, lira. Et. P. Hoaglani]. Mise C telia eary retunne] homne Satun- day ater sending a wtek at MfieurY vîtb ber sstsr. lire. H. J. Scbafltr. George Hanris, aur efficient miikman bai decide] ta discontinue tht milk busines noch ta tht iiappointment of bis niany patrans ta vbout ho bas hotu niast courteous an] delivene] a fint grade ai mik but be ielt that tht ln- creaffe of tht prieof mik ]nring the vinter menthes ou] camptl i hi i charge 6,ets per quart intea] of 5 cents ai beretofors shicluhehoeare] voul] cauemaay of bis tustarnereto boy of their neighbors. vba kept ont an tva cava au] ha] a surplus an] unîes be ha] tht entire trade mot thetotwn ]nring the vinten nionthe it woul] not psy hlm ta continue. Adrew Smîaers se undertan] bai decide] fa take up the busiess having s Jersey dsiry af bis asn sbicb mneures is custoniera of a flne gradeoa illet. MWe wlth him @occeso in the buituese. lir. an] tIra Jas. S. Haas an] lamiiy viate]d at licHenry, Son]ay. P. J. Miurray, of Chicaqo a. va Wanconda vigitor Satunnday an] Suu]day ., li. nd s]lr. Murray Brown an]dtfNi. an]dlMn. Harvey Brovn, imf Chicago, apent Sunsiay with Mrn an] lim' V. D. Kimbalilan] iamily. ira. Arthur Jacobîns, evbo bai heen spending a wtek with ber sîtter, lire. V. D. Kibail returne] ta ber home in the city Sunday. A nunheo iouryaung people attende] tht play at thte Mcfenry opera hanse la8t Sunday ev-niug. Obituary of Mrs, Martin. Dit] at her home utan Wanconda, Fridsy evenisg, Sept. 3, 19015, lire Mary Elizabeth lMartis, ageti sixty1 yeari, four uotnhs sud twenty-thneeà ]syo. Mry Elixahth Baker vas tht fildeit daughter aI Johustan sud Mary1 Barker, decease] au] vas ont ai a iamily oi tan @on@ an] ]anghters boni ta theut, six ai vhomasuvive ta maurnu wstItber ovu Ivelve uviving ebldren1 the Ioof aia niatar sud mothor. 1 D)ecease]d aabornin luelite o f a Hsmuto, Caiaa, April 10, 1849. sud1 vas about six jeara aid vhen heu ; rmtacameto Waucanda. One aiterj .h, m.r. Hunan].sudtvabrothe.I Enocit an] Chwkise veta"aabora la Canad ansd the. othor six bratittra an1 aitera vers bora iu this vilage. 1 lira.Martin vas alta ilgbîgirl vhtu she veasunis] linutarriage vitb Bernard Miartin sud thtla that ebe bore ourin ehillereu .11 but tva oI vhaut are mo n sd vout t sue&ailbuttIhmt are marrie] le evidence liaI Mh h b i @barsof oi tber lav, an] labor. -Shebi vasa devoal Cahlansd broagbl berj cildrsa up lunlte fith vhib combats] ber lu every triai. 8h. vas s good vile,i s tender thoughtiul mater and a kindi neighbba, bt h.r vork vas doue sud @hobal ogo ti im wbo gave bar lits sud hting. Sitelha]tu enil s long timei but the n] fous] irieudauprepare o t bear oai 1e sppuoscb.9 Th tutual vas bel] lu the Cathalie cburch Mosday at 10:30 . m. Ber. 8. P. Woalie, vho ha] heseu sr piritual asivlaor for sevsusl jears celibrate] th, Requiem Mass an] praacblug a ser-mou full ai goad counsel te, s lange an] apprecstive gathtrnug ai relative.sud1 fiaonde ai the dectase]. lra. Matia couiug bore ausiah. dl] aveu bait a century ago vas smoug aur oltiet1 setlera an] ber death takes msuy afi theut hack to the days wvben aIl o theut vert young and shen th cauntry, o vas ual vbat 11lato]ay. Tht istera,1 lira. Sarah Hanflon, li@.. Joseph iteily, Mmra.H. Hicksand three brotbers, Enoch, Charlesud lBenjamin Bauker aIl teetify as ta thet steuiy love sud excellent qualities ot teir depate] @inter sud hou Own twve uuvivlng chldrsu, four dangbtera. lion], lira. B. P. Hoaglsu]; Bessin, lira. Lita Wamîisy; Minit an] Viola at boute as] eigt snn, Vincent, Frank, Jobs, LlnghBenijamtin, Clarence, Clyde sud Walter, alil nov ai anly ehildreu cýas tht valse an] the lois ai the hent of mothers; but ail bave ber I-inimig anîd ber fatil) ithi h 'hem t and ber miniory io.ay le titI theut alwtayc, thaugh tht moral body in st rent lu the iamiiy buial latin the Catholicoeinetpny. 'Photo lie.. aig e,, Cim oe r .4. . .. e....,md Mdisa Gouavieve nyreterse] boute Salurday tram Tera et, lu., vhtre ebe bai heen attending Normal echotil ]nnlux the sumuter. idra. Grace bas hotu quila 111 fou the ptt ek, but laehetor at preent vnitiug. MieseRatl Crnuveil is on the sick flot thie w-tek. Tht Wauconda creamenv vhich vas rscently punchase] hy E. H. lMeyer bai hotu taking lu mllk ion tht pasîtvaw veeka and]inon ta ho put loto fui operatian agaiu by M. Meyer, vha bas engage] hie aid stand hy Win. licIoveil ta take eh"r ofuitht iactory. This vili ho a gaod thîng for ail theisemiere lu the viuiity an] they ail knov shat it meane ta have a iactory vithin easy accese whtre tht y kuas they vili gel gaod fair prices for thein miik sud the1 niaintainance af theebactoniet are vhaî viii bel p to Rivt tht larmera thei' joit prces ifan thein mlk far if the large1 hattliug plante ha] the completso c.n- trai they voul] he incline] ta bai] dovu tht price an] have tht larmersat5 their niercy but the local faetaries give theni eometbing tb baU hack on sud.lin. lieyere shoul] nov ho given tht ull support ai tht rommunîty. Mms. Tidmnansh Entortaîns in Royalj Stylo. Tht Tlimble Club bai hotu nate] for ite pleasant. jlly tumes, but it vas left to Mmr. Tdniarab ta plan a moat unique ionm of tutertainmnt. Whtu he an- noune]d that ail weretotacame prepared f0 take a tripono the Wauconda alro] entry nienben sas dtligbtod. Tht pleas-ant Tidniarah bame vas heautifully dtcrate], the lavu made an ideal park in ont caner ai vhieh vas the raiiroa] station store the membera of tht club gathere] ta board tht 2:00 train. It might ho veli ta mnioln tht excellent service. Thecolars] (?) portera, Vctor arn and Andrew Bange vers vtry abliging. aient an] palile. Tht baggaâge vas bandIt] vitb cane sud jut ai tht engineer. Grace Wells signale] far tht train ta tateveryonest'ramblt] ta hny a ticket tram tht pretîy ittie agent, Ruth Kiuthtnly. vho hing quick at change soon ha] everyone provide] with s ticket an] time car]. Sncb a tuml vheu the train stanto] evtryone taîke] at once, pnomiing tu write a car] sud 9gîviug theïr natta parting utetsafea. As the train ape] on tht travelera vers tujoying the rare oecuey v hen the conductara, Velds Riangsansd Eicen Kent came tbrougb punchtng tickets, lira. Tidmarah su- nouncti] that ahe hope] ail sou] tenjoy the trip vhîch she ha] carefuly pIsat] aud gave tacha priuted car] on vhich vas tht eecpli ofaithe uaiseaifeeli Place ithr=gli htbey voldpea. Every meuthor gasptd but recoverlng vont ta vork vith a jally good viiitu prove thte tresgth oai hein ymalter. Tht.jo01y peut vendons, Wllu Farnw nuaolisd F i. lKent sud lit magazine agtent, Mary tFuller dld a Po? butine« for the club ha] Iheir hand. and minds fll, but unliko mont vendons these g*rlà kePt upthoin spirite sithangh sas v2espoor sud collections dilfical. Aliter pa"eng thnough elives places ail vers gis] ta miist t Mrryvale for ten minutes. Thon thty resomed hbir jounney vwith . c eh aof eety &Iba changwesalimate. lia. Kent»sd)dM Jabus vers kin] tnougb to optn Ibeir "baskets" an] ditribate vra eta thase vho vers chlly. Whiis evrojae vas tlling about the trip the hosteas collecte] the cardsan]d in s ev umtauue anuced Ihal she ha]l prppared a surprisuilte forai of a prise for the ans vba ha] oeogias] the greatast nuthonof places througb h h Ihoy ha] passe], and b y looklng ab the carda il vas fauna]that lira. anule Pratt ha] van the pries, s besulfiai white slk sofa pillov deoraled with han] painte] ,ioese.thtevork oi th. boites.s wbi,-bma& tieimors 'alositie ta tht vinner sud conieqaeully made evenyone mars envions ai the uinneu. %Ira. Tidmarel ha] alea prepant anothon contet for the guetta and anothen prise in the inm aifsàiteantiaui hOue uug. This prise vas von by Miss Edns J. Greta. ai Oak Park. Tht last but uotlliait 01 the pleasurt ai the alternoon w va suttdefighiiu sue p ewhich vas serve] ou the lavu. Whli thdeclub taoto] of the ]sinty eveets upreai] oca dalntly hefore theut tf ie) bi .-uul o th eetpperumteof tii.' ituwenwhich gcew te ahuneance. STht lowera vhich vers sepeclsliy remaute] lin vert Uic besot4bal canna. RUGIN r IOThe N AMf ' ABANA" Famous River Ui Wsters'Damraacus, the WitrisOldtat City. Fur-nishlng a Naturel snd Unlimited Wter Supply, Pure vatier, luabundant iîuantitiesansd birout unfaIllng ources, bas pîsyt] au fIm- Portant Partinlu 1h.establishmeut sud dtvolopsnent ofltsé vonidîs itiet. This vas pecebafly trac ln anclent daye, hos. ions commenS.bstama van] vide sud the vorid iteeli >aarrovaeompare viltht osie kuovu taous. Miodernsou- glntenlg bau soived the vater prtlhlem, no malter 1141w diftiul the forutsil asslumas, bul lu tht vanhi's infsucy, arings vellu, brooks soi] rivera provi]- dthe tltalg pacsolcaravas ansdiln msuy imitauces, sounste u ievelopug hâtai populoa ansd important cities. Tht Asstiectitis. ai the -'niat iathtrly su- tiquit.," lacatie] near tht cradît of tht bumau rae, &fUdoubtiesi ove] thoir boginangs sud suboequent glory ta abondant supplias ai excellent vaie, al- vajeneceseary tb urban ievtiapint, but donbly soina a count ry interaperit] vlthdaert planes sud with an uncertaia audigtneraily imsufficen t rai nfaîl. Baby- Ion thttnetlelng alis af vblch are six ty mile. ln exteut, vas bnlt an bath banka of the mlghly Euphrate@; Palmyra accu- E ied] a volt vaters], peam shade oaasis; amacua. likovise an su oasis, ave. ite anigin. its presolt exitencetsas acity of importane, ta it remarixabie vater auppiy, provide] by tsi, rivera, the Pharpar sud the Ahana, tht latter lias- 11g tbrougb tht city an] hy its mauy branches, literaIy vatoring t he city. It vas front thia ancieut river, vener- able ln biblical tins. and providlug vi- ter for the oldet clU ty tines@ent existent lu tht sarI], Ibat F. tirahh o notap- pnopriately dras the naine for t he nos famions Ahanas Minerai upingm, of Li- hotyville, 111. No mort appropriate naine coul] have hotu tuggeted by tht entire pages oi bietory, as a glance at Damascus sud tht Ahana, in @-oute ut- garde the niait remankahîr ai aIl rivera, yull qulte learly establiah. Tht birth ai Damnecos bas been loet lu tht mista ai y tara, but, tollaving time- honore] tradition» vas onde] by L', the grandion ai Noah. Thithen, ai ter a long sojaurnuvitb Trrab, is tather, at Haran, came Abraham, the ionnder ai lte Jewieh nation, the greafeet o ai al tht patriarche su]daonofthteniait ilustrions af the nons ai man. W htter ai euggtst- e] by tht great Jewitb historien. .iasephus, he lire] Ion soute time at Damacos, or, as seims mors probable. made it auiy a trip haltîng place, It la certain tuat lhothorearaquire] the services ai Elleser. that mont fait hbul ai servants, vho lu the extreiue aid age ai Abraham,. hrought tram HEarsu. the beautiful Rehokahitahecomtthtviieab laac sud tht motter of untoli] millions. It vas R.bekah'sson, Jacob, vhodogst Sychsu lu Sama"i, the velI that hoars bisguait sud in ans ai the umont remous lu ail bu- maae birtory. When ve reuttuthr Itb Abraham vas horn noarly lbirty-nlae cealuie. ago, tht gros;t ant.fqoty ho- eomes apparent. KingSolornon conquer- e] Ilj topesd yeainiforethe dawn af tht Chrit" @ va, bot wILhbisl deatb il pe.ied ta a Synlan dyuasty, that ho- tomns a thora in tht side oai Lret. But It la vitb thé vsteulug oi Dames- eus ta vhîch Il oves it. long hlatony sud preéent îsutacmy as the, largest City i n A.itlTarkey thal vs ame concerne]. Wthaut auj great ilreteh of lter Iath or imaginaton. the Abana--Barads, Il la' nov cafle]-utay hoesale] tu have hotu provldenUtllly deigne] ta hbecoute the lit giving source oi a geat City. 1lta sparkling waters, cola alutatt as les, ara ual the pno]nct aifnutenous vstoehbeds broogt togeluhen by msuy tribu tary itreffma, as la thocaft vith allier rivere. lu a marnuer tuaItight voli hart aug- gete] the origin of Aph. "the sare] river," lu Colerii]ge's opium vision. of '-KubaKhav, i lia thnavuup 'nia- metly" bytvoimuteumpeitains. fed by irabtrrsean treauts like that thnaugh whieh Alpha 'sa n ulu lat toa alitsas ocan." aittr pasisg tbougb "thecav- oruseuteanreltie ta main." Thoue foutains are kuavu as 'Aiu Barîd, ad'in 0Fijeh.The fint cof the@e dom not, alter thteutanntr aifutost great fountauis, guah farîh rout a moentain aid, but risea lu a heantitul plain, sanie tventy-tbrtemile@ iroai the City. Tht litîle laits larme] by the oonitain, an] vblch ieeds the river, occuplea an lva- lion ai Iuly tbree thouiso]itet ahave the isyti ai the set, an] la sean tht base cia moutain, vhich explaius the sourcel an] extreme coldnes ai tht ator. A mors tuniultoîî setreani tian tht Ahana, scancely existe. For milef, lite Alph. the tîî,rrlriver, -îueaniieiig ith îîa vhere il tumbles dos s lu the tuf a 1beautifuil cataract HReiniorcai on tht DEERFIELD. lioshan] an] tht eparation t oramdean ticbloo. ni prolusly. At six n'elock tnnnies on, dmîn-dinut ini Mis Itatel ltîederfadt4is a ag neti le the reonion of tht parene R ildepated demýlaing Musi. Tdarah tu an etfire cti1,149 freti fîrte wZSk Vacatin. e aoyig hoi sanetime aIl of then mugu ho a royal tutertainen. an] watens, usno 0cily __________________________________________________ lever naturaliy vatered lire L. P. T-uId loue rturne] muni a Damascu#. tso merlu a trip in io lhîgl u ttirefurgo tten pas:t Cari Itumirlil'fît Moiîdav uornilng fîîur LAINE tht b A asu.'iauona Indiana isîre 4li. hOfitdiiig erî,ulIVA HOEtboee] ao the uuntî lira Haroli %se irs. Otieke as] Mi Mdrt]. alis', LizziKttbkonn.tteaingfllghebool rente]t by the f rail haut uuu.î istm-] ocecai Idisa. Stadt, of Barrngton. werre vry nt (Inayalake. bh. faitsu, but aihe foan day. laiat rek i l aîî hifKa,,,.Ie pleasat cil e t J. H. Scherriugo, Arthur [ltta bhs bec-s evemilyIli, theforth, trou'î heucath ltî Mir. and Mn .J. E. Sumar ~ îîîg-oday. Tennywon's Brou,<i," -i la Linden, liîciiiaim i]otor being ralisd Iu. in a tannent fthifqet iý lirm. Illîsl dit] Fri]îiy. ll'jt lotir lit,,an] lira. Hancs have bainenta -tw id. Att 'balace Mie Esa Peîîot i.,i,,, . Fuierai tfou]ay, the ISth. lnterma'nt in itetatiaig Mr.asu] lia. Vangbn, ien]. than teahudî*mt ipeidiug ber vaatiotni tii ifi,e itery on tireill, roan Lyndon. fil. tara a ic- lightr ii ilm Wooi]man an]d irfi », Itt, or lmiter, resttlu > a- Mr. sudIl ia George Follet, i flberty. Ahana, tîbus loi tai-il. tua 5~an, spent uuday uîîîiî i Tii-r17c voln tnoubleiilil vii-e, Ville, atteude] cchbSastiuay moruietgl tttms ILs bamiiy. r- î;:6:i e :q r 1 rt an i vnha <1 bsisit bi $ >~ t. bume, jînot-sedet Dsigh for c aDel in tire lmîl-riutm lir.C. M Hoyt sio ufiimriiuu. Vilu tigiimîtmbve>'ii u ,ty".l iss.Wstoe .yu rcaervtiii h larmectaa Pi Wlaetka. li, fni îr' -th, ~ IAtouirtes. "'tVifî e W. W. Clark muts-a lîerip,l iî , ,riîîl)i g-itwittnifroinegitiirînig Mr A rmr<d, it (l kapiî%MtSua- onfroun theuain riveran Tu-a.t ai ullu.uulultire blâfasou:Ir digo dra,-vthnrelative. ra of titis soaade.f ai elri carryt Freut nkMayer bas tso i isiiiari r-f '-Sa,îîily Veeitag s) t- 'adav ~', 1 il Wa.Wtr mryaslady gai &l iit i mi iiitesa intimlidatrs Tx.cfiel]. Tb- siimti-ritan utae t "j îrrI Ti,r*,'.ara" eWklie, »4iido«tbiiRuth glany af Daunueiî." amin iii Dowiicrs tli, Iil rr iga i e u>>rr i .t it. r-anus teil on jela iîii uDeuver LFumrn te mrgmim Mib u lr.ltoo l uclltiî tII. ri r &i ,Iî l i, Mt cîune-bribes any. 8h.le prapriiativetle.m itt1 relsttvsefrom ChiagiimUiay. rAis11 i.,uif tr na wbti~t b>hir gt<rbotWs. Mm j, meAutahilti - *.,.- h i Il , j l..trî ,ru # etii pîtai d, roraw*ap l hpie iti ,î urf t e 1%e Y. P. ;.n.t' a L msc,.iarn#là u enaiîgasa bmeve i ii C uru telebrrate] thoiru lth anicerrucvVi i , ; îitlel h oihnss ga aatt tftr dey eveuiog et thehoue 0ol di. C'1. lf l'i\ im i t ll]Ipm erwat- rtnltenj l. mlieîm t Mia. lai na umn e~J uiîi li lI r , .i,Z re RADU Bv3BI' i.Rîsctly eg&;rilr<, t Miiifcamîiiitlf oyl s he V ul r. i t îî,, ", o-ii.snvor bot an aquedurt, gnto 1 lonivWasslunand ittuil>. Ilapp1y. 1,. lmim..O. li,4,toI. 1EF4AND SORCIIU?à maii 9bu0 ,ockytareatm.etoi at luorne miiA ilîrriI mlili1ot .'q"fui lertt. ss«is.Wy.À.BOCK, (ai.file iuitlti b j l.'ta'-24;2, Prairilie s. R.inu Z e t gltto 5M --Beau ODÈMgj" inte titevereeat imita -Dr. Amýrntiiy, tinegru a hilitj,.l« bleh lhs.been ]ivili1 Usa0f -aiColsevi jt ueti. D. hecian. eau], 'aîol >ior kixley.,W yIWlisle, Ani#*rdI b.ieg wt My buia0tlnte:ii le, t4eu a essetusi litfrffl Imm .re 5clad Wbe.s the>'are altectit Ileui. Imdgr, i h] e] oufAmuea.J f~4 tsîoolg lintlus "t'ui M&% ilaialatie5. Fml layo- jolyaîsKntj lîeîiîdy tlîabeYl u. I.'ieBas1 u Om 10111hialIII& 0 *) Il30 kidusys, corrects urninary incgniae" , y1 î04is «Ill.jr """' M4 Ah...min"ora prilge boell IIIIIIIIIII0FmB.dtaLerr p te h.i OI Prarie 50sg, lUm#o ai~ its ebuîrt Coorse outil It neambos y on tanth mai e, tht City ai eta tem ple vai ii ai Fijrh, near ýLilue ail temple@ lae oi man, this tais stili rushes te ruine, an] like 'goes an larever,"' deep au] thirty oi but littit mare it joins thîe ma- wiltain an] tht îmnîg tumultous- gauias, mentioued tbîougb a deep Mta tht City. i"As masene," a repcent mci art dratru ani] these hy thon- I heir weaitb of ,afdtn au] thirsty tr 1h10lite and] tht vviodoandu bestawiug tht refnackallo in- lle, becoute op- Igeaitht worid's no.uiomort ap- whîly uryleretuiud, i are been slief- thîe Abnna ila lioI i-cut lutearth an] *sgtueers, Nature se age$ by tont ai rmade the yu onoh tlkcegrest iillufig source. I 'Ais Flieb. the of Ubertvlle. tg b p d n ti el el m n ii L y ti ti c t. trace of orgemie usltirbasbeeunatn?- A*i CU5p.Mb e~ aliy but inoneathe laisa hmlelyrmos Admtnltestu«î ale éof-Ral Estat.. taklug haalhh-glvlug miral, lin thoir STATE 2! uLIloota, 11ce-ik. ta..fouutains Ibat ssPPlle QOU~n orLAKE lie hope, promissud ftiution ia thberthrn. A. tl iD.S.Co1900.nts world'a yoaspr Jeman ud .111ill uail- BarilsO.Ehrdluremlettigot lugiy perforitutu finactions, the Aba"& estate o0Edgar J. M 0o. itecqest, ms.Mar spnug purfot& Conulanst, invariable RoBitT sin. Mary oardOlt sappI of pure, coif vaster. sud oo am oo «.t iiot Bulted taosei a ssyeminent E, vrt»u'ula dacrai ofthe oety Cojurt of ehomistq, this vates? falla to show a a ke OMtIllnos. uteeOn tithe IISsdel trace ai orgaie utatter. while ehargin ed ths o.ugsr. înts OW «e969 wilh more valuble minerais. ldoss not O! iia .Miasn i soeaiid. whoroln lieu boveer, equis a buulat a jdniii ffa4 HowerdT. li~on, Mary ard. (Grame Barri. Joh muo . oU~5oaot«e hwle good atar as housnda wo us andtsOto nldm». an d~de »M for isas.ta ao fi lbesse sprilge viii attest. "Ill the rositfa" of Ithe »Id dec«esd ta pair ýh1rodu on yat mnhcetuie et. 1 VinOu Mondai, U*W levesutlh day of for ongywa may ~ October, àA. D. l»t. M'.thtesamit oor of stht probably lhoertyvill. vas thei niand Court fHouse, ilthe QUIotWeukegaa. lu tss meaof largo aumbers af Americau- Otuti ofLake sud uteofni tllluols, et the diae, ta shovu by the number a ofndlasburof oui 1)OCloS P. m...seU et&Ipublic au ende t th hirheblder orca*htht folIow- rellescoverlng a vide range aud ton- luIn eeribed mfaletate. tuated Iluths Onuty t4aling msny rare atsinlmous that bave cIIanesd Stace 01I llinois. to-st: hotu sud art stilll holng ound th Ber. gn t uit lu thoewsat doseo th Thaugh the naturae. nvfroslmtnt of tho (III. W,3%) nt Section Uurty-îve IZ. township City la fint, ilmt av baeauetthe boalth torty-live 146) north of range ten V l est o, the givin wasters that attracted t eethird principal imoridlan. Il lu it ber-. heu hireenhanredand wen'y Inn etSouth ni ttuekyabonlgines, whose tnused sud re- Me urths;itcomner of osalet ithall Il erencti] "medicîne mon" uttded noithor ltcsomnitchenuesoucis onaalit quar îoity laoraarli sorombsisgchei- quarter lise lxty-aix (M) luet. tcheuce ett s cale ta deteimine thteneedical value af theStrecet itoosusweterteld Flers.thence simples sud Iheir greateat adjunct, north slzty-six 1661 leet te the Soath lines ntlot walier. 'tieenty (20) lu Frank Proctore esubiisieon ni Altihough tht tnierican Indian raiseilpart of the euethall(EX~) eraldqasnhirsection. no monuments aud wrote no chranicai4s Iurty (20). two bonirait nlneft sees 207) lisse the Aayrlans, tht Ahana watt? af test 10 the place af beinli.%Rsiaedin l tht Libertyville may weillhave hotu, In thetoas) f luecinthé Cosnty ofLakitluthtStace youth ai hie race, as hlghly priztdby hisma Salit Illumines tilllihe soit rirenandt clear frou a. vas the Absa fr1' t ht grandeon ,of the dower and honeutei.d richls ni Nctti tht lait of the Antideinvioni snd i. Matou. sIte of Egtar J.bMatu.ts ecedi. lunand tethe &aid prembs. Th. ereW. a tribe, wbo pitchod thefir touts and later sale are euh. A iteditwlll h.Helieeithes builî a City oecause there vac mucb the report ofsisalieae i.cenirmied by the Court. water tiere.o D lteilhs »vens day nf Septeuiber. A. D. M.7 wator horo."BERHA C. EHNINOER.Adnieisttrlx ni thtetate of Edtgsr J. Masou. deceaset. 70- EZMCZZ PAUL MACOUFFIN. Attornay, 1 Notice of Guardian's Sale of Carl Ernst made a business trip i> Rosi Estate Chcago, Tutiday. STATE OPILLINOI 8 Bon toU1r. ani] Mr@. Emil Frank a in heÇounYty Court ten pouni] girl Saturi]ay mornfiug 3Yvite ftecretal order oi the liact OourtofnIditConto.errit edt the Srptem- Barn ta 1Mr. sud lMra. Heury Bueschina lier terni oniosaltcourt, A. D.11111, on the a babygirl Mnday.application af Anna Balise. guardlanot Rot,ers. a bab gir Mon]ay.Rouie. mner, tii eil tht iolowieg descrlleit .%r. and lirs. Fred Stipani] lis. Henry ceci rscate beloelut te n"tidnleor. Stdintet Seip vent ta Milwaukee, MWeineday ta in thiet.ountyOni". . setateoi llinois, . t-ait: TeSuhthlsrty aoreof tht secbc si vislt Henry Seip ast tht soldieshome. quarter oi the outhesstt Quartesofuft cti il twenty-ionr townaslp iorty-four sortb range E. A. xle e attendi]ng thetuuptrvlsîîri nmber tene»Itait he third principal merl-1 meeting at Waukegan this veek. diln itoneptier therefroin the acre (if landt heretoinre cen"e eje aWilliam wiiiams l'y Mfr. nd Mmr. Alignait Fraeohlick tiitei] ieed recordedin luthe Recordere Oftice ni Wauega, ondy.Laite Coeoty, Ilios. i Bok t167 loe. aun Waukesu, ioni]y.1pge t"ncaitthe land nlcietIte tplat of JohnMeyr, wo lvee earDiam si ouet i sijtiton ta o ockeeller, belet ca eeb- JohnMeyr, wo lves tarDiaon i iidou of part ai the iothelati quarter or Lake bait thteuisiortune ta get his leg thesoîtheaet qocter n«section tweeîy-four omanbed an bis threshing engins while ln township 44 uorth range ini tat ai thet thrd threshing far Henry Berghorn, ot ilePrs1, m nerticoa. vshlch naît additiîo le Onem 1 r Inlie R teordere î,ffInt ofLakte tait ai btre lait Saturday. Hte asCoînty, Illinois. lunttok 3 fotPiste.. îin page italien home an] Dr. Stark, ai Palatine, 24 .8intrnIOt M11.) Also the nortteaet attende] biait. Ht lm slawly rtcoverlng. qure ril rhatqatro eti nmetwtsty-Ilye. lunîtownship Si oorth oi Mu. ui] in.Wm. onnean]lir.sudrange nu ber Il0 tact ut tht thirit prncipal melta. aise hetileele taety lotits soritai Me$n. Enneet Pott atteni]ed tht Wood- thtesouthwtot corner oi the tati hall ioi the stock fair lent 'fburiday. = uthat quarter of Setitîon lier int in tiolp"44 ortit ni range stienier Ilesnt(ifi Peter Knowe, of Palatine, i puttiug lu tht thicit principal meridîce to it renî tho Cenent Walkt ast tht church th$t lOere e xct 3rot. tee Shtirt2l mb. vsek. te the place of beoling. andt natilng uli acre*sof lied more 0r lem s-Alte c orth- A nunihor front bers att.ended tht tast quarter ofi tht naribtast quarter ni finenal i olins. AUgnet Vaelling testSetion. 34. in tosoillp anerth ai ranie Farfod tit Saurda. juridlan, eonttlsling 40 aces, more or lemi. theref rm the rleht-olsay .ottht The bal gameonslast Sunday btwen Wer;:n&South.e.eitlisaycaeîîcy. Palatine snd Zurich vas veli attendeil nos tht luit. Joliet a Eatemr a isa and a vtry exclting gaine. Tht score COIýP5Jiti ai t eeet.. was 5 ta 1 ini lavoir at the Paatine. anit the ntit hall oi the tect hallio isane inthftat quarter cuit thetSouthhait of tht John KOhllahn WIBcoM@ib baYIugCOyr. eaut hall ut the iorohsrs-t quarter cuit tht Omathball of thet hSi halaithteOrtheaut quarter, al ni0fractionai secu" snimber taut of!Itht thir,î inIplmeds.otaln in tht ioles, O untacr e,. ta eptlat thece- Mn. sud lMr@. Bidinger, of Waukegau,frInm the rgt-of-wuy 'ut tht Wleoosti are visiting with Mr. and Mr@. J. Central Raliaay Corpney. oias.e ecept- Sheidn. nlalndi. isttcbed lu c certain detit tlous Sherdan.John lieanam Mattlli. hi- .elfe te Alxander MienJuli Rud spet Sndaywiit BA"k'tatet thestoerih îdur of October. MiseJuli Roi] sent iunay lth .DOv. li.reroreeit he itecorders oMtu ber parents. ni Laite Centy. tIaullni. nBok 38 ni Dees Mr. nd Me. on Rpaier17 lin sd ra.Wm lyan eturne] ta OAis> comintncing t ttht ioiuthetacorser Chicago alter spending a vtek vlth of the Iuorthtast quarter 01 Section number 25. relative. lirre. In 44, uorth range nuciner i. cuoftetrid pricpal intriian and lita. SalmIon Speult SuLda.y vith Mfr. Mailngn theuace north uttees ruils, thsesot wst eighty rots, thoeesoutctisf teen rote and Mr@. J. Notly. ait thencc etct tthty rode a tu place of M. Klgor ielt] bes Buday. begijniing. cootaîffnna71 acres ot lauit mort M. Kagervister]her Sunay. or lemt AIso the Southt hall ni lot tmn ni tht nortis- 1 est quarter, of sectlon tblrty la township GURNM nuuber 4. torlsrange tomber ilititfutthe tht Y11oaing ittccrtbeit portios thereai Mn. sud is. SmithB Hughes. af M il. lessanîng atht northeant corser ut said vaukt. W... rt veitig vih H.D sut huitllniflot tien. theoce runulut couth- wauke, is.,arevisiingwithH .D. y on theestsItnut ofalit Soutthchali cx Bogheisud iamlly. huadeiel and tnty-Ovet eet, thenre weseiter- 1 m]Il wth tht north lIse ai sait soutb Ht.Bpounehrg vas a Chicago vioitar, Yaff*1ur huitreti andt twetînfe t. hene Tueseor thws'tcrly te a point shici1t tin ueitrei Tueedayt eutitfaithe Seat lIse asdtwo in nired lire, W. W. Appleyardin i on tlîe sick teet caUth Of tht north lie 0f sait iSouth hait, lit. thesce northerly paraliel wlth "idlit eit lise two ndsret icet ta Mid oorth in'. thence Mss. L. W. Bracher isetnttrtaining ber e"terly th nO setillit toetht place ni niec, Men lor, Mile, oLibrtyil. beinnng.thepraperty herel, iteicrîbeit niec, Mii lansMaxtyolLiertvise. cataig 31.2 acres, mort or lem. n .. Aiseatht atet ball Ot tht South haIt oftht A. C. Haianesatttui]ti]thefuntralaof bis tant haif 0 te ioithweett quarter oi Section cincle, Dr. W. E. Haines. of Bushnell, III., ieniber tbirty In towship -4 north oir ange Bnnay.costalulse 20 cres.mare or leust Aise thesubatqatroth otat Wells NottUnghaM 'o V'iitiug With hie quercer ~o ett5 ion rter oMtInteowtpn asaunt, lins. Lake. nimber 44 north ot rasge nimber i i essetuo the thIrd prncipali nierldins contiiing la Mn. and Mira. R. B, Dixon are rrjoiclig acare more or lots. oiîr I le arrivai îof a l lt tle îe eu.-l II Irniflih, rh lu u Ili- Misa Irva Nottinghamî raturuti] fo ler onoîber11ii siirii ii urt , iier l10ctsiiio thet fIrt principal ianecootalnleg bis home in Chicago, lionday. i.,ts more or les. JohnAus inandfamiy, f Wukea-, Ai,,, lot tour In RouIras addition xte Hoche. JohnAunin n] auîiyo Wakeguree-, being i hnlxltin aof part ,of the vers callers helnt etSunday. o,îl:en.,îqurt rutheteaittsturier et eecti-, nuinter 24 lu tawnehp nouiller 44i Mn. au]dlir@. Ou-mby oert flhe lattercr eitl ofi range fnur10 eccitt aitht thIrd part Of i at vtek lu Chicago. priniplmeritîcishicb "sdal ddeiiton, lu rlenritrthe cRecirtere af" f c iLobe lins. Leacb returutal front a ChicagoOlinty. Illinois.o. leofkuit oolPlats on pige 24 nodacument iubtr 42 211: ail ctoate in 10tht visit lait Thnniday.ICounty o a e unt Soite te ofni noi; eebloct lira. Hilcks an]children, of Waukegan, fth o serngsio!AusRui.ihlra Wila ase.itati. cd tueett visite] lMr@. H. C. Lake, tht llrst f ut et1certelnite lotelyJoRoseat -tilta. vttk. hin w~..e tr n Aeaue 02 ate folioe. week. log desoirîlet lrtuleci. Thteastihait ai the The lniny Medicine slîow leit toWu Isorthestquartter of sectionsDet latowshipu i8i44nocth range il aucetonitht thîrd principal Bunday maruiug for Daenfleld. Mis meridico suhicbliirace sas aterwrtt os Glertrude tYfiart won the match; Mises the >th day at Septeembesr. A. D. 19W,. Verua Young, tht clocix and lirs. J.W'recorteit Ina the Rde ri s l.eoaiLaite Gray, the sîlver cake diel,. Our peop 0Cpagey7 asltools, 10 1100hlta trggso art ail veli stacixe] up with soap an]d Ilaii on the th day ai Otalier A D. l115 linmen. eth11e catitoar iiithetCort Houset Inthe liuient.Cl,, ,or Wc,,îegcn. LakeCetoosty. lir. and Mirs. E]. Smithî entertaîîîed the ho, ci one ocoionit p . . etl ail the liitereu.t 0f ait mîsorin1andntetathe.sIii lreal lady frienda froni Batavia, Ill., the latter rtate ai pablie vendit. part ai lait veek. TERMS 0F' SALE. Mr.John Bennett vas in ChiCago Tid hl:i st i andit he eide mneytreofI Thnriday au] Friday lait verix. Zltie euc pyemnents. one ni shiel ecull le payableolohsoit dtht other lu twetîve menthe A receplion for Mir. au] Mr@. Warren trous the tay o ni nat"sle. the puccînser ta Flood vas bel] at tht home of tht gi is outs-th approveit personal securityI , d Ilusorirege on tht premseutsîont to secure hri]e's parents, veet of Llbertyville, laisixthr peyment of the purchnse-money: Pro-4 8atudayeveung.viet hiwrver, uondluitsl lie rectivet rfor Satunday evtulng. ici i, tisent, Stve buntreit dllIr. toraie Mie E. Ames, of Asbviiir, N. C., lm visît- miîoo, niue et lu ail or île ubave itescribeit ing ben dicter, MIs$. Hughes. rI eniui'mud f oi lupanen1aî0t.l tIre. Oea. Hollu,îd au] Mi4ts Stellal A ' A R .... -Oiirtiuu for Rhoeri oer Dtrîl, Sept. 1 1"0. Palinerton, ai Rumeiol, vert Qurnet, visitora lat Saturday. U afs ih S c A-Good Hfair-Food Ayer s Hair Vigor, new Im- provcd formula, la à genuinc halr-food. It feeda, pou rishes, Ittes.The har gos mer Youdly nced flot st an aboot mgt nd&I Hair igrtr nfear isapag- Adnatr h ol i your bai Tht n AyrsHair g h-or rvndrmtr of ththair ven-t ." aige ttere.1 Msd h tt J C A'eeCe. ewi . M3.- An pprtnts oifeed tayaun Yoenee net weiae*touatrîng d inure t e ot of trht. he Tanina Aychoos Hi Chigao.r peestre naure ates bt doishotarge thlle to w ohehi 741ate ai Ntioaessocia-e th -. br ticlbUreJ. c. . oui] . t horuglix _ A or unioty h itofre tu o un r wen Whouuiry frtu whie intrainzh nestuente r oeuflheygua ri]ininorgur th e in r icu .Iet oiet d nrtse inCisscagrin50 ee oeUe uap. tLl. wiopl are flglmlq khool bemur Crh naeap anpooraioaos we do hondief Te bu wdonsie treiabe, sta riun nar aes muorca li cepr tan .the sah n gi rae« hee r.been s oard pial thmoraun oca wfeo PItdnu R ICE S p fuly nRM .Fo f Ohrpacld ndstresnta t aea part aroient o rns, tpWit or ilnformatioel eN. 147 N.AKEne AVE. WHICAGO, I. PIN OS98 ad14 hep(ozCor insw I t..ow i-aeg nthretorni graes av Ie orer oen sagu in tret, nt t h loh.ul Cîghasand Tob Pao,; sundrfoA nfaorationd WMusiAcC Co. 132p. ite St. ul felg D111. RPAIR WOk EnLes Ovuagg lroed.A ui Line afndroie.therester- pairtd. W hiobl TE LY7ON ECo Librtyville ExIllinoi Machine Sho

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