COUNTY INDÉIENDENT OFFICIAt. PAPER OF LAKE OOUNTY Roc 1l tr, elter blehg divld.d1 two itghtWiaporti.. by r«»ascofc Ifépoe N. a. titOr'u ResIOStce TelephOfle No. 1141.L4bety il e EnctiStie action ci the. Villfge board lu chau ffl e t. 'oMaleit&% tÀoertyvwe II, " sSecond C as mater ti.nas e rals ia W5aLYÂDV5TSiN RTMMAtiE KNOWU ONt APPLICATION. thîrd ,.....y, ma i 4jnfair to t MiontMy sa borneof tarmoîy RIpTION pRiCE 01.50 PER VEAR STRUCTLY UN AOVANCE The. nov parta tnda that thoN Rockslez shed ha dsqppad fer SEaer ressone 5.dveliWd agat l and I ýU" .H.JUSý ......................AnM a sould not b.oteetd baous ~KELLEY------------------...-....-............................. City Editer m»eanotbint to tt u ee"tu vbisitaîs. It la où%adt lmpWe FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, lU09-.h thenamm hluit o t %rs l al Areato explalemr QI the Shldos- THE TIE To OJECktophy, inon as .xplansitton ila ah TalE UME O OBECT.demnanded. "sa people teho psy the. taxears the. cnes who ought to be cetlsulted The ti-a kbiktet..anda Ileu py public wor-ks are under discussion and they are the. unes te 931Y hete A"sil. e ttba lýake Boae u su hete ltti. Ua te ha apet In any public Imprevemeuit. And ttiUre DcAelossia. -ppoelaee totiis tointIomake their- wishoa knewn ia wien m*tterS araunder discusslaion . "seonca o»I let after tliey havo beon ddeldod upon and it la tee la te change Uthe he lac o. eReptak., pula o*retd upen by their repreuntatlvea i office. t ls tee lite te make Tih. nome Armea usanmch tu Wkdik aftor the rnoney saIl apent and the tas evy la mado. It de. ne good Sheldon, and eine. ho la tiie formale tièM Th è1y ofIcale orthemajr4t ofthen aywa, at oly oc ladof AriaPhlîte Phi, bhonatually Wt ~bs Th Sty ffiias, r te ajeityettiim auyaysraeny te gadlike a town nnaaud ta perpeetua te mever-y citzen take an Internat in city affaira and they are raady and famne Hi# throatu orefuuse te une. aMb t il timn stga ilten ta suggestions fr-cm ovory saurce.maSe In, good Rackt4lht postoOU»,akm e ýdh(fthiy are not tuy liava no buiness In office) but vlien they heu' ithe village wasa ciiangd to Ares 5h51 ~$ (fd.d the. village boad a ie éfavor au( frompu toilr contituenta fromone weeks end ta the other- they may th noo-combtànts h laok@ as il Wb 4.dmn.d Vor faillng lutote habit of thlnking tht overythlng th.y de woild tae .the trick. paewlt general ippravai. Tii. min vite knaws eougit f that la golng en Veforni an opinion fer himeeif is a mach mare valuabie citizen than lLkhCuirEhie mmt viie iota overythIng'run alang any way se long as h. Is net lInterfered Lk onyEhbt ifhpesnl Tb@. Lake County Agreulturai Sot porsnay.Winl Mate an exhubit et the. State1 POSTAL BANKS.c BrlgM.nilng prospects fer the postal livings bank blil whuch wlilbc 'n <tW . Ililglt durlng the. next session of Congre»s are seen in the increasing ooajrfty for teupeamars in both Nouse and Senate discloted by letters ta the. Poet" Savinge Bank Lague whose headquarters in thie First National Banke YheWWng have taken on a tir of campaign activity. Wýestern members of 'eutgreas are in generai arrayed against those tram New England and other gaflsrn tates on thia question, but Senater . J. Poster of Ver-mont, among otWhemla admtted te Chairman, Gerge H. Curner of thie League, tuit the laeeple cf the. United States in general need the. postal batik system. "Wheth-f or e sgât the neceesary legisiation n sgelng ta depend ver-y lîrgely upon the Mtitude of the. south atnd ,e- -, d.clared Senator Fater. "New Engiand. fori- èw"n % m amplesavi ne ba . fàc'!tîoik ndIavery m-eni- ïb - hoith à pstal asungu batik wauld b. patt-oatzed here in Newe Engiand. In tact. I tm Uuutuy of the opinien that it would net be patrontzed by our people te any 0 8aut Ou savings institaloen ar-e conseirvative, they are well managed: tey psy as a tuie four per ceut On the other hand. th0 west and the south §mmvoit. i suppose, the. svings batIk facilts titat we enuoy. If they urtte inýtu o f tii. it..iy leislatlan we sIal get iL t seema ta me tuat aucii 3 okaOW bhve of apecial advsntage ini ar- large cities where we have se WMY foreigaberx pompIe In my judgrent tiiey would patronize the govern- seolos1s iffl batIk. COUNTV PAIR CHANGED. Thte couaty fair *saison is in full swing. Berne good cnes have alrdady bIu1111011, u»M» of the. bt art yet te cerne. The county fair ta an institutionb.y Sl ka ibt aaplaceaonq igeducational agencieb. Ita tendency in civiiz- tspfflue corroctiomaL The s acrstof the fair lha changed 'n recent years, trom which sanie a 48e adcill. lut influence.This ta a mistaken notion. The fair han *' 4~i thuepomple WhO support sMd attend it have ehanged and the oes s "s"11 uperOMiai t1 th*e change in the etiier. Ai the cities graduaily gain ir A - Il lam ParlssuWltii tierural districts, the unban influence wililb.- f'Çx umm pe'eeucd lutthe. ceunty fair. The. people of the ceuntry demand M- Of t4 &ttretleus teikit the Cition can affard. They are lesa satlsfied ,<w11110 Ut.peeY NasufaturMl fatures of the. aId fair. f 04Ue esPOtltlv sxlb% ws e &il that made s tait, the argument of its '*ul0n6 MW*utb.s btter smtalued. This Voitura la important, but net ail. bu l'. gtluering togetherof the Peple ls n4re important City p~g~lav gaba1 fer rut. They Ilk. te apend. their holdays pfar frarn the uwiu rathoir cou lekfor mil-.oc oalake or fioldastitheut hsvlng their lesOopw massied b7eU~ huuan boilng. Country people, on the. other- hand, jdO'la -seueu voluere evewdeatiier; roit le In concoures. Yàs . le 0 abonapgblet thue noeouuuty fair. It affords oppertunlty Ilirppe.fusen diWieptoilf the. county te ment. toeoxchange expor-lonces ai Inloqiesabout s1oantreatves sudfrl.uuds. t ln the. id homte ides.1 AfWtioMl eidu»oe houi b.s eucouwgod, for tiiey are valuabte; live stock 44"*Wmare 1, e lkito ducational factors. But the uplfting, iberilzing toadosuuy af the reuinlmn canmet b. overloked-Ex. A LITTLE POLITICIAL TALK. Onte of tiheneua mînstrol ceupnlos d now on the. road preducea & littie peiltical talli. Itle non.partisanase a ruis. bt by reason cf the tact that it Strlkft honme sud shows the tondency et the times, it se tudicreus and neyer- faite te crama s hl. lu thte cour» o f this plitical tilk, cune of the. cemedians siys that politi- cal pIatter-ma are nt bult to stand on; thay ama bulît te get ln en. And tho foueh f olleys tduss ally, bocauso ovry on knews it to be true, and the trutel le funny weilent la applied ta politics. Possly the. days are tee deliglittul for one te taik plitica. Aiways there laeM sent uan wnY a noyapaper should flt discute the subject. ln the aumn- .mer tinte it la toc, hot; people do net want te b. bthered with pelitties wlien 1ht 40 werm. On tinter people have te think about cool; tio one wrants ta think àaM pt olSse tueMm"ole noeleetion pending. Bc that t la almest lmpoels. bis ta. Ilud thé. proper season for diacua.lng potîtics, regardietsacf the. fact that It la tiie one grat subjot tht ought te be dlocuaaed every day in the yeat' anti Ouch a syst.rn cf gevemument Io workod eut as teili do abselute justice ta ail mon asud aun tnjulry te nona. The negre uinstrel mati proaehes à sermon in hi& saylng. Whatever miy have been thi.ease wth ptitical platforme ln days gene by, they are ne longer constructed for people ta stand an. 'Only fr the purpese cf gettlng Inte office On ara tiisy throwti together- et this time. Oneo atine mer-e tell tehat a poiti. cM mMachine %%lli do, by ta& patFcrm, thon ho cati tell what a "lshell-workeel wviil do by tehat he saiys We have tic deaire te talk pltic et titis time-the days are toc dlight- fui. SBut If, whlle ramnblng af'utid thr-eugh tho filds or enjeying the seething effect of a dry gooda box, one shouid ask ycu what s politicai machine stand& for, acceding to !tg PlattOrni, teli ttlm wiiat the minstrel mati says-anci hast hie latagli sericus as il i& l.ty Fata thaya ti poucte - gro-wu in he i couty. John Austin ha the matter in hand and wiii lis greatiy ohiged ta anione Who wili nuiet hlm lu aeuriug the. producteo atii.couoty ta maire up the. exhihits. If anyone will notily hies where sitable products majy be found lis will -'te to it tuât they are oeiored and piae-ed flu the exhibita. The -,ic'ety lias ..anciudt'd that alter s.eing the excellent dioplayat the caunty tair tbat -Oid Lake" i, entitled tuaa ahowiug aithteiState Fair. Let oaci 0ne try to bell i Mr. Austin In bis l&udatile undertaking and notity i at once as tot what you ma.y have and lie will @@- that it is a,<ured and piac-ed je the euxbuitt W. E. Miller- ha@ aiso Peeured a nuniter of lîroducts for the tibibit. Speciai Train 10 Elkhorn and Returti Account Waiworth County Fait via Chicago, Milwaukee & Si. Paul Ry. For- the accommodation of pereono goluz tathe Cataty Fait atEikhoru the. Chicago, Mil wauk-ee & St. Paul Ry. will r-nu a 9eeial train to Eikiioru and reture on Septeuiber 211rd iud 24t]î ou the sehedule shown lîlow: Lv. LUbertyville ................:00 a. ni ir-aryalake ................8.12 Rouud Lakte_ ..... ...... 8:18 Long Lakte...............8:22 1Ingle8ide ............. ...8:28 Fox Lakte................8:34 Spring Grave ............8:42 Solon Miiis..............8:48 " Beiden...................... 8:57 " Armsby ... ................ 9:05 Zendi ..................... 9:12 Walwor-tb .................. 9:27 Ar-. Elkbarn-------------. ......10:5 Ar. Fair Grounds ..............10:14> lteturaing thua epeelal train yl bave Fait Groundsata 5:35 p. mi. and Elkhorn nt 5:40 p. mi. 3 .àEEIAet Werning. Do not b.nerouaded loto talg any- thing but Poiey's Hansudan Tar for chronie cougiia, bronchltla. hay fever, asthmea and long trouble, ne it atapa tii. cough and heala the. longs. PFAÂao B. LovEta. Do You Want to b. Independmnt for Lit.? Fire year-. with work and savinoa yl ni. yoju 00, if you inveot la a fruit fer-m. &Se. M. 0. 3oateoeor addresa Box 79, Liqertyrle. 47tf Bas. Ball Notes. The Ramblera deteated the. Autioeb teainu t the, fair grounde lest Sunday alter-cooo bi i.thllowiug score; Libertyville....-00002050z 7 Autioch ........000000110 2 Batteries: Lbertyle-liugen and John- son; Antiocb-O"no. Sesiti anad B. Van. Tie i.Lbrtysille Wèq Ende but the. Orayolake Cuba at ttiat town luat Iou. day attrnoon by a score of 14 toS. Why W. Ans Stranger. The. old Oreeka and Romans ver-e great admirera of health anad troaagti; their picturesansd statuary 'mado the muscles cf the, mon stand eut 1k. corda. As a matter of fact w. bhave ath- letesa nd strong men-mec led ce fine strengtii making feod asi us Quaker- Oati-tlaat venta vin lux any conteat viti the. aid Roman or Greek champions. [t'a a matter of food. Thei, iset feed for making strength ofboue. manels Testîflos Aftor- Four '(sars. <~ at.~. tt ~rn Carliste Cnter, N. y. O. B. Surhama, huik, or stemior blaek sp.cks. Ibis 1w rites, "Abou tfourY*ars 890 i wrote er' vives afte *dag dut .by eaStin W. E. Da&vis aitanded the lair in ,u ht ia een entlrely cursd of the, faim b pan 'it~uy' ~Ua Mlivnka Tiursay o tu w.k. idue trubl hitaking twO httie. a01 (iot tlaey et the boatrstla f- o 4LY =eb CG.Grileyan fln EIFOtIeY'@a KidneRm.dyand alter four aug .OnopMy. Ir yog iste .ulgknlot yàb thi. bankero convention have nverldtu tât of ttheOU«ages; Me n etDStigi tre bai» p .l te Cblme% Tsdair. hY umP t) anvidentîy cured ta lauge alu family yeeagu.g Ge rgLory and daughtert, eý'ciir-d Poisys Kldcey B.medy_________ ý'« jé!1mj iii do thegaa@ ot.or-"Ou - a KaertsIova, aremtigB i mut Mn C.là.Fuleran______.____ L. Te pefflog cf sgrIl maI bhaapoot. eeut Mia C.M. Filia, aS ~"'b" oned unatIfa v.k tram lib.e omleg saete.Mthodiat Services. i et2. 1eewiid e eotonr Pani Warn.cke, Wia Pr-aingi nnýnevening by thebhauta ho eEanii05 UeildrM mstwing- homae boe.for tii. pflt Ieonnlg eh Î.e mernag ion Daerwiil h. "outh,. Opportuntty," vwilchI t latii.Wuk serrabat . lg biglasebasupenlua- viii uic utpartieuiar- interet ta vouug out for 67108 1s ub I~, o'~u a vomen, bà iot aim.udoor*any pepl Mi" Pèlain Tkeil.ululidte t osabetort Il Wa ha-f. alré or wl S nr u e ina ou mt5. Bg. o e eby vt idney.t a l e r ta 1»0»teomt 6:5 tAng. Owm4 ALoeS.pohe kI&d 'w-u AND RECORDS A HT~JSSWATCHMAKER and JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. TadtiriICO. 8 Nae Y«k To me.oey. E. W. "PARKHURST Schanc B"ockUigÉMY1LLEU, ILL C ORLET &FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. J. M. rw' AUCTIONJ3ER 0» M meoe AWm m r Dte asenePhes 114M N.1 1 lod Avé. WMJKDIiANILL. THE PNew BARN 'Clybourne ULivery end r cd 5tabIs BEN F. CLYBOURNE, Prcp. Libertyvilla, 111. wuî usat trains et au I . a melowu npruqaew. WI4Y NOT NllkWashDayfasy INSTEADO0F A *,BLUE MONDAY", do. Prohi TJERE isa diatingul"- ed something a bonu t Interna- tional Overcoats that 'a totaly ab> Sent inthe or&i nary kind. Thia ja due inpart to the unusual amartass of the fabricsanmd thse clevei way ini whkclithe. work ia done. New and exclu- &ie Modela at prices that are This machine rua. s »weil folilsawben empty, aud il, k ruas easy on &mocnt of the. high g.arlng. The power in, applied oiýher with the bande, foot or both, go that noue of your .nergy in wanted la the operation. The "New Hiome" in built to wear, nuit the clothe, for the operator, but to %taud the strain th&ý It la put to. Every machine in guaarntfed to gfive perfect satitf action. H. B E £ When You are Fignring to BUILDÀASTORE, flOUSE, A OR ANY KIND OIF BUILDING Thle mostesential part je where can you get the material promptly and the cheapest. No bill too large for us to give prompt service- anid enall unes the tzaine. DO YOUR FALL DITCIIING Look Up Your feu f eed Wants and Give Our f eed a Trial fENCIE YOUR !cARM WITII GOOD POSIS WHY NOT? Yes, why not enjoy the satisfaction and comfort of a good @nit of clothees (iood clothes does tuot of necesslty mean higli prlced material. You may pay for the best cloth on the market but get a poor fit and spoil it ail. (lothlng is not recognied s0 much by the material as It Io by the general appearance. You recognize the young man as well dreeaed because lie takes cars of hie clothed. H1e wau particular about hie suit and he la particular in hifi care of it. Taillor made clothes are worthy of good treatment. Don't ,be satisfied with the first piece of goods that will hang ou your back. Corne to a taior and have it fitted. FRED CROKER Tallor and Draper, Libertyville U NDE»RWEAR W. are showlng this week a flue assortment of Ladies' and Children'a Underwear in winter weights. Vaiues that ean't be beaten at 25c and 50e perGarmient We Have Added a Lot of New Numbers to .OUR HOSIERY LINE adies.' Extra fine Liais Ho.., "Ând mcotiier atyhon lu bath 1»r par ... ........................r. sac lnfDwWhie ottn om ..12Yc at .........1c, lac, 20e and up Infate' blt Coton ~* Mn'. BIg4" hall Hlo,, bleck or LdadiW BBut Binait Cottonl, white tan .................... ..... a - rt....................... sac Four pairs for 60e A Lot of Pretty Oatch Collais. Vary Latent Diàlgno. only 25e AND IN GROCffIES riew (rabam Flour 5 lb. baç..22c Hae.osPenat Btter-this àlaa -Tihe but Smoked Sardines yau new one...u................... 15C eyv rta ....................12e Full rsam Brick or Longlatrn Lubby's Chlppef&emf. hall pound Chsse, poand .............20e .a1...................... a Swut Potatoos, Virgia, lb..4c W. W. CARROLL.& SQN- ;1- 0*»"