~SI ff T T !Torganisation tb conduet that work U WILL orI9CIATr! Suprerne Court Justice Ârnd of New York for thre incorporation of the Na.- Prenideft Tat and hii e etlr@ tional Association for thre PreventiOflu cabinet, togther '*. threft5flna- or Mendicfincy and Charitable? Impos- tivea o the army, the navy and ture. .vay d.partmnt o offiiai Il!., The petition of the Incorporators va, com$ to Walukn about tis B aye, according to thre New York Sun, tir"ne xt Yer Mn offict nt the ibat the organization la formed to in- tonnai opening O!ft United vetgate through the United States Statea naval traling stationl. the causes and eftects of destitution, horneiessness, vagrancY, rnendicancY, Thre announceme1iit rs.s made lent begglng imposture and appeals, de- week hy CongressiOaf George Ed mande or solicitations for id. It se Muud Woss( who with Potrnter proposes to create methods for the Chares 9, NWatsqu msae a tour Of discouragernent ot vagrancY, utendi- Lake Co -tv*laig postoffices and cancy, begging snd Imposture. takli'S m ejaunt. I ill u elp and advise in tbe phYsi- L"Wa ,n" sid 4thre congZres& cal and moral rehabilitation of Indivld- mati, "nU net year have thre largst uais and prevent thern front becoring and mont significant event lu tz hie- vagrants, tramps, imposters, beggarS. tory. It wil h. tbhe greatest avent airne seekers. fraudulent solicitors,' OU tie nortir shore and' one of the dipsornfacs, drug usera, blackrnail- large eveaits of the year anywhere. ers, beggug latter wrters, wanderers Naval Scilool Grows. and otcastz and nu laid the authori- -Thie Uutad States naval trailning ties lu the prosecutlon and the Imdi- mIiilI IOU n Ou-naY colonist tickets Be-rn trainp, bobo, vag and tom 1irom taiiono iliss taSeattle, Ta- Alfned Johrn, lot il, block 1, Ruicir- riro trayais nUl have a pedigreoeif cMa, 8oi a9, Portland. V ictoria, Van- insou & Co.@subs oir Waukalaa; n. ., the, plans er a New Tonker are car-coUver, Botlc,SOSiFTafliSo, Los Ange- $1,500 e@, Sat ba a Ciy Ogdeo, asti to dosena ried oui. He bus tncorated ta nork oh otlrer poiste est sud NorUnresi. W. R. Dirlitig sud rite te C. B. Mt iri ides sg proposes that Ue rec- Stapovers alio .ed . Mînor sud rite, lot 12, Wmsingto «d c! i ««7p mdicat,. fakir, crippleti Low nosw-ny tickets wnU alto ha no Park, Waukegan; n. d.. $1. b~r m bob sba ho ihedsud i behtween airove dates rom stations Nafi . Comteek 10 UB" H. Lord, befflta" bob shan e file andOcr ibtis raoiw&.y ta Mdontma, Idaho asdud ý eslated t sqaeu-y city of Ue country wsebntn stations on ile nen lina to udlvted bL! o! lot 10, block $9. ln te re, a islic poeed.tise Pacifie Coasi-tire Chicago, Milw&u- Higihand Park; q. c, $1. te s sga *m talira o-fldcuurypas ..& Puget Sound Ralway. Faale o! H. E. Hurd te Eda PH. In iM L teot utir P -8-rt Stop over wilisobeallowed onthae"eLord, lot 10, block 8U, Hihland Park" pot Spaal it u h apr tickets. afiording nexcllffluPPortui- ia»"P ggtseg, one o! Une hait tp ta st e In onterful new country deed, $1. . W",Sutai tit8 on Meaatsintaopeneti by ibls lina. C. I. Saylor sud rife tu Joueph ~s cgigviWr.rasmuilcaicyo!- For complets lnlormatlou rsgau-ding MoU, lot. 19, block 14. Drayers' sub. tub eweyWho awnieMadOf- otoahtickets. sleeping car serviesantiNorthr Chicago; n. d-, $410. ft« e tbobb«U OrVMstiO i00c -as routes sud trsis esr-icB.Sneamat Bt «Y "a 1tb o mety abadoaa tire ticket «Si t UnsheChicago, Mlwlaks.& E.IrShaglansd ritu V- .D. at br" e t" wk un iida bge 8O. Paul B"llway. Duscipive loldffl V- arirsll, ire Iota, Grass Leke; . w.il, -, ~ ~ arding tins eoutry lng the nW lice. bêt sM& ifl bM0&wotqgb tropIm V.*A."44 n"uEs, GesCseal ndwietu]E M By asug$WtM * 83gn, jiA . oeaadriS10H . .p Wilter A. Gilysa. Chi-ago, 24; Ada sirot, reuaovlng thes offensive cgar 15 K. Praver 26.ttiramniamannensas tire fit. FL ravr, 6.The equauimty of the tranger rM Cirarles HL Lambir. itnee, 62; Ellen Mained tllunrufine ,Ha MDifot Patt.eson. 59.'*enas lance aitiris instructor in west- Abel Jacobsen, ERacne, 21; Emmia ~mamnners. For a tlird thup e b PoIna 19. . der feetin bis cgar casa. selected as- George.3. Willamms,}llgirladPark. othen cigar. replaccd tire Caseand put 19; Oins' Clave!, 19. the e ciaa btren bIO IlPe. -The land- Geore Cuater, arl. Kchian, lord sud lb. atualbe facaed man iooked 31 limParCts, Miea i, ig ,at hn im nu sitmMaiiiof intereagi 3h1 T.ama r.t. Vicetc, 245 ±udfngsmtertiran trop mad tua fat Johnl.. . wlChcg,45 id ontwi, mnrked as that inttereet hd Wiliam 44 ,beau. Tirey faIt9Mretirai If tira younj Bnie D. ClarksOu, Higirooti. 23; teDderfoot again disregarded Une kind- Nells Pasome, Andersonld. 22. iy wraing gW-ec bito asu1 riraItirse Kaatmarm sma, (lao. 31; rW94 - woiuld acct ep . ould pay KNïw-ockadoigs.Wmekgau. 18. for bis ohstinacy nlth ishlm ie. Tirs Cosai cirnaitX,. agmn29, Juecia s, m nobo ddoue theA fing itau naseobia..~. e.absot rexi&cad isreyolver ai bie - ~ , ___ I%9 up, hslêg tic ides that titis girl mam~. POSTAL !MPLOYI~S 7-- srool wili hoe opened saime Urne next gant. yeur, probaly aittils saue perlait Of Mr. Portien says that bis organiza- thea sason, snila more than prob- tien la opposed ta the prnciple o! rail-,. able tirai Presldent William H. Taft, roading mendicants tojoail until ater bIs cabinet and Uic entire officiai fam- Investigation bias sioru rhether tbey Ury nU cotise te tire Sceeol to open and are northy o! efforts to reclalm them. dadicate, It tormerly. He ad that lu the case of confirmed "re construction of thse scbool hias tramps rho bave no redeerning teat- mande suob progrs sud lits compte- aires thse organization wnu keep ln tion iras becoma ase noceasary tecause touch witlt the police througbout the o! Uic naed for sncb a lachool, that couîntry sud aid lu breaklng up the the scirool bas outgroru lis postiou of bobo elemeut. Criprlea who uow beg belng a speciai favorite of mine sud ou the sireeta wiil bie Induced to take ean non take care o! tseif. There employmient that wnu give tbem a ouf ara seversi millions yei left, two, 1 iclent Incarne for their support. helleve, to complete the scbool. The organlzetîttu hopea to estatiishU Tp Se Great Event. workshops lu wich to gîve meni- "Naturaliy thre completion. dedlt'a- cante employmient at varions tradtes tion and opaning o! se great ea chool, sud ta nurroutud tlnern wth sufficlent so'-well equippad, and one that marks corntorts te keep them ai rork. Mr. a. nerra in the trainng o! men for Forbes nald thet thre organization nil the navy, rlî ieh a great and signîi- have a complete bureau of records o! cent evet and tlere wil be a large mendicsnts and beggarts o! every de- assemblage of dstingished Arercan arption, at.hlch nl te avallable for and forelgn guees that Illinois bas the municipal auttioriies throîîgbout- t .eve se, Itla robaie.the U'nited Sates. avnsan. ts upra obab e _____ R.PEERC ..00,AURIcN x LORER W=O PAITEX>TmESTARS AND>STZIPE8 "I gret doloie tat Waukega PRAY COURTS TO BE Tases~ dn AT TUE NORTE M&L "Ifoste te peMn f h -- --- dnblock 42 sud lot 56 block 42, rg school an event lu rbicb t it nubear MAD " EFNDAN S mal Waukegau rw.id.,$6,500.ffI~ l a grat ahane.- Real Estaite Ta r- T. Il.Durst sud nîte ta N. K.Jn D ltII 'I inainWaukegan's help ln makingr Argue at Racina on On. of Blggesl %.Je.-imaahe iy4a.oeSfnon lt . lok . Lon& uiliu the occasion one o! nhivh ne cans te Caims Against the Rond. Laecsnt TtteTr s e o. nlot Va ok 3,aLyonw. d.. $660. proud. Leitirhe vit of Une prsldent- Abstracts oi Title. Tities Guarantaed G0. R. von and rite to H. P. Peter- By HARRISON SMITH. anmd cabImet bha signallsed wth ail Ue The mot Important matter taken MsneTmpeBd.Waukegan, 111. îtdàitlf t5 yu n u.o Cî,vgt.tI.b mreu 'o.Ast Mi tdsre.Lai evevy north up at the rnorullug session o! the Ra. Lotte J. GilaEx, SOty. fi rudn Vuesu .d,$00. A atton i sirneclt Sin u ic eiomea.d d de cur Moda ra amoton Josephîne M. Plsk aud huisband 1t0 Firsi lIith('hurch, Waukegsn, ta liig sutaligbted train a stagecoas'il 4t» part. There airouhd lio a ceebra- train the receivers o! thre Chicago & W. H. & E. A. Bell, ot ln P. W. Y4 . ar.loi lu section 16, Wauke- Inlat frantder towu. Hia beggage ras tio comeutlatenIt L.ale cnnt'sMilwaukee electric railray comhtsuy Sec. 3, Grant Tnil.; r. id. $250 00. Wto tW. '.dW r0dtueddm frmth bot"an i gretcst levent. Uic openlng o! tiis askiug that they hoie nchnded as de- iLanra E. Joslyn and husband et al Adae1). Adams. to W. C. Gaies, hot euîered the office and barr of the ta,- greatnti." fendants lu the suit o! Thomas B. Je!- to Chas. Carlson, S, 46 feet N. 62 feet 18, ble k 164, North tulicago; r. id., er.Tsiog oui bis golul watih. lie . C t e Id. rey et ai, groning oui o! Une condom- lot 2, Waut'ouda, Lake Park; -. J. $400. glanced at the Urne. thitu reut oui Wak Ua.lstenai te the an- nation o! the land for a portion o! tire $36800. F, Stasik sn u bnd to Jan and on the porcli andi ioeked about au WuaeenItsupieadolg, route of tire ine. A hnillani au-au Lanra E. Joelyn and hushand et al M.ary Hudziak, lots 43, 43, 44 sud 45, ibougli expochlng nome one,.-Net see. P.rUicularly Uat partoo!lit rhicb mont on this motion ras offered the te Chas. Carson, N. 16 teet lot 2, l ock 49, Washburn Park; r. id., ing whlie e anted. hoe returued te aaked local id sud nhlch told of tire court by Atorneys Uines and Sponce Wauconda. Lake Park;r.t.$20 1,625. tire barroom. took a cigar ot ot a PrOPOOMd -iit, o! Praideut Taft sud o! Milwaukee for Une receivers sud 3P. B. Mathews to A. b il r, J. C Oit and ifIte toAda Bottcher. cae, llgbted it, tilted a chair up hi cbieLAttorney Kearney. o! Racine sud At- pr lc ,Exunoor Add. lllghiand lit *Itu allIage of Deerffell; r. id.,.$1. againsi tbe rau and net dem andi bis calvnahofiensia fr.hePart; .bl.k1.00.amed. Waukegnm, fnrtienmoue, nIll aId ~te r aaaio eoh. o n ak .O 10.E.A. ('umminga and nife to Ciras. On one aide o!fte ber stooti tht tire owtrugi, InnnClally, mou-a.ly sud plaitif iln Ue action.,E. A. Cummings and nife it eo Strong. lot 20, block 18, Waukcgsu landiord, on the other a reti faced, phyicaly ?f eeryman womn ad it ras clamed by Ue proponents Bollmauu, Iota 148, 149, 150 atnd 151, Highlands; r. il., $400. tlbeead mnLa inl*hr Mdo!tire motion tirai Uic retell'ars Cumnings & Co.'s Nort Ave. Add., Chas. Sti'ing sud ni! e ta James and a revolver slung to bis ilp. Froit Thé, opening o!flire ach ni îî po- .should lho madie dafendanta In Uis Wankegu; n. il. $00-0.Mangan, nd.&vied lirai! o!lot 20, in a back room cama the occasionai souti Mtlcase on accouni o! the fact Uat the C. 1. Harbaugh a.nd Ie taî F. T. block 18, Waukegsu Hghlands; r. d.,.etf*,Keler' lndlcatilg tirai a gamen as ably attract aveu-y maio! of i ln progreasa. pronance lu Washirngton sud thea daim riricir totals more Uan $130000 Hanlin. lois Il sud 12, bock "A" Laike $200. dtn s l one cftirhe larget agaInst Uic con- Villa; %. il. $6000.00.' C. E. Sayler and rite to Jan Hud- "Tendert<oot!" romarketi tire lstubh country 0,cr. hesals ft'eign d-ni-beardeti man. tae-les, ambeassdors, miltary sud nav- any sud tint Ue otirar crediiors muet F. D. DesWoc.y sud nI! e, 10 acres zlak sud nife, ots 12, 29 antI 32, block "Becnton." repliod the nuiord. al attachas, and Qthers. lie proiected ln the setihement o! tire in N. W. U4 Sec. 4, Wênkegan Taep.; 49. Washburn Park; n. t(, $135. "W'onder what b's gain' te do il dnonoetNo eea. caim. Thse motion ras inken tandonrw. d. Geo. Middendorf andi alfe le E.,.J, tbem fino clotires ont yere?, nolorssmcemePo't anaral. entaavisement hy the court niricir nil Johbu Iraving and wife ta James Ar- Uerkino & C. B. Smith, lot 13, and Ai tisai monment a lom miro may b, Congrsawuinelt'oa g'eanonamaut prohabiy register a decision on Wcd- mour, W. 40 acres S. W. 14 dec. 20, Intereat lu los 1 ta 4 and 15 ta 26. similariy deacri'ied as tire one ait th vaistadta arns it eur oa utnesany. Newport Tnp.; w. d. $240000. Villa Rica ln Sec. 21, Eat 4.ntiolt bar, excelut for tmc revolvers instesd ra mi t vrou cion.He did It la lannedto bave the issue lin y unigamsd i l~~ t~o! one,. ccira foot long. steggered ou net mnke a speech Tire facts devel- theo case trled et ibis terni o! court. CaN. Cunghmand, lot 8tsudCpart ! îq.s 9.sud0.00. ît n naa of thîe gemblng rnom antd ras abou oped ln the main conversntlona.lly. .Drnlt8adpato os9ad r . ec n ubn eto matk up to thie ler ton a du-it] but Uere ras no sesal o! confidence, - 10 ln block 2, Parkhurst & Cnng Jusph Vincent, 6.80 acres neer mben tie caoghit sigbi o! the sirungei isenca tha important story bacanmes A Wonan Detactive. ban' subdivision taînLlbertYvilhe; Deot Village of Gui-net?; r. i He stopped short sud irait bis eye frai pubicîlansd Waukegan has a year ln TbeIlîlinois Issue, state prohibition r. i., $225. $1E2000thîe golf cap ai the top oftIhe pictur niricli to pu-pare. palier, saya o! the Higbrooti roman Agnea F. Breen ta Annie J. Itelle-1 Raide Harden ta Mar). E. Tuts down to e pair o! "tootbplck" sroe In tire sanse of a hutastsalysis, the nbo secured enougir evldence againat lber, lot 1, block 2, Porehî's osut. o, rit lot lu Village o! Atioch.; w. id. ai the foot. The strauger. apparent naval traaiag sehool niricir President a Hlgbrood blmd ui to cause lis Druce Lake; n. d., $225. $162500. Ileti. lai lu irischatitentpogle e Taft ta toibeip dadIcate lsa.a school ciosing becanse lber husband secured lJais H. Senter and husba.nd to W. W. K. Nixon ta A. C. Amndra, ctedraitln bis charstndn g aii mineéboys will b. trainati for tire du- drink Uere: E. C. Hart, part o! lot 2, block 47, lots 12 and 21, block 2, Nixous Suli., oui haCse bm. The man train tt élcs o! ordham ansd able hodied sea.- "There Io a roman lu Htghnood Highland Park; r. id., $1. south aide, Watikegan; n. il. $175.00. gambllng recul seemeti parelyzoti ni maen ln theaUanited Statas navy. ireing niro should tie qualîfieul for detective E. C. Hart and nife to F. M. Steele. T. S. Wadonortb et al t.o Chasý Heck Indignation Unit any sorcb specime givez, a naval training and riratinl service. Her husba.nd ras getiing part Of lot 2, block 47, Highlanid Park; and nife, lot 13, Wadnanorlb Stolb., ot gentilit! should desecu-ate the spi suiaient te a higir achirl docation. drunk on liquoir obtalned ftromn tind r. i., $1 -Waukegan; r. d. $32500. Ralsing oneofo bis revolvers, ire aime Takea ati sixtasu Uey nliîhoe dis- pigs and riren alle falled to secure Win. h. Heulng sud .mite ta M. J. D. F. Wheelet- and nife ta Lucia, delibenately aitirhe sirangeri9s dga carged ateny-one. Tiee are evdence againsi the conceru selling Hlkel Co, loi 19 block 7, Wasibruil Aers. loi ln village of Libertyalle;frdadkoe ilt ui ri Uic youngest. tire liquoir. she nent berself ta Une Park; ql. c., $1. rarranty deeti, $250. Tire lnndldrd dodged bhhld tirebu Admirai Albert E. Ross la coul- place. tougInt a drink, savedl some o! Wmn. Kefen and ni! e ta J. W. Traut. and tir astulible taceti man non dnckt mandant. thUe tuf. and tumcd it over t)tire lot 19, block 6, Lenox sut. 1t0 Northr Tbe stranger lookt anotber cgan tire ___________ tomn marsiral. Tire resut wthrsie ar Chcatgo; r. d., $500. THESE MAY WED. bis casa, put is baud in bis trouai m.IdmfI5rosTnDan d t iming o! the proprietor, nio E. N. Durand sud nife e F. S. George C. Patter, Panera, Midi.; pocket, tsamtled for sometiig. tei HO ODRE T R A wIll doubties hereater keop Une Kernu t a 30 feet o! lot 8., block 2, Emma C. St. Vincent, samne, 24. oui a soilver match saft, llghted1 PROPOSED REf'ORM 'ladiea' entrance' losed." Parklnurst & Cunnlighram%' suh. ait (C Edmard Brander, Muskegou, cigan sud pnoceeded .10 smoke ___________ ibertyvilie; n. là., $200. NIIcI.. 24; Ellen W. Eaans, Mihnau. tirougir otbing nortiry of noticeai Schema sto tLst Description and Ca. Mariette, P. Stairl et ah te Henrietia kee, 19. irnppened. The man niih tri, neye ruer o Evary Man who Dos Nol LOW ONE-WAY FARES TO TH4E M. Horton, lots 3 sud 4. block 14, Lake George P. Whiluall. Milwaukee,.21;ers siood staring aithlminiwih a I Labor OATVoACHCAO, Blf r . d., $1200. Eleanor E. Zander, saine, 18. ' o! blank aiolsbment. TbaI a tend4 Lb frLiving and Keep Ail Gît. AII OATVA1IAG. Buf foot fromn the effete eut shoithd dIi lans o1 C*Untry Supplet witb Dais MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL Axel Johnson sud mIte to Alfred William L. Barry, Chicago. 22- Clo- grd bisnarnng not teoflasraitt to Pravenat Crime, Vgrancy, Mendi- RIWV Johnson, lot 9, block 1, Huicimt & thilde Desmoud. South Haven, Mich., pnce wnthi bis efeminate preset _te fesa-Eeydey. . . fotSptmG 5 e0 os suh. te Wsukegau; n. id., $1,800. 21. cigar case and Havancigare wras Evr fo eoebR iSto- Oc -1 - . ýn6. Mll e-r o u c,,,.. »ih for bili emtiona.l natuire.1 gbi the tb ced lEg- sed. rm »Ok bis au bad look dr- lre- ace, teo Pearl-h heer that Preàdy Van Plckle r-esgnd from te volunteer fire com. psuy lu hua home homo. Rnby-es. ludeeti. There ras an argumecnt about tira iros. Pear-Thse basa? Roty- Yen, Freule mantedti 10 ear droit Uns captalnsasiti drop stitei a.nd blgh boots ddn't go. so the dean boy resîgu- e.-Cbicago Nena. OPENINGO0F THE STANDING ROCK< AND CHEYENNEIRIVER iNDIAN RESERVATIONS Aberdeen, S. O., Oclober 4 io 23. b The openimag ohftire Standing Rtockasud Ceyenne River Indin Basrvaions in lu Soth Dakota anad North Dakota in October nil give about ten ibouard 1 people 160 serasof feutila armig lande for a »mal suam per acre. The gavormaent ires appraied thesolande t 50 cents to 86 peu- acre. I jon IltnO taengage lu iarmlsg or are now iarming aud nisb 10 change Sour location, nhy not regialar ior one f Unes. arm? ion maY hO sucesaiti lu drawnug fou- tirse lande. h Aberdeen, Sounh Dakota, ou tir Chîcago. Milauee & St. Paul Rai-Il way, aud Mobu-ldge andi Lemmon,1 Soth Iakotaos tEeChicgo, Mlwu-1 ka. & Pugt Sound Raiway. ana pointseoh1 gltratlos. Too cao registar a.yday fromOctober4 to 23. The du-sw-j Ing willtae placeet Aberdeen on Oclo - hon 26. Tire lanad Intire coontias to tirs east oh thees ressrveMo<ns nom salIs et $25 ta TbifIan.dop1li nill 180gir. Son a splendid oppoutiitl lu sestire nogdar- fuai country ipenêd tiruougi tira comntrue- Stion o! tire » Wer m e ta the Pacife Cost, at &OmUadsditionsl couli nver pour rail- rond tare to, pointe o!fu b htaton. Foidars reigaiflgtirle:latiopenlng tand tbe cousn a.0gtirhe nwline in Soui D~ot, ortir Dkotsansd Mon- lns, fh».. A. Miller. Gourai Paseenger Atgsl Chiclago, IMilwaukas & St. Paul r Ry., Chicago- 51-3 9Hiitir and Beuty Ad. 1- Cosmetits md lotions nUl snot lear 0 our compleiZon of plmpIo anti bloe 1 llksFoloBOriDo Laxati .a,i= ndgs tion, stamacir and lver trouble at haiuico»UtPtIOi. Clsses tba prw dle satit to take. sjsls mimdI. - LovmaL. Obeeý tsatsian rsit lieutan.sland Bandaci tis . . 764 an Lastt Bmone.lOitrc n-Bek-e,- 3m0 PrmionfodailS t' 8em. cTrere andtentt ol... ut.. ts.. 276 48 LawulXýyRee"elnB". GOuIni affie - - -oul ,tt .. .1 .W .95 se Survins te.dr t ... . .87 0 n2.284G5 Ctdtiirdfond . te .S. raseusemu taxesesit . Md15 O 0 t.teâsu.îiat... .............. ...198 lndtvtdtia tesoit*t. mblect 'tecktr 99,8wS29 Demaitt crtttteatet otdepnait s196»t 1 2 T.oLa] .1 515.2% 50 State oI Illinois. Cousit 01 Laie. àS5 1. C. P.nigt. Caier of the aboe-DMrs.ct batik. do usemsly sacar ltaitthc"bo-taie- mentintrue teOthesut et rusknuitdg Mnd belef.C. . WRIHT Caniie. Correet-Atte.ti F. t' DîlOND. 0 A mWltaT' C. R. ALLorAY. irtOri Siubit'béc i an .Orutotebei,- e ctiIs lomi tIs u Sssteutber 1506 E. M. KtLLEY. Notai, Puble. iReport ofthtiraConditioni efther IIRST NATIONAL BANK of Libeatyville. Ai tise close of bnuuess Wedneeday, Septamber 1, 1909. àf. 5M Ramouncea. Leans andi OaCoUnts ... 5.. -148,282 98 U. B. tBondis te scnre rnlaiot... . ô»O50 prenuituraonu iS. 5Bonds..........-5,5us00 Bonda. ncucitlea. etc ..... .. ........14151 FouMlttre ant ixtures.... ......... . 2OW 00 Otmar ceaI essaIe owmmot......... 5C4412 Due frm»S taSeli aiksa......... 150600W Dute irmm approved raserve agents li2&8 e Chieksasand omisercash lts ..... 143 14 Noies o! otlrerNCtionral Banks ..... 90 5'ractiomls asse carrane! nickels anti rens ........... .....- ........-. - 2 1 05 LarfitiMOM., asferre in Saut - vIz ssecle---------------.... 8854564 Legal-tender os....... 1 .170 CO 9.761 55 Secdenit iu usritir O. S Trealtrer lime cne= .cuaiot...... 0 Total....................... stet9s4 Capil stofia----------f B.O5and Surpol Bafnk 6w tdi"Videi soss .......seuss... i Deaaand ceztfeates of dasosit 54.s1 taSe t cinUo, Ceuni! io Lake asu: t, j.. 8.OrfdieF. Osairi. of tire abov-ss aalantu t S o te bat of My tDow randi bellef. . oamaru, i., 0 onrect-Atiesui gi5RàROB5UEK DirecSors. k S ul. e rb e d sM d 1a w tsM t h a i r s M MI diay of Betteimber IM. E. M. ÙIET, Sobarp Publie. ai le ai P( fil ut ai di CI si ti lu ba il t t sn ho considereil the Stranger, Wll C tV P O O I stmed 'c.w The stranger atretched ont hie legs. iet bis chair down square on the Iloor This le Demand eng Formuitad by ad tbrut his had ln his trousers Association of Postal mOfiiai-Se.0 ockt as b. bad dous before for bis Leavan Worklng Upard. Touards atch ae. The landlord and the the lher Paces n the Service tbble taced juan changed position sa as to be tartber trom tlin of ire and ThInk that Menit Should Rule of the man Wbo ras givlng Instrue- Outside of Politict. tien ln western manoars. The puptl drew bis baqd train bis pocket, lu- Time ras when pra.ctically ail the olosing as It ras supposd is i match employes of the postoffice rare polit- safe.'u bot ans0 saw wht It was, for 10al appointees, saYa tire Chicago there as no fine. lu a fraction Of a Daiiy Nes. The operation of tire cv- second a "buildo g" 45 caliber revolver I e v c a a r d a l r u h barked. and te pro fessor f wstern il beru ce a n bke a n g eA l nlI h rgh nanners feil dead.abuamaedcneluhsr- The surprime of the lookerson ras spect. The leaven of merit lan orlclng not that aomnebody badl go! kIiied. but f rom the hottom upward and nor a tbat it baid been the wroug man. They demand la put forth that posfiasters looked et the victirn, then ait the and thair assistants irereafier b.cous- srsuger, then ai ecb other. Then en on ome other bais than that of the stnbble taced man sald: pollt cluifunce. "Would y' mmtd. Mr. Tenderoot. The dernand cornes from Uic Na- shownu me hbt t eepon?" The tenderfoot dlsplayed a short. tional Association of Supervloorl Pont- ugly lookiez plstol. Office Employas tiratin meeting ln Chi- -Wiîo ruught y' ha. strangerr' esk cago this week. Themambars of Uic M~ tite'leuniiord. eylîîg tihe orner of organization thlnk they shouid hoe eh- thre gon euriously. gibie ta promotion to the positions of "l'mBritei, orer f Bia it postmaster and assistant postmaster rancit. l've been don ent oo a isIt nstead of being barred lu favor ot t o n î y t o k . Jb a t g o t b a c k . E x p t o m nlt o u r v o s p o t f c x to fnit my ann ere bout nonwiwtb e îhu rvospsofc r hebrse. Sean snytbing of hlm?" perienca but wlth politicài backiug. At thet Momnent a rnounted mano and The postollice department la a great a leti bore darkened the door of the business organisrationi. The poatolMecOs cashîn. Mr. Brimalea. returned the sainte in the varions cities are but branches of lis tnn. mounted the led bre. tid of that organization. The poatmastý both rode nrsy. ieeving the Intrutor ers and teir chef assistants, tere- in rtrn manners iylng ou lte Iluor fore, as w(,11 as their employes of t o c t t t e d e d t o y t e l n d l r d n d l e a s e r r n n k . s h o u l d t e c h o e n a n d k e p i 1 the stuibie taced ruait. "lt' kon," sat tet latter. scrattchlug lu office ont tht' ba8snor their train- hi'4 beati. '--y-t('t111 tutot i nl3sttell i11,.experlencc sud Iltuess for the Ity a itîttua itu Il.)w sate it le te work. h le otvlousty absurd that the ooi wliî lut."tun who have servd tle depnrtment "S1ec lly if y ' (1,:i t Lnow t het? littd lu a re t. aiacities and thon iearned o f g uet ht' c rrlet. 'T it'ttt bttll (tttgs lt- ste llt et mand f nîct ons should practI- turraîtte ntgu,'til tt a bt runge 'al' te hart'ed front appoîttnent t o D'y' kttow vw l, il. t*tleri" "Brîtîttîn l n sil 11 namne was. the itoitttoitaof lesrniaster and assis- "AnI o Y'know ivîtît rlitbain ts"tant itmaëter. hIf laabsurd, too. utci p t etutiv"t nm t lat the posirnasters of the citles , Jj.'ýfi li:ii ot yre amat ,;ould(hage it'veory administra- ter ' fli' c >tr tautIrotin hit'ago tû lon. ,otetoent mn shouid ha re- tart n rtui bt iee'Ci or aumpin îaitted as long anm te> demonatrate of n ricb fatitiil. Seri u an entift- competeîîcy. ment. le soots to iLI Corne. bCli The îtîîc a not asing that pot- meAnt thyiis." thucrp. nasters be placed lu the classifled AnO beyrt'mvet thecorsa. service. Nor wouid It approve a sug- Squsndering Ability. geitioi tho contin? appoluirnenta for Dolug tfci ow r wlteu te lger ls this potston to tbo e slready lu the posibe cittthneaone of tite grî'at it>ostel service.IlBît different standards est tntîltaof lîtttiait lite. Tht' shonld be estahisbed. The custom of saun e ring ut îtnony seouts tia it-ked nkn ottatr fIflet ol thiitg w itou ve tittttk îîf tte go-xl tftmangpsatraolielspl- mîglit te doncît' t lif, But wlîat tîcians shouid be abandoned, Selec- V_ haut flite wik ,d a ste o! biiiy, the flos should be made on the ground of b d e lil e r n e t tr o w n g w a y o f ! 0. 7 5 , fl t e s s a n d c h a n g e s h o n d h o m a d e pei'ittis 9i) pe'r centt of<tue's succeas only wbeu tbey are requivt'd for the ltossitly liti t bcîtuse lie ntot r traiei gooid of the service. ,e himneif tt use I. tîtgrasp I i t l mascbh__________ V- vigor fsud iteater thatlile eau iing bis in Utc inte ihie caret'r wltii lis niaxiinunu Report of tire Condition A effectln'eness? M stI Ietîple tante ttttd oft e Le of ilte rut Ithe tilts to!their lingera. e-Tbey neyer get hotd of the lite propo- ffIT tast sulhthtgrpad tenacity of AF~un AINLBN a puposeand igorof determinatiou M nI 110 1 Il wbich do Ihinga worth rblle. Tbey Ai t bei'iYviie tulthe Siate ofi litimi. ait e id mat bang on the oois;klrts ot thingi, -lofttetbiiiuest. sert i. lia. playtng upon the surface of their pos- SORS se sIblUties nithoul ever gettlng dutwn Loait. atdtti .ont. UiC lU1=9.9877 duito tbe marron of their being. rberse etlt'aIU aeured amn u-vued - 105 47 U g. IBouda te secie t'imvttiott. tn.0M On [t efliciency and po er dwel.-Orisofl PretI .ii a~ C. . Bond ... .. - i.ow os Bloud5a ititle ee.... ......... 7. sflCe ,m S wett M arden lu Socc es a c-'- *- Bautixte bouse. fum itîce an d nSaitre. i0,500 00 R.k n ad te )ut r' nes 1 ' 1 The Hose.