CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Sep 1909, p. 8

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BILI WILL 4-F CTWAUKEGAN Thei lli WiI, smofîg Othar Things, Provide for s $éD0 Licens for For, oigu Tuga FishingIinIllinois WaI- eeu-Lie0rU Mas Long Een Nou.d.dland WIII Do Much for tho Fshing/'lnsde.-BfIl as Support. Wlien Governor Doiteen calla t-he spatial ansembly of thte Illinois legIala- ture, lu thteusear future, two Items ot mucl I (tereit 10 Lakte county will probably lie taken op. Thte first la -cansiaderation of a commission plan of Sovernmeitt for cties. whlch wtll lie taken op If bacicers of the plan can indue. the goveruor to aId il to thte Cali, sud thte second wll lie a fishing bil t-bt vas drattel by CaptaIt Rich- -ad Bmith of Waukegan sud whicl is1 certain to colie up sud almost as cer- taintauie passed. .'The bll le ta lie placed ou tbe cal for the assembily and lts passage ia aaaured by te backlng of Speaker *Shurtiefr o! the houge, o! Represeata- tive A& K. Stearus and, t ail proba- 1,1111, o! Goveritor Deneen. Baides ltes. a Repubican club lu Chicago vitit a memberetip of 2,000 la pledged lunte support Provides for $M0 License. Thil l t1 a onetat suuoitg'other Items, vIN place a itesvy license on Ilol-reBideut Afing for t-le nmarket. Ivas drafle for te protection o! Ililots flermen sud provides for s $200 licenne on au out o! stats tuge that comete 10Illinois waters 10fIlih. tha licos. wiUl stop. to'a great, de- grea, the habit of Wiaconsin sud other nIaiS fishermen of comiug 10 Illinos doning the loned season at thbe home sahlng point. Pi*lang B.d. Aimot Ruined. Illinos flahlng lieds bave been a- muet ruineI by t-lit practice, forelgn Mraenlribg 10mare an large hattis sa possible during the Uis t-bey St hwensd 1*118 no mesaures 10 pro- tact tliterli éo!flte Inde an titey do on home grounda. Every year --ny tuilecoeeharo fnom Wisconsin- Otmien tatea lave Protection. Michigan 'with aver 200 miles o! n*am. las a $200 non-resdont licene.. Wbseouste bas a non-resldont license o stric tht any persan Ifsilg lu Wlscosian sd not- a esident ot.e .1510 muât pay $1 for tse pivilege. Illinos vith is lt ew mles o! shore has no proldellon o! tiI kind wliat- e-verand l la for t-is se" uthat tae bil va. dralted. The bill couteasn othar mesaures that are to b. kept secretutil leabrouglt np lu lte leghsltune. Capt. Smith Draft. 8i1i. leptain Smih, vho dratelt.e bih, liasdoM umre titan almost sny oter mas fto& thte laires for lte protection 09 thbe fting raIs and hmn ben prgenettluaiau moyen 10 protet li. rM«en sd to ecure uniforux lave o! ahi staIs. borderng on te labos. H. lua Binapronlinent- (nte propogalion o! Bah aOjln lU almovements 10 bett-er tbe trsile on te laites. L&KE O0U~X l»E~>*I<~~. flIDO&Y, SI~P1~IM~~ 17, 1909 _______________________________________________________ i - etr eet Balon-kee.per telephone t-o the MISSTMf>,,R =,LTS IN Northt Chlcago police stationti hat a DEAllI 0r CHLD mna b.d mt bren titere and bad tried to seil hlm a rig Rt a suspiclitîîly low MnadBb.P-ne onTv price. Chie! Wier suswereu tke pfllMsntirnd Baby PlofngedDoW nw andi interceptai and arrested lte man lie Fgtso Bars We et~ Commonweathi and Fourteentit Chodinck Missed s Stop ln Dark- etreets.nese-rcture of Skuli and Hemnor. nhage of Brsln Caused the. Destis- Inquest Verdict Accident. APPENDICITIS fATAL TO WAUIKEGAN LADY bis boarding bouise on Magt street Had ive inWaueganSine SvenSuuday evening, Iuatz bodinck crush- Mdth Oiv d andega BluterSeof ed tite life from a baby lie carrted ln Larg Cirle o Frinds. Wasbis arms, by falling on top of It The Graduate o! Waukegafl High School t-eaîl bureal ccrew msues befr and had Taught Lasit-twaono Three tefi i curdadbfr Physicien, vlio b.d been summoned, y1 s, gr re [1 ke e n' . ty- Id il' t.t Waukegan News w I Du a elit dnto aeCulOibrTermi 90 A. .11Me. 01 WUliM BiOekrainu v%. John 0. Goldien' 11 slyYsle.IL Wluaisr. AngSe P. Wheeier, John bel Uronkhitk. WaJtg roubite, MarS55 Bartistt 'D Betr.]Mre ai leo.31Mur»O. 01 bott or 0,PT" Willia-m Henry Wh.eler, den r eisesn Zýrd.Z L=NX"yýW17, 16. pByBbld te me5 Doe of Jss3eeWolin, thre. reara &fltr daft5,t* B= iG~ and sSed bà BTruet Deed front Aboi lx 60 Warren B.ill$1. whlch rou@tflteresdl 5O0d 10 UicRecorder' rae, a l 0'mm oki ookgo or f mor [m1O3~BTsB Is1era sed'*n wer ofdor lalu5 býroieftae esrie oalfalréav IaI lte defendanta. M ,.Uukbuovu hals or deisesn ila er Wheelee deeaesd." UuoonnHenr D Wdeise. cf Jgla Oll. ecesed" tfkboi o dwes«ofhcdséscfW est ecal ef1060. en ô daie MhoMov &rcert16,paablne f111M.c0orde 0f ae XoWsf . lils. pyablafer tu.he lti lueOf t&udWollo.rtd byeaa Tterdted 10 lo WIntocxt andRMW lya Trus.t3110 wch rtos Aiel e recOrtedWlurisI lsders Tirant 0f lae" Oecwity, ln ts.* X300o30 0r MarGlace oake10 Wl. su Ctuhwnoker0 of oriteroODete c ln.see l iewosIovtaersdof r be u13e 111d of éie templrut")ud ohn Gdeie n thé B01 10 01mpoud sud 135 Johnp0.dilden cnnqutry hcrT plnan0frdeaM n dnioligertaqlred sudir tlîitedaeadsus alct b e( rie d aon D Oronkhi ar elter rseleafUiteadeJon i 0ili, te r oteens 500e sterved upof Ilin.or is.eW r o liea tarnbeen lied lu Uic office 0f the Olerk cf said Court. Notice foitisefsors berelir given 10 Uic said above na1usd &bd munndelendants t1051100 500v. namedouplsinanî beretafoelm ied biesDIU1F 01 lOMPaiKnt hIs«M Court, on thse ljlancery ainie I thereuf. sMdthai a sourions Ihersupon, issue" z ont of lad Court agsaint thse above named J defendants. raenaltikenouthb. raitday aoflthe U ters. cf1 te (IlceniCourt of Lake Count, 1a 1 beld aetithe Court Honse lu Waukegan ln sad .0 Lake Oouoti. ou the firtt Mandsy ni October f A. D. MD1, aste by Iaw teenred and wMhbosit 0 la Ipingr. LEWIS ~.BROCKWAY. Cek tatgi.,IU., August 2Hrd. A. D. 1909. 4"- t BEN H. HLEComplsnaut'a hollctor. State of Illinois, County <of Lake, as. Circuit Court oft Lake County. Oc- tober Term A. D. 1909. 'Albert H. Abbott vs. IUnknown helrs ati aw devisees Of Epenetus Owen, deceaned; GDorge F. Slmithl, Jay Smith, Solmen Sn-ith. Frankt Smitht, Mns. Cora Armatrong. and the1 .înknown owners or parties interestod ln Lots No. six (6), seven (7), eightI()adBn(9lnWsDisonf School Trustees' Subdivision of Sec- tion aixteen (16), Township No. torty- three (43) Northt, range No. nine (9) Eat3r P. M. ln the county of Lake, Sta-te of Illinuois. In Cbancery. No. 4338. Satisactory Affldavit, That thle plaee o! residence of the defendnnta the ttnknown beirs at law antd devi- sons of Epenetus Owen, deceaped, and unknowii owners Or parties lntereated ln the premises described ln the Bill o! cornplaint f5usd berein, ls nnknown. and thlat upon diligent hnqniry their place ot residence cannot be a»cer- ta&ned; that the defendante, George F. Smithi, Jay Smith, Solmen Silth. Frankr Smithi sud itrs. Cor. Arru- strong, iare flot resldents of tho State o! Illinois, go thfst procesa coant lie aerved upon thein or either o! them having been flled lu the office o! the Clark of sa.litCourt. Notice la tiierefore hereby gi-en to sad above namred and unknbwn de- fendants, that the above named OOM- plainant Iteretofore fllsd their 1Bill of Complaint ln sald Court, on thle Chtam- oery SidS tbereof. snd ths.t a Snmmone thereupon lfssued >at o!fsaid Court &gainât the aboyae uamed defendsnts. returnabl oq the flirt daY o! th. Tenu gr he ircftCourt of Laké Conly, to lie held et lte Cout WAU- k-egan in Midld Ake COuntY, On the First Monidai o! October A. D. 1909, as là by 18w requlrsd, and 'wblch suit la stll pendlug. LEWIS O. BEROCKWAV. Cleni. Waukegau, flluoW.A, ugust t-ft-h A. 9D. 1909. 48-4 '. J. F. Casey, Complagnants BoUcItar. T. MNBYDÏDM & ff10. Attys hfr Batela. A dtiion Notice. - _ Publie Notie id hfhuit îtas th 1e lob- ror e oàux ai thélst 7. so m5ig Di ners.Bh hne, 4 6 .d. lim3 Me -d -te- urUeutheb. sme tu0 id court for 5310<3. Eget of theUiclustWinI ed Tatameug of 9Rsra ilenr. demed. - PAUL MAC0tèFgN, Atteea.y et Lsw BTATE 07 ltiuoiS, IuOOtCTI?&OF tKî Lin. ouyOtor lutr CrcitCorto.Lae e5(0.Otoe Foran . Dlll vwo, Mro Jns Iun inlal P gar. WiIlaiaK.oncs. eorgeu- P.Dickinson. John Id. Dickinson. Danton Dickinson. Dorothy R. Dickinson Halpb T. Dickinson. Merton J. Doh u »q »L iklsoGeorge 12(0 umad Ukiiov vor tor versons hIleresled lu tue rMAI atAe deacribed lu the B311f Ooaplaiut. In Cliameey. Gan. Na. 4562 sahafaclr=afdavl tusI spcndue loqol tjiikn wouera c1 or persans lutersta te te. AeI "llt" esOrhbe lu h tu olfOopliOit" cannes h101M4.n&go Ibat prsee e $boni be servel 110010501Or Uiro105sdtst th dei tal* George P. Dickinson. Haltir T.Dlckluloii, Mertan J. DIckI»#0on-£ms" L.Dickbiso. Danton C. Dickinson, John M. B. Dicinson aTt ueI usidenbi10e 81.1. of Illnois sud glviogbi place cf realdence and 1pose oilice ad=a ialgbeen Élied lu tihe ailine ni the Clerk 0f aidn Curt. Nolimcsh erafore bereby gielen 0thelie al wIiam K. Joues. «Unknown ownera 0f or à the 3I1 0f ComPlalut," George P. TtlcklufflO, Ralpt T. ickinson. Merlan J. Dickinasn, Easogeue L. Dickinson. Deuton C. DloklnsOn, icha M. Dicinson sud Dcrcthy H. Dickinason 1h51fis.bRve n.amed complaluent, led bis MUl Mi C &Maitl ad Court on lthe Chaneer7- idohrsiamd out011ta aunommons lisereupou aide t 0f al or gfs 3 hv oams defadans.crurt aie on0etl@raI day Daf IRe e0 Crta ourt bonthd iet0457 of thelerrae urt Couns dLaukegan lu sal Commîr cf the utIouseclnra Madaf O&dCtor À. 011LaehonythB.Areiured sol1 CbinbersuIt h.sIgS s a bp lwudIngdsu 49-sut4 n tiL eWIS O. RCW .Clr 4A"L LOWIS 0., O oCnîaumtaY. lrk.r 05101 ai Waukean. III. Auguolt 2519 109 STT FILLINOIS. t a CuO TTOVLAIIIJ luth*e Circuit Court of sald Cauntr. 0ctober teru. A.1D. 19»1 Faut Maciluflln vs. Alvin H. Cuirer. Michael MoeDou*il. Michael LAlîr 'Unknosn oau n& balder of thc note descrhbcd lu the mort-, gage recorleli Book A cf uicrttge.W p=ge40." Patrick Emn. Francis JMeNam Cteie bolis, adiclnislrx 0f the eslta ci0 patrlel loui, deceuae, David B. Dolge, "Unkuo o Irheinor levises0fWIlllaB. Besîs. denessl." B.8.9trela,' auner sud Solder 0f the ludebtelu detcribed in the uaoslgaa.recardadilU 3oor M of morlgages. pS<f 498.' John O'Brien.O George W. Wsshbtrn. *Uînuvn cnra of or _ persoa s terestedlu hi1e reai estate de.crbd lnth Uic11of Clomnt.' lu Ctsucery, Gen. No. 4M6 Satlla aeory allidavtt 1051upon due 1 1lyl ecr of the defendants. Michael Mc>on.7 Michael Lally. tlnkuown owuner sud holder of- the note descrhbed lnu h mortgsgfe rqcordedluh Book A aofosortsagea. Page 0'I Patrick Emmis.- Francis McNsntara. Ctallile toute. BdzOulnfi- tratrt. of UteasItte aIOfPatrick Baile, decied.d, David B. Dodos. Unkuown Selis or devlsees of Willlsiam .Searle. deesel,'"UnkDowi ouner sud bolder cflt.eidebteduessdsecrl10d lu 1he mortgage r.corded iBouk M of mort- gags. ag 45."John O'Bien. George W. WBlbrn tnkuown auner, of Or pernons Interestedlnluthe'.real estaI. ilacrlbed tu the BiII of Complalut.' rannot ie bound, &0 1h51 _ promuaataucannaI 10 servel Opeon 10cm orW ettber of 15cm, hasic« beaun led inthe. office ai the Olerk of sald Court. N.OI h..rfort harety e e 0tiesalI Miel MéDousild, Michael LaY. *tnknowr ,m ouir u 01c f thc note described lu the W morlege recordai hln3Bo" A of aartgaes, page 4."Patrick Enls. Franich icsm ara._ Catsarlus louis. admlnlatratil i e sais, O! Patrick fouis. dme&d Dav5d B. Dodge. tihouheinaor devims.o f WIllimS. Ï =la amse. "tUnkuanosrne r sud bolder of the hidebtedudescribed n hi1e mortgag trecordadIn 0Bock M cf mortgagell. pagre 46V.' John 0'Brkm eosre W. Washb«u. tuknOwn onnra flcf orr pnariusoerealel tn the rea 1 ete deseruhedtatbi. 111cfCI omPlalu." tisat 13e abovenamued cosiplalsant lied 3bi icf0 out cf sald court agaInst tb. aboya uamedi defeun sretornable ou the Iriitday of 1- tterru of the Circuit Court cf laId CourdlY to 10 held a4 IRe Court Bouse la vauk egao n h »11 OnOuty cf Lake an the fOnt Mandar Of Octobse. D.16»». aIlàby Iaw raqutred sud MiWlSO0. BROCKCWAT. Clark, PAUL MACOUIFIN. ComPllaut5 Soîflctor. % Waukegsu, it.. A80505 1, IW99, 4 Morses for Sale. Mountain Meadow Stock Farm, one and one-baif miles nortb of Wauconds, Illinois, has constântly on baud and for sale, t lowest umrket price, à stock of all classes of horses, suitable for the rond snd &Il farm work, express and draft, usefoi and .ervceabic, from i 100 112 îdoo pouuds. Prices $So.oo to $20.oo. No plaga. Corne 10 Mountain Meadow and sec the borses work on the farrn. Al scclimated and avoid rmak of sickness. Ail guaranto.ed on delivery as reresented. COL . J&RR 44I Waacond. O .I.J E R Patron s FANCY NI GLOVES HA" BILK MUFFLERS CUFFS, at priceB that cao 't be boa J. B. MOFR Everythlng for Mien Vears lh Wnukegan Schooia. c At il oclocit Tsesday mornIng, aI tse Jane MoAlister Hopital, occuntrlt lte lest-b o!Miss Hattie Hallowell, daugitter o! Mr. and Mrs. Williama HallovelI, Jr. o! nortix Gruesee stre5Lt Tite deatit folloved su operation for appendicItis, performai atiTitîîîsdayt viten blss HolIoweIl was taken ta te hospItal.E it- vus annoucel that Miss Halo- welis coudition was extreînriy grave at t-he ime of thte operatioli but site seeme 10 Improve until Mouday ev- euîng, viten a relapse was suferai aud il vas Bru tiat deatit was close. Thte dent-h of Miss HoIbawel s a1 sa lo tios cores ln Waukegan, site vw" very well kuown. ber circle of friends belng very large. The fatal- ly ecelvel tuany mesages of sYmpa- thy. Miss Hallovell*vas lvenly-flve years o! age last July. Site van bort ln Marlon, Kansas, but ital lt-ed (n Waukegsu aine s se vas aryen mont-be o! age. Site vas a graduate o!fte Vau- kegan higit scitool and bal bcen teacit- lng lunte publiceacitools itere te last tvo or three yesrs. JOHN IIAGGlRD DIED Or PARALYSIS At 6 o'clocit Tlursday mornlng. at Mes home lu Joliet, John Haggard, Weil bitovo ln Waukegsu, sud tltg hussul o! a Isugliter o! Mr. sud Mns. Lucien Mutav o!f(urnee. die from t.e! sfcIa o! a paralytic atroke, t-le &emt lie lad ever suffered, Mn. Haggard vas liens Monlay sud vas In te best o! hesit-l. The nevs o! lita deat came an a shocir 10 bot rela- tivesansd fienîs, When t-le reporta foust reache bere, It vas report-st- that Mrs. George Bele, of Cleveland, 0. a ester-inlav hMNY FOR TUBER- on'M'n. HaÀggard bad-lied.-Lt er IbIs d CULOSIS COLONYv an clinged by te stetenient tat Il vas Mo. Haggard vlio vas desd and e Wllh a $100 donation to hesd t.e t cocuime the correct report ar- e lit, vorkers on the $1.000 Wsubegn rivai, teling t-be deteillao! the deali. a nusai nes for thte Lake County Ituer- M. Haggard vas about 49 yeana o!D cnfuis tot colony ln orler to vin a age and vuans engineer on t-be El- 0 81000 gifI from n u uinovn benefan- gin, Joliet and Eastern ralroad. He t ton, are enthuslaat-lcally continuulug aa itere ou i regulan trip Monlay. their efforts Iis veek. The donations la îery gool healtit. Thte ueraI was c for tsemot part, are amall, butte bell froni te bonis InJoliet-Bat- 6 float la grovîng teadihy an u es urlay aternoon t 1:30 o'clock wvitit seeni a asurel teprojet.inlennienttere.0 Té$100 donation vas mae by Mr. EHaggand wvea s o-in-isw o!Mr.n. Nelson Steel, vito placel hetante a and Mrs. Lucien Mutaw o! Gornes and a te top o!ftelst Tburaday. Hia ac- brother-in-lav o! Mn,. Robet Mutev tion vas a spur 10 the vorbers sud a! Wnubegao. Mo. George Sella of other donations came fast. Mlayor Celeland, Mn, ÂAlbert Paddock o! Bock next morning douatel $26 sud Round Lobe, sud o! Mra. James Bnee* others are reaîy 10to te Rme by o! Gurnee. Siiall donations aready aggregat-et Over $100 sud te vonkers dId not get Waukegan Man Tomporary Secrotaryc faIly startel tiis week. I Special ta t-be SUN.r bi ndMen etlen ofWlnitrp Hn-Sprngfield, Ill., Sept 14.-Tite na-É barsudMis Elen trelsuperinten- tional convention or t-le yeomen o! dent af the tout- colony, arr hesdingAnecaafrtralsdbieton te vorbers. Mrs. Elward Conrad, Amganlaatloo. e naanallnetor- Um Doitnelly and 1111. Pinter are gnztomti nulcneto bowtjn. brrr Ihiasaornng in Repeaenttiîves flalaling.hall wit t t-o hundrel and fifty lele. gae rsent, represeuting counlis Captura Morse Thief. Ignt hlit tes o! Illinois, Wsconisn, TOue Bennis, former renilent O! Mnîlneota sud Kentucky, but pInci 'Iaatet atreet. vas arrestel Fit Nrti paly lu lîhinOls. 42icaito Sunday monsiiug for the Thje convention vas calel 10 orlon tetof a hiorse and buggy front Grisys- ty yF B. Slsbury o! Âuroes.fUts na- 19». . H v as arreste l e enahétotIal president. T. W. Bur o a ir. triéel to »It.e Outfit after r peul- ituny, MI., vas elected as toulJiaary mg teeaifre niglt nt Nati Chcago, citairînun andi W. i, Wiimot, o! Wao- polSc hio Loule Wier ruade t-le kegan, Ill.. trnplorary secretary. Bfeanis saie te rlg froru Adîregses O! vebronte ver, 1011V- Q.srjnIe Stiru¶aY eveninig, Tel. ered hy Attorneys George Mi. IfongSu nl* m uÈàW110100 'enm lmmOdi.teY and Josepht B.Perkmus o! Sps-lîîgflld. ;iitO lketM &W f-ontbOre à nesponse vas ruade on b1cm!! o!f t. 14 1» ouio ýNpeIt Chclcagoelogat-seby Delon Rogeg, o! lnuis. .40bm mmçM thons a li ille, Ky. eu ad blp & e6g à-9 r could arrive. The aifair vas purely accidental sud no lante vas attachai to Chodinck at theo lnqueat uext morn- Frankt Jae(pel, Jr., the baby, vas about t-lre. pears Ôta. He van ling carried by Cliodîncir. wlo st-art-ed t-o go dowu the $t-airs villi hlm frothUe third story o!fte boardlng bouge. À. sharp turu Ilaet the top O! t-best-airs sud ini roundiug titis, lunlte dusir Cito- lînck mnissed tite top step and plunged downward. Man sud baby crasited down two entire flîglits and 'vien the bottoin was reached t-be littie boy lay under t-le ruait. Chodlnck was badly brulsel but was not seriously hurt- The boy's situll was fracturai and thte deelli oc- curred froru Ibis and front a hieror- rliage o!fte lirait. The buquesî vas iteld aI lite Larsen and Conrsd morgue the uext mOrulug, with tlie verdict o! accidentel deati. Thte accident liappened about 7:46 o'clock lst nigit. Atickbing or dry cougit ean b. quickly loosene'i witit Dr. Shoop'e Congl Rente dy No opim, nochlorofonni, not-hing uu0feor =rl. 5011 h ALL DEALERS j g ZION CITY PAYS, BLANK!T MORTGAGE Psyment Will Probabiy Mean aS ig Realty Boom for Mon ns with In- debtadousa Cieared ZMon Propenty Oseners Can Borrose Woney Easily aud Outalde Capital Wili Be Ready to Invet st ItheCity. Mion City la dite for a big real es- taIe boom as a result o! the paymeai of a big itlankel mort-gage Tuenday itorunhg sud the clearing o! suollias are tract Wednesday. Msuy bave refrained front luvect-lng ln land ttein >vlng tc, the heavy oustandlug ln- Ieittedness wvitclicovered neary te ehole tract Nov al 011li e differý ent, as people holding receiver'e deedi can borrov eaally on their holdings and even those clinglng t-otse aIt Des Isse, ll have lIss t-rouble im @qcurlng loasa. Tuesday ruoriting Mrs. M. J. Durbln, titrougli ber attonney, W. C. Upton, ne, ceivel a check for approxîmately $34,000, vhIchin a tse fiai paymooi an lte bîsuket nortgage hld by i on ZMon City real comate. ZMonCI property w-se.-,vîll nov breatit .Uc' oealer, sa snotlen big mortgagm W"s pald off Wednesday morni viten Hirami Ferry recelvel a choc] for about $25,000. The Durkln paymsnt dlean t-le t-lt! sud Hant o!f Sheridan rond. Alto par betveen north o! Situai boulovan 10 all land inte realdonce distri, o! t.e laIe front land sud asl bot-vos rth iof Tveitty-third sud Twntl finit at-reets front Sheridan blond t Gabriel avenue. The Ferry mont-gages includa. large pince o!flte labo front lanId, lI ing balveen Nineteent attreet an Thlrty-Utrd. Alaa ailta!flite residenc diatrnict soutit of Twenty-nlnîli au esst obleridan rosd, lit a fev day. a&l o! t-le remainin tub.dlvlde I Id lu lb. residence di, t-net vi! le frae, front lucumitranc, At the lime Davie lesool th. land1 the pople ho rapresent-ed thit Iav tires, of any ludebteduees, but eue prav!e natolab. t.ecase vli.uasufi veetigatlon vu asde1. Tb* sround viIli e broken wviiin a vok far the nov Wlder Tnoung pompsny boilIdifga la te satment mae today. The ftot building vwiii lie of 111* 11.00IonIeselilgI. The bile rm In L *.Tliey viii bu islan s «e or tbm . Lya sud t Prospective D IsýPLAY of Mon'@ Furnishings le thoroughly up-to-date * and attractive. It la the littie thinge that count 80 mucli lua a n's appearance, such as ECKWEA.R .NDKERCHIEFSj SHIRTS COLLARS , ETC. at, We defy competition e4SE & Co:1 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLj LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN NORTII SHIORE ELECTRIC COMPANY Beginning Sept. 1, 1909, the original installation of standard, car= bon filament, incandescent lamps will be Iur!lished free of charge This is a saving that should not be overlooked when Vou coasider Wiring yjour home for EIectric Light Electric Light is now a necessityj in the modern home on account of its-.economu, cdea 'nliness, safety, reliabilityj and convenience. Ilouses wired and ixtures furnished at cost on twenty-four monthlyj pagments without iterest. Caîl for our specialagent for an estimate of cost of wirinýg gour home 230 N. GENESEf ST. PHONE No. 258 WAUKEGAN, ILL. IS VOUR ROOF( We can rneet your requirement matter how large or ernail they may The Prepared Rgoflng we sel] our customers by the rolil l the on the market, and cornes comr with nails and cernent ready to la, the riglit prices. Powell RoofingCorr 117 S. GesaMif St. WAUKEOAN O D. K? ybe.î ybet plete Ly, at ipany Tefephme.377 -t' OF THE

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