CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Sep 1909, p. 4

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LÂKE oe11~vr~ I~COUNTY IINDEPENI)ENt OFFiCIAI. PAPER 0F LAKtE COUNTY -,oe TlpitsN IKIOraR5ieC TIlimD O1141, lbertYVWOeEetai MtWrab at the poHinqe et ibertyvwfe. i., as Se àond Clas MSe IMiTaiWUCKLY. AflvaaTNlliiO acTeUNAD* rhumO C AFLtAT09 ~ sS8OIPT0~pRICE 8.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE -, RANK H. JUST ...... ..................................... ....................... Editor 5.M. KELLÉY- .... ........................................... .............. City Editor KRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, l 13O9. WANT FAIR PLAY. * Nthisn casmd baonrdem.ndtte th publie'* unconOClOUS admirationi for fig play tisaitise cpdity 'ils wWh sPeary ha. lest the popsaer acen- gaeuesmincesho announcod hle deovery of tisa sm inpolo. Peary Went nortis lime ai»t ime. a rproentative of te United tatea . w»oy s spportmd la lrge part by funde by tise Âmstdcap tpeople. Me won an oflcer a! ruin lthte Amneicen nevy. Scientlets and 9oorephlcal 4ooletlosrecOseM»d bienm asan Intnspld explorer. His standing averyweeuvea ulqueoed. On t1h otisr- iand, Dr. Cook, te Broklyn min wlta daIms naw to be tise rosi dioovrer af tise poie, woe knuwii tp oomperatlvely fsw peope. Tios.- ands kne uofPeary witere "aehad hsard ef Cooki. Upan a quomlioht of vert- ity or flibilty b.twee thUeoneaa commander and thse Brooklyin physicien faut would have heetated to, take the word a! the former ns final and india- -uabe. And yet tier. se pepular cendemnatalln fer Peary and genaral admi. reatfor Coui. Tise pmoet la forgottait and tise controeray popuierly decled Opuu un Impulse,.lis. reeen le plain, of courm, ber it can b. eatedS.1 Peiry, me oon au haocerne wthln ipauilng distancue ofclvilizatiooe, began con- demaing §%W rival and trylng te dlscrodit hie daims andi under mine hi@ repu- t*tion. tiook, on tise otisur hand, hem played tis# part of a gentleman, content te lt hia case ,et upen lMa merita., Tisa publie demande fair play. Peary has lienated thousanda 'ati car natiing @beut lties ientiflc aspects a! thse cantroverey, but wha have become convlnced tiset ho le a blgted, sufis boor. Coek ha@ by tise ame token wonn tisousanda af edmirers and supportera equaiiy tnable te decîde a acientficl quetion, but who unerrlngly recognîze à gentleman. Tier. is s Icson In the quick decline of Peery'* pepulînity. SIJPfRISORS IIOLD REGIJLAR SESSION~I (Con' iuued lrom page 1)> Prlnting, record books and p tationery ...............5,000 ci Heating, llghtlng and mainte- 9 nancé o county buldings. 7.500 Contingent expenses......... 3,000I Total levy ............... $127650 The tax levy includes a $46500 levy for bllnd pensions. The blind pension N has beau abolisned but needy bllnd. ' prons are now cared for by the poury malter by grocery and clothing or-D drs and cilher ways, and the appro- priation la for this. The levy also Ir cludes $1500 for ground tmg and croV bouenties, whlch are tu be abolshed ' afler 0Otober 1. The supervisera voted t10 sigutheV petition for frontage rlghts for theà Waukegan, Rockford and Elgin rail- c j9ad wkQit the petition le prsented t the board. Tlhe Petition le fori Wamhlngton treet rights and the bard slgned for the couinty block. The petion akafor rigts trom i 9prlag trent ta the cty limite. The baBi lauo extended the lime for th.t Saetlament ofthtie county cerk andi * thse cowty treasurer with thse county to thse next meeting.ln December. * Thie report othtie prlntlng commit-1 ton, ehowing $1,826.95 cimed and $i.924.66 allowed waa adopted a.s was thse report of the. daime oommlttee, sbqwinz $3,1797 ciaimed and ai- * loVa. EverefttM. Marais wa. alowed a refuind of $7.16 couty tax on er- Tonnons aa.eeasment and E. S. chuiz tra.taalowed a rebt on is saloon Il ceuse becanse the town of Rusèu, -where houpa.m located, went dry. The board, before adJourument, pre- senteid Supervisor Edward Conrad, of Waukegan, but lately marlred,-with an elegant gaz lamp and a conter table. The adjournment was taken untîl September 27, wben lhe board meets et the pour faim, HISTORt8AL PAGEANT NORI HSttORf !VENT Hltory of North Short District from lime of Indiens and French ExpIer- ena ta bu Presentsd and Peope o Town* Blow Waukegan Jobin nin- craing EWfectvefl.e5 ot Plans Mode. COmmittees tu sesîst ln the prepara- t10e, for thse istorical pageant to be given October "- on the campus st Norhwestere unlversltY f rom the var- lous towns along the north ehore bave buen announced as folows: Lake Foret-Mrs. Hobart C. Chat- î field-Tylor. Hlgbland PaLrk-Mrs. M-etiregur Adaine, Mrs. Franks R. McMullee. Genaoee-Mrs. Ândrew MeLeiah. e Winetkai-Mre. Benjamin Crpen ter. Ksalworth-Urs. Carroll Kett, Uvaaatoe-Mra. lHarT J. Patten. Ârrmagmenta for ithe entertain. Mnt, visicinow bide fair tlu cupae la Rîîýud the elabrate originel pluas af lis sponsors, are gong foi. wracf raMly. Tise book, whlch wil! be recietu lY DonUsl Robertasn, ha bo con~tu by Thom"a Woo 0Slun "thse mule la being con Posnd by Artisur Olaf Anderson and y. rsak »MtY. Tk$ÏWÉ&2i-acide train represeul ;o;;Fn W.Mstatse, vIL e ic 6 bgws t thecf b nrtis shore 2" tethe touw of thi ndenasad thi MAslyrusph explrer, t. thse urus. STATE OF ILLINOIS, b], COUNTYOarLALE r- l lu the Circuit Court of saut County. Oclober60 tPau .iiull.Ii,. A, e Cl'er. Michael hi Mef ..o111i' Michael Lally- 'Cninown -oe-nsd holder outhoe note de'crlbed lu the mort-t gage recoried in Book A of mortwegen, page 40,- Patrick Ermjlu.Francis teNajuar. ii CatherieIouls, eduiohcltratrix outhoe escale of il; Patrirk Iule. dececoed, 'id B. Dodge. i -Unknoocnheirn or deviseez of William S. leerls. deeced, -.S. S (ielest L. nkuomu th -uer and holder of the lndebtedness descrled in the murigare rerurded IiiBout: Ml u1 montgsgei. page 45S," John O'Bre. Pr George W. Wschbun. unlnoum owners of or sel merscnc luteresilnluthe real estate- de-ribed pi u te Bill ut Complaiut." i lu Cisnrery.(len. No. 4Mf Satteiartury allidavît o-at ucoo due inuery th each ofthoe deisudants. Micha elMDonald. tel ichaiel Laly. Cunknom omner and hoîder of the note descnibed te o-e mortil erecurded in P8 Book A uf moriligee. Oege 40 Patrirk Enis. et FrnrcsMcXambra, C tAoie. mc, adMiuoc-gr tratrix ufthle esSate ôa Ptriet tuol., deceeed.Ti David B Dudge. Co7knomu Celle or devlsees of William S. Searle. deceseed.- -CkotucotiE ues, acd bolder oflthe indebtedneu dlsc-ibed au no-he morticate recorded in Book M of mort' gages. tpage 4M>. oihe 0 Bnen. lGeorge W *ce' Washm u ". m ners ut or persocuPE intereeted te the cmal n0,155edescrited 1n ti:slst Bill ut Compîsi.t.' isc te.bà --onc t A proceoa herelu cant b. celle uonethe.or eitOOr of o-Cm. binelubeen tled te the node utof the CIelrk et sald Court.c Notice te therefore herehi glven te thesaeit!OU Michael lMc0ouald, Michael Lally. Unkeceru omner aed boîter ot the note decrcibed inte W moelgage recorded te Book A utfmortraam m:l page 40," Patrick lEnte. Fraucis MeitaeRa catial tluis, a iâltratrix ofthoe esSaie Oft = foIl uisu. deci. David B. Dedge. .heoir cdevisee« e9 William S. te flearti. deceseed. -unknow corner and Iier o1 ofet tindeitedusas deecriheit lu the noraag recorded lu Bouk M et mortgaffes. pagre 45--of Jou OBi en,.Geo rgeW. W ashbiru*Unknowu el onoeroetor perses uterested lu the relm asIte deseibed lu teSill etOfompila." lti taie ahove oueed compisiaut ild hie bl o09i comspialut luns"dcourt un tle hamcsnv aide lh tie-sut. sud tutaii a mmnthet npS W 1id hb eut o et shcours agfaist thaisov MM."ed eteudaus euubeatsOs i ssiduenuy uLake oataie1,r190 Monda9.4 GeloTI. A. O. e s.à1un. tm 8 r e sulred . PAT ACjudictiN ontpNtie.t ocir publie Notice lu u bhy alvec gliaSthe lSoiq acriber Exerulcix efthmees"WO sud Testament ot Heriesu Rebuter, deceiaed. -III attend lthe f 110=00=o11Sfe Lake Ceuni,, as a tenu tiurontt go, 1. thee Se court Bouse te salEl C nty.ou theairet il onder etftoventher nexýI, s. nheu aoil'where ail Pereons ing i claimes &gainst sald £oage are ueslied sud b ~ ested to gratetite same su sald Courtieor LENA REulER. eruirla ut the lat WinI i and Testament u entoan Reimer. deceââed. Il Wsukecae. Au" 0. c,19.49-i SlEN iH. SILLER. Attoney. Chancery Notice. STATE OF ILLINOIS. 1a COUNTY uF LARE Circuit Court et Lake Couuy, October Tenu A. D 19l ln ChancrnNe. 4X7. William Brocktun vs c. John G. Golden1 Sylvester&S.Wiusler.,&An P. Wheelar, Join Croukmlte. WalOer Comukite, Mear" BartiflS. LeAter B.IMore. ChiesWllex. Ellen More. Gertrude starden, Ro.,rell Wlicox. -Unkuownu heien or cdovisesoftWilliam sienry Will i deesmd. Ujuknom, hein or devlsee, of 1James Wells, d.eesed. C'*ukicemu onnec, or huitere cIs certain note of ire hundreit aixti dollars dateit Novemier 17. 1856. payable fleuhe ics00er of Jane, Wells, tir esars after date. vi ttereet andt aecured ir a Trust Oeed trueAib el cox to Warren H. KI teh Elc Trust Oeed te nscorded lu Si. Recorder'& Office et Lak. Couniy, Illnois lu Book 80 ot Mort- garea, nase 201"sud'*Unkuomu owners oI or urraos n.ttereatel lunleshemat elate descio-ed th e lo omlalus.' -- StWstatory siSdavit, lest the deleudenia. Unkuownubohe or devise«s of WIfiam Henny Wbeeler. deceassiL" bnuow hein, or4 devIses.oftJaum sWells. deceeW,' Unkuo" u on-oece or holdsrs ef a certin note of ..0 dileit Noveuiher 17. 1M4. payable luthe entrer et James Welb. o-ces Yetsrs &fier date mlle linesl sud secureit ib"sTrums Oeed fromtAbel1 eWllo to Wren H. M. K WtiimTMus Oued lu retordait lictleRecorder'@ Office et Lake Coujty, flteobln [luu of > et ortlges. pae 20V' and Punnyn on-uer. et or perane Ilerettelte mei saitedeecrlied lutle EUX of Complaiut" and Joihni0. Golden connut ho bouan d igtelunu diet ,nqu leslr yplaces ef residewanat e sur4à d limas le dteudante lier Creukiilo sd John (Iroutltsarn ne tre@imi tà fteae te et Ilinois, sn leSt roit.,. camnt blie .red cu tien or esucer oethiem, havira beau 01.4le itme I.offce o etlarkisofetseld Onisi Notice Io leerefore bereby miveteulUn aid ahove usmed sud unkuemu dehudautésaut laie abiesuuad cjiltaaisueO U etSbâBMl et Cumpnin tead ouonM e ts Sssiaider Ulrstand tiat a emo mue. seepos lug e. ut et salît Court egaih ueDi.abova ue.d d efemlonts. resurnableenouMe tiret day oftle tuego ofthe Circuit Oourt oftLU* Ceusy, Iou bel t StheS Court HOuasla WsUiegsuin sad .1 Lake County. ou lthe OSi Meadai cf Oober AD O. licea uby Ian-ceâqitednd ud uet llâg is hcIll liendlueg. LEWIS O. BROCKWAT. Ctmrk. Waiiems, m.. AugmlUrd.A. D.I î l- BEN H. ÉLtLER_. Oomplainmats obelir. Dd Teetifiea Afttr Four Vears. l' Carlisle Conter, N. Y.. G. B. Burhauts, ,id wils: ÀAout tour yeers ega 1 viate you Ihat Iblild beau enttreil ecured ut k iiduai truble by taking two bulaeu PaIoy's Wdney f ieady, and aller tour ysaut1lbmagtien leoud toetateot It M1 ha" e nver bâti auj yreluru ut tisos li syciptoma. sud 1ianc uvldenly curai l etetay cuted." Fuicy's Kldney llemadi =d:uil th ise uator yon. FiA&MLLos. i AND RECORDS i- rvd Descripion Of Ona of Americat Wonder $pots In Pictursqus Cola- rado. Curious Formations Abound on Every Slds. Surrounded on tisrec sides by the lhutntalne. Manitou les abellered as th. no of PikesaPeaks, Ita basu ad col- Wsu scatered la pletnresque dlaorder ver the bilside. Boing prae"caly oniji , ntme!r reors,lte buildings ar-e Dot ta resaelous or subselal as thof t olorîdo.8piaga. Tisa main atreet mlàhl nis bea laid oniti>y 4 drnkol mm n * home.vard journey e11-59 p. m., so ll of talte m"d crooki 'aud titres le Il. opia look down on "er nelghbors bore, D o two houe.&ré,un lb. maine javel. id. front Ite bealtby climats, th. main tractio) n eb. orld.reuuvnsd soda id brun iprings which have gre*t cura- re qusliles and tise wvodsrft enery ntise vlcinity. The soda water la hlghly, haigeil, cool ad refs.shlsg; wblls the Ma vaier conta iID"on 20 psr onut of lirai..Moslevsrsoneyon muet carirbs 6jug; don't lump rashly et conclusions, w thia le no prohibition lovu, lb.,. ng, @leader glau' juge are fllled witti ater trom tbe minerai 8pringo. Dring e day Manitou botke ue enovellvely iunlry town; but, when thes@un go.. in ding behind Pikse Peak, a transfor- nalion takee place. Itsnitou:avenua fille ip wlth women iu the moot goi'geous Lilettes and you miglt imagine yourWel rausterred to Broadlway, New York. Yon are giad that you are only a mere mau-nuteched-to whomn nobody eys attention. Just imagine the heurt- ie,ifyourgown dus@ oi bear the ans trade-mark, your toad-atool but ýa story Iower, your willow plumes are foot shunter, your diamonds flash les@ Lus-wbîte than tiose ofthtiI other .sÉhion-platee who with one filah-light ancýeinventury"and eppraioeyou tram Lao t-' fout, am they roee ynir horion And nom 1 want lu epeak of 50w,- hing whiecb tu mention in tbesane ireath withhour lilipution humen affaire selmontamacrilege. tiiegreateet wunder n ie regianutf uuder, thi, Garernofu Ie Gui,. Approacing over lhe wide barren ýrerntra Coloadu Sprngs, your way ;uj. euddeuly barred by tno immense ?ilare utfred sand-stue, whu like gigan. Li oeutinele seeem liu grd the wouders bet lie beLond. Higiertban theMasonic Lmple-331 fcet intfect-their immensity cIls beture the, vîew thet buret8 un vour îcbanted oye.; the rock-8trewn fore- xrund, looking like a battle-field* ut the itens; the wouded elopes rieîng tier uit er, tlanked by MIt. Mgicotou on therigit ai Ceinerun'e Cane onthe, iet; in rhe teoi-er-sliadowing ail, gient Pike's Pek pierciog the ,sky, big palcices uf mow wich bave delled the broiling uguit son, glitterinar bere andl thereun Ès beld, buery bead. These week wurde -a ouly give you e feint, t100 teint iau îtline ut the uverpowerlng panorama, whieh wul be indelibly impreseedon yuur miuds eye. EnteriuR thb. Garden ofthle Gode, Moter Earth'a grand mosenm of archi- leture and sculpture, you encouniter an- tier surfeit ot riches. Immens blocks of nid atone everyvisere. mbaped by- the elon of the elements throngb caont- s.é a"esin the moet diverse sudennaing designe. Yon rounded tortue, brada t hae. tapering aj1iost sW a point tva undred fret aboye, renemble cathéadral pis.@; bere titreesiaonder, grattul plies bave been aptly umeid thse titre Grams; rlth a Uitile streteis of your Imuagination you ca laud moutsail1tise animaleslimaI rent in NoMi'a ark hors, chlssled in etoue;,oms ut tise grotesque shapse e- ninded the vitar lofthsgargls. of lthe cathedral sa vividly portrayad lu Victor Hngo. "Hunchisaci of Notre Dame." One rock, me larga ema bonis. boe quise a resesuane Wa steusbooon o tel te.US. governnenthaee s ri obsratory; agreat curoslty i la &10 thse meeibundred ton "'Balaaced Rock"4 eboseimmense veiglit le supported on a buies, e0 alauder tlitillook*, 1kea breath ut air would topple il over. Walking nortb-west tronc the soda spig as Manitou yn ou ou henter beautîful Williamus Canyon. AlinosI tt the entrance a sold wval of linie-eone @seeme lu proclude furtber progrenés.maems only, an e audilen tora ut the rued disW closes a narruw pati.a. thougi lte rocks overbeailaanâot meet. Ton tollow lie inîricate vindinga hclluved out nt lie baue ot tise clifis witich lunliseur for- mation resemble gargantuan castles and towera. Il saen@ is1ke valklag nt lte bottom ofta veil, tbe alusont perpeudlc. niai wlle ut rock trluglng le un roksa masses bath aides ufthtie canyon snd pet- mittinfi onîy a moesgluqmse1ut tie sky overbeail, A mile up tIi. canyon, your path ends &gain" tlie towermg molin- tain. About 5W0 teet aboie, yon me a slgot Cave ofthtie W indu. Lt vould taks eugle'epiulons to reacitîhat dissybeiliât; bul buinsan lngenulite stuund a simpler way. A comnctlearond, thse faiuad Temple Drive. has beau blastud troin the lacs of 1he ciS and vinda in graduai se- mcpnt forrrl mi aeiswwFd, lii tise eu- tranc to tise cave la re.chad. The cave coneleste ot aboute* doze large rooma, conncted by tiaro low alleys; 5&U thaeroomas are llgitsd hy btgi power el.ic ligits& Tistopmad ads of mut uftise roomu ara covereil by staleactites of aven conoalvable shape lua sonie places coaitterpeita are grOvllm froin1h. flon upwuýads- lises 5dl= etalagmitée. Eolhaie irind by tinlu ceSmapidrlpplagoi vaetou tha fis- mmu; Som &. ati 111lisproceffl afforme..- tiop. But hie ulosl beanilul a'gt la the no00 calem owerbe &g alshastarlu md Hal.Thesa uilvsi crm" 0~ $b iel Oallîug 6" " sia the a shape OIUwm EbI auMd ballonama vissuthe aoe.lh le 14 rova enomms., gllew lie'damo tduotuasl ucnai&Utisa ruladbthe . yrOM Ilissysiciave VIsSbeW"a a Ue rtral Isdà tau Ibu Ornai t&Vsrus aMd froua tbom a Vgoom ruai da ta îl Paus, thetormer hlghu'a t07 tbis-a teo~ lCootao.Fhfty taosa00huodra test bslow tii. levet l. nitalu cras las T HERE is a distLn.-uilî- ed somethirig about Interna- tional Overcoats that is totally ab- sent ini the ordi- nary kind. TIs idein part to e : nusual smartness of the f abrics and the clever way in which the work is don. New and exclu. sive Models at prices that are populaf. To meaure only. E. W. PARKHURST &cha"ck .kUBERTYVILLE, IL- '0 CORLETT & FREDERICKS: - %........tapie and Fancy - GROCERIES *MEAT MARKET PROMPT DELIVERY TELEPHONE No. 30 O <Cak-e Comni ?atîna/ $5ank- CAPITAL SURPLUS 0 50,00o.0 $25,000.00 I hie bank was organized under the National I Banking Act in 1903. It rigidly keeps within I the requireinents of the iaw, affording acceptable service and ample accommodation to ail. It wil I b. to your interet to do buiness with us. J. M~V AUCTIONEER Ssm. e r. fiAjg YuutWDe osso@e » y. eeaSte t. HnddeucuPhousmd5m ss. 144 Elan-eitAve. WAUKOGAN, ILL. THÉ !Ér Bw NAp Clybourne iver'Y an id Stable BEN F. CLYBOURNE. Prop. wuu meelt bb t n iau t lucoealou n-Baib bours n-honuBouge& . Liten ote l ua. ButggIsa" iHm"mmumn New, RhabI frie s Ie~'.iANU-t.- Make Wash Day Easy, INSTEAD 0F A "BLUE MONDAY" This machine rane ae well f ull as when empty, sud it rune s y O on coaDI of the hîgh gearing. The power in applied éither with the hands, feet or bot, no that noue of yonr energy in waeted in the operation. The 64New Home" la built to wear, not the clothes nor the operatç>r, but to stand the strain that it in put to. Every machine in guaranteed Wo give perfeot satisfaction. H, B. EEt -MR When You are Figaring to BUID ASTORE, BOUSE, AR OR ANY KIND Of BUILDING The most eementia1 part is where can you get the material promptly and the cheapeBt. No bill too large for tis to give prompt service- and émall ones the same. DO VOUR FALI DITCIIING Look Up Your l'al !eed WanWsand Give Our !feed a Trial f ENCE VOUR !ARM WITII GOOD POSIS LIBETYYLLELUMBER Gos -i SI> ~ AYn Wfll soon commence. Get ready now. Our lune of (lhidren's Hosiery can'> be beaten. We have alBo a nice aaaortment of School Handkerchiefos, etc. ChiIdrens School Boast Vukon.O Umbrelîase...........4Cotton Bats ........ e Ladies' Umbrallas P ,. Rsdy Made Oomfortes, fipa Directoire frandse.. I 75c salne C"Ovsre Dont fail ta aee the new Silko. and yi filisd.....$ 65 iines,fde for comfortsre, drap- Gray Cotton Biankta.faacy or, etc. Bsauiful ... .. tripe bar- 7 0 w9 O floral patterns....... . dora per pair70 d O Fancy Bonose Cofieha32c Fairbank ï Cotiole ,25 2 pound box............. )c tva Pound Poil....... Ground Spic**, any klnd, slfting Waisbach Ga Mantes top canîster only 1i5c. 20c end. 25 two ounce àize ........... C Fiiby Japon Rico8 par poeen.d-----------....... Large Package 7 Boui Pearl Tapioca-Q..... Gao Tapera ............i c pur Pound- ................ 1 W. W.- CARRQLL & SON ic ic ;c k y..... Z FRED CROKER TAILOR AND DRAPtR Libertyville, Illinois l'il end Winter Goods Now on DiewIag CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING and JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Intemutiatul ifadoring Co. News York Cha0q, li 1 kaLàâft ý p 1.

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