CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1909, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY I-NDEPENDENT . AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVI.-No. 1. PART TWO IBERTYVILLE, ILL., FI1IY, OCTOBER 1, ]W9 FOUR PAGES $15-0 PER YEAR IN AIiVANCE. mur -- à t -- w lw-"-.--.- - --t-- '.. - MANSLAU(IIITIR IS VERDICT IN PI3TIRS=CURRY CASE: 20 YEARS beaîît h d'oa tis twentyyears be seîîteui'd aiti thle rv'st. provided Jury is Out on Verdict tri lite ltenitenltary 10 expIati'ttre bis lawyeî n do tint win hlm cniea ForMudeer f 4'u- rie.jury lit the case, as told lutei kegan Man From 4 51. ecuun'ast ulght, got te Soyc the Cie Yesterday Until 12:30 eviderice anid the instructions St fonuroyo teCie This Afternoon1 yesterday afternoon. It wasoutt ait Curry and Nloirdoiff were "bot tri Pet- night. The verdict came lri Itit at ers' saloon Miay 29i. The saloon ta at 12:30. 1132 North avenue. the coroner of The ucw triai motioneail! rie argued Swe tet rI aacokta Father of Dead Boy and îet tht, weetî aud theu Peters wîîIlSawer m atoree lht averdock it Othe Reltive At.buliets i anger and he 1a said to tend Hearing, Self De. have kiiled a third mari about ritre fen~ leaofPetrsinonths betore the tourder furih fens Ple of eter he was tried iv'sti'rday. getliug free Unavaillng unapli a of self defrunse wblch did not assit hini tbis tînie, New Motion Mu rdo anerae l u eters ato NwTrial M tinMustiAndursnry, iurdoff risal ne Now Be Argued and shaking dice when hi' iicked a fight Then, if New Trial is' :aes-anthr . aing t i th ap Not Granted, Petersi c1lub, Tbey disarmed hini sud he got Will be Sentenced I*di iareii' As lthe resuit of an entire nlght of delibOratlon te jury in the Case Off Afred Peter$, accased of thte murder off Clinton Curry off Waukegan and Charles Mordoff off Chicago, returned a verdict at 12:30 noon 1t te effect that:' Pilera le gulty cff thecrime off manataugêter. CLINTON CURRY. Tht' serdicî tîeatîs tat tbe brutal Young Man Whose Mur4er seas Today laYet- Ofiti' Waulîegaiî uman. turrî. P.-onounced by à Chicago Jury a ili, if a mtotiont for a new-trial tails. Gulty of Manslaugêtter. FACE REAL STRIKIE AT ARMOUR PLACE If Four Union Men Stant to Work Rest Say They WiII Quit ai Once CAN YOU BEAT THIS? Mc&. Armour Said 10 Have Calied for Police of Lake Forest te Watch Devetopmente and Seo that Men Do Net Work Mlschief If Matters Reacit Criisk-Non-Union Men Ob- lect te Unlonhsta. WrornmWednesdaytî SUN.i Btilers. coacitmeui, chaufeurs, ear- leutens. gardenera. iren-of-ait anrk at 'Armouria. the riva $7,000.000 eastate iii .1. QaderiArmour lu Lake Forest, îîtay go on strike tuday. There ta trouble inîperîdingaiat Arm ourla,".%lin. Armour yesterday feareq that It mlght break out aI any lime. She telephoned to Lake Forest for po- lice assistance. Assistant Chief off Po- lice itoffmari went out 10 the estate. lie rematned untit mldulght. Then be waa relieved by ariother policeman who emained att right. A pecrular stale of affaira exiosaoit te Armoun estate. il is douhtful if It btas a paraliel anywhere. Que of the featorea of the riva home- off the millilonaire iîacker la 10 lie a formai Itatiari tenraced ganderi. Fort> rien are at work on It. Edward Bush. neli tormerly waa tite foreman of the mren emPloYed in gradlng. He waa suc ceeded a few days ago hy Scott W1j- son. One off Wlsor's rst acta waa lu bire four tesnistera who carrled unionî carda iu their pockets. The union teamatens found that they wene working on a job wtb non-union mten. Tbey tarted out to "unlonlze" the Armour estale at once. But the balance of the employas. weil satisfied witb the way thinga were runuiug. dectded to do a lîttie -unlontziug" themselvea. They formad a union of their own: l took I every onue on the esîate from thaeatiff nackad ponderous Engliia butler tu the Young- est boy lu the stables, from the blgb- est priced artiaan at wonk on the naw hnme 10 the loweàt prlc&i taboran. Tha îtew 'union" decided tbat Its members could flot wnrk on a job witb realiy, lruly union men. The ultim atumr wett forth. Time la up today. If the tour union teamsters 5' went to wonk (ths mornnrg, practicalty every other mari on the estate bas tlrraa.ened l utltwork. Antd thereI lie a prIetty state of af- taina at 'tArmotirii." Kilied TWO men. Otie abot.tilred at the' reireating meun near the saloonî acreen, bit >lordoft and tataiiy worinded hit uto that i' dted tri tbe treet near a catch basin. A secoitd bit lCurry tri the haick of thé jheailaand caîtaed bis, dealh îweut)î four hburne iter. Aniderson aas iired at but îlot bit. Curry teaves a father and mother here alîb a brother antd a youiîg wlfe arid chlld lu Chicago, ail grief stricken. WAtT TILt YOU GET THAT SUIT, CIECK PASSER Tariff May Cul Son,. Ice wlth Prîcea off Gsrmenta. W .X D L N (From Wediiesaris$uri.) %Vie the tant taletoostiug prices litiGAME IN -CITY wonnerît. stocklnga. gloves and dire.u wa goods. there Ia likewise somethlng do-. tuig alItb the weariug apparel of mere HoweverTelegram Sent to Bank mon.t WhIen you iay dowu $35.,$40.In Wh ich Checks Were $45 or $.-, fot your wliter suit 1y Drw Epseul Alli beai air Insistent tapplng onithe rw xoe i couituer and the talinras caim îotce. satig Sre dlar mre peae""North Dakota Asks Waukegan Anid Iti raite 'goes" for domeattc seli as for lmiorted. To Arres and HoId Man Ye, aid scierai talions aho Toc Late ,,ete iu.-siuueu tt i mrnitig, pincea aie gonîg ni)i Therea nul sucb a radi- cal inicrease tii the coat of suit gooda for, falit sd ainter but lîicea for uext sirtttga gooda, already being quoted b> tite wbolesaie bouses, show a markeîl advsnce. And Ibis applies tii doritinîieas ixeti asi itorted mate- riaIs. Wh ' thîs la we do nit know. oui>- a, îîîîît stck front ive to teit dollars onuto eacia anuit 1o keep '-ri the clear ourselves. iJOY RIDERS STEAL BANNERS Gel Two Dinner, and Michigan and Harvard Banner, at Coleoge Inn. (Proin Wedneeday'es Sun.) loy ridera last night ordered sup- lwi-r at College Inn and aftec dlspoalng of it nnatt-hed two bannera. Harvard aîîd Michibgan, from the college pen- itant decixed walla of the Inn flew uptaira lîtto the street. Jumped into their nîtor car and were away befone the Inn lluthnitles or Chlet ('ouoliy, stantding tîear, could gel luto action. The jur ridera make baive been Laki' FOI etera o1t a college Initiation. litn fork ti ome frat, HENDEE MAY BE CHAIRMAN (Front Wednesday's Dally Sun.) lutti lerk Albert t. Hendee bas beeti ahî'd to tale the Post of qbair man aithle comîig Convention Octo- ber 7 t aiBellevillteof the county read a laper on reltions between the couty clerk sud the courity board clerks atîd nupervitiors. He willt aso off superviaors. He ta now secretary off the contvention association and one of the îîîomtueut members. THESE MAY WED. Edward F. Jacko. Mlwaukee, 25; Blertha Haack, 25. Police Magistrale Taylor îrnted lhem. John Hughes, Chicago, 25; Mary laydpn, 26. A. D McAlister Represented Self, as Mason, Climed Succor end Got il. Then Trled to Gel Check*a Pasaed, but Answer 10 Query frorn North Dakota Bankt Expoeed Hlm-Be- lieved to be Profeesional. (Frutu Wedneadays SUN.) ('bief ut Police ConniiY would like to gel bis harda on A. D. MCAiister, wbo caule here a f ew days ago and trled 10 latin bad checks on local mem- bers of ltaaouic bodies, riameiy Jay L. Brewster saîd k. A. ierdee. NcAllibter gave a bard lucit tory and cialineil auccor of the local lodge authonithas, abicb wangiver i hm. He thetu turîîed arud sud wanted checkts caahed. The check thal caused bis downfal svssrmade oul on the national hsrik at Dihckinsoni, N. D., and calied for ten dlollars, The tus-t on wlîonîbc tried the check, susnpiciont, seul a telegnam 10 the batik. wiib the resul that an an- swer speedll> carte back to the effect thal NIcAllister la a swtndter wbo works the game rigbt along. Wauke- gan men weî-e asked 10 arneal hlm but by Ibis ime he was many mles away. The checks dtd not net im anything bers but itla believed be ta wonklig Illinois îownsansd cIlles sud the warn- iogay by tIe ney. N. CHICAGO PARK INVOLVED Heydecker and Parntatee la Argue a Famnous Case ln Appeliate. PFrom Wednesday's SUN) A case xiii hi'argued lntrihe appel. laIe cout next week et Ottawa by Heydecker & Psnmalee, whlcb grew out of the targeat mortgage foreclos- rire ever brougbt ln lake connty. $30,000 wortb off property ln tite vicîi fly of North Chicago to invotved snd it 1 -la stluthat thp village lm sepktng Io use a part of titis ladtor a public park. The case la that of Kaftî s. Robiný son and the wrlt of foreclIosure was oued out tri tbe state Suiireme court &bout live yearg ago. At the lresent time the local l1rm of a î,roeysa are preparing briefs on a wîIt or error whîch wil bc arguer! nexi aeek "MEANEST NAN" IN ZION CITY Said to Have Stolen and Ru Away wlth Crlpple's Wheel Char. (Front Wednesday'a Sonr) The meane8t marn doi"i t taler al, regide tri Waukegan Hi' lives ln Zion City. It la satd up there that aller %llsa Morrison. a aeamstreis. lbail flnished buying a new invaild chair wth which she wbeeled berseif frot houtie tu bouse to soticit orders. belng a crîIp pie, one day reeently a Iwo ahe It It In front off ber Own ieiuietîithe 'mea&nest mari' came aloiig anld sole thei chair. There la now a moventent ,.tart,-d io buy ber a uew chair and angrvitii zens promise to chaztlse the "Inearieet mar"I f be ta caught Another bicycle rttssppeared froiri, tri front ol the Zion boteet ast right accordirig to a MoIsaage tobte Waulio gan police. YORK MOUSE NEWS. (Front Weda*day's SUn.) Neit Sunday la Rev. W. ilîîîîtý last Sunday with un. AIl conte ont and have a large congreatlon present, Ed Hughes viited bis on,,le Frank Stanwood a tew days last week. George Wells rmade a trip to C'hi cago one day thist week anid brought a mari home wtth him. He stated Winifred Diekingoa who was klcked by a borne lait week la better so that he vlsitcd ln Zion City over Suniday. Miss Moude Hawkins and Mitss Min nie Gillird bave retumed front their trip ti Michigan. The farmera are ail husy cuttirig corn and filling silos. The little friends ddl Maybelle Qition will be sorry to hear (t abýâe la 111 at ber graridmothera homein Waukegau wbere ahe wiil remin for an Irideli- rite durnean as to be rader tbe care, off a physlcian. 0 000 a0 00 0 000 00 00 0 0 0 REAL. E&TATE TRANSFERS o 0 -0 " Piurniahed by Ldke County 0 " Ille and Trust Cotupany, Ab- o " stracta off Tille. Tiles guarari- o " teed, Màsonlo Temple Building, o " Waukegai, 111. Louis, J. Gurnee, o " Sec. o 0 00 00 00 0 000 00 00 00 0 Sept. 28. 1909. Margarel Herinessy 10 Osald At- mari and wtfe. lot 3. Ma rgaret tien- neaey'a Pýub.. Fox Lake; w. d. 8250.00. Davtd Geddts anid wiffe to Mary E. Geddta. 80 acres i N. E. 14 Sec.. Eusa Twp.: w. d. $500- The undersigoed wt eilait a publte onction on the faruoff William Hanka. 6% miles soulb nf Kenosba on the Shertdani road anid 1/2 mite weat on the sate lUne road. Frlday, Octoben 8, 1909. commeucing at 10 o'clock sharp: HORSES-t ha> mare, 12 yeans old; I bay hors,. 9 yeaîs oid; 1 sorrel mare 12 years old. i bny tesa comtng 4 yeara nid; I blac-k ml coming 3 yeara old. COWS-12 nillh cows. 6 uew milit- era, the real corhtîg Bonn; 3 yearltng beifers. 3 caives. MACHINERY-I Deerig grain lin- der. 1 DeFrig cornt birider, 1 McCor- mlck mower. I1ltay rate, 1 corn plant- er, I tan-bora, cittivator, 1 waling plow. 1 barrnw. t tiîree-prng buggy, t singte buggy. i tnp buggy, 1 lumber wagon, I truck aagon, 1 bob sleigh, j cutter, I feed cutter aud ginder comhiued, 2 seta of woring haruesa, 1 set driving harties. 2 sets ingla harriess HAV AND FEED-30 tons off iay Ini st, 20 toua off ha3' tibarn, 1 atraw stack, 25 acres nofcorn In sbock, 12 acres off gond briakiug corn snd a ffaw articles off hotîehoid furlilure. Qîber articles ton, numerous for detalled mention.- TERMS 0F SALE-Att armo off $10 or under, cash; over titat amount. one yesr's time wii he giveri on gond banlrahie notes. beartng 6 per cent tn- teresI No gooda 1tulie removed umlii setiied for. Free lunch at ntuon.- . FRED ANDERSON, Prop. Heniry Strie, Auîetrner. wr. the ('rescent lu the Sou canal, SEVEN VESSELS tie tliengarry. barge Plymouth ili e- îli nir, anîd the Nliinteage lu ii M i A LL KNOWN DERE Tk~heo1ongsi wrbuedt M ET TIJEIR FATE ltGei';an at semrîrnAei :albai. tCity of Green lBay in Lake .Nilr igari anîd lii steanier Sanmoa i SUN Gives First Details of D is- Lake îîiîiiî'îî asters That Affect This The"iiaîns îîscenî ('City, Ply Port Remoely timouth anuit iadil lai have lieen rained PortRemoely nid are, agaiti lui i onmiasion. The steaniîî'îaSeîiaîî,iandilLackawaanua hise danlibeen itiiad ili be E ber Ward First ta Open Year -îlace'd iiu , unîivoîn in5 an o With Record and Mont ible, eagle is Last _______ Vear la Hard One for-Underwriters But Borne off Bonas or Their Cargoes Are Seing Saved and Two nt Lsaal Are Afiat-Detais of Lake Disas- ters-ind How They Took Place, to Lois of Life and Lîmb. (ii ni Wedtîeaday's SU7N.i WAUI<EGAN KNOWN LAKtE VESSELS THA'r HAVE MET DISABTER THIS VEAR. The yeac has been an especiaiiy disatrous one on the laites for boats ltat have ai varlous tintes entered Waukegan port wlth car. go«s and te crews of whlch have friands here. Foiiowing la the tirai compiete list for the year: Eber Ward, Adeila Shores, Senator, John Prldgeon, Moniteagle. Iron Age, Samnoa. So far thîs seasoît lias beetî a mont dîsastrous otne fuîr 1he underanitera. 'Iany coniitlott a laie îotîbineîl 10 reisuit ln tîte aitil.lii 01o. elbtéen siips. ie destroyed by tire amI i- eral badl> daîîtaged b> aitîaîîditîg anîd giouudlng aloîîg varions points on the lake. The buats that amentlluthe bottîîtî were the î.teantu-t bî'i W.ard. rieur Nlackiga -ha'May. the Aîtrania lu W.hitetlah Bay lit Alril. tîte tug Flosn lu Lake' Erie aith 11vtsia.,tî'r and crea. the George Nestor lu Lak.e Sît- tierlo. the Russia lu Lake Hur-on, the Adella Shtores off Whiteith pintt. thej W P. Thea ln Laki' Hurtotnbar-ge Joenîtr ilDttr Dtrthli-elitthe Jeooffitete lutheîî oi rc iverthb St. flair river, lbe Colllngwood lit Ie- troit river, the John Pridgenilit Lake Erie, the Larkawanna oit Pointî d- tLAUX 10 HAVE WIRELESS Manager off Postal is Makîng Great Proparations. Wrtomù Wedieadsîs S1'N.) John tiA. lAuîx, inanlagel tif thte Poetý ai Trei,graii iîîiaîi ix litdotug îîîliîl iîk tiitheInsitîvallationt ut a s' tri icsi,-. l'grapilîapparetils s titih w ili etîabie tutu to îick lit)t lont"a drid ctmrkar haIL wlreIeaaý ai loti a iiislaîiîe utftutu' huîdred tîliIen The tirai vle whiclbe ahil er'eci wiij) he thiixlv el tîlgîtand la ecci vinîg apilarat ta a iIIlibe lîîaalled flirai le m-11 laId put lu a auroe ex- Plitas e atndtlatîte pliiîl eqiipnieutî ic1 h Ciîa lile hliltIo hlotb 'eeise and lse'uil t fioul t-nîîas cri-aI a dlistante as il .s lpossileleu 0 i)u ahi su> atrelegsn itrtuuti-w lie ailhave' partof Ithe equipmtelut indi' at the latatiehl lahnratory at Noth Ci'tcago. Ttc alîparutus wtli île intIaIled ai lIts r Ienetce on sliîttlî Shteridant rîad, aîtl he wlll hare an conflete ati]l erteci a wirëlexs sta- tion ai. tiere besIbis sîde of the Allait- Ili( î'uiii,îNli, Lalix. ls uothlîîg If liii progresilve anîd ls lonkiîîg for- a-ard la the lrne whettÎe hi' at hold a hfine poitiloti otune of thle Atlantice litera. ,attd IravelI ihe wuîrhîlovor.le tm tos eartting te Navy code whk.'h ta aed Itîsteail ni the Morse code lit setîltit a h reissnies.,age. A reingti.-ahe peculinnity off mangs- nese steel taeis almost cOtnpletia tck off magitelîr properties. A bar of Ibis ateel bhiined ort a kDife edgé was rot drswri out off balance by s powerful electro imagnet. but wheo hamtnere'l into very tho ftoi]te steet wasa iifted by the magit NOW ALL TOMBTIER FOR OLD WAUKH(AN General Grant Relbommends Central Army Depot for Beit Line Site WHO NOT LOCATE HERE?7 Head of Acmy in Annual Report Ad. vises that Centrai Army Suppiy Sta- tion he Located in Chicago and t s Bcelieved that Hec. May Lie Wau- keali n ,Chance. Desertions and Liquor in Armny. (Fron Wedrieaday's§ Daiiy Suit) Washington,. D. C., Sept. 29.-A main aupply tiepot for the army, te bc lora- ted lu Chiicago. la hie recommenidar tieouoff Gl, Ped D. Grant. command- er Of tht' iepartmi'ut et the lakeis.ti his annuîal report. iii diacusnlng the Propmoaai made liv the Illinuois NMafu- factureirs' associationi aid lte Chica. go Association of Commerce fer a quartermaai.-r's building Ini Chicago Gei. nant4aays: "Titi'crnstructionî of s arge quartier-- niaaler', deitot ou the Belt Une rail- road in Cthicago, a commsercial center, where ,uotman y mliltSry suppiies are constanlix îîirchased. would be of great tîctielit and give economy te the governiitti In te of peace aud of i iestittiaiîle i alite lit tie if war. The oid qiîtîtimsiier'.ildepot et Jeffer- sntviiie. Iii i.. ta laiaed and obsolele and b)era.tae of the iack tbere of rail- road tranaîinttatlou facilîties. the 811. -*ng-cf requlsîblous n lumîch detsyed. This wotld rie iti source of sertuon troutble iii case of var.' Thllîenlort of Géu. Grant gîves the aggregitte stretîgtb of the department oif the lake, as 19:1 officers sud 2,789 erlimlted tnt-n These are dlstributed amont is e garisisîed posta. The îiesertîta ý8dnrrig the yesc amotiuted te 27L Oftifttia number nliely'one were r-cvordedalsa having lef t Fort Sherid an. tien. Gratnt louches oun te use cf lîqîtor b' tiie men of the army tr isl- ctîssltîg the dîscipue off the troops In bis departnient aud he submnito atatîs- tics gatlîered durig the year te show that uiditikerines wasst blame for moat canes wiîicb were hrougbt 10elthe nttetii tif the judge adyccate. The resport tif the Judge advocate shows 424 canin where drunkennesa,-coses- Ing arrt-et y clvil authortties, wasl Ffeld glasses ire Our clothes- are flot ne.ded to wyqiues àu see the fine pointe - of perfection la ebyto -se. the lKind of clothea s we seli. style, fit and every detîl ~ I of fine tailorlns ire there inside * and out. If botter - clothes could b e made this store J would have therm. W.especîaîîy la- v i(t 6 particulmr . dressera. Me'n Who never w o r ready =&de clthes to see ours" the - world Iknown Hart Schaf fner &XMarx styles. Quality Up. Prices down. They range from $15 upward to $25, othermakes $10 to $15. You wiII flnd th~e best here.

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