CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Oct 1909, p. 1

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LAKE Co'uNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVIII. NO. T wo Parts LIBERTYVILLU, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, OCTOB)ER S, 1909-12 Pages Part One $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. COORT NEWS1!ROM Sam Baie, Steve Bale-Murder. TII! OUTiI SEAT Sarn Baic and Steve Baic-Assault THE C U14TY SEA witb atternpt toaikil Paul Milinowski. - A. B, Sbatkus-Embezzlemeiit. Attorneys May Ask ta Take Up Bur- Marie NIx-Larceny. gess Case in November Term but as Mottera Stand Case la Contîn- Keep After Ogden Case. ued-O4talls of Sourt News Show This mornlng wtnesses were cailed M&ny Mattera to Be Considered by lu the sensalloual case of the Peoplle Grand Jury and Court. agaluat Dr. Jessie Buckley Ogden, se- cused of alleged Illegal medical opecra- Wben thlicrouît caîli ta irilîr l tion ou a Waukegan wornan. The hua- day afternomu at 1 o ( lockl with Jîrdge baud, the blred girl, Susie de Boo, sud Dounelly on tihe îcli fli grand jury aother witnesaes were called and tbe was sworr i isud jlttîa Rinîg. clty igrand jury la sald f0 bave beard thc clerk of L.ak.- Forest, waa electeil staes asIde of tbe cse. foreinîan, 1 The moatter bîds fair to be s baril Sever-al se vi- excinscî front grand !foîght battle wltb both ides (trir- jury servIce for sarlous reasonm. rang- utluied and resoorceful. lîîg from t00, mach work tu other Joliî Breaklng Burglary? rares. Jesse Dodsou, Zion City, lheury After the usual îrearnble ftbe grand OKeefe, sud Jan lgnatowskl, Chicago,i Jury- retired 10 hein litsdelîberafions. aeaot bseaerug efete Ire laothto hare abgrandgjuryounder Ildtsesat oy gad jryun [rgrand jury on the charge of jaîl break- Stat's Atorny Day. ing, Two are lu custody. O'Ki-ýeI, l To Push Gallagher Case. laill1 at large. flîîe of the uîust liportant facto j lutibis voi ni-eti, iStateisaAtt orney bhat îîes.luîed today la that the Ilac lisîl bas dIfs; os ri-il thaf liriakitîg ofj i-tosasd relatives of IMretta Doyle of i jaîl is titemaille as iiveakltig into a Waalssorth, shot fa Ice by one Jack 'bouse.liti lîhi r sîrda bîîr-glars. andl Gallaghi'r one night long ago s bei, hua iras hi-the i largo les, l.-d at the sBie sud anther yourig man were rlî- i om ,15lîî-lî lîîg lî,-lween Russell aud Wadsortb yosso okt ou thelr way hone froîn a dance, Ini- nossoDckt tend io ush the case agaînaf (Galla %it Ihl 1larold -NIi tcheil utîder lindi, t gher to the lîrnîl sud an far front gIn mlent for the slaylng in faillb bealing lng IL t)u,.ail of theinssud othi-r s n lracticea of >NIrs. btilla Greenbsîgb. liesses or people connected witb the Hlenry R. Amaun for the stabbing f0 caae sere lu court today lu response 1deatb of a amatI boy af Fort Sheridan to a somîmons bsfore the grand jury.' resersation. Frank Burgess for the Nîlas Do " le lis now rueýosered froni ýklllînig of Pris af.- Rgeburtî at Hlgb. ber Injuiel,-sand thie 1,111 danger ofr wood affer a saloon lral, Nlck Iloua- piermuanent barni she sas lu. thaf of Igan for delîbetate attemt ltof kilt golnîg lame. la îronounred tu he wlth Sarkis Kerkorlaîî, botb Wau.e-gan Ar- out fouuiîatîoni. zmenans, sud tht- Baie brothers for May Take Three D),ys. tabbing to deatb Nick Mdosais on Il la Ielleced deliberaflonsm of the' South Park avenue, the rnurder docks-t lîtvy s hI takf" at least tbre" day s, af- la a large one. f-r shicIs tinsy will re-turni the usinaI indietnUsasd s repbort as t10tIbe coîndiion ofuthe rouiSly Jaîf.the freat- mis-t of lrisoners sud su forth. <aîîsgher la belleved f0 be lu or near Kenosha. or be rnay have left for Canada or the s-bsatfifelds of the uorthwesf. Wtniesses of other more farnîiar cases were aIso lu the court roomn on orders ta appear before fthe grand jury nîsside4 tiiese cases thiss lurm ut court there are .10 peoples cases. old, 170 commun Isw cases, sud 227 chan- cens cases. s furtber classificstion be- lug 18 damnage suifs. wlth tIse elscîrie road the target for feu, 27 divorces, 33 lujunctions, 44 foreclosures, 19 parti- lion suite, 8 sînia f0 quiet fifle, 1 wlIf rase., 2 changea of name asked, sud Il mechanîca lieus. S8aine Famous Cases. Borne farnous cases that inay be trled are tIse Jessîr- Buckley Ogden NEW CAR UNE FOR ZION CITY Drunken L borer Cails on Old Sunday School Teacher in Zion City and An- nouacea that he wîli Join Clara Agaîni. North Shore Electrîc Fran- chise Held Up. Good Towan for Northwesfern Men in Zion City. Atltif. Zîîn Cifyiii i-,iî il nttintg SIonl1ýIli) glit. - lB,, Id llîîllîgs ut Iii, a Iiiiiti( , pif tt' ( it, il ailt îîrliiuaîice askinr;in v att ,itvervad fraitîrise tîîîoigigI liv eut of 'hi- cils iThe îîrdilîaî,, ,sas iii te, oil t, lti li-t n-ad- îng ad attbts x e, 1ent ilianesfoîr pns- sage. The vai, lin,- ahici siliconneft wiîhe the-C. & NI E. aI a rentrai pointt ait(] that sîlitahi- pîssiigors ijoi, Ib biislnes,, d liEtriIlt-eIlarr- fnvtory - aidA-Ifsesbrî abotîîîtoIîn. ha.-.long lîcetiîii ,i ij-r tatcd that lbh- n s elrit 1evtrie liii,- mi)]11 lie fitilt cari ii jlasing.,andf tas 1b- -lrt cil Ibis faili iîsîîgtbh- trait, hi-e lii-,,- t-saldi] t- icapital lit -iglit for theieîling ovitf iii- îîs i- s bief, m bîi eîîîi leI1p'td 15 i l ii viii,- of tha hbv ii p îîîje-îte-i si rr- i, .FrostI 7ii- - -îîtthiiîg Delay Franchise. The Nortvlb Pîre Etire ompanyý frattebin,-. s irb Is tîiug bctd îni bs the roîîîriil a as again deiayed tant nigbt and sutl not lie arted 01,00 the next îîeeîlig vf thIbloard of aider mien. A iîîîîtî-d franchise a iI 1iviifi afîfy lie graîîted. pros ding Vsolsa diii.- not inaki- a deal itsiIsthe rvsc, isr for the' planît or the syndirate tirolio .rtlon ,foes tiot go throlîgb jîclîri- îLe neal meeting. lu tLe esent bat îitber îof these riassho,îld Le umade. it is probabhle tisaI lue North Shore rulob f lit-leIf ontfin the- cold t,i-- thée hase sîresîv lsioî,ed their ijeal for the-luelure. Thitsis aff Ibes are Iîtending 10 Lîîy su> as' vas lui-s sîlI not operale th,- Zion fpower sta- lion. luit wlll furulsh light andf poser fron the W*atkegan plant. No Bonze. The ChLicagoi & Northscsterti rail- road comns fnd il grosîf îbheîr ad- vanfage 10 keep the beadrîsarters for tbeir largi' (rack Iaing gantg at Zion City he.eaîîsî the menon otul sel 5 The ptit jury wsas excuaied at5 icase, thse Waehenfeid sud eluera di-too r"ure"udt "mntsyi ss ,., or-t Nloida> afterriooîî b>y .udge vircre case, .thi' dannage suit t oftheIse ueinthu- railroad companîn The licucîf> outil Noss-r1r ITbe bar f'Casbnore, girl agant l)euflat havis ncllyr.nrle ere10bîd waa ainioaf unatîlmous Inn deslring thaf sund ('blet Tsrreill ihe Poulce >fagia mced menst-i. fom- wukîîg rîar the trial terni migbt Le delsyed outili !trate Taylor ruaniiarnis, sud tso lihel throp barbor, but the camp iii still tben. Seseral of tIse attorneys have suifs, une agantntfhs- Gazette b> Dr Maintaîned at Zion. rases caring up lu tIse igber courts Ogden sud one against the News a y Lahorers Housed in Cars. ibis mouth, sud uearly Il of the Iaw- G. W lblpls-v. a Waukegan colored yera are giad ths-y wnil ot bave to goi a The taliorora are houned litlbox' cars f0 trial utIl later. Tbe judges rnulm which base bei-n paccd on a sili lue sas also utoat acceptfable ta the tract, a hile ses irat other eatw auseul farier merutbers cf the petit jury. abo FAILED TO GET' for uçiinnet-s".Zin bas Lad t-oIiîji- lie aitcnnh ork yî-t f0 Le doue 011 the of ber osîî since tLe large camphu as farios. tî-dv, SANCTION 0f FATIER upetîed Iber,- ns Ilîre base luorî kefr fl ol s as, . sili-rI Nloll-sou,,- loîsîemouîs iliketu, w sho bas i guI las sfft-rnnon motions acre beard hy Young Man Anxîous f0 Get Marriage feu tanntid Il ), iand theti faten titi court. TIse iorkef sas csled as Lîcense and Takes Mother wilh Hi.,,tfisctraitt ,rPe-vicne o-tri Zion sheri- usuai 10 duenuine abat cases souid Oniy 10 he BaffleS as Clark Insista fbey bas î starteuf suaif "resis ai lit- niad>fon trial on tIse cvil caten- that Father Must Consent 10 Nup- meetings tîluoil tîb streets. dam, fiais Alan--Boy Leaves to Gel Other Off the Floch. The Buirge-ss mourdier rase silI not Parent aud Finish Job, IlIasiiio eet, a Siidav scboul tî,îu b Il(- lnv-,rd outîilIthe Deceurbsr terni un or ailiid 5o t hilthb-e h uirhfort-nis Iess îthe atforney s deire ta fake te A Nul ii (icîego ,u i uuu i,, - ýes.i - îîw ouulif sou t, iif n Initi ras,- of) durntie Novenîher. - ,îîuîîîî or aîou a îî i u.î(î li ts, late I- l f,îîî si mli) ,îî,î iv at souin ,fu Tii,- 'stiuuînisn rsstitnt cvin,' u~ -f ,~ i , triI i îîîîîî tu i lOu aîîuuu,,îîîe finseIf <as otu ii - ,geli.ii ,nthrt- r-v sus. liI livici ai, s.,-iiiîi. 1 ý, n i i i, ý 1 , s lb anl atfcttitfo commnit mnder ago. mas rahiliclleof to go ana>a îît h oliic1inse' ljTis. 15 1151 luliatip- silli s deadîs s capon. ws asso con, , It h I ovtl Iaeýu1 eîu, Oo n goou i Zhu <daeounss von omît-t-e uueLzvos eî-d liallir Ilort,' tinued utîtilthtIe feceinuer tern. tirtud honte fo break Ib u-ssg-f-tra .gistloiflo t TIse tollosltug n a iparial liat f ito bis 5father and proîtisîl %>soýr" di rumIý h taiu uui toh i ur. ha ing -arnîcu lma vases thi' grandi jurin ay eouider' tom tctday provîdîîîg lie (oîîd ssin lit s flus nId Simida sc iiuuuitcfaer reslded Alexanider \V.l"-try Laceany suif t- usoer f0 tIse ides ut cci, nti lu i itu itti îfîi iufd 10Luimîfluiroui forgery. Io flis marriage. ansd dmil aomîL etibrassitig rn uits. Mifaurice Sisco--Rape. lie sas sotrs fulI itde-erI ýheiti Gho a Sa Do> le-Calfager-Attenîlutofa umoder. sas informnîd he flc omnli niet t. Thi- good aumuinti-r busbuvuîrhlsp Ifenru OKeefe, John Ignaton ski. thaf more titan 10sf bis uîofieî s cnu- peur- i o lue asll lt-on, bomse a Leî le Chari-s Jsrnrock. Stanley Ososowski, ,ent 5as îucesaary. lis nîothet s lhed andîlshe ductares Ibuit sho sas John OConuel, Syvester Gosti- cousentf 1usd ais a> s hi-eu sffielenut bi- gis in s bail scat i bc-aune a dnîuîukeu Larceny and burghary. Iguatowski sud fore a-boni atu>-outhtul îîndertnkuuug evilier i5 îlet a desit-abie goest ai ORKeste escaped Jol. had lecu îîroîosed bof nos St leant auuy lunule. The mais as nul ru-rime I-farry Haigh, Fred Bush, John Car-a bon he aas jut ready lu attaîn lites ruzed ah ht-st luit soîu macle hîmseif rol Assauli sltb latent ta kilI. iglest ambition he feit taken abacîr hoîbh kowandurIat home." lie shas- Raymîond .snoo-Burglary sud waeheîî ,-Ifscusered that he mont oh- cil.nsîmlaayî-d.simd -sosid t bcLeli- arceey. tait, is svern fathen's consent. fumeil to eas îoutisli aller ho i- b e Mîatt >lacksy-Assault witb deadly Sei adb, iogtta a es, alrsihh euî weapou on Kuafi NMantyli. aben I ssked tIse girl sud asesaid deluated afle, uromuilne 10cali agalu tiba Petrons-Lareeny as halle es it xw u be ail ight. 'Ma sairld 0 Isaaac Currsnt-Larceny 0f pool haIe sas ailting Lut 1 nsen rthougbt Theî t, lon sas etutuoyeuf Coui tLe riotb. about lia. YotlIhl waif ioutil f get back stlcet sy iug gang sud sas jonltr- William Lichwood-Asssult sitb as-oui yoîu. MrCent.'roseiuefnru a nîreo. le Lehaverf desuliy wesson on Edward Lux. 'Sure. lIii naît for you If yvoit hurry , helnî s alrl he butsne,- ui viit Gerald Bock, Lloyd Williams, Wil-salit the oser genial cferk. Taklug bisteloh ouaibcdrrlseLs- lamu Atteman Nalcloos miscblef. mothers amni the yoîîfbhîrris-d îrom reîuaired. so Ibat utusetcruîuu catIesm Charles Sanson, Chritîna Coulhard the court bouse sud hasts-ned borne eat, lic kept ouîlsîde. -Fornication. Wbat deelsion thse fatber gave la as lbrGenVivdcae ts Jesse Dohson-Brgliry lu ZIon yeî ukown, as the yotinugman dld W ie haun lenn Voliva defaored hast City. not returu. sch htleLdJa w in-seî Albert Gachwiuk-Crirus agslnst ns- to take before bs- wouhd apring an su- ture nounicemeut s-blcb souhd astound bIs Frank flasher allas 'Mike Jashier- REALTY REVIEW. folowera heyond anytblng ise bad yet Burglary and lanceny. The Laits Couuly Tille & Trust Ca. doue. This sunounicemeut ls sup- jessie Bueiofsy Ogden-fturder. report Real Esînte fransfers for the posed to be ta the effect tisat be bae Margaret Hudson (mrrrîed) sud week as fahows:s- Noîmber of Instru- securs-d the power plant sud sîso the Les C. d7amstock uumarries)-Adul-1 mente, 130; Des-de, $102,981.00; Lass, botel, for s-hicis e bas been workIng tery sud fornication. $26,064.00. bard for over s month. Nearly $100,000 Cash. A zealous follower stitîed i li w ek that bc has nearlY w i-îdthe~ raislng of a fund of $ O ishich la considered necesary to iir, out hisa plans for gettlng control 0f înuch val- uahle property still held1,iY the re- ceiver. The fund h bas n largély added to by the tithes ' ;i i ifferings, whlcb are sald to bas. h, ri largely lncreased "a aresult oft i,. xhorta- tions and denunciatilis f t al l to4e who rob God' by th, T-lii, a tuint of one-tentb of their miln, 10 l;od'a anolnted ruler. How Fund Was Raised. Thse oserseer bas blii nzîaged lit holding a long serbes of lui, rv -wsa for the hast montb with al l l is follosv- ers who he tbought Mighr Ias,- a fit- tic 1905e cash tucked anas for thse prvoverbial ralny day. Whi r.îîneed to caîl at the General fies reer'a ot ire ail have gone wlfb fear and tretsi bling, as ail have learu, il 10 dread an Inters h a on the green îarpt Th. iv fears have souon been al,, I a, alter a fi- preliminary qku. r ii, ý, Io th et habit of savlug. t( 1, h as ti oav-hfd the subi ect of r, I i o uf w ha te s r tbey mlght ha i- on iand or b, atile 10 Lorrow. A large toind ha-s hé-i-tri ecied lu tbis ss î,iv, aviall ai I so10e large Stsma fimg li,il for of * ii- frtrmone f0 fi- y, i ail oi si rt her than Vol,, a s ler -ona1linoe, w hich la coi.idi îd l,- Lest se(I-iiity ln the sol t d by is foi- Old Dowle Method. This is the old Dosle iethoil0fi gtting fonds, snd thir îid lrader WAUKIEGAN NIEWS MAS UTS TROUBLES Resolution Introduced Providing for New Vote on Drectorate and la Carried, atter which Balloting Be- gins on Newa Drectorate with ResaIt Moody Forces Win, il us Sairl--De- tale of Events. WHAT RIVAL BOARDS CLAIM. We are standing pal. We dud not take part in the meeting Ibis mornlng. There wasa no election except our osan Tharaday night. -Board represented by Attorney Edwards and siih Messrs. ison, T,-est.rail, Keeler-, Kraus. Huvnt, Secord and Lawarence as members. We reconsidered the Thursdlay elaction for cause and there are no directors beyond thosa whomn sae elected Iis morning.-Board represented by Attorney John D. Pope and with Messrs. Lester Moody, Frank Moody, ison, Roe- mer, B. A. Munson, Trestrail and onue other as members. %Vritli;i guaî nîî iîtii,- >,es olli cail ri,, . , l i, i > ir il t 151 i l'Ioili- t i--( Tîtreli andtil îî,îîîlî:îattiding Sacles' li i.ý-- i i ft iii- -ticktili 11e51 it1ý n aaîîîls co1, nîîfesaton suit and a 1 l ýIIItel Miiitgaeilifi-ltiti, aukegan 111t)tîiintg andll'i Ct nîg couilany Sf fair- uId atiiIi le long dras n ont sif 5excitihlg F-i la i îî iîig lti.ii titaiii-,sti i i ,-ht t aîly . îîîî- aicretars anîd of iii. Iu h.- Su1 vorlolration, inaif ai 5i ii 1,15tardvil he safe tu get Fe1cu red more tIssubal a iillio011dviiIilil,.ii aiig-l5iif0gtiis tara lu thIsssaute way , s tltisno t iIlo - o t1w iolate s-alIlifla isurprlslug that is succe.siiv houîtd saiil Chiot Ti rvo]It mired bts wa> folios thîe old, rellahie mPthoiîîof ris- Atlitir-s FrIs ai ils relîveseufa the îng funîds at this Uîne aLeti lie Las tmPit-t - Ilîitîlatîd Sacord, who so nîuch to gain sud uuîhinggt10 ose. iîîî,l,îîîeýd tlîî-r sîtares a ih 'Mlfton Iras idiug he can get possession of lli 1 is un îîe sjîaîe and gained tIse cou- the pîrincipalf buildIngs sund soue of trvi i îîîgb otv-oi' as this4-6 sjares tbe remnaînlur real estate. le tuons vsii42s held b> fleIopoi-ftion. 100, thaf Ise rau get lit, If se cai ouly ttoî irey Johnlu), Pope fi-uttIse raine the cash,' sud la recefslog this Stuvids u-u(ýio fovvcs gtses tho tuf. lu a golden streaus. He dAclared lsla asi 0iis acruotîrut Ili, nmeetinîg hetd ne, ki t , v îi sould use the noey nEtidas uîorniîîg whlîîehshowa that tIse a nay that ailbrng big retorna for Nfooudy-Roîeno,-r toi ir-, are' apirentiy (fod andîl Monil'ît h,--,îliîîilîfuît-the titre he It sý reportî-d hy people front Zios Cijty that the deaf for the power plant, admninistratioti building sud botef la hejue vtosed tîlisa sternoon. MORSE AND BUGGY STOLEN IN WAUKEGAN C. Barry, Fîve Points' Fariner, Loues Nag by Thief When H-e Leavea Rig Hitched on Water Street-Pursait Vain but Horse la Feund-John Marchu Jailed in Chicago for Aban- doning Wîfe There. WLiie (C. Bs, ry v a Five Pointa fsrnî er, slth is son atsd bred man, sett afler the lsoandry Ssturday nlgbf, Iêasu îl te h, orne atîd buggy tie-d ou Wateti stt i-t, a Lors, ijîlef came alune aîud Blarr, gaens elbalarni af once sud tIse police got on the trial near 10:310 oîr Il o dock fivst sendlng telcîîboîîî i.,- age, tiou-Isearby rîty andc i - itouibjle , t lii. ig. At the - nujotît i, i ticîg utftte stociileis-ron f-t dri at th(- Ni- olli r SfM. L.ravîs as cbairnianî of tii,--îîî,ît,. apîîîniîed ah iLe hast li- fuîg triiiitiri,sitig the sole ou 0 cti ofilut i dîrî-u tilt-s iportî-d me silitsas lîaî e j ,-î itîed. Nu, actionîsîbi is ,saîd 10 lu,,,, i i-t, ni on iîs 1011011 Iiiiiiucdnahi-is a ti - aitiot sas itîtro uluti -rI liones er.t te effeet tIîaf by rensotuofuthlbf(nit that tLe vofe dld ntt -oI , w cijihtbeIbi' uurer o otsoe s e,,.t anîd tiraIvine si brimas unautbor- izi l t,,ok ,lîîvg.- vif îhe Lalfotsa if wan t, îîîu,î l tint a nous solelue taketu for îjt,-îlectvonîu f virf t-rts OCli h i i cauil lîîîmas offere-a Broke Down in Heallh. M IWANTED MAN Iti. l5 eicîrutiat If Alfcre eers, the cons icted murderer of Clintoni Culriof \Waîkegan sud Charles Mor- doff of Cicago wili not lise long If be j-, sentenred Io thse lîmit. twenty y eara lIn foliet penlteutlary, for rnanslaught ei. It I-rsail thar Peters ls a cakeii dfi,ýlii avy drînkîng snd dissipt ion Vi cilnes.dFviP, i;ajîîstfour months vo an i ifoîini l,-tinte that Curry wssnasho landil Vi i ii-day a an IL' da:~ li - tii.ii a ii e gcîlty oft tl, oii,- îf înai,1 'Ir. fROM WAUKtIGAN DIRECT TO 1ELGIN t Wil 'the fl tfranchise fpropiosi- tio iiiî, .iii mlilown tSIoîday , there ls a nrrong chance of linrct Wnuke- gcar eîî-tion i wh tbe rity of Elgin, oine li the slatî-î cifles of nortbern Illinois w tii the- itere-,ts of shich Viaukegaiîîlasî(ilzîclosî-ly ldcntliled. îlot e l thieîpropoii ttioni uf the lpro-t miilucw ioiad, thei'Elgi t and inl n tot rlil as i ttafi, lit a gencral 1. To lease the Aurora, Elgin and Chicago tracks frain Elgin to Chicago Io operate !ta cars thus fa r.t 2. To transfer passengers at Chicago to the Northwestern el*- valed and thence to Evanston and the north shore. As will b(- seen. the route la far more, direct than any uuw belng used bw the public. For the added ressort that tbe srheme: If f goea tbruugh, may affect the Vy nnhUne lu some wsy, It, la lm- piortant to ihis clty, altbough tbe, \Vyn Un e will Utati ilferent lerritory and a diffci ont chalîr of tua rs aud rît- es, lncludlng Rockford. Nesertbelesa the îîroîîosed new lhue talia une of the Wyunn erutînals. Rejected Thus Far. Reîireaentstlves of the Elgin sud Evanston Railway company appeared before the Elgin clty counicil st nighi a'îtb Ibeir petîtion for a fran- chise sud met wil s turu dowu, par- tlally. the decision flnally being that tbey shail corne back wltb a tran- ebîse with obiecUIonable features ellin- luated aud tbey wlll he conaiîlered fserilusly t Elîlît objecta 10 the followlng provi- sionîs of the frantchise and for tbe resvorta staid therewltb: fý The new Conmpany seeka a fifty yeî oar rî erlictual franchise. Elgin obcts to any st;ch franrbise, even as Waukegaîî bas doue success fully. 2ý The francbise proposes te oper- ate over leaaed tracka of the Aurora, Elgin and (hicago Une. Tbis Elgin objecta f0, as it says tbat the uew corîîîany wlll bave an tîncertalu teu- o re at hest sud wll have to beasse front the leaaed hunes surcessors wben Et-,in-,as a îuuemîbem of lbhe caittieesernrueepr th.t h. tFinals- tise Elinl couincil told the 1 ii ,u)a ii( i su ata iiii e aket n n 5 I lia-is of shorktl imdig-r(_Uni tîat sote S l(,:trsolutor,,îî ss carnicof, It la l1a I - Il Imîl a I tutli rt 1sOte for lIse il, 0Ji l(Ir ,,fili, î,us rdoreîi, It la lil d Tfhe-folloi lie s, etiare Confession Suit Filed. (it imea i-ild miling a mhoruetu Ni,,, i uyl ' N il i autuu,- slon agses seait-vf (if il i miiitIs shorýe, somîtsil ma , r iugi,, lii uîlg liîuu tir 15 lx,, iii iuîruf aIeat as fat- nsîii lh1a ipul ishluire Newss, ateg- \\hlî-iîg andu-I h i-ueld. iuug 1 ..l . m i tei l itf $7,11.7I 0.ii The Tii,- lmtst r Iio- i 110front Nunflith t hi i,(1](1 t.- j tn î-f-îî lin vagu aI1i, tii pltie-sas a Isor - ltieumatten. an i z i miîîsîîîîîî the descî-lîîîîun lmu m-gui ilt,, l,,lî,îîî- î.uuîtgae uîuatiîug dufv, r fli'tseufh stres-t ti tii-il ili i i lt ii., lîîiî.î ra ssat-, tir ,- -'t rid Itto the county. il îîîma mîiul,.ont bii-ti- ,îaîi-Chif- f.atov i' a So ilI, kSonda- rornng ti-milv iTi ot' mut i-lu îîîaumsuîî mod tacha cauu, tire ti s thlaI tLe boras- thlî- t i, ioi i l , 'i-it ito imî ti- gond. hald tîedtiue Lot-si- sf111 bitcbed fo the eîîulî litis,miutiesaorthîe buggy. lit l-ouii t-t îh treet sud t ho n mmi -iiii,,, muot-hihig tîlose firesît, i elecîruc road, NiitîîChicago, sud Lad jsîmeO DrIuomi. Fu-atît>Moody, skipîued outfcviitheirelectrie cars for ILhester I Stc,vil-R. W. 'Iloods J. F'. the soîîth. lîîî,iOah- Tetuiîle. lîstînt Se- Theme la no 1dcihtIon of birna su a i-icr. and Kratîa. nu trace is ta li abers-abouta. Thv facirîonti at ivIsa o iiposer Catch Cuiprit lu Chicago. The poflice fier,- have rs-ceivs-d word b> fvicguaîmiluat John Manda, wbo sote finIr agvîîreided 10 marry the girl he Lad ssmuuuged, Sophie- Zone, la lu mi lIChicango, and tise -messagei asked If ho evi' s- anted bers- forn wia-f-ubauionmuent t Ilaclaimed tIsaI Miardu, ieft lus sIfe sud child rigbl affer fhe marrilacs-Nits. Mardu islani andul t s;t,sîl i-s t vîuda tareruali ni dili) îot la te part i thus hue-inlu and llimîllmîs u1o lot vshowsa a ots-. Viiih sb oui il as vosc , aslved At- tt îîii I u Ed rsd,- "\%e are Ini poswer andI iiusve.hum ifdiliteiul lu nsmain vo S Tiii o 1-. nio douîbr uabout ou r t igluts li tlu, fuafer, Jîmt sceause lIse t osîrts if liii ei(lîrtion are diIlkeof la IMi n-isomu fuit illîotltet- ciction. Ounr Chicago aifli relatIves. to mu oi l isItgrîi> ýlouable, Up lu Moodys and Roemer. Il is statu-ul ibaftIshe next sts-p la Tssl Colony Full, up 10 oRoiiemer« and flue >loodys, st ah. ils the arrisai of John Erlckson cf, antui at they itay try 10 gain poss-s- Chicago ai thp lent colauy tbe last i 0slofaI ho Nesea office by force or privats- ward la taken up sud the tari fil 1.g rîno wa rranîu Isoceedlnga. hties of the t-nt coîony for private Thue fouir colt off tIse directorate hy patienta base rescissd their ]traits for the meet In g thils mocnlng but st111 ln tbe preseut. ltlhough tisere la roorn rcharge at tIse Ns-ss office are Messrs. for Bevs-rah cottgty patients.i Second, Keelfer, Rraus sud Law-rence. rail rosd agents thaf If îhs-y carne Into the eoulieil wnuLthelr ownî rlgbt of way mafulîd 0ont sud arranged for, eut out the ifty ycar piortion sud gave other guaranîces ut a permanent flure thr li-t oafîl Le no objection. SU DDEN STROKE OF PARALYSIS FATAL Vu lii,-SA. Virtor uf Ts euit>second amnI Nu-ut, lii n cioc, NorfbthChicago, %S aseatî ug ai le r af lbhe fb iago ifloîuse iiiihi- fotf oh arIt--tstreet N1iîîm lrîd i glîf1911 tiîîlg a i ,sî firours is nom k litth i. 5iiiil roltior. lie suri doitý t> îiîîîîiv- us ir nitIs aat tie aI ritto n'ici htaler ti-stt mcrtig lleu it tJatus S, Allisîî-î-Iîuv,utj lit, lhis -n r wi fi auil cblldren at thc Nolthfu 11hus-,> foîmîr, Mîke Kapitan Dead. Sfltîî Kaîiufiui, aged -,4 yens and iiuffttilg s itîn lu ouss iesi tifouda>- au ube hotn- te iEeveuth and Prescot atreets. Northfh iuigo, fle leuvesas salle andmîl 011somi He Tallied As-fuI. V.WLen a courut> officiai of tiset treas- un-m al' ofic , o uoday rode toseards Ibleigo it sIIIaîVIte Steamer agent retmu îiîg a ect-, autîl s-ile the speed- 17 luils an Lour., a plain clotises man dathiilomt of the bUshes at Renîl- worth andmul piced both ms-n under a,- t-ust for ivr(es-ding tbe apeed hîmit of '01 liesan Isour. The filhe cf $10 and rosts wss palO aîud tîen tIse COunty Officiai, s-bn la ft as sud kuoses bos-to express hiniss-h, blisters-r the air et lIse Ken- itworlh Justice shop s-hIle he bold tIse Justice s-bat ho tbougbf of the matter. GOE-S SCOTT F R!! Local Police Gi ve Racine Departmont of Police Warning, Officers Wam Express Company, But CIérk Do«a Not Think when Grafter Offera $M0 Dominion Express Company Check and Lets Hîm Cet Through Free. Dsistle thte fact that W'aukegan po- liice Nlt vîl oy foilios cIby long dist. a-tîvtîlfihone the flan wbo offered for ca, iîg a trasofepra cheeck said f0 hae lîsen d ras-n on the Dominion Estives,, Comnpanîy for $200. at Racine, aflir thîe rail aud the waruiug from the piolice deparirnent. the Mnuwith the check entercd the Racine Wells Fargo office, if la sald, proffered thse check, aas reflîscîl and waiked out free. Attera-ards a rlerk calle,! up the Racine police sud on aakiug for ln- formiation fouîsd shat be bad doue. The utan sas no ttearly uetted that the Watikegan police were lucliued tii bc dîsgaated wlth the lack of cau- tion sud negiecef dlssuayed by the fman who waited on the suspect graffer. Follow By Telephone. Puvaitî of the utan witb the check, wblch la drawu on s cornpany sald not 10 issue cbecka, was relenflees, and measages were sent lu raîtd fire order t0 Kenoaha andlRacine. He coula! bave Leen caught lu Racine. Trait "Stolen" Horse. Laie oun Mouday affernoon ('bIef Conolly tralled by telephone a horse that s promitasn Newport pollticlan rs-porled fa bave been stolcu from the hîtchîng lface on CountY street sud Court House square. After about ten calla bave bs-en put ln thse polI- clan called up sud saad be thought be kuew wbere bis borne was and that It wss safe. The horse diappeared at threec twenty. f was a grey, 1000 pounds. sud wifh acare on thse right blp and rlgbt front foot. Later tbe Newport mau, Mr. Steph- eus, dîscovered tbat s nursery Man. alleged to have been J. A. Schsultz, tu sald ta bave become iutolcated Mnd takesa the horse and buggy for a driv. He wa.s fihed $3 snd costa for being disorderly. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE IN WAIJKEGAN MIOTEL A dying man was dlscovered at Il:30 s. rn. Tuesday wben Misa Mamie Dowe the chambermald wss maklng ber routnds lu the Motel Edmund. Herb Liebert the porter. waa-called aud he cllmbed over the t ransom anmd turned off the gas wblch was showly taking the discouraged mana's life awsy. Dr. C. E. Danels was nalled sud sad that If thre nian vas found.- Byve minutes latter that Rt would have- beau Impossible to save bis lite, mr. LUebert lu su Interview wIth m. EflUN reporter sa,!: "Misa Dos calfed me sud 1 canme, upstaIrs witb Une axe sud It waa my intention to break Use doar dowu but as 1 found that I could crawl over the frauaom t dld so. Whien 1 saw the muan hIs body was cold aud I fbougbt Ibaf bc was dead.' .S1r. lenr.,-Wood.,. tbecI 'rîtays that Mr. Walters carne lu about elght o'elo>ek Mondsy eveniug sud was as- sîgned ta roorn number 52. "île appeared ta be lu excellent spirits sud said that be bail lust takes a f oad of cattle tram lbertyvilIe tb Mllwaukeýe sud stopped aver lns Wau- kegan while ou bis wsy bome." No cause for the man'sacst la knowu. The onhy papers found ona bis person vers two teatâmoulah frtram the Mtercy sud the Bheesed HoapItal at Milwaukee, Wisconsin andluinsùba- lance were as follow. 'Tis la b elgnlfy that William Walters bas been lu bbe Mercy HSa- pliai for five veek and wbile tiere he hast bie rîgit baud anîd part of bWu heft hand." Thsis la supposed 10 b. sigueil by Dr. William Davis. There la aise, s te6tirpional frram Dr. Davis of the Bhessed bospîta of the same City. At thrbe o'cluet, Tuesday atteruocu William Wlera who atteuxptelsui- cidses-as rernoved ta the MXry Mfe- AfllIster bospital s-bers be rernalus lu au îunconclous condition. Report Shows Profils. Repîorts of the receivers of Use Chf- rago >hilwaukee elsef rIe rail rosai. 1Usd yesferday lu thens-itedi States Cirtuit court. show the receipîs for JuIy vesle. $92.248.07; diabursernus, 172,585.44; recelpts for Juhy. $129,354.25; da-. bursements. $121,379.19; reftipba for Auguat, $137.296.52; disburseuat. $81,57082. 1 1

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