CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Oct 1909, p. 8

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LAECOUNTY INDEPENDENT., FRIDÂY, OOTOMIER 8, 1909 A UTILE SERMON YFROM SILAS GRUMP ysthat «Hore Sweet Horne", Sign May S. Replaced with the Stein 111flg ln the News Office but Peopls WiliI£ver Question Mayor, "If You Are on the Square, Mr. Buck, why the iunday Opened Saloon?" Mr. Editer:-WelI, It's bappen.d! Thought it would! The Moadys, the McGnnises, and the Roemers bave lest their aid oaken bucket' and the Krauses, the .,uta, the Secords, and the Edwards, are whsttung "The Lttle Brown Jug." Mr. Kraus, the advertising manager et G. R. Lyon & Sons, la the wboie show. EKraus seems te banker for insnaglng jobs. He manages for Lyon, he managed for Bock ln the campalgn and now lie manages the News. And Kraus announcea ln last nîgts edi- tioS that the ex-dry sbeet la ln fonds. in tact they are so anxious ta pay ail debta over there they smpiy cant watt. Mr. Kraus evidently brought a lot of money lto tbe business witk bis one abare of stock. Now, Mr. Edlfor, wben a lot of un dry foiks got together wltb our minis- ter-s and stsrted thîs paper we bad same mlgbty hlgb Ideas about wbat it would be. about Its Influence for good, for law and arder. Sunday dlng Was Ia be aur slogan. We were te be against tbe ram traffcie n all is branches. We were going ta elecf a mavor wbo wouid make thne saloons behave. So we picked ouf Mr. Buck as the man t0 lead uEL through fthe "wlderneus" Now he-e la where the -Iran entera oor souL" W. dry foks elecfed -Nr. Bock may- as. We made an unholy alliance winb Mr. Otto Waliln, a saloon keeper ln the. Genesetreef brdge ditricfta help us do If but we had s distinct uaderutanding villi Buck that ho ubsa ta throw Wllin ovrboard affer the aecton. Bt dtd ho do IfV Not a throw. lnafea<i Mr. Bock turne the cty over ta Mr. Walin and the alcon keepers. But does ho stop thes-.? No Mr. Bcks campaign manager cornes ta aur dry newspaper ooe sand marches off witb the uhole w- Nbw what da yau fhink o! that? Jimt stop a moment and think. Mr. EjItor. the position we dry fls are tà. We have given aur tImo, aur mOoy, yea, our heart's blood, fa huild a dry newapaper, and thon ta have Mr. Kraua and Mr. Claire Edwards walk Into an alderman saloon-keeperas plaSeand announce that they want Or paper taken off the aaloon-kesp- eras unfair 1sf as if la jutIlîke any other nswspaper now. "Ye goda and Uitle flahes," thia bunch of poNtIcians are Dot content with taking aur paper away tram us by a trck, but they go ta Our onemy andi want ta fnado if off. Why, Just ibis imrnlng we went ta the News office tafitnd ouf where we et ood, an& Mr. Bcks chief of police put us ouf o! the building loto the sireet. "If's a long lante that bas no fomato cana inIL"if If NIr. Buck thînka for a minute that ho can fake aur organ mway from, us and we wili ait Idly by andi look on wblle he uses If f0 builti up a poltical machine for Fusas and blinseîf be ts mistakein. They may laike down aur motta, o! 'Home. Sweet Home." and replace if wlfb the "Stein Sang." the> may wln the admiration o! every saloon keeper ln Waukegan, tbey may drag the rom- nanta o! aur blasfed bopes ln the public treets, but fhey neyer will top tbe demand for Sunday cioal&, for the elimination o! gambing and disorderiv bouses; nelther can they keep the people of Waukegan from Pinting thelr finger at lMr.Bock and SamYng, "If Yau are On the square, Mr. Buck, why the Sunday saloon?" Yours truto, SILAS GRI'Nip. NEW VAUDEVILLE agent ln Waokegan enterprîses. Man- WIL NOT INTERIERIE ager Frudenfeld of the Barrîson the- wuîmi NEW CtUuC'u ater. Because it might embarrass lessees of the praperty flow occupYlng if, the Zion Cty to Have Agrîcultural Fair location o! thte new building tasflot Beglnning October 5 and Laatlng given except that If will be an Gen- Until Dot. 9-Voliva ta Encourage osee street. Tbe Husaoy office site. Fermer*eln Thoir Worl-Objsct ta the Oltuskyl building and other places Delay Church Work ln Mthodist are suggosfed. Matter. Mr. Howard la induced to build by Manager Frudenfeld and if la con- No Injoniction proceedînge wll be ceded fhat a Genesee treet location sfarted for saine tlme f0 came agabnst would bo Ideal for the theater pro- the trustees of the Methodist cburcb posed. wba bave started tbe ereciion t nl Will Se 'Some" Building. new cburch edifice in Zion Cify. 'ile The building will be tbree storleeS' in helghf. bult f rom the ground upV new, wlli bave a white tmarbie theatern front, and wlll seat 1,000. il wiil be I kinown as tbe Barrîson building andb wll bave offices.c Tbe bouse witl be exciu§lvelY forC vaudeville of the sort fbat bas madev the Barrisan theater a bouseboid word in this aud aurroundlng terrifory. fbe 1 tact being that nover was au Illinoois theater taiked o! 50 much or so favor- ably.î The new building wlil pmbahly1 mean the removal of tbe Barrîson the-1 afer from Sheridan road to Genesee1 street. as thaf la the Ides ln building The theafer wili be centered with an elaborafe lobby on one side o! whlchE wiil be a store on the otber a fivet cent theater: wile at the end will bet tbe elegant new Barrison. Tbe wboie building will be fireproof. ',%r. Howard and Miss Barrison are now sppearing lb "The Blue NMouse"' at the Shubert theater ln Baltimore. RUNAWAY BOY WANTED MIS MOTHlER Uncle Flnally Loc-ated Here and Boy Wili Be Taken Care of Until H-e Makes Up Hie Mnd te Return ta School or ta Home-Homeslek for achol and Wiskea ta Go Back There alter Saturday's Long Walk. A arnailitaw hesded boy, nef over 9 years aid, giving is name as Ceeul Chamberlin, after anl 18 mile walk from the Allendale Scheol, Safurday stopped an offices- and asked te ho taken ta the home o! is mother whom be thougt reslded here. Tho naine on the envelope given the officer waa addroed ta M. Chamberlln,, Muake- gan, Mich., which was taken by the boy ta mean Waukegan, 111. Captain Vogel taok the tired run- away out ta supper. An oncle of tie child, William Chamberlin, o! Gene- see Street, wss flnaly lacated and It: la there that the lad will be kept un- fil is parents are fieard from as the Schoel authoritlea say that tbey wllt net taire hlm back unies, he returna wiihin 24 heura. The boy said tbat be became bomne- sick snd came f0 Waukegan ln search o! is mother. 'The boy left tbe Schoel St 1 o'clock and walked the entîre dis-1 tance, with the exception of two ridesi 'wblch vere given hlm by farinera wbom ho met on the way. Wbon Captain Vogel toak hlm up itaira ta falk ta the chie! the lad saiti, "Oh. my feet are tired!' From the boys talk It was ovîdent that be was sors-y thaf ho bati made the trip as ho fresluently oxpressed a dogmre ta ne- tuto atbe achool. WELL-KNOWN COUPLE QUIÉTLY MARRIED Steaiing a marcb on bis friends, wbo, however, suspect ed thaf fthe event was f0 take plane Tbursday '. Cbicago Chester Mlann, son of ex-Al- derman and lira. James T. Manon, was united bin arriage tf0 Milas liayCam- mack. The young couple ieft Chicago that nigbt on a short baneY-moon ftrip and '%Ir. and Mrs. Chester Miann re- turned ta Waukegan Saturday. The bride la a sister to lira. Eti- ward Des Jardines, whose husband was formerly a Chicago & Miliwaukee Electric Rallroad co)mPsny officiai. lira. A. C. Frost, wife o!fbe former jnianae, la the sister of Mr. Des flUU~E UN AIîT-din- Th' -111-rs1o1re<xiMe ormeA ** "'"~L.~.JI I s Highland Park. The groom la the execufive bead o! Trhrss-Story Structure wtth White the Princesa Cafering company, Wash- Mai-bie Front te Be Enecteil on ington and Genesee streets, la in busi- Geses.. Street and te Contaîn Of- nesa sth is father, James T. Mann. fices for Mabel Barrison and Joe ex aidernian and respecfed citizen, andi H-oward-Mabel Darrison Company i5s erv successful bn business. Be la ta Own Office BuIlding, une (J the f,,,,,,ir-of the onec Sy Deceniber 1 of thia year work wiJl hava begun on a buld-i Ing d.algned as a nsw vaudeville thoater te b. ownsd by Mabel Usirian end company. The buldIng wil &acse b used ns the genos-al offices af Joseph Howard, compoer of musc and musical comody star, and Msb.l marlon, on of the forssnot so- tresses of th. dey. 'I'is sagtoaemet vua md. in a letOUUfsom Joseph Royard to bis tlocr~Lecrentand cafe business that i a aled "The Princesa." Bis for- mer tartner, Entret Bell, retireti frornthte business because o! 111 bealtb and Is n0w t is home ln Day- ton. Ohio, Tbe bride and groom 'ai for a limre reside sth 'Ir, and 'dira. James Mann. Tbe littieCandy fcld Cure Taîlétm <al-. edl PrvDtcwiii In a î« lew inurm saely check ail COMA or LaGrippe. Try titm! 48-25e. Sold by 1ALL DEALERI. suit wbich bas been tbroatened by Wibur Glenn Voliva cannof be rom- menced unfil after the test case now ln tbe United States court af appeais bas been decided. Tis case wlIl come up for a bearlng in Cbicago on October 5 and a date will tben be set wben if wiill inaily be beard. A notice w1il4 however, be served by AffomneYs Stearns & Field on the churcb trustees to tbe offect that there la a case pendlng ln the United Stafes court of spîceais in which the validity of the oid Zion lesses will be passed upon. The deciston in this pendlng case ls ext<ected eariy ln tbe comning esr. Some action. probabiy a petition for an Injoniction, wiil be started agaînat the truafees af tbe conclusion of the test case now before the upper court. Injunction proceedinga wouid ne started af once ln the Circuit court were if natfefr tbe danger of being beld ln contempt of court by Judge t.andls, wbo bas slready given bis views in a declded manner on the motter of attorneys starting proceed- Inga concerning matters which are pendlng ln the higber courts. Tbe aering o! this notice will not serve to accomplish anything beyond a mere notice that proceedinga may ho started later. The objecf of titis no- tice Is spparentiy ta cause the ft-us- tees ta delay the work unfil after the other case bas been passed upon. Shoold the test case lie decided ad- versely i0 voUvaf isleprobable that the InJunction againat the Methodiats may neyer be started. On the other bond If the courts sus- tain the 1100-year leases origtnafly tdrawn and issued by Dawle there will ithen be an apportunlty to f ree fthe M Nethodiets and ail other outoitie de- .nominations ouf of the f own. > ZMon Cify la ta have an agricuitural fair coammenclng October 5 and 18sf- Ing until October 9. Premiorna will ho given for the beat fruit and vege- table dispîsys. the competitian bcngý open ta the reaidenta a!fZMon City &nit aIl tbe farmers reslding witbin a ra- dius of Oive miles frain the city. This la the lirai time that any such event bas ove- been heid atiZMon but if will probably be continued on a mach larger scale another year. Tbe premioma will aIl be ln the tarin o! arnali cash prizes, Ont there la more titan flffy dollars worth offered for the openative Stores, ln the building for- merly accupioti by tbe general stores. -03 tnOlZ atil jo saaldsns arn japun ua A E)q lita lqltqxa einlinilt2s 9111 sksldaîlp 2nuTuî& WAIJKEGAN MAN DIES SUDDIENLY Mattheus Aosma, 81, Old Settiet- and Father a! Fitteen, Overtaken by Grlrn Reaper While at Peaceful Evenirng Mea-lnquest Made Neces- sary by Absence of Medicai Atten- t ion-Funeral Wednesday. Nlattheus J. Asma. a Boliander. age 81 years and th, rteen years at the aupper table Safurday night and died before medical aid couid reach hlm. He afe aupper wlfb the reat &t the home, 1184 Belvidere streef, Saturday nlgbt, but fowands the end of the meal fili back crltlcally Iii. Taken ta I bis roamu he dieti wbile while being faken there. The Inquest waa held at 10 oclock Sunday morning at the Laison & Con- rad rooma. The funeral of the father of fifteen s-boae widow lives, waà ihd W'ednesday at 9 oiock.It f ook place from the Gosmian <atholic cýhurch. ORGANIZIE LACE MILL IN ( -LAtIOMA Zion City Operativesa$&id ta Have Slgned wth New' Corporation ai Lawton, issatlsfied Becaume Botter Wages Are Nôt P id at Loosi Plant -French Lace Piar' ta Rena@vC to This Country. If la more than shahl Flid and <',' makitg.thir '/.or the largeat ln fh, tlrely eclipseti b> Chicago capitalist. hie that IMas-. y*s plans for lato factui7 inay b. en- in:af 01 o 0 commenced the organisation o! a One af tbem. an expert curtain mnan. $2.000,000 enterprise at LaRwton, Okla. ia nue, l Engls.nd purchaalng and The Lawtoc Textile Mannfanturing, contractlng for the thirty curtain ma- one of the two concerna ln the enter- chines which will ho used ln the mam- prise, la capltallzed at $1.500,000, and math plant now being promoted at will Instal60,000 apndies, 1,060 bains Lawf on. The provision ln the Payne and thlrty lace curtaln machines. The tarif! 1mw, rot erred ta Iln the SUN re- ather, the Lmwton Spinnlng Mill coin- cently, wbicb admîtsalal kinda of lace pany, capifalised at $500000, will have manufaeturing machinery ireof duty 60,000 spindlos and 360 orna. Thert fer 15 montho, la helng taken advan- wlll msa be a finishlng plant for the tage of by the promoters of the new producta o! the planta. whlch will plant ai Lawton, as well as hy Mar- manufacture hoth yarns and laces. shall Field and company. the Elyrla, Sion wlth New Fir. O., plant and easf era manufacturera. It Io alsa learned on excellent au- This provision of tbe new tarif! will tharity that several expert designers 'Iornuch for the United States manu- and Practical lace makers who were facturers of machine made laces and formerly employed at the ZMon Lace wil bave the eltect o!f lrmly eaiablisbi- Industries, have already igned con- Iing this comparatlvely Infant Industry tracta with the new corporation. la this country. It la also reported that a large French flrr will move their entire Plant ta this country and that they have alremdy leaaed a plant at Boston, Mass. This irrn wlll employ 500 aper- atives. This will maire the third com- pany in the United Statuesta manu- facture bath siik and Cotton laces. Di6.atilifed. There la a stratus feeling of dissatls- faction among the Engliah lace ex- perts at the lace Industries StiZMon City. The factory la not uolonlzed. and it la said te be Impossible ta unianize if because o! the large nuin- ber of women and boys emplayed there. The union seule la not paid. It la claimed, and many o! the experts bave le(t there for other facforisa ho- cause thoy daim that -they are under' paid. Others are planning ta leave as soon as they can secure places lu any of the large establishmeonts in the east or elaewbere. Wouid Do More for More Monsy. The assertion 1la isa made thaf ifr the management of the Zion fzactary would pay their experts better wages, the amount 6f finished gouda turned out would hc largely increased. The expert lace. makers whorn Dowio brougbt from Engiand assert that thoy could and would tomn out thousanda of dollars wortb more of laces and cor- tains every month If ti'ey wore receiv- lng the additlonal psy wblcb lbey dlaim la pald for the same service af the factory at Elyria, O., and af other lace manufacturlng conters in New Jersey, Philadelphia and lsewhere. bther SwrwheMî'ng hcSs has crowned the efforts of the, Friedman Company. Vast throngs of buyers' attended our grand Autumn Opening, ail this week, and neyer before were they more delighted. The marvelous display of exquisite garments, the elaborate decorations, the exceptional values offered, all contributed to this grand success. We have demonstrated by Ibis record-buenidng selling event that our enormous assorhueut ot Ladies' amui Cbldreu'u Wearlnq AppWrel anmd the extremnely 10w prices have met with the apzrov lof ail, and we have convineed many ladies o! Waukeg»andmivliey Ihat Friedman'. Is thme place 10 btmy their garments. We wish to thank our many friends and patrons for making our Autumn Opening the greatest seil- ing event ever witnessed in Waukegan. THIE BIG STORE WL LEAD ALL WAYS Spwalsfor Tempfiil TsumtingValues Man Tailored Broadcloth Suits, 7 5 cut in the jaunty / 43 inch length _____ semni-fitted; guar-W anteed lining, excellent hanging skirts, full pleated, with strappings and but- tons. Worth $ 15.00. SUit eGreat Opportunily In order to give our customers the benefit of the most wonderful suit val- ues ever given i Waukegan. we have selected from our large stock an as- sortment of elegant suits of the newest and best styles, handsomne imported models Of broadcloths; home spuns, Worsteds and cheviots; The values of these suits are up to $35.00; for thîs sale you can secure one of the large Î var50t for... . . . MentonsFree Elegant Voile and Panama Sklrtsat Low Prices. Opcning SPECIAL. Fine panama ski rts trimimed wth satin and Jet buttons; a good 3.50 105 and 107 Genesee St. Waukegan. mats As a special for opening week "5 we offer a $7.50 ___________ elegant hat for who $3.95. Women Au Important Speclal Induce- ment ln our Dress DeparineuL We have pu't togethcr ini one lot so-me of the finest dresses and as a special for this sale Al wiIl go at one price values up to $35.0.$ 4 5 rurs 29 e Fine black and brown French Cooney Sets, worth $5.0 a for ................2 9 We have by far the iargest stock of Furs ln Waukegan, and our prices tolyou are positivelywholesaieprlces Alterations Free Thé Bargains are Worth whiîIe Ladies' New Flexible Welt Black Hfose,25 2 pairs for .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Children's Fast Black Stockings 1O at .................................... o Taffeta Silkb Pettioats .11 coa n ssorth b u »Il oo U.UU Kid GIovè!4 alil clors .......89C Chlden's Flannelette Gowns...... .49c BSkin Coats Flannelette Petticoats-----..25c "curlîy& . Rlbbed Corset Covers------.. 9ce îsî. 2.45 Sweaters-...------------- 49c AUl the New- est Sheet Music Lonesome, Sun Bird, Childhood, and many others. No O Hlgher .. ,e pîay themn. Waukegan News B 1

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