CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Oct 1909, p. 1

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LAKE CouNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVIII. NO. 3 Two Ports LIBERTYVILLE, [AKE COÙNTY, ILLINOIS, FRLIDAY, <JCTOBER !.) 1909r-12 Pages Part One $1.50 PER VEAR IN ADVANCE. *GRAND JURY MAKE 'sensation t othlse cmanya wyanda TI1!IR REPORT the îsîluir-y into the nature of thre cane -bas een deep and tirorough. Tire grand jury reported 35 truc Public opinion lias been strong. SP- bils out of 40 cases conaidiered when parently, in regard to tbe case, but tire report of Foreman James King uthtie onty request the woman phYieîla Lake Forest brousht i the repîort of ever made w" tirat ber friende and the deUiberations nl t ::oMonday clients withirold tireir opinions until evening. ýfurtker deveiopments. The grand jury Tire Jury made the usuat report con- Idecisios lsd lestes wirat the develop- cersioz tire condition ofthtie counly stents were. jail. Few New Cas«,. This slatenient s'as tu tire effect 'irî aeoivue rtw nat, Ibat tbe jaitlankept tri a dean and * h tir areudiy cted zanitary condition sud tirat tbe aber- are utrot are e plt eusody wr e Iif gave tiretbent o! attention to tire nl'aie hai nuily a fe' njes r'asî-S prisoncrsansd su,)ppied proper food 1 were taken utp. and loîhing. Tire jury also reported There rwnd jury adjourned Tu-crias uirat It fouud that noue of tire stat- at abîout t oclock atter 1he- state's utea relatlng to tire conduct of jails attorneyslbait left tire juîry roosi,and acre ireing violated. w.nrrofiii.îtine rrcrt T'ie repîort sas sccepted sud tir e ithtffiie a l , r totiîid iiicou' jury excused, unless summoncd agais litige r1iîietîv îlm aif)se, ',l t,,hasve by ala-ial orders of tbe court. lis-r sroitfi Tiie araortiruaith, Wright Novemnber 1. jiidge' t ielrd to t1h, jurs i<isn j It ti, eaîected tirat Judîge W rigirt ton oor k wili irotd court irere conîmencisg No- Tire ist ofuacrs-aier,- notrue bitts vember 1. Tbe irst lpetit jury bas si-re retîîrned ula ro(ru 1. that' uîav end been cieused after belug r-mpaneled tire cases: titil tirat tîme Tire second painel s'Il] Dr Jesslî lé î,t-îlid',, i. harged ire aummoned to appear Nosem ber 15 s'lth attegpd nîtrder Wished la HoId Over. Wlilliam ltrtts. alteged tari eny, F. At 4:15 p. u. Assistant States AtU .1 Rotiey, alteged emirezzlement. Niait toe-uey Ruuyard ansouuecd to tire ,la.key. atteged assault; F, J.Rosey. court tirat tire grand jury s'as nist- atleged embezzlement; Isaac Current. ing on adjourniug îîntit Tirersîiay. Mr- alegpd embezzlement. Runyard brouglit Foreman King ire Ogden Case Up Again. fore tire court to sep s irat tire Jmdcc Tiere la a rumor about tire court would say cosernise adjouruiment ibous& tirat tire Ogden case may ire Tire judge satd, 21Nr. King. yotî tell opeseîl agaîs at tire tecember terni of that grand jury tirat tircy wlll report court stuien an attemîl iit l gosslped, toulght or 1 will l et letu off froru wIltirecnmade to Iodler. ester> cent of tireir pa>-. Tirey coutd LblSi n baverepoteiltantnigh.tir. Ogden nus' ias a lbet suit pend- Musi t orten Tinne, iug againat tire Gazette for using ber Tire Judge later remarked tirat Il namne tl connectlon wii tire case ire- irad bscorne a customu lu thi cuunty fr h atbe ed for tire grand Jury to put Iu tirree or Truc Bis Returned. four days trne but dectared tirat tbis Tire tollowing were indicted for of- must ire stopped sud tirat ire would fenses named. tire Indirtruent rnerely sep tirat Its'as sI.opped.peclfying tirere la reason for a bear- Appeal Fowier Injufition. lug and flot indicatiug guilît: Tire suit of Frank Fowler et al vs. Frank Baskcr allas Mikre Jackler, Frank N. Huffman et aI, a bil for an turglary andl larceny. Injunction, was flied t u join tire de- Margaret Hudson aud Les-F. Com- fendant f romt crossioz ipart of Fourtir stock. adultcry sud fornication. taire wiicir cnvers land owned by tire A. B.Siratliiî, Litiruasian bauker, complainasl. Tire bil was dismisaed obtaiuing îîrolîerty under false pro- iry Judge Donnelly for want o! cqutty teures and i-tbizleiient, tirree il- but tire attorneys for tire cornptairiaîî dcmc at once îuayed sanîtaliai tii tire AJl) Marie Nix, larceîy. ]ate court Tire attomneys for tire comn Saun snd Steve Baice uurder and ln- llaînaut are Contre, Polie & Pope sud test ro kilt, two inîdic tmiests. Patul NcCulin, Bulktey, Weiss & Field (irarles Sarnson sud irristina ('oui are rotidiiors for tire iefendaul I bard, adut'cry ant forication. Case Under Advisement. Gerald Bock. ,1lod Witîiaoîjs snd âp lu tire mecianics lieu case of Johni Williiîr Alleman, uralicious miacief, Son, Smitir & C'o.. vs. B. F. lJe.Nlutir. Atbert Gachi'nk, crime against na- tire judge ireari tire argumenta of At- lure. Higiland Park, torucys C. E. Lauder and JobsntD. Jesse Dodauon. itîrgtary. Pope for Johrnson, Smitir & (oý, sud Aexander 'W. Perry, forgery sud Einier Adarms for DeNlIuth. iorglary. At tire conclusion of tire argument 0.E. Wilams. embezylenient. tire jiidgr' toukth ie case under adsise- Eigirr indictnients aupIpress-d. att mn it. for alcged recettît sud iruying ut stot- More Notes Filed. en property. field iii tire Circuit court Wedtts-sdriy Thonmas Vents, tarceuy Two more Judgrncnt nlotes were W. Petroîis sud J.l'atkos, tarceny. againat tire Waukegan Prinring & Pub- Williant Locks'oo,fornt to kilt, a isimue ompasy by R. B.Dickaon, Northr Chicago, crimtit. former lresident. Ose sas for $1,0(0' ijalnirar Ilarju. arraîîlt sitir deadly dated Otcober 20, 1908, sud signed b> s'ealîor. MAN KILLIED IN AUTO ACCIDIENT Expert from lb., Ramébier Faclory ai Kenoaha is Seriously Injured in Col- lision wiîir Farmer'a Wagon on Salem Rond. Ttî iraday p. o lit tttw fog snd dark- ti-is 0o1 Salemri ostietwesen Antiocir antid i-ieha. ait auîtomiobile gotiig du tsi hi Il at tî'h rts* a aott0 il ea ait irour turîd outofuthtie uarrow pike 10 ssoid a farmier's irnrse sud wagon sud waas wrecked, Tire wagon s'as o',erruruesl. snd its occupant, Peter l'etcraou. shro as slone, was unirurt. Tire automnobite slipped oser tire eum- irankurent. ls,îded rigirt aide ut, sud turued turtle twi<e. Tire desîl: HA'8SVEY GIBBON, Kenouha. chira- feur for tire iresd o tire tantePr automiobite sorta lie at luthe rear seat ofthtie mrachiue. Tire Injured: "ýTED" COLLIER, Kenosha, teater frr tire Rarniler sonks and. 0oe of tic best known automobile experts lu tire Unîited Strates. Tire tender on tire rigbt aide ufthlie automobile ws tomn off, as s'as tire tire on tire left ind wireel, whiile tire, gearing sud wireel post srere twisted sud tire body ofthtie engine sas brok- en, Detaîls of Accident, Tire accident took pîlace rîcar tt ooctThuraday p. i. Tîrere sa as bs-as> tog sud tire rîiit s'as Inteusels dai t, Thes'scPnîiofttire accident sas 1 ',ý trilles sortir ut Antiocli, on a steep hmIl mat bs-lus'tire reeidence uf Mrs. Mary Jageagin, Tire Iamirter car, wilrir iled trorn Kesosira, irad lit it Collier, wro s'as drlsing, Harry Gurson, a cirauffeur, and MIra. Gardner. Tire destination ut tire car was Kenosha snd tire driver irad taken tire Salem road. At tire bottoru oY the bill tire auto- mobile met s'ltb Peter Peterson, alose lu a buggy sud witir a single irorse. Be s'as goisg tos'ards Antiocir sud ihe automobile s'as leasing. Petorson was a witoess ta tire entîre accident sud drove at once ru Amtloch for tire pirysJciau (Iirson s'as takený ta Kenosira tis morniug lunlire auto: mobile of a frieud. He s'as dead, kitled almoat instantly by tire car turnlng. tonte A t l(t o*ctock Fr14 as a. i. lie Rets- sha amrbulance removed Collier to tire Renusaa oapîtal. Hîilsl a Bad One. Tire titi, tour bundred feet long, la a bsd une. Tire urupiko la very nar- rots Added 1ta tis tire beavy fog sud tire dark, rnatiug it Impomsible for ('ollier to see tire road, and tire cause ot tire accident is apparent Fred Basse ot Chricago, brother or Masyor Busse, s'as turned over on tire sarne bill and on tire same kind ot s uigirt.This waa a year ago. Collier ta Recover. Dr. NW. Warner ot Antlocir states tirat Collier's chances for recovery are gond. InternalIinjuries are greatly tesred,tIowever. Ir. I)itsonrîas lîresldent and tire for- Rst rîoîd, Lanuoturgiars snd lur lreGisnagd2lyer a w-c ,î trtd orfiiru i tors. Tils g.oe 1Ist 1Gbo, gd 4yar 1n g'19 1 t',a-', H11-1 -t he 1,iti'tii îb ut d , atnd ,,rîi juîdg- liai,ý lianghir, ir4But artî John te macine striing irtg tmart the base ment sas aat,î-dasd eninroît un con. Carrot, assasult s'ithi ltent lu do bud- O! tireirain, Collier s'as caugirt os- fesalon. Il> hairniThis la the Caairmore labur drte Ieigwel n a Tire ther note sas due September 1loging case. traculouts escape. le iad &even rIra 1, 1909, a-as for $500, sudd Isi tasor ol Jean' lodson, Jan teustowsaki, lies- broken sud cruabed aud tire rlgirt arru R B. Dlckraun, lins-ident. Judernent r>- OReefe, eschir dicted for jaîl is dilocaîed Sithtie shoolder, s'as ctcred on trIs une, as s'as alsu rcakîie I Mrs. Gardner Saved iry Jump. a s'rit o! exocutios issued. Botir soirs Juin Gallagier, for Intest to kilI Oute ut thre tatures of tire case la tire s'cro flted by Attorneys Cook, Pope & StanleyGorski, Henry ORKeefe, escape o! aIra. Gardner. Sie sas' tira Pope as solîcitora for R. B. Dickson, John lgnatus'ski, J. OCosseil, Ciras, tatality could not ire avoided aud F. W. Bluody sud J, F. Ruesier. Jamnrosci, aurd S. Oauwaki, irurglar>', iJomled juat ln tîme 10 sava irerset! Docket la Loaded, 'Maurice Stcn. rape. troni probable d eatir Sire la practi- Tire docker la nos' loaded s'iîirun- Johns Cody, lsrceny, aî îilrdbu asfelgmc Important and trivial cases sirere Ts'u wrlts o! execution serehiasued cfronr tinred utsiock.In mc ver>' smsll amoonta of moue>' are un- against tire Waukegan Prntlng & Pob-ir- mtesok volvcd. Tirsse mînor cases will base ishiîtg etirpari> Frlday atternoun tu ire trled durlng thla terr o! tire ln tire circuit court. One s'as for 46PIEN" MILL !UÙRNISUI court or tirey wilI ire stricken froru $1.580 sud tire tirer for $2,653. Tbey tire docket.s'oro iranded f0 rie sai-f for aarv- CRUSIIED STONE FREE Dr, Jessie Buckley.Ogden was nst ndcted O>' the grand jury. Thre jury heard more evi. dence concernlng thîs case and more urne was speni ln delîber- ating over It ihan upon any cirer case which wae irougirittire ai- tention of tire inquisitorial brody alit ast week. Fotey Calied Many Tirnes. Tire reasan tirat a trîue bills'as sut !ousd against irer la said l ire ire- chuse it wasa 'rot Iroogit tiraItire 'sas aufficlent esidence ut aunitîcrlmrns ating nature lu mate a pro"ccutisn buccessfut. Dr. FoIs-y s'iaas'ltuess before thre jury several rîmnes, as s'as alzo tie busband o! tire dend wuruan The Jury fougirt over lire case al Monday aftenos. ice. Tire apîneat case ufthtie Cuba AtIne- tic association vs. Lake Count>' Agi- aultural Fair association s'as stnlckas frur tire docker bv Judge Dosnelly. Tire case utfOsorge Krreseiy va, tue C. & M.i E. railrosd iras ires-s etled out uf court sud s'as disruIsaed on mo- tion o! tire plaintif!. States Attornîey Dadly wiren ques- tloned about thirratler Frîda> after- nounstated that whirie a revival of tire Ocdes case la possible at tire De- ceirer terun ie corrld not sus' make as>' tatement on tire matter Tirere s'ere six Indictrnauta me- turnred against Abram Schwartz, juIt dealer alleged te have iougirt or ne- celveul stoles prorerty. Tire nanre ut anotirer man lsdlcted for tire same offense ta suppressed. Peculiar Reaîts ot Convict Work and Prejudice Againsti t Seen in Pasi tirai, Wirile Cities can get Stone for Macadam Roadla Free of Charge, tirey do sot Take Advantage of tris Fact au Ait. A commIssont btias becs exaruin- log tire Joliet ps-itetiary makes a peculiar comment on Illinois counîlea. l Says: - Wo test tire tireur>' utopen aIrrkI. About 250 couvicte are omployed lu tire atune quary. Tire>' crusir atone whIrci la turulsient free of charge (ex- cepî for frelgirt) ta an>' couityt>'tiat "ska for Bt Ineamuclr as Illinois han nme of tire most terrible ronds lu lie world, Sud ittie avallaibe Stone, Youi wouid thînk the counties woffld eager- ly accept tuis opportufllty to get good and cbeap rond material; tut, trne irow tirey do not. Perbate, thît nJoy bad mands. More men soud lwe em- ployed ln thre quarry If thee were more demand for thee su'.hu ,toile. la that not rather sercaKtiu-' Tbe paying tire frelgirt an excellent mater il for rond inaking la avaitable Tiere are bad places lu Lake countt, oad.s that sbould be repalred at lus vo tI)y use ot this macadam. With,,,,ttietF tion smilar conditions exit iii uther coutites. If tfs value of go,d roada was fuly appreciated. eVenrý ,n,ict ln tire penitentlary could ire k t I rlsv crusblug atone for the higaî- aid tirey could bave tire benefit of thi. oit- door employmetit. CROOKSOGIET BUSY ON ELIECTRIC CAR Woman Finds Tirat HU$band's, Pociret Has Been Looted of $150 n Cash and Valuables and Givir1g Warning le Me ans of Capturîng Two of the Gang Who Remalned Behind- Started from Evanston. Gel titre on tire street car s at \\ ai kegan. iviedariug pickkit.ttS'il, day raided street cars of the- IPtet ir WAUKEGAN NEWS IN IIANDS Of RECEl VER Direciors Outide uf "Dry Ring" Claim Tire>' Tiougirt Ail the Turne the Plant Was Breaking Even Finan- ciali>' ancf Claira They Did Nul Know of Some o! Notes lirat Have ince Turned Up. Causung Execu- tions and Judgments. Tire Waukegan Nets s h-arîrtirl ht tsrutea- teos'iî utittisns Ftrîîr -lis igt irs'annouuîcitrg exc1uirrr, llIl" ceiser irad ireen appuirtcd for tire cuin- piany tirat publisires tire îsper. Tire recelver appointed betore Jue Laudis la lire Amreîan Trust sud Sav- inga irank of Chicago and its agent. tire custodias o! tire News plant. C Il Patton, arrived lu luis i'ity st 5 i dock Tirisday nrlr T'irîrdas Pattoni and 'lE St-t"r, tic-ofut the oisa i, nd uittrer-t or s'se îîkiîg lrirtrîr i A,aî-.rinr,- t,'tîre' t tri irtt Fl-,a tl i. saut acmre Att, l-dwarit.sîrnd one- f tire directors, iroasaks tire i or,,t to altow tire News pliait Io rus ha irtjoli s'ork siay e ire sshcd tatIsl tointthtie sirop Thisilttire malter atislsue just nus Tir,-pliant may lii'operatedutil sort, i- i nisied but there ahIlire nu et ni-urig Netss 'lndcfiuitely. and ltire8 t ap, a miH nt be i-su-n agarîr bt-Evanston wherb, two s'en caltttri ni Plate Bill the Cause. atnd are îlots-Ilutire usuda of ti,- po The Anpiran Press Association. lice. for ri-a,ýaler Plate.'"lister compasi Tire gante la sald it etier to lia%i ei. l eu-, of Ctl(tli rîgu. sd otirrcreditors sorkinuglisra sy back to Ciricauro alter asted tiereniceis'crshlp ln a soltinrar> *e1se to have traveled bers- frirîtire cty to wqrk tire suburbanitea. At Evanston tfuey 'fluaired" a %tr i1ru ut $130 sud iis s'ife discovered it. Sic stopped tire- car, pointad co4 trie tsu suspects and tirey were arrested. Tiey are nos' being ireîd. Thre tires- got off tire car before Evaustoîl sas rcached sud escaped. Base 3Millcr, Russian Jas', Chicago, I s'ell kuus's to ire police, and Joe Ro- t tey, West Twecîti street. Chicago, a1 caritage painter, s'ere tire mon an- rested at 8:45 Ssturday évenlng.Offi- cer Letta uf Es auston made tire an- - resta Tirercharge 'sas pickiug tire1 -pockets of W. Il. Ptatt o! Kenils'çrthir o! $145.t Tire liesnace ebroagiri iefore Jus- tiec Juin A. Buser and Miller s'as1 fined St10saîd coats whîlg Ketley wsasc released as Innocent b> proou! CHARTIER RIGHITS ARE VIOLATIED City of McHenry Couni>' May bie Wîtirout Ligirt if PetItion for le- junction Is Grsnted as Objection Ie Made Tirai City' Seils Light ta Pri- vate Parties For Profit and It la Claimed This la lilegal. The cît> of Woodstork, coun±y s-at of NcHenry coutity, nîay ire in dsu-k- ness if an tijunction t> granted whicirt AttornieysaOrvs tansd Beaubilen 'il s-' tition JrdgecWrigirtouthtie cIrcu i t court tu isatue.Thirlrl alleges thrat rie city ut Wiîodstiii k la !urniairing( eet rrrc igît att, t irui rillegaîlly tu lîatt,iiititcs itroccedine. 'lie pliait sent user ru 'Mrr Patton s -i ilînî, ur iaattîutit antd l ile nomtri Tirought Was Making Mone>', Accordîsg ru a statejnent frorn Huisru int, Securd, Reeier and otfietý, ruade tu a SUN replorter Fni ls,ý, ires tioieit rst tirepliant tsar' ireaking estes" as to isancial mat- tera ail tire ime, andîthtie caim ls tirat tire flood uf notes, executiopsanad jîîdg- mens t iat folos'ed tire change ut mnagement aurpised tirer vcry oruci,4n tact astouuded tbem, as îirey tirougirtt irir estorîtîlse was St lesat uesrly self aaîîîorrrne, lnstesd utfire- ing rus on muuey sllcged lu have becs bot rosed. Sosie uft tiose siro made tire state- nieut acte nîcuirberofuthie iboard of dit ectors. pou e r. sans giveti a tirree-tourtirs miteFN K L T N handicat, AasMr, Brew'ster was tak ID S EL T N lue iis 1tlRci- iis Mt. & Ni got ont - UN ZION CITY o! î,rd r utntd ie sas forcs-d out uf tire race Dr, Alise, Zion Anatomical Expert, Tire raie sas susniry Green ln Betieves Sketetons Found Are 13 ttIl Tht- lote made iry Gatitzke Those of Indians Who May' Have -s1tut31lThi, fe store urthtie race Been Killed in Raid-Receding and eanies trfi Nl'ti,, i-nsa riebaotlits Narrow Forehead and Other Char- aî,ark pttîg iti th- sisil, and ire was acterîstica of indian Skulla. t uni tel led îto stittiiîd atbst t ut,' for tiehie ga itair îof trînriers Tire tinie ,Furtier is estigatioti ias develops-d tiist was abiouit 4.- secondtttniocîr ddîtioîîatiInformation coscerti- Tir ets1) lis î les Itîr 'ilrGrecs ing thenirîîlng ut thie sireleton of a m'a'- astiittiîs, rsI. t:28; second. j IYesr 01, chirit auZion City.Tire L2A41 ltît ,::'l;folt rh _,0t1tfifrir, sarimn, aho tiade tire lirai: grue- fI , _> , siNtirh ,'lt - ^een tir .9 10,rouie finI ta une excavatng for a eigit I'it t. j ihls, t 311.tetti. iuitdrîîg ttar tire general stores, aise t 2: il-, The -tir,, e Irthrrein disidual tuunla a tIt tle ltter tire akeleton of a mites fuor tir. Galirte s'as nut talien child abotut a yearutd, wiici s'as Lak Cont Hadicp. tliusoered s'ien s dept ut tes tiras LakeCoue>' Hndicp. trie feet irad becs reacired.. Tire LIak e îurttyvihandicap wsas i kelu Icmpes live rmile ireara Tire esrtirhres out ufTheSkeleton ofInecmpletsico tise s'as th iresrner o!flire cup. Tiretlere sud tire sîze tif tire boules asnd tirree mn-tss erti swon b> Fergîîson. eh are about tire uuîy cîos's by C'îrrs o tire Toril-du sas gîtera a m.aIllichr tire ageootld ire ascertained. trlf t tile hanidicap, Fergusos ros iis Tire tairrers acre dlgging ln à soul Itîdisusas gIves a urltrer-mite irandl tlargely conrîoaed ut sand sud gravel. cati; iax uif tateForest s'as put osnsm, ientiey rîeartied bhr steletons. si rach,0f Indiana? Thi,-score ttî tire uirt ise mile beat It is îrow tiought tliat tire rîtetetous m-as ostedas folows:Curr tirs25, irey bc irose of Indiaus irecause ut Ferugson un bis Inîlia stsopped in tire certain indicationas'wicir Dr. Roiert toîîthilne and Bax was tire s'iser St T. Aistos, wiroiras laken charge of 8:01tire boutes, iras dlacovered, aseo ie- Second ireat Curry, 7.50;, Fergu- cause ufthtie resuît o! a di'ep Investi- stn. : 43: sud Bacts, 7:58. tatlon lnstiturted by hlm amoug 01< Tirird ireat: Curry. 8:09; Fergursos reideuts ufthtie township, Z. G, Sihu- dIld nort rus, sud Backs. l:Ot.'nions, of Kenosira, wiro taugbt achool Pourh hat, urr, 8:7; erguonin Bouton townsirip about 62 years ago S r.Backsa'8 40 ated wiren asked concerulng bis Fîftui ieat Curry, 7:30, Ferguson, knowledge o! any mystarlous murders 7 '2. Bcks' machine gut out of order mrieb nigbt have come to bis kuowl- and ire did liot continue. edge during tire early dayl ln tire Lake Forest Dîsturirance. hiltory of tirat section, atated tirat ire Ttîe spectators f rom L.ake Foreatt could recaîl notiig wirich migbt ashed s'ere sure clear tirougir Tirey seerned llght on tire atrauge fiuds. 10 iold a special grodge against Why May' Be Indiana. Mesars. Res-d sud Kennedy as trey Tire reasons advanced by Dr. Ais- tirougit that tire> sere giviug tirair ton, s'io la a leading dentist at Zion fasvorite,' Bax, tire s'orst o! tire City, lu addition te belng a recul- deat. nized anstomical autbority, as te why Tirere s'as sut tire least doubt luirehotiougbt tire akelatons migirt re tire uids o! tiose wiro kses' Bai'1 Excelsior machine tirat under ordl- nar> conditions ire migirt bave wonn tie race. Th ir lra ieat pruved tins bat li tie fotlos-irg ireata irisrma- chine torted pourl> sud ire lires fiIl 10 thîrd pltace. Nir. Bax stated tu a repiorter tirat ire tougirt tire hrandicapi correct arîd tire tîirie keep-1 e-rs irînesî Iii e ifttir iat Bas ire-j Hugir Finance Charged. anriur d ud ased1ru ie cxcused Rîgit along îir tha lise t ia allegea frritr ar tirat sutii, ouf ire dîrectors are rîrare ne iigir finanuce, lu that tIre>-riais, that sorte 0of tire laast nots clainred to hase beert issued sud juat made publtc acre ttnautirorized, sot comtsg before tire di, ectorate iry resot<rtlun or lu auy otirr uanner. This is a praclîcal charge o!hiîgir finance irils cIlaimed. sud it is alteged thi-re ts a general ayatem o! jug- glery. The total amount o! tire tîdement notes sud cirattel ruurtgago Biled agaluat lhe Evesisg News lu date to- ta!1 $7,1 20.Tire cirattel mortgage la for $2,350. Lester O Moudv s s sleged irs solute lu ha-' nadet'affidavittast iruist, dlci~-~ hargolut ti-eu'fect tiraI th', of. if h t Ir -i t , r,,u- tctiht Li loir,, lînri , u- ,îîý ý .î stures, corpru- ai il i L i i, l 'tc t i ltt it rationsuanadlrais for an Injuactlos uess svas unis $t951) restrrtniuîg thir tnîîriclîallty froru for- Nom'. t t> alleged. Il retislopes irat nisiringeietirer liglit ut' pos'er to prl tiere 'asrusait ditioriai indetitedness strs-consumera bs-caine aucir action ta ut $";,00 ]ru tle- futur ofut îdgms-rnt noter a vilolation outhrie rai tt'rrigits grant-suit lie niayitr n utli-gi l,hie citi 4 cd Io ctties by tire tate. loto conurt o esîplainc I'sder thIrsncorporation aci a clîy- may os'n sud uperste its os's Water- RAIN spomIs THE s'orks a>arour but l rot granted tic rîgîr ru operate or nairtaîn sny otirer MOTORCYCLE RACES kisul o! public sers ici'plant. Tire cil>' la perritted under rire atatute to con- Slow Speed Marked Races ut Sun- duet sucir businteass aruay ire required day at Mite Track Due to Weather for municipal or conîlorate purpoaca and Coid and Wind-Few Specla- but for soci lurloser only, Th iregirt- ions but Att Are lnvlted ta Attend îng o! tiereerors lceys or public Races without Extra Charge Nexi biuldlngse o! Woodarock la declared Suniday at Sarne Place, sut ru ire lîlegat, but, tireasale o! ligiri aud p os'er for prolit sud lu private Tire Libuîts s île mile track s'as ln consumra s la said ru tie doncs'witiout suci r oncondItion as a resoîr o! lie autiorit>' uf las', bsas> an,Satrdss cseuisg and Sun- A mass ureeting outhrie citizena lias been called ru discuss was'an d rucana o! figiting the bll anud rie petîtion for an injonction, hircir la irrougirt lu tire narn ofutW.tJ.OBrien and airera. Tire bi slll ir e preacuted to Judge Wringhrt, whio la iholding court at Bel- vîdere, tomorrus nîorning at tes b>' Attorne-y Orvis. James B, Clos' ut Chicago ires pur- ciascd a large tract o! landl south ut Lake Forest sud s'ill aoon iregis s'ork o! biinlg a ruagnificent reeidence. Thre tract la knos'n as tire. Ferry place. Tire rasîdeuqe be a costl>' affalr, day înornintat a number o! cyclista refusen t brude. Tire c<-si s is - e atrsld o! tire muiudstracriaîtdit s'as 3:45 ui.1nirebc ton,' titi'racets ere curmnm-ced. Sîs- eral outhlIe t dîrs sho serc lresent ne- fuaeîltiientrutIle races as su starters sers- tu lie iad'I'illber, Besson and lsao rycitss frotn Zion canne ru tire t racnd urtrettiseu lu id, Tire titat race ufthtie dat waa tire 10-irie ts tî cylisder ract'. Tirrec enînleas-ni-rtîrade for tuas race: G.'Nt.Cres-î i s'lla six irorse pow'er M, I t1. Gaitzkes'it.i a Tiror. aud W' M. Brewster witb a seven horsepos'er 'M. Ni. L. OalItzke iras a machine oft tso sud a quartier borne Slow Opeed. TIre' tîr' d outhle motorcycles at rire 1raies esterday sas cosderar>'lus'o er lias Ihey sroutd ire as tire'ridera, sere furred to the outaide ufthtie rtrack If use hobira steady rîdise cud be irad on tire urack hefore tire 1races tirere saould irave beesnu doubt 1bot wist tic rime woulîl ie consider- abi> tos'ered. Wiremthre promoters arrived aithtie ttrack Il s'as tirere Intention lu calI rirhe races. Tiere, being' a namber o! ,spectators tronutirhe surrousdisg 9tos'ss It sas decided to pull off as rny o! tire races as s'as possible tn- eder tiere ircumsatances. Anotirer race s'lll ire teld Sudsy if tires'eatirr tliernitsanard aIl o! those saho îîurý (ciasi'd tickets for ycsterdsyas race those o! Indian cildren, were: Tire condition o! tire teetir lutire skýIlo! tire 9-year-old cild show a very mucir worn conditiontitis prov- ing tirat tire tout esten s'as o! thse klnd IndiansaiSe, irard anud uncouked. Tire tes-lb are lu a good Braie o! proservatios and ina a cirild belougiug tu clvillzed parsu-ul ould net bave siros'n mucir wear St tria age. Older Skeleton Complote. Tire older ciild'a akeleton s'as fair- ly complote, tire akoîl, ribs, verteirrae, sud Ieg sud arm. boues ireing fouud, altirougirtire action o! air and s'aIer irad served t0 sever them from tirait original connrections. Tire reason wby it la Imposaible te'- determîne wbetirer tire chiidren were of Iodlas or white parentage la ire- cause tire racIai ciraracterlstlos of tui- diaus are not developed util sitar tire age o! manirood ibr womniood iras been reacired. This applles par'- ticuîsrty to.tire ridge airove tire eyes asd tire promînent cieek boues whiicir ciraracterize tire Indian race. Recedîeg Foreiread. Tire narros'. recedlng toreiead la jîtallîl> urkcd, bus'ever, sud tris latire doctor ru tink tire romains tiruse oe tire original lirhairtants o! NoirthAiretri ru .IZ là r.Lo t,iposslre te estirnate the trime tirat tireirodies hase bs-en litterred. Tire unes of tire AR E TB RT N E ousesarcrh114 are ramnryowg ARRES BART NDruRtir-thfactt hat up ho ose yeaa- o! age AT ItOTEL -MORAINE tir, tranesonti un akeloton ls largely ______ cartilagisous. Tire fact tirat the larg- Arnesi of "Baniender" la Alleged and er akeIleton s'as su wcll preserved la Heavy Fine lmposed. attniiruted tu tire tact tiraIt, te sou s'as largel>' coruposcd o! grsvaI, tire Altirougir Htghland Park s'-ert -dr--s'ter haviug a teudeucy tu peIt!>'y receritly, Predonick \V.Cusning, pro and preserve tire bones. trlelor o! tirs Moraitne hors-I. did sut Tire fludlng o!flire akellons lnaa accelî t hlaaction asafinîal. Tirs-tirral> sne day'as'Wonder at Zidu snd tuera s'io are sot aatIsfied arirl Lake Miiciri- hrave been many i2nlerut at Dr. Ais- cas s'5tsr for a beserage can atilou- tou'a office s'ir have desired ta vies' tain asyrbîsg front a borîle o! beer to tire s'erd collection. champîagne, as tbotîgi tirs suburb wsas Il la claimed t!sat Dr. Suttoiras sut lu 'prohibuition lerror> discostinued hia practice St ZMon Fred Week, an ennînto>e o! tir ho- City. Tire resson ta said lu ire a las-k tel, s'ho iraîlcharge ufthtie buffet o! sufl1ceut practîce. Sud alleged diffi s'iere lquors aneIs- llîeuaed, s'as sr. coîtian due 10 a misunderstanding rested and taken ru Watukegan and COncenning conditions uder s'ircir ie fille ril$150 sud iosts orn tirs-charge o!wsaInvited 10 iccome tireirouse ph>'- iellisg lîquoir saîlîotît s lîcense, iaaiSthie Northr Shore Inn, Tire Mr. Cishrig atiitttisiSanda>' nigirr doctara aBigu iras been removed from that ire cIitspd hslutIiffet and aaidliraitirhe front ufthtie Inn, but ire rua> Ire otuied i agaiut because-"Weîî, resurnelils Itractice elses'here un tire 3'011 un t t ti îti îî e illuou't a bof- tos'u as aouîu as tire preseot dîlfIclct>' rot." la cls-sred ut. The trouble la sïsid tu ire iecause ut a misundersaading as lu tire rates s'ici tire doctur s'as to Gazelle in Liiel Suif, psy for lits suite o! offices sud buêrd lut \huruday p. iii., ons'boirait o! at rire lotel 111-1,1kW' Muody of Waukegan. ose Ir la alsu dcclared iry a guest at thse ",f t0tw old directors for tire Nets-st, ri that lire guests tiers- bave taken Popte & Pupe fled a praccîpe-lu inýdes sud some o! tirer have threat- -a ýfl for $20,000 crlmisal libeli ,nediter leave If tire doctar in torel c-'tW. J. and Frank BSmithirtaîîul îu acale. Otirera say> lte>do ax« l ot(Cizstte Publisilng Compasny. cars. 1- - - -- - --- - -- - 1

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