I1AXE OOUNTY IDIRPFJ>UNT, FEMÂY, OCT. 15, 190. 0*-e* . te make lio.Wl N0OIv about five or six tliousaiid dol ex 0"team an a le mli as *Iîî the pdigonal cgjla N Into the lu: FÀV4OS STATE EIRE gol.o1helu r 1buss. l estock bas 4"b, ~sold triends of Ar, Fumsbd b' akeCo lidecapaior l pe I'?Ptaiistleht, ay ibis i6'm wl be used It siI oTtsadTutCoflpânY, b 0afler gel blan lie b- exciusi*y rB the purmhase of the 1 V A C A E o stracts of TIlle. Tilles guaran- 0otdere of civillzation met w tii -o inany__________ ieeessary new niachlnery reiluired for __________ o teed, Masonic Temple Building, 0o IILtlALIItW e% d 0 alges h~t »yth,. aiuacueof the new typie of ~ hry hare WS hcd aukgan Ii. LuisJ Grne, odls~~ Ii2 ~ue ,4*4, p4q. Mgiito S In.- iagiieti anid 0lle or two other uew in- Waukegan Thinker and Insur- 0 e. rirean ir- vention of aLsrth <Chia-o ventitns. Tera stoakî. tfo.sae ance Man Tells of His January 1, 1863,lie ws u'. ulul n Tb e Vie'Ïi poite e t.ýtreat WestlButAbadéiihd mrra t CroineCGay -of Wall-Tse uiex i3f eul i inoalarg e nu b T A. F. Sbeidon and Aife tO.b!t40 Schoeneelx lot il, Ravlie Siope sub- â&'4PY 41) aul.asmil s&tu-e wil eq.lpAI IU ~ ono!Reeefilr: d$20 ___________ 0ù, Reiolývlog te Chicago he woîked ÇSQUAREi DEAk FORr6ase Clr aîi le eE "d.atbis tralle of carniage niaker, being Si arrenso n- the nw uetobcue f I h _______ wcpart lot 10, block (6, Port Cla~in, i M i e~etw wuie n aîri ~torrr me # vt¶W Sything all > e ofa0Me F vraplate commisuion rl4 MIalerkîssîua e teitTheir tdn asubdivision tof Highland Park: Q hogefofa t tmtuat l1, lîdti pi i 4OL B4Ï:H elee h tmme Pae ot teupply eommnd d. ï(itýP#1 um. teltet.te1ea"Insb ý i~O lY'Ue Seter ,Wth the TruthCt, emianf Thei, John Narva and wife te Hermnii g5 Increase la te Moke Proviaion for Ma. = eOtPt~ I~A* 'Aýju@4d ànd Jua- 7 X t W y a d T h t t h e V e r y V e r M', r a i k i , l o t 1 Û . b l e c k 5 . C t t t o -l e__ _ _ _ _ _a__ _ _ _ _ n a s a a n d «eo e o"e d a i t i l i e t e o k al a r g e . , i - e w lm ï tes a illaogn & Co.*s additionî te Waukega baînme aîîd l e asa hir £upe r< aua._________~ e ThliU Jnut Uhé Doave *ivaf Mieléang frinerma orgotten Chpealni Lire ot Great a new Chicago. i afterwards re- titre Saverai Qt.ler Appllantoee ofaI f" ulm 'ilo, Wil a #k o K lLg" CaMa4ge îmW Siulky S *' e a aka î4fe 2yas mpodanc.-Ma moto Cllkin eel1 rm~bia' o. frIller"o Iliteil gistently-s la Clni'agrom Be Better Ithrt F*moua Bosch and 4 -Su. T&i 'Ge s ze# 'nI& RyLi.elot 7 uioflt30 ak orHiRen1*td te re-an-y n0BayiàRe -t J. Eraklue ln regard ti Vze iÎ- itQtei$0 alecotAieery uy ad Wusteîëadjuat telian "e Ce'sland, O0. 112-"IltLa fthe aame 'est, q. c., 1 . n 8allIý9 r e and G1 Mr <l ote s ulaa nwomd bi tirerauce rahiX"te" e làlmite aduiy: o to,"sitr oO.w0li I MagrtARyuetatelavE a-L'ved in Lake County. bires la Witukegsat adtd ranuacted (rom Wedneadaysan. sthi*n ftue statement Iasued b5 (Cent- Ran. , aeSun.oa lot 101 Lakef treFor- iuàÉlr Per!. azétser *t)Vte wa est ~ ~.$1. -~--la C4c4oThe capital stock of the Pfangtlei . 'ýfllI 1béele tea!nooî !li i- ~oe6mp~~tnglt -- E (WromWedaesaya Su.) ~ fs ~,îgi~±4lit; hiîîî be gave up electrical laboratorles bas been lan. .unq e yatt uurilawi hae eple t 1,po~i rlE. la~ Rya net ai te lieleiî R. lty. Nsthan ThompcaSîîtews iroacie ie ndîchae sihlIamcraedtrmtbnl e ltytboanahnMd lîrc eeîe ii e ee tia oriu-îuiti i-x an. lot I, -ý of et i 101, l.ake Fotirit; la thet t f aiWest M orctaîd, stgle at Grange Hall. ,bel'e he îassed dollars fer thepi-pose o eruchant g BLe t a hNe'vEnlftd iciîîero n ay opii t will reliait it a a Oat!ea," lhe contiu, l.The .,oo!N w Vrnosui0 t, 84.He ghteefi years. He rerioell 10t' ali- new machiaeny for the mana t n osoefila-aeut assiit u mibppubliabed il),Co"da,~ser Feury tuq. ., t ew ork at tbei30e184.heut-clu,"' moelaia» nionut asstai h Itéi nic&tIhat tl# Eskmos baie EsDulsadhaad1 eoyCiet 'iaoadWuegaa lan oaaadrade nLsAîeesfrc eia nwIvnin nl 1i .C.JItedding mitent yester'ly ln passent afy*stemprovides Favoritiu.îî Z~#td te r o'Ass té nie boui Thncker et al wesliai-t lot 12,bloilk two yeors alter which be returîîd ta îtrcaî à»»lances whlch wIm setib au4rislewîhadesay it Ityould not $ivje "Y thfoinîatlon 2. Glendale, Waukegan; mi. d, $1,100. I llnoisansd for thse hast six yeurs bas ilaced ulion the market, r u ic v istiog Chicago and the' medijum tclas îroperr3 uic rer t~Pemry Or bis rosa.Sierif eof Lake couty ta E. J, Ken- netgided on hiiifeu-m northwest o!ft.tb- The mont Important et the îîew aW»gtasur el ootii ,':'llàtry Mhtuey bus «fol that doirlozute.lî. 40 acres iii soiiileast quarter etof etiivte, Wbe' epselaa e-pine aabg eso iant tfE rna-8sîldtouasts{e ~section 2. Vernoa towaship; d. $54107. tember 27, 1909. ton autamobilassansd niptencycle B a Hrtsaie uulanniag a ue v etatleennaaartelui l'*~ ad obm's t 11* z h , 1 fue G f IuoaReceiver-. te H C. u la' M r. Shute aithougli înot a 1proesfeal wlilchli ast already been îerfected and aIlsfr nO0toben 2sî by way Of cell- generall.btIlibloeta ii U*twm m : dii roq;t.Tt1 t b lsko; areral otfil wlethm aiaentpd he~u's 'taugh, Siesîn foianl Ilsection 30, Curistu$tn bad always iead au ipright, thoreughly tested and whl-h willi prolo- ratlng Hs»)owiwean lgbîh a a atdte fa lli it iîeî tou out te tisem Ptw 'thn- n'a.wii'i ietntwi$42.teniWeaute Ciritian lite and cas be- ably prove te h.- the meet slliccesta, a real Sà "" tarny aa the oea- are rateltoile low. and al 1iici Islaid before tlWolo. Their replieset tv.I.$415tinswh awneàbyheplt n v tbeu wi.atedl tuit a pervrted Neson Jefferson and wlfe te Alber-t -loved by ail wl ersueu-ebrotight Inthue cheapest and rober eatisfactory iiI.licAg lnt iieu notilahtlat e antedoby Uuu t> owits Hutdsoa. lot un sec. M, Bentoru twp 'ontact wltb hint. iiagnetc ever lroducpul o teniatinluu-afar ven îos,<a a lscc rpr>alit " i ll b lp g the E sklm oq ta N w Wc ., $300 . w it 1U p te the lrese a t ilî e t e B osch " b at* .- e lîl n et be pay iuig the base., oui t 1tic ypîit Mytn e'oecpenee àsd tise>' '1l Carolina Lindtitiain te E. F. Li fd- Wiiîîiaîc Xîiiiuilv uîii'diug a wteck hrilc prioré la.dè WKI té"* %Iuttte 1rUile ISEmaglueto bas proveri to be the biset Teaii uaswi -- - atrom, 46 acres la a. e. quarter of sec- C1.,~ StJ ATALQ 9E învented, and aise commando; lhe lu- ('iicage ilw f ru ,ti iutiuug bu.i-aiel - 4o, eporer w a Do ut&BpertuÊrb- te 2 ertldtwsi;w l, - - higluest price, seliing ai about $150 George tilu b t -euîipoîied lit .'npley expert ratels aloil l4 - .ear l~oo. (iarolina Liudstrom o I . A. LUnd-Complets and HaadaomeiyIliluatnated eacIi. The new Invrention of Mn. W . .WIldei o! Evanâtuu mienjt theil- rates aure eoid tuithe- variens 'f xected t e so ostldnst stri , tract o! land lanections il, 14 Harid Book for Holiday&. Pfanstiei possesses ail thue advan- yesterlu.> bei-e. 10 î. i ad"p ctun nd2.Xenatwsiu .d,$ (Fi-o.m Wedaeaday's St'N.) tages of tbe bigb priced 'Ros<-b' mag- Mirs. Bertha 'Nlantîz o lu-takefeller cnpris Wite hs isa, _ý <o(Qrsaîdà iese 8 iÏÙY'6191ýa- - W E.Toil anid wife te James Bowfl .àn e ýF agléadbloh eewlt th eIpovmnýIt I is iuteul lhre ysedy lriadpootoael nte V"e. gnd ,itllî unbably oapflîearsr 54)tlolot il, Farweil's addition te Wauke-Teln tofF nai n bob ao tes mrvma y-tra tpceiuoalinîioin. No ui .1t, o i- Pule tretn eé,n a;w l. 50 bas just Issued a baiidsoîoe lîlus- muach more simlie ini constrîuction, (Charle-s .alnwrigloi clucut i.te-thint thai fair iiinded ceîuiuuuiies and la il. as Tt is bssed toliin te diitoi gnc..,$0 trated catalogue lot- the holiday trade startsenesier and quii'ker ln i-aid day in tachiwget uje t I.nuit iii tend -acîve reffiea et personie cliii H ,iEdwards autdl cite te Frank tiatshwsUira eagents Wuk w-aii'. îucru etel fr ? eat ireiuhu l-aii u Euuii'.'ltbig vrr odnt tegive any details." Trust, lot 15, bloc-k 12, Wasbbui-n ta hoste ueoaiyofWu e- tlii'uiateesatitan sle"fochlhe s qui.' ti,'i ats cIIlue iucîurîuc- .îutl a wÉre àueeeëtho eteid S"an sirchants. This catalogue con- O- uluimsta he'B"et t h-rte s ur. t t e uîrîîi l ud 1itn.i êkuffti at i prect dal a't*cumore ng; ic- 20lainabout se vanty-tlve pagels, ail nuost ericceeu.!ul tm le ot bigittension Tmiti îau ii4iilttorfloi-al0i u.uuuiie(, (lubete mr.ilia ldnr ulc hl nte &t otgedhnirsd iaB'r inulo is-ifm Aela anleamely illustusteui. îuaay puges laguet e 'PioulY Pîuried. ?uspeuiiloi.-uu actotkmii. coPidece e diler is ectre. E ark, nne elsatGrasiae; . etngign color, bas a dluely celered clalined. in the rîcar ftuure, lu . lu T« T om_-O- $ , . . l.. -c ; ý u.o s c ver . s a co tly pice o ! jmin iung and - T he new iiu ittie u b as b cî'uî t u.ttsd 'a ku isJeneni-i ba us iii- uii a core WE E K L Y R E A L T Y R E V IE W ToitU~ ' _ nie.lëLt Nlblesbl 'il be naiLealont eutceliivei3 - throuîgh ly l iuic ti.-th ast six .r onîîT.-utii strici folThat Aly pr'ealdirt Cars'TeTuel Ttl0tNianSue The prend tieasi ofthe triol af lu- eigbu unonths.. bas beri litau- lilit-,r R, Suriuusuki s lle gli e is iti' iiLake Counîy TilleandaiTrstlCorn- .1.- ICeepl"llOutcfPraOîs. tl<0Qok blare. ou>' uan." sald au anilat 1 5 wshere lie cas in the geit al aî rte cthteeyatce fntel wt uiîutii-sdla i. H-aicua. îsure ugb ay eue aun è-eettain».'if o 1 d nitaturtt6,u ii'swthbsboPictured Lu the cstaioguue le in stock, aise heen Iieuto u bvcciii ai ailier iii fait .ciuugThe dectiratouare <Frein Wedaesdays SUNi ?nm s Yèir front] m hi'a psu et-ma sl»WjU .eOf e l'l ep'ther 1er cenue tittie. la icet as îictuued snd deacrlbed. anîd i-xteieiceddii saic!ud(al wewuirs su-ru luItti alid tbe different hootlue Tule kaki- Irouut>TitI.- & rutu 11 letivandlit c-as nottulli i#atila *'No. Uianî'et-. gurnan. but gîinue, lingold was - bu -4dis.uot-reul aitbtat the cataloguela accrîrate and i wll The triai) ili itaih ad'seîlituiprveriart-e atacie.Alk' o ex)ttet taetrnfrbfi.l afterfif9flet -lsitors te th,, nîrepeuce &ud >'ou in kecjt w a- ik sPeklie îîarîed for that Pace be a vauable book ton suggestiosuoeu eesfu yidteele.al)l rhit, made c>att i s-tii e Aifkoide os resut talisttirruefs, tut i b. pOftaWreadaitaltaae ng down!'-Loudon Mai. with Judge ingalîs andl otiiers. They the bolidmys. the inverrtur. Weil au.ether articles. $94,62,loeas. $60.465. kii..47e i losunable ta sieej unlil . ,1- lifter a sedlative Ilad been gduinil- ----c, - - - -Mlartin W. Llttietasu, couu'i r -Clf-ur . .. * 9 IXI *4wIf îtt 47 < A 1i i flcc Morte, va,, clseed with jiid!gns a- ..- Céniha, Cote&and Ward ofthie circuit deuntot ailpeirLlff a dae t th Ssac tip cAUrt about admiting -Morne te hail fOn an apluesl ta Washin.gtan. h la 'n- eî',tood thet Littletca recaived-7Vaî-v fitttk encouragemoenti. Illau ;4.gt a*,w tisaI ouly Prpsideat Taft cu 9*6~ financier ftram golng tu irb!; t4t- Ulitd States JoUpeme coutt sure1y yull sustaiuu théa*'tec ~lfOMWlr~ is QIdoia~ Tu e~it Ut13a*r*t*teo.M d t Y*uur ol t a.dGea!#*,*. GiosW, bon bnieectaýddire~tet ,ofthbaflab 'the tiler drectars ar-e Fiederlet A D~IBO< (nee111t0 George J. Goutl., T. Welrelt-'Cý, T.ares, %T. CWi- 'Loka our 'qçat ýJne of C. ~yUoIa~ aI H. iodWt. ~~ ~ OIRECTIRS 9ej8s t Willla Mlokèailer and Jacéb H. "bi Ar flii4ol b>'teckh4l, era. sait lik,. ChIN'. ct, 18.-At #cean-. rogual eelig Oft thchud~a~fIe Lnion Pactlc rafiroad ,the toiWig dtrrii ors rcbo*OIý Ou Ine.eur>' W. Be Fe t. W. itisilt, NIRian Hugiiti, R S1. lAvett Chartes A. Peabïd-v willatu j ItOccueleter, -Jacb H. 2c-hbltff Jtaotpý'z. $-'ith, W, V. s. Thonate, P. À.Ve- iu h - - - P?~RA ~ uuc~at il hese Psices iinfr5't h e O uest at au ~ 0 Qfier ReEiFed One àe -of a t15OCthe ,T ad in W u e n I=, 1e 4 !<off, lcera. -Thiuse Ws osU1 1 The "o 161111e,1. Te oal- F lluawnk la5 tise Scli wet1he I" Laverf-t-be I W a n a ir-, - Cs y ti y ~ ~ l . nenno. 'li Ieau-Fse