CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Oct 1909, p. 12

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PAGE POUR IaAK~ QOUNTY INDEPENDEKT. FRIDAY. OCT. 15. 1900. TAiT TALIS TO TUE OLD SOLDIERS Pays Visit te floue nt Sawtollc, Noir City of La Augeles] VEERANS CERU fESIDENT Teht la Then Taken te 'Pasadtena lm Automobile, end After Luncheon lir "pins Hie Estward Journey, Pas.- lngifrte the Great Orange and Lems on roie-4everai Stops Made o, the Way te Red land-' Soeste r. Club" Accom-panles President. L* Angeica. Cal.,0(34,1. ,Pres, d"Bt Taft paid a iîsoiluth. nation dt col4ier' home ai Sawtetle 'en mile, from the rt, the journey brin-_niflu, la aa special trottey car. Thousanda of veterans were at the- station end lined *LIe walks tlirougt the grounde. cheering th exeui Hie apeech to them (rom '! tic tep et one of the buildings was tilied a irli patrbntic sentimen, and deep ,i)pre(il ti" of hiri- rvicts UIMU, leasipr thU staind ie preident grasUtod 'iii oatatzeiashed bands Of amn f ith, Wbeu th'e car Trr:iued 'o Losà giiit -asa met b> automobies arr,, th@.ttnp to Pasa2dena aas begun Tt aatertahament a i t-on a a U, dft the ausphe'- ofthOe board of irat, &U iîaciuded a tunchon à,î he flot, Mai-tand . .a)or i ut'sîti a -0j IUtiteO. met the preietaJrrr av':!I teck the guest frein ,lie .o- X*igogela eOMMttee. The Pi'sidelt*s train ha,! bel. hrought f ron, Los 5ngele, and wias 11,1attng bio ai !he station. Gave-noz, Giiloir Sergîor Frazil, Flint and other- îiromillnen ieiaccoi,. lianied the i a'ty 'hroiijhoiv !lie da, At teluneaeon Taftispolie rief!jý DIL- remarks cmal'ng p',innsiall'. ai t e ili'evieuslv Airer theliincecen rh. pres!den "f' esconîed to ho- train. Froru lce PreEident Tr.t t '-tedi0 bis eat.ard îourney, paissng lotorth great -rlatnge and lPmonograves of Riverside andi S'an Bernardino coulin ierslhE was acrompar-.îrd on bis rldÉ tilrOUKD 'htorchards ins aoonirtî'- Ofi'01j ct',sens of Los. Aiigls' ralll .'The Bco'oîers' -lob'" SiopE- 21110ute Or tso vweie rondafi W onro, i; PaLmdrivc, C(rniont, I plands, and Si;, POualrdillO, WLe n Re'lands sa- r-eShed the pHirs 'Ial",d on a dri-s Over SmUey I-jihts. Leavlnx Rediýnfo 'Ie part « %'mon' throogh <.olon 'r Rler'iloar-riinm st the Glenaouo-el i sîotly str, AUCTION SALE. The undersigned wiil seif ai auctioti OU the terni knoov as the H. P. Price faurim.three miles weSt of Wautregaii On rand avenue. Thursday, Octoie 28, 1909, cOmmenCing at 10 or-or-k. the following roijrti iowit: COW8-86 choir-e cows, 8 c0w. wIth CRU! hiaide. i8lieavy apringers to cone tu ln November. 7 10 cone I la Decamber. the rosi in iiilîr-l: one Hfotein bull. HOBlS-Seveu lihen)ad oforsea, he4' mare 12 Years oid-weîghs 120o, greY brood mare six Years oid. weighs 1700-bred te Lawrence Amens reg- Istered Percheron, mare 1.0 tuai !day à 1918. gr'ay horse. 12 Years oid weighi 1-1109, 9M borne R Years old, wetghie 1,400, bay horse, 5 yenra idhi weighs 1-1100, gre horse, 16 yeara id. weighs 1.00. taMiiy pony eiglit years old PO1ULTRY.-About 50 chir-kens. 14 geà*4 "docks, 25 turkeys. TOOLg-Aji 0oh is tachis ashape 6-ioot McCormick rnower, 5-foot Deer- hIgntover, -foot Deering mowoi Sandwich hay loader, Sandwich aide delivery rig. Champion liay raite aPring tOOtli cutivator dise culi valor. gang crltvator. three walking culi '-atOrsgang PIOW-1 2-incli caae aulIk Ploy1-11'1ath Case. Waiking sud plow I tvw alkla1[ig soif and tubble plowa. POtatO Plow, potato digger. Iluikeyi 9eeder, Prairie CiiY seed aitacinenti dlac harrow, Davis cor-n planter-ch'lir and drill v-lui 80 rodicirhe-ck air(,' Deertng ror-n han -ser- Mci or-nlci grain billier. îwo sels of drags. ors relier, iwo trucki wagons. nos' Hiar- truck wagon, lieavy niik wagon, ilghi miik wagon, pair bob Ileigilîs. iso ar or tanks, nîilk wagon, hay rackt%,t-> wagon boxes, taîqriY oiik cana. HARNESS.-Pair ight driving la nes, four Pîair heîaur-k harrîîss. set, heaYsisngle harno-ss. iony haiîarîss IIAY AND G(RAIN-Abotîuu .,1to of timoiby ha> i in an. 10900 ho 'shiro1 oats, 25 ton' halait iai soraw. itilil shoclts cor-n, Other A t i-s 100 iîinoua t,, mention. Sale conîoîoîîî os Io(1 ok-i sharp. Usuel ierma iofsali Pres lunch ai noirei A.F'REJ)II lNS0N Pr,, W.H. Wimot, Aile Il I)auldig clý-i, AUCTION SALE. Tlie undersigned ha, ig ii,l lhsý farm, viii dispose a(i îuill au,tions on the premises 00e hi!! tii.-,rtorf Lamba Corners on Frid,,> octobe, 22- 1909, Of the folowing 'h-si j,, PI>opertY, sale cornsencing 5fi 1 1)am sharp). One team work horse,. fi- otii' cows, one cati, tour pigs, farili ,îî polr trucks. light wagon. single bogg1 baY ke, movIng machine, hreliiî,r- îlw harrowrcor-n ptani-r. on- lanker, sulky cuitir-ator, ha) sa i. Walking titis'ator. set double hanios'. single harneas 1005 I. one 8>1er' s taI eubaior-120-egg. one liovor, iniî' Of haY ln barn, ai ack of hay. 12 1acres eor-t n habk .two . aigsoe A Tirnely sale o f Fe*otwear A marvelous saving on fali and wînter styIes---Saturday, Oct. 16, and followlng week The Globe is daily proving that it bas the greatest shoe store in Waukegan; that its styles arc absolutely correct, and that it gives unequaled values. This great shoc sale has been gotten up with the view of supplying your shoe needs at the op- portune time, while it makes buying here an inducement by offering values, making prices, such as will greatly lessen your footwcaî- expense. X'ou'll bc satisfied with every pair of shoes purchased hete ; they wil give rernarkab!e wear. they'll be comfortable and correct In style. These figures will give you an idea of the advantages of our prîi:s. 1Sale of Shoe Findings1 Sboe lDressing-%fI 1,iiti1 it' "i- 1I, tl, f- r 17,- Shoc Polish \\Iîîîî .- lia. d i. i 10,.îeP ,lî 7c Art <.um ' ,r'cbn 1r , I t gh'î os, vu' , Show Laces A11lenloi1, -I12 Pohisb -Tîte fo owing Iiuds of slio,- fui li ae oilered r), ....i. t iiliii priver: 2 lu t bliîiîîla, Fl' ,for ilulI l a iet,, îluo' isl pan,' andilN. tX't. a watei proof 10- and l.-Ici eared iliOla .. . .. .. . .. Shinola Oullilt""siîi ofa oxnofupoliali. hriisir and Ian 'ir 's'ortilt 25c ai ...Ige ilere is shoe news -that should greatly înterest ail women Stunning new models offered for Iess than actual value Every pair that we sefi of these shoes is going to make a satisfied customer, for there is more value and wearmng quality in themn than is ukually found in shoes priced one ~ I ftP third 1igher. They are nifty shapes, nade of vici- * ki with patent tip and duil leather, button, ~~ * ~ ~ lace and blucher, extension soles,_____ W W Per Pair Per Pair Women's Dependable Shoeýî at a Splendid Saving. $1.48 buys a wornan's shoe during the sale that positively cannot be matched at anywhere near the price. Corne and see what splendid values they actually are. They are built of a good gr-ade of vici-kid lea ther with patent tip, blucher, low and medium heels, extension soles, street or I 4 house wear, sale prîce .. - University---A Ladies Jaunty Shoe The University Shoe is one that every lady wiIl find to be satisfactory frorn a point of style a s wdll as comfort. Our new models of which we show a ver large va riety have a distinctive newriess in their design. We hure mention two styles of particular beauty. NO. 575-A srnappy unirici i mOdei, with NO. 541.- li-button bol'.-, for faîl sud wijii a shorti %a.mpîeffect, r-boire stoc-k of gri e, aeofdl nital leather, ballton -@0 temd f ullali a plain too. 1 ealotlier rcollai-, 1l4-l. a p Cuban beol ....boas-y soies, at pat ..... $4 It banda ih our food Madam, You'11 Not Be Able To Duplicate These Shoes. Shoes that are as welI built, possess equal style and of such unusual wearig ability aretflot Ire quently offered at so low a price. Made of a splen- did quality of gun-metal leather, blucher, button and lace, high or low heel, sorne with perforated wing - tip. You'll have no trouble in securing your size, sale price, 2 o The "Red Cross" Shoe for Women The Red Cross Shoe represents the greatest achievement in shoe build ing. When you buy a pair of Red Cross Shoes you get both comfort and style. They are made from the most select qualities of leather, and will give the wearer absolute satisfaction. NO. 76. l a ery sorsn 'RedCosa"sye i ismtru-i cd uofs Ici kid ahr buto ndblc Ir lexibl n, ail sizCii, pir i . . - .5 NO. 33.-A "Red ('rosa3" bouofl griuaual heauty, patent coLlt iather, buttun, wave top, pc'rforatod dliamond tip, tubais heel; ail aizes, The Globe1 Leads in Men's Fine Dependable Footwear A Strong Bargain in Men's Shoes at 1.85 Men wîll find our stoc k of shoes for FaIt and Winter the most complete in the city. One of theýbest values that you've ever been offered are these shoes at 1.85. They are staunchly constructed of patent colt, velour and box caîf leathers, button and lace, blucher, mie- diurn and heavy soles, narrow and wide tocs, ail widths and sizes, priced special for this sale I , at pair ..................... Neyer Such Values Ofeéred in Men's Shoes at 2.45 The dependability and style of these shoes will make you wonder why we can seIl theni for even a cent less than 3.00. The fact is that we have neyer been able to offer such a wonderful bargain before, they are made of a meaty quality of box caif, velour cali, and vici-kid, leathers, hand sewed, welt soles, lace and blucher, ail sizes, select a pair durig this sale and 2 econornize ...........2 4 Our Children's Shoes Combine Service and Style Boys' and Girl's Shoes tconsiderable of economy is afforded /~ in this of boys' and 'girl's shoer, vici-kid, gun-metal and satin caif leathers, button, lace and blucher, de- 6 to 13, sale price pair 98C CHILDFtEN'S SHOES AT 69,.\ade of v ,miil'rît" la.,'o suai witil : i isthout heels. laClE ,' i o, Z-,î ii s t's ' ', $l -)() a li, ila 1... . . s 69C Misses' Shoes at 1.48 Classmate Shoes'for Misses. A shoe we can highly recommend for its dur- ability and war, while the styles are extreniely smart, vicl.kid leather, with,- or without patent tips, button, lace and blucher, sizes i111 to 52' pair LITTLE GENT'5 HIGH CUT SHOES-Madi.' nI leattier, 9 luches high, with c-xira beasy "lacolizeti waterproof soles, straps and hu-kies. sîzes 6 to 2, pair .......................... r'ý hiioi osl 1.89 Boys' and' Girl's Shoes Parents who appreciate a good bar- gain should flot overlook this splend- id offer. These shoes are substantial- ly bufit of the moat worthy grades of vici-kid, gun-metal and tan leathers, extension soles, - button, lace and blucher, s"zs 812 to 5, pair, WOMEN'8 SPATS AND OVERGATERS.-Six-buuîoii at 48C. 9 hutton apata, extra heavy quaiity, at 73c. Overqaiters lnb ue, green, tan, brown, chocolate, wine, gray and red, pair. ...................... ... bIsaIi supats 85C LU L. -e Seven days of remarka- ble price malluni on the finest foot wear Street Car Pare refunded to aIl out of town customers upon purchase of $3.00 or more. P^aa POUR - LAU-ÇOVNTY INDEPE»MT, PRIDAY. OCT. 15,1909.

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